The Consulting Assignment


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He read it again and said "Wait, it reads that it's at the manufacturer's discretion, either of these frequencies can be selected. Once per 24-hour period on a composite or every 2000 litres."

"Yes, but it's over 2000 litres."

He was flushed. He read it again and again, scratching his head. He then said "It does clearly say that it's at the manufacturer's discretion."

"Who is the manufacturer?"

"I am."

"But it's still over 2000 litres, shouldn't the second option apply?"

He struggled a bit more and then said "No, no. It says it's at the manufacturer's decision to chose one or the other."

"And you're sure about that?"

"It's right here in black on white."

"And you're confident in your interpretation of the specification?"

He looked at it once more and she could see that he was near a breaking point so she figure she should put him out of his misery before he lost it.

"This is why it's so important to read the specifications and read each and every word and line. You are right, the specification is clear, it is at the manufacturer's discretion and that means that they get to chose. The auditor does not. If you get audited and are sure of what the specification says, don't hesitate to nicely but firmly stand up to an auditor. They may just be testing your comprehension and confidence so they can assess how the rest of the audit will go."

"You mean I was right and you argued just for the sake of arguing?"


"You know that in some countries, that could get you killed, don't you?"

"We're not in North Korea. And I'm pushing you to really understand the specifications and become confident. I actually saw this scenario play out in a real production plant. The poor young quality supervisor left the lab in tears. The auditor apologized and the rest of the audit went well."

"You did that? You made someone cry?"

"It wasn't me, I was a junior auditor at the time and it was my teacher who did this. I knew all along that the auditee was right but I was still on probation and was worried that if I spoke up, I could lose my job myself. The auditor later told me that I should also stick up for what is right and open to discussion during audits."

"Have you ever done something like that in an audit?"

"Not exactly."


"There is no way I would be mean to someone who is truly trying their best and has good intentions. However, I have encountered a few people who were very arrogant and full of themselves and thought they could bully me into giving them good results. When that happens, I do get tough and a few times, I've even gotten a tad mean when they really pushed their luck."

"What did I do to deserve this? Was I not a good student?"

"Just like there are a few different types of auditees that we auditors encounter, there are also different types of auditors. You could encounter tough and arrogant auditors too so you need to be ready for that and the best way to be ready is to read the specifications and understand them well. If you're unsure of something, you reach out to colleagues to ask for their insights, you get other people to read the clause and see their interpretation and you can also call consultants to help. My job here is to prepare you for all kinds of situations. Just wait until we get to the management systems specifications, there's a lot more left up to interpretation in there!"

"Maybe I should read these specifications ahead of time then, so I'm more ready to answer your questions."

He'd said it almost like a challenge. Laurie laughed and said "That's up to you but really, if you start reading at night, you might not get the rest you need to deal with me!"

He laughed too. It was the end of the day so Laurie shut down her computer and he gathered up his papers.

He then suggested "Would you come for a walk with me?"

"That would be nice, thank you."

"Do you have sneakers and maybe less dressy pants?"

"I do. I'll change quickly."

And so they met outside her bedroom a few minutes later and left to go for a walk. In the last few days, during the meals, they had exchanged mostly work stories, laughing at the human folly that was present almost everywhere. He'd asked a few times about where this or that had taken place and she'd told him that like him, all auditees wanted confidentiality so she couldn't tell him. He had tried a few times but she'd nicely but firmly decline to break confidentiality. During the evenings, they had gone to the games room and played pool where he was clearly the better player and Yahtzee which she had won.

This afternoon, the conversation was different. He asked about her private life and told her a bit about his own, mostly about his childhood and schooling and previous work. He interrupted at times to point out a bird or a plant that they came across. It was very pleasant to be walking with him in such a beautiful place. The loop he had chosen took them to another small lake and went around it. The path was wide and easy and offered many benches along the way so that strollers could stop and admire amazing views.

At one of these benches, he invited her to sit with him and then said "Were you surprised when you saw me the first morning?"

"Of course! I was stunned!"


"Well, I never expected that a man of your position could take the time away from his work to do this and certainly didn't expect that you'd want to learn all of this. I thought you would have people reporting to you that could have handled this."

"I do but as I said, some are telling me that it's easy and some are telling me that it's not so I wanted to know for myself. And besides, I thought this would be a nice break from my routine and I was right! This is very different. And you are an excellent teacher."

"Thank you. You're an excellent student."

"When we contacted your firm to hire someone, we were counting on you being competent and very Canadian."

"Canadian? How so?"

"Canadians have a reputation for being nice and friendly and you certainly have confirmed that this reputation is well deserved."

Laurie smiled, accepting the compliment. He remained quiet for a minute and then asked "How would you feel about providing more services than agreed in the contract?"

"Depends on the services. There are services that I might not be able to provide that others in the firm could."

"Oh, you would be able. These are not services that would normally be offered by your consulting company but you would be very able to provide them. I'm just wondering if you'd be willing."

Laurie looked at him. What was he asking? He was looking out onto the tiny lake and not facing her and he was totally stoic. Her hesitation was long enough for him to add "I could pay handsomely and it would not be declared to anyone."

So he was asking for favours. She tried to remain as calm as could be and said "I'm not sure I really fit the profile for such services."

"What do you mean?"

Had she misread the situation? "If I'm understanding your request well, the services would be of a physical nature, would they not?"


Very calmly, she said "I'm not a prostitute and really, sir, I don't exactly have the physique or the looks for the job."

He looked at her. She wasn't exactly slim and was no supermodel though she was not ugly either. He ventured to touch her cheek with the back of his fingers.

"I am not asking for a prostitute. I am asking for a temporary companion. And truly, the mind is a much stronger aphrodisiac than a pretty face or a skeletal body. Would you at least listen to what I'd like?"

His eyes were soft, his voice was soft, and the back of his fingers were soft on her cheek. He then rested his arm on the back of the bench and waited for her answer.

"I guess there's no harm in listening."

"I find you very intriguing and interesting. I have been alone for a long time and find myself needing a bit of release. From what you've told me, you've been alone for a while too and I would guess that you might benefit from similar release. What I'd like is to make a few of my fantasies come true. What I'm not looking for is a girlfriend or anything longer than the ten days we have here together. This is a short term proposition for no strings sex, just fun fantasies."

"I'm not into BDSM or anal, so if that's what you're fantasizing about, you've got the wrong person."

"The fantasies I have are more of a role play nature. No pain involved and we definitely won't do anal. And that goes both ways. Some men might enjoy fingers pushed up their anuses but I do not so I will never ask for a woman to let me use hers."

"Good. Now, what are the fantasies you had in mind?"

"Me playing doctor to you, you playing nurse to me, office sex, outdoor sex, time stop sex, and maybe some dominance or light bondage or blindfolding but again, no pain, I promise. These are all fantasies that I've had but never dared ask any partner to do with me. Of course, you understand that this would have to remain absolutely confidential."

This was surreal. Here was this super rich and powerful man, asking her to make his fantasies come true.

He continued "You've shown me that you can be very discreet and I believe that you can be trusted to keep this between you and me. And I agree that you are not a prostitute but I'd still like to give you gifts to thank you for making some dreams into reality."

"What about the others in the house? Would they not figure out what's going on?"

"They have told me that the suite I occupy is relatively soundproof. And even if they suspect that you and I are having sex, so what? To work for me, they have also had to sign confidentiality agreements so they're not allowed to say anything and they know that if they do, there could be severe consequences. Trust me, they won't say anything. However, we will still be discreet when they are around. And during the weekend, they will all have from Saturday afternoon to Sunday evening off so that will allow us time completely alone in the villa. And don't worry, you and I will have plenty of food to warm up for our meals."

"And what about your spouse or family?"

"I don't mean any disrespect but that is of no concern to you. That is only for me to deal with. We are here, in this beautiful isolated paradise and we will likely never see each other again. And please understand that you are never to try to contact me in any way and I will never try to contact you. We have an opportunity here to enjoy each other and I'd like for us to take advantage of this opportunity."

He paused and then got up and said "Come, let's continue on our walk while you think about my proposal. Or do you need a number to help you think?"

"I'd rather not have a number thank you."

And so they resumed their walk. Laurie's thoughts were all over the place. Could she do this? Did she want to do this? The part about confidentiality was not an issue, nobody would believe her if she told them anyway! But could she trust him?

On the one hand, he'd mentioned some fantasies that she herself had. On the other hand, could she trust him to be gentle and not go past the boundaries she'd set? There had been very little time to build that level of trust between them. But then again, maybe giving in to those fantasies with someone she would likely never ever see again was better than risk it with someone from her home town.

They got to another bench and he gently grabbed her hand and pulled her to sit with him on it. He kept her hand in his. He quietly asked "Do you have any questions you'd like to ask me? I'll answer anything."

"You could have almost any woman in the world. You could pay for the most beautiful escorts that would cater to your every whim. Why me?"

"You're not just any woman. You're smart, you're sharp, you're confident and you're also warm and nice and most of all, you didn't seem intimidated by me. I believe that you wouldn't cater and you wouldn't cower. I believe that you'd be an equal participant. And I have more confidence that you'll remain quiet than anyone else."

"Who would believe me anyway?"

"Good point. I sense that you're not the type of person who would leave here and immediately seek fame for it. Am I wrong?"


"Which way are you leaning? Will I need to call a limousine tonight so you can run away? Will I have a lawsuit for sexual harassment? Honestly, there would be no need for that. If you really can't do this, I will respect your wishes. I have never forced any woman and I am not about to start now. On the other hand, if you are considering this, aren't there some fantasies that you also wish to try with someone discreet?"

"You mean you're not going to leave here and seek a book deal for a tell all?"

He laughed. It was a genuine, from the belly laugh. He shook his head and said "I'd like to but I wouldn't have time to write a tell all."

Then he got serious and asked "Do you realize that you are one of only a handful of people in the world that doesn't immediately cater to my every want and need, that has and will continue to challenge me, that didn't let me win at Yahtzee, that has set conditions for me to respect, and that could probably put me in my place without risking dire consequences?"


"Really. Laurie, I know it's only been three days but you mesmerize me. I really enjoy that you're not intimidated by me and that you treat me like you would most other clients of yours. I'm impressed by your knowledge and confidence and truly, I've been turned on by you since the first morning. Please say yes. I promise you will enjoy it as much as I will."

He reached for her chin with his free hand and turned her face so the could look at each other. He then softly asked "May I at least kiss you?"

Laurie nodded and he softly kissed her. He pulled away, looked into her eyes and then kissed her again, this time parting her lips with an inquisitive tongue. She gave into the kiss and put her hand on his arm to keep it in place. He opened his hand and cupped her face and kept kissing her. After a while, they stopped and sat there, forehead to forehead before pulling back and looking into each other's eyes. He was an excellent kisser and after this, there was no way she could deny that she wanted what he wanted.

When he asked "So?"

All she did was nod and he kissed her again. He caressed her neck and her hair and pulled her legs over his. She caressed his arm and shoulder and hair too. He then ventured to caress her breast and she let him. His lips left her mouth and went down to her neck. His fingers were undoing the buttons on her blouse.

She stopped him and asked "What if someone else comes walking this way?"

"This is a private property all fenced, nobody will come."

They then resumed their kissing and he exposed her chest to his view. He looked at her "May I ask?"

She nodded. His hand went to her breast "Are they real?"

"They are."

"I must see them."

Laurie reached into her blouse and pushed the straps of her bra off her shoulders and pushed the bra down so her breasts would be out of it. He quickly pulled a nipple into his mouth and played with it causing her to moan. She allowed him to play with her breasts for a while and he treated them to some much appreciated loving.

After a while, she tried to reach between them so she could touch him but it was rather difficult with the way they were seated. He noticed and said "You can play with it in a while, for now, let me play with you."

He reached down to her pants and managed, with her help, to open them up. He was able to snake his hand into her pants and panties and reach her mound. She shifted on the bench so he would have better access. At first, he simply rubbed in a circular motion but then, he pressed his middle finger down in between her folds and pressed on her clit. That had her let out a low moan. He bent down to take a nipple between his lips while he continued rubbing her pussy. Soon, her breathing became shallow and he pushed her over the edge of a very nice orgasm. He gave her time to catch her breath, leaving his hand idle on her pussy. He gently trailed kisses on her chest and neck and then they kissed again.

He pulled his hand out of her pants and she shifted to no loner have her legs over his. Without any words, he reached down, opened up his own pants and pulled out his cock. Laurie reached over and took it in her hand, rubbing it up and down and gently squeezing. After a few minutes of that, he begged "Take me in your mouth. Please, I want your lips on me."

Laurie obliged, bending down to his crotch. She kissed the tip and then opened up her mouth to take it into a deeper kiss. She then licked the whole length of him a few times before pulling him into her mouth as far as she could take him. She played with him, licking, nibbling, bobbing up and down and with her hand, she played with his testes. By the moans emanating from his lips, she could tell he was enjoying it.

His voice harsh, he asked "any chance I could take you from behind on the back of this bench?"

Laurie straightened up and got up from the bench. She went behind it and after pushing her pants and panties down to her ankles, she bent over the back of the bench. He quickly got behind her and positioned himself to push in and slowly did so, deliciously stretching her pussy. She moaned and it encouraged him. He started moving in and out, holding her hips.

After a few minutes, Laurie could feel that he wasn't going to last much longer so she said "Do it, give it to me."

That was enough for him to groan and speed up a bit and then just ram deep inside her and stop there while he spilled. As he pulled out, Laurie grabbed a few tissues she had in her pocket and put them inside her underwear before bringing underwear and pants back up and fastening them. He straightened up also and helped her button up her blouse while looking into her eyes and planting little kisses on her lips with every button he made up.

They started walking towards the resort. He said "That was really nice and takes care of the outdoor sex fantasy. We could do one per day and then see if there's any you'd like."

"I was kind of hoping for some outdoor fun on that big balcony this weekend."

"We could do that too but we also have very little time this weekend to knock the office sex ones off the list."

"There's more than one office fantasy?"

"There's one where I hide you under the desk so you can give me oral pleasure while I talk to someone on the phone. There's another where I take you on the conference room table and maybe a third on the actual desk."

"Sounds interesting."

"Glad you agree."

They walked for a while and then Laurie softly said "Listen, I really don't mean to offend you but neither of us are what is considered young anymore so how long does it take you to recover? I mean for me, it's all about getting me ready and lots of kissing and nipple play does it very nicely as you found out earlier. But it's not like when I was young, I can't seem to reach orgasm many times in a day any more. And that's okay, just because I don't orgasm doesn't mean I don't enjoy it."

"No offence taken. You're totally right, it does take longer to recover but I think I can manage a couple of times in a day and we'll definitely try to make you come more than once a day this weekend."

They made their way back to the villa. When they got to the second floor, they went their separate ways to go change and get ready for dinner.

During dinner, Victor said that he needed to speak to her student and she just said it was fine so they spoke their language for the better part of an hour. When she was done eating, Laurie excused herself and went to the games room and played pool by herself. When he finally joined her, he looked at the table and said "Hmmm, this could be another interesting idea, could it not?"