All Comments on 'The Cuckold Diet Challenge Ch. 06'

by FinishTheDamnStory

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hawkeye0007hawkeye0007over 10 years ago

Why is Rick wasting his time with his lying slut wife and her bitch friends? He will never be happy with her or trust her again. This chapter is just more of the same old shit. End it already! He's a weak asshole and they are unredeemable bitches. 1 star

SKHPSKHPover 10 years ago
This chapter was a little better than the last one... least the issue of the third big-cock-encounter was adressed in this chapter and the (unbelievable) path to reconcilliation put on halt a little. Also the question of the kids role in this desaster was dealt with.

But still: to much guilt-trip for him. And the sluts obviously think it is an issue that can be solved with sex, which makes me believe that the author thinks the same way a bit.

FTDS, I very much appreciate your efforts on this epos, but sometimes you drag it out too much so that passages of the story get boring and I (like other readers, obviuosly) am inclined to skip them, as the ratings for the last chapter proved.

So, please come to the final solution.

Good 4*

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 10 years ago
Loving it

I take issue with the complaints about this being long and drawn out. I am loving this and marveling at your writing skill. These folks have simply become so accustomed to three page stories where everything gets resolved that they have forgotten what great writing looks like. This is your coming out party as one of the greats on this site. Savor it! I love how you are exploring all the intricacies in such detail. The section with the kids was marvelous. All of their questions and comments . . . Very insightful. This is becoming a masterpiece, an exploration of real emotions and circumstances that are very painful and impossible to resolve in three pages. I am glad you are taking your time, not rushing the story, and not overlooking any detail. I am proud of what you are doing. And let's not forget that this started as simply a salvaging of a shit original. That makes it all the more brilliant.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

It's time to finish the damn story!

SKHPSKHPover 10 years ago

I did not want my comment to be understood as a complaint - perhaps it would have been better placed with the previous chapter.

I agree with you especially in one point, and I have to emphasise it here:

I do not know any other sequel on this site that turned such a poor original story into an overall good piece like this.

EgoTrixiEgoTrixiover 10 years ago
Time to finish

This one seems like bubble gum: It draws endlessly, back and forth. In my oppinion his further actions were no konger justified. She had cheated - riight. But he wasn´t any better; he even surpassed her by now. I don´t really appreciate his endless going back, screaming at everyone and acting hurt by harmless remarks. A man, a word? Not really. He seems to mutate into a "crybaby" feeling sorry for himself again and again. I always loved your style, FTDS, but carefull: You might be overdoing it at the moment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Good read

Very good. I find myself anxiously awaiting the next segment. So glad you don't wait days or weeks between entries.

maninconnmaninconnover 10 years ago
Keep em coming!

Lots of comments about finishing the damn story....I agree. I hope you do, I know you will, and if you give me a hundred more great chapters while doing so, I'll still be smiling, saying FTDS, and begging you to keep em coming. And cumming.

Next please!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

yes it IS repeting the same arguments over and over again. But I can understand that it is something you and I would do too. It controles the mind and unless he, you, I are able to get over it or decide to cut it and move on, it will be coming back, again and again. One thing is sure, it's become a real good story and that's appreciated.

No further hints about the teenagers remark that was conveniently cut off??

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 10 years ago
The Thrill ( but not the skill ) Is Gone !

Some might argue, this is one of the weaker installments in this story. I can see where there some foundation for that concept. Rick didn't plow any new pussy this time out & recycled his increasingly wearisome " I'm so fragile " argument cc Danielle's deluded foray into foot-long dongs.

Yet the part of the story that struck me as platinum quality writing was Rick's heart to heart with his children. The wise yet innocent phrases emerging from the twins' lips struck so true.. To give full marks, a story has to have an isolated scene that will stay with me a long, long time. That talk so easily qualifies. Few authors dare to try this.

The reckoning scene with Tina, after he outed their liason to her husband, also took a unexpected poignant and mostly credible ( save for Tina not dialing 911 after hubby went Chris Brown on her ) twist. *****

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Who's John?

Who's John?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Really don't know what to think

I keep telling myself that I would do things differently if It was me , but the truth is that I really don't know what I would of done because it never happened to me that way . I do understand the trust thing is going to be really hard to get over if they ,and yes I say they, can . They both have that problem now . Rick because of what Dani has done and Dani because of what Rick has done . As of now Rick is no better than Dani . Dani is already making comments about Rick fucking her girlfriends and I'm just wondering if she will try to use that as a get out of jail free card in the near future if she wants to have fun with a big cock again or use it if they end up in divorce court .

Who is this John person and how does he fit into the picture , and how do the kids know so much about what is going on . I know kids know more about things now a days , but still they know way too many details . The fat comment that his kid made makes me wonder if mom has been trying to get the kids on her side in case things went south .

The teenager thing still has me stumped . Will we find out about that also or will it just disappear with no comment . Also Rick not keeping an eye on Dani any longer was a real shock to me . Rick has been doing everything to get back at Dani and has lost all his trust in her , but he stops having her followed ? You would think Rick would of had the PI on overtime following her since Dani started her new job and has been spending long hours at it , and her # 3 big cock conquest ? Anyway this is why there is writers and readers .We will never know why they write the things they write . We just read the stories and like them or not . As for me I only see one way for this to end and it is not a very happy way . To many things have happened and the trust is just not there any longer . I guess we will have to wait and see . Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
2 stars

Penalty for repetition and not moving the plot forward.

looking4itlooking4itover 10 years ago
The same thing

I've read some chapter stories like this and, inevitably, several of the chapters become simply a rehash of previous work. It's too late for this one but perhaps in future efforts you can take time to read through an consider whether or not a section or chapter is truly necessary to get your point across. There was nothing in this chapter new. It simply showed me that this was a dysfunctional relationship before and now it's gone nuclear. He has some serious mental/emotional issues that he should really seek therapy over. They are not caused by the contract, but rather, were amplified by it. One question that keeps coming up as I read is that you seem to use the kids once in awhile but there are occasional episodes where they seem to completely disappear. Where were they during dinner and throughout most of the last part of this story. You are using them as a convenience but not taking into consideration that they are still a part of the world when not directly being related to. I'm sure this is done and you're simply posting. I had hoped that six was the magic number but apparently not, which was disappointing. It's become much too long. Too much of a good thing is still too much.

gatorhermitgatorhermitover 10 years ago
Again, excellent writing

Our hero needs to find out who John is. I liked the line from one of the kids about you've almost lost one of me - that was funny.

SW_MO_HermitSW_MO_Hermitover 10 years ago
Way too long and too much repetition

The technical part of the writing is fine. No major errors. Good ole Rick needs to keep up the surveillance and grow a set of balls. Dump the bitch. The way you have written the story that is the only option. Scorched earth policy to her, her damn friends and her new lovers--yes, the way you have portrayed her and her friends I am sure there are more in the background. You have painted yourself into a corner here. The only option in the next installment is dump her, try to take the kids and move on, perhaps to another town even. Many of your endings to other's stories are good or at least aren't bad. This one is approaching bad. You can still fix it though if you get with the program. I suspect the way you have written this that all three of these women do hold Rick in contempt and that is the way you are going with this one but you need to get there NOW. End it. Take care of the children and let him move on to a happier life with a new love, one that respects him.

njlaurennjlaurenover 10 years ago
I disagree

this chapter did move the story forward. While I more than understand people's desire to see what happens (especially the BTB, throw the slut out anon posters who are waiting to rip FTDS a new asshole if they reconcile, their chief pleasure in life it looks like), I am just as anxious reading this, I think it is realistic in that complex situations are difficult to resolve, the three pagers where the guy says 'baby I forgive you", "I'll always love you" just doesn't work that way in real life. Hubby has been hurt, big time, it is a gaping wound, and has lashed out in anger and caused even more hurt, both to the other person and himself. What Shelly and Danielle and Tina can't realize is that anything they tell him about being a great lover is going to sound like they are telling it to him to make him feel better, to make up for what they did. Ironically, part of the cure for that would be pointing out that for some reason Jen and Gina, two attractive young women, seemed to find him great in bed....

The real breakthrough has to be Danielle explaining why she seemed so turned on in the videos and why she did it the third time and got so filthy and dirty. One explanation could very well be that she did it because she wanted to punish herself, that she was feeling like a low down slut, felt bad about herself, and wanted to degrade another story, GoodHusbands 'courtesan' series, the wife after they reconcile is feeling low about herself, and in a restaurant tells her hubby to go home and starts throwing herself at this arrogant jerk in a suit at the bar (yeah, I know, arrogant jerk and suit is saying the same thing), and he realizes why she is doing it and stops it, at a threat to himself.

The one weakness in the story is that both of them are professionals, they are lawyers, yet they aren't trying to rely on a professional to help them. Lawyers have a saying that someone defending themselves has a fool for a client, so why aren't they taking their own businesses advice to heart? Having people who were involved in the mess, like Shelly and Tina, only makes it worse. Danielle is going to have to come clean, and she could make the point that the first two times were out of anger and also in part to make herself feel desirable (he might feel self conscious about his dick size and lovemaking ability, she about her age, her body), and point out that he had two young women who were infatuated with him, and how did he think that made her feel, did he think she didn't know that a 20 something body and vagina is going to feel better than a mother of 2?

As far as the third time, She is going to need to convince him it was about abusing herself, punishing herself, and not about wanting to do it, and that is going to be hard. FTDS is a great writer, and he probably will come up with a way for hubby to realize that that wasn't about lust or desire, that not using a condom, all the holes, was her way of degrading herself, I just don't know how I would do that and make him believe it. It is where maybe a counselor would help, or maybe even Jean Morelli could help him understand that, if he specialty is bringing couples together, she might have insight as someone who has not stake in the race.

Great job, I give it a 5, both because it is a great story, and also because I need to balance out the Faux News crowd with their automatic 1 button for anything that isn't a man and wife having sex with the lights out in the missionary position.

beautyfishbeautyfishover 10 years ago
The story IS moving.......

This is how things really are. One step forward, two steps back. The husband keeps turning things over in his head, putting the pieces together. The lies add up in new and different ways, after the fact. As much as he'd like for it all to work out, it becomes more and more difficult. One minute, reconciliation seems possible and the next, divorce seems inevitable. Great job.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 10 years ago
One more thought...

I do think that the kids had a great deal of information about everything going on between mom and dad. This could simply be the author trying to highlight the point that kids are more perceptive and thus more prone to being hurt than we think. This is supported in the text. It could also be that mom has been telling them things, or that this John is someone of import. Could just be a kid at school, or it may be some guy that mom has brought home before.

I was also surprised that he stopped having her followed.

My previous comment was not aimed at a specific commentator, just at all the comments in general - especially for the last chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Your getting better, now you have to finish your own


tiger46tiger46over 10 years ago
tide has turned

and i now HOPE she leaves and finds someone else.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 10 years ago

The marriage is over. There is no possible reconciliation possible. He's been taken to the brink and the wife and her friends are just placating him to try to save the marriage. I see it. If the deception works and they remain married it would be only a matter of time before Danielle and her friend search out big cocks. But now Rick realizes this also. Who is this John character? I have a feeling he is a secret lover but I can't be sure. Keep it coming.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 10 years ago
Finish the story?

This has become a fantasy/nightmare. He has five women he can screw anytime and he's miserable? He has a promotion and a wife that will go along with him banging her friends and he's unhappy? He broached the third betrayal and the wife seemed to shrug it off with those words, "I'm sorry" for the one millionth time. You can keep this up forever. He's mad, she's sorry, then she's mad and he's sorry. I guess we stay the course until he loses all the weight he wants to lose. This story is better than the original, but so is diaper rash and NY Giant football. We've fallen down the rabbit hole here and I wonder if the author can get us out?

Kiddo1001Kiddo1001over 10 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
What?!? Just more of the same........same........same

A 2 maybe..

I would say there is a lot of going on, but will use the word 'sex'. Sex sex sex sex among them all and all the time, get real !!!! Round and round we go. Get out the 45 and kill this "story". No other way to end it..........

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
For somebody with a name like yours

You sure can't seem to finish the damn story. I started off giving you higher scores. With every additional episode, the scores get lower. Are you afraid you will die when it's over? Or are you just enjoying the guy's wet dream fantasy of having all of these women to fuck?

Come on. I'm way past giving a big rat's ass if you kill her, leave her or reconcile with her. If you're not careful, some mediocre writer is going to "finish the damn story" for you.

JounarJounarover 10 years ago
repetition turning into mediocrity turning into bordom

Chapters 2,3 and 4 of this story were excellent but 5 and 6 added nothing. Rick has gone from the clever and intelligent man of the earlier chapters who was able to piece together and see through his cheating wife's lies and bullshit and turn the tables off her contract to his advantage, into a bumbling buffoon, that even when such suspicious events like his untrustworthy wife working late, hanging out with her slut friends, Shelly's mention of teenagers on the phone, his children talking about their conversations with a man named John, are shoved in his face he still fails to wonder about or even consider them.

A major plothole is why on earth Rick would stop his PI's surveillance of Danielle when it's already provided him the details of her hiding and lying about fucking stud number 3 behind his back along with her conversations with her friends? Wasn't part of his counter plan against Danielle to deplete the bank accounts which 24/7 surveillance would help put a pretty big dent in?

Also his flip flopping between anger at what the 3 sluts put him through and him then wanting to make nice with them, day after day after day is just retarded. Nobody acts likes this or would even be able to, nevermind deal with all the stress it would cause them day in day out.

@ njlauren

You theory about Danielle going to to stud number 3 as self punishment just doesn't add up for me. IF, and its a fucking damm big IF, she only did it because she felt guilt over her actions of destroying her husband....

1) Why pick a stud with a huge dick? Shouldn't the punishment actually be a punishment so that an old fat sleazy guy would surely be required. A total sleazeball that offered her no pleasure at all and would humiliate her just like she did to hubby?

2)If it was truly a punishment for her behavior why wasn't if her instead of Shelly that put a stop to fucknuts insults of rick?

3)Most importantly, how does repeating the actions that have badly hurt her husbands ego and seriously fucked up their marriage, help her husband in any way which has to factor into her desire for punishment?

Why not hand Rick the key to his cock cage along with the keys to a chastity belt she would be wearing and giving him a free pass to fuck someone else and agree to both watch the video and clean him up afterwards? While not making things better it could be viewed as making things even and at least wouldn't make things worse.

IronDragonIronDragonover 10 years ago

No mention of teenagers in this one, despite Shelly's slip at the end of the last chapter, and Hubby REALLY should still have the PI following Wifey. This tale has more twists than a drunk snake. Wrap it up pretty quick, FTDS.

5 Stars, barely.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Just a bunch.....

....of nasty women. Liars, cheaters, sluts and big cock hounds.

He calls Shelley 'smoking hot'? Any disease ridden cunt can still be 'smokin' hot'. The problem is, when they become slutty skanks, they no longer are 'smoking hot', they are slutty cunts.

And now after the way Tina treated him HE needs forgiveness? NO FUCKING WAY. She belittled him, humiliated him and made his life miserable. She deserves everything she got, with the exception of how her husband hit and bruised her, no women should ever be hit by a man except in self defense when pinned down. No woman deserves that.

Nope, Danielle is a big cock hound pure and simple and she took great pleasure in rubbing it in her husbands face. Never forget how she behaved, how she belittled her husband, how she was more passionate for other men that her husband even during 12 years of marriage and never forget how she made him eat it out that first time.

No, this woman treated someone that she supposedly loves worst than most any sane person would treat their worst enemy. That cannot be forgotten and most importantly, never ever forgiven.

lonewolf3307lonewolf3307over 10 years ago
Well, this is never going to end, is it?...

... I used to wonder what you could do with an original story. Not so much, anymore. If this convoluted mess is any indication, it would probably be a disaster. Finish the damn story, already.

JounarJounarover 10 years ago
forgot to add

Maybe it's just me, but anyone else think Tina's bruises are more likely from the sluts playing with abusive fuckbuddies rather than from a husband who is said to have had an affair by three woman who have done nothing but lie throughout the entire story?

Rockyderek_caRockyderek_caover 10 years ago

I vote for our hero to live happily ever after with his trainer, cook and new law partner. Screw the yreacherous ex and her whorish friends!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Wanton Size Queen Will She Ever Go Back?

So far all we've heard is Rick's side of things...he's too small and can't compete with Meat and Danielle's wantoness for that kind of attention. Rick has pretty much made his decision ... I want to know what Danielle's decision will be and why. Does she continue as a size queen and suffer the consequences? If not, how does she convince Rick she is really back and erase those terrible wanton images of her lusting for her owner (Meat) from Rick's mind...can she? Great story but get it over with; soon. 5x5

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
I can't recall

the last time (if ever) i've wanted three characters to just go die in a fire as much as these three sorry excuses for adult humans.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
enough !

fat slob loses a few pounds an now he's fucking every women he knows...she hurt him bad but he did sign that fuckin he has hurt her badly he going to fuck her mom too ?? if he can't get "those images" out of his head move on and stop the damage to her and himself..he is looking worse and worse to his law firm./and even after divorce he has young kids and will have to still have to deal w/ his ex for visitation,holidays,etc...she now has "images" in her head these two have gone too far to ever b ok w/ each other again....great story but too much detail on the sex he's having last chapt was a waste...please finish thanks !! stlcris

elHosedelHosedover 10 years ago
One thing...

...that's been bugging me from the original story and the beginning of this one. NO contract is upholding in a court of law unless one of two factors persists. Money exchanged hands or the signing was notarized. Neither of these things happened in this. Any lawyer worth his fee would have just torn up the thing once he got his head out of his ass or used it as evidence of moral character in a divorce...

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
FTDS - I'm not sure

If FTDS really will FTDS. How many times can "I'm sorry", "I screwed up", "I made a big mistake." occur in this damn story? Take those out and this thing could have been wrapped up in Chapter 3.

So come on FTDS get on with it! Please try to FTDS in our lifetime!


soulspicesoulspiceover 10 years ago
For gods sake

Your name is FinishTheDamnStory and you are incapable of doing it. How many fucking times must Shelly say "we made a huge mistake" - she has said it at least 20 times already. How many times will the pathetic Rick vacillate between his wife and divorce? This story stopped being interesting two chapters ago. Please, put it mercifully to sleep.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
finish the dame story

this back and forth shit is boring both partiers are wrong his wife more so, either fix it or shit and get off the pot and move on. way to many friends fucking him to make this a believable story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
why is this story so much about his feelings he is fucking every girl in town

how much of this bullshit must we endure. he is losing weight and fucking so many yet they both destroyed their marriage and his firm should know what is going on . make up or divorce both you cheating asses. she stopped but the punishment continues

OneShotOneOneShotOneover 10 years ago
Sorry to say

But you have lost the plot. Tedious repetitive, and boring. It was time to wrap this up two chapters ago.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
how to end this story

The kids made reference to someone called John. We find out that John was Danielle's lover BEFORE Rick fucked the hooker. Therefore Danielle cheated FIRST. Hence contract is nullified and voided. Rick finds out that the 90/10 con game was Danielle and, Shelley's ultimate betrayal and divorces Danielle and wonders why he wasted time. Marrys Gina, gets the twins and starts a second family.

vazkor13vazkor13over 10 years ago
I liked that story

Some commenters seems to think that it is too long a story, I do not think so. After all the 'betrayal' from Danielle was among the worse that you can imagine, and the second and mainly third time add to it. So to 'solve' that issue it need time. Nonetheless I hope the author will wrap it all in a neat ending, probably with a reconciliation story, I would like that, but it's just my own taste.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 10 years ago
No quick end in sight

The steps he was taking to burn her, get a divorce, get custody of the kids, and keep his money, seems to have dissolved. He has had sex with her, tore up the contract (or at least she did), slept around as much as she did (there is even a video of him fucking Tina), gone on record with all her friends that he will try to save the marriage, etc. the only way this returns to a BTB story and makes the reconciliation haters happy, is for new developments. Only, these new developments need to be legally authentic if they are to be in keeping with the story. They are both lawyers. The story has already been premised on him carefully evaluating the contract and looking for legal lapses. Given the attention the author has placed on accuracy of details, if this is going to be a BTB story it has a ways to go. Reconciliation is the quickest out for this tale. Again, don't listen to the naysayers and rush this well developed tale. I love what you are doing. I look forward to seeing which direction you take it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Hoping for good not BTB ending

I'll be short as I think njlauren said my thoughts well--- explain the third event with Dani and then forgive. Very believeable hurt feeling both side, bad reactions and both not on the same page at the same time. Nice touch bringing out the kids in this chapter. 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Auto 1*


Judging from the comments I'm glad I don't read these.

Let the old fucked-up stories die.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
This shits longer than the bible but twice as boring

You just keep going over the same old shit. She like 12 inch dicks, he's humiliated, he can't get it out of his head, blah, blah, blah.

It's time to wrap this up infact you could and should of ended it last chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

The chapters are blurring, its time to end this, pleeeeez!!!!

tazz317tazz317over 10 years ago

and the spell checker and editors are in a turmoil, TK U MLJ LV NV

MattblackUKMattblackUKover 10 years ago
It has outraged the trolls. So is clearly a 5* story

Really great writing. Next chapter awaited eagerly!

FullCircle56FullCircle56over 10 years ago
OK? Enough With the New Characters!

Who T F is John? I echo others in this regard. What and how do his kids know about him? Again, please don't introduce a character without some sort of explanation. In the same regard who is Denise? With the unexplained characters I think you're creating a novel instead of finishing a story.

Time to wrap it up. I think most commenters have enjoyed this so far but this is not your MO. Still a 5 in my book but faltering.

sugnasugnaover 10 years ago
Who T F is John? FTDS!

FTDS! Finish the damn story! holy crap, you are a good writer and that is all that is keeping me going. It is time for Rick to get his shit together and get the fuck out of this mess! His wife is a slut, her friends are sluts and it is not going to change. End it now!

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioover 10 years ago
This chapter was like a spoiled orgasm . . .

There was a lot of build up to a reconciliation, Rick was making love to Danielle (in front of Shelley and Tina?), then he loses his hard-on (without climaxing) because of bad flashbacks and self-doubts.

He even loses his self-control and downs a bacon cheeseburger, fries, and a sugar drink (coke). He works out on the treadmill far too long -- his behavior is self-destructive and a heart attack will ambush him if he doesn't watch out. Rick is in serious need of therapy, no doubt about it.

I had high hopes for this chapter but it does not seem as if there is any real progress towards resolution -- either divorce or forgiveness -- and Rick continues to wallow in self-pity and repetition. He has lost his way and has lost his confidence as a man. This chapter, like Rick's attempt to make love to Danielle, leaves us hanging and frustrated, a figurative blue-balls experience. Please FTDS.

soulspicesoulspiceover 10 years ago
Matt Black

Just because a story is considered bad by people you do not like, that does not make it good. Try actually using your critical faculties. Your comment is among the stupidest things I have ever heard.

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 10 years ago
mentally he's fucked, the whore just keep making it worse

put the marriage down like you would an injured animal. This is being stretched to far. If I were the husband, I would use the fuck tapes, get my kids and move on. There has to be a good woman somewhere in the area he at. Come on FTDS, do they live in Whoresville, Texas or something.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I can see now why your stories barely make it over 3*. You're an idiot.

HarryHaversackersHarryHaversackersover 10 years ago
Bored out of my skull with this dreary tale,

But want to know how it ends. Will the next installment be the one? Please let it be so...

IronDragonIronDragonover 10 years ago
I agree with cantbuymy.

John is someone the kids know, but Hubby doesn't. Obviously he's around when Hubby isn't, and is at least friends with Wifey and the kids. Something is fishy there, and I think I finally see where this is going. Wifey is going to get fucked up, as is John, whoever he is. Chances are this is going to go thermonuclear before all the dust settles. FTDS, I REALLY hope you're planning to drop a 500 megaton warhead here.

Teenagers and John... And boom goes the dynamite.

overthehillmedicoverthehillmedicover 10 years ago
Let it go. wait till he goes back to work

Once he gets it figured out that the kids are not his, by good ole DNA he will hit them all up for a sizeable amount of cash, and life his life with his trainer.Keep it going, it shows how fucked up some men get from a slut wife.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Will it ever end?

Too much, "I'm sorry, I'm mad, I can't get images out of my head... "

What about Monday with Tina and divorce lawyer? That's good for a few chapters of twists and turns. Rick screws people then feels guilty. Not much of a lawyer, they screw people with zero remorse. Teenagers? Aren't they Meat and big cock #2? Young studs. John? Tina's son?

peanut_buddhapeanut_buddhaover 10 years ago

This sad little saga is somewhat like Chico Marx repeating the same refrain while playing the piano, while explaining he can't remember how it ends, except when Chico did it, it was funny. Please, please, PLEASE, put these sad characters and your readers out of their combined misery, and finish this damned story already!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Another Fuck and Suck Saga from FTDS

FTDS seems to be writing these novels about men getting even by having sex with his wife's or fiancee's friends, who, while they are fucking and sucking him, are busy telling him how sorry his woman is that she did things with well-hung men that she never did with him.

I know some of you guys probably sit around and trash-talk women, but Jesus, are there really women like this, who create these extreme scenarios that help their friends cheat/get payback? Are women in a pack this dangerous? I must admit I have no great love for my own gender, having been burnt by my mother, sisters, friends, coworkers, neighbors, fellow name it. But I've never come across women like this, who scheme as a group to get what they want, and then, when it backfires, start with the verbal manipulations and reconstructive history. Who can believe anything they say? It might be entertaining reading, but please, someone tell me it's not realistic!

My understanding of the way men and women cheat is that the betrayed women get upset about theirs husband's investment of time, the stolen affection, the emotional bonding with the other woman, with her husband giving the other woman considerations he never gave her--like writing her poetry, going places she wants, buying her little surprise gifts, etc.

Whereas with the betrayed men, I thought it was the way their spouse dressed up and gave the other man sexual treats he never got. And I always thought that once a man actually sees the couple doing it, whether live or on DVD, it's all over. But in FTDS's sagas, the men jump right into the fray, doing the wife's friends, and I guess that distracts them, making them think the score is evened, and they can consider reconciliation?

The fact that the husband is having difficulty accepting what his wife did at the end of this chapter seems more realistic.

bruce22bruce22over 10 years ago
I am still hanging in here.

Sort of like Rick.

To tell the truth, I thought at the time that John was a class mate of the twins. A know it all. Now though the author owes an explanation to the massed commentators!

He does not have any good sense any more. Fucking his wife in front of her girl friends?? Now she can prove in court that he forgave her. Adding to his humiliation by failing in said intercourse? It was almost 90% chance. Finally calling off the PI??

He does not know anything.

Could the author be trying to prove that he can hold out attention without finishing the story. It reminds of some ten season TV shows.

javmor79javmor79over 10 years ago
Pity Party

This guy is turning into a whiney little bitch now. I know he was done dirty and he was the butt of a lot of jokes. But this guy got revenge and then some. He ran the guys out of town, got one friend fired, and got the other friend in trouble with her husband. His wife is a bawling mess of emotions, begging and pleading with him for the smallest sign of love. He fucked both of this wife's best friends. got to sleep with a sexy assistant and a personal trainer. On to of all of that, all of the women are bending over backwards to build his self confidence. They all are giving glowing testimonials of his ability in bed. If his ego is still crushed then I am starting to believe that it is just his image of himself. Yes those guys had bigger dicks than him. That's life. By now I feel that he needs to get over it. There is nothing else that can be done for penance. I was with him and was happy at how things starting turning around for him. But now the only reason that this story isn't wrapped up is because every time they make progress he starts acting like a bitch. If what has happened is still not enough, then he needs to get divorced and stop dragging everyone through this pity party. There are only two choices. Divorce or reconciliation. Right now he is just straddling the fence.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 10 years ago
RICK's Pity party vs his justifiable rage

In a lot a ways the story here is simply repeating ... going around the circle with the same arguments even if the dialog is still pretty snappy and well done. Just when Rick and the wife were beginning to make some progress everything slips back. In marriages which have come to a serious trauma like this this sort of thing can and DOES happen.

But the intervention of Shelly and Tina into the marriage and their use of the bodies is making things worse. Sure those 2 women may be well meaning and trying to Build up Rick's emasculated ego/ persona BUT it comes across to Rick has being very artificial and a constant reminder of what THEY and his wife did.

It is impossible for Rick and Danielle to get back to "normal" or to get past recent events IF the close friends of the cheating wife are still hanging around and associating with her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
FinishTheDamnStory ... Question

Who has the bigger CUNT? Rick, the pathetic excuse of a man who doesn't have the balls to beat .. Yeah I said BEAT ... THE LIVING SHIT out his TRAMP wife and then kick her lying ass to the curb -or- Danielle, the disgusting, lying, ANAL, ATM WHORE, who will spread her twat lips like three day old rancid butter the first time a big cock appears -or- YOU for turning the story into just another pile of CUCK SHIT with your pathetic attempt to "buy" sympathy from the readers for the SKANK wife while completely castrating the wimp husband thru reconciliation .... at all cost!


.... You know on second thought just forget the question, go back to your cuck closet and .... DON'T FinishThisDamnStory or any future stories that you dream up in your demented little cuck mind....

monkcalmmonkcalmover 10 years ago
I for one

support his rage, and to all you fem-men haters the fucks that say its a pity party,fuck you, i hope your family get fucked over like this, man some of you people r freaks.

she is a lying cheating bully and deserves pain,suffering, as a friend said once " a dead bully in the school yard is a great day for anybody not perfect", she still loves her bi bully friends.....she has it all coming in mercy was shown ..none is given. god i hope she gets destroyed...then you will read all the cry babies saying it went to far..collect the tears then in a glass and toast to the end of reconciliation at any cost.

IGotYurWifeIGotYurWifealmost 10 years ago
Who is "John"??

No, not John Galt. Who is "John" that the kids mentioned? Danielle have a longterm backdoor man?

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
kick his hypocritical family busting cheating ass to the curb

Rick cheated first, he cheated last and he cheated the most. Danielle only cheated for revenge because she was hurting. Throw in his petty vindictivness getting Tina abused by her husband and the fact that he'll always be a cheater means having Danielle ever wanting his sorry ass back just stupid. Even his own kids know he's screwing around. When you start having Shelly acting the way she is, well that's just silly crap. This doesn't even deserve 1 star.

TavadelphinTavadelphinover 9 years ago
We are defintiely not done yet -

John is still out there -

Her true motivation is still out there -

Her true desires for the future is still out there -

Eroticafan8000Eroticafan8000about 9 years ago
Way too long.

This story, while good, is starting wear on me. Actually, it started doing that about 3 chapters ago. Why is this dude still dealing with the pain? I mean yes, it's obviously very painful but come on. Six weeks of the same crap? I'd be healing already but all that time has proven to do is heal very little, if any. He just keeps poking his old wounds. He says he's not a wimp but all I'm hearing is the same old boohoo, woe is me crap. This dude just needs to let time play things out and then he'll really see if she's changed or not. He needs to suck it up, grow a pair and bed his wife and force the images out of his head. To stop being a pussy about it. I've been in some situations that have scarred me and left images in my mind that wouldn't go away. It took me a good two weeks of consciously fighting them but they finally died down enough to not haunt my sleep. Over time, it will become like a bad dream that you always remember but it will fade. That guy just needs to man up.

krosis666krosis666about 9 years ago
Agree with the last comment about it being waaaay too long

And not because it takes time to read, but because it's just dragged out pointlessly, going round and round and back around again, needlessly. More than half of it is pointless repetition, just to fill space. It could actually be a decent story, if it was condensed into 2 or 3 chapters. Each chapter of this feels like reading the previous one, all over again, with little or no progression, and very little of anything new. Quit flogging that dead horse, he ain't getting up anymore!

sbrooks103sbrooks103about 9 years ago

Yes, he screwed up first with the hooker, and he DID let himself go, but she could have TALKED to him about his weight, and the hooker COULD have been used for SOME “revenge” sex, but what she did was WAY over the top.

Yes, his response was extreme, and maybe he DID go overboard, but it wasn’t exactly unprovoked, and he shouldn’t beat himself up so much over it!

Okay, I’m NOT a RAAC, if anything I lean towards BTB, and I definitely have NOT made up my mind if Danielle has earned reconciliation, but if they BOTH want it, and are willing to WORK at it, as it APPEARS they do, then I guess I’m okay with it.

“It was just a stupid joke. I wish you wouldn't blow it all out of proportion.”

After all he/they have gone through, he’s got a RIGHT to “blow it all out of proportion.”

I’m not sure, and it may not even help, but maybe Shelly and Toni have to get out of their lives at least for a while, they seem to be reminders, triggering memories of what he’s gone through.

“You couldn't be more wrong. None of us see you that way.”

Maybe THEY don’t, but that doesn’t change how HE feels.

Shelly STILL doesn’t get it! She’s still trying to minimize the third time, and using that tired, old Loving Wives trope of the “fragile male ego”, but HE’S supposed to be sensitive to Dani's feelings when he can’t maintain his erection with her!

He doesn’t want to confront her about the third time, but he told Shelly, doesn’t he think she told Dani?

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago

"We screwed up. I've admitted it and apologized” – Yeah, and saying that HE’S 90% to blame, while fucking Meat 2 when they KNEW he DIDN’T want to be a cuckold!

As I believe others have said, there's never been any explanation for how easily she took a 12" cock if she really had never had anything but his normal cock for 20 years!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Most boring, long-winded, repetitive story ever. This shit is worse than the original. And that was pretty fucking bad.

MbgdallasMbgdallasover 8 years ago
Just being an asshole again.

I don't get it. Just fucking get over it. Everybody is doing everything they can to make it up and he just doesn't WANT to let it go. He is as big a prick as have ever been described on this site.

sinstalkersinstalkerabout 8 years ago
Doing good

I think the author is doing a great job of writing how even if the people involved want to reconcile sometimes the acts will slowly deteriate the relationship no matter what is done. Seeing the videos like he has would be a very very tall hurdle to overcome for anyone in love with their significant other. Don't think I personally could get over it myself. I really like the verbal exchanges between him and his wife well written good job!

ErotFanErotFanover 7 years ago
Time to move on

Fish or cut bait. Sink or swim. Get off your ass, Rick.

Hell, with all the "smokin' hot babes" he's plugging, the contract was the best move he ever made!

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 7 years ago
Second time through

Just brilliant how you have the reader convinced this woman has changed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
At this point...'s starting to become diffucult to sympathize with the main character Rick. The guy is getting more ass than he could ever have imagined by 5 incredibly hot women of various ages. Sure, it was nightmare of an experience, but in reality it seems maybe at this point of the story he should consider on the scale of things, life is pretty good. It now appears he is milking the situation, justifiably or not, for all it's worth. I can dig that, but he should be enough in contact with reality to admit to himself he is now king of a little harem of 5 gorgeous babes. Rick has his own pussy palace. At this junction of the story he sounds like a winey little bitch. Also I give the author 5 Stars on all chapters. I love FTDS's story's. I can't believe some of the negative comments by some of the posters here. These nitwit critics are pathetically ignorant of how great the writing talent this author has. Shame.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Great story, great writing...

We miss you FTDS.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Fucked up story

I guess FTDS helped this miserable piece of shit, but it was still fucked up. And Rick is still one huge PUSSY. FTDS is very good, but he had nothing to work with here.

tazz317tazz317almost 6 years ago

the clock expired and the game has no winner, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
I Am Usually A FTDS Fan But...

This is getting to be drawn out and overly repetitive. Danielle doesn't know when to talk to Rick and when to shut her damned mouth. And why does she have to have Tina and Shelly in her home all the time? Do you know who has the firmest grasp of the situation? Eric and Erin! This marriage is dead. Time to bury it and move on. Danielle has become an expert at twisting what Rick says and what he doesn't say to mean what she wanted to believe so she could cheat and torment Rick. She has totally destroyed every vestige of Rick's manhood. This was never about losing weight. It was always about destroying a reasonably good man.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Take your own advice and FINISH THE DAMN STORY!

jtwheelsjtwheelsover 4 years ago
NO if he gives up on her maybe OK giving up on himself!


MarkT63MarkT63about 4 years ago
Work out?

Exercise for his health and future girlfriend; not to mention his sex life after dumping the slut!!!

vickitvohiovickitvohioalmost 4 years ago

like a sinking ship, this is turning into the original cuck story chapter one was :0/

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

the kids mentioned John... who is that? never mentioned again.

4 for this chapter. down a bit. gamblnluck

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

He's got all of that money, just disappear that bitch!!

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 3 years ago


This is getting a little tedious. Are they or are they not going to get back together? He cheated and she went overboard. What now?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Rick should get councilling. It is true she lied and acted like a complete whore. Maybe he should sell those apes to a porn site. Danielle still doesn't believe the situation she caused, and probably, if no longer married, would be nothing but a big-cock slut. Too many things she'd never do with her husband, she willingly did with those assholes on video. Rick shouldn't have helped Tina and the other slut, either...

BigDee44BigDee44almost 3 years ago

Toooooo much cardio will cause a heart attack

AngelRiderAngelRideralmost 3 years ago

Fucking boring repetitive sex scenes. Why do writers fill stories with pages of this shit? One single HOT scene is way way better than 3 pages of the same thing over and over again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

He's doing all this work, putting up with her and her friends with the big meat buddies,for the kids.Why not simply go for the divorce, show the judge the tapes and let the judge decide if she is an unfit mother.....Or, does he deep down enjoy seeing her being a tramp bringing home her foul body with her lovers on and in her for him to clean up and clean out? Twill be interesting to find out which. LP

ejsathomeejsathomeover 2 years ago

While I enjoyed the story line, it's getting much too repetitive. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. Too many chapters that say too little. Enough already! If there are any twists, bring them on! I keep reading the same things over and over again.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 2 years ago

amazing story, so much better than the original author you referred to. I don't think I could ever live with her again

dawg997dawg997about 2 years ago

Make up your mind. Either forgive her or get out. Shit happens, but now he's just becoming a whining pussy.

ZippityDoDaDayZippityDoDaDayalmost 2 years ago

I still love this story but it is draggingbeven more; time to make a decision, Tom, and FTDS is overdue to quit beating the horse, it is already dead.

captcoolcaptcoolalmost 2 years ago

All I can say is, Rick is one stupid dude. He had three naked hot women lying in his bed, and all he could think about is how much of a martyr he wants to be. How pathetic.

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