The Captive


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And then I began to hear voices raised in argument. I could only hear the odd phrase but it was very worrying.

"If he wants to use her in his snuff movie how is that worse than us killing her?.....We can't trust Ivan....I say we should get more than just 15K...we should stick to the plan..why does he want her delivered to him and not come here for her?"

They were arguing about me and what to do with me so my whole future, or whether I had a future, was hanging in the balance. I cried out as loudly as I could for them to please come down here to me and for a very long time they completely ignored me. Eventually I heard the door and then the voice of the black boy from just in front of me.

"She says you need to shut the f___ up. If you don't she'll come down here and cut you."

I slumped in my chains and the sobbing started. I guess the boy had gone although I didn't hear him go.

It was very soon after that when I heard Alycia speaking quite gently to me.

"It's OK, we were winding you up."

She pulled off my hood and I saw Alycia and the three boys standing in front of me. Alycia was stroking my hair which was still sticky from the jam.

"The argument you heard was staged. Perhaps we went a bit far."

I was overwhelmed by relief but she was still talking and my ordeal was not finished.

"The deal was that you would be held captive all weekend and it's still Saturday. Are you backing out?"

I asked who had masturbated me and Alycia refused to reply, she just repeated her earlier question about whether I was going to go the full agreed distance. It was a difficult decision; a big part of me wanted a hot bath and a decent meal but they were all standing around looking at me. If I backed out it would be a greater humiliation than anything they had inflicted on me. After a pause I said that I would go the distance and remain in captivity for the rest of the weekend.

Alycia spoke very firmly and said that, even though the threat of the Russian had been removed, part of the deal was still unquestioning obedience and I needed to accept that my fate was entirely in their hands. She made me say out loud that I would accept whatever fate they had for me until I was released on Sunday evening. As soon as she had secured that agreement my hood went back on and my breasts were groped which made me writhe as much as my chains would permit then there was silence and I thought I had been left alone. However after only a few minutes they were back (perhaps one or some of them had been here all the time). My hood was removed and a large beaker of water was put to my lips for me to drink although I spilt some of it down my chin and onto my breasts. When I had drunk the hood went back on and I felt my legs being unchained. As I stood there feeling very unsteady my hands were released from the shelving and cuffed behind me. Hands grabbed me and I was marched up the stairs and along a passageway then through a doorway where I felt cold concrete under my bare feet.

The hood was suddenly pulled off and I was in a garage lit by an orange bulb. I looked at the metal up and over door and then I saw the cage on the floor. It must have been made for a large dog; it had a wooden floor and the rest was a mesh of iron which made up the walls and the roof. In one corner of the rectangular cage was a bowl. They made me get into the cage with my hands still cuffed behind me. I had to kneel to enter the cage but they allowed me to keep my legs outside the cage. In order to lap up the contents of the bowl I had to kneel with my bum in the air and I was aware that the boys standing behind me had a full view not only of my backside but of the puffy lips between my buttocks. The bowl contained hot thick vegetable soup with hunks of bread floating in it. The food was very welcome but of course my hair kept getting into the bowl and my face was soon covered in soup which spilt onto the wooden floor of the cage. Occasionally we could hear voices and traffic sounds from the other side of the garage door and I was aware that only a few feet from me people were leading their ordinary lives unaware that a naked girl was being abused so close to them.

When the bowl was empty and my sticky jammy hair was liberally matted with soup I was ordered out of the cage and allowed to use the plastic bucket which was provided for me, of course with all of them watching me. Then one of the three guys picked up some clothes line which had been lying on the floor and my handcuffs were removed. I was not given time to massage my marked wrists before my hands were pulled behind me and bound very tightly. Then my upper arms were tied to my torso and that horrible cloth gag was tightly tied into my mouth. They lowered me down so that my bare bum was on the concrete floor and Alycia ordered me to get myself into the cage which I did by shuffling across the floor and scratching my buttocks on the rough concrete. When just my legs were out of the cage my ankles and knees were bound and then forced inside the cage. I could not sit up straight due to the low roof of the cage so I had to sort of slouch with my shoulders pressed against the bars on either side and my knees bent under my chin with my toes touching the bars on the other end of my cramped prison. Alycia knelt down and reached her hand between my legs where she spent some time very firmly groping me down there. I did not enjoy the way that she felt free to grope me whenever she chose in full view of the leering boys.

When Alycia was satisfied she shut the door and snapped the padlock in place then they left me and switched off the light. I could make out a strip of daylight around the edges of the door and I could hear the sounds from the street. The ropes which bound me were very tight and being crammed against the bars of my cage was torture. To make it worse I needed to pee. I held it for as long as I could hoping that my captors would come back but in the end I had to let it go feeling the warm fluid run around my buttocks. My jaws ached from the gag and the wet skin around my mouth was sore.

I think I suffered in the cage for hours before the light was snapped on and they all came back chatting and drinking from glasses of lager. Of course they immediately smelt the reek of my pee and that brought forth some jeers and expressions of disgust. Alycia was holding a spare glass of lager and she asked if I would like it. Although she was responsible for torturing me I felt a wave of gratitude and my dry mouth began to long for the cool beer. Alycia set the glass on top of the cage and smiled gently at me as she reached for the padlock then she stopped.

"Dirty little girls who make a mess don't deserve a nice drink."

Then she up ended the glass so that the whole pint rained down on my head and into my lap. Laughing loudly they again left me in the darkness.

As I lay there with my muscles aching I saw the light around the garage door begin to fade and then it disappeared so I was suffering in pitch blackness. I have no idea how much later it was when the light again came on and they returned with one of the boys carrying a bucket of what proved to be hot water and disinfectant. The cage was unlocked and I was ordered out so I had to awkwardly and painfully shuffle on my bare bottom. When I was on the concrete floor one of the boys cut the ropes binding my hands and arms but left me bound at the knees and ankles then Alycia ordered me to scrub the cage to wash it free of my pee. I had to do this while lying on the floor with my legs still bound and they stood around telling me to scrub harder with the scrubbing brush and not miss any of the cage floor. While I was working one of the boys returned to the house through the connecting door and came back with a hose which I guess must have been connected to the kitchen tap. My heart sank as I knew what was going to happen. They made me sit up and face the hose then he moved the valve on the hose and a high pressure jet caught me in the belly. It was freezing and he kept moving the hose so that the jet caught me in the head, the body and in my lap. Alycia barked orders at me to turn over and the hose was played over my back and my behind then once again they made me face the jet. When the jet was turned off my hair was soaking and sticking to my head and I was shivering and cuddling my sodden body which was lying in a puddle on the concrete floor. The ropes were cut from my legs and my hands were handcuffed behind me then my hood went back over my head and I felt a rough towel or cloth drying my feet and legs.

On another order I had to get to my feet which is not easy to do when one is handcuffed and hands grabbed my arms to guide me along. We left the garage and I was walking on carpet then we climbed carpeted stairs and walked along a landing until my hood was yanked off and I was standing in a bathroom with just the two white boys. My leg shackles were on the floor and one of the boys was running a bath. The small room was quite pleasantly warm. The boy did not allow the bath water to become very deep and he tested the temperature with his hand then he said that I was to be allowed to bathe without any chains but that if I misbehaved I would spend the night on the concrete garage floor. It felt so good to have my handcuffs removed and to be able to step into the bath although it was a little uncomfortable having two witnesses to every move that I made. They told me that my time was limited and that they were here to ensure that I cleaned myself thoroughly and did not miss any part of my body. Soap and shampoo were provided but no flannel so I had to wash just using my hands and the boys made sure that I washed between my legs and between my buttocks. This was very humiliating because I am aged 19 and I do not need to be told how to wash as if I were a three year old.

When they were satisfied they ordered me out of the bath and one of them snapped my handcuffs back on behind my back while the other one vigorously dried my hair with a towel before pulling my hood down over my head. As I stood naked, handcuffed and hooded I felt them towelling my whole body dry and paying special attention to my bum, my boobs and especially between my legs. Then I was lowered to the rug on the floor and the leg shackles were locked on both ankles with the chain running behind the wash basin. My hood was removed and one of the boys said that if any of them heard a sound from me during the night I would be gagged and put back in the cage in the garage. Then they switched off the light and left me alone and trying in vain to find a comfortable sleeping position.


Of course it was not a comfortable night and I was in fear of making my chains rattle which would bring my jailors to punish me but my hair felt so much better now that it had been washed and no longer stank of lager. I think they left the heating on for me as I was not cold and I probably did sleep a little but I was awake early enough to hear my captors getting up and dressed although none of them came into the bathroom. I guess there was a downstairs toilet. I was hungry and thirsty and wanted to use the loo but, being chained to the wash basin, I could not reach the loo.

Eventually Alycia and one of the boys came in and the boy unchained my ankles while Alycia told me to get myself onto the loo. This was not easy with my hands still cuffed behind me and my legs were stiff and aching but they just stood back and watched me as I struggled to my feet and then had to use my hands behind me to raise the seat. Of course they lounged against the door frame watching me use the loo then I had to use my hands behind me to tear off the loo roll and clean myself. Alycia told me to wash my hands which once again was a very awkward exercise then she took off the white scarf which she had been wearing, folded it double across its width and tied it over my eyes. While I was wondering why I was blindfolded instead of hooded my gag was tied in place and hands gripped me to steer me out onto the landing and down the stairs. We went into the garage and then I was walked forward until my legs bumped against something hard and metallic. They had backed a van into the garage which must have meant that I had walked naked into the garage while the front door was open to the street and I was only shielded by the van. I was lifted onto the cold floor of the van and at least one other person came in with me before the doors were slammed and off we went.

It seemed a long drive with me rolling around on the floor of the van and then we stopped, the doors were opened and I was lifted down onto a gravel path which hurt my feet. We went up one step and over a threshold then upstairs and along a passageway and I was pushed down onto a bed. No-one said anything and I wondered if I had been left there alone but then a weight came down onto the bed beside me and a hand began to roam over my naked body. I felt very tense and even more so when a tongue began to lick my face. So this was why I was not hooded; they wanted my face to be available. I could hear the person breathing and I was sure it was a man. Was Alycia standing by watching? Were they all standing around the bed? My face was now covered in saliva and he was licking my throat as his hands both continued to roam over me and concentrate on my breasts and my pussy. He was definitely getting worked up and the fear of rape arose in my mind. I began to grunt into the gag to indicate that I wanted this to stop and I was struggling although fairly uselessly as I was still handcuffed.

That was when the weight of his body rolled on top of me making it impossible for me to rise from the bed. I felt his naked leg against mine and the nakedness of his body on top of mine. I was making as much noise as I could and trying hard to push him off me which probably only made it more exciting for him. I had clamped my legs together but his hand forced them apart and suddenly his manhood was at my opening. This was not a game; I really was about to be raped. I was very hot and could feel myself sweating. I could smell his sweat and hear him making noises in between his panting.

He rammed into me and my back arched of its own accord. I could feel him filling me and was terrified that he would tear my flesh as well as being scared that he was not using a condom. He just kept on and on ramming into me then withdrawing and ramming again. I was trying to fight him but what could I do?

Suddenly he pulled out of me and his weight rolled over onto the bed beside me. At the same moment he let out a primeval shout of victory and satiation and I collapsed back onto the bed with my legs still open. I just lay there gasping for breath with my mind not properly functioning. I felt used up -- defeated -- exhausted. I had not really registered that my rapist had left the bed or that he had been replaced by another body beside me. The next thing I knew was a gentle hand brushing my forehead. I immediately tensed up. Was this someone else preparing to violate me? Were all three of the boys going to take turns? Then I heard Alycia's voice making soothing sounds.

"It's over, just lay still, you're OK. It's alright Precious."

She continued to stroke my hair and she used a handkerchief to dry my cheeks where my tears had flowed below my blindfold. She told me that she could not remove the blindfold but she was going to take off my gag. It hurt a lot when the gag came off and I tasted blood at the corners of my mouth. I was weeping and Alycia said she was going to put the hood on me and then remove the blindfold so that she could reach under the hood and wipe my eyes but I would still not be able to see the room. She lifted me up to and held me against her as we lay on the bed together. She told me that the man had used a condom. I asked if it was one of the boys.

"I can't tell you that. You know you mustn't ask questions but you weren't a virgin. All that happened was that you got laid. You've done it before haven't you? It really isn't so bad and it's over now."

We stayed like that for a long time. I wanted her to free my hands but she said she couldn't do that in case I took off my hood. Of course I did calm down and I must have drifted off to sleep there on the bed in Alycia's gentle arms.

When I awoke she was still beside me and she asked if I felt any better, I told her that I thought I did feel a bit better.

She put a glass of water to my lips and spoke gently.

"You have been doing really well and the weekend is almost over. You have just two more tasks, one is easy and the other is a bit harder. Do you think you can do it?"

It would have been unthinkable to refuse so I quietly said that I was ready and Alycia gave me a big hug and said how pleased she was with me.

"We have to take another drive so we have to go back in the van but I will be in the back with you and I promise it's not very far."

I was not gagged for the trip in the van and Alycia stayed with me in the back of the van holding onto me. I know we went back to where we had been before because the van backed up and then I was again in that garage. I heard the van pull away from the door and the garage door was pulled down with a great clang. My leg irons were again put in place and my hands were cuffed in front of me then the hood was pulled off and I was gagged which I hated. The horrible dog cage was still there on the garage floor and there was a black bin bag on the floor beside the cage with a large pair of needlework scissors beside it.

There was a low plastic stool, the sort of thing which people stand on, and arranged in front of it in a sort of arc were four chairs. Alycia told me to sit on the stool which made my knees come up almost to my chin. I kept my legs tight together as I was still feeling very vulnerable after my recent experience in the other house. I looked at the three guys and wondered if one of them had raped me. I did not think it would have been the black boy as he was so big that I was sure I would have known if it was him. But they had taken me to the other house for the rape; if it had been of these surely they could have done it here. So had I been violated by some other man, perhaps someone I would see every day at college without knowing that it was him?

Alycia upended the bin bag and my lingerie tumbled out onto the floor. She handed me the scissors.

"Get cutting Sweetheart and open your legs. Did I give you permission to close them?"

Miserably I opened my legs exposing my pussy and I looked up at her helplessly. Did she really mean for me to destroy all my underwear? Of course my gag prevented me from trying to beg or reason with her.

They all sat on the chairs facing me with their eyes on me waiting for me to begin. I picked up a pair of red frilly briefs and began to cut. As I continued to cut I was thinking of what it would cost to replace all these items and I was doing a sort of inventory to see if they had left me any underwear.

Alycia told me that not quite all my undies were here to be destroyed as some had been kept back to be sent to the male student's halls of residence as trophies under a sign saying "Julie ___'s gifts to the guys" as if I were some sort of easy lay.

It was not just panties which I had to cut. My bras were here and I had to cut the straps to ensure they were unusable. As I worked away under their mocking eyes I had hot tears running down my cheeks.

When the garage floor was covered by a mass of useless rags Alycia told me that I was nearly at the end of my captivity and I had only one more task to perform. She had one of the guys cuff my hands behind me and remove my left leg shackle while leaving the other one in place. One of the guys then produced a roll of black duct tape and I watched in horror as he stuck the keys to the handcuffs and shackles to the back of the tape and then stuck it to my soft lower belly where my pubic hair would have been if I still had any. Another strip of tape went over the one already there so I had an ugly black X just above my pussy then I found myself hooded and I heard the garage door opened and the van backed towards me. Hands lifted me into the back of the van and once again I was rolling around on that hard metal floor as I was driven, naked and helpless, through the city.