The Club


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"I know that Andy but let's face it that was four years ago, now that you are better adjusted, do you need me anymore? Let's face it honey, you are beautiful, accomplished and wealthy. All you would have to do is snap your fingers and you could get a woman overnight who would treat you well," I responded.

"DAMN IT!! STOP IT!! Dan," She yelled as she broke down sobbing.

I pulled the car into an empty parking lot and undid my seat belt so I could hold her. She was sobbing incoherently. I hadn't meant for this to happen, she hadn't had a breakdown in over a year. The first thing was to get her calmed down, then we get her to bed and we talk it over tomorrow. I would have to review my notes and see what triggered her.

We finished the car ride with her plastered to me. After I got out of the car it was easier to just pick her up and carry her into our bedroom. She kept her eyes on me the whole time while we got ready for bed and she snuggled up as tight as she could. For the millionth time I cursed the bastards that did this to her.

I woke up to the smell of breakfast cooking. I allowed myself a rueful grin as I knew what was coming. I was going to get a huge breakfast then one of her spectacular blow jobs. We would finish it up with her laying down on the bear skin rug she pulled from the wall and spreading her legs so I could just pound myself into her.

Sure enough, three hours later I had worked off at least half of the sausage and eggs she had prepared. She put a towel between her legs so she didn't drip othe rug and then rolled over to look at me while I was still panting.

"You can't leave me, Dan. I wouldn't be able to make it without you," she said.

"Baby, I'm not going anywhere. Last night kinda freaked me out but I don't think either of us did a great job communicating. So let's talk about it now that we are both calm," I replied.

"Okay, what I was talking about last night was more hypothetical than anything else. You know how I feel after the event. There are times when I want to be in charge, take some of my life back. I know you would be willing to do that but let's face it, you would just be acting. You are a take charge person, which is what I need. I would have continued the broken path I was on if you hadn't taken things in hand. I will say that I feel the need to take control of something myself. We can get a kid, a dog, a plant, or even a retirement strategy. Just something I can call mine. The reason I was talking about her was because we just came from a very intense experience and she was on my mind. Also I did think there was a chemistry there. Add to that the fact that she is in an abusive relationship, I want to save her like you saved me. Regardless of what happens I want to help her get away from that asshole," she said.

"You know as well as I do she has to WANT to get out otherwise she is just going to go back. I agree that if we see her again we can offer to help, but she has to take the help. As for the control issue you mentioned, maybe we should get a dog. I always had one as a kid and loved it. And if we got the right breed they could also provide a bit more security for you when I am not at home," I told her.

Now that I could look at it logically I could see that she was more looking for control in her life as opposed to replacing me. It made a certain amount of sense. One reason that some abused children become abusers is because they want to exert the control that they never had as kids. We continued to talk and I think we actually had a breakthrough. My wife was always going to have issues and I knew this when I married her. Times like this, though, were some of the most rewarding. She actually took a step forward toward normalcy, whatever that is.

We went to the club six more times and each time we played with Nicole. Each time was magical. She connected with us on such a deep level it was almost scary. My wife got a thrill of directing the curvy brunette and I got to see my wife happy AND play with a beautiful set of tits and ass. It took both of us to wear her down sexually and in our recovery times we got to know her better. To say she was unhappy would be an understatement. We did our best to console her and we let her know that there were agencies that could help her.

"It's okay guys, I am used to him. Actually since we have been coming to the club things have been a lot smoother. He hardly ever asks me to do the kinky things any more. In fact he has been so busy at work that he hardly has time for me at all," she said as she gave a shy smile.

"As for me, I play a little game with myself, I don't allow myself to get off until I am with you two." she whispered.

We both attacked her at that point. Her tongue had Andrea moaning in a state of almost constant climax. Meanwhile her ass had my condom covered dick in a death grip that made it hard to stroke. I finally blasted off just as Nicole came hard. All of us were sweaty and gasping for air. That had been on of the most intense sexual experiences of my life. I looked at my wife and she was gazing fondly at Nicole. Andrea raised her eyes to mine and gave me a wink. We both spent the next twenty minutes caressing and cuddling our little sub. As I was getting showered and dressed I felt a little melancholy. I wanted this woman to be in our lives but I knew that the very nature of the swing club didn't allow for long term commitments. I also had some strange feelings of guilt because I had let this woman into my heart a little bit. I decided that Andrea and I should take a break from the club for a while, if not forgo it completely. Things were getting dangerous and I wasn't going to let our lifestyle come between my wife and I.

Andrea was surprisingly open to my decision. She too was developing feelings for Nicole and we weren't going to be able to do anything about them. She did ask that we go back one more time to explain things to our newest friend. I turns out that it wasn't necessary. Nicole never showed back up to the club.

After three times of going and not seeing her, we decided to give up. Anonymity was a foundation of the club so there was no way we were going to find out where she lived from them. I did a web search for Nicole and Earl Johnson and found that they likely lived in a small town an hour away from here. We decided against seeking her out even though we had both developed an attachment to her. There was no need to go looking for trouble. It was interesting that the club was less of a draw now. It had become a bittersweet memory for us to the point where we didn't bother renewing our membership. I think we had found and lost what we needed there. I was amazed at how fast she got to both of us when we really only knew her for a few weeks. After a little bit we were able to put everything behind us and fell into an even deeper relationship with each other. We would talk about her now and then and wonder what could have been. Then we would go upstairs and make love.


It had been about a year since we had quit the club and about 18 months since we last saw Nicole. We were going antiquing in a town about two hours away when we stopped in a local diner for lunch. I almost snapped my head doing a double take, there was our lover in a waitress uniform almost in tears as a customer was berating her for something. I touched my wife and nodded my head in Nicole's direction. Andrea got an excited look in her eyes as we got closer to her. We could hear the guy at the table dressing her down.

"... been here over twenty minutes and only had my glass refilled once. What the hell are you doing back there? Now my eggs are cold and I wanted my bacon CRISPY not limp. I have never had such terrible service. Don't even think about getting a tip! In fact, forget you, let me speak to the manager," he was saying.

Nicole dropped her head and went behind the counter to get a guy who was looking at his computer in his small office. When she came out she saw us and stopped, then she burst into tears and pulled her apron off and ran past us outside. We chased after her.

She was trying to get her key into a beat up Toyota when we approached her. She looked at us again and started crying. My wife walked up to her and gave her a big hug. I slowly walked up to them and put my hand on Nicole's back. She turned away from my wife and burrowed into me still sobbing. I looked at Andrea and she just nodded.

"It's okay baby," I said soothingly," We won't go back in there but let's go get some food and we can talk. We miss you so much."

She nodded and let us lead her to our car. We went to the next restaurant down the road which ended up being an Applebee's. We pulled in and led her into the restaurant. She immediately went to the bathroom followed by my wife. They came back 15 minutes later looking like they were both cried out.

We ordered our food and I let her start.

"I missed you guys so much!" she said after taking a deep breath. "Earl got asked to not come back to the club after he tried pissing on one of the girls. He started making me do more and more disgusting things, and I went along with it up to a point. Then one day he didn't come home. I heard a knock on the door and there was a warrant to search our house. They took his computer, all his files, and tore the house apart. They found a large ziplock bag with a white powder in it and escorted me off the premises. They let me grab one bag with my clothes and declared the house a crime scene. I went to a hotel but my credit cards were all useless. I found out later he had been laundering money for some drug cartel. Because it was all tied together they froze our assets and confiscated all our possesions. I couldn't even get my car. I knew nothing about any of it. I just thought he was an ambulance chasing lawyer," she broke down again.

The waitress brought us our food and gave me a glare like this was my fault. My wife moved over to Nicole and gave her a hug. She sobbed for a little bit the pulled herself together and continued.

"It's going to be a long fight to try and get any of my stuff back. The case is dragging out as they are waiting for indictments. I served him with divorce papers a few months ago and tried to get some money but the judge is having none of it. I have been sleeping on my niece's couch trying to at least pay my way and not be a burden on her and her husband. All I can get are waitressing jobs because no one wants to hire a 30 year old housewife with a liberal arts degree."

Andrea looked at me and I nodded my head. I was rewarded with a huge smile from my wife.

"Let us help you out, we can do one of two things. I can get you into temporary housing and get you started on a resume and job location program. I am on a number of boards and would have no problem getting you in," my wife said slowly.

Nicole picked her head up.

"Or you can come stay with us, we have a huge house and you can have your own room and bathroom. You can cook and clean for us to earn your keep and we will talk about other things after you get settled in," Andrea continued.

Nicole gave a tentative smile.

"What other things are you thinking?" she asked.

I stepped in.

"Absolutely nothing you would be uncomfortable with. Nicole, we like you a lot. Andrea and I know that we met you under odd circumstances but we both felt a connection with you and unless I am totally off base, you felt one with us. We want to help out our friend. If things work out in other areas of our lives we would love that. If they don't, we still want to see you happy. At least think about it," I said.

Nicole smiled and started tearing up.

"I would like to be with you guys very much. Thank you so much," she said.

My wife took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Nicole you need to know everything about us before you make that decision. Dan and I have a history that we don't really share with people but since you are going to be our friend you should know," Andrea said then took a deep breath.

"Do you remember about ten years ago the news was covering the so called Rape Brigade?" Andrea asked her.

Nicole frowned a she tried to remember.

"Wasn't that the group of university basketball players that were basically kidnapping women and holding them for days while raping them? The college found out about it but covered it up since they were in the sweet sixteen at the time? There was one woman who blew the whistle ... Oh my god! That was you?" she exclaimed.

My wife looked off in the distance as she accessed memories that I knew were terrible for her.

"Yes, they held me for four days, with six guys taking turns raping me anally and vaginally with anything they could get their hands on. They used all types of things, broom handles, a baseball bat, golf clubs, a bowling pin and more. I was in the hospital for weeks, they damaged my cervix so I can never have any children and they perforated my colon. The pain was intense and to this day if anything gets close to my ass I freak out. I can't help it. I know it is a psychological trigger but there's nothing I can do about it," She said.

"It took a lot of therapy for me to get back to normal, and when we went to trial I had to relive the entire experience. They actually asked me if I enjoyed any of it and tried to make it sound like I was a freak who liked the pain and humiliation. They brought up a picture of me dressed as a dominatrix for a Halloween costume and tried to make it sound like I was a fetishist. It was a stupid HALLOWEEN COSTUME!" she started crying.

I quickly gave her a hug and Nicole was right behind me as we held her for a few minutes. She composed herself and hugged us back. She took a drink of water and continued.

"I got quite the settlement from the school, the sports boosters, and even the agent that was illegally dealing with the students. All of them got together to try to cover things up and all were liable. However even with years of therapy, I formed a hatred of the male species. When I finally became intimate again it was with a girl in my apartment building who had also been raped. We helped each other heal, although we also fed each others hatred for men. When she moved away I had decided to become a card carrying lesbian. I know that there are people who are born gay but I wasn't one of them. I got my doctorate in psychology and focused on rape counseling, I also run the women's shelter which is how I met Dan."

I picked up the story.

"I had just graduated and passed my Physician's Assistant certification. I already had my Masters in Psychology but wanted to actually make money. I started a campaign to open up a free clinic in the area and reached out to the women's shelter to see what would be useful for them. That is where I met this serious psycho bitch named Andrea. It turns out she was also interested in a free clinic so she had to deal with me. We ended up on a lot of the same social committees and I eventually wore her down enough to go out to eat with me. Once that happened I turned on the charm and pretty soon we were dating."

My wife laughed.

"It wasn't as easy as that," she said. "But it was pretty odd that I found myself head over heels over a guy. I didn't make it easy for him but he stuck through all my bullshit and we got married. Everything was going great but I kept having these urges to be with women. Not all the time, just every once in a while. I talked to Dan about it and instead of getting all alpha male he thought it through. We figured that part of my healing process was tied to being with women. After a lot of discussion we decided to try the club where I could get fix and yet not have it be damaging to our relationship. My husband is the best man ever!" she said.

Nicole looked at me.

"But what about the anal thing?" she asked.

I blushed.

"Dan told me front that he probably wouldn't be able to handle me getting off with someone else even if it was a woman. That is where we came up with the anal thing. I literally freak out and start screaming if something tries to go in my ass. He always enjoyed anal sex but with me it was off the table. I wasn't crazy about him penetrating another woman but he wasn't crazy about me having sex with someone other than him," Andrea replied.

"Maybe it sounds petty but me doing my thing in the club somehow evened the scales at first," I continued. "After a while we found out that what happened at the club didn't negatively affect our relationship so we kind of just went with it. Would it affect another couples relationship? I don't know. It worked for us though."

Nicole gave us a wistful smile.

"I wish I could get some of what you have," she said.

My wife squeezed her hand.

"Come with us, let's see if you can."



(For those who wondered how it worked out)

Nicole gave us the storybook ending. We kept her as our submissive partner. She was our maid, our cook, and our lover. She gave birth to two children and there wasn't a bigger mama bear than Andrea. Earl went to jail and found out what it was like to be on the receiving end of some rough loving. We had to hire an expensive lawyer but Nicole was able to get half of their net worth. They eased up a bit when she cooperated with them and told them everything she knew. It wasn't much but one name came out that they didn't have and that led to another round of convictions so the D/A was happy.

Andrea passed in her late 70's with Nicole following four months later. I was happy Andrea wasn't alone for too long. I will follow shortly. I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer a few months ago and opted to not have any treatment. I hsve arranged my affairs to make sure my kids and grandkids are taken care of. I saw everyone on Christmas and said my goodbyes. The New Year is coming but I won't make it. I have lived a good life and it is time to meet up with my lovers for the next journey.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

One of the few sharing stories that I can see actually working out. Poor Andrea. She went through hell. Would have loved to see the romance detailed more between Andrea and the MC. Glad Nicole found happiness too. Usually I don't see poly relationships as viable.long term (statistics suggest stable poly arrangements are uncommon) but this one made sense. MC couldn't provide one thing that Andrea needed, which was to dip into lesbian sexuality which had been forced on her via her horrible experience. That Rape Brigade needed to be put down. Period.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Insane godless heathens. Perfect example of “If you’re a little bit nuts you go to therapy. If you’re batshit crazy, you become a therapist!”


goodshoes2goodshoes2about 1 year ago

5 stars. BUT---Heavy! Phew. Makes me happy for them, but damn sad at the same time. I know it is only a story, BUT????

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

One of the few sharing stories i could actually enjoy reading. Most churn my stomach and I generally avoid. But this author is very good.

JustOneMansOpinionJustOneMansOpinionover 1 year ago

I don't share but I guess it worked in this story. Good story, shitty ending talking about death from cancer and was not having treatment. The end where he is talking about saying his goodbyes at Christmas, but he wouldn't make it to New Year's all sounded a little like he was talking suicide. That is a big turn off. 4-stars for what could have been a 5 with a little polish by a proofreader.

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