The Date

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My wife and I help a good friend with her marriage.
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The Date.

My wife and I help a friend with her marriage.

Writers note: This is a short story, it is a scene in a restaurant, if you dislike short stories stop here and move on.

Just so you understand their is no sex in this story, there is however a loving wife, and there is some karma.

Usual disclaimers: If you want a cuck story move on. If you want a willing cuck story move on. If you feel the need to go to the end of the story and vote 1☆ because there is no cuck in my story then go right ahead.

If you feel the need to troll my comments go right ahead I will delete them, yes us writers do it all the time.

So I hope you understand the warnings. One last thing if you have read my other stories and don't like them you won't like this one either.


I looked at my watch, 7.55pm, my wife and her "date" were due in the restaurant at 8pm.

I had booked a table in a booth in the back so I could see them come in but they couldn't see me. I sipped my diet Pepsi and looked around the room, it was busy for a Saturday night but the table he had booked was in a corner and away from the main area but i could see it easily enough.

My wife, Corinne, advised me about our soon to be ex best friend, David, wanting a dinner date with her, apparently he has been really depressed since his wife left him, she left him 6 months ago, today is the day the divorce is granted Sarah, his wife of 15 years, hasn't told anyone why she divorced him yet, but my wife and I have our suspicions, but we could never prove it.

So, David called me up and asked me if I wouldn't mind him going out with my wife, we had always been close, his wife and Corinne have always been best friends and have been ever since college, that is where we all met.

Over the years we have always been close as couples and we regularly went out as a group. Sarah is a beautiful woman and any man would love to be her husband, and our friends and family thought he knew he was lucky to be with her, but in hindsight David didn't always appreciate Sarah, she is tall, slim with long dark hair, she could easily be a model, but instead she works as a Personal Assistant, for her father who runs an accountancy firm.

Corinne and I have observed over the years that Sarah put up with a lot of things most wives would not, David is a handsome man, he is tall and well built and regularly works out at the gym, both my wife I asked him and Sarah about their relationship at various times, but Sarah always said it was fine and she was happy enough.

We didn't like David's behaviour. One of those behaviours was his flirting too much, and putting Sarah down about trivial things in front of friends. To be honest yes we were friends, but what couples do in private is their business, so if Sarah had any issues in her marriage, we didn't know about. In hindsight it was mistake not to investigate further. It has only been the past couple of years that Sarah started coming out alone with my wife and I.

David tended to be too busy doing something else or working, he is a sales rep for a manufacturing company, so we enjoyed ourselves just us three, neither of us has kids by choice, so we can basically go wherever we want when we want.

We have over the years gone on holiday together and once again until recently everyone had a good time, but during our last holiday to Scotland David spent a lot of time "working" on his laptop or spending time on sales calls.

It got to the point of me sitting him down and telling him to get his head out of his arse and pay attention to his wife, who by the way was getting lots of attention from other men whenever we went out, my wife also got lots of attention from other men but she and I made it clear we were a couple and no she wouldn't dance with anyone else and she wouldn't accept a drink from anyone else either, Sarah stayed close to Corinne and I all night.

So after several nights of David being an arsehole, Sarah, my wife, and I confronted him and told him if he wasn't interested in being here go home. He actually left the holiday right after Sarah and he had a massive bust up. That was a year ago, things have not been good since.

Corrine has tried to get Sarah to open up and tell us what was happening in her marriage but she always sadly said she was dealing with it and not to worry things were in place.

Six months ago Sarah filed for divorce, she still didn't tell us the reason why she filed, she did however say she would tell us every detail once she was divorced, my wife and I could guess what her story would be, but she did say she would tell us after the divorce.

So that brings us to this evening, my wife has just walked into the restaurant wearing a red mini dress it was my present to her for our 15th anniversary, it hugs her curved tall figure perfectly, her long black hair is loose falling down her back and her red high heels make her even taller than she really is, the dress was my wife's idea, the intention was to basically say this is something you will never have.

David was already at the table waiting for my wife. He stood up as she paused for a moment then walked towards the table, David tried to hug her but she stepped back avoiding his kiss and hug.

"Corinne, please we are friends, we have been friends for a long time, will one kiss really hurt you?" he said in a soft obviously attempted seducing voice.

She looked at him sighed and turned her cheek towards him, "Okay, David if you insist." She said in a non committal voice.

He again tried hugging her and turning her towards him but she easily avoided him and he ending up pecking her cheek.

Without waiting for him she moved to the other side of the table and sat down, he was left standing up watching her. He tried to recover himself and sat down opposite my wife.

"So, Corinne, you look very beautiful tonight, your husband is a lucky man, I always thought you were too good for him." He said with a smile.

I could see wife's face change colour, she was angry, "David, I only agreed to be here because I want to hear your version of why my best friend has divorced you, personally I have no idea why she has put up with you for so long. So tell me what's going on in your head, why have you invited your ex wife's best friend for a night out, and for the record this dress is not for you its for Gary, he will get the full benefits from this dress later."

He smirked at her, "Corinne, my ex wife has been punching above her weight for years, I am a very successful sales rep, my bonuses helped us buy our lovely house, her lovely car, it helped pay for our group holidays, she gets everything she needs from me without me your best friend is nothing, she will come crawling back to me when she can't afford her lifestyle."

My wife was definitely getting pissed off with his attitude, "David what happened to the man you used to be, you used to treat Sarah with respect, you used to be with her all the time, you were always the one to make sure she was fine and well loved, what happened to you?"

David laughed, "Your "best" friend became boring, when we first met we did all sorts of adventures, did she ever tell you for about how we swapped partners with several couples at clubs near here?"

"No, she didn't tell us that, did she enjoy it? I can't imagine it was her idea, " My wife said stiffly.

"No it was my idea, and with a bit of persuasion she agreed to try it out, but only watch not take part, that lasted 3 weeks. The first time I think she enjoyed it but the second and third times not so much. I guess she wanted to stop, but I persuaded her to do it once more, do you remember 6 months ago when she wanted a weekend away with you and Gary and I couldn't make it?"

My wife nodded her head, she obviously could not speak, she was so angry.

"Well, I spent the weekend with a group of swingers, they wanted Sarah to be there too, but by then I was sleeping on the sofa, I knew it was the end of us, so one last weekend I fucked a bunch of women, I have reached the point I really don't care if I fuck married women, any that's when my bitch of a wife served me those papers." He said angrily.

Corinne took a deep breath, "So, why am I here? Why tell me this story?"

"Because my beautiful dear friend, I want to get back with my ex wife, I want to carry on the lifestyle with her as my wife, but if I can't, I would truly love to be with you just for one night your husband doesn't need to know and my ex wife won't know either."

At that point my wife stood up and as a pre arranged signal told David, "David, please excuse me, I need to use the bathroom,"

He stood and said, "Don't worry, I will order some wine for us both, I know you like Sauviognon blanc wines."

My wife turned and said, "Yes, that's fine." And walked off.

David was looking at the wine menu and didn't notice me sitting in my wife's seat. It took him a few moments to look up and his face showed his surprise, "Gary, good to see you, you know your wife looks beautiful tonight,"

My eyes didn't leave his, "Yes, my wife looks very beautiful, she will always be beautiful to me, just as your ex wife will always be beautiful and trust me she will find someone so much better than an arsehole like you."

"Fuck off Gary, you know I will fuck your wife too someday, you know she fancies me, over the years I could have fucked her anytime I wanted to. Sarah was always worried I would I fuck her best friend, the only reason I didn't try for your wife is because I liked you too much as a friend. Of course that stopped last year, you see I had an epiphany, I was looking around and realised fucking my wife was not satisfying me as it should, so I convinced my wife to fuck other men. Don't look so shocked everyone is swinging or Swapping these days."

"I can not believe you are the same person Sarah, me and Corinne knew back in college. Sarah loves you idiot, she obviously ignored your flaws and stayed with you, I really do not understand how you could share her or let someone else have sex with her. So why did she stop swinging?" I said feeling very sad for the friend I once knew.

"Well, it seems fucking other people isn't her thing, and to be honest I only brought her along so I could fuck around, just between you and me I have had a lot of sex with married women who want extra sex, mostly their husbands are not satisfying them. Its a pity your wife always told Sarah you always satisfy her, otherwise I really would have fucked her earlier." He was really proud of himself, what an arsehole my ex friend had turned into.

"Okay, in case you have completely lost your mind, you might be wondering why I'm here instead of you pouring your apparently broken heart out to my kind hearted wife."

He thought for a moment and looked around, "Where is your wife? She said she was using the bathroom."

"No, she is not using the bathroom she is driving home to be with your ex wife, they are going to share a bottle of champagne and celebrate the end of your marriage. Sarah will never go back to you, my wife and I will make sure you never again hurt her. Seriously David, you need help, you don't fuck around with someone's feelings, if you wanted extra sex why the hell didn't you just leave Sarah, you have already told me she hated it and only did it to stay with you, that is completely fucked up."

"Listen, Gary, I love Sarah, don't laugh I do, but I need more from her, and she isn't giving it to me. So I am currently in a group of swingers who fuck around at parties, hell I'm sure they would accept you if you wanted to join me with Corinne."

"David, listen, I am not fucking anyone except my wife, she is not going to fuck you or anyone else, so have a good life fucking around and looking for something you will never find. Just so you understand if you come near my wife you will regret it, if you try to contact your ex wife you will regret it, do you remember all those times I kicked your arse when we were younger, well I'm far stronger than I was and trust me you don't want to see me lose my cool."

For a moment I thought he was going to stand up and throw a punch at me, but he thought better of it.

"Gary, you are pathetic. Your wife has you by the balls, she is in charge of you, while I am now free to fuck anyone and everyone I want. Just for the record I love fucking married women and your wife is top of my list for future reference. You better watch out for her." He said with a smug smile.

As I stood up to leave a message and a photo came through to me on my phone, it was my wife and Sarah stripped down to sexy lingerie, they were holding each other and drinking a glass of champagne, the text said:

"Hurry home my love we are waiting for you, love you, Sarah says she loves you too. Give our regards to the arsehole."

"David, I think this message is for you." I turned the phone and he looked at it, he went bright red in anger.

"Gary, you arsehole, I will get them both, I swear it. Then I will fuck you up too." He was starting to move towards me.

Now understand something, we are just about the same height and weight, but I work out twice a week, my job is very hands on and I am fit and toned and strong. David is a few pounds overweight and obviously not as strong. In a fight I would win, but he hasn't tried to fight me in years.

I simply pushed him back into his chair, I then reached inside my jacket and put some paperwork on the table and said,

"This is a restraining order, it keeps you 500 metres from Sarah and my wife, and any friends or family you might try and talk to. Any items you still have in your old house will be sold or you can collect them from good will."

"Fuck you Gary, I will do as I want, mark my words I will get your wife."

"No David you won't, just move on in your life of mindless fucking and swinging, enjoy all those STDs you will find. You are dead to me and your ex wife and my wife. Oh and don't worry, your ex wife is far better off without you. Goodbye David."

With that I walked out of the restaurant, I didn't hear the footsteps until it was almost too late, I swung my fist and it satisfyingly caught his nose, it broke as my hand connected with it. He fell down clutching his face, several waiters tried to help him up but he was swearing and shouting at me, one of the waiters used his phone and contacted the police.

The police turned up and saw me resting against my car and I explained what happened, they turned their attention towards David, the sergeant took hold of David's arm and pulled him aside and explained to him what he needed to hear. Unfortunately David was not thinking straight and lashed out at the policeman he was later charged with attempting to injure a policeman.

I was cautioned but not charged. I drove home and as I opened the door two very beautiful women where kwaiting for me they both hugged me. Sarah, now dressed in flannel pjammers, gave me a kiss on the cheek and then handed me a glass of champagne. My wife still dressed In her sexy lingerie kissed me long and hard on the lips, then she kissed Sarah on the cheek, we both said goodnight to Sarah who the went to her room.

My wife and I made love, slowly, softly and very satisfyingly. Life is good, our once friend will be in a lot of trouble and Sarah is free to live her life as she wants, yes she is talking to a psychiatrist about how she let David dominate her life, for the time being she is living with us.

Oh and in case you are wondering, yes my wife recorded everything David said, might not be applicable in court but it gives us some bargaining power, that was the whole point of the evening. And of course to piss off David.

The End.

Epilogue: Sarah didn't move out of our house, no we didn't get together, we are strictly platonic best friends who love each other. Yes Sarah goes on dates, sometimes we meet her dates, occasionally we double date, but ultimately Sarah does not trust anyone except my wife and I.

She did tell us how the past year had affected her. David was everything we thought he was a good and loving and caring husband until five years ago, without any apparent reason he started getting very jealous of her time with me and my wife.

In time he tried to stop her seeing us, but when she refused he started finding excuses to not be with us, and he was going out more and more with his friends and work colleagues.

It got to the point he was staying out all night. Without explanation he was working longer ours and basically ignoring her, when he was with her he was abusive and that lead to his idea about swapping. At first she wouldn't do it, but the abuse got worse, and it became physical and mental abuse.

Like many victims she went along with it to try to appease him. The problem was the men she was with complained she was like a robot while having sex they didn't get any satisfaction out of her, so the group asked David to stop bringing her even though by this point Sarah had enough and was talking to a divorce lawyer.

Sarah was intelligent enough to set up cameras around the house and it was an open and shut case. The judge awarded Sarah almost everything, he also wanted the police to investigate the abuse. Apparently the police were looking for David to question him about the abuse allegations.

Well obviously when the police learned about the restaurant incident they threw the book at him, apparently he is serving at least 8 to 9 years for GBH, Assault, criminal damage, stalking and using drugs on Sarah. The list of charges is getting longer. Obviously he has lost his job and he will be homeless when or if he gets out.

Sarah confessed to Corinne and I all about her marriage and how she hates herself for letting David do what he did to her and she hates herself even more for allowing two men to fuck her, she was actually drunk and she suspected David drugged her when she did do it, it was the only way she could have gone through with it. After the second time she told David she was leaving him.

I remember that day, it was the day she turned up at our house with three suitcases and tears pouring down her beautiful face. She told us all about her life, the life she kept private, until now.

At first I wanted to find David and beat him to an inch of his life. But the women talked me out of it. Karma will catch up with David. But as of now, life is good I have a beautiful wife and a beautiful best friend to keep me company.


Thank you for reading the story.

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Alright_alright_alrightAlright_alright_alright5 months ago

Went overboard with the 8-9yrs, wouldn't be able to get "criminal damage" at his own house or stalking. Stalking how is he doing that when he was supposedly never around, no abuse cause she went on her own. GHB just makes you sleepy, you used to be able to pick it up years ago at any GNC store.

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShades7 months ago

Can not beat a good friendship. Thanks for your writing.

SarahwithloveSarahwithlove7 months ago

It's true, you never really know what goes on behind closed doors, even with those closest to you. This story provides a perfect example.

Karn9Karn97 months ago

Nice short story. 4*

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