The Club Pt. 04


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Tom laughed and replied, "As ready as ever. Not that I expect a packed house on a Tuesday, but you never know. Say, you could always stand around outside and advertise."

"No, thanks," Susan said. "I'm sure I've got a better offer." She closed her book and went over to Liz. "I'll get my stuff and meet you out in the parking lot."

Tom had given the three of them a frank appraisal when he first came in. Now he saw they were waiting for Susan and seemed to lose interest. The three went out and Susan was just coming around from a side door. "Why don't we take our car?" Liz suggested. "At least if you know anywhere fairly close."

"Well, there's a pretty good Italian place about a mile and a half from here," Susan said. "How's that sound to you guys?"

"Fine with me," Liz said and looked at the other two. Janet and Barb both immediately agreed. "OK," Liz said, getting into the car. As Susan climbed in beside her, Janet noticed the book Susan had been reading: Elements of Corporate Law. Liz said, "Tell me how to get there," and they started off.

Ten minutes later they were seated at a round table with a red checked cloth with a candle burning in a basket-covered wine bottle. They ordered meals and then Janet said, "I couldn't help noticing your book, Susan. Isn't that a little heavy reading for Adult Pleasure Island?"

Susan laughed. "Yeah, it probably is, but there wasn't much business today. I'm in Law school. In fact I should graduate this December. In a town where one out of every twenty-two adults is a lawyer, there isn't a lot of opportunity as a clerk. Besides, I like working there and they pay me pretty well. Actually, I know part of the reason they like having me work is the way I look. And you might have noticed I dress more for a sex store than a law office."

"Isn't that a problem sometimes?" Barb asked. "I mean, aren't there a lot of men you would want to stay away from who come to the store?"

"Well, mostly I work days or weekday evenings. And anytime I'm there at night, Tom or one of the other men is around. After dark, they always walk me out to my car and I've never had any real trouble. Oh, a drunk now and then, but nothing serious. Besides I'm a bit of an exhibitionist, I guess. I know I look pretty good and I like to show it off. Not that I would do anything more than tease. I love sexy play, but only with my husband."

"You're married?" Janet asked in surprise. "I mean I didn't see a ring."

"Oh, I am very married," Susan laughed. "I don't wear the ring at work. Turns the men on more. But I definitely have one." She reached into her purse and removed a wedding ring which she then placed on her finger. "Bill is a Resident at one of the local hospitals. He doesn't mind my showing off and I don't mind him flirting with the nurses. We both know our relationship is too solid to worry about stuff like that."

"I met Bill back when we were both undergraduates and we got married the last semester of Senior year. Neither of us has looked seriously at anyone else since then. In fact, he's the one who introduced me to BDSM games."

"You play them yourself, then?" Liz asked.

"Definitely. We love them. Both sides. But, like you, only for play. No head games and no master-slave stuff. We even have a pretty good dungeon ourselves. Now maybe you can tell me a little more about yourselves and your boyfriends and I can make some suggestions."

The three glanced at each other and then Liz said, "Well, like we said, we've played bondage and spanking games for a while. Between a couple of months and a year. Last month the three of us and our boyfriends went up to a friend's cabin in the mountains for a couple of days. We'd never done more than neck in the same room before, but that night we got into a game of - don't laugh - strip Trivial Pursuit. The three of us lost and ended getting spanked in front of everyone. The next day we found some adult tapes. I think they were from a Campus Studs and Vixens series."

"I think we carry them," Susan murmured.

Liz went on. "One of them was about a BDSM club which probably gave us the idea. We also found an adult game called Sexual Trivia."

Susan looked interested. "I've heard of that, but I've never seen it."

"Well, it's a lot like Trivial Pursuit except the questions are all sex related. And there are penalties when you miss a question. Anyway we ended up doing a lot of stuff in front of each other and we all found it a turn on. We didn't do any swapping, but we had sex with our boyfriends in front of each other and a lot of other stuff. Just recently we decided to form our own club. We're interested in BDSM sex games, but no real heavy stuff. Whipping is OK, but no broken skin, no permanent damage. And no humiliation. We just love the stimulation of a little pain and bondage."

"That sounds an awful lot like what Bill and I do. Well," Susan asked, "What equipment do you have already? And where are you planning on having your club? An apartment or house or what?"

Barb answered, "We're planning on using a building on my boyfriend's grandparents' farm. They're going to be gone for most of the summer and we figure we can set up stuff there. As to what we have, well, we have lots of clothes pins." The other two girls laughed and Susan smiled, but looked a little uncertain. Barb went on, "Sorry, private joke. We do have clothes pins, a couple of wood paddles, leather belts, and one small cat of nine tails. Some rope and that's really about all."

"OK," Susan, "that gives me a starting place. Now, I hate to ask, but what about money?"

Janet answered her, "We decided to spend a reasonable amount on stuff. At least we hope it's reasonable." She told Susan how much.

"That's definitely a reasonable amount. It won't buy you the best dungeon on record. A lot of real enthusiasts will put thousands into their equipment. Even tens of thousands in some cases. But for what you're talking you can equip a pretty good starting setup. Let me make a few suggestions and you can tell me if I'm going in the right direction. OK?"

The three agreed and Susan went on, "Well, I expect you will want some wrist and ankle cuffs. If you are planning on having more than one 'victim' at a time, you will want a set for each. And you'll need several whips. I'd recommend each of you get a basic cat - about twenty-four inch tails - for yourselves. Then maybe one larger and one smaller cat. I'd steer clear of single tailed whips. It takes a lot of practice to be able to use them right without doing any real damage. You have wood paddles. Frat types?" They nodded. "Those are fine. Maybe you want to add a leather paddle. And clothes pins are great, but you might want to consider some real nipple clamps. Maybe clover clamps. I can show you what they are. And of course you'll want some dildos and vibrators. What about butt plugs? Ever use one?"

They all said they hadn't and Barb finally said, "I don't even know what one is. I think I can guess, but I'm not sure."

"They're dildos designed for the rear. Tapered, with a large bump narrowing down to a thin neck and then flaring out to a wide, flat base. Designed so they can't accidently slip in or out. They give an incredible feeling of fullness."

The waiter brought their food and they changed the subject until he was finished and left them alone again. Then Susan continued, "What about masks and gags."

"Not interested," Janet quickly replied, and the other two agreed.

"OK," Susan went on, "There are a lot of other things I can show you, too. But let me give you some advice. There are some things we have at the shop, but you can get them a lot cheaper elsewhere. For example, buy your rope at a discount or sporting goods store. Hardware stores have all kinds of chain and snap clamps as well as electrical alligator clips. If you can use a few tools, you can build a lot of furniture and stuff and then pad it with foam and fake leather from a fabric store."

"My father is a cabinet maker," Janet said. "I grew up helping him and am pretty good with tools. I'm sure we could use the workshop at James' grandparents' place."

"There's also clothing," Susan continued. "We sell a lot of stuff. And while latex and skin tight leather turn a lot of people on, those clothes are pretty expensive."

"We'll probably not wear too many clothes," Liz remarked, dryly.

"Well, naked is nice," Susan said, "but don't underestimate the impact of the right garment. It can be very effective if the victim is nude, but the top is dressed in something. One of the simplest, and one that I think is one of the most effective, is a plain, short, leather kilt. Or satin or velvet, but I like leather. You can make that easily. Just cut a strip, maybe sew edging seams, and add a little Velcro. Also, a plain gold or silver chain can be worn as 'clothing' to good effect."

They talked throughout dinner. Once, while discussing the paddles, Susan suggested, "If you want to make a paddle really sting, you can drill a bunch of holes in it. About half an inch across. Just be sure to sand the edges. Splinters can take the fun right out of a hot game."

When they had finished eating, Susan offered to go back to the store with them and help them make their selections. They agreed and made the short drive back to the little mall. This time when they entered the store there were about a dozen other customers, mostly men, but one couple and one group of two girls. Susan helped them select items, explaining the finer points of each and making helpful suggestions. They bought most of the items Susan had suggested, including three sets of wrist and ankle cuffs, three cats, several other things she had talked about, as well as a couple of other things she hadn't mentioned.

By the time they were finished it was near eight o'clock. As they loaded their new toys into the trunk of the car, Susan asked, "What are you girls going to do now? You're not planning or driving all the way back tonight, are you?"

"No, we'd planned on getting a motel room and going back early tomorrow. Any suggestions on a cheap, clean place nearby?" Liz asked.

Susan looked thoughtful for a few seconds. "Well, if you don't mind sacking out on the couch or floor, you're welcome to come back to my place for the night."

"We couldn't do that," Liz immediately said. "You've been wonderful already and we wouldn't want to impose any more. Besides what would your husband say if you showed up with the three of us?"

Susan gave than a frank look. "He'd probably whistle and wish he could get you undressed. That is, if he were there. He started a long shift today and won't be home until tomorrow night. Come on. It won't be any trouble for me. I'd enjoy the company of someone besides my vibrator tonight. Besides, that way I can show you my dungeon and maybe give you some more ideas. I'd really like it if you came."

Liz looked at the other two and then nodded slightly. "All right. How do we get there?"

"Let me get my car," Susan said. Than just follow me. It's about four miles from here."

The Club - Ch. 6

They followed Susan along several small roads and finally turned into an older housing area. Most of the houses appeared to be from the fifties, but the area was well kept and clean. The houses were set on fairly large wooded lots. Probably they were in a cornfield when they were built, Janet thought. But by now the trees had grown to large sizes and each house was somewhat isolated from its neighbor. Susan pulled into a garage attached to a small Cape Cod. Liz pulled in behind Susan and parked in the driveway. "Bring the stuff you bought inside and I'll show you how it's used," Susan called.

As Susan led them in through the door in the garage, she remarked, "We rent the place, but it's a lot nicer than living in an apartment. And it's a lot easier to play our games without someone on the other side of the wall. Come on in. Would you like a coke or something?"

Susan got them some cold drinks and then led them on a tour of the house, leaving the basement until last. "We have our playroom in the basement. Bring your stuff and come on down and take a look."

They all descended the stairs and went through a door into a large room which probably had started as a finished recreation room. It was about thirty feet long and twenty-five wide and was covered in a deep carpet. The carpet was older, but clean and still in good shape. The ceiling was covered with sound absorbing tiles. Susan flipped a light switch and the room was clearly illuminated. Janet could see that there were a number of small wall fixtures and several candle sconces on the walls so that the lighting could be made very dim if desired.

As the girls looked around, the room lost any relationship to an ordinary family room. Near one end was a large X shaped frame made of heavy lumber. There was a long table, about waist height, padded with what looked like leather but was probably vinyl. There was a piece that looked a lot like a carpenter's saw horse, except the cross piece was about five inches wide and well padded. There was a plain wooden, high back chair and a bar stool which was mounted on a four foot square of plywood so it would be almost impossible to turn over. A low padded bench, like a bench for a picnic table, and a leather covered ottoman completed the furniture. Along one wall was a set of cabinets and drawers and hanging on the wall above them was a collection of paddles, straps, whips, and similar devices. The ceiling had a number of rings which they guessed were for attaching ropes or chains. There were also some rings set into the floor at several points around the room and a few along one section of wall. A TV and VCR were in one corner. A bathroom opened off one end and when they looked inside, Janet saw that it contained a large tiled shower - about six feet square - as well as sink and toilet.

The three girls gawked at everything while Susan stood by smiling. At last Barb said, "This is quite a playroom. You said you were renting the house. Won't it be a problem if the owner finds out that you've done all this stuff?"

"Actually," Susan answered, "the owner did a lot of it before we lived here. It's a long story, but we found out about the place from a friend of a friend of a friend sort of thing. The owner and his wife were moving into a larger place and had decided to rent out this place rather than sell it. They were BDSM players, too, and had built the playroom for themselves and were figuring they would have to tear out everything and remodel before they could rent it out. Anyway, we got together with them and rented it as it was and they said we could add things if we wanted."

"Looks like you really lucked out," Liz said.

"That we did," Susan answered. "Here, let me show you around and explain how this stuff is used. Feel free to ask any questions and don't be embarrassed about anything." She started with the wall of whips and paddles and explained the finer points of each type, how it was used, and on what parts of the body. "It doesn't take a lot of force to make a whip sting a lot. It's in the way you flick it - wrist action - that makes it effective. Remember, we're not trying to really flog someone bloody, just to sting enough to make it really interesting."

"The X-frame is probably one of the most useful pieces of furniture you can have in a dungeon. Either a man or woman can be bound to it, either facing the frame or with his back to it. Leaves them open and available for whatever you want to do." She demonstrated by raising her arms and spreading her legs and positioning herself as if bound to the frame, first facing it and then reversed.

"The other really essential piece of furniture is the horse," she said, indicating the padded saw horse. "The victim - either male or female - can be bound either bent over it from the side or straddling it along it's length. Either presents the ass very nicely and opens you up." Barb was looking closely at it and Susan said, "Here, Barb, let me show you." Barb looked hesitant but finally let Susan move her into position. She helped position Barb first across the horse from the side, bending her over as if bound. Then she moved her to the end and repeated the process.

"The table can be used to stretch a victim, arms and legs spread. Then you can tease or torment him - or both. He's accessible for either whipping or tongue action or tickling. I forgot to mention them, but some feathers are something you will probably want to get, too. The victim can also be bent over the table from the end, either facing the table and bending forward or facing away and bending backwards." She moved Janet into position and demonstrated. The three girls were rapidly becoming aroused and as Janet bent over and felt her shorts pull tight across her ass and her panties pull up into her slit, she suddenly felt an incredible rush of heat to those regions.

"The table," Susan continued, "as well as the horse, is also nice for enemas, too. Have you ever tried those?"

Liz looked at the other two and then shook her head. "No, we saw one on one of the tapes, but I don't think any of us has ever tried it. Is it really a turn-on?"

"It definitely can be," Susan said. "Stick to plain water, either warm or cold. They are best when the victim is tightly bound. He can be made to hold it for a time, either on his own or with the help of a butt plug. This often results in cramps, but by then he's so turned on that the cramps only heighten the sensation. You can use one of the plain rubber bags you see at a drug store, using either the plain nozzle or the douche nozzle. Just be careful and never force anything in if it hurts. What else is really fun is a Bardex." She showed them one of these. "It has this ring which can be inflated once inside. That seals it so it can't come out. The feeling of that thing inflating inside you is incredible."

Susan then led them over to the bar stool. "You can tie the victim to a straight chair or, we like to use this stool. Notice that the sides have been cut in and smoothed to make it fit between the thighs. The victim's ankles can then be tied to the base and his hands either tied behind his back or to a ceiling chain. Leaves him open to all kinds of stuff."

Janet noticed a hole in the seat of the stool. "Is that used for what I think it is? And if so is this just for a girl to ride?"

"I think you guessed right about what goes in there. The hole is for a dildo which can be held in place with a slip pin. Right through here. But it can be used on a man, too. I just position Bill a little more forward and use a slim dildo. Tickling him with that in place is quite a turn on. For both of us."

She pointed to the TV and said, "Watching a hot video is even better when you're tightly bound and some guy is doing everything to you that is being done on the tape. Or you're doing it to him."

She showed them their collection of dildos, vibrators, and butt plugs. Then she opened a drawer with a dozen or so different kinds of clamps. There were clothes pins, butterfly paper clips, alligator clips, and several types of commercial nipple clamps. "I like the clover clamps best. They clamp harder the more you pull on them. Add a few of the lead sinkers here and the feeling is really great. By the way, get the weights at a fishing supply department. A lot cheaper than through our store."

Janet picked up a dildo from one drawer where it was lying next to a leather strap arrangement. "Is this a strap-on?" she asked.

"That's right," Susan replied. "I know a lot of women use them to play with each other, but they are also nice when you want to switch roles and ravish a man. I love to tie Bill down over the horse or to the table and then spend twenty minutes or so just reaming his ass. Of course you want to use a lot of lube so you don't do any real damage. And, by the way, Bill loves it as much as I do."