The Bike Ride


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A light flashed on in my head.

"Your bra - give me your bra, it's elasticated, so we'll wrap it round your ankle a few times to keep it in place just like an elastic bandage!"

"You are a genius."

She sat back and lifted her leg gingerly onto my lap. I got to work wrapping the bra around the ankle, very conscious of the fact that if I raised my eyes I would have a view right up into the crotch of her panties...

"Maybe we should use my panties to tie it in place?"

I looked up into her smiling face.

"No, it'll be fine, it's got the hooks and clasp that you normally use for fastening it.... good idea though.."

I looked up at her, smiling.

"There, that should do it. But you might have trouble putting your shoe on."

"If I don't tie the laces it should be OK...."

She stood up again, and remained standing.

"I'm suddenly aware that I'm almost completely naked."


"Does it bother you?"

"No. How could it? You're totally beautiful..."

She seemed to consider this, and then said,

"Well other people might not see it that way, especially as I'm going to have to put that ripped dress back on without my bra. People will think I've been raped. And these things are going to make a pretty sight.."

She looked down at her breasts and cupped the two of them from underneath and lifted them. Then she brushed a blade of grass off one of them - it was such a natural action and I was hooked.

"You can wear my T-shirt over the dress if you like.."

"We'll see, but for now let's see what our situation is?"

"How do you mean?"

"How's my bike?"

"Oh, that."

It didn't take more than a single glance to know that the bike wouldn't be going anywhere soon - the front wheel was completely buckled and the front fork was also bent out of shape.

"Mmm, do you remember singing 'Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head' just before the crash?"


"Well I think we're going to have to do the modern version of the bike scene from that movie - I'm going to have to carry you sidesaddle..."


We transferred all her stuff over to my bike and I sat astride it, ready to take her on board.

"Your transport awaits, Madam..."

"Oh, how do I..?"

She tried to mount the bicycle from the front, but I stopped her, turned her round, circled her with my arms and heaved her up onto the crossbar, my arms clasped together underneath her breasts.

"Wow, ooh, you're so strong..."

She put both her hands onto the middle of the handlebar and I pushed us off, my nose taking in the scent of her hair as it blew back into my face. I took one hand off the handlebar and brushed her hair to one side so it wouldn't obscure my vision.

"Oh, sorry, let me do that..."

She took one of her hands off the bar to hold her hair close to her neck. The bike wobbled slightly but righted itself. I didn't return my hand to the handlebar, but, instead, wrapped it around mum's stomach. I could feel her breathing as the air went in and out. She leaned back into me.

"Raindrops keep..."

"...falling on my head"

"and just like a....wassock?"

"like a guy whose..."

"Well you know the movie, I don't....."

"Well only from the TV, I didn't see the original......"

And so it was that, half an hour or so later, we rode into a small village. I left the bike with my mum inside a bus shelter and strode up its only street to the general supermarket. It had small amounts of everything. I received a bit of an odd look from the middle-aged woman behind the counter as I bought the bra and a packet of panties and a blouse and skirt which I thought might fit mum, and also more cotton wool and bandages as an afterthought, but otherwise I returned to her without incident.

"Here you go, try these for size.."

"Well, not exactly my style but I'll reward your bravery for buying them..."

I stood on the outside of the shelter to protect her from any prying eyes as she, first, pulled on the skirt under her dress. Then she lifted the skirt from the back and whipped off her panties and placed them in my hand. They were warm.

I'd bought her a box of three...

"Ruby red, virginal white or, mmm, sexy black, all of them ever so slightly transparent..?"

"You've seen me in white, so let's go for the black?"

"Wise choice Madam. You have something planned for the evening?"

I wished I could have taken that back, but mum only laughed.

"Ha, if only..."

The bra was a different proposition. She had to take her dress off to put it on. She could have turned her back to me but she didn't. Her breasts jiggled as she played with the straps and put her arms behind her to fasten it.

"Let me..."

And she did, She turned round and lifted her hair so it wouldn't get caught, and I fastened the bra for her.

"Mmmm, Eddie, it's a perfect fit. How did you know my size?"

"Oh, er, ... now the blouse?"

I took the blouse out of the bag and silently put her arm through one of the sleeves, then the other, and then I fastened it for her at the front, the backs of my fingers resting against her bosom.

"There you are - a real schoolma'am ...."

"You need a good spanking."

It was now getting fairly late. The accident had set us back quite a bit and I wasn't really sure how we should make our way home from here since we'd deviated from our original route and, of course, I'd left our maps in a side pocket of mum's bag on her old bike.

We could either become hysterically frantic or we could say 'c'est la vie'. We chose the latter. We didn't get back on the bike - or rather, I didn't get back on the bike. We rolled along the main street of the village, with mum sitting on it and me pushing it along with one hand, while my other hand was holding onto mum's on the handlebar.

There was a pub. A pub! The village pub. I stopped pushing.

"Mum, I'm sorry, look, let's have a short rest and a drink and a meal here. It's probably a bit late for a bus to anywhere, and anyway we've got to sort you out properly and get your injuries looked at. And then there's your bike... and any bus that might come along probably won't have room for my bike. So what do you say? "

"I say that you're in charge, love..."

'love'..? It was a familiar friendly expression around our parts, but still, to hear her say it....

We parked the bike by the front entrance and went through into a large, wooden-panelled lounge, my mum leaning on me for support.

Behind the bar, a friendly barmaid's face looked up and then clouded over as she saw my mum was having a few difficulties.

"You alright there, love? (I told you...) You need any help?"

"No, we're fine thanks, just got our bikes tangled further back down the road but we're OK."

Having ascertained that there was no need for concern, she came over to our table to wipe it clean and ask us what we wanted to drink. I needed a good beer and mum asked for wine. What she really wanted, she said, was a triple Scotch, but had second thoughts about the effects of excess alcohol after her mishap. They also had a good menu, so we ordered a hearty meal.

"And do you do rooms? Is there a room for the night?"

There, I'd said it.

I glanced over to mum who had her eyes lowered, and then back at the beaming face of the barmaid who said it must be our lucky day because someone had just cancelled.

I then returned my gaze to mum who put her hand over mine and just smiled to the girl, "That's really lovely, thanks."

So we ate and we chatted and we drank. The pub started to fill up. I even recognised the cashier from the supermarket, probably dropping in for a tipple before returning to yet another night in front of the telly. She looked twice at me, and then at mum and then turned to whisper something to her mate who glanced over at us and laughed.

Then suddenly the barmaid had a spare moment for us and asked if we'd like to see the room. I accompanied her upstairs, since it would be an effort for mum, and I wanted to minimise any weight on her leg. Hey, it was cosy and like something out of a couple of centuries earlier, a huge high bed with a thick eiderdown, and a half-timbered ceiling. I looked under the bed for the chamberpot and the barmaid laughed.

"Contrary to first impressions, we do have all mod-cons, even wifi...! Will you need any help bringing your wife upstairs?"

She looked at me enquiringly, without a hint of malice.

"Oh, it's part of the marriage contract that I do all the heavy lifting..."

She laughed, gave me the key and wished us a very pleasant stay.

Back down in the bar, mum glanced over to me, one eyebrow raised.

"Well? comfy?"

"Yeah, very cosy indeed mum, er, I mean...oh, there's just one thing - I can't call you 'mum' anymore..."

"Oh, why's that?"

"Umm, 'cause apparently we're married..?"

"Me? To you? Us?"

I nodded.

She looked into space for a moment, one of those dramatic moments where it could have gone either way, then turned to me, reached over and placed her hand in mine. Her face was deadly serious.

"Do you promise to love, honour and obey, in sickness...?"

"I think I've shown you I can do the sickness bit..."

"True. What about the other bits?"

"Look, we're only just married..." a smile. "Let me get used to it first..."

"Alright then, let's have a look at the marital suite then, shall we?"

She placed both hands on the table and levered herself upright. The barmaid smiled at us as we hobbled out of the lounge and into the stairwell. I looked up. A lot of stairs. I took a deep breath and scooped mum up into my arms, her arm over my shoulder and her laceless shoe dangling off her foot. The first effort was not a success. The stairs were quite narrow.

"I think people were thinner in the Eighteenth Century." She put both arms round my shoulders.

I let her down gently, then said, "Fine, in that case there's nothing else for it."

And with that, I bent down, grabbed her by the wrist, pulled her arm across my back and hoisted her over my shoulder, a fireman's lift. She let out a shriek and then a laugh, or more of a cackle. Then she slapped me on the ass.


The door into the lounge was of ordinary glass, and as I started to carry her upstairs, the sound of muted laughter rose behind me. Did my 'wife' actually wave to her audience..?

Upstairs, I'd left the room unlocked, so I used my elbow to turn the handle, and then...

"Over the threshold..."

I whacked her one on the bum, staggered into the room and threw her onto the bed. She almost disappeared into the softness of it.

I threw myself down beside her.

We looked at one another and started laughing. Then...

"It's been a strange day, unusual..." she whispered.

"The day's not over yet..." I whispered back.

Why were we whispering? Because it was such an intimate moment, lying there, her nose almost touching mine...

"There's more? They poisoned the wine..?"

Giggles... and as we laughed our noses touched. I rubbed my nose back and forth across hers a few times....


"You cold?"

I heaved the eiderdown over us and we were enclosed in its cocoon.....

It was dark. I rubbed up to her nose again. Then my hand followed and my index finger traced the contour of her nose down towards her mouth, around her lips...then between her lips...and she was licking it while I was kissing her nose....then I added a couple more fingers and she was licking them too, taking them into her mouth... she had one hand under my T-shirt, fingers splayed circling my nipples.....then I replaced my fingers with my lips...and my tongue licked hers...and then each tongue was swirling around in the other's arms were around her, hers around me ...we were trying to become one person.... we were blind using only our sense of touch..... a lot of fumbling ..some tearing.... A belt being yanked open...some buttons popping... a bra lifted up over those soft mountains... a skirt, down the legs, the unmistakable sound of a zip, a warm hand inside my pants ....then both her panties and my boxers were round our ankles.... We came up for air.

And dove back under again.

I cupped the cheeks of her bum wondering at its mouth and teeth and tongue on her shoulder her neck her breasts...her one hand up and down my back as far as my butt...the other one grasping my dick...then we were madly exploring this new landscape from all angles... our positions became inverted and I found my face up against her prickly mound.. my tongue delved into the slit just as a warm hot wet sensation engulfed me below as my member was drawn into the chasm of her mouth....she was swallowing me whole and squirming as my tongue sought out the most sensitive area of her cunt, my hand on her bum pressing the cheeks inward and outward... I made my tongue erect and pushed it in and out with increasing speed, just as she was doing to my dick..... she whimpered and shook...I tensed and felt the surge of my cum, oh so much cum, into her mouth ...and still my tongue was going in and out of her like a jackhammer and my face became flooded with her juices....

Then we were suddenly gentle with one another, licking one another, exploring one another's body with kisses and licks... on our bellies, on our bums, on our necks...and finally our mouths were kissing again, her juices mixing with my cum.....

I threw the eiderdown off the bed – I had to feast on this in all its splendour.

She lay there wantonly open to my eyes as I knelt between her legs, her arms raised as in surrender, her legs open, her eyes watching me. As I lowered my gaze to the parting of her legs, she slowly moved them further apart as though she was doing the splits in slow-motion. I looked back up into her face and she was staring at me intently. Then an almost imperceptible nod.

"And obey....."

She reached up and took hold of my shaft, the very action producing an instant reaction, and guided it down towards her waiting cunt. It slipped in to the already lubricated hole so easily and glided right up to the hilt. And then I slowly withdrew almost to the tip, supporting myself on my hands, before plunging back in, watching her mouth open and her face register both shock and joy. Then her feet were locked behind me, her arms at my neck, pulling me down. We fucked like there was no tomorrow, our sweaty bodies sliding against each other. I didn't know if her cries were from my actions or from her wounds – but neither of us could have stopped anyway. I lifted her up with her legs still round my waist and held her against the wall, pummelling her into it. She held my shoulders back and we both watched in ecstasy as my cock drove in and out of her, in and out and it was a blur as we came in unison. I held her tightly there against the wall, her legs still round me, kissing every inch of flesh I could reach with my mouth and tongue. Then I carried her back to the bed, with her wiping the sweat out of my eyes.

We lay on the bed, my head resting on her stomach, my fingers drawing lazy circles round her nipples, which reacted by standing proudly. I whispered,

"I've always thought you were one of the sexiest people on the planet."


Out loud,


"I know."

"You know? How can you know?"

Well, you remember that photo your dad took of me that time at Hayfield, where I'd fallen over? We'd both been looking at it..."


" well that night after you'd gone up to bed, I took it out again..."


" And it had been misplaced – I'd put it back with the others from that trip, but when I came to look at it again, it was underneath a picture of your granddad wearing his war medals..."


"I didn't think too much of it, but then later I had to go and visit your Aunt Jessie who was ill and lived not far from the Uni. When I came from her place, I thought I'd surprise you and we'd go for a coffee in the refectory...."


"I asked one of the students where your dorm room was and he took me all the way there. He was very nice..."

"I'll bet.."

"Anyway I knocked but you weren't there. The room was open so I walked right in and I saw myself in this huge poster...."


"I didn't want to embarrass you so I turned round and left."

"You're angry..."

"Angry? Why on earth should I be angry? It's not everyone gets to be a Poster Girl, haha..."

There was a light tap at the door. I quickly grabbed my boxers and stumbled as I drew them on. I took my T-shirt and threw it over my head. It was inside-out. Mum was giggling.

I opened the door a notch. It was the barmaid.

"Hi, I'm sorry to bother you, but we're just closing up downstairs in the pub. Your bike is still out the front with a couple of bags attached. I thought you might need them? You can put the bike round the back if you want to..."

"Oh, yeah, thanks, I'll see to it right away, thanks..."

Her smile was wider than before as she walked away.

I righted my clothes, pulled on my pants, gave mum a kiss on her left nipple and went down to retrieve the bags.

Most of the rest of the night was spent with me changing the dressings on mum's injuries, for which she had some novel ways of rewarding me.

Then we were screwing again.

During one of our breaks, she turned to me and said,



"You know you're going to have to go back to that supermarket again and buy me some new clothes?"

She held up a torn blouse and skirt.

"The cashier should like that..."

"And Eddie..?"


"You're going to have to start calling me 'Sue'...."

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ukrainianukrainianabout 1 year ago

You write so well. The characters all feel alive. If I had to complain, my comment would be not long enough and you should write more often. Many thanks.

sersedsersedalmost 3 years ago

I love all your stories. They are witty, sexy and lovely. Long may you reign

virtual_lovervirtual_loveralmost 6 years ago
You never disappoint

A lovely read.

UAlbanyGirl518UAlbanyGirl518about 6 years ago
You were strong out of the gate!

Loved your latest story so decided to read your first, and was not disappointed. Great characters, good build up and hot sex, the hallmarks of a great incest story.

SouthLondonerSouthLondonerover 6 years ago
Very nice....again

A year later....Just read this beautiful loving, sexy story for the second time. Good story, well written.

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