The Curiosity of a Cat


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"No, I'm sorry." Katie said, rambling over him as his sister's eyes finally met his gaze. "I just... never thought about asking to touch you before." She tried to explain "I should have not have..." she started, but her natural exuberance started to take over. "But it was so hot! I meant warm, it throbbed with its own heat. I could FEEL you cumming," She gushed, a nervous energy about her. "I never felt anything like that before... I mean... you came for me. Because of Me." She giggled, her eyes flicking wildly back and forth and he couldn't help but smile as her excitement caused her to get jittery.

"Technically I came ON you." Eric smirked a little, apparently his mouth shooting off as quick as his cock tonight.

"Oh yeah." She giggled, looking down at the mess her brother made with a grin. He breathed easier when she smiled.

"You don't think that it's weird because I'm your brother?" he asked, a little perplexed at her reactions.

"Not really, Eric." She said honestly as she looked up at me with eyes mirroring his own. "I mean, you're really hot and fantasies are one thing but..." Katie slapped a hand over her mouth and sank back against his car. That's his little sister, a slip of the mind was far worse than one of the body.

"Wait. You've masturbated thinking about me before?" he asked. Eric's cumtarded brain was trying to capture exactly what she was saying and pieced things together.

It took her a moment before Katie answered, looking up at him to stare defiantly into his eyes. "Yes."

"Wow..." Eric was honestly blown away as he stared down at her. "I can't believe you told me that. Then again I can't believe I came while thinking about fucking my sister WHILE she jerked me off. Sorta jerked me off." He laughed nervously. He reached out a hand to help her to her feet, which she took gratefully. "I have a feeling I'm going to need a lot of alcohol or a lot of therapy once this night is through." He joked to which Katie rolled her eyes and giggled, slapping him on the chest.

"I might join you in that, actually." She agreed, opening the car back up again to pick up her dress. Eric arched an eyebrow, trying to figure out what his sister was doing until she started to wipe his cum off her thigh. "It was feeling... slimy. It was warm but now it's just cold and sticky." Katie remarked while making a face. She wiped Eric's release off her leg and onto her dress, working up to her stomach before she stopped. There was still a dollop left of his initial load on her tummy that she was regarding curiously before she scooped it up with her finger and popped it into her mouth.

"You didn't..." He breathed, clearly trying to process that his sister just ate his cum.

"Kinda salty and bitter but... But not as bad as I would have thought." She examined, tossing the soiled dress into the back of his car before locking it. He stood there, slackjawed as she walked down to the end of the car before glancing back over her shoulder at Eric. "You coming, brother?" a wild grin on her lips as she strode confidently toward the gatehouse.

"You're evil." he said to her after he caught up to walk alongside her.

"Well, it is Halloween." Katie giggled and reached out to take his hand, giving it a squeeze. Eric squeezed back, interlacing their fingers as they approached the entrance. The gatehouse was being manned by an slender older woman nearing her 50's dressed up as a witch. By dressed up she was wearing only a witch's hat and a prosthetic nose.

"Name?" she asked, her gaze running over us. It was obvious that the witch didn't get their costumes, but probably assumed they were superheroes of some sort.

Eric figured giving their first names was probably a bad idea, so he just went with the first thing that popped into his head. "Mr. and Mrs. Johnson." he felt Katie squeeze his hand again.

The witch ran her fingers down the guestbook and stopped at name. "Seems we already have a Mr. and Mrs. Johnson here." Duh, of course she did. Their parents.

"That's odd. My wife and I just got here." Eric said, looking down at his 'wife' to address her. "Did you make sure our name was on the list, honey?" he grinned when his head was turned away from the attendant. He could see that his sister was trying her best not to giggle, enjoying the ruse.

"I did, I swear." Katie explained, glancing up at the older woman. "There must have been another couple here with the same last name and whoever was making the list didn't realize it." She plausibly explained to the witch, hoping the gate attendant bought it.

"I figured that." The witch said, sounding a little less sure before making another scan of the invitation list.

"What's the problem? You don't want a few extra Johnsons at the party?" He quipped. Grinning, Eric heard the inward groan coming from his sister. It was a horrible pun on their family name and one he rarely got to use.

However, as corny as it was it seemed to crack through the witch's boredom at being relegated to guard duty for the night. She sat up a bit straighter in her chair and Eric eventually realized it was to check out his namesake. A smile broke on her lips. "I suppose not. Enjoy yourselves." She reached for something out of sight and buzzed them in.

"We will!" Katie giggled, grabbing her brother's hand and pulling him along inside. "Come on, husband." She giggled as he slipped his arm around her waist and walked alongside her into the resort.

They really couldn't tell the layout of the resort since it was well after dark, but their destination was obvious. It was the only building with its lights on and it looked be some sort of entertainment hall or banquet hall. A few people milling about outside; smoking by the smell; but the majority were indoors helping themselves to drinks and mingling around a dance floor as people arrived. Eric could see this by the tall glass windows that must have afforded a fantastic view of the surrounding landscape in the daytime. They approached the side entrance and grabbing the handle on the glass door and opened it for Katie.

"After you, Mrs. Johnson." he grinned, giving her a little bow as she swept past and into the party.

"Thank you, Mr. Johnson." She laughed, clearly enjoying their clandestine roles for the evening.

Eric followed her inside and drank in the sight of the party. It was a strange assortment of couples just conversing in costumes of varying degrees of nudity. Everyone wore masks or face paint of some sort to hide their identity, but it was clear that some people had figured out each other's costumes just by the way they conversed as if old friends.Music was playing in the background as people were still arriving.

He slipped an arm back around Katie's waist as they took a look around, wide-eyed at the spectacle. It was a definite rush to be standing naked in front of a crowd of other nude people. His eyes kept darting around and he knew Katie was doing the same beside him. One thing seemed to stand out though. No one seemed to care. In fact, just the opposite. People were commenting on each other's costumes; such as they were; and there were some real creative ones. Fireman's hats and masks, various medical paraphernalia and even a black man dressed as a fighter pilot, complete with helmet and mask.

As Eric was checking out the variety of costumes, not to mention the bodies that went along with them, he saw out of the corner of his eye that Frankenstein and his Bride were approaching them. It was difficult to determine their age with the makeup, but if he had a gun to his head he would wager early thirties.

"I absolutely love the X-men. Well done on your costumes." The man said as they introduced themselves as Frank and Mrs. Frank. Katie did a little curtsey as if she was wearing the green dress from before and beamed at the compliment.

"They're all thanks to my wife Jean here, she's the real talent. I'm Scott." He said, deciding it far safer to stay in character as he offered his hand which the monster shook heartily.

"So how long have you two been coming here?" his sister asked, eager for some first real intel.

"Oh about what five years now is it, baby?" Mrs. Frank asked her better half and getting a slow nod in response. "We were a little hesitant about joining a nudist community, but two of our friends have been long-term members and invited us. We took them up on it and have been coming ever since." She explained, giving a little giggle. "Especially with a place that holds parties like this." Eric noted a decidedly similar tone she took to describing this party as his mother did. It was strangely unsettling.

Katie nodded along but it was clearly her curiosity wasn't satisfied. She needed facts, details and an explanation as to what the fuck their parents were doing here. Eric saw that inquisitive glint in her eye as she canted her head slightly as she latched on to the bride's comment. "Want to you mean by 'like this?'." He gave his sister a little squeeze on the hip, not wanting to tip their hand that they really have no idea what was going on.

"Ohh... you're new." The monster bride giggled as she ran her eyes over them, probably trying to gauge their age. Or check them out. Luckily the masks do a fair bit to cover them but just by glancing at the pair it was easy to tell that they were on the young side.

"Yeah, we are." He said and ran his hand up hand up Katie's hip to hold her waist as he pulled her tighter against his side. "This place was recommended to my wife and I by some of our friends, so we figured we'd see what the big secret was about." He offered with a shrug, trying to act nonchalant. It worked probably due to the fact that the drink Mrs. Frank is holding looked to not be her first.

"Oh cool!" the woman smiled and leaned in close to explain the nature of the party. He could feel Katie leaning in closer with hear, clearly eager to finally understand. "You know how there are rules to the club right? No erections in public, all amorous activity needs to be behind closed doors, etc. because there are kids around usually." Mrs. Frank explained, her tall wig bobbing as she got a bit animated or excited or both by the look of her nipples. Eric tore his eyes off of them as her own got a bit distant, clearly remembering something before shaking herself out of her trance. "Well, the club throws parties like this throughout the year as a way for the adults to blow off some steam. There are no real rules tonight. So... have fun!" she winked and glanced down at Eric's cock before grinning and taking her 'husbands' hand and wandering off to mingle.

Eric stood there for a moment, trying to process this new information. He knew mom and dad were pretty, uh, active for their age. Mom wasn't necessarily a screamer, but they could definitely tell what was going on when they came home at the wrong time. But this... this is. He just shook his head and looked down at Katie, who was slowly nodding as if having figured it out. "So, mom and dad are... are.." He asked her, trying to find the right word.

"Swingers?" his sister finished for him, her green eyes meeting his hazel ones before she shrugged. "Probably. Everyone walking around naked in fun costumes didn't tip you off there, genius?" she grinned, getting a solid dig in.

"Fuck you." he growled, a smile creeping onto his face clearly not upset at the teasing. Katie giggled as she reached out and grabbed his hand.

"Come on, let's get a drink." She said, leading her brother over to the makeshift bar. A few bottles were scattered about to make a drink of your own concoction but by the looks of it everyone was drinking the punch. He poured himself a punch glass and took a sip. It was spiked, but nothing he didn't think Katie couldn't handle. He poured another one for her and reached out to hand it to her and almost dropped it as another couple walked into the building. "Oh Shit." he breathed, the tone catching his sister's attention. She followed his gaze and froze.

Their mother was wearing what she had on at the house, minus Katie's cheerleader uniform. Sneakers, rolled socks, holding pom poms, her brunette hair in pigtails with colored hair ties. Her face was painted to hide her identity; all color coordinated to their old High School of course. Dad towered over her, still with the motorcycle helmet and mirrored glasses, tall motorcycle boots and his police belt. And that's it. Eric couldn't help but glance at his father's 'weapon' and knew immediately where he got his gifts from. It was like staring at his cock in the mirror. He glanced down at Katie who had her jaw agape. He reached down and lifted her chin closed which seemed to snap her out of her trance.

"Just relax, they'll never recognize us." Eric assured her, hoping it to be true as he fought the urge to jump out of his own skin..

"I am relaxed, you relax." She quipped quickly, her knuckles white as she gripped her punch glass.

"Drink your punch and come with me." He whispered, taking a sip of his drink and placed his hand on her lower back which caused her to jump slightly. With his hand as a guide pushed her along and steered her to the opposite end of the room from their parents to give the siblings time to recover. It was one thing to know that your parents were nudists. It was another to actually see it. Their mother looked... amazing. While she was a bit shorter than Katie, her curves were definitely more pronounced. Eric knew mom's tits were amazing but wow. Perfect DD's with just a hint of a sag. It was clear that she enjoyed the attention they got her. Her pleased face was easy enough to read through the heavy face paint as she mingled through. Her pussy was shaved as well and he didn't notice a single tan line on her flesh. Considering this is where they typically hang out it was no surprise.

Dad on the other hand was a true monster. Regular workouts with the fraternity left Eric with a physique he was quite proud of and earned just the right amount of attention with the ladies. Dad though... it was clear he was a gym nut. He was of shorter stature than his son but he was far more muscular as he obviously enjoyed lifting weights with his sheriff buddies. He looked like he could destroy you just by looking at you and Eric supposed his build has gotten him out of more conflicts than it created.

"Ok, this has officially gotten weird." Eric said as his gaze kept flicking between his parents as they walked over to greet some other costumed couples. He was feeling a little skeevy spying on them like this without their knowledge, but it was akin to a train wreck. He couldn't look away.

"I know, I know." Katie agreed, setting her empty punch glass down. When did she even have time to drink that? "I just..." she began, shifting from one foot to the other before reaching out to grab his arm to steady herself and blew out a deep breath. "Just this is what our parents do. This is what they enjoy to relax. It's a part of them. Aren't you just a bit curious as to what goes on? Can't we stay just a little longer?" she asked sweetly.

He sighed with a smile, already knowing his answer. He'd do anything for his little sister, especially when she got like this. Eric turned to her "Fine, just..." His request got cut off as the house lights flickered off and on a few times to get everyone's attention. Conversation quieted until a petite woman climbed up onto a small stage by the DJ booth.

"Thank you all for coming to the Sunny Palms Naturist Resort 35th Annual Halloween Party!" cheers erupted from the crowd as the woman dressed like batgirl complete with mask, cape, utility belt gloves and boots called for the quiet. "As you all know the normal rules of the resort have been lifted for the night." Another small group of cheers sang out that got Bat Girl's eyes rolling. "That being said: Nothing illegal will be tolerated on the grounds. If we have to call the cops on you because of something you did, even if you're innocent, you're banned. For life." That stern warning sobered up the crowd a bit. Their father actually pulled his nightstick out of his belt and slapped it against his hand, getting a laugh from the crowd. Batgirl broke into a huge grin. "Now then, have fun and enjoy yourselves. The dance will begin immediately and games and events will be out back in a few. Happy Halloween!" she hopped off the stage, cape billowing out as she grabbed Batman out of the crowd and went to the dance floor off to one side.

Eric watched as some of the crowd stayed inside as the lights of the banquet hall dimmed as the DJ got to work, firing up some music. He lost track of their parents in the shuffle to either head out back of the complex or to dance by the DJ. He glanced down and saw that Katie was still kind of nervous with what he assumed all the sudden activity, so he grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the dance floor. "Come on, I've always wanted to take you dancing. Plus, I'm freakishly tall so I can get a good view of the whole room from there." He said, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze as he pushed his way through the crowd. Eric could feel how tense she was as he slipped his toned arm around her waist and pulled Katie to him, creating their own personal bubble on the dance floor. He'd lost track of their parents in the shuffle but he was sure that they would run into them again. For now, Eric just wanted to process the events of the last hour and by the look on Katie's face she could use a distraction herself.

Dropping his hand to her hip Eric pulled his sister closer to his chest as they naturally started to fall into the rhythm of the bass-heavy music. Clearly the member DJ was also a pro as the crowd was quickly being whipped up into a fervor. It became apparent that the adults at this club used this event and ones like it to blow off steam over the months, letting their frustrations melt away with... whatever they got up to. Eric didn't want to think too hard on it, with his parents being included with that discussion.

He felt Katie wrap her arms around his neck and pressed her cheek to his bare chest as a small puff of breath signaled her sigh of contentment as she started to relax in his arms. Eric couldn't help but smile in response, his warm hand lazily tracing along her lower back as he felt her tension melt away. A song later she was starting to really move against him and he was happy to let her 'lead', her hips guiding him along as he scanned the crowd from beneath his costume visor. It was a fascinating exercise as Katie's grip loosened around his neck allowing him to turn his head to and fro, drinking in the sight of the frolicking costumed masses. Eric smiled down at her and gave Katie's hip another squeeze of reassurance which got him a smile back in return before she buried her face into her brother's chest and gave a happy sigh, clearly content with clinging to him for a while. Eric was more than happy let her as he wrapped his arms a little tighter around her slim waist, palms resting comfortably on her bare ass. Giving it a playful squeeze, Eric glanced back toward the door to see if he could catch a glimpse of their parents retreating to the festivities outside.

"I can't find them." he whispered down into his sister's ear, his lips brushing it as he had to lean in close to be heard over the thumping of the music.

"Mmmmk..." Katie softly moaned, sounding rather dreamlike. That caused hm to raise an eyebrow, looking down to focus on his sister's dancing as she clung to him. Well, dance was a polite term he supposed. In reality she was grinding on his thigh. His wet thigh. Holy shit.

"You ok, baby girl?" Eric whispered into her ear, feeling the light pinches of her nails dig into his back in response. He purposefully flexed his thigh, pressing the rock hard muscle up against her sex her hips continued to roll. Smiling he leaned down and kissed the top of her head, gently brushing one hand up her back and into her hair.