The Big Time Pt. 08


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“That’s yours?” asked Joseph incredulously.

“Excuse me sir!” said Rosa. She bumped Joseph as she went outside carrying a small cooler. “Michael! Here’s the supplies you bought!”

Michael walked up to Rosa and took the cooler from her. He put it in the front passenger seat. “Thanks a lot for getting it ready for me Rosa.”

“Oh no problem. There’s a couple of surprises in there too, but don’t eat them until later!”

He smiled. “I won’t,” said Michael as he shut the door. “Guess that’s it then. I’ll be seeing you guys around.”

“Gimme a hug,” said Rosa. She grabbed him and squeezed him tightly. “Good luck Michael. I can’t wait to see you on the big screen! And don’t forget those autographs.”

“Mike wait a second!” said Joseph. “What are you gonna be doing?”

“If it ever was your concern, rest assured that it is not anymore,” said Michael. He opened the door to his car. “See ya John!”

John waved. He leaned over and whispered to Rosa, “I thought you said you didn’t know what he was planning.”

“I lied,” said Rosa as she waved at Michael. He started his car, shifted into gear and floored the gas pedal, leaving behind a cloud of smoke. Joseph scratched his head as he watched Michael zoom away.

6:21 pm. I-80 West. Ohio.

The small cooler sitting next to Michael and the food it contained finally convinced him to find a rest stop for a food break. On the high of one of his proudest accomplishments, he had been driving nonstop as fast as his Mustang wanted to go. It strangely cowered at the sight of a police car but those were few and far between.

He parked his car and entered the surprisingly large and pristine oasis, filled with candy machines, empty tables and restrooms as far as the eye could see. There was always an interesting mix of folks sitting in these pit stops; the silent, solemn Asian nuclear family, the college buddies on a road trip, the brooding, angry wife and her oblivious husband. Then there was the lone traveler trying not to be noticed.

Michael zipped up and flushed the urinal. It was warm outside so he decided to use the picnic tables next to the parking lot. He took some food and a Pepsi out of his cooler and sat with his back against the table so he could watch the cars go by. A few minutes after polishing off a strudel Rosa had made for him, Michael decided to check on Katie. He speed dialed her cell.

“Hello?” There were no audible signs of stress in her voice. Maybe she had dealt with Ali.

“Hi Katie.”

“Mike. Hi.”

“How are you doing?” asked Michael.

“I’m fine now,” said Katie slowly.

“Did you talk to Ali?”

“Yeah, I did. Um, the issue is settled,” said Katie. “I’m better now.”

“So everything’s okay over there then?”


Michael let out a quiet sigh of relief. “Good, I’m glad.”

“What about you? Did you take care of whatever it is you had to take care of?”

“Yeah. It’s done,” answered Michael. “I’m on my way to Chicago right now.”

“You are?”

“Uh-huh. I’m taking a break in a rest stop somewhere in the middle of Ohio, near Toledo I think.”

“That’s a funny coincidence. I grew up in Toledo,” said Katie. “My parents still live there.”

“Oh.” Michael watched as an old Corvette roadster screeched into a parking spot and a pair of brunettes hopped out. “You know, this state has the best rest stops I’ve ever seen.”

“I’ve heard that before,” said Katie. There was a short silence before she spoke again. “Mike?”

“Yeah?” He polished off his Pepsi.

“I want to tell you what happened when I talked to Ali.”

“Katie, it’s none of my business. If you two are friends again, then that’s all I need to know.”

“We are,” replied Katie. “But that’s not the only thing you need to know.”


Nighttime. Two days ago. Katie Holmes’s house. Los Angeles, California.

Katie was reclined on her couch, flipping channels listlessly. A pint-sized Haagen-Dazs carton sat on the side table under a lamp, its ice cream surface nearly untouched. She had not spoken to anyone since Michael left. All her time was spent thinking about what Ali had done to her. And what she had done to Ali. After she had gotten over her initial shock and anger, guilt slowly crept up on her. It was driving her crazy, rendering even simple pleasures like eating ice cream hollow.

Even if she apologized, what then? Would Ali make another pass at her? Or would it just toss that last pile of dirt on the grave of their friendship? She got up and went into her kitchen to dig up some more empty calories. A few minutes later she cursed herself for conscientiously avoiding tempting foods at the supermarket. She leaned against the refrigerator door with her arms crossed. Katie was tired of herself and decided to resolve this situation. She got dressed and headed out the front door.

Twenty seven minutes later she was walking up the porch of Ali’s modest home. Katie was nervous but she could not let this issue fester any longer. She knocked on the door. There was motion somewhere down the hall from the door but Katie could not see what it was. A few seconds later the door opened.

“Ali I’m sorry to come unannou-“ Katie stopped herself. “Um, hello.”

“Hi, um, I’m Ali’s friend, Amy. Ali was hoping you would show up,” said Amy. “Come in.”

Katie opened the screen door and stepped inside. She placed her shoes neatly next to the others. “How has she been doing?”

“She’s been doing okay,” said Amy. “She’s over here.” Amy led the way down the hall to Ali’s living room. “Ali, someone’s here to see you.”

Ali was sitting on her couch staring at the television but not watching it. She was wearing a simple white t-shirt and what appeared to be just panties. On the coffee table sat a half empty pint of Haagen Dazs rocky road ice cream with two spoons dug into the top. She glanced at Katie and immediately stood up. “Hi.”

“Hi.” They stared at each other in an awkward silence.

“Maybe I’ll um, go, upstairs.” Amy exited the living room.

A few more moment of silence passed before Katie could not stand it anymore. “Ali I’m sorry for how I treated you. It was wrong, I shouldn’t have thrown you out like that.”

Katie’s solemn apology was did much to ease Ali’s mind. It was a good first step and Ali wanted to follow it up with another one. “I’m sorry too Katie. I shouldn’t have done what I did.”

“You’re only saying that because of how it ended.”

“No,” said Ali. Katie stared her down. “Yes. Fine. If I’d known what your reaction was going to be I never would have done it. But I didn’t know and I thought there was a chance you would come around to our way of thinking.”

“Our? What, are all lesbians part of some sisterhood I’m not aware of?”

Ali shook off Katie’s comment. “No, Katie. I meant mine and Amy’s.”

“You and her are together?”

“Yeah, for four months now,” said Ali.

“I’m confused. Why did you…do what you did then?” asked Katie.

“I’ve always had these feelings for you Katie, and I really wanted us to be more than friends. But I don’t think I ever would have acted on them if it weren’t for Amy. She acts demure but she’s got fantasies just like anyone else,” said Ali. “One of them happened to involve you.”

“So this whole thing was her idea?”

“Yes,” said Amy quietly. Ali and Katie looked around for the source of the noise but she had hidden back behind the wall on the stairs. She poked her head out. “I mean, I pushed her to do it.”

“Amy come out here,” said Ali.

“Sorry, I was eavesdropping,” said Amy dolefully. She stood next to Ali. “Um. I didn’t want to come between you two, I didn’t want our experiment to end the way it did.” Katie was silent. “This wasn’t how I imagined the three of us would first get together. This was supposed to be a lot more fun.”

Katie looked at the coffee table. “I was having the exact same ice cream a little while ago. Mine didn’t taste good at all.”

“Let me get you a spoon! You can try ours.” Amy rushed out of the living room and returned with a spoon. “Here. Why don’t you have a seat?”

“Amy come on,” said Ali.

“No it’s okay Ali. I’d like to hang around if you guys don’t mind.”


“You know I met Amy after the movie premiere,” said Michael.

“You did?” replied Katie.

“Yeah. Didn’t strike me as a lesbian, but I guess they’re harder to spot than gay guys.”

“You’re telling me.”

“What happened next?” asked Michael.

“We talked for a while and um, I guess I forgave Ali.”

“What do you mean you ‘guess’ you forgave her?”

“Um, well, this is the part you need to know. I just hope you’re as understanding as you were before.”

Michael sat up straight. “Are you serious?”


He stood up and walked a few steps. “I hope my battery doesn’t die.”


Ali sat back down on the couch next to Amy holding a tall glass of iced tea. She began stirring it with a spoon. “You sure you don’t want any?”

“No thanks,” said Katie. She was on the other side of Amy. “Can I ask you something Amy?”


“How did you and Ali meet?”

“It was at one of those network TV press junkets,” said Ali.

“Hey, she was asking me,” said Amy. She turned back to Katie. “It was at one of those network TV press junkets. We just struck up a conversation, went out for lunch a few days later, and that was it, we became inseparable.”

“Behind the scenes, of course,” said Ali.

“That,” said Katie. “Sounds normal.”

“Of course it does Katie. We’re no different from any other couple except that we’re both women,” said Ali. “And I guess a bit more adventuresome.” She rubbed Amy’s knee.

“Hee, yeah,” said Amy.

“Adventuresome how?” asked Katie, her curiosity piqued.

“You know Emma Caulfield and Alyson Hannigan right?” asked Amy.

“Yeah, I’ve met them.”

“Alyson did a guest spot on ‘Angel’ once,” said Ali. “We, me and Emma, got Amy and Alyson alone together and let Amy feel her out. Alyson couldn’t resist. At least that’s how Amy tells it.”

“That IS what happened you know!” exclaimed Amy. “Anyway, afterwards I invited Alyson back to my place. Emma and Ali were waiting for us there.”

“Wait, so Emma was, uh, into it, too?” asked Katie.

“Emma is even more depraved than Amy is.”

“I’m not depraved!” said Amy. “I’m just…a little dirty that’s all.”

“Just the way I like it.” Ali and Amy exchanged a light kiss that was strangely disquieting to Katie. “All four of us were ‘into’ it that night Katie,” said Ali with a pleasant smile.

Katie leaned her head down onto her hand. “I can’t believe you guys did that.”

“Neither can I,” said Ali. “But it’s why I love being with Amy. She’s so exciting.”

A question popped into Katie’s head that she was not sure she wanted to ask. Her face gave it away. “Are you okay Katie?” asked Ali.

“Yeah,” said Katie. She debated whether or not to ask the question in her head. She might never get another chance. “Um, what did you guys have in mind when it came to me?”

Amy and Ali looked at each other. There was a short bit of silent communication between them. Amy spoke first. “It was pretty much the same as with Alyson.”

“Yeah, except I was the one who was supposed to turn you to the dark side,” said Ali with a chuckle.

Amy shot Ali a look. “It’s not like that Ali.” She turned back to Katie. “Then after that, she would take you home and the three of us would, um, have fun together.”

Katie stood up and walked around the table until she was in front of the television. “So what you said that night was bullshit? Just a way to get me into bed?”

“No Katie of course not!” said Ali as she jumped up off the couch. “I meant every word! But I needed someone to give me the courage to give it a shot with you. And if it didn’t work out, or even if it did, I wasn’t going to tell you about Amy. At least not right away.”

“What?” asked Amy.

“I could tell she wouldn’t be comfortable with it okay?” said Ali. “The only reason she’s not freaked out now is because of what happened.”

“You didn’t say anything happened,” said Amy. “In fact, you said that nothing happened.”


Katie cut Ali off. “We had sex, Amy.” She looked at Ali. “I’ve thought about what happened a lot Ali. It wasn’t as terrible as I thought it was. Seeing the way you two are together…I guess I understand what happened between you and Jack.”

“So you’re okay?” asked Ali.

“Yeah,” replied Katie.

Amy checked her watch after an awkward silence. “It’s pretty late. I’m sure Ali won’t mind if you stayed the night.”

Her intention was hardly disguised. Both Katie and Ali knew exactly what Amy was getting at. “I suppose I could,” said Katie.

Ali slowly walked towards Katie. “I guess you could crash on the couch if you want.”

Katie stepped away from Ali. “Um, sure. That sounds o-“ She bumped into the television behind. “-kay.”

“Just okay?” asked Ali as she advanced further. Katie opened her mouth to answer but Ali was not concerned with that and pressed her lips to Katie’s. The experience was just as she remembered it. Katie was nervous but willing and right now that was the only thing that mattered to Ali. Even if she never said it, it was such a relief to have Katie’s forgiveness. Especially when it came in this form.

“Yep. This is a very comfortable couch,” said Amy. She watched intensely as Katie and Ali kissed each other. Katie’s hands drifted down to Ali’s panty clad butt and gave them a squeeze. Amy rubbed the tops of her thighs with her palms as she watched them kiss. She quickly began unbuttoning her-


“Stopstopstop,” said Michael. He found himself nearly walking down the onramp onto the highway. Michael turned around and began trudging back to his car. “I think I should go sit down. Or find a bathroom and a box of tissues.”

“Michael!” admonished Katie.

“Sorry, I guess I said the loud part quiet and the quiet part loud,” apologized Michael.

“You said both parts loud.”

“I’ll just shut up then. Keep going.”


Amy began touching herself, reaching into her loose pants and rubbing her pussy through the cloth of her panties. She was always shy about her body and hesitated to remove her clothes no matter what the situation. But she eventually found a natural way around it; the more aroused she got, the bolder she became. Watching two old friends expressing their feelings so intimately was quite the aphrodisiac. Hence, her clothes were dropping like flies.

She got off the couch shaking her last article of clothing off her ankle and went up to Katie and Ali. They were oblivious until they felt her hands on their shoulders gently separating them. Ali looked first and got a mouthful of tongue from Amy. Then Amy looked at Katie and gave her an adorable shy-girl look. Katie, being somewhat familiar with that particular expression nonetheless found it very inviting and did not recoil as Amy kissed her passionately.

“You are always the first one to get undressed,” said Ali.

“Look at you. You’ve been sitting around half naked all night. You’ve been driving me crazy,” said Amy. She looked at Katie who was staring at her body. Suddenly Amy began feeling self-conscious. “What?”

“Nothing,” said Katie. “Just that…I think you’re very beautiful.”

“Yes she is.” Ali rubbed Amy’s small breasts and kissed her neck. “I can’t ever resist her when she’s like this.” They moved back to the couch and Amy laid down with her head on the armrest. Ali knelt on the couch over her and sucked a nipple into her mouth. Her free hand slipped past Amy’s sparse bush and began rubbing Amy’s clitoris. Soon a finger slipped inside. Katie stood apart from them, not wanting to interrupt.

Amy moaned softly as Ali fingered her expertly. She looked to the side and saw Katie. “Come here Katie.”

“But get undressed first,” said Ali. “Amy here needs to quit being a pillow queen.”

“Oh shut up Ali.” Ali shot Amy a look and then jammed two more fingers into her pussy. “Ah!” Her body jerked back on the couch.

Some might call this a moment of truth but that moment had long passed. Katie was simply learning to accept it. Every step towards the couch was accompanied by something she used to be wearing hitting the floor. Amy and Ali quickly adjusted themselves so that Katie had room. “Right here Katie,” said Amy as she motioned above her head. Ali smiled at Katie. “Have a seat,” she said.

As carefully as possible Katie climbed onto the couch and leaned over the armrest. Amy licked her lips in anticipation as Katie slowly lowered her folds inch by inch until first contact was made. Slowly, Amy went to work on Katie, using only her tongue to generate a rising well of pleasure. Watching Amy eat Katie’s pussy made Ali salivate for the same thing.

She pulled her fingers out and sucked them clean. Knowing what was coming next Amy opened her slender legs. Then she went down past Amy’s flat belly and replaced her departed fingers with her taut tongue. Ali lazily lapped at Amy; she wanted to make sure that Amy was not too distracted while she was busy fucking Katie with her tongue. Lest her fingers get bored Ali pushed her panties down with her left hand and began masturbating with her right.

Katie eyes shut involuntarily and her breathing became heavier and heavier. This was such a wild experience for her. This was not the first time she had sex with someone she hardly knew, but it was certainly the first time it was with a woman. Amy’s touch was so gentle and intense at the same time that Katie was again kicking herself for her insecurity about men going down on her. But when Amy got her lips around Katie’s clit anything going on in her mind that had nothing to do with getting more sexual pleasure was quickly relegated to the back seat.

“Ooooh,” said Katie as Amy played with her clit. She gripped the armrest hard. “That feels so good Amy.”

“Tastes even better.” Amy hooked her arms around Katie’s thighs and pulled her down so she could get her tongue in as deep as possible.

“Oh god,” murmured Katie. Amy’s tongue was damn near magical; Katie was already near the brink. Ali stood from the couch and gently lifted Katie up by her chin. She flicked her tongue out at the tip of Katie’s nose and then stuck it out. Katie enveloped it in her mouth and they kissed like the world was ending, except in this case it was going out in a devastating orgasm. Ali reached behind Katie with her fingers, slick with her own juices, and rimmed her anus. Katie flinched forward and groaned.

“Ooh you like that don’t you?” said Ali. Katie nodded her head quickly as Amy’s tongue sloshed around lewdly around her heated pussy. “Do you like this?” asked Ali. She pressed the tip of her middle finger inside Katie’s butt, held it there for a moment, and then pushed it all the way in.

“Ah!” shrieked Katie. She quivered and clung to Ali for support as they rocked her with an orgasm.

“That sounded like a good one,” quipped Ali. Still gasping for air, Katie did not reply. “I’ll be right back.” Ali slipped away quietly and ran upstairs.

Amy made her way out from under Katie. “Who’s next?” she called out like the Soup Nazi. It sounded silly. “Where’d Ali go?”

“I’m…not…sure,” said Katie. She turned and relaxed into the couch. “Wow.”

Amy sat down next to her. “You know Ali’s never said that before?”

“She’s nuts then.” Katie took a deep breath. “Well, I guess I’m ready to give this a shot.”

“Give it shot? You mean you haven’t done this before?” asked Amy. “But I thought you and Ali, you know, did it.”

“We didn’t really get her part. I mean my part. Our part,” said Katie. “I think I’m ready though. I hope I don’t disappoint you.”

“Don’t worry Katie,” said Amy as she put a reassuring arm around her shoulders. “When you’ve had the equipment your whole life you’ll know things about it that you didn’t even um, know that you, uh, knew.”

Katie smiled. “Okay.” She turned to Amy as her left hand slid along her smooth thigh. Amy kissed her and lay down on the couch, pulling Katie down with her.