The Consummation


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"Oh no, I was merely reveling in my great good fortune to have such a lovely bride."

She smiled sensuously. "May I have more bread?" He held another piece to her lips, but she moved her lips and tongue smoothly around his fingers, bathing them in soft wetness. He did not hasten to remove them, and felt desire beginning anew. He thought of all the delights of which she was yet unaware. As her tongue curved sinuously around his finger, her eyes held his with a deliberation far more intense than he would have believed possible from a woman who, till half an hour past, had been virgin.

He pushed their barely tasted meal aside, and leaned over her again. His mouth found hers, and he kissed her deeply and without reservation this time. His tongue thrust firmly between her lips, and she met it with her own. He covered her body with his, reaching with one hand to squeeze her breast, finding the nipple with his fingers. His earlier gentleness had given way to the urgency he had suppressed. Now that her first inexperience had been breached, he felt less need for restraint. It took little time for his cock to harden fully, and he wasted no time teasing or withholding.

With one last gesture of caution, he asked roughly, "Do you feel any discomfort inside?"

"No!" she said hoarsely, "Now, now!" He entered her in one long thrust. Her pelvis clenched around him, more actively engaged this time. She let out horse cries of satisfaction with the depth of each thrust. He went up on his knees, reaching forward to take one of her breasts in each of his hands. He moved against her with a powerful rhythm that rocked her entire body. Her fingers dug into the hard muscles of his thighs. He feasted his eyes on her, her eager, flushed face, her soft, dark-nippled breasts, her smooth belly, her pale, delicate skin, the fair hair that lay around her like a discarded vale. He felt a deep and urgent sense of possession. He leaned part of his weight forward onto his hands where they clutched her breasts. Her chest was rising and falling rapidly with her panting breaths. He pushed her knees wider apart, leaned forward to feel her completely and securely held by his body atop hers. As he felt his second climax approach, he leaned fully forward to place his mouth over hers. With aggressive energy, he thrust his tongue into her mouth, mimicking the actions of his cock between her legs. Putting his full weight on her, he reached beneath her to hold her hips in his hands. With each thrust, he pulled her against him so that he pushed even more deeply inside her. Her moans and cries, muffled by his mouth covering hers, were fuel to his pleasure. With a throaty sound, he thrust as fully as he could into her, and held himself there, quivering as his orgasm carried him beyond thought and time. She was wholly receptive, hot, wet, yielding with feminine grace to his driving need.

Again, she was reluctant to allow him to separate himself from her. This time had been different, but still deeply and profoundly stirring. She wondered dazedly if every time would offer something new, yet still retain the wonder and intensity as this time had done. They lay quietly for some minutes, she feeling somehow more drained than after the first time. Finally, she said shyly, "I think I must relieve myself."

He laughed in delight at her lack of inhibition. He rose with her. Come by the stream, for I have an idea which will be the better for some strategic cleansing." She raised her eyebrows, but followed him docilely.

When they had each eased themselves, he led the way into the cold water of the fast-flowing stream. She held back, feeling the unwelcome chill of the water on her toes.

"Come!" he said jovially. "Surely a country girl such as yourself is not daunted by some cool water? Trust me, it will be well worth it. In an hour or so, you will praise me and thank me for persuading you. Some of the variety of love is best enjoyed with freshly washed flesh." He strode confidently until he was waist deep. She could see that he scrubbed at his pubic hair, and was making some delicate movements intended to clean himself thoroughly. Her face was suffused with a wide, knowing grin. Just in time, she recalled that a true virgin should not be so knowing, and she masked her amusement as she followed him.

She and Lise had often shared the most intimate of kisses, but she had not thought much about what it would be like to engage in this diversion with a man. She was relieved that prudence had intervened to remind her that her husband would expect her to be ignorant of such practices. Nevertheless, she was deeply curious to know what it would be like with him.

She made a great show of reluctance, no deception being required as she felt the chill of the water embrace her legs. "Are you sure this is necessary?"

"It is preferable," he replied easily. Besides, I feel better when I am cleansed by cool water, don't you?"

"Perhaps, but I think I prefer to be cleansed by warm water." She followed him gamely however, and allowed the flowing water to wash and cool her tender flesh. It did feel refreshing and invigorating. Sex was, she had long ago discovered, very messy, and much more so with a man. To her own surprise, she found herself gathering her hair into a knot at the back of her head, and submerging to her shoulders. It was exhilarating.

"Colin applauded with enthusiasm. "Ah, you see? I knew you to be made of strong stuff! It feels good doesn't it?"

She stood up and beat a rapid retreat to the bank. "Yes, but I have no desire to linger. He moved a little upstream, cupped water in his hands to drink, then lowered his entire head into the water. He raised it, and shook like a dog, throwing water far and wide. As he strode easily back onto the bank beside her, she admired again his powerful grace of movement, his natural ease, naked in the still beauty of the trees. She smiled at him and took his hand as they strode back to find their picnic meal.

The chilly dip had stimulated her appetite, and they sat together eating bread and cheese with gusto. She peered around and said, "I see berries that look like ones I'm accustomed to eating. They would make a fine addition to our meal."

She rose gracefully, and began moving, beautifully naked, among the undergrowth, bending to pick berries from beneath sheltering foliage. While he ate contentedly, he watched her with appreciation. By the time she returned to him, her hands bright with berries which she offered to him, he felt his cock hardening again, but he could afford patience.

"Feed me," he said easily, and lay back as she sat beside him. She picked up one berry at a time, bringing it to his lips as he had done earlier for her.

"Now I wish to feed you," he said mischievously. She tipped the remainder of the berries into his hand, then parted her lips expectantly; but instead of placing the berry in her mouth, he balanced it carefully on the flesh of his penis and looked challengingly into her eyes. She allowed hers to widen, trying to add innocent surprise to her curiosity and eagerness.

He did not speak, neither encouraging nor commanding her. She shifted herself, leaned forward, and with careful deliberation, placed her lips softly around the berry, allowing them to graze his flesh, and running her tongue lightly over the place where the berry had rested after she had sucked it into her mouth. She sat up, holding his gaze while she slowly chewed and swallowed. Then she said in a low, playful voice, "I suddenly find myself ravenous."

He was immensely glad to find that his wife was possessed of a lusty and adventurous spirit. Delicately, he placed another bright berry near the head of his hardening cock. Again, she bent gracefully, picking the berry from him with a sinuous flick of her tongue. The third berry, however, she pressed into his flesh, then leaned back to look. "Why, you now have berry juice squeezed onto you.

She leaned in and began licking his penis with long, bathing strokes to clean it. He closed his eyes, fully absorbed by the sensation. She felt how, with each lick, his flesh hardened and grew beneath her tongue. She felt an exciting sense of power to know that she was coaxing this transformation, that his arousal was so clearly and immediately obvious. This part of his masculine self which had given her such un-looked-for satisfaction could be teased, molded as an artist might do with clay or wood, and what a work of art would emerge!

With tongue, lips and hands, she explored and caressed every plain, angle and curve of him. She did so with exploration, but also with affection and wonder. Lying still on his back made the hard flesh seem almost quiescent, except for the potency that it radiated even in stillness. Feeling the rigidity and heat of him made a longing begin to tighten her pelvis. Sighing, she nestled into his pubic hair, finding his maleness stimulating and beautiful.

He thought with contentment that, some day, he would teach her to take him into her mouth and bring him to fulfillment in this way, but he had no need to hurry her.

"I grow hungry myself," he said huskily. He sat up and pushed her to lie on her back. He opened her hand and tipped the rest of the berries into it, looking at her with amused expectancy.

She widened her eyes, trying to simulate delicate confusion with a dash of modesty. Unable to pull this off for too long, however, she allowed her eager curiosity to get the better of her, and placed a berry carefully in the triangle of curling hair that covered her vulva. He bent and, placing his lips over top of the place, made a gentle sucking motion, pulling the berry loose and into his mouth.

He sat up and looked into her face. He saw a smile of almost smug satisfaction and eagerness. "I like this game," she said happily, and recklessly dropped the rest of the berries in her hand between her legs. Then, she flung her arms above her head and arched herself toward him.

He knelt between her knees, leaning forward to bring his whole mouth around her vulva. With slow confidence, he kissed, licked and gently sucked until she gasped with delight. His hands were on her hips as though to hold her in place. She rolled her head from side to side, deliciously contrasting his attentions with those she was used to. It was true that his lips and tongue lacked a certain fine precision, but his hard hands on her hips, the sense of his size and power, delicately restrained, between her thighs was deeply stirring.

She tried to infuse her gasping cries with surprise, trying to emulate the startlement of one to whom this caress was entirely new, even un-dreamed-of. He reached up one hand and cupped her breast in strong fingers, finding her nipple and squeezing it with a firmness all his own. She cried out. She pressed her hips against him, wanting to use her hands to hold his head in place, but too shy to do so. Instead, she spread her thighs as wide apart as possible and sighed with happiness.

Her eyes were again full of trees and sky. She lay supine to the wood, spread upon the ground, wide open to her husband, fully receptive to whatever he would do to her or ask of her. He moved upward, holding her thighs apart, and slid the tip of his cock into her dripping opening. She did not move her eyes to his face, but continued to gaze up at the tall trees, fully open and waiting. Her arms were still flung above her head, and he gathered her wrists into one of his hands, pinning them firmly to the ground. At first, she thought it an odd thing to do, and wondered why he bothered. As he continued to tease her however, pushing in just a little, then moving sideways or pulling out entirely, she had the odd sense that his grip on her wrists, anchoring her to the ground, freed her torso to writhe, undulate and strain upward towards him, urging him deeper.

"You wish me all the way inside you?", he asked hoarsely.

"Yes!", she replied eagerly.

"Say it again," he said teasingly.

"Yes! Yes!"

"Turn over then, and I'll show you something special." He pulled out of her and let go her wrists. She allowed a look of confusion to show through her eagerness. Lise had prepared her by telling her that men and general, (and her husband in particular,) enjoyed this position. She worried that she would not.

"Turn over?"

"Lie on your stomach," he said, urging her over. She felt some reluctance, unsure of what it would feel like.

"Do not fear," he said gently, "I will be careful until you are used to it."

Trusting him, she turned onto her stomach, lying carefully on the blanket. He did not enter her immediately, but spent a few minutes admiring her rounded bottom, rubbing and squeezing with his hard hands. Somewhat to her own surprise, she found herself rotating her hips, pressing her pelvis sensually against the ground, enjoying the resistance and the feeling of limitation, her legs held beneath his. Only when she began to thrust her behind up toward him with increasing urgency did he allow his aching cock to find the entrance between her eager lips. He slid in with great slowness, causing a soft, drawn out cry to be torn from her.

As he moved in and out, very slowly at first, she felt an almost unbearable tension between the cushioned but unyielding ground, and the irresistible power of his strong legs and powerful thrusts. Again, the sense of being caught seemed to free her to move. Her pelvis thrust backward to meet his thrusts of its own accord. Her hands clenched together above her head, her whole body tensed to receive the glorious sensations. She was unprepared when he reached one hand beneath her and began stroking and tugging on her clitoris. Her cries became harsh and surprised as his powerful body hovered over her, seeming to reach to every sensitive part of her flesh. She heard his horse breath in her ear and it was the final stimulation that lifted her to an all-consuming peak of ecstasy that caused her to shriek and gasp.

When it had passed, he did not stop his powerful thrusts. He raised himself, and held a hand firmly on each of her buttocks. She lay, the scent of the pine needles pungent in her nostrils, the feeling of his driving maleness overwhelming every other sensation. As she felt his movements slow in the way she was learning to associate with his own peak and the expelling of his seed, she inhaled deeply of the needles' scent, knowing that in that moment, a powerful association would henceforth exist in her mind. She knew that the scent of crushed pine needles would always evoke this profoundly satisfying feeling of utter openness and receptivity to the potent forces that moved the world, which brought the greatest of pleasures to woman and man, that were at the root of the mystery of new life.

When he was spent, he rolled partly away so that not all of his weight was on her, but she did not move. She lay quiescent, smelling the pines, imagining his seed inside her making the incomprehensible and miraculous beginnings of their child.

They bathed again in the swift-flowing stream before they dressed slowly, and made their leisurely way back to the castle courtyard. Their horses ambled, and they made no effort to urge them on. Each was enjoying watching the other, each filled with vivid and explicit memories of their time in the pine grove. When their eyes met, they smiled.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago
Audio vanished?

There has always been an audio recording to accompany the text and now it's gone without explanation. Not only was it a nice reading of this story, but necessary for hands occupied by self-pleasuring. Very disappointing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Truly wonderful

It's great to see such a well written and knowledgeable historical piece on Literotica, where as someone said above most historical stories are hatchet jobs. If you aren't already a professional writer, you should strongly consider submitting your work to publishers of historical romance. And you have the Scots right - they were not prudes until the Reformation, and most of them weren't prudes even after John Knox reared his ugly head. Further, 16th century people were well aware of lesbian relationships (see John Knox, who like many Reformation preachers objected to nuns for that reason). The French had the same reputation for rampant sexuality they enjoy now too. So everything rings very true here. Nice work!

barnabusbarnabusalmost 16 years ago
Loved it!

Excellent work! Thoroughly enjoyable!

A couple of questions: a nobleman (or Laird) of this period would expect his bride to be totaly virgin. And yet, it was obvious she had had some experience (with LISE?).

But, perhaps he was a man of his own time and the idea of two women together would never have occurred to him.

It seems inconcievable to me that any woman (especially one married to a "laird" would be so immodist as to allow herself to be naked before her husband or any man. But to a man of that period, nakedness would undoubtedly be intensly erotic.

In any case, it is a thoroughly enjoyable story. I enjoyed it. I will look upother stories you've written!


Selena_KittSelena_Kittover 17 years ago

Your story was mentioned in the Author's Hangout New Story Reviews!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Nicely Done

Well written period piece. Reminded me of a erotic novel my wife read on vacation a couple of years back. Nice use of words and language to convey the historical time period...

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