The Curiosity of a Cat


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"I can't believe she..." Another cute growl which caused her brother to grin. "Yes, Ok. Definitely weird, right?" Katie wasn't motivated to get to the bottom of this mystery now, then she never would be. "Come on, we need to get changed." Katie said and started to bound up the stairs, two at a time.

"Changed?" her brother asked, following her up to her room where he saw their old x-men costumes laying out on her bed.

"It's a costume party, dummy. How can we see what they're up to if we're not in costume? Duh." She explained with a level of annoyance that Eric forgave considering the stunt their mother just pulled. She threw his old Cyclops outfit at him and banished her brother to his room and not to come out until he was 'in character'.

Taking the costume back across the hall Eric stripped down and started to pull the blue and yellow jumpsuit on. He honestly didn't remember it being this tight, but it fit. Mostly. As long as he didn't try to do anything too athletic or else it would probably rip. The college student never realized just how much he had grown over the years he had been away at school, but squeezing his ass into this old getup hammered the point home. Slipping on the matching boots and belt, Eric was glad to see that the Cyclops visor still fit perfectly as did the hood that completed the old school Marvel costume. The visor itself was a unique piece that Katie created just for her brother, giving the outfit a genuine look plus giving him a mental breather. The side of the visor had a disc you could rotate to raise or lower the inner red-tinted clear plastic. This way Eric could escape the red-tinted hell that came from wearing the 'ruby quartz' visor for the majority of time and give his eyes a break, not to mention drive or walk around without seeing the whole world as one hue.

Taking a moment to look in the mirror he couldn't help but grin. He really did look like a superhero now with his developed muscles straining against the tight outfit clearly defining his body. After a striking a few poses just to amuse himself he left his old bedroom grinning. If nothing else, he knew he'd make a hell of an impression of Jennie's party.

Walking across the hall, he entered Katie's room without knocking. Katie and Eric didn't so much as invade each other's privacy as they didn't really have any. However, when the door opened he was stopped dead in his tracks by the heroine before him. Katie had on her green Marvel Girl dress that used to hang neatly over her petite form. Though tonight it hugged her curves as the hem danced around her hips doing a poor job of covering her round ass. Eric stumbled into the doorframe so distracted he was in the sight of his clearly grown up sister. He straightened up quickly trying to conceal his surprise as his sister turned to face him. Katie had finished placing the classic mask over her face then posed, holding her hands out as if blasting her big brother with a psychic attack. It was most effective.

"Well? How do I look?" she grinned at him, wiggling her fingers for a moment before she blushed. "Eric?" she asked, a little quieter at his continued silence.

The surprised man blinked. Hard. He was clearly caught leering at his own sister. "Yes, you look... I mean... Wow." Eric laughed nervously, running his hand up to slip his fingers into his hair but instead came into contact with the visor, almost knocking it off. His eyes snapped up to meet hers as he realized that he was totally busted. Eric never could hide anything from his little sister, so he didn't even try to deny it. "You look fucking hot, Katie." he admitted truthfully.

Her cheeks flushed the color of her hair, but it was the huge smile on her face that caused Eric to breathe a sigh of relief. "Really?" she asked tentatively as if the thought had never occurred to her. "Thank you!" she beamed and rushed her big brother for a hug. Thank him? Huh?

Eric felt her arms wrap around his waist as she clung to him, resting her head against his broad chest and squeezed him for a moment. "I'm really glad you're back." she admitted quietly and sighed. "I missed you. Everyone is always out partying and hooking up and stuff and I just... I felt like I missed out or something. Or that I am doing something wrong or that..." her eyes popped open as she shut up mid-sentence. Then Katie giggled as she pressed her body tight against him again, her stomach particularly. Against his crotch.

"Ok, maybe I'm not doing something wrong." She said looking up at Eric with a glint in her eye, like she wanted to say something more, but decided against it. She let go and sit at her vanity as her brother not-so-subtly adjusted himself into a much more comfortable position within the costume.

"Clearly not." he sheepishly agreed, fighting his own embarrassment clearly as he desperately sought a way to change the subject. Coming to the realization that your little sister is hot is one thing, but the fact that she enjoyed the attention? Mom and Dad would freak. Hell, he was freaking out right now.

Katie was busying herself, finishing the final touches to her hair and Eric had to force himself to look away. What the hell was he doing? Going to a costume party to spy on his parents was odd enough, but...

"Waitaminute." He said frowning beneath the visor. He raised a gloved hand and pointed a finger "If Mom and Dad left 20 minutes ago, how are we supposed to follow them?".

"I installed a tracking app on mom's phone, the same one dad put on mine." Katie grinned as she dug into her purse to pull out her phone. "Good thing you saved up for that ridiculous yellow Mustang. They're already on the way out of town." She said, palming her phone in her glove as she skipped out the door, her short dress flapping to show off her color coordinated panties. What the hell had he gotten himself into?

Before the siblings embarked on their wild goose chase they unfortunately had to commit the cardinal sin of Halloween: putting an unattended bowl of candy out front of their door. Hopefully the cretins of the neighborhood would polish off the candy their father bought without egging the house. Problems for tomorrow as the pair piled into Eric's pride and joy and took off after their parents. Katie navigated with help of the GPS tracking APP and he kept glancing down at her lap as if checking the phone out, but in reality checking out her legs. Feeling another embarrassing problem arising in his lap, Eric decided to spark some conversation to distract himself.

"Why didn't you ever had a boyfriend?" he asked and immediately wished he could eat the words as fast as he said them, but their earlier exchange was on his mind. Fortunately, Katie didn't seem fazed as she studied the map and guided him onto one of the lesser used roads out of town.

"I guess... I guess I never found the right guy." She said, holding the phone still as she looked up out of the windshield in thought. "Most guys don't like a girl who's smarter than they are. I know, all 5'3" me is intimidating." She giggled, leaning back into the passenger seat of her brother's car. Katie fiddled with her phone for a bit and shrugged. "I guess dating hasn't been that big of a deal to me. I'd focused so much on school and getting into college that guys weren't a priority. I never really fit in with Jennie and her crew of miscreants and all they do. Besides, if I ever needed a dumb boy for something, I've got you." She grinned at Eric, reaching up to tuck some of her wayward hair back behind her mask. "But it's not like I'm not curious about... you know. And I've tried som- They're turning." She said, snapping out of her confession time as her eyes focused behind her mask. "I have fucking idea where they're going." She admitted with an adorably frustrated growl.

Eric glanced over at his sister, arching an eyebrow slightly. "I don't think I've ever heard you swear before." he said, a bit surprised as he returned his attention to the dark road.

"Yeah, well. Mom taking my cheerleading uni got me riled up." She grumbled, flicking her eyes over at her brother then down his body quickly before back to her phone. "Among other things." She muttered under her breath.

The rest of the ride was mostly spent by trying to guess what exactly their parents were up to. The last half hour or so the siblings had been closing in on the dot on the map primarily since Eric had been pushing the speed limit the whole way. Soon enough, the dot quit moving leaving the pair thoroughly confused.

"Wherever they ended up we're almost there." His sister assured him as Eric risked a few glances out around the car. He had no idea where the hell they were. It was clearly outside of city limits and no street lights were around. If they didn't have the GPS app more than likely they would be thoroughly lost until morning.

The road ended in the gate to some sort of ranch or something, but the gate was open. He couldn't make out the sign that was too high for his headlights to illuminate. There was another car coming down the road in his rearview mirror so Eric assumed this must be the place for the party if others were arriving too way out in the boonies.

"I'm going in." he said and pressed the accelerator slowly and the car crept forward along a dirt road. Katie had scooted forward onto the edge of her seat as she tried to look around, but the darkness was complete other than the headlights of the muscle car. Eventually they broke into a small clearing that served as a parking lot with a few old street lamps being used to illuminate the field. The lot looked about half full as Eric drove around and found a spot about hallway up the lot and shut the car off. "Ok, where the hell are we?" he blurted out, curiosity now having gotten the better of him.

He looked over at Katie when she didn't respond. His sister's gaze was locked on something outside the window. He followed her gaze and his eyes bugged out when he saw. A couple was walking toward the front of the lot on the other side of the row of cars they parked behind. The woman looked to be in her mid-thirties and was dressed as some sort of vampire, thigh high boots and a cape with pale makeup and fangs. The man was dressed as a pirate with an eyepatch, floppy hat and a sash with a sword stuck in it. And that was it.

"What the fuck?" Eric exclaimed. He could hear Katie's shallow breathing as she pieced the puzzle together faster than her loveable but dense brother.

"This is some sort of nudist resort." She said as realization dawned on the high school senior. "The weekend trips, the silly parties they refused to tell us about. They were coming HERE." She said, her voice pitching higher as she talked rapidly, excited at having figure it out. "Our parents are nudists. This place was pretty remote. And gated. It has to be a Nudist Resort." Katie assumed, tapping her fingertip to her lip in thought.

"Ok, this is getting weird." Eric declared as Frankenstein and his bride walked by in the buff. "We should NOT be here." he didn't even want to consider the thought of what he would do if his parents walked by. His parents, who would be naked. An unbidden thought popped into his head and a silly grin broke out onto his face and he began to laugh.

Katie looked up at me with an incredulous look on her face beneath her mask. "What's so funny?" he asked, confused.

He was reduced to the giggles before grinning and biting his tongue to stop from laughing. "Now I understand Mom's comment about not getting your uniform dirty."

Marvel Girl glared up at him from the passenger side seat. "Not. Funny."

Eric flashed her a mischievous grin. "Not even a little?"

His grin grew a little bigger as he saw the corners of her mouth turn up for a moment. "Maybe a little." A soft giggle. He could always make Katie laugh, even when she's mad. At least that's never changed.

"So do you want to go in or...?" Eric asked, nodding his head in the direction of where the partygoers were walking.

"You can't be serious?" Her eyes got wide as her jaw dropped open for a moment before slapping shut.

"Hey, you're the one who got us here in the first place. I thought you were the one who wanted to see what they were up to." he countered as she stewed in the seat.

"I do, but..." He could see that his sister was a nervous about the whole situation. He kept forgetting that she hasn't gone to college yet. That first year away from the roost is typically a liberating one.

"Ok, you're always the logical one, Sis. So let me break it down for you." Eric said, turning to face her in the car as he ticked off points on his gloved hand. "One, no one knows we're here. No one would be expecting us or even looking for us. Two, we're in costume and costumes that have pretty damn good masks." He smiled, wiggling a second finger. "Even if they knew to look for us, it'd be a bit difficult. Three, imagine the blackmail we could get on mom and dad. This could be your 'Get out of Jail' card with them in the future if you ever fuck up huge." And Four, he really just wanted to see you naked he almost blurted out.

Katie sat on the seat as another couple walked by, both dressed as soldiers with camo makeup. It was clear she was having some sort of internal struggle. She looked at him for a moment and then raised her hand, pointing right between her brother's eyes. "If you tell anyone..."

Eric chuckled and reached out and took her hand, grabbing that accusatory digit. "What happens tonight with us I will take to the grave." he assured her, then gave her finger a little wiggle. "But you better not tell Jennie either. She can't keep a secret."

"Tell me something I don't know." Katie smirked and then climbed out of the passenger side of his car. She laughed and Eric could tell she was feeling a little better about her decision as he climbed out on the other side and started to strip out of his costume. From the noises on the other side of the car, she was doing the same. "Although, she doesn't shut up about you. Telling her I spent a night naked with you might just kill her." His sister giggled and sounded like she was considering it, to hell with the fallout.

"Don't you dare." He growled back across the car at her. That's all he need was rumors getting out that he spent Halloween naked with his sister. Eric figured he might as well just back the car over his head now.

Eric started to remove the jumpsuit, deciding the best way to go to the party would be would be to wear visor, boots and the X-men belt. He shoved the unused jumpsuit into the car as he assumed that the rest should prove to be more than enough to make a passable 'costume' as Cyclops and gain entry to the event.

"Jennie causes me enough grief with her googly eyes whenever she is around me. Let's just say I am glad she's not was my type." Eric admitted though considering the current dry spell he was currently suffering through he was kind of glad he was here instead of at Katie's friend's party. He probably would have ended up making several bad decisions. As bad as frolicking around naked with his sister bad, he wasn't sure anymore.

"So what is your type?" his sister asked as she walked around the front of the car to face him. He glanced up at her and had to remember to breathe.

Katie looked positively radiant in the soft lighting of the parking lot. She kept her mask on, but elected to go the same route Eric did: Marvel Girl's knee-high boots was a stark contrast to her pale long legs and her belt that hung on her curvy hips looking like it just might barely fall off. Her full breasts swayed gently as she shifted from one foot from the next as his eyes drank her in. Katie's red hair spilled out from behind her mask and down her back, framing her head and neck as his jaw dropped slightly. However, as his jaw dropped something else rose.

"Oh, I think I figured it out." She giggled, her eyes drifting down his body as she appraised me as well. Then they grew wider. "Holy shit, just how big are you?" she said, her gaze transfixed on Eric's hardening cock.

He turned slightly to the side, shifting nervously and shrugged trying to play it cool. "I dunno, last time I measured I was like a little over eight inches." he guesstimated. Probably a bit bigger now, since it's been about a week since he had any real relief but he certainly wasn't going to tell her that.

She nodded weakly and he saw her hand slip over her stomach and clench slightly. Eric realized she was probably pondering how it would fit in her. That thought brought a solid throb from deep within his loins as a dollop of pre-cum welled up from within to rest on the tip of his shaft. That and the fact he couldn't tear his eyes from her body.

The pair stood there for a full minute, just checking each other out before another couple passing them by and waved hello jolting the siblings out of their trance.

"Come on, put the equipment away so we can get going." She teased, walking closer to me as they stood between his car and the one parked next to it.

Eric sighed a little in frustration "It's not that simple, Katie. I can't turn it on and off like a light switch." he said as his eyes watched her breasts heave slightly as she breathed. They had to be D's. Or C's. Probably D's. He wondered how they felt. Eric blinked again as mind wandered so easily now drunk on hormones. "Technically you're the one who turned it on." He felt about ready to burst, toes curling in his boots as he tried to think about anything other than bending his sister over the trunk of his car.

Katie blushed and nodded, placing her hands on her hips as she stood staring straight at it. "How long do we have to wait?" she asked, clearly not having as much experience as she had been letting on in the car.

"Depends on the long method or the short method." Eric laughed nervously, scratching his chest idly as his length bobbed up and down. Jerking off to his sister was NOT how he expected this night to go when he was driving back to home this morning. He averted his eyes finally from her pale curves, taking a steadying breath as he tried to focus on anything else and failing.

"Very funny." She smirked, glancing around. "Can't you just, think about something else? Push it down or something?" she asked as she reached for her brother's cock to tuck it into his costume belt or something.

"No, Katie! Wait!" he said, or at least that's what he intended to say. However, when her soft delicate hand wrap around his cock and tug what tenuous control Eric had on his erection slip away. She squeezed in surprise as her brother's dick began to throb uncontrollably against her grasp. He was primed and the taboo knowledge that it was his sister who just grabbed his cock and the quick tug upward was too much. He came. Gasping his eyes flicked up to meet her surprised gaze and he could tell that Katie immediately knew she fucked up. He doubted she realized just how badly until the first rope of his hot sticky cum impacted her thigh, then a second on her flat stomach. Eric quickly reached down and placed his large hand over hers, aiming his twitching length away from her so the remaining load emptied into the grass next to his car.

Eric was quite shocked by the power of his release as it rocked him a bit back on his heels as the familiar fuzzy feeling in fogged up his head post orgasm. He reached out to steady himself against the car and breathed deeply, trying to regain some semblance of control. He slowly let go of her hand as Katie unclasped her small fist from her brother's shrinking member. He could tell that she was stunned by what had happened and knew he had to let her know that it was all right.

"The short method it is." he mumbled, standing back up straight as he reached out to take her arm, giving her shoulder a squeeze. She jumped at the contact as the spell was broken, her eyes fluttering as she looked up from his cock as she was shaken from her thoughts. "I'm sorry, Sis. I shouldn't ha-" Eric began before she cut him off.