The Cure Ch. 24


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"When did he send this?" I asked Franck.

"About an hour ago. I've known Simon since forever, he would not toy with us. I don't know what the fuck we're still doing here, discussing. I've only mentioned this to Gino because he's the only one with a car and I wanted to go there fast." Franck explained.

"Ok then, you're right. We should go." I spoke.


"Yes! The three of us. We don't know what's going on and you both are going to murder each other if I'm not there to stop you. And Franck, you should delete the message like Simon asked."

"Yeah... You're probably right."

Franck admitting that I was right, that was a first.

"Ok, let's go then. I'll drive." Gino got behind the wheel.

Franck took the passenger seat and I found myself in the back of the car. It was about a couple hours' drive until we would arrive at the address mentioned by Simon.

I was worried. The guys were too.

No joke, no teasing, nothing. We had no idea what to expect but somehow, we all knew we were getting into some uncharted (and very serious) territory.

The shaky tone of Simon's voice in his message was very disturbing.

Maybe I should not have proposed to tag along with Franck and Gino, I had enough stuff going on my own, - especially that day -, but I guess that I wanted to help Simon.

You know the saying; the rowing team always sticks together.

I also could not let Franck and Gino leave together without me.

In a way, it gave me the perfect opportunity not to think about my results to come.

Although, to be honest, I was very much thinking about it during the entire ride... I was checking my phone every thirty seconds for any missed calls from Doctor Williams.

There was none until we reached the rendezvous point.

"Do you think there's a chance this is all just a prank from Simon?" I tentatively asked.

"None." Franck replied very seriously.

We got out of the car, it was already dark outside, early evening. I felt like I was in a spy movie or something, the place looked sleazy indeed.

There was something exciting, although scary, about this whole trip.

I had sported a hard-on pretty much all throughout.

We walked some stairs up to the room number that Simon had indicated in his last message.

Franck was the one to knock.

There were movements inside but no one answered.

Franck knocked again. And again.

"Simon, that's us! We came."

The door opened but that was not Simon who answered. There was a naked guy I did not know who seemed roughly our age standing there.

He would have looked nice, fit and all, handsome even, if he had not had his hands covered in dried blood.

"WOW! Who the fuck are you?" Gino immediately jumped in front of me.

Franck pulled a knife out of his pocket with a quickness which shocked me. I was definitely not picturing things going south so suddenly.

"Guys, he's fine, he's with me!"

That was Simon's weak voice from inside the room.

"Come on in, hurry, shut the door!" The naked stranger told us.

Gino looked at me like he was asking me to stay behind, but we were all in this together now.

I hurried to get in and I was the one to shut the door behind me.

Simon was lying on the bed, stark naked as well, visibly hurt. His left shoulder had been heavily bleeding and was now covered by a makeshift medical sling. It looked like that hurt!

His cock was locked in a chastity cage.

Franck ran to his best friend.

"Simon! What happened?! Fuck, we need to get you to a hospital, asap."

Gino walked towards him also and was ready to lift him up to get him in the car. I had the same reaction, we needed to act urgently.

"Guys, no! We cannot go to a hospital." Simon protested.

"Man, what have you done?"

"He's done nothing wrong!" The stranger snapped at us, his large cock -- damn, he was hung -- dangling low between his legs.

"You moron, no one asked for your opinion!" Franck pushed him against the wall.

"Franck, stop! You're making things worse!" Simon yelled.

Shit, shit, shit, this was even worse than anything I could have expected.

The stranger seemed about to punch Franck in the face but he pulled back his clenched fists.

"What happened?" I asked Simon, trying to remain calm.

"I've got shot, running away from the Factory. We escaped together."

"You escaped?" Gino seemed as stunned as I was.

"Guys, you have no idea, this is insane in there. The things they made us do. We had to find a way out."

"But who freaking shot you?" Franck was hysterical.

I had never seen the rowing captain like that.

"Them! They shot me! The CUM Factory. The C.E.D Corp!"

"We have discovered some stuff that they do not want us to share." The stranger explained, although this was not explaining much.

"And they're willing to kill 20 years old dudes to preserve their secrets?" I asked them both.

"Yes, they are." Simon confirmed in a harsh tone.

"Damn, Simon, what kind of mess have you brought us into?" Gino said.

"I'm sorry guys, really, we only need a lift to get away from the city. But I did not know who else to call."

"Who's that guy, then?" Franck pointed to the stranger.

"His name is Julian; he was my donor at the Factory. We've been working together; we ran away together. He saved my freaking life today."

"Hi..." Julian waved his hand at us.

He did seem like a good guy. And again, he had a very nice cock.

Gino caught that I had glanced at it.


"Seriously, the less you know, the better off you will be, guys." Simon explained "Do you think you could drive us to Boston? That's all we need."

"Dude, no. What you need is to go to a freaking hospital. This could get infected; your injury looks very serious." Gino insisted.

For once, Franck was on the same line:

"And if the CUM Factory is shooting people, let's call the freaking police, or journalists, I don't know. Everyone needs to know!"

"I wish it was that simple..." Simon muttered.

"And what about your father? He's practically the head of the State at this point. He can surely do something."

Simon started crying.

"Franck, my father is the worst of them all. I swear."

Franck sat on the bed to take a closer look at Simon's injury. He had calmed down a little.

There was a short moment of silence when my phone rang, we all jumped.

"Sorry, that's just my... Oh."

It was Doctor Williams calling me. Fuck.

"Who is it?" Gino asked me.

"Williams... You know, the testing."

"Shit, I had forgotten about that."

It was probably the worst timing ever, but I needed to know.

I had to know what the test said, to figure who I was.

"I'll get it." I decided.

I isolated myself in the small bathroom while the others continued to debate on the next course of action. My mind was railing in all directions.

I picked-up the phone.


"Daniel? Doctor Williams on the line. I have your results."

I sat on the toilets.


"Well, I have some news. You... You are an Alpha male, Daniel."

My heart dropped in my chest.

"I am... What?"

"I can confirm that there is no defect in your system. The results have come back and they were very clear. There were so clear in fact that I thought that there must have been a mistake..."

"And there's not? I am cured?"

"Technically, you are not cured."

Damn it, will this never end?!

"THEN WHAT?!" I howled over the phone.

"Daniel, your situation is rather extraordinary. You cannot be cured because you were never at risk. You have never borne the defect. There has been a terrible mistake made by the staff when you took your first test, the very first day of the Protocol."

"Wait... You mean that I... I was never a Beta... I... I did not need to ingest cum? At all?"

"I am sorry, Daniel, but yes, this is what I mean. Your sample has been swapped with another one, it was a human error. It can happen."

Thank God I was sitting down or I would have fallen off.

"For fuck's sake, Doctor. Do you realize the consequences of what you're telling me right now?"

"Surely, I do. But your case is not what we are the most concerned about. I have finally pin-pointed exactly what went wrong. Two results have been swapped, meaning that a poor Beta male has not been taking his treatment for all this time and, worse than that, he has been wasting precious cum while contributing to the Protocol. This individual is very, very much at risk now."

I was shaking so much that I could barely hold my phone.

"That is crazy... I'm an Alpha?!"

I could not process it; I needed the confirmation once again.

"Yes, you are an Alpha, Daniel. You have always been. But... I do have to ask; we are still trying to identify who is the Beta subject who has been misdiagnosed."

"How the hell should I know?"

"Do you remember the number of the cubicle you used during the first testing in the gymnasium?"

"I don't know... It was number seven, I think."

"This is what we thought. Do you remember who used cubicle number 7 after you, or before you? The swap had been made with one of these two individuals."

I was so confused; it was difficult to piece my thoughts together. However, I remembered exactly how it had went done.

"There was no one after me, I was the last one using my cubicle."

The guys seemed to be arguing again in the room behind the bathroom's door. I tried to ignore them.

It was difficult, my brain was about to explode. My dick too. Why could not I get it down?!

"And before you went in Cubicle 7? Who was it? We need to identify that person, the swap must have been made with him then." Doctor Williams pressed me.

I gasped, realizing the truth.

"Doctor, I..."

"Daniel, I know this is a lot of information, but this is crucial. Do you remember who that was?"

"I do..."


"It was Franck Karter. He used the cubicle number 7 right before me."

There was a few seconds of silence.

"Oh... this is what I feared. I need to see him as soon as possible."

Gino slammed the bathroom door open.

I dropped my phone on the floor.

"Dan, sorry, we have to go, now! We're all getting in the car."

My head was spinning.

"Gino... I... Something happened... I... I need to tell..."

"What did Williams say?" Franck was the one asking the question, he was holding Simon with the help of Julian.

Seeing him like this, I was paralyzed.

Franck had no idea of who he truly was!

"Dan, are you okay?"

Gino got closer to me.

At the exact same time, there were some loud banging against the door.

We all looked at each other.

"Shit. That's them!" Julian whispered.


"The guys who want to kill us."

Gino took my hand. I held tight.

Maybe knowing who was an Alpha and who was a Beta did not matter that much after all. We were all going to die anyway.


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Zack1013Zack101311 days ago

DUDE! I'm dying here waiting for Book 2!!

AnonymousAnonymous26 days ago

Wait! all along my first conjecture was right?The signs are all over first few chapters, i was actually hoping for him to become BETA bc of his overly confident and bully attitude. They are usually the target of authors to make example of humiliation (no offense lmao).

the power dynamics will be interesting since they have a love triangle. Im actually excited for more Franck-Daniel solo moments after that slap and i guess they are about to change it up.

Imagine the Franck-Gino duo going at it, mad dogs just raw dogging cursing at each other will be fun to read. I hope Daniel help them to reconcile for Franck's sake too.

The SECRET of Simon he unraveled probably about ALPHA-BETA situation being a Joke.

Thanks author for giving us a butt-clenching moment during the Call until the Knock, I forgot to breathe for a moment.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago


Maybe Franck is asymthomatic or something? His hyperspermia seemed like a big advantage but now is a disadvantage for him

But figuring that Daniel was never a beta was the most shoking thing, I literally gasped when reading it, tho now I have so much questions, what is Simon's secret? How will Franck react? I can see a shift in power dinamics

I can't wait for when the next book is released!

CreeperclawCreeperclaw3 months ago

I freaking knew it!!!

Well I actually was hoping for it after we got the descriptions of everybody and their attitudes during the initial testing but here we are. Here we are and yet Franck seems to be experiencing NO adverse reactions from jizzing a bunch rather than taking it in. Which kinda makes me suspicious of just how legit this disease really is...

Now the conspiracy buff in me thinks that this disease was something else that was cured a long time ago but the powers that be capitalized on everyone's ignorance and hysteria. Slowly creating a system of willing(or coerced) male sex slaves "for the sake of lives and health" and largely no one was bothering to look into it cuz the government wouldn't authorize it, the process was too abstract for most scientists to decipher and the alphas were happy to have cum receptacles while the betas were cowed into being those receptacles.

Or maybe Franck is an outlier who registers as beta but is asymptomatic? I more like my first theory cuz of Simon's cryptic warnings.

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