The Boss Pt. 01


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I was pumped and ideas were flowing but understood that we needed a break. He also stated he needed to get out to the milking parlor and check on how the evening milking was going. With that I headed into town and checked into the motel.

After eating dinner I called Connie and told her I was staying over. She sounded sad. I asked her if she was going out with some friends since I wasn't coming home. "No, Cal, I was preparing for you to come home. It's been awhile so I thought you might like a little special entry point. I took a long bubble bath after cleaning myself out." She paused and then whispered. "I have a small plug in to keep myself a little dilated. I guess I will just have to use my battery operated husband tonight."

Damn, we hadn't done anal for a long while and here she was prepared for me tonight. By tomorrow she might be out of the mood for a backdoor adventure. I tried to hide most of my disappointment after assuring her that I would much rather be at home snuggling with her than in this lonely motel room.

We indulged in a little session of phone sex. After she had her orgasm I told her that we would have to start using the video feature of our phones if we were going to get in the habit of remote sex.

She giggled and agreed and soon rang off as she was wiped from the session and needed to sleep. I had not quite hit my peak but it only took a little mental picture of my wife needing to have her tight little rectum plumbed to get me over the hump. I cleaned up the spew with a handful of facial tissues before dropping off into La-La land myself.

I think the phone session and the good night's sleep helped as I woke with multiple ideas on how to incorporate Flossie into the dairy designs. After a good breakfast I headed back to the dairy with my ideas.

There, Jim and Nancy were very receptive of some of my ideas. We would start small by getting tee shirts with the final design on them. Vinyl shields would then follow for the company vehicles. Jim also had the thought that the logo would help thwart auto thieves. The keys were always kept in the vehicles so anyone could drive them as needed. The concern was always that a thief would have no trouble boosting a vehicle. Having the logo on the piece of equipment might help deter would be thieves.

We were finished by noon and I made a reservation on the afternoon commuter plane while on my way back to the airport. I turned in my rental and was soon at the terminal (it was only a matter of a few feet of walking in that small airport). The TSA search was soon done and I was winging my way home. This time the air was clean and there was little turbulence. Thankfully my stomach was not hurting by the time I got home.

Friday night's loving wasn't as adventurous as Thursday's might have been but it was good. Connie followed up with a great session Saturday night and we did the yardwork, mostly pulling weeds in the small flower areas, on Sunday and just snuggled Sunday night as we had to work the next day.

Monday I went into Toni's office, once she got in, and told her how the trip had gone. She was happy that we hadn't wasted money on the trip but it would be a long while before there was a positive return and I agreed. We might have a happy client but, depending on how far they went with the idea, there was little gain in having clients that far away from our home base. Some of that can't be helped, though.

After we hashed that out and the plan for the coming week, I asked Toni how her date had gone with Madame X. She almost gushed, "It was better than I thought it would be. We sent out for a catered meal as she had no idea when her husband might call in the evening. Seems he sometimes does and doesn't on these trips. One might wonder if he is picking up some slag somewhere for a quick roll in the hay, doesn't it?"

"Yeah, that might be true. I know I always call Connie when I am gone and we have a nice conversation before I can get to sleep."

"That is so good, I am glad to hear it. Anyhow, he didn't call and we wound up sitting on the couch listening to some light music. We then stood and danced for a while. Man, I love how her breasts felt against mine. The slight rubbing as we moved made my nipples hard and I think did the same to her."

I was enthralled. She had never, in all the years we had known each other, divulged any of the particulars of her relationships and here she was telling me about her first female encounter.

She continued. "After a bit Madame X said she had to go to the bathroom and I said I would take the opportunity to do the same. She went into the master and I went to the guest and I took off my bra while I was there. She must have done the same as her breasts felt different when we started to dance again." She stopped and had a wistful look on her face. "My nipples immediately became so aroused it almost hurt. I can't remember the last time that occurred. They don't get that worked up with most of the guys I date, anyhow."

I just nodded. There was nothing I could add to her soliloquy. "I have to admit my little culo was almost dripping." She blushed as she admitted that little fact. As she squirmed a little I imagined that she was turning herself on again. She couldn't stop now, though. "We danced some more and then kissed. I told her that I had never been attracted to a woman before but, over the years of knowing her, had found myself fantasizing more and more about her, her loving attitude, her demeanor, her class and her killer body. She admitted that she had experimented a little with a roommate her senior year in college but that she had also become more and more attracted to me over the years. Our kisses became panting, almost licking each other. That was when we started to fondle each other. I have to tell you that it led to the most intense sex I had ever experienced. We wore each other out and I slept over and we continued on Friday morning. I left mid-afternoon. I wanted to stay the entire weekend but her husband was due home on Saturday morning so we couldn't have another night together. I hope to repeat the night again soon."

She looked very flustered so I made my way out of her office to give her some time to either work off her horniness or get control.

I was happy for her but kind of sad for the hapless husband. His wife was carrying on a lesbian affair behind his back. I could see nothing good coming from the whole thing.

Well, anyhow, back to work. There were designs to be dreamed up. I sent off the ideas for the dairy to the rest of the team and we soon had logos ready for editing. Thanks to the internet I could email the mockups and the Bells could choose the one they wanted. Jim was so impressed he wanted me to get a plaid cotton snap shirt embroidered with the design on the right chest above the pocket and send to him.

We had a young intern and so I sent her out with the specifications for the shirt. I gave her a hint of looking at the nearest farm supply store that also sold clothing. Of course, being born and raised in a city, she had no idea that cotton plaid snap shirts even existed except in old Western movies.

Toni and I had a visit with a couple of potential clients locally that week and they went well. I had some sketches to show them before we even got done speaking so we were given the go ahead to mock up the designs.

For Friday night Toni and Connie got together and planned a double date. Toni, instead of asking Madame X to join us, accepted a date with a guy named Ted. We went out to dine and then to dancing. It was a fun night. I had to bite my tongue many times to keep from asking Toni, in front of Ted and Connie, about Madame X. A couple of times Ted and I sat out a dance and Toni dragged Connie onto the floor. It isn't that unusual to see women dancing together even in our small town so it didn't raise any eyebrows.

The girls seemed to be having a good conversation while on the floor and then they headed off to the bathroom after the set. Since women always seem to need company in the restroom, I just hoped that Toni would dish on Madame X and then Connie could pass the gossip on to me. I still wondered about the husband in this whole relationship. Was he on board? Was he planning on watching and maybe even participating? Even with my limited experience I could see how a FMF session could be very stimulating, as long as everybody was in agreement. If this Madame X woman was stepping out on her husband I could not see a positive outcome when it all hit the fan.

When they women rejoined us lonely men at the table I noticed that Connie looked a little flushed. By the same token so did Toni. I gave my wife a quizzical look and she just mouthed, "Later." I held my comments. Ted and I then took the ladies back out to the dance floor for another set. I am sure the women didn't want to hear us talk about the latest sports hero.

After we said our good nights and headed to our respective homes I had to ask, "Did she talk about her new love, Madame X?"

Connie nodded. "I think she had just enough liquid lubrication to loosen her tongue a little. She really wanted to spend the evening with Madame X but I guess Madame X couldn't find a way to ditch her husband. Ted has no clue and thinks he is going to bed Toni tonight but he was just a cover."

I picked up on the 'ditch the husband' comment. "So, I guess, that Madame X's husband is clueless as to what is going on? Is he the type to let this pass when he finds out or is he going to go postal on them?"

"I don't know for sure. He seems to be a mild individual, at least according to Toni, so I wouldn't think he would do something physical to either of them."

"So Toni knows the husband? Why is she playing with fire this way?"

"Oh, Baby, she thinks she is in love. She went on and on about how she loves to kiss Madame X and how she gets excited just nibbling on her long neck. She even convinced her to never wear necklaces with her so that nothing could get in the way. You know I don't do women but when she talked about going down on Madame X's nipples and then her sweet tasting pussy, I started to moisten up. Her description of their lovemaking while we were in the bathroom almost made me jump your bones when we got back to the table. I do believe that Toni was just as turned on."

"So maybe Ted might get lucky, kind of a booty call type of thing?"

I thought Connie was going to become apoplectic. We were riding in a dark car so I couldn't see her complexion but her lips became a grim line and she shook her head negatively. She finally responded, "No, I don't think so. She doesn't want a cock and hairy legs, she wants soft skin and firm breasts and a warm and wet you-know-what. She isn't into cock anymore." Connie hesitated and glanced at my profile. I could see it out of my peripheral vision. "At least that's what she told me. She is in love with this Madame X and doesn't want to cheat on her, whatever the provocation."

The rest of the journey to the condo was mostly comments of how Connie wanted to use the good vibes from this evening to satisfy her carnal needs and how much she needed my cock and my full attention to get those needs met.

We had a great session. Yes, even her back door was fully penetrated and she had multiple small and large orgasms before we were fully sated and fell asleep.

On Saturday Connie had to do the weekly shopping so she was gone a few hours. It might have been a little longer than normal but I didn't notice as the ideas started to jell for a client. I was fully involved with the storyboard as it was an advertising campaign this time and we needed it to be perfect as we didn't do many of those.

Suddenly it hit me. Connie had said that Toni knew the husband. I remember Toni also hinting that she had known Madame X for a long time and that her feelings had gotten stronger over that time. Of course she probably knew the husband also. So who was he?

I know that Toni and I don't know everyone that the other knew but we had a lot of shared acquaintances. First I needed to find the true identity of Madame X. That was the starting point. My pencil started to doodle.

What did I actually know about Madame X? I had no idea about height or weight but did know that Toni had gone to great lengths to describe her bare neck. Had Toni said something about her long neck or was that Connie? I would then assume that Madame X was in good shape and possibly taller than Toni. Not always true but it fit the mental image. Had Toni said anything about hair color? I couldn't recall.

Since I was sketching as I went along I made an oval face without details. Toni had said something about Madame X having her hair down on their first date so I drew in long hair. The neck was bare as Toni had described. And the neck was long since Connie had added that part of the description.

I left that for the moment and started to go through the list of women that fit the overall description. Mostly I was going to weed out the women who didn't fit the body type. I mentally went through our list of married female employees. One came to mind. That was Jenifer White. She was above average in height but she was carrying a few extra pounds from her pregnancy last year. Her neck wasn't the type I envisioned but it might be what Toni would call enticing. Jenifer was top of the list of suspects. Had I ever seen any type of displays of affection between the two? I thought not but this relationship had blossomed in the past few weeks from a friendship to a love affair. I just felt sorry for Jenifer's husband and child if she was Madame X.

A few other names joined the list but it was a very short list. I needed more information.

When Connie arrived from her shopping trip I helped put away the groceries and we talked as we worked. "Baby, did Toni describe Madame X's husband? Are they still having sex or would sex with her husband now feel like cheating on Toni?"

Connie stopped and thought for a moment. "No, she didn't give me his name or any description. As far as marital sex goes I believe she said that Madame X was no longer allowing any liberties from her husband. I guess she doesn't want a hairy hard body anymore, just soft and cuddly."

She glanced over at me. "Why the questions? Are you investigating Toni? Are you jealous of her new lover?"

"No, I am not jealous. I am concerned that Toni is messing with a married person, no matter what the gender. I cannot foresee anything but bad coming from this whole affair. I wish that Madame X would be honest with her husband if she no longer loves him. Get a divorce before it gets too messy."

Connie looked like she wanted to defend Toni but held her tongue. "You know this is not worth us arguing about. It is Toni's life and she gets to make mistakes if she feels like it. Why don't you come over here and make me proud that I am your wife?"

I did and we did and we had a very late lunch, almost supper after slaking our carnal desires for each other.

On Monday Toni was in my office again discussing some of the current client needs and some of the possible needs of some of the people that had contacted us. We agreed on the timeline for getting to know these new clients and their needs. It was starting out to be a busy week. After we got that all hashed out Toni proceeded to tell me that she had taken a luncheon date with Madame X on Saturday.

"Didn't you take Ted home Friday night and have your way with him? You guys seemed to be having a good time together."

"No, I wouldn't cheat on Madame X. That just wouldn't be right. I will just have to suffer until I can be with her again. Hopefully it will be soon."

I couldn't resist. "What about her husband?"

She had a quizzical look on her face. "What about her husband?"

"I mean, is she still having sex with him? Are you the only one suffering from a lack of a love life?"

"No, she says she has cut him off and is saving herself for me."

"Why doesn't she separate from him and then get a divorce? Isn't this going to end badly if she doesn't break it off with him?"

Toni got a forlorn look on her face. "I asked that same question. She isn't quite ready to leave him. They have been together for many years and she still feels something for him. Hopefully what she is starting to feel for me will be more than what she feels with him."

"That's a pretty callous statement there, old friend. What if she does the same thing to you some day?"

"I guess that bridge will have to be crossed when I get to it. Right now I will only have the odd moment with her. Maybe someday we will have more time together."

"So, Saturday, did you do anything except have lunch together?"

She gave me that little smile she used on potential clients. You know, the one I described earlier. As she lifted her head she almost mesmerized me with her intense look. "Did you know that women can have fully satisfying sex together without taking off all their clothes? Well, she and I were in a secluded booth and both of us had good orgasms before we tore apart from each other."

She snickered a little. "We didn't even exchange a kiss. If a man made love to me like that and didn't even give me a little kiss I would be pissed as hell. But, Madame X and I had such satisfying orgasms that a kiss wasn't necessary. She called me later that night and told me that her knees were so weak she almost couldn't walk back to her car so she could go home. I had to admit that I had felt the same way."

I tried to bring the husband into the conversation. "Toni, you have said before that you have known Madame X and her husband for a long time. Are you friends with him?"

She came out of her reverie with a little start. "What?"

"I asked if you are friends with her husband?"

"Of course, I have known him forever. He is a good and kind man."

"Then how can you do this to him? Won't he be devastated when he finds out? Do you really think you can keep this affair secret forever?"

She dropped her head and stared at the desk top. I pressed her a little more. "Do you really think you can remain friends once he finds out? Won't he hate you for what the two of you are doing to their marriage? Please convince her to end either your affair or her marriage while you have some respect for one another. If she chooses you then she can tell him that the marriage is dead and you two can restart your relationship without hurting him as much. He might actually believe that you two got together after the breakup, not having been the reason for it."

She replied so softly that I had to lean in to hear her correctly. "I don't know if I am strong enough to leave her alone for even a short time. I want her. I ache for her. I need her, Cal. Can't you understand that?"

I nodded but pressed her some more. "Yeah, I understand. If I was in an adulterous relationship with Connie it would be hard to walk away. But think about what you are doing to her husband. What kind of friend does this to him? Do you think he will just shrug his shoulders and tell you the best person won?"

"He is a good and kind man. He is so forgiving. I know that he will still be my, actually our, friend if she chooses me."

I couldn't believe she was so deluded that she was even saying this. This man, this anonymous poor man, was going to be hurt. He was going to lose his wife, the love of his life, and a friend in one fell swoop. Who also, amongst all of their friends, would also be forced to pick sides. How many other relationships, both casual and intense, were going to be fractured by this?

I had to end this conversation before I said something to alienate my friend who is also my boss. "Look, Toni, I am sorry but I need to get back on these projects or our clients will be upset." I pointedly looked at my watch to emphasize my point. Toni looked a little upset at how quickly I had stopped our conversation but nodded and made her way back to her office.