The Bet


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Carl was quiet, dark haired with dark eyes that seemed to flash when they met mine. It wasn't lust that I saw, but perhaps a hint of danger.

And finally Hank. Blonde haired, boyish and athletic, he flirted openly with us and I was attracted to him instantly.

'Now ladies, in here is the kitchen,' Cole turned and led us from the living room. 'And here are the supplies for the night. Bottles of spirits were aligned neatly along a metal bench top along with glasses and a large chrome bucket of ice. A purpose built trough was filled with ice amongst which nestled a selection of beers and mixers. There was a large range of hors d'oeuvres, chips, pretzels and nuts and serving bowls.

'If you could take orders and keep the food coming, my friends and I would like to start our poker game.' At the serving counter where the drinks and food sat, you could not quite see into the living room. Knowing this Cole grabbed Tiffany and their mouths met in a wildly passionate, open kiss. Cole's hands roamed across her body and for a moment I felt like an intruder. Then as quickly as they started, they broke apart. Cole left us alone in the kitchen and returned to the living room from where some loud music started.

'Holy shit,' I breathed. 'I've never been so nervous.'

'But its kinda exciting too,' Tiffany added and I nodded. We looked at each other as though unsure of what to do. Almost at the same time the enormity of what we were doing hit us and we almost doubled up in a fit of the giggles. It took Cole's voice from the other room wondering if the men were going to die of thirst for us to regain our composure and to take their orders.

'What do you think of them?' Tiff asked as we mixed drinks and served food into the bowls.

'Mario is a big sleaze,' I offered.

'Oh yeah, but Hank is cute.'

'Carl is...' I didn't want to use the word dangerous.

'Brooding,' Tiffany said and I realised that summed him up well.

'What about that Cole fella?' Tiff asked with a cheeky grin.

'Kinda cute, more your type I think,' I smiled back.

'I dunno, I think he fancies you.' Tiff scooped up her tray of drinks and nibblies and vanished before I could see if the expression on her face was one of pure jest. Or if Cole had told her what he had told my husband. For the next hour we served drinks and food as the boys played cards, joked crudely among themselves, ogled us and more importantly tipped us as well. I had collected nearly one hundred dollars and figured that by midnight I would have around five hundred, which Cole would double. Not too bad for the night. Then, while we were stacking dirty dishes and glasses into the dishwasher, Cole called for a dance. I looked at Tiff, and she back at me.

'Left hand or right hand?' she asked, concealing a peanut in her fist behind her back.

'Left?' I ventured. She offered her left fist and opened it to reveal the nut.

'I guess that means I go first,' she breathed. I slowly served another round of drinks as she danced. Like the men at the table, I found it difficult to pull my gaze from her long legs and firm buttocks and she gyrated around the living room. At intervals she would sidle up to one of the men, draping her hair across their face, sitting on Cole's lap while rubbing her feet into Hank's crotch, straddling Mario and rubbing her breasts into the back of Keith's head. Keith blushed and even deeper crimson than we were introduced, but his smile stretched from ear to ear. I took a shine to him at that point.

When Tiffany sat on Carl's lap, she indicated that he should undo the knot that held her top together. He did so with steady fingers. Somehow I knew that Keith would have fumbled and bumbled. Tiff let her top fall open and we all watched as the curve of her breasts, clad in the see through lacy bra, came into view. Mario wolf-whistled again and I noticed that Rick licked his lips.

She danced around the table again and I moved aside, taking mental notes. She barely touched Rick and I gathered that it was out of respect for me. But he tipped her regardless as did all the men. Again. And then she landed on Hank's lap, facing the table with her back to him. With a wink in my direction she looked back over her shoulder, allowing her long hair to cascade across her left breast, reached back and unhooked her bra.

Then she spun in place, facing Hank, flicked the shoulder straps down and was topless. I saw Hank's fingers slide a think wad of notes into the top of her boot, then his face disappeared into her cleavage.

I started to collect empty glasses and barely beat Tiff into the kitchen. She made no move to cover up, instead looking at me with a raised eyebrow. The men were hooting and cheering and calling for more.

'How was I?'

'Gorgeous,' I replied. Her breasts were small but perfect and upright. Her nipples were as hard as diamonds.

'Look I wasn't sure how far to go with Rick,' she said, as though reading my mind.

'Just treat him as one of the guys,' I replied, meeting her gaze to ensure her that I meant what I said.

'Sure,' she replied, 'and the same goes for you and Cole.'

'Aha,' I said, feeling a little disoriented at the subject and tone of our conversation.

'How much did you make?' I asked after Tiff had counted the session's takings.

'Two hundred,' she breathed. I nearly asked her if Cole was doubling her takings, but then felt a stab of guilt as to not knowing what she knew about my arrangements with here boyfriend.

'I'd better try harder then,' I offered with a wink.

'Go get 'em,' she replied and started pouring drinks.

My heart was in my mouth as I entered the room, feeling naked without the protection of my serving tray. Six pairs of eyes followed me as I started to sway with the rhythms that emanated from the stereo. I'm not an energetic dancer, unlike Tiff, with my motion more subtle. I closed my eyes and let my body relax and quickly found myself enjoying the sensation of the music, knowing that when I opened my eyes, six men would be staring at me.

When I did so, I found Tiff staring as well, and I flashed a quick grin at her. Rick's mouth was open and I guess he had held no preconception that I would be willing to go so far in front of these strangers. I moved to Mario first, placing my hands on his shoulders and letting my hair fall across his head and face. His hands reached back and instead of moving away I let him run his hands up the back of my thighs and squeeze my buttocks. I leaned close to him and growled into his ear and was rewarded with his fingers pushing notes under the edge of my shorts.

Then to Rick, my husband. I cupped his chin in my hand, leaned forward and took the end of his nose into my mouth, my lips opened in an exaggerated circle. Mario whooped to my left and I felt his hand run across my buttocks again, before pushing more money under the elastic. Rick grinned like a schoolboy and offered me a tip. I thrust my chest forward and he eagerly pushed the wad into my cleavage. Next was Carl. I straddled him, wrapped my arms around his head and drew his face into my chest. The other's hooted their appreciation and I threw my head back in mock ecstasy. I imagined I could feel his hardness against my crotch, but wasn't sure if that was the product of my fired up libido that was increasing the heat between my legs.

I moved across to Hank when I had Carl's tip, slipping the other tips I had into my boot. I untied my top until it was barely held together, then pulled his face to the knot to let his mouth complete the job. I let him lick my cleavage, took his tip and turned to Cole.

I was turned on now, oblivious to anything but the fire raging in my belly. Cole grinned at me and I grinned back. I sat with my back to him, grinding myself into his lap. He had wanted a dance, and I was giving him one. His hands grabbed my waist, so I reached down, grabbed them and lifted them to my bra encased breasts. I let him squeeze them a couple of times, noting Rick's open mouthed expression of disbelief from the corner of my eye, and seeing Tiff's lustful smile from across the table. Then I pulled his hands away, looked over my shoulder and mouthed that he should undo my bra. It took him three attempts and when he was successful I slid the straps down from my shoulders, but kept one arm across my breasts as I flung the bra at Rick. He caught it and shook his head, but his smile told me he was enjoying himself immensely.

Then I lifted my arms high above my head, linking my hands and thrusting my chest forward. Mario hollered his approval and cheering broke out around the table. I felt Cole stuffing notes down the back of my shorts, then stood up and turned to Keith, the last man left. I moved behind him and rubbed my breasts against the back of his head. I leaned forward and ran my hands down his broad chest, across his soft belly and when he made no move to stop me, grabbed his denim covered crotch and squeezed. The men yelled encouragement so I kept squeezing and was positive that I could feel him hardening. Then I straddled him my breasts level with his face and started to ride him, simulating sex. I pulled his face to my breasts and could feel his hot breath against my nipples. I felt them harden in response and knew right then that tonight, I was going to fuck one of these men. I didn't know which one, other than it wouldn't be Rick.

Keith stuffed a large wad of money into my boots, grinned widely at me and said thanks as I slipped from his lap. 'Any time,' I breathed into his ear and saw the flush spread across his face again.

In the kitched I discovered I had earned three hundred and eighty dollars.

'Bitch,' Tiff replied good naturedly. 'You are one bad girl, I thought you were going to fuck someone right then and there!'

'I think I'm going to,' I said, looking up at her.

'Really?' Tiffany's expression was neither shock nor amazement. I realised that she was in the same mood. 'And I don't mind if you want Rick.' I added. 'Or if you don't,' I said quickly, not wanting to imply that she should have him. Tiff laughed but said nothing.

'Should we dress?' I asked.

'Nope,' she replied. 'In fact...' Tiff bent over and slipped her shorts off, leaving her in nothing but her boots, G-string and choker.

'Fuck you're gorgeous,' I said without thinking. The quick swigs I had been stealing as I poured drinks had lowered my guard.

'Do you think so?' she asked.

'How could I not?'

'Do you want to make some real money?'

'I thought I was,' I protested.

'I have an idea that'll make more,' she offered. Suddenly I wanted the unknown between us cleared up.

'Before you tell me, can you tell me what you know about my involvement here?'

'You mean that Cole is going to double what you earn?'

'Oh thank God, you know,' I giggled in relief.

'And he hopes to have sex with you?'

'What?' I was staggered, firstly at the thought that he did want to have sex with me when he had Tiffany, and secondly that she knew.

'Of course I know.'

'Oh,' I said helplessly.

'That doesn't mean I want to have sex with Rick,' she said reassuringly.

'You know,' I replied, 'I don't mind if you do. I mean,' I searched for the right words, 'it wasn't discussed between us, but I know that looking at you he is going to think about it, so if it happens, its, you know, okay?'

'Okay. But what about you?'

'With Rick?'

'No dummy,' Tiff laughed. 'With Cole?'

'I don't know,' I replied somewhat untruthfully. 'He's cute and I kind of fancy him, but he's Rick's friend...'

'It's up to you,' she said. 'Only do what you feel comfortable doing.'

For the next half hour we paraded around in G-strings, with me having removed my shorts to match Tiff. The tips continued, but weren't as generous as when we danced. Except for Keith, who was the only one of the six who didn't grope and was generous with me.

'You got a boyfriend there?' Tiff joked as I counted his tip.

'Hey, what happened to that idea of yours to make the big bucks?' I asked not wanting here to make fun of him.

'We put on a show,' she said.

'I thought we already were,' I snorted.

'Sure, but I mean we.' The emphasis made me look at her.

'Girl on girl,' she explained patiently.


'There's a can of whipped cream, and a cucumber...'

'Oh my God,' I said in disbelief.

'I'll use the cream on you, you use the cucumber on me, we split the tips fifty-fifty, you follow my lead.' I had never been with another woman, not even a kiss in high school during those years when some of my friends had started experimenting with their sexuality. I was a man's woman.

'I'm not sure,' I said.

'What about the other way round then?' Tiffany stood in front of me, her breasts jutting forward, her long blonde hair cascading across her shoulders, holding a can of whipped cream and a cucumber. And I said yes.

'Stay here and wait until I call you out,' Tiff said. I watched her firm buttocks as she walked into the lions' den. I had positioned myself on the other side of the doorway so the men couldn't see me, but so I could see Tiff,

'Gentlemen, if I could have your attention for a moment?' The wisecracks died down as they turned their attention to their scantily clad hostess. I suddenly realised that I was about to engage in a sexual act with another woman in front of six men. One of those men was my husband, another was a man who I had intended to have sex with. My stomach filled with butterflies as I watched Tiffany squirt two mounds of cream onto her breasts and a trail down across her stomach to finish with a small spiral on the front of her G-string.

'Have I got any bids to lick this off?'

'A hundred,' Mario called out.

'One fifty,' called Hank.

'Two hundred,' Cole laughed.

'What about that total to watch my friend Jade lick it from me?'

The men cheered their approval, then I heard Keith's voice as he quietly offered to double the amount. Nine hundred dollars. What the hell were these men thinking? I wondered to myself.

'Jade, would you care to join us?' Tiff had lowered her voice to sound inviting and sexy, and I felt my heart flutter. I crossed the threshold and entered the living room, meeting each man's gaze and finally looking up at Tiff as I stood next to her.

'Is there room on your table for my friend Cindy?' I asked. I wanted some control and was gratified as the cards and piles of poker chips were quickly moved to clear the centre of the table. I took Tiff's hand and led her into the circle of men, turned her around and helped her sit on the table. Then without hesitation I kissed her, parting my lips and feeling the blood pound through my temples as she parted hers. Our tongues touched, entwined, parted and re-connected. It was the most beautiful first kiss I had ever experienced.

We broke apart and I kissed her chin, her throat then ran my tongue down her smooth skin and onto her breast. I realised that the men had fallen into total silence although someone, I suspected it was Mario, let his breath go in an explosive outburst as I flicked my tongue through the light-as-air cream and contacted Tiffany's erect nipple. I had been thinking through what things I needed to do to increase the tip, how to keep the men enthralled, now I realised I just had to do what I wanted to do.

Once the cream was gone, leaving a slick sheen on her skin, I worked my mouth around her other nipple. I lifted my head to give the audience a clear view, then extended my tongue to its maximum length and flicked first the left, then the right nipple. Tiff smiled at me and so I stood upright and our mouths met again. Then I cleaned the trail down across her exquisitely tight stomach, working my tongue into and around her navel. Tiff parted her legs and lay back on the table, arms outstretched above her head and I realised that she didn't want me to simply lick her G-string clean and call it quits. The fabric of her underwear felt surprisingly rough under my tongue after experiencing her flesh. The cream was becoming bitter sweet as it mixed with the alcohol in my belly, but then it was gone, leaving a damp patch in its wake. Or was the damp patch from within? I wondered. Again I bent between her legs and began to lick the fabric, pressing my tongue more firmly against her and feeling her labia move against my touch, smelling her scent and feeling her heat against my mouth. I don't know how long we stayed like that, but suddenly she was writhing against me, her orgasm real or fake unknown to me. But several men groaned as she gasped for air.

Tiff sat up, pulled me to her and we kissed again. In what seemed like slow motion we traded places, me moving to her gentle pressure. As the realisation of what I had agreed to let her do to me hit home, I felt her pull my G-string down and I stepped out of it.

'Oh yeah baby,' Mario's voice was the quietest I had heard it all night. I glanced at him and saw that he was squeezing at his crotch with one hand as he stared at my almost bald womanhood. In keeping with my lesson at the strip club, I had waxed most of my pubic hair off the day before.

Tiff produced the cucumber from the top of her boot and made a great display of licking and sucking it. She offered it to me and I took it into my mouth. The benefit of having a husband with a large penis became evident as I took almost the entire vegetable into my mouth, again hearing several men gasp.

'Holy fuck,' Cole said.

'Shit,' said Hank.

My juices started to flow as I realised how turned on these men were. Then it was inside me, Tiff slowly working it in and out of me and I began to thrust against her hand. The whipped cream made another appearance and I found my breasts covered.

'Any bids to clean one boob?' Tiff asked. I was losing track of what was happening as the pleasure emanating from my core began to pulsate through me. Rick was suddenly licking my right breast and Mario my left. I wanted my husband inside me but knew it would have to wait. Then, with both men licking and sucking unashamedly on my nipples, I came against the cucumber. I squeezed my eyes shut and bit my bottom lip to stop from groaning, but was unable to stop my hips writhing. Multi-coloured lights seemed to explode from behind my eyes and I had to push the two men away and pull Tiff's hand from its continued pleasuring activities.

The other four men burst into applause but instead of blushing I grinned wickedly, slipped to my feet and bowed. I looked for my G-string. I discovered it in Keith's hands and saw that he was stuffing a wad of notes in it. 'More drinks gentlemen?' I asked as I bent over Keith, taking my underwear from him. 'Go to the bathroom in two minutes.' Then I slipped into the kitchen and out of view.

'You seemed to handle yourself quite confidently,' Tiff offered as I slipped my G-string into place.

'I thought I was going to explode when I came,' I replied.

'You really came?' she asked and I could see that she was genuinely surprised.

'How could I not?'

I helped her pour another round, then excused myself. 'I'll go get cleaned up and be back.'

Keith was waiting in the bathroom, his eyes wide and expression that of a little boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Except it was me with my hand in the cookie jar, his extra tip for me had been three hundred dollars meaning I made seven hundred and fifty dollars for the pleasure of coming.

'I thought your tip deserved you the right to help me clean up,' I said with a smile. I kept the smile friendly, wanting him to relax.

'Oh, thank you,' he replied. 'Um, what would you like me to do?'

'Why don't you wet that washer,' I pointed at the sink. As he followed my instruction I slipped my G-string off, suppressing a giggle when Keith turned back to me and his eyes almost popped out of his head.

'Start with my back, and work your way down,' I instructed, turning my back to him and holding my hair up with one hand. 'Then I'll turn around and you can do the front.'