All Comments on 'The Date'

by KingBandor

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Bebop3Bebop3about 5 years ago
Wrong Category

Well, I enjoyed the story, KB, and scored it accordingly, but it was in the wrong category. It should have been in, well, okay, fuck, it's in the right category.

TwentysevenTwentysevenabout 5 years ago
Very funny

My favourite stories are those where the authors poke fun at this whole genre. Great work.

PowersworderPowersworderabout 5 years ago

Now that was awesome!

The husband handled that like a hero! Maggie will be so contrite after nearly destroying her marriage by being such a naive dumbass, she'll be fucking her husband every night to make it up to him... and actually galvanising the sex life that she'd ended up killing off.

I'd still tell Janet. The poor woman needed to know that her asshole of a husband was trying to seduce other women while she was pregnant.

ju8streadingju8streadingabout 5 years ago

his wife still needs to know what she is married to.

krnchrmankrnchrmanabout 5 years ago

Great story, well written, thank you‼️‼️

swedishreader1swedishreader1about 5 years ago

Well written version of a well used plot line.

These types of stories are part of the bread and butter of LW.


lance_spearmanlance_spearmanabout 5 years ago
Suggesting a male escort

was a novel idea I don' think I've come across in other stories. Nicely done.

Even though they are very different, this story reminds me of Words by Jezzaz

YouamiYouamiabout 5 years ago
A great take on a previously used plotline!


I really enjoyed reading your tale. I particularly liked the way your central male partner demolished his errant spouse with words and logic. But you did not allow him to totally destroy her which left the prospect of hope for their on-going relationship. You were able to retain both balance and dramatic tension between the protagonists. Keep 'em coming!!!!

ChuckEPooChuckEPooabout 5 years ago

I couldn’t stop laughing. The anti-cuck tale. You answered all that wife-sharing bull shit in one well crafted story. 5

Impo_64Impo_64about 5 years ago
A good story about an old theme...

A good story about an old theme with some original ideas...Ans that's important...Of course they had a long road in front of them, but that's another story, as some writers like to say...4*

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightabout 5 years ago
The huge hole in this often used plot is almost never mentioned, but is obvious as hell.

These stories often feature a pussy hound who is married. That happens. The kicker is how he almost always wants to stay married, yet he works to convince a married woman to sleep with him, sometimes with her husband's consent. He either tells the woman he is stalking he is in an open relationship, or not married. In what world will that shit fly? If you start banging a married woman in anything less than total and complete secrecy, you have doomed your marriage. That is why men and women sneak around to have affairs. They must! Married men do not tell a married piece of ass to mention his name to her husband, not f he doesn't want to be flogged, divorced, or both. In this story, the guy used a lie so stupid, so obvious, and so easily verified, he was doomed. He is shown to be even dumber than the cheating wife.

Let's just stop with the "not married" or "open marriage" bullshit in stories henceforth. It is just too damn dumb to have any merit. Affairs require secret meetings and lying like hell. That is the reality of an affair.

gatorhermitgatorhermitabout 5 years ago
Great dialogue and story

No cucks allowed this morning, which is refreshing. Well done.

KingBandorKingBandorabout 5 years agoAuthor
The Male escort

I was a wee bit worried that the cuckold haters would RIP into him suggesting it. I guess people figured out it was just an attempt to test her response.

SkubabillSkubabillabout 5 years ago

This premise has been used ad nauseum but this writer gave it a few new turns that only the best Literotica authors can successfully present. Five glowing stars from this reader.

WhackdoodleWhackdoodleabout 5 years ago
I wanted to enjoy this.

You’re a great writer and I usually enjoy your tales; but this one I couldn’t.

She’s says “we need to talk” and immediately he assumes she either a.) Cheating on him or b.) Divorcing him. When my wife says we need to talk, I wonder what I’ve done wrong.

Then we find out the wife is honestly retarded. Somehow she suddenly got stupid and assumes an affair is acceptable because it will be just sex, not love.

It really felt like you phoned this one in by pulling out all the tropes and you are better than this.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 5 years ago

"Well, we spend so much time with work that we have little time for each other." - So, the answer to having little time for each other is to spend LESS time with each other? While she's spending time with another man, will he be spending time with another woman?

"I have just as little interest in having sex with you as you have to do it with me." - She's projecting, again! He has plenty of interest in having sex with her.

"it's that we never want to do it." - This feel like a broken record. SHE never wants to do it!

"I think I should start dating other people." - As I thought, "I," not "WE."

While I'm pleased that he stood up to her, I'm surprised that he didn't throw back at her that her great plan didn't include HIM "dating" other women.

"Is there any part that would even consider the idea as sexy or fun?" - My God, does she have a marriage death wish? She may not be in his head as much as we are, but after seeing his reaction, how can she even HINT at possibly doing it?

Steven made a big point of only talking about it at the office, i.e. no email or text trails.

Of COURSE he's in an "open marriage"; did she ever talk to his wife? Even if he is, SHE'S not!

"You have to take my side on this, no matter what I do, no matter what I tell you to do." - Yep, when she asks him to "fight for their marriage," she has to be by his side and fighting too.

I agree that they should STILL tell Janet!

justbobkcjustbobkcabout 5 years ago
Really nice - 5 stars

I can see this continuing in one possible darker way - morphing into a kind of reverse Lifetime Movie where our protagonist here REALLY goes after the seducer scumbag by, indeed, targeting his young and beautiful wife and succeeding in wrecking his marriage. Normally, I am more a reconciliation guy but I'm not sure I would stick with the wife as described here. All those knock backs when requesting sex for years? Time to move on.

A common Lifetime plot is a wife making ONE "mistake" allowing herself to be seduced by a charming and charismatic guy who then turns into (or always was) a psychopathic stalker who doesn't accept "rejection". Often the stalker subdues and hurts the husband - and then the woman ends up killing the stalker - as if that balances the books or something.

OPrimeOPrimeabout 5 years ago
Holy Cow

You got it spot on. Husband did a great job. The only problem is, the wife let herself get seduced, went along with some guys plan to fuck her. Trust dies right there.

There is also the fact there is not a wife in the world you can use logic on. Try that and they seek refuge in a nasty ball of emotions and feelings. You win in logic and loose the war of emotion. You are dead then and might as well divorce her at that point.

Good story though.

StormKing33StormKing33about 5 years ago
5* Short Intense Enjoyable

Great counter-attack by the husband!!! His wife is a fool, and he will need to be vigilant in case she thinks of cheating again.

OPrimeOPrimeabout 5 years ago
No she won't

Some commentator thinks the wife will be grateful for the husband not divorcing her.

She won't be. Ten minutes later her gratefulness will turn to anger and resentment and she will spend the next ten to twenty years thinking how abused she is and how to get her pound of flesh.

Remember, " 'Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned / nor hell a fury like a woman scorned.'

amyyumamyyumabout 5 years ago

I really liked it! smile)

clarkgarbleclarkgarbleabout 5 years ago

A new twist on this beat-to-death LW trope. BRAVO!

KingBandorKingBandorabout 5 years agoAuthor
Thanks for the feedback

I appreciate your comments. Oh, I almost forgot... Thanks to HardDaysKnight for deciding for us what is logical and what we should not write about. I don't know how I managed to live 56 years without his advice.


MaxxxstylesMaxxxstylesabout 5 years ago
Excellent Story!

George is a BOSS! Handled the situation like a man in control of his life and great influence over his family. Great writing. 5 stars!

afanoffanlitafanoffanlitabout 5 years ago

Well done, but Maggie didn't get nearly the comeuppance she deserved.,

CrazyDaveTrucker60CrazyDaveTrucker60about 5 years ago
Well done!

That was a very satisfying read. Not BTB, not RAAC, but more like Discover and Disable Infidelity, right on the cusp of disaster (marital wise). From the story, it's hard to see where the couple are headed. His meltdown and calling her potential lover may have saved their marriage, or maybe not. He certainly has a lot to think about. The boredom of their sexuality will still be there. But now he knows he can never truly trust her again. This may have only postponed a divorce, not avoided it. But hey, fabulous end to a good read.

baconcookerbaconcookerabout 5 years ago
Liked this.

This was good. However, if she is thinking about trying out some new guy what will happen in the future. A followup with Maggie getting kicked out and the family knowing why would be interesting.

breville1breville1about 5 years ago
Superb!! Just didn't take her bullshit!!

A rare gem on an oft used theme. The fact is that her strenuous argument for dating another man, with all its implications on relationship and sex, simply means that in her mind she has already cheated on him regardless. The way the husband turns it around is, for me, an obvious loving husband's view point, something we don't often see prevailing in stories. I think the wife needs to be taught a lesson. She was convinced of her logic and really didn't think of her husband's position.

Someone mentioned trust being broken. I totally agree. She had been thinking about the other guy for some time.....hey, we all have fantasies about our coworkers!! But we keep it at that. So the minute she actually brought it up to her husband, meant that she intended to carry out her fantasy. The fact that the husband was able to get her to reveal what was going on at work was certainly honesty on her side. The fact that she finally saw what her husband saw instantly told her how gullible she had allowed herself to become. Coupled with this, the fact that she argued so vociferously makes me think that she might do this again. Why? Well, she kept shutting him down whenever he wanted to "inject" a spark into their lives.

The problem was her, not him. If she could contemplate going on a real date with another man, next time perhaps she just won't mention it. That is a break in trust. We learn by experience, don't we? Perhaps she will secretly enjoy fucking her lover (there has to be a relationship to want to be with another man, to continue fucking another man). Why bother talking about it, he can't be hurt by what he doesn't know!!! Can you continue a loving, honest relationship with someone who made such an effort in justifying cheating? In the real world there are so many ways to cheat and trust can really take a battering. Coming out so blatantly indicates an underlying desire to fuck other men. With trust broken, it will take a long time to re-establish, if ever.

Yup, I would definitely want to teach her a lesson that she will never forget. But what? Love is a very strange can hate her but you still love her.

SanzegoSanzegoabout 5 years ago
A take charge individual

Are women really that stupid though? I don't think so. She wanted what she wanted and her husband was supposed to be okay with it. Bending her over the table is a good start. For him, he gets the sex he's been missing. For her, she gets to pretend to be contrite while controlling her husband with sex. The trust is gone. That fact that she tried to manipulate her husband into letting her have sex with another man tells me she has the ability to manipulate and cant be trusted again. But thats just my interpretations.

I enjoyed the tale. 🌟🌟🌟🌟

enderlocke77enderlocke77about 5 years ago
oh yes

there are women and men that stupid out there but someone old enough to have a kid in college usually means that they would be mature and wise enough to see past a seduction scheme of any kind. this is why most stories like these are just fictional stories written on an amateur website to entertain ppl like me :) which i did enjoy ty for the read

johnadpjohnadpabout 5 years ago
There Has To Be a Happy Medium

In a marriage each partner shouldn't be constantly in angst about losing the other so always trying too hard, but at the same time being in a marriage doesn't mean one can just completely relax and let themselves go.

From what she described, him watching TV constantly, neither romancing one another, there wasn't any passion in that relationship, and they have become roommates. He wants sex more often, she wants more romancing to want to have sex more often.

Before we got married my wife asked me would I still love her if she got fat. I told her I might still love you with my big head, but my little head will probably not want to fuck you anymore. So as much as I love you we probably won't be able to make it if you let yourself go. She looked hurt, so I felt I needed to clarify further. I told her I'm the most loyal person in the world. If you gain weight because of a medical condition, you lose your breasts to breast cancer, or have horrible disfigurement I would be in your corner forever and never leave you, and still love you as passionately. But if you get comfortable in the relationship, get lazy and let yourself go I'm out of there, because it's going to piss me off and I'm going to be resentful, and feel I was sold a false set of goods and expectations. But I promised her that I am going to also be very cognizant of that and keeping up my end of the bargain.

It's like a sports team paying top dollar for an elite athlete who works extremely hard at being the best in their role prior to getting the big contract, and once the athlete gets the long term contract, they stop working out, they stop diving for the balls, just putting in minimum effort. One party to that contract is not acting in good faith. In that sports contract scenario unfortunately the team usually cannot renege on their side of the contract. Fortunately in marriage you can drop the lazy partner who is reneging on explicit or implied expectations. Of course, you're going to try to work things out before bailing out.

abitshyoneabitshyoneabout 5 years ago
one of the good ones

I liked this,, it started well and ended well, as someone already said its a well used theme but you did it slightly different , the way he instantly shot her plans down but tried to explain how wrong she was, ok its not a true story but I can imagine this realy happening somewhere out there in this big wide world, il never understand women fully, but sometimes there to stupid to be believed,, thanks for sharing,

OverthefallsOverthefallsabout 5 years ago
Very good story right up until the end

When you had him basically assault his wife and then rape her. If the marriage wasn't over before, then it was definitely over after he violates her. He would be going to jail, then Divorce Court. He had handled the situation up until the end, then he screws up, loses his temper and commits several crimes. Good story, horrible ending.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightabout 5 years ago
King guy,

How many times have you categorically told writers they posted in the wrong category? You felt the need to share the knowledge you have gained in fifty years. You prefer to pontificate rather than accept wisdom beyond your years. I get that. I feel the same way. Will it prevent either of us from commenting? Don't be sensitive.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 5 years ago

Once again seems that no matter what actually happens in the story we only person who gets the blame is the husband according to Johnadp. This time this idiot writes the following ....

...From what she described, him watching TV constantly, neither romancing one another, there wasn't any passion in that relationship, and they have become roommates. He wants sex more often, she wants more romancing to want to have sex more often. ...

That is not correct and that is exactly what the story is not about. The husband makes it very clear that he is wanted to have sex with a wife a lot more often But she shutting him down. Yet somehow John is unable to recall any portion of the story where the husband is complaining that it is the wife who shutting them down sexually.

So once again the repulse a little shit JOHNADP some how Ignores all the words in all the conversation from the husband and concludes that whatever the wife says must be exactly truthful and accurate

Even worse is that the husband's logic is flawless. If it's only about sex why not use escort ?

Is she REALLY thinks more sex will improve their marriage and their relationship why doesn't she have more sex with her husband?

MichaelFitzgeraldMichaelFitzgeraldabout 5 years ago
Another trope that can go is the “Perry Mason” brilliant cross-examination.

Every notice how the salt-of-the-earth husband is transformed into an unbeatable trial lawyer, shredding his wife’s endlessly stupid ideas. Ever notice that the wife, after getting interrogated, never tells her husband to go fuck himself. Coming up with air-tight cross-exam or an overwhelming argument takes hard work and time. Pulling it out of your ass on demand is fantasy. I’d like this story retold with the wife not backing down.

Cry havoc and let loose the dogs of LW!!!

26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago
Your best

You continue to raise your own bar . For me, this is your best work yet. I've read this story more than a dozen times , but never read a better husband's demolition of the wife's argument for fixing their marriage by dating another man. The suggestion of a male escort to disprove the "it's only sex" argument was a new one. Offering to swap wives with the weasel is classic. Great story start to finish, but he owes Archer nothing and should definitely tell Janet. Even better, make dimwit wife tell Janet.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 5 years ago
Excellent story!

I don't really agree with an angry fuck at the end. It's not good to use sex to hurt someone (emotionally or physically). Still, a good story. It's a shame she's so stupid. I would never marry a fool who could be manipulated like that, or at least I hope I didn't...

LordGeoffreyLordGeoffreyabout 5 years ago
Absolutely brilliant

Previous commenters have already made my case. 5*s

Richie4110Richie4110about 5 years ago
Great story dealing with a touchy subject

Definitely a 5* effort. Entertaining discourse between two people at opposite positions regarding marriage and fidelity. Loved it and would like to see another chapter on his idea to divorce her anyway.

Thank you for sharing your talent with me.

etchiboyetchiboyabout 5 years ago
Whether marriage craters or not, Steven still TRIED to ruin marriage.

Need to tell Janet what a scum-wad hubby is while away on business. Tit-for-tat. Quid pro quo. An eye for an eye. Etc.

Commenter who said Janet should be more mature: at some point in age a person is just not going to have more “wisdom” in regards to personal relationships, no matter the age. Now, now maybe next time some squid tries to insert himself into her marriage she might see the signs, but if she’d never been played that way before there is a good chance she would not have seen this coming. But if she’s one of those forever innocent types, who think everyone is honest and all is hunky-dory, she may never learn. She may be “smart”, but she may have a low EQ and can’t read people.


SpencerfictionSpencerfictionabout 5 years ago
Loved this turnaround

And naturally, with sex being on the breakfast table all morning, it logically had to end with sex on the table!

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 5 years ago

Great tale. Obviously once he knew all the facts, he realized that the scumbag was just looking for strange pussy, and settled on our loving, faithful wife for his conquest. Two things saved the marriage. Logic and love. If the husband didn't care about his wife, he wouldn't have logically proved his case, showing her what a prick liar her co-worker was. Now, logically, after their two-weeks together you contact the unsuspecting wife at their new location and tell her about Steven, her "loving" husband. Hah, he'll get what he deserves.

Five Stars

Baddogie59Baddogie59about 5 years ago
Fucking Awsom

One of the best I have read in a very long time.

How to handle a wife who has been brainwashed by a fucking ho.e wrecker.

I still say he needs to hunt the fucker down and beat the shit out of him and still tell his wife what he is doing. He will just move on and do it to some other couple.

rick_ohrick_ohabout 5 years ago
"So, it's ok if I fuck someone ugly?"

That is probably the best logic line in the story.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 5 years ago
@overthefalls Re: "Very good story right up until the end"

Not trying to justify what he did, but I think she'd have a hard time proving marital rape. I think his chances of going to prison are minimal.

And where do you see "several crimes?"

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchabout 5 years ago
Great story, I fived it

Great logic/dialogue. But as with Intervention, WTF would a guy want to stay with such a cold, calculating, narcissistic person.??

Would any real person ever want to stay with such a low grade spouse when,:. That spouse had cut off sex for years and only wanted to turn it back on for themself??

Please abate this trend of reconciliation, we don't need an author of your caliber getting all RAAC. :-)

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 5 years ago
"Spicing Up Their Marriage"

I know I mentioned it in my original comment, but I think this is important enough to be on it's own:

IF you really believe that having sex with others will "spice up your marriage," then why is it only YOU that has sex with others? Why isn't it ever, "I think that WE should have sex with others?"

Of course, the problem with that, is that SHE wants to do it, usually has a partner all lined up, while he has no interest, so it's not a fair trade anyway!

silentsoundsilentsoundabout 5 years ago
This was an excellent rendition of a well used plot.

I loved the clever argument Maggie employed. She was still full of shit but it was at least a coherent argument.

I also loved how your protagonist absolutely destroyed her arguments with very precise logic. The escort idea was golden to address the "just sex" angle.

I thoroughly enjoyed the path he quickly took to confronting his adversary while simultaneously and totally turning the tables on his silly wife.

You even had a good swat for the bad girl before a hard table fucking! I'm partial to spankings for bad girls.

This was all well written with your talent shining through. You can write even when I don't like the plot and I liked this one.

Can't give anything less than a 5.

I've got to say King, I am impressed.

Vandemonium1Vandemonium1about 5 years ago
Hat off, Sir

Yes, it was a well used plot, but brilliantly and uniquely told.

Loved the logic on the first page, especially the bit about offering to get her an escort. Very bold of you.

Gets a little frustrating doesn't it? People pointing out reality problems in a FICTIONAL story. I shudder to think what the likes of Ian Flemming got in their letter box.

SomeOneTwoThreeSomeOneTwoThreeabout 5 years ago

We've seen this theme in many stories.

From various writers.

"The Date" is a popular idea among writers

and I can understand why.

Such extreme disrespect for husband

is very colorful.

But this plot has it's flaws.

The wife has to be either a controlfreak

or extremely stupid.

Thankfully most wives are neither.

Then we also need husbands

who get/stay married to women like that.

That further narrows the field.

My problem with "The Date" stories

isn't though that they are not likely

to happen in real life

or that the wives get hit by the marsian slut ray.

Personally I think "The Marsian Slut Ray"

is the greatest frase ever invented

here in Literotica :).

No, my problem lies with the husbands.

They are the ones dumb enough

to marry controlfreaks and stupid women.

And I just don't like stories,

where the heros of them

are dumb men.

Disregarding this "flaw" of mine,

I found this story well written

and the plot was interesting too.

4 out of 5 from me.

KingBandorKingBandorabout 5 years agoAuthor

She stated she wanted to be "ravished".... so he did.

johnadpjohnadpabout 5 years ago

You inbred half-wit hillbilly from VA that all authors on this site make fun of. My comment had nothing to do with her wanting to fuck another dude. I thought it’s pretty self-evident that’s destructive to a relationship and didn’t need further comment.

The issue I raised was about couples getting too comfortable. He kept on bringing up that he was very comfortable. Comfortable in coming home watching TV. Comfortable in knowing his wife was going to be there no matter what he did or didn’t do. He gave a list of other things about how “comfortable” he was. So my point was that there should be a certain level of comfort in a relationship, but not to the level of taking the other person for granted and simply being content and lazy.

Now go fuck your wife/sister, and say hello from me to your mother/aunt you fungi brained inbred.

26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago
Now, johnadp

HarryinVag is no hillbilly. He is obviously a Yellow Dog Democrat from Northern Virginia , part of the noxious ooze seeping down from D.C. I imagine him as Pelosi with no hair.

UltimateHomeBodyUltimateHomeBodyabout 5 years ago
At least she got a fuck

You write well. 5* writing, 5* storytelling, 3* story result, 3* for forgetting the other important details.

Guess the hubby could never trust his wife again. Every time she has contact with another male he will wonder if she needs to spice up the marriage again.

Shame you forgot a second issue that cropped up. His male family members had all hit on his wife. He will need to fix them as well. He will lose his entire family and eventually his marriage.

No trust = no marriage.

Maybe if he is lucky you can write the next story in the incest section with his daughter. He might be able to trust her for a while at least.

InsigniaInsigniaabout 5 years ago
Great pacing

Wrapoed up before the breakfast dishes were done. The real villain is The Curse of Oak Island. I can see that show killing a romance. 10 minutes of interesting material drawn out into a season of recaps and commercials and the same 6 cut a way shots.

coredencoredenabout 5 years ago
10 out of 5!!!!!

I loved it. Well done and keep writing.

NonSequitourNonSequitourabout 5 years ago
Brilliant! *5*

I wouldn't have read this if it were any longer. I started out thinking this was just another cuck story where the wife ALWAYS says "It's just sex. It won't mean/change anything." Soon I realized it could be better titled: Dialog with a Dingbat. She was soooo stupid! In the end husband absolutely shuts down dickhead with just a phone call.

Well played, Sir.

Richie4110Richie4110about 5 years ago
Love the comments

The range and quality of the comments are as interesting as reading a very good story. It is entertaining and enlightening to read how different people are in their perspective of what they read.

So, while I’m not an author, I give thanks to all fellow commentators who collectively make this site a valuable activity.

danoctoberdanoctoberabout 5 years ago
Very nicely done. *****

Quite an enjoyable LW's tale. An example of the partner who wants to cheat not looking at it from all the angles only to be brought back to reality by their spouse. Always a pleasure to see KingBandor post a submission.

DarkerBindingDarkerBindingabout 5 years ago

It would have been fitting if he had loaded a recorder app on the phone, recorded that whole phone conversation and then finally given it to Janet anyway.

SyummSyummabout 5 years ago
Good Hudband

I love this story really wonderful husband. Not chicken like cuckold husband....

Survivor3306Survivor3306about 5 years ago
Best story of this type I've read - 5 stars!

This situation is one of my favorites. The wife announces she is going to play around and the husband destroys her argument that a one-sided open marriage is not adultry if she tells him about it. Further, she argues that her affairs will improve their marriage because of what she will learn and because she will be so damn happy.

What makes this story unique is his thorough analysis of why he will lose and their marriage will be over if she goes through with it or even still dreams about it.

He is right - he would always lose the comparison battle, regardless if she goes forward with it or not. The only way they stay married happily is if she voluntarily gives up on the idea completely. Your story gave an example of getting her to do that. Excellently written!

JbRobertssonJbRobertssonabout 5 years ago
Good story with great logic...

Happy to see he was able to prove to his wife that Steven is a lying cad. The problem with her dreaming of "dating" Steven is that, even though she was convinced to change her mind to save her marriage, she would always have a bit of resentment towards her husband for spoiling her fun. She would always wonder what it would have been like with him. Now she knows Steven's a cheat and a liar, so she shouldn't bear any ill will toward her husband. This marriage has a chance of surviving.

The story was excellent. Well done. Thanks for posting.

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 5 years ago

you want to date other men? You might as well, this marriage is over either way. Adios slut.

Tiger27Tiger27almost 5 years ago

I'm with those who would have divorced Maggie. The fact that she agreed to the date knowing full well that sex was on the table, indicates that she has already committed to Steven emotionally. Further, I would let Janet know exactly what those two were up to.

xtchrxtchralmost 5 years ago
Different Story!

I enjoyed the story, However...It is apparent that this wife doesn't know or respect her husband to even come with this 'Date Others' BS. He did a good job of destroying her points to supposedly spice up their sex life, (or was it only her sex life?). But once this comes up, I think the marriage would be over. How can he ever trust her again? Maybe next time she wants some spice, she just won't tell him. I don't know, but even bringing something like this up is a 'marriage killer'.

Thanks for an interesting take on an age-old problem.

lover1953lover1953almost 5 years ago
“If you love me, you’ll let me do this”

Those famous words are really code for ‘its over”. Most open marriages end in divorce at some point, check the stats. Even the poly living arrangements don’t last a lifetime. Nicely written.

HikingThruHikingThruover 4 years ago
shoulda, coulda...

...recorded the call to Douche Bag, and delivered it to her real estate office. Le Douche seems a predator, that needs to be de-fanged.

AmbivalenceAmbivalenceover 4 years ago
"Oh, and by the way," he says as he ravishes her...

"We're going to get a lawyer and design and sign a post-nup..."

Davidj001Davidj001over 4 years ago
That was good


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Even a well-written story can be improved by competent proof-reading

"Woah, woah, woah," I said...

Maybe you mean "whoa"?

"No, that's not it," she said weekly.

She says that every week?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

A long-ass story in real life would just make a 1/2 page before the wife would have been history.

jtwheelsjtwheelsabout 4 years ago
Anon 3/28 hikingthru etc said it she already cheated emotionally at least

And you haven't had sex since you can remember


No sympathy for you either

No couples in 80s still have sex once a week

Maybe skip a week once or twice a year due to work but months


For my 40th my wife decided she would match my single best (which I told her all about my sex life -military contest I went 8 winner went 10 in one long all night )we went six times and I was 40


AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Nicely written but the story ending needs work.

No revenge on the guy and he just forgives her?

What about trust issues?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Thumbs up

I love this story!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

awful, kys

FireFox59FireFox59about 4 years ago

First story of yours I've read. Enjoyed it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
He would have Janet’s work number from her realty office advertisement!

He should have quoted that number to Steve.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

divorce her! She is weak and would have done it, No trust.

MarkT63MarkT63about 4 years ago

BTB and dump her ass!!!

MarkT63MarkT63about 4 years ago

Ride the bitches fear as long as you can!!! Then DIVORCE the cheating slut after the fun is over. Get your assets hidden in the mean time!!!

moblanemoblaneabout 4 years ago
Good Story

I'm in total agreement with ' MarkT63" The 'anon comment about the wife's number on the real estate site is a dead cert and really should have been included. Good story as far as it went but it gave up too soon. Nice Job, Thank You

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

A man after my own mind!

Had a similar situation; my fiancee and an asshole engaged to another woman with a child. He had at least 15 years on her. She wanted to meet with him on a "friendly date" (alone of course) just for dinner and conversation; she found him knowledgeable and listened to her thoughts and dreams for the future.

I told her the same thing - as soon as he arranges a "friendly date" for me with his fiancee, she could go on their "friendly date". But my date comes first. All of a sudden "quid pro quo" became impossible - equality and fairness were unfair and oppressive to her! The fever pitch hit top when she finally blurted out: "You can't tell me what I can or cannot do! I'm my own person! And besides, we're not even married yet!".

And that's when I told her "give me back the ring; we will never be married! Enjoy your pointless "friendly date" and being fucked over a second time. We're done."

And that was it for me. My love died right there, in a flash of a single instance. It surprised the hell out of me; but it sure can happen. What they say is really very true - anger and / or hate are stronger emotions than love.

All the wailing, phone calls, letters from her and her friends and family - what a deluge! But to no avail. My heart had turned to stone. She didn't even exist anymore.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
A not so guilty pleasure

These LW stories in which the wife suddenly announces her intent to date another man, often as she is leaving the house dressed for a night of dancing and romance, are my favorites by far. The husband's shock, bewilderment, anger, and overwhelming sentiment of OH HELL, NO strike a chord within me that brings both a smile and a grimace to my face. I enjoy trying to visualize whether I could truly hold a coherent conversation about the idea after being blindsided by the lunacy.

KB's THE DATE and INTERDICTION are both valued contributions to this special niche of LW fare. Thank you, KB, for writing both. A few more would be great if you have the inclination once you have the time.

mainer42mainer42almost 4 years ago

well written. Loved the way you weaved the story. Quite good.

WillowghbyWillowghbyalmost 4 years ago

Thanks to KB for a well woven plot with clear, consistent characters. Love the logic play - ah, that we could all think so quickly in the heat of such a discussion.

Keep 'em comin'.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Holy fuck that was cathartic.

silentsoundsilentsoundalmost 4 years ago
2nd time through.

I fucking love this MC!

I would also love to know how things played out afterwards.

Great take on this plot!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Worryingly realistic

That’s how it should go down!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
No it's not how it should go down

The best one of these stories I recently read had the husband saying ok to the date, then quietly packing during the week and when she went on her date he left, never having to see her again. The best part was she cried that she didn't even screw him on the first date so it wasn't cheating. Husband didn't agree. I would never fight for the bitch after her dating request.

NitpicNitpicover 3 years ago

I still think he should have Janet what her husband was doing,after all when he moves what is to stop him seducing another gullible woman.?

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

Again. I love it when the husband ties the would be eating wife in knots and then slaps the seduced in the mouth. When, he is as good as anybody in LW. He was on with this story.

DogFuzzDogFuzzover 3 years ago

Darn, talk about a wife not playing with a full deck. She sounds like her mental process is still in grade school. Nice finish to the story.

JonDoe315JonDoe315over 3 years ago

she deserves more punishment

lee5456lee5456over 3 years ago
Oh what a tangled web we weave

When first we practice to be a ho

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
5 Stars

Can I Get his wife's number ? I am looking for a New House . I hope I do not slip up and mention her husband trying to sleep with My wife ..

lee5456lee5456over 3 years ago

That bitch is Cuckoo for cocoa puffs

bobareenobobareenoover 3 years ago

Just favorited this story and its author. Really well done. Loved the husband's logical take down of the lies of both his wife and her soon to be lover. Articulate and two steps ahead, that MC was a pleasure to cheer for.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

If the ho was mine, she'd only have to say it once. Her stud would be in major trouble and she wouldn't be far behind From the way his wife is described, they should switch.PERMANENTLY... I'm afraid Maggie would be out the door...

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Back after a long time. I've not posted since the pandemic. I was inspired to write a bit more, so keep an eye out for more. Much of what I write about comes from experiences I've had, places I've been and people I've known. Born in the 60's. Came of age in the 80's. Living l...