The Bliss of Darkness


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Kyle looked over to his brother upon hearing the soft exclamation. He opened his mouth to say something to calm Kurt, to let him know that he didn't suddenly have the urge to attack him, but all that came out was a garbled mess of lupine sound.

Kurt appraised the creature in front of him. Easily a foot taller than he had been, Kyle's new form resembled one of the bipedal beasts that they had seen in horror movies. He looked like a wolf but stood on two legs that ended with large appendages that were a combination of feet and paws. His hands had grown gnarly and had sharp, dangerous claws at the ends. There was no question that even an accidental swipe from them would leave some lasting damage. The only thing that kept him from completely freaking out was the fact that he could see fear and worry in the bright blue eyes that stared back at him. "That you in there?"

Kyle nodded in response.

"You feel okay?"


"Gonna eat me?"

Kyle tilted his head and rolled his eyes as he sighed heavily. He tried to stick out his tongue as if he were a child but it only dangled limply out the side of his mouth. To get his point across, he raised a hand and extended a clawed middle finger.

Kurt laughed. "Good. I won't have to break out the silver bullets."

Kyle let out a snort that sounded partially amused.

With limited means of communication on Kyle's side, Kurt peppered his brother with primarily yes or no questions as the full moon rose high above them. He couldn't wait until Kyle could talk again to really get answers but after a few rounds, he was satisfied that Kyle was still himself only inhabiting a different form.

Though Kyle was freaked out by the change, it didn't seem to be as bad as he anticipated. Wanting to get a feel for his new form, he pulled off the shredded remnants of his clothing then paced around the campsite. It didn't take him long to become accustomed to his new height and reach and soon he was bounding out away from the fire and back testing his speed and sight. Kurt occasionally assisted by tossing sticks and rocks that he marked with pen out into the darkness for Kyle to return in a game of fetch.

"I'm done, bro," Kurt said after nearly two hours of thinking of ways to challenge Kyle's new abilities. "I gotta go—"

Kyle cocked his head with curiosity when his brother broke off and looked at him as if he had just thought of something.

"I was just thinking, I gotta pee. You haven't seen your dick yet, have you?"

Kyle shook his head.

Kurt looked down between his brother's legs and was slightly surprised he had not noticed the large, grapefruit sized, furry sack swinging between them. Being intimately aware of how Kyle's human body appeared, he knew the current size of the scrotum exceed what his brother usually possessed. Above it partially attached to his lower abdomen was something that resembled a hybrid of sheath and foreskin. Easily six inches long, half of it flopped around limply. Growing up with dogs around the house, he was familiar with canine genital anatomy but his curiosity was strong about his werewolf brother's dick. "Can I see it? I know it's weird to ask and if you don't want to, it's cool."

Kyle blinked in thought. It was a strange request. But being a werewolf was not exactly normal. With his own curiosity aroused, he shrugged and willed his dick out of his sheath.

As they both expected, what came out was a canine phallus. The end was mostly blunt with a short, tapered point on the bottom of the end. The bright pink flesh shined wetly in the firelight and was a stark contrast to the dark brown fur behind it. Even across the couple of feet that separated them, Kurt could make out a web of different colored and sized blood vessels beneath the skin. The whole thing gradually grew wider before narrowing again in a sort of reverse hourglass shape. Slightly more than a foot of wolf cock was exposed pointing upward out of Kyle's crotch before the deflated sacks at the base appeared adding a few more inches to it.

"God...damn," Kurt whispered. Seeing the full extent of his brother's cock, he found the girth of it to be the most impressive part. Even without the swollen midsection, it looked to be as thick around as an energy drink can. "Feeling kinda jealous now, bro. You weren't exactly lacking before, but, damn, that's impressive."

Kyle let out a sound that resembled a laugh as he retracted his dick while Kurt opened his jeans and sent his stream of piss into the fire. He saw his brother glance in his direction a few times and noticed the slight swelling of Kurt's dick. When Kurt met his eyes, he cocked his head with a silent question.

Dropping his eyes from Kyle's, Kurt said hesitantly, "I know this is going to sound really wrong and nasty so I hope you won't judge me, but I'm kinda curious about that thing and what it can do."

Kyle tried to raise an eyebrow but when it didn't work, he used a clawed finger to raise the skin above his eye.

Kurt chuckled. "I know. Just so you don't think I'm a complete perv, I don't go around thinking about doggy dick or anything like that. I figure you're still my brother. And while that's an issue in itself, we do mess around. Now, you just happen to be a, uh, were...wolf," Kurt said slowly as if unfamiliar with the word. "Werewolf. Dude, you're a fucking werewolf. My brother's a werewolf!"

The excitement Kurt displayed was infectious and Kyle felt it. Despite what was sure to be a much different life now, he began to see how cool it actually was. He was a fucking werewolf, a creature of fantasy that should not exist but here he was.

Kyle moved closer to Kurt and once he was within distance, he leaned down and slowly licked the side of Kurt's face in lieu of kissing him as he normally would have.

Kurt shivered pleasantly from the contact. He pressed his body against Kyle's solid, hairy form and embraced him in a hug. The first thing he noticed was how soft Kyle's fur was and how, even though he was now an animal, he still smelled like Kyle. He could feel how powerful Kyle's body was now compared to how his human shape had felt only a few hours earlier. Even though he was essentially at rest, Kyle's muscles were all coiled and ready for action. As he continued to hold his brother, he felt something hard and thick push between them, growing longer and wider by the moment. At the same time, his nose was assaulted by what could only be described as the musky scent of arousal. Pulling back slightly, he looked down at Kyle's cock and saw that it was thicker and redder than the first time Kyle had revealed it. He wrapped a hand around it finding it to be hot and slick with a lubricating fluid that seemed to seep from pores in the skin. It was also surprisingly spongy as if it were not completely hard. As he slowly stroked it, he heard Kyle sigh then whimper pleasantly above him. "You like that, bro?"

Kyle nodded slowly as he felt his arousal grow. In addition to his own scent, he could smell the arousal on his brother and it fueled his growing craving for sex. Unlike in all the stories he had ever seen and heard about werewolves, he didn't feel like a mindless creature driven to destroy or mate. Even as his sexual need grew, he still felt in control of himself, albeit with a higher, more focused sex drive. With each pass of Kurt's hand, his cock pulsed and throbbed, slowly building up the energy needed to expel his seed. Looking down, he watched Kurt staring at his cock with obvious desire. It was the same look he often had when they fucked around but there was something else behind it this time and he wasn't sure what to make of it. All that mattered was that Kurt accepted him and still loved him as he was.

Thinking ahead to the fact that he might not be able to support his brother's weight during orgasm, Kurt led Kyle by the cock to the bed of the truck. "Lay down."

While Kurt undressed, Kyle situated himself in the back of the pickup. He watched as Kurt climbed up then straddled his thighs. A horny whimper that was supposed to have been a moan left him as Kurt pressed their cocks together using both of his hands. Even though Kurt's cock was long and thick, it was no match for Kyle's in his current form.

Kurt began to move his hips, sliding his cock against his brother's slick member. The heat felt good against him, almost as good as being inside his brother's ass. "Oh, shit. This is so fucking hot. Feels so good."

Kyle laid back and watched as his brother pleasured himself with his cock for a moment. He let out a surprised yelp when Kurt moved back and took the end into his mouth. The sensation was more than he expected, much more intense than a blow job had ever felt. He resisted the urge to grab Kurt's head and fuck his brother's mouth as he had in the past for fear of injuring him. Watching and hearing the sounds of his muscular, older brother going crazy over his wolf cock was an aphrodisiac in itself. With all the new sensations running through him, he felt himself getting close much faster than ever before. A pleasant warmth was growing in his crotch and he felt his cock swelling pleasantly. He soon realized that the sensation was focused at the base of his dick. It took a moment before he was able to get a view passed Kurt's head and hand to see that his knot was growing. Unsure of how much time he had or what exactly was going to happen, he pulled Kurt off his cock while panting heavily, needing to warn him but unable to do it verbally.

"Why'd you stop me?" Kurt asked.

Kyle pointed to his cock with one hand and made a jerking off motion with the other.

"Oh. Good idea. Getting close?" he asked as he returned to stroking his brother's dick while licking along the wet shaft.

Kyle nodded rapidly.

"Do it bro. Let's see this big bad wolf dick blow."

As Kurt moved his hand faster he felt Kyle begin to thrust up against him. He could feel and see the knot at the base of the thick cock grow larger as Kyle neared orgasm. In a way it reminded him of a different type of erection. Initially, the bulb was soft and pliable, allowing his hand to move around it easily, much like a flaccid dick. As it grew, it became firmer and stiffened until there was about the same give to it that there was to the not quite hard shaft he was stroking. "Fucking hell. You're gonna knot, bro. Look at it. Getting so fucking big."

Spurred on by instinct, Kyle gave a forceful thrust, pushing his knot through his brother's fist. With his brother's hand in contact with the back of it, holding tight in the small space between his knot and crotch, he felt both his knot and shaft suddenly stiffen and his hips began to move in short rapid thrusts as the mating urge reached its peak.

"Oh, shit. You did it. Goddamn hard fucking knot. Now blow that fucking load, bro." Kurt moved both hands to form a large fist around the base of Kyle's knot and held tight as his brother fucked up into an imaginary hole. It took less than a minute before he heard Kyle let out a loud howl a split second before his shaft pulsed and a stream of yellowish cum shot of it. It flew through the air and hit the back window above Kyle's head with an audible splat before breaking off just before a second, equally large shot left him. Four more smaller spurts followed in quick succession before the power subsided and Kyle's cum flowed thickly out of his cock to pool on his chest and abs.

Kurt watched Kyle's discharge with horny disbelief. He had never seen a load that large. His brother's face and chest were streaked with the thick ropes and it was still flowing out of him as if he were pissing cum. Now that Kyle was relaxed and catching his breath, Kurt used one of his cum slicked hands to rub and massage Kyle's slowly deflating knot in an attempt to soothe him. With the other, he fisted himself using some of his brother's wolf cum to relieve the horniness he felt from the experience. It didn't take long before he shot his load into the fur of Kyle's leg and onto the bed of the truck. Equally exhausted, he rested his head on his brother's hairy hip and closed his eyes.

Kurt awoke feeling himself being gently shaken. He squinted against the early morning light and looked around to see Kyle kneeling next him, naked and back to his human form. "G' morning."

"Morning," Kyle said with a look of embarrassment. "I, uh, didn't bring a change of clothes so if you don't mind, can we get out of here before anyone spots us?"

"Yeah. Sure."

After making quick work of cleaning the campsite, they got into the truck and drove back to Kurt's apartment.

"You okay?" Kurt asked once they were on their way.

Kyle gave him a genuine smile. "Yeah. That was actually kinda awesome. Don't get me wrong, it's still going to take a bit to get used to, but I don't think it's going to be such a big deal."

"Good." After a minute of silence, he glanced over and asked, "So do you think it's just a full moon thing or can you do it whenever you want?"

"Let's see." Kyle closed his eyes and concentrated. He could feel the animal inside him and reached out to touch it. As he drew closer to it, he felt his body shift shape. When he opened his eyes again, he looked down and saw that he was now an actual wolf, a rather large wolf, sitting on the seat of Kurt's truck.

"Fucking hell," Kurt said appreciatively. "But you still aren't going to eat me, are you?"

Kyle shifted back to his human form, already feeling it to be easier to shape shift, and glared at his brother. "If you keep pissing me off, I just might."

Kurt ruffled his brother's hair. "You know I love you, bro. Just don't start lifting your leg and pissing on everything."

"Oh, fuck you." Despite himself, Kyle laughed along with his brother.


Kurt licked some cum off Kyle's wolf cock as he massaged the nearly deflated knot at the base. While still large, the deep red phallus was slightly smaller than it was at the full moon. Kyle himself seemed unable to become the creature that appeared that night and the brothers had spent a good amount of time acquainting themselves with Kyle's wolf. The brown animal was fairly large with a shoulder height of nearly four feet and maintained the same piercing blue eyes that Kyle possessed in human form. In the two weeks since Kyle's first change, Kurt had noticed that his brother's wolf flavor and scent had become much more pungent. Kyle also seemed to be much more sexually needy than before. Not only that but he was more forward and open about what he wanted. It went along with other slight changes he had noticed in his younger brother. Kyle was now more assertive than he had been and more often than not took charge when they were together.

"Thanks, man," Kyle said after shifting back to his human form. Though Kurt had mostly cleaned the cum off his body, he still felt wet and sticky. "Shower?"


Under the spray of warm water, the two brothers took their time cleaning each other. Kurt noticed how much more muscular Kyle appeared now. The younger brother wasn't as swollen as Kurt but had sharp definition between the larger groups that was barely visible beneath the thick hair that now covered his body. As his eyes moved down between Kyle's legs, he noticed that even in his flaccid state, his brother's dick looked larger than it had been when he was fully human though a good two inches were buried in the forest of pubic hair that covered his crotch.

"I wouldn't mind shoving it up your ass right now, but I don't think I have it in me so soon," Kyle said lightly.

Kurt blushed at having been caught ogling his brother's dick. "Sorry for staring. It's bigger than it used to be."

"Yeah," Kyle said with a shrug. "And it sucks because you're the only one I can use it with right now."

"I'm going to pretend I'm not offended by that statement. What about Amy?"

"I thought I told you," Kyle said sincerely. "We broke up two days ago. I hadn't fucked her since the full moon and she thought I was fucking around on her. I guess I am with you, but that doesn't really count."

"Why haven't you fucked her? It looks like you're swinging something pretty big there. You gotta put that thing through its paces."

"I want to but it would be hard to explain why after two years together my dick is suddenly two or three inches bigger."

"Good point."

"And, I'm still not sure about this whole werewolf thing."

"Why? What's going on? Think you're gonna eat her or something?"

"Oh, for fuck's sake! I'm not gonna eat anyone. And if you keep making jokes about it, I'm gonna get pissed and maybe let you deal with the wolf instead of me. Got it?"

Suitably chastised, Kurt nodded. "Yeah. Fine. Sorry. So what's bothering you?"

"It's not so much that I'm bothered as I'm aware of what could happen. I told you I smell everything, and I do mean everything. I can smell the cleanest pussy and dick. Just walking around I can tell which guys are throwing wood and which women are wet even if they look completely calm. The worst is being able to smell a woman who's ovulating. That shit is intense. I've been horny before but that scent—shit, man—I have to fight to not mount something. I've got enough control that I don't feel like I'm gonna wolf out or anything, but it's still a concern. Now I understand why there are so many stories about werewolves attacking and raping people. If I didn't have you, I'd probably be doing just that."

"That why you've been over here dicking me so much?" Kurt asked. "To use me like a fleshlight?"

"Yeah. I've figured out that if I blow a load with my wolf cock it satisfies me much longer than when I drop a load with this dick. And since I can't masturbate as a wolf, I'm grateful that you're doing it for me."

"It's still kinda weird but I'm getting used to that wolf dick." Kurt tilted his head in thought. "So you haven't actually fucked anything as a wolf? Really knotted?"

"Who am I gonna knot?" Kyle asked, incredulous. "It's not like I can hit up Amy, or any girl for that matter, and ask her to let me cum in her then stay stuck together for another half hour. And if you suggest finding a neighborhood dog or any other animal, I swear I will fuck you up right now."

Kurt didn't need to see the way Kyle flexed his long-nailed hands or clenched his jaw to know his brother was serious. Feeling slightly afraid of his brother for the first time, he held up his hands in a show of submission. "Calm down, man. I wasn't going to say anything like that. I was actually thinking that maybe we..."

Kyle raised an eyebrow. "Yeah? You think that could work?"

Kurt nodded slowly. "Mechanically, logistically, yes. But at the same time, my ass is clenched so tight right now that it might swallow my feet and run the hell out of here thinking about how big your knot is."

Kyle couldn't hold back the laugh that escaped him as he grabbed Kurt's hips and pulled him close. "That's an image."

"You're telling me." Kurt felt his brother begin to knead his ass. Kyle's long nails dug not unpleasantly into his firm flesh, and with their bodies pressed together, the feel of Kyle's lengthy soft cock against him was having an effect on him that ignored the fact that they had both shot loads less than ten minutes ago.

"Think you could take it?" Kyle asked in a low voice as he moved his fingers to tease Kurt's crack.

"I don't know, man." Kurt let out a soft moan feeling Kyle's finger graze his hole. The feel of Kyle playing with his ass, the proximity of his brother's hard, furry body, and the seductive tone and look he was getting was making it difficult for him to say no. "Let me think about it."

A few days went by before Kyle appeared at Kurt's apartment again. Because Kyle's visits had become so regular, Kurt didn't need to ask why his brother was there.

Between kisses as they undressed, Kurt whispered, "I want you to fuck me. With your wolf dick. Knot me."