All Comments on 'The Bra Salesman Ch. 06'

by bobrobertson

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AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Close Out Nicely Please!

Your series is terrific. The fact that I know someone who actually pulled a stunt like yours in real life is just amazing! But, for the sake of "decency" and "true love" owed to your Tasha, close out the series nicely. She gave it all to John so kindly. Thank you for the laughs as I never wrote an author here until you presented this work!

pichejfpichejfover 11 years ago
I smell a con coming on.

Yet another excellent chapter in this series, but I can't help thinking the conman is getting conned with this one. Just in this chapter, you mention the protagonist examining the diplomas on her wall, and later looking around her bookshelf.

Something tells me the naive Tasha isn't as clueless as she appears to be.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
" I ... delicately push myself inside her ..."

" ... I delicately push myself inside her ... "

Uh--Rabbit did you---

Ok. Yeah.

I delicately pushed myself inside her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Too beautiful to be anon--

I delicately push myself inside her

I delicately push myself inside her

Uh--Rabbit did you--

Ok. Yeah.

I delicately pushed myself inside her

by pcovey--my love poem with rabbit (along w/all our other poems here--) as we entered her

we are not and never will be heterosexual

as a matter of principle

and ethics

and spelling

and womankind

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
And oral sex will never be something

a female's "lucky" to get--

while, according to what's written in "Lit.,"

males get all the time--

not by me,

and I hope not by any other females

who don't know that males are

born to--

they're supposed to eat you out just to get a chance--a chance--of entering your cunt-

eat you out if you allow them to

and think about it that's not like any big thrill any more than having them put their dick in you is--

what a piece of shit

read the shit written at "Lit." about 2 males RAPING a young (Asian) girl because she made a complaint about sexual abuse on the job, etc.

about a male's saying he's going to shit in an "ugly" woman's mouth--

Lit. is as ugly as you get

JonnyZeldaJonnyZeldaabout 11 years ago

Well, I guess I have to take back everything bad I said about the last chapter. Well, actually I stand by everything I said, but this chapter knocked it out of the park. The sudden romantic element thrown in seemed like a realistic development to both characters and a very smart way to take the story. Plus, everyone loves a good lust-to-love story. My one complaint is this line here: "the veins of my cock are pulsing and filling with cum." Lol, sadly, only blood runs through veins, not cum. Cum goes though the urethra, the same tube that urine passes through.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Ah'm mad as hell and I ain't gonna take it anymore--

when ah'm not fist-fuckin my bitch ah'll be yellin out the window of my NYC apt.(born and bred in NYC, bread and borne), "Ah'm fuckin mad as hell and ah ain't gonna take it anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

See Panther Burns--

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
I'm not taking this anymore--

There are spy cameras on every street corner ... the police taser the elderly ...

TSA gropes your children ... we know they are shooting us up with deadly vacines ...

while the First Lady is on a vacation today ...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Music to go with this chapter--

and that's a compliment-- (Art Ensemble of Chicago)

I hope I didn't make any mistakes with my copy/paste--

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Maybe the "climax" of this piece is



AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
The Art Ensemble of Chicago (sp?)'s

version of "No Woman No Cry" is one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
But maybe the ending is too raucous?

What do YOU think? hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

You can DO this? (What I just did--I am so--cool, wonderful, great, etc.)

And besides that--I'm p--forget it

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
There are babies, women, men--

all in this song--

babies--gurgling (sp?)--women and men --ok, I concede--"cuming"--

just everything--

female orgasms & male (what's so big deal about that? THEY have them all the time--)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
It just makes me feel good

It makes me feel good--

healthy, sane

(oh, is "sane" not good? Well, it is for me--)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Another song to go w/this--

Belle & Sebastian's "I didn't see it coming"

(This is a really good song. And it DOES fit this story.)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Nerds from Nirvana--

Albert & Tasha

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
You have been watching nerds write about love--

I Didn't See It Coming"

Make me dance, I want to surrender

Your familiar arms, I remember

We've been going transcontinental

Got no car, we just take a rental

But we don't have the money

(money makes the wheels and the world go round)

Forget about it, honey

Make me dance, I want to surrender

Your familiar arms, I remember

Everybody's talking about you

Every word's a whisper without you

But we don't have the money

(money makes the wheels and the world go round)

Forget about it, honey

Trouble's never far away when you're around

I didn't see it coming

I'm just not in the running

Take me on a train 'cos I'm not flying

I can see the world from a different side

Read about us in the morning papers

When we make it alive

I didn't see it coming

I'm just not in the running

And we don't need a lifetime

We're following the right line

Belle & Sebastian

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
There are no long-drawn out descriptions of

males giving oral sex to women--here (an i don't fuckin wanna use those ancient names, etc.: not that literary--or educated either).

While descriptions of women giving oral sex to males is not only common-place, but very, very lovingly drawn out. It's made to sound sensual, delicious, heavenly, so wonderful no woman would ever even need to have an orgasm herself!

"You like eating ice cream? Suck me off. Like that sweet, cold deliciousness sliding down your throat? I'll put it so far down your throat, you'll choke. Ever in high school tried to lose weight by vomiting? I can make you vomit. I can choke you. I can make you gag. I can make you cry. I can make you vomit. And leave you with cum all over where ever I choose to shoot you.

And I'll keep pumping out these lies about how hot, sweet, and sexy it is for a woman to have a man's dick in her mouth, to suck it, to take it deeper in, swallow it ...

You won't ever read anything like this cock glory/worship going--your way. Long drawn-out descriptions of how it's the norm for all "normal" males to want to fall to their knees and eat pussy anytime they're near a woman--

When there are scenes about males giving females pleasure, they very often make the male doing so seem self-righteously heroic. And as if any woman should be glad to find such a man .... Compare all this to racism.

When I grew up, it was not like this. I'm serious. It was the other way around. Ciompletely the other way around. I.e., it was the norm for guys to do this. And for guys to be lucky to have a girl want to or be willing to do it to them. I don't care that it was like this or that it was unfair to men. Because, the longer I live and the more I see of how badly, cruelly girls and women are treated, how often females do not get complete pleasure but feel obligated to give this to men (maybe with gay rights, they'll start to think, "hey, I could have a girlfriend"), the more I'm unwilling to even tolerate, to stand living in this woman-hating culture.

And I try to be "normal," which means to tolerate sexism. Just live with it. JUST STAND IT. I won't.

Seeing what's now--it's just more sexism than ever.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
I didn't mean my last below comment about "this" story--

But everything in the world-wide universe--

But--I did not like scene where woman was what I'd definitely call excessively* "bobbing" her head up and down--that porn-star stuff I guess.

*Hell, I'd never bother!

"My fuckin god! I've got a cock in my mouth! I'm in heaven! I've taken ecstacy!"

Yes, I believe this is sexist propaganda, like racist propaganda (I don't hav ta du sexist spellin fuc tha)--Plus--

It keys into--especially for females?--images of intercourse, nursing (both as mother and as child), and female issues with food--

Any dominant, more-powerful group can do this to any subordinant, less powerful group--whether individually intentional or not. There's intention somewhere. Note Republicans' hysteria that with gay marriage and gays allowed to be parents, "It's going to mean the end of the family as we know it!* With a Father (head of the household), Mother (subordinant to the Head), and the Children (to be brought up in and replicate, the Order). In Nazi/Fascist literature it explicitly stated that the order of the family mirrors the order of the State and reinforces the State.

*Thank god! The end of the family as we know it! Can this be? Will the rest of us--non-white-non-straight-non-males--any combinations of these nons--ever, ever be free--thank god almighty, I'm free at last!

Earlier, Tasha is shown as if sex and stupidity go together. But only if you're female.

The contempt she's treated with is UNFORGIVABLE. Tasha may be an "angel." But I'm not.

The United States should be sued for the crimes against women they've allowed to be perpetrated here--with impunity. Why doesn't the United Nations take this up? We all know why.

Men can do something to mark themselves as being against this cruel, sexist straight-male dominated culture: Wear leather collars, studded or not, with "SLAVE" branded into the leather.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Maybe Tasha IS the Cow Goddess?

And Albert recognizes her--

her milk is the highest in butter-fat. She's a Jersey.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
About animal gods--

just my opinion (I mean this isn't certified--but I am!)--

Animal gods don't have to be what humans consider to be, for example, "intelligent," see--Cow Goddess, etc. They are of a different--and holy--realm. Ok. I got carried away with the "holy." (I say "I got carried away" because I feel ashamed to say "holy.")

Animals/Animal gods have all these special attributes, abilities, charms, sweetnesses. Wit, ability to dance, very very good at sex, shyness and bravado, and and and and and and and and and and and and and and can make humans fall in love with them.

Human and animal standards, cultural values are not the same.

(Ok, I'll go off on a rant about how a certain church stole these gods and made them christian--made lots of little gods everywhere--but they were false gods--they weren't the real animal gods--they used these gods to sell themselves to the people--this church attached its rules and obligations to the animal gods. One example, "Virgin With Rabbit" [I think I've got the title right]--the "Virgin" has her hand on the rabbit's back, holding him/her in place. A note about the picture says [this may not be true--but fits] the "Virgin" is restraining the rabbit, who/which is a sign, symbol of lust.

"Human and animal standards, cultural values are not the same." But--this church did not give a good god damn about animals or humans. They infiltrated ancient, holy religions and dressed themselves up in their skins, their blood.

Oh, and blood was a big deal with this church. Everybody was supposed to drink it.

And neither animals nor humans were ever again gods in the church's view. [Except for the "humans" belonging to the Priesthood. A most select group.])

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Nobody expects: It's this young woman dying in Ireland

from not being allowed a medically needed abortion--

and--as if this matters--she was Indian, not Irish--

"Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!"

Who doesn't these days?

(There ought to be some way to completely eliminate for all time an evil, worthless organization. Yeah. Right.)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
I like for even nerdy men to act "macho"

in standing up for women's lives.

I got a laugh out of this newscaster who was saying, "If they did this to my wife, I'd be furious, and this isn't even my wife! (That might not sound of the elitist ethics--so what--it's endearing and funny. What wouldn't be after that thing that happened in Ireland?) And, "How DARE you let her die like that

I'm so sick of peoples' religions ..."

I imagine stuff like these fundamentalists males saying, "Look at your women. They make fools of you. They spend their time masturbating and getting into--especially--feminist and gay politics--and some may make more than you, but some you're basically just supporting! You don't ask for anything, except love, and not too much hysteria.

You treat them like children! You are no man! You can't even obey the LAWS yourself."

Non-fundamentalist male--I don't care what little "sluts," etc., our women are--they can out-think you on the worst day--as you said, we are not men ourselves! We'll leave that up to REAL MEN like you fundamentalist guys.

But get near any female in our nation--and we're expanding the meaning of that word--and you'll wish you'd never been born. (Not that the women don't defend themselves too, just stating our male position here.)

Under circumstances such as these, snobby ideas anyone harbors about men should be given up--my god women who are afraid of redneck, black men computer nerds, etc.--LOOK AT REAL EVIL.

Reconsider who you want for a boyfriend. If he punched out a fundamentalist to save your life, would you call him violent or a redneck or a----PERSON FROM CHICAGO?

We should be proud that we mostly don't live among the kind of fundamentalists that allowed that young Indian woman to die.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
This entire story is really--



Like the pink panties Sofia Coppola chose for Scarlett Johansson in the opening scene of "Lost In Translation."

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
"A Victory For Womankind"

Dear E. Jean (ELLE, July 2013):

... last month I told my girlfriend of four years that I thought we should "take a break" ... She was devasted.

I quickly realized my mistake ... asked to get back together. Instead, she gave me a list of demands...

2. I don't give her oral sex. (True, but I would give it to her now.)

3. I didn't pay enough attention, didn't give her flowers, didn't care enough about her.

4. She wants to get married (I want to wait).

5. She's a very sensual person and fantasizes about a Latin Lover (I'm not Latin).

6. At least one of her friends has always hated me.

Here's my plan: I intend to ask her what I did right in this relationship ... and work from there. I also plan to ask her for intimate details on how to pleasure a woman in oral sex. After this, I will again ask for us to have no contact for a long period of time.

Do you agree with this? I need some advice on how to handle her mixed signals.

--Unhappy in Hong Kong

Mr. Unhappy: Suck it up, sir!

... your young lady's reaction--well, to tell you plainly: I'm in love with her. Girlfriend be all, "Fuck this guy."

It's not that I don't feel for you--I do. Indeed, I want you to speak immediately with a psychiatrist in Hong Kong ... I think a few visits might be enlightening ...

Though she is infinitely your superior, let your actions prove that you deserve her... if she permits you, show her you've changed. Because it is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man who does not administer pleasure to a lady will always be in want of a wife.

(E. Jean Carroll)

Jane A. couldn't have said it better.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Porn affected women's self-concepts and roles

starting whenever it did--the 70s? 80s?

Women were shown as being "there" to give men pleasure--and there's no doubt about this--to be humiliated by men. It--porn--just HAPPENED to coincide with a--then--radical feminism.

A number of males wanted through porn to put women back in their/our "places."

And everyone needs to be reminded of what females' place (females--all ages) was before feminism.

Some of the most mysogynist porn came out at this time, sold as harmless, witty, just jokes, etc.

If you were female and couldn't laugh with the guys at this----------------you could be made to feel there was something wrong with you.

Other women were laughing. Sucking up to--very--sexist men. Weren't they "normal"?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
"You say I've got another face,

that's not a fault of mine these days. I'm honest, brutal, and afraid of you."

"When I am numbering my foes, just hope that you are on my side, my dear."

("There's Too Much Love ... These Days")

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Want a big white dog?

"If They Follow You (Don't Look Back--like Dylan in the movie ... )"

Want a big white dog?


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
"I want you to speak immediately with a psychiatrist in Hong Kong"

"I want you to speak immediately with a psychiatrist in Hong Kong ... I think a few visits might be enlightening ..."

E. Jean

(of ELLE--what? You don't know about this subversive Literary/Radical/Feminist journal?????????????????????????????????????? What rock have you been hiding under? Oh. Yeah. You've been reading those "literary 'journals.'")

(Between the two, Bukowski would have chosen ELLE.)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
It was partly the dichotomy between "feminist" &/or

lesbian (if you were identified as feminist, you could be called lesbian) and what was happening then in heterosexual culture. In the name of sexual freedom, women were being portrayed in more and more vicious, hard-porn ways (in that women were shown as being submissive, abused, humiliated--undergoing body modification to enhance male pleasure, i.e., "Deep Throat." So, what's the body modification? Duh. Think about it. In this story, the males love that this particular woman happens to have her clitoris in her throat. Perfect. So you can fuck her throat with abandon. She loves it! WHY AREN'T ALL WOMEN MADE THIS WAY? THE OTHERS ARE INFERIORS. WE MALES WISH ALL WOMEN COULD BE "FIXED" SO THAT THEIR--WORTHLESS--INFERIOR "DICKS" WERE IN THEIR THROATS.


And as (to paraphrase) the--heroine?--in "Story of O" says, "She felt her womb scorned (her source of pleasure?)" while he raped her throat and made her gag. Of course, she was also gagged in other ways. (Women are not supposed to talk in public, historically.)

O's humiliation: to fuck, rape her where there was no--real--way for her to recieve any kind of pleasure. She was just a thing. Inhuman. (Which is a stupid way to say creatures have rights.)

If women are going to defy us by having a body part that "deserves" special attention, then let it give us special attention. Where we want it. Not where they want it. Giving women pleasure is NOT on our agenda. Molding them to suit our purposes: Now that's the ticket.

A little skit I thought of--to match some I've read at "Lit.."

A woman lines up a bunch of males. She stands before them with a clipboard. She holds a large dildoe. She goes down the line of males and inserts the dildo into each one's throat. As far as she can until they are hopelessly gagging. "A lost cause," she says. Throw him in the garbage. She has her assistent record the "watermark." I learned this term at "Lit." Thank you, "Lit."

"Any man can deep throat! Not just porn stars! (See "Training"--Her: I don't like this. Him: Well, I do so you're going to learn to do it, i.e., "training", and DO IT!"

Over and over in "Lit.," the thrill a man feels at discovering a girl/woman HAS ABSOLUTELY NO GAG REFLEX!!!!!!!!! (Do YOU have a gag reflex? Then just get over it! Cause I wanna fuck your throat! If you're lucky enough to be chosen by a god-like female like me!)

This is what happens all the time at "Literotica." (But with gender reversal, of course.)

Tonight--guys--stick something long and very hard down into your throats and think about how different women are from you. We'd never have invented such sadistic sexual behavior on our own.

But then thinking you're supposed to be sexually dominant, like being white and thinking you have a right to dominant nonwhites--

as usual, guys of all colors, etc., decided all males were brothers--and that females were the real, historical subs that we (they) can't live without. It's a piece of shit, but give it to someone! Hey! Females! (Duh)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Then to add insult to injury--

tell the stupid cunts who think there HAS to be something better than life in heterosexist culture (and this is ONLY in the US) that if they try to escape they're gay and forever outcasts.

So. No escape. Just suck it up, bitches. You can't earn as much as we do. You are victims of rape and incest. "Are you--BITCHING?" Backhand slap.

Plus, of course, gays are just NOT ACCEPTABLE. NOT HUMAN.

Hee hee--but once in a blue moon, history seems to be--wouldn't want to speak too soon--on our side.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
"If they follow you--

don't look back ...

like Dylan in the movies

on your own ...

if they follow you

it's not your money that they're after boy it's you--

if they follow you--

on your own

if they follow you--

if they ...

hey now they've all gone home ...

it's a long walk home--

if they follow you

on your own

don't look

like in the movies

on your own

they've all gone

if they

like the movies--"

Belle & Sebastian

(I've never seen women, girls, females portrayed as equals to males in all of 'Lit." I've seen. Ever. Ever. Ever. Ever.

All the times I went to bed and pulled the covers over my head--depressed--couldn't go to my evening art class--after reading "Lit."--and I thought, "What's wrong with me? This isn't mysogyny--is it? That couldn't be. Literate people don't do that. Aren't nazis. I'm just not 'normal.'" I've tried to stop. But I keep taking feminism too seriously--it makes people angry with me--like being a religious person--to just keep on--wanting complete equality for females all over the world--to just keep on----------------"it's a long walk home"

Like Packard's writing prompts. He'd never have dared do this to another man. To Bukowski, for example. And Packard wrote all this--stuff--about his respect for women--blah, blah, blah

And my being humiliatingly rebuked by other so-called readers: "I just wish she'd stop that. Is she so illiterite she doesn't recognize satire? POLITICAL SATIRE--FOR FUCK'S SAKE!"

No. I don't.

Recognize it.

Or "you"

You just don't smell right

by Big White Dog

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
For B. E.--

Note Red Sox tee near beginning of this video.

"Like Dylan In The Movies" B &S

bobrobertsonbobrobertsonalmost 11 years agoAuthor
To Anonymous

I read all you had to say and I only have a few brief comments. Clearly you don't respect me and that is your opinion. But the fact that you post anonymously means you don't even respect yourself. Blaming Lit stories for the problems women face in modern society is misguided, I think, but worth discussing. Long, meaningless, incoherent rants, however, do little more than demonstrate a deep unhappiness of yours that you hold me responsible for in some weird, insane way. I honestly and genuinely hope you find peace and laughter in your life.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
You can't be serious--you don't sound serious--

forgive me--you sound--silly?

(In a nice way)

like Carole Lombard in--anything--

and that's--something good to say

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
I "respect" you--

and I don't "hold [you] responsible" for--anything. God.

I just thought men had--well--you know--more self-esteem than what you appear to have.

I'm the one who's no one. Now you want to one up me.

Ok. Fine. You're more no one than I am. Have it your way.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Paula Deen--

"I (blubber, blubber) am NOT a racist! I just (blubber, blubber) was doin--ya know--political satire. Yeah. Politcal. Satire.

Ok. I'm an idiot. Don't blame me. My lesbian-feminist lawyer told me to say that. She said the term "political satire" was meaningless. One could argue anything from such a claim. Therefore (looking at her notes), what I said that was interpreted as "racist" was in fact "political satire."

Now y'all damn yankees just leave me the fuck alone!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
I don't post "anonymously." You do.

I've already given my name--not a "nom de plume"--on line, here.

Take a risk, "bobrobertson."

Some of my poems are online. "Nancy Drew On The Azalea Path," etc.

And good luck with your political satire!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
She's so lovable--

especially the part where she tries to spread her legs wider apart without his noticing so he has more access to thrust his fingers into her

"the little slut"

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Adorable story and heroine--

but, I bet you're really into men. I'm glad for gay, etc. people to have the freedom, etc. to do whatever they want and to have equality, etc.


Women marry men all the time who really want to be the woman they married.

Is that confusing? I hope so. Because it sure is to me.

I almost don't believe any men are really attracted to women. They all just want other men.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Why should males want to have sex with females,

politically their inferiors,

when they--males--can have sex with other males--their equals?

Men don't love women.

If they did they'd do everything in their power to make us their equals.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I have /no/ idea what everyone else is talking about, but I love this story. It's unrepentantly ridiculous, and better for it! Love the inner monologue, and the writing is both engaging and well structured. Excellent story!

MacD7MacD7over 10 years ago

Your stories are brilliant my friend, they are funny, dont take themselves too seriously, just good writing all around...the raging feminist who is posting over and over anon comments (as joker would say) LOSING HER MIND! comedy freaking gold right there lol, she cracks me up.

thedemonIxthedemonIxover 7 years ago
Likewise, i literally love alliteration...

Go team bra man bob!

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