The Bond

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The bond helps bring together unlikely lovers.
2.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 04/26/2013
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Dear Readers,

Just started writing this story for fun. Let me know if this story interests you and it is something that you'd like to see me continue. I am sure I have made plenty of grammatical, syntax and spelling errors. So I am happy to receive any kind of feedback that can help improve my writing.




Neytri dropped low to the ground, barely breathing, crawling towards the source of that melodious sound. The sound of her pounding heart a constant in her ears. She was certain she was bruising herself but she couldn't shake off the anxiety she felt, just as she couldn't ignore her curiosity for the source of that sound, even while her nostrils flared with the smell of the predator at hand.

Struggling for air she took a deep breath and continued. The breeze seemed to have change directions because suddenly the air was filled with a new scent. How had she missed it earlier? That wonderful musk aroma that made her feel so heady. She took another mouthful of air, the scent something tangible and delicious now in her mouth. She gulped and felt it race through her. Her nipples tightened making it uncomfortable for her to continue to stay low on the ground. The intoxicating smell appeared to have completely captivated her. The only motion now was that of the beads of sweat rolling down her caramel skin and the moisture pooling between her thighs.

Vallah! She called to her god for strength. She wanted to draw herself closer to the scent of the wonderful male and listen to his melodious voice that seemed to be weaving its own spell on her. But, her survival instinct was strong and the beast nearby. She needed to get to safety before she could pursue the pleasure that was promised within the embrace of the delicious smelling male.


Mateyo looked around the campsite. His troops didn't appear to be at their physical best and as much as he would've liked to spend some more time on their training he knew he couldn't afford any further delays. They were untried men in his battalion who would probably never return home but time was of the critical essence and everyone aware that some of their lives would be sacrificed for their cause.

Their cause; it wasn't a cause at all. It was a pre-emptive strike to ensure that they would continue to live their lives as free men just as they had during Mateyo's father's reign. Mateyo had tried diplomacy in vain. It appeared that freedom would accept no coin except one paid in blood. And so, here he stood, in the midst of unknown Shiveri forests, hoping that the gods would grant them favour and lead them to victory.


Neytri leaped across the bush in one clean jump and landed on all fours. Her muscles that had been tensed the whole time finally relaxed sensing that she had finally managed to shake off the predator. She couldn't shake off the feeling that she was still not completely out of danger.

Neytri recalled once again the two smells from earlier that day that obtained two completely different reactions from her. The first was the foul smell of the predator that left her stomach churning and the second; she couldn't identify the second smell either. Only that it was wonderfully male. The dew from her mound flowed afresh at the memory of that delicious smell.

Taking a deep breath she tried to ignore the sensations that the scent memory was causing in her. Instead she tried to focus on what she would tell her elders about the new creatures that now seemed to be about in their forest. Creatures because like the predator the wonderful smelling male was also something different of this she Neytri was certain. Her kind always possessed a keen sense of smell and always trusted their nose more than other sense organ.

Confident that she was no longer watched, Neytri rushed towards the direction of her village.



The blood curdling sound was lost in the dense forest landscape.

The creature was frustrated. It had laid the trap, but its prey proved more alert than it had anticipated. The creature was just going to have to wait a little longer before it could devour the tasty morsel it had chanced upon that day.


"Cheer up, you sour puss", said a booming voice, "Don't look so defeated before we've even begun battle. It's bad for the morale."

Mateyo looked at his dear friend and second in command. Onuoro lacked tact at the best of times but spoke the truth, Mateyo had to begrudgingly admit to himself.

"I cannot help it dear friend. Most of these young pups have barely been weaned from their mother's chest and here they stand ready to fight for a cause they barely understand, and naively thinking that they will return home the victorious hero."

"It is a heavy burden you bear my friend. One I suggest you make light by making a man of some of these here lads while they still have a chance."

Despite the twinkle in his eye Mateyo knew his friend well enough to know he was deadly seriously and had probably already spoke with the women and made the necessary arrangements. His friend had probably only broached him with regards to the matter of coin.

"And how much will the wenches charge to honour these untried cocks with their cunt?" asked Mateyo.

"Tsk tsk, you are too crude my friend in matters of pleasure."Onuoro continued in a teasing tone.

"The women only seek compensation for the risk they take in following us to ensure that we are never devoid of the pleasure..."

"... of their open thighs?"

"... of their company. If it weren't for their presence you know half these men would turn around rather than embark on a journey that would leave their cock devoid of pleasure for so long."

"In fact," Onuro continued in lowered tones, "I suspect that some of these men prefer to come along for these marches just so they can taste someone other than the poor soul they are married to."

With a thunderous laugh he went on, "I know I wouldn't last lost in battle with my sword sheathed. And gods know it that none of these lads could walk, let alone fight in battle, after taking my cock up their shithole."

"Should 5000 inkles cover the expenses for these acts of charity and kindness then?"Mateyo questioned his friend.

Reaching out his hand Onuro said, "That'll do just fine my friend. And you will observe the coin well used. You will find the morale of your men uplifted tomorrow, for tonight they will find pleasure that is only to be found in the sweet cunt of a willing woman."

His friend laughed boisterously while Mateyo couldn't help but smile at his friend's inventiveness.

"And how shall you be passing the night my friend?"

"Well, on a night like this, a great man like me can only find pleasure in one way."

"And how is that, good friend?" asked Mateyo of his friend.

"In the sweet embrace of three cunts fighting for a stab from my cock!" laughed Onuoro as he walked towards his tent.

Mateyo smiled and turned away from his friend. Onuoro had always been his trusted and loyal friend but his boyish pursuits had not changed over the years. Somehow that did not diminish who he was in any way. If, anything his behaviour seemed to just add to the legendary status of the commander of the Phalinial army. They both had taken on a great responsibility early on in their lives. And while Onuoro seemed to have taken it on with a simple roll of his shoulder, Mateyo felt that he himself had not been as fortunate. The demands of his duties took more from him than just his time. He realised that perhaps like his men he too ought to relieve some of his stress pounding into the spread offering of an all too willing wench. With these thoughts Mateyo headed towards the tents further back that stood as homes for the whores that journeyed with the army.


Neytri wasn't sure what it was but she was certain that she had heard some sound, almost like a scream but more distorted. She could not quite explain it but it left the hairs on the back of her neck standing. Yet, it seemed as if she was the only one who had heard it. None of the other creatures of the forest that surrounded her acted as if they had heard anything alarming. Some voice deep within Neytri told her she ought to fear the beast that would make a sound of such nature.

Filled with determination she headed towards the entrance of the kowaekai, the shaman of their village. Since time immemorial the kowaekai women would convene with the forest spirits to understand the will of Vallah. Her people were mere instruments to their God's will and her kind had lived for long and in secret because of this practice.

Neytri knew that once she described the oddities of her day to the three kowaekai women they would be able to make some sense of what she'd experienced and heard.


The campsite was filled with merriment. It was quite obvious that the women were doing a great job of uplifting the spirits of the troops. And though the absence of spirits was sorely felt by many a soldier, they were mostly just happy for the distraction from the impending doom.

The men were particularly pleased that their otherwise fearless and formidable leader had join in the banter round the circle while awaiting their turn with the women. They were several that complained about how while there weren't enough women the second in command had three tucked away in his tent. And from the sounds of it, he seemed to be fucking every opening available on each of them.

Mateyo himself was enjoying the ministrations of a young woman's mouth on his cock while he sat back and spoke with his men. Every now and then he would gently but firmly push the woman's head further down his cock. He was a large man and he knew she would need assistance if she was to properly suck his organ.

The scene around the campsite was pretty similar no matter which way one looked. Women getting spit roasted like celebratory boars. There were some who were also eagerly helping some of the soldiers get off with their hands. Mateyo couldn't understand the pleasure of merely using a woman's hands when they had far juicier orifices to explore.

The thought brought Mateyo's attention back to the woman between his thighs, he'd let her play with him long enough, but now it was time to bring things to a completion. Without saying a word Mateyo merely lifted the woman to her feet and turned her around. The woman understanding his intentions bend forward and braced herself for the battering she knew she was bound to receive from their stalwart leader.

Since his cock was already pretty slick with the girl's spittle Mateyo knew he could easily enter her. Yet he felt her nether lips to make sure that she was wet enough for him to enter. He had never spend two nights in the arms of the same woman but he always believed in bringing as much pleasure to the girl he was fucking as he was getting himself.

Mateyo entered the girl with a forceful stroke and with a few rutting motions was deeply seated within her. With his hands holding on to her hips for support he started hammering away at her defenceless pussy. The moans coming from all around him made him speed up his movements and soon he was lost within the sensations of the wet heat of the woman under him. His cock twitched to indicate his impending orgasm. Mateyo pressed his thumb to the woman's pearl to ensure that she could feel the pleasure too. Swiftly Mateyo pulled out before he could spill his seed into her womb. He briefly slumped over her from relief but then with a quick jerk to his cock walked away leaving the woman to enjoy the attentions from his men.

Mateyo hadn't walked far when he noticed for the first time that night that the full moon was out and shinning in complete splendour. For some reason the sight of the moon let an odd sensation in him. He couldn't quite understand it but he felt an absence, but couldn't understand of what or why. Trying to shake out the odd feeling he walked towards the river. A cold bath would refresh him and prepare him for his arduous journey ahead.


"Grandmother?" called out Neytri.

The kowaekai sisters had always been called as such by everyone in the village no matter the age. The three women that currently lived in this dhancha were so different from each other that none would have suspected them to be sisters. For even though they were referred to as sisters, they were not related to each other by blood.

Once every 400 years three girls born with the mark of Vallah were brought to the dhancha. These girls were raised by the kowaekai and prepared for their role in their kind's future. When the time came the kowaekai sisters would depart the dhancha and never be seen or heard from again. Most believed that since they had lead such pure and selfless lives that Vallah chose to draw them unto him with their mortal forms intact. No one ever knew what really happened and they didn't really care as long as the dhancha continued to remain occupied by kowaekai sisters.

Neytri's birth had been a time of great unrest for her village as she was born with the mark of Vallah just fifty short years after a new set of sisters had been inducted. The people of the village could not fathom the meaning of a single girl bearing the mark. They suspected that foul play was at hand since only truly evil things came alone. All of Vallah's earthly creations came in twos and all His divine beings came in sets of three.

The kowaekai prayed with Vallah and spend many a nights conversing with the moon before they concluded that Neytri was specially marked. She was to be an instrument for a great change for their kind. But they were not privy to the when or the how. Thus Neytri spent all her life under the protection of the kowaekai but the villagers were always wary of her. Not everyone was looking forward to their ways being changed and since she was prophesied to be instrumental to the change, Neytri was always treated a little distantly by the rest.

"Grandmother?" Neytri called out a little louder as she entered the dhancha. She was not afraid of the kowaekai like many in her village. Their preternatural existence brought them in contact with all kinds of spirits, some of the more malevolent ones upsetting those unwitting creatures that happened to walk in while the kowaekai held session with them.

"Enter child, "came the sound in unison.

Three voices that somehow sounded like they belonged to one person gently bade her. Neytri entered and as always was struck in awe of these frail looking beings with their gentle powder blue pupils with their bodies covered in runes that glowed whenever they were communing with the supernatural.

"You have questions we know. But, now is not the time for them. You are needed elsewhere."

This was strange behaviour on the part of the kowaekai. They had never before turned anyone away without giving them the answers they sought. But, Neytri knew better than to question their purpose.

"Where would you have me go grandmother?"Neytri addressed them as one; which is how they were always addressed since they somehow always spoke as one. It was as if their consciousness had merged into one single unified being.

"You are needed to follow the moon tonight child. The path she makes will lead you to your destiny. That is all we know."

Having passed their message the kowaekai turned their backs on Neytri leaving her confused about what it was she was needed to do and if this was the beginning of the prophesy that led to her having a doomed existence amongst her kind.

Neytri stepped out of the dhancha, drawing a deep breath she looked towards the moon for the guidance and counsel she had come to seek from the kowaekai, but had failed to receive. As she continued to gaze upon the moon she had the sudden desire to plunge herself into its cool depths. That not being possible she felt a swim in the river would do her good and she would also be able to ponder upon the task the kowaekai had set upon her. With these thoughts in mind Neytri raced in the direction of the river.


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curiousoldmancuriousoldmanover 8 years ago
first time reading your literature

smart, sexy, to the point, interesting, I like your writing style and obvious love of the erotic.

MockingjayMockingjayabout 10 years ago
Just a simple comment.....

Love your writing style and the story is well-written. I just wonder what Neytri looks like...

kinkydreams667kinkydreams667over 10 years ago
Really marvelous story telling Skills

Great erotic narrative...wish to read more..

KisserKing69KisserKing69almost 11 years ago
Amazing and a refreshing read

Fantastic read. I am glad I have read all your submissions till date and a pity that I don't have anymore from you to read.

beastman0969beastman0969about 11 years ago
Great Start

I really like the start of this story. You have peaked my interest. Can't wait to see how the story unfolds.

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