The Dairy Pt. 03


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Everything she had felt up to this paled in comparison to the stretching she felt as it entered her body.

"Yesss, Roxy, I can feel it, please, it's going to make me cum, it's going to make me cum."

"Yes, good Angel, cum for Roxy," Roxy replied, and she inched the giant toy slightly deeper.

Angela was almost delirious. She could feel it. The cum building and building inside her. She was so close.

"On your knees Roxy, suck her cock for her," Brick ordered, and Angela voiced her displeasure as the toy stopped moving.

"Nooooohhhgawwwd!" her cry changing mid complaint as Roxy's eager lips wrapped around her angry, bulging cock.

Angela's brain shorted out. Her eyes rolling back in her head as Brick stepped up and started to push the dildo into her asshole. Roxy's throat wrapping itself around her cock till her tongue was tickling the ring at her base.

That finally did it. It wasn't even half way in, her ass stretching beyond anything she had ever felt. Its passage shifting the cum in her stomach and made her stomach bulge even further. The fat head pressing against her inner walls, finding new points of pleasure she didn't know she had. Roxy's eager lips and tongue urging her onwards from below.

"FUUUUUUUUCK!" her scream was ear shattering as her orgasm finally arrived.

Her ass clamped down around the massive cock, her tits spewing milk and cum forcing its way past the ring and through the tiny passage of her cock, Angela felt every single pulse and spurt as she erupted into Roxy's waiting mouth.

"Mmmphh!" Roxy groaned in approval as she swallowed, rivulets of cum escaping from the corners of her mouth as she tried to take it all.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuuuuuck!" Angela kept chanting and wailing as her orgasm kept on going, the pleasure of finally feeling relief pushing her on and on.

It was over a minute later when she finally collapsed in her stocks, completely exhausted as her cock ran dry at last. She could only shudder and twitch as aftershocks of her epic climax rocked through her body. Roxy's continued sucking on her tender cock helping fuel even more of them.

Brick let Roxy nurse Angela's cock for a few more minutes before he interrupted.

"Alright Roxy, take the ring off her. I think she's had more than enough of that.

Roxy pouted when she had to give up on sucking her new favourite dick but did as she was bid. Reaching forward and gingerly finding the mechanism to unlock the tight metal ring.

"Ohhhhh gawwwd," Angela moaned as the pressure on her cock was finally released. Another wave of cum pouring out of her shaft as the pleasure of that simple act overloaded her body again.

"Angel, Angel, Angel," Brick tutted as he left the massive dildo sticking halfway out of her ass to come and stand in front of her.

"You can't be wasting your cum like that. You've still got your quota to make today."

Turning to look down at Roxy, he dismissed the redhead from the stall with a wave of his hand.

"Speaking of quotas: Roxy go and take care of yours. There's at least half a dozen cows that need a boost."

Roxy came out from under the stocks, and Angela could see she too was now sporting a cum bloated tummy. The sight of it made Angela tingle, the knowledge that so much of her cum was inside Roxy a surprisingly powerful turn on.

For a moment Roxy didn't move any further away, and Angela could see the desire to stay and keep playing with her warring with her conditioning as a cow to obey her masters. In the end the conditioning won. But not before Roxy had patted her on the head and laid a kiss on her lips, sharing the taste of her own cum again.

"Angel is a good cow," Roxy told her before leaving the stall.

Her gaze entranced by the sway of her bull's hips and the soft round globes of her ass as Roxy walked away, Angela had to hold back a whimper when she realised what Roxy had really been telling her. She was going to get to fuck that magnificent piece of art.

Her future had to wait though. Brick and Shorty didn't waste any time when Roxy left. The machinery of her milking was quickly set up and attached. Every seal and tube that was connected to her body made her shiver and cry out small sounds of pleasure.

When they rolled the set of bottles in front of her, Angela had a moment of thought that they looked bigger than the day before but it was obliterated when Shorty pushed the rest of the colossal dildo stuffed in her ass further in.

"Mmmmfppph!" Angela could only groan and wail into her mask as he worked.

With a series of brain melting wriggles, thrusts and even more lubricant he pushed the dildo deeper and deeper into her ass until the full length was buried inside Angela's spasming body.

She had never felt more full. The replica of Roxy's cock in her mouth. The cum in her body. It had slowly been absorbed as they had punished her, but there was still a large bump of it and it grew larger and larger as the dildo made its home inside her. She was almost stuffed to capacity, and though she should have been rebelling at it all, she was loving it. Only her sodden cunt remained empty and she could feel the void of that keenly.

Satisfied with the work, the men came to stand before her as a pair once more.

"Now remember, Angel," Brick told her, "fill them all and you won't get punished.

Angela nodded. She wasn't going to fail this time. She was going to be a good cow and make Roxy proud.

"Good girl," Brick said and he flicked the switch.


That became Angela's life. A cycle of pleasure and punishment designed to shape her body and mind into that of the perfect cow.

Her nights were spent with Roxy. The woman she had known as Rebecca took complete ownership of her body. Hours would be spent serving her whims and her cock. Every hole she had was used, every position Roxy could think of she was fucked in until she continually craved the feeling of being filled with Roxy's cock and cum. And when she was an especially good cow, Roxy would let her be the bull.

Those were the nights she loved the most. When Roxy would suck her cock for hours on end. When she could push her dick into Roxy's perfect tight holes and fuck the night away.

Then the morning would come. Every day, her belly full with Roxy's seed, Brick and Shorty would take her to the stocks and set her up for milking. Her tits getting bigger and heavier, her cock getting harder and thicker with every session.

Feeding would come next. An ever growing amount of milk and cum that she had to swallow down or suffer even more punishment.

It was a week before she realised that they were setting her up for punishment anyway. Her quota jars getting bigger, keeping the goal of filling them always just out of reach.

Then the ring would come back. And the toys. For hours they would play with her ass. Not letting her cock cum as they stretched and filled her with an ever-changing array of devices. Then the monstrous dildo would come out at the very end and she would cum into Roxy's waiting mouth.

And always-without fail-they would leave the gigantic toy buried inside her for the day. Then she would fill the jars to overflowing as her stuffed asshole pushed her to orgasm again and again.

That was how they trained her. Roxy by night; overwhelming, unending pleasure by day; and a diet of milk and cum that modified her body and mind. The tiny voice that still fought against the training, its cries of denial and anger that this was wrong echoing through her mind, grew dimmer with every day. Angela didn't care. How could she when the pleasure was so good? She made her choice.

She was a good cow, and her name was Angel.


Angel had completely lost track of time, her entire being now devoted to Roxy and pleasing her Masters, when the routine suddenly changed.

Brick and Shorty didn't come for her when the early morning sun was just creeping over the horizon. Instead she was left all alone with Roxy. They celebrated by finding out how many times Roxy could fill her pussy with hot sticky cum before they did come for them.

They'd made it to half a dozen and were well on the way to a seventh when Brick and Shorty finally appeared at the edge of their stall. Roxy saw them from the corner of her eye but didn't stop fucking her cow. Her cock pounding back and forth into her from behind was making Angel squeal as she was fucked to another orgasm. Neither man said anything, they just watched and waited.

Somewhere around the ninth load of cum flooding Angel's hot tunnel another figure joined the pair. The appearance of this third figure caused Roxy to immediately pull away from Angel, the redhead leaping from the bed to fall to her knees with a cry.


The words of complaint at being left alone and empty so quickly died on Angel's lips when she turned around and laid eyes on the woman standing above her lover.

Angel's world tilted. A part of Angela resurfacing to witness a revelation. The woman Roxy had just called Mistress was of a height with her. She had the same small slender frame that Angela had once had. She even had the same luminous brown eyes and matching long brown hair.

All of this was because the woman standing before her was her sister. The one who had given her the final piece of the puzzle she needed to find Rebecca.


Angela's voice was numb as she spoke the name. This couldn't be. Her sister couldn't be here in this place. It was impossible.

"Mia! You have to run! This place! You need to get out!"

The words poured forth from Angela without thought, the flood of terror that her sister would suffer the same fate as her overriding everything else.

"I see she's still an idiot," Mia said without moving.

"Well, we have been altering her mind but making her smarter isn't really what we do here Ma'am," Shorty replied with a laugh.

"Hmph, true enough," her sister replied.

Angela watched the interplay with silent horror. Her sister was ignoring her completely. Roxy was at her feet, looking up at Mia with adoration, while Shorty was talking to her as if she were a superior. Shaking off the lust that had smothered all other thoughts, the pieces slowly came together in her mind.

"It was you," Angela accused.

"You set me up! You're the one who took Rebecca! You're the reason I'm here! Why I have a cock! Why I've been tormented and fucked over and over again! It was all fucking you!" she exploded in fury.

"Of course it was me," Mia said without blinking.

The blunt admission brought Angela up short. That her own sister would just admit to subjecting her to this without any sort of denial shattered her anger.

"Why? Why would you do this to me?" Angela asked.

She fell to her knees on the floor.

"Why?" she whispered again.

Mia moved, coming to stand above the woman she had once called sister and cupped her chin, making her meet her eyes before replying.

"Because I had to. Because I needed to. Because I wanted to. All of them are valid. But none of that matters. All that matters now is that you belong to the company and that you are a good cow."

Angela struggled with herself. Her body physically trembling with the mental turmoil going on in her mind. This wasn't right. It was wrong in all the worst ways. This was her sister. Someone who should have been saving her. But she was calling her a good cow, and Angel wanted to be a good cow.

"No, no I'm not a cow, I'm your sister, Mia; you can't do this," Angela said with a shake of her head, the last sparks of her resistance taking a stand.

"Ohhh this is just perfect," Mia purred. "You can still fight against it. Even after all this time."

She turned to the men.

"Oh it must have been a treat, watching her struggle like this, keeping her personality intact but still succumbing to everything anyway."

"This is the most of it we've seen in a while. She's been a willing cow for weeks. Just as you thought, seeing you has brought it back," Shorty said.

"It did help knowing her weakness straight away. Roxy was very helpful in making Angel into what she is now," Brick added.

"Oh?" Mia queried.

"You put anything in her ass and she'll cum like no tomorrow," Shorty said with a grin. "It's the quickest orgasm button I've ever seen on a cow."

"I see," Mia said, and Angela could hear the sadistic glee in her sister's voice.

"How is the quality though? And the quantity? Her cum? Her milk?" Mia asked them.

"We've got her close to where we can expect her to be able to service at least a dozen other cows a day with her cock. That can vary a bit depending on what we put in her ass and how much Roxy time has had her with her though," Brick replied professionally, as if he were talking tax numbers rather than her orgasms.

"Milk is good," Shorty added, 'those new udders of hers have really come into their own in the last week or so,"I'd say it's probably top tier stuff or will be soon."

"Excellent, excellent," Mia replied to them both and then turned back to Angela.

"Now show me what she can do."

For the first time in... she couldn't even remember... Angela tried to fight back when the men grabbed her. The appearance of her sister truly had shocked her back towards sanity. It was a useless fight, but she did try.

Inevitably though, they dragged her towards the other stall and the stocks within. Mia following them without a care; Roxy on her heels.

The sound of the stocks locking her in place sounded more like a peal of doom than they ever had before. This was the end, Angela realised. Mia meant to see her fall completely. After this there would only be Angel.

Happy she was secure, Brick and Shorty quickly got her ready.

The vacuum tubes sealed around her tits; the longer one around her rock hard dick. Even with the horrible revelation of her sister's betrayal, it hadn't flagged once. It never did. Always hard. Always wanting. That was her nature now.

When Shorty went to attach her mask, Mia stopped him with.

"Leave it off, I want to see her face," she said.

"The toys?" Brick asked her.

"Leave them as well. Let's see how my beautiful sister cums without any help."

"Yes, Ma'am," Brick replied.

"She's all set then," Shorty said.

"Excellent," Mia smirked. "Where is the switch?"

"Just there," Brick said and pointed.

"Lovely," Mia said.

Standing in front of Angela, her eyes surveying every inch of her exposed sister with a hungry gleam, Mia turned the machines on.

"Noooughhh!" Angela's cry of denial turned into one of pleasure instantly.

The second the massaging seals and sucking started, milk began to flow from her tits. No longer the trickles of the past but a constant heavy stream that made her quiver with relief as her tits emptied themselves into the waiting jars.

Her cock. The ever-hard torment she couldn't escape wasn't far behind. They had trained her well.

"Noooo," Angela cried again when she felt the pressure balloon and the release at the base of her cock. Her first orgasm turning the tube around her dick pure white with the amount of her cum that surged through it.

"Yes, good cow," Mia said. "You look perfect like that, Angel."

"No," Angela denied, "don't call me that. I'm your sister. Pleaaassee!"

She wailed as her second orgasm followed on the heels of the first. Her sisters perverted words triggering another load.

"Roxy, come here," Mia ordered, pointing to the ground in front of her.

"Yes, Mistress," Roxy replied eagerly, and she quickly did as she was bid.

"Make me cum while your cow is doing the same," Mia ordered and lifted up her skirt.

"Yes, Mistress!" Roxy cried and she eagerly dove in, her tongue immediately finding Mia's pussy and starting to lick.

Angela couldn't help but watch; she tried to close her eyes to it. The sight of her Roxy bringing pleasure to her sister. But then a bolt of ecstasy from her cock lighting up her spine or a spurt of milk from a tender aching nipple would force them open and she would lock back onto them.

She couldn't help but think if that was what she looked like when Roxy went down on her. Did her eyes go wide in the same way before screwing shut? Did her moans and gasps for more sound the same?

Mia was chanting small curses, her hands reaching under her top to play with her small breasts as Roxy's talented tongue teased and licked its way around her hot, slick pussy. Her eyes, though, were locked on Angela. She could see the fight in her sister's matching brown eyes. See it slowly being drowned by the pleasure of the machines sucking at her body and the conditioning of her body. It wouldn't be long and Angela would be gone again and another cow would be all that remained.

To know that it was all because of her was enough for Mia. It pushed her over the edge, her pussy flooding Roxy's mouth with her juices.

It made Angela climax again. In sync with her sister, her cock shooting more cum as she watched her sister orgasm on Roxy's talented tongue.

"Start with the toys," Mia panted. "Her pussy only, though. Don't touch her ass."

She looked down at Roxy and smiled.

"Good cow. Now make me cum again and you can play with Angel."

Angela heard her and moaned. Roxy. Roxy was going to come and play with her. If that happened she was doomed. There was no way she could resist her cock.

It was one of the replicas she got first though. Brick doing as he was bid and pushing it deep into Angela's waiting pussy. It slid in with ease, her hot hole welcoming the familiar shape and length like a friend.

"Ohhhhh," Angela moaned as she was filled up, her cock bouncing in its prison before shooting out more cum.

"Yes, become a good cow all over again, Angel," Mia crooned at her.

"Submit to the pleasure; submit to your body; we all know you want to; we all know you're craving it. Just give in and let everything else go."

"Miiiaaa, noooo!" Angela cried as she came again. Her sister's taunting and the unrelenting sucking on her cock pulling another climax from her body.

"Say it, Angel; say you're a good cow," Mia taunted her again.

"No! No, I can't!" Angela shook her head in denial even as her body screamed at her to do just that.

"Roxy is a good cow; look at how well she's eating my pussy. Look how hard her cock is," Mia kept going, her voice boring into Angela.

"Roooxxyy," Angela whined, her gaze following her sister's commands to watch her friend.

"Say you're a good cow, Angel, and your Roxy will come play with you, you can have her do anything you want to you," Mia told her, her sister's voice rising as it got closer to climax.

Angela bit her lip to hold the words back. She couldn't. Not with Mia watching her. She didn't want to be a good cow.

"Say it, Angel; say you're a good cow, and Roxy will put her fat dick where you like it best. She'll fuck your ass for the rest of the day, the rest of your life. Isn't that what you want? To have Roxy filing your ass with cum over and over again?"

Mia's lurid words were too much. The picture she was painting of Angela's future was a dream for them both.

"Fuuuuck!" Mia yelled as she came on Roxy's talented tongue again.

"Ohhh gawwdddngfh!" Angel wailed, her own orgasm crashing into her as she watched and listened to her sister cum.

Her cock exploding harder than before, her tits spurting an even thicker stream of milk.

"Angel is a good cow! Angel is a good cow! Please give her Roxy's cock! She needs it!" she cried between her moans, her body bucking and twisting against the stocks as she tried to get to Roxy.

"Her ass, Roxy," was all Mia said, pushing the redhead away as she luxuriated in her afterglow.

Scrambling to her feet, Roxy was behind her Angel in a flash.

Her cock in hand, she lined her thick rod up with the hottest, tightest hole she knew and pushed forward.

"Yesssss!" Angel crowed as her ass was pushed open. Pleasure filled her mind completely, Roxy's fat cock in her ass sealing her fate.