The Daughter of Sias

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Ranger finds his winged companion has much to offer.
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I gazed upon my sultry companion as she tightened the cinch of the saddle on her large black mare. Though last night we shared a moment of erotic wildfire, this morning cast a fog of tension between us. Tarakina had said close to nothing since she woke me. We prepared our horses for the next leg of our most unusual journey, a full day of riding.

We were traveling to the Pool of Sahat, in the valley ridge just beyond the western mountains. Tarakina's silence about this place was purposeful, and I did resent that. We should have been excited about visiting the oasis pool of spring water together, but now the thrill of it was swallowed up with feelings of apprehension.

The morning sun had barely crept over the eastern horizon. Behind us was the tribal village we had settled in last night. It was Tarakina's birthplace. A smoldering fire pit still released a billowing pillar of gray smoke into the red horizon, it was the only remnant of a vivid night time celebration for our cause.

I, Tyeson Summit, was born and bred a strapping Burning Plains Ranger. My horse was a sired champion from the Bloodsands Desert, my bow fashioned from the magical driftwood of Mellowhale- and none of these things gave me much comfort. Our relationship was taking a new turn. My life, was taking a new turn with this mysterious girl at my side.

It was her wings.

Tarakina's long blonde hair was braided, but the loose golden strands still contrasted with the black chain-mail riding attire that adorned her curvaceous frame. Other parts of her body were not armored for comfort, and those were fitfully dressed in soft black-forest wolven leathers. She was a sight to behold.

But most amazing of all, she carried two large raven-like wings with onyx feathers on her back from shoulders to calf. They were the most darkly divine part of her. A piece of her I couldn't comprehend until last night. The mysterious element she waved off with a delicate hand if mentioned. On her face a red mask of war paint was still refined around her bright sea-blue eyes. There was no doubt that Tarakina was a wild product of these naturally sorcerous lands.

She peered over in my direction. "Close your mouth when you gawk," she snapped, and her intelligent horse snorted a rude snicker.

My own dark eyes darted away from her, to the rising sun. Frustration fell about me. I was charmed by this woman, but intimidated by her immensely. Her beauty and natural charm made her so enticing; yet her intelligence, power and cunning remarks were absolutely infuriating!

Yet for all of this back talk, her actions said far more. There were moments of extreme vulnerability. Times that usually reared their head against an unthinkable foe, or within the same sleeping bag for warmth on a stormy mountain cliff, or tucked away in the hold of a pirate ship- shackled to each other. We had one of those moments last night. One that could not be denied, for our feelings were just not acted upon by mutual needs. They were professed in this wicked tribalistic way for each other.

Our love was declared at last night's tribal ceremony.

When Tarakina entered the bon-fire's light with nothing more than her majestic wings, painted colors and sweat on her toned nude body, I was left breathless. I had seen her naked before, but here in the element of her tribe she was devastatingly beautiful. A hundred beastly men from her tribe rose to their feet and paid homage to her presence with the beating of drums, sordid chants, and a huge fire that licked the nighttime sky with sparks.

It became instantly apparent to me that the time she had spent with me the past two years any one of these men would have killed for. I knew she was special, what I didn't know was what an honor I beheld in her companionship. For these tribal people worshiped her.

I bowed before her in the warm sand with many others. I too was undressed, as the natives called for all males to be naked in this ceremony and painted as animals of their choice, in hopes to attract her fancy. The midnight blue painted stripes of a desert tiger rippled across my muscular frame.

I knew she would chose me to dance with her in this ceremony, I just didn't know the implications of such a choice. Yet Tarakina made a game of it, prancing around several men- all of which were more than happy to join her, but all of which were left disappointingly turned down. Then finally she demanded my attention with a come-hither toss of her fingers. To step forward to join her within a circle of chanting men and women driven wild by the rhythmic beat of drums, and our behavior.

I felt intoxicated by the hungry depth of her eyes, by the serpentine swaying of her full chest, belly and hips. As I crept forward towards her, my heart pounded. I was charmed by the venerating silhouette of her outstretched raven wings against the dazzling flames that roared behind her. Here, she was a goddess not to be denied.

Tarakina commanded my acceptance to her invitation with the conviction of a venomous snake. How she drew me into her rhythmic sensual dance with slight touches and smiles. With quick turns of her torso that her large wings followed gracefully like a cat. Tarakina gave me ample view of her enticingly voluptuous rump, her hands ran upon her motherly breasts with ravenous need as she stepped in place with the rhythm. She was excited for me, I could see the hardness in her nipples, the moisture clinging to golden hairs of her sex in the heated firelight. Her seduction was enthralling, as my uncovered sex swelled at the sight of her erotic dance and left no doubt to my desire.

For the longest time we stepped heavily around each other in quick circles. My dance was one of strong pursuit like the tiger I was painted to be. Petting, pulling, touching and teasing each other until our embrace was something neither of us would refuse. In a sudden movement she slid into me and hissed. Her soft breasts slick with sweat pressed against my chest. Our audience roared approval. I felt her thighs surround one of my legs as our torso's rubbed against each other needfully. I felt the heated moist mounds of her furry pussy press against me, as well as my monsterous hard-on against the firmness of her belly. We swayed together, entangled like predator and prey. Her mouth opened eagerly and pressed to mine- I tasted something on her tongue, something sour and sweet at the same time. Colors and light flashed before my eyes-

I sunk into a heated vision. The dream of a large black dragon encircling around me. It constricted around my torso to squeeze my arms into my still naked body. I struggled in vane. I was helpless in the serpent's deadly embrace. Above me lingered the enormous head of my captor. I knew from the great horns on his head, it was Sias the Black. The serpent who laid claim to these lands a hundred years ago. His giant serpentine head drew close and examined it's prey with unblinking sea-blue eyes. Familiar eyes. He spoke in a hiss that blew my hair back with hot breath, green venom dripped from his large ebony fangs. "My daughter is ensssnared by your noble heart, and thisss I am pleasssed. For othersss have been here and failed the test of sssincerity. She lovesss you, young ranger; but beware! For my daughter'sss love can be very consssuming!" And then my sight was thrown back to her with a resounding rush of heat over my body.

Tarakina's legs hiked up one at a time slowly above my hips and wrapped around my waist tightly, tearing my vision back to our fiery dance. I felt light headed and weak. She kissed me heavily, but I was too dazed to reply. She enticed the head of my hardened desire to push into the lips of her sex, by squeezing her muscular legs around me. How I wanted to plunge myself into her wetness, but I felt dizzy and suddenly stumbled backwards into the soft sand, with her atop of me. The audience cheered as she fell astride my hips, lowering her full breasts upon my chest! She laughed again and kissed me hungrily. She then stopped and whispered wickedly into my ear, "Breath. Concentrate on me. I will fill your every need."

Tarakina's wings spread onto the ground on either side of us, giving us a strange sort of intimate shelter from our onlookers. I heard her whisper ancient words into my ear, a spell of silence. The sounds of the tribe faded around us mysteriously. My hands went to the small of her back and encouraged my penetration into her nectar drenched flower. "That's it," she hissed eagerly, her voice was loud and in my head. Slowly I felt my solid sex slither into the hot, whet confines of her pussy as she eased herself back. "You're so hot inside," I whispered. She nodded while biting her lip as she took me in. "I want you to cum in me," she whispered as the head of my sex pressed against her cervix, the initial copulation completed with my hardened sex sinking fully into her tight wet grasp. I licked the salty sweat from her neck and growled, "I'm going to fill your belly with my young." Tarakina bucked downwards with feral ambition to get me deeper into her. I thrust upwards with unbridled abandon as my hands slid downwards to her ass, grasping her fleshy cheeks to control the rhythm of her wild humping. The rush of blood, the slight licking sounds of the efforts of our sex, the suckling kisses from our mouths, the carnal grunting breaths, and beating of our hearts filled my ears, all else was magically lost.

Our mating was a sordid liaison of hot liquid desire. The manifestation of our wanting this way so many times. There was no stopping us. Our sex was a purposeful mate, as our grinding hips sought climatic relief from each other, within each other. The urge to fill her with my life-giving seed burning readily in my shaft as our intrepid pace increased. She keened and buried her head into my shoulders, her back arched into me.

Suddenly the sounds of the camp came back to us, as I knew she was losing control of the spell a monstrous orgasm. I could feel it in the constricting massages around my sex inside of her. She gasped as the first waves of pleasure exploded into a flood of whetness between my legs and uncontrolled screwing. "Now my Love! Fill me now, and we will be bound forever!" With that she held me tightly and shuddered.

And then, as suddenly as she had struck my heart, I fired into her. I held her shuddering body tightly as I planted myself deep into her, spurting dark throws of life-giving spunk into her trembling pussy. I saw her sea-blue eyes peer up at me from the dark cover of her wings, and a coy smile trace across her lips as my sex fed her time after throbbing time. She rocked against my pumping greedily and kissed me hungrily. As the tension of ecstasy released their grip on us, she crashed upon me for a long moment.

Suddenly, with outstretched hands she lifted her chest off of me, throwing her hands into the night air. Her act was a dramatic conclusion for all the tribe to admire. Her wings lifted off the ground and flapped wildly behind her. Tarakina let out a roar that raced across the desert night. The fire magically burnt with new life, throwing sparks into the black night. The frenzied tribesman charged in and surrounded us. They danced and cheered at our finished ceremonial act of sexual intimacy. They lifted Tarakina off of me, leaving my slick ravaged sex to the night air. The tribesman paraded her around the fire- leaving me to the sand with a pounding heart and a thousand questions.

I never moved. Tarakina never returned to me. I imagined she was enjoying some kind of royal treatment. Several young pretty tribeswoman brought me a small amount of food, blankets, and their services for the cold night. That is how I fell asleep.

That was last night.

Today I stared at her in amazement, as we were about to carry onto another adventure. To push forward with our lives as if last night didn't happen. I could no longer silence my discomposure. "What do you think of me Tarakina? What happened between us last night? How important should this be to me? Or even better to us?"

She turned on me, the magical leather whip curled on her hip swung with her angry movements. Tarakina pointed. "Not as important as you to see it for yourself." She replied, "I have accepted your companionship for longer than any of the others before you. I have brought you to my birthing ground. It is probable that I am pregnant. And I love you," she continued by chosing her words very carefully. "But there could be limitations to our relationship."

"I know my limitations," I growled; and right then I wanted to profess the love I had for this creature. Yet I kept the words close to my heart. The vision of Sias the dragon haunted my thoughts, and the sound of his warning. She was of his blood I have no doubt. She was a queen to these people. Her wings the birthright when she slid out of a tribal princess's womb eighteen summers ago. She was the heir to all of this.

And I was in love with her. Painstaking love.

My feelings remain unspoken. Though expressed in so many ways. For I now know loving Tarakina meant setting down to this place. It meant for her to stop our quests for righteousness, and instead nurture this dry splay of earth as a mother should. To protect and serve her people like every good dragon's daughter.

After slipping the bit into her horse's slathering mouth, she approached me closely. She reached out and put a cool hand on my angular cheek. I felt her fingers brush away my own yellow strands of hair. "I can't keep wandering the mountains and sailing the seas with you Tyeson. I know you are a ranger of great reputation, but now know we- I- have responsibility here, and I know it's unfair of me to ask you-"

"Ask me what?" I interrupted firmly, wanting to kiss and smack away her hand at the same time. Passion and anger fueled the tension in my muscles that filled my own red and black riding armor. But calmly I reached out and held my hand to her chin. I saw tears in the corners of her eyes, but I did not let that hamper my ability to speak my frustration. "To follow you again like a lost puppy to another valley? To take me to another tribe who will profess the truths in ceremony you could not share with me for two winter seasons?"

I turned from her, showing my back as I finished. "Perhaps there is more serpent in you than even your people know."

I heard the breath knock from her by my bitter words, and instantly regretted speaking them. I turned to face her, but I saw that she was the one now turned from me. For a long moment, there was just painful silence between us.

I went to her, knowing it was my place. There was no words to take back what I said. Instead I embraced her. I hugged her body into mine, her soft wings brushing my chin. She was sobbing. "I have to know Tarakina. I have to know what this quest you are taking me on is about. My heart demands it. Where are you taking me? What are we seeking here?"

"Love Tyeson. We will test our love for one another. Our next destination will do that for us," she licked her lips and continued. "You are correct. I may be more serpent than we all could know, but I must take you to a place where we will test our feelings for one another. For the hunger in my heart to make you my mate must be unquestionable, like a fox for the hare. You should be sure of your love for me. You should profess it. Scream it out to me. Trust me, my young ranger! For my love for you can be very consuming."

Her words were the confirmation of my vision.

Tarakina turned and looked at me with wild open eyes. "Do not fear me. Love me!" She said while hugging me ferociously, I could feel her pounding heart as she pressed herself desperately against me. "Do not leave me to my fate alone. I know our feelings are true. Come and test them with me. Follow me to the Pool of Sahat. There we will consummate and affirm our love in true form. Do you love me as I do you?"

"I do love you," I confessed finally.

She kissed me wildly, our tongues dancing against each other in playfully sweet ambition, leaving us both breathless. She embraced me, pressing her body against mine. I felt a rush of warm air throw my hair back as her wings flapped outwards in a great arc, and then resettled on her back slowly. "Follow me then," she said emphatically between kisses. "Follow me and I will make you my dragon king."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

This was an amazing story your descriptive usage of words are fantastic, it makes me feel as if I am really there. I have given this a 5 star rating and I wish there was a 6 star rating because that is what this story more than deserves. You have incredible skill as a writer. Please make a continuation of this story, I would really appreciate it!

katgoddess1katgoddess1about 13 years ago

Will there ever be a continuation of this story? It is an amazing story and has potential to become an epic. Write on!

DarkniciadDarkniciadabout 18 years ago

Without a doubt, your best work on Lit. We certainly need the continuation of this tale. You set the scene in this one perfectly.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

Your writing is beyond erotic. IT touches one in places where only feelings can go . . .beyond the physical. Write on . . .write on.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
i thank you

Your words flow so fluidly upon the page, i thank you for sharing this part of yoru mind with us, and i too hope so despratly to read on more of this wonderous tale you scribe.

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