The Day I Died


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"I remember how reluctant you were to go, but you kept saying you were hoping to get promoted. You have never, in all the time you have worked for that company, ever been on an overnight business trip, so I thought it was a bit odd. Ok, please finish your story."

"You drove me to the airport, and then I met David in the departure lounge. We had a nice flight; he had booked business seats, and he had a hard time keeping his hands off me. He booked one room with a king sized bed, and he became passionate as soon as we closed the door. I was expecting lots of foreplay, but all he wanted to do was fuck. He couldn't even wait for me to undress but just pulled up my dress, dropped my panties and entered me. It's a good thing that I lubricate quickly because he just hammered me until he came. He didn't spend any time warming me up nor did he care that I didn't orgasm. He was very cold after sex the first time."

"So, you are telling me you didn't enjoy it?"

"No, not the first time. After David had gotten off, we got undressed, and he made me go down on him to get him hard. I sucked on him for ages trying my best to get him to cum in my mouth, even deep throated him like I do with you but he didn't want to cum in my mouth. My nipples were mauled until they were hard as a brick, then twisted and pulled. Finally, he entered me again and this time, he took his time and lasted a long time. He brought me off several times with his fingers while he fucked me. He shot so much cum that I had a hard time getting clean afterward, I have never experienced anyone who could shoot rope after rope, several times. I can't deny that I didn't enjoy the second time."

"That was just Thursday afternoon, and then you had two more days of non-stop sex?"

"Well, not really. He fucked me again that night and then early the next morning. We spent the day sightseeing then had dinner and again had sex. We had a short nap, and he was just starting again when the alarm company called. He had sucked my nipples till they were bullets then I was going down on him when you called. The alarm was so loud I couldn't hear you and hoped you didn't see David's hand. Of course, now, I realize you did. Your face was as white as a sheet and with the alarm going off I realized something was wrong so I immediately left for the airport and took the first flight home."

"So you enjoyed the sex then?"

"Yes, after the rushed first time it was mostly good because I submitted to his desire. David made me feel young and beautiful. No woman wants to feel old, and he offered an opportunity for me to feel young again. I regret it, I feel used, and Ed, I am so very sorry. I'm sorry I betrayed our wedding vows and the special relationship we shared. I lied and deceived you, something I have never done in our marriage, and I'm totally humiliated."

"Helen, I think you are telling some truth, however you've been to and from work several times since I have come home from the hospital. I am sure you have had discussions and most likely sex with David."

"Yes, he makes a point of seeing me every time I go in but I haven't had sex with him since we were in Denver. He keeps reminding me how good it was, and he is pressuring me to see him again. Now he just wants me for an afternoon here in Dallas. I have told him no several times, and there is no way I will see him again. I promise you that."

"Helen, how can I trust you? I remember last January you got your hair dyed and then started updating your wardrobe to sexier clothes, especially your underwear. I think your affair started soon after the Christmas party."

I think I must have hit a nerve because she didn't respond. Her lack of response told me all I needed to confirm my suspicion. This has been an ongoing affair and most likely still is.

"If you had come to see me when this first started we could have been able to avoid everything that has happened. I don't want you to go to work at all until we can figure out a way forward with this. I may need some work information, though; can you access your company's website from home?"

"Yes, I can log in remotely."

"Ed, do you want me to leave?"

"Is that what you want, do you want to be with David?

"No, I don't want to be with him, I've already told you that. I want you and want to continue with our marriage. I will quit my job tomorrow if you want me to. Tell me what you want?"

"Helen, I feel very sorry for you. You have been seduced by some jerk, and most likely just another notch on his belt. I doubt if there was every any possibility of getting his job, he was just using that as leverage over you. I hope he hasn't given you an STD."

At the mention of STD, Helen gasped and then I saw the tears forming in her eyes again, "Oh my God, I never thought of that and will see our doctor immediately."

"Well, we haven't had sex since my heart attack, so nothing has been passed on to me. Have you had sex with anyone else since then?"

"Ed, you must think I'm a slut, no I haven't fucked anyone else and had no intention to either. How could you even suggest such a thing?"

"Well, you were quite willing to fall into his bed and have the greatest sex ever with him so how can I trust you when you say you haven't? You know what they say about once you get the taste of something? I think you have gotten a good dose of great sex with a young man with a rock hard body, and I would be willing to bet his dick is a lot bigger than mine. That's the impression you gave me after dancing with him at the Christmas party. You said he felt huge, don't you remember?"

"Ed, damn it. Yes, David's dick is big, both in length and girth, it stretched me like nothing I had felt before, and I loved it when he fucked me. Is that what you wanted to hear?"

"Please let's not go through all the sordid sex details. David was younger and bigger and could fuck longer. Do I love him? No! Do I want to keep seeing and having sex with him? No, none of those. I hope I never see him again."

"Helen, he needs to feel our pain. Yes, I said our pain because I sense you are hurting too."

"Yes, I am hurting. I am so ashamed of what I have done."

"Are you hurting, sorry, and ashamed because you got found out or because of your adultery?"

"I am sorry we got found out. I thought if you never knew our marriage would remain perfect as it was before my affair."

"Helen, I think that is the wrong answer. Maybe you need to pack a bag and stay with one of our kids for a few days. I need time to think, and you need to think about your answer. Just remember there is a consequence for every action. Also, stay away from work and in particular that bastard." I got up and went into my computer room. Helen hung around the living room for a few minutes then packed a bag and left.

In my line of business, we have lots of resources that are available. One is a good friend who happens to be a private investigator. I called and explained the situation and asked that he get all the information possible on Helen's boss, whose name is David Jenkins. Also, I told him I needed Helen followed for a few days. I assumed she was going to stay with one of our children and would check and let him know because I wasn't sure how much she could be trusted. Damn her; I wanted to forgive, but that last answer was so wrong. She was sorry that I had discovered her affair which meant to me she would have otherwise continued it.

I waited about an hour and checked the location of her phone with my find a phone app. She was at our oldest daughter's house, so I let the PI know. He had an army of people working for him so he could trade off several people watching Helen without being noticed.

I called our family lawyer, Ted Brown, who agreed to visit after he finished for the day. We often played golf together and shared a lot of gossip over a six pack. I had a cold one waiting for him when he arrived. I told him that I just needed advice and explained the entire story.

Ted immediately said several crimes had occurred. First, Helen's boss, David, used extortion through coercion to blackmail Helen to have sex in return for a promotion. He was sure the company, as large as it is, would have a strong code of conduct for employees. He also thought there would be a morality clause buried in the code of conduct. Finally, he said Helen was a victim of sexual harassment.

Furthermore, having said all that, without proof it was just Helen's word against Jenkins. So I felt back at square one.

I told him to give me a few days to work on this, and I would come back to him. Ted said get me proof and we have them nailed to the wall, but we had to follow procedures. He asked if I was going to divorce Helen. Not today, maybe tomorrow I would feel differently, but not today.

I was still taking a lot of meds and went to bed early. I needed the sleep as the day had been very stressful but sleep came hard. What was I going to do with my wife? Her fate lay with her, not me. I thought to myself that she had not told me the truth about her affair.

My daughter called early the next morning. "Dad, what have you done to Mom?"

"Honey, I haven't done a thing to her, what did she tell you?"

"Not a lot, she cried all night, she is a mess."

"Where is she?''

"Mom said she was going to work." I had expressly asked her not to do that.

"Ok, call me when she returns."

"She said she was going to spend tonight with a girlfriend, so she took her suitcase."

"I need to go; I will talk to you later."

"Bye, Dad."

"Bye, baby."

Thinking I needed to be proactive I called Helen. "Helen, how are you feeling today?"

"Well, not very good. I've just left Karen's house."

"I know she called me and said you were going to work."

"I don't know where I am going. I just couldn't stay with Karen again tonight."

"Come home then."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I will put a pot of coffee on."

"I'll be there in 20 minutes." And she disconnected the call. I was so afraid she was going to see her lover again. I quickly called my PI friend.

"Hey, it's Ed, do you have anything for me?"

"We have been following your wife, and I thought she was heading for David Jenkins' apartment, but she has turned around now. There is a lot of information out there on David Jenkins, and we are separating the good from the bad and will get that report to you later today. Do you want us to keep surveillance on your wife?"

"Yes, at least for the next four or five days."

I was sitting in the kitchen when Helen arrived. "Grab a cup of coffee."

"Ed, I am so sorry for what was said yesterday. I didn't want the affair discovered because of the way it would affect our marriage, not that I wanted to continue having sex with David."

She took a sip of coffee then continued, "I am sorry because I committed adultery and broke our wedding vows. We have had an excellent marriage, and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me."

"Helen that is what I wanted to hear. Thank you. By the way, where were you going this morning?"

"I was going to see David and confront him; I need closure with him and all his harassment."

"And you wouldn't have had goodbye sex? How did you know where he lives, have you been to his place before?"

"Yes, he asked for a ride home once, but please believe me I have not stepped foot in his apartment."

"So you have never had sex with him in his apartment?"

"No, never."

"Helen, I'm sorry. You have never given me a reason to be jealous, and now I find out that bastard has had sex with you, so I am a little insecure right now."

Helen came over and sat in my lap and gave me a big hug and said: "I need you to hold me." We had a light lunch and then since we were both exhausted from a sleepless night, went back to bed and held each other as we slept all afternoon.

I was still unsure what path to proceed but Helen was not making my decision easy.

That night Helen and I were watching TV when I muted the sound and turned to her. I explained to her that I had planned to sue her company as well as David Jenkins. She was surprised and tried to talk me out of suing.

"Helen, why are you fighting this instead of supporting me? You have already told me that you will quit your job and weren't seeing Jenkins. Your reaction isn't what I expected from you."

"I would just like this mess to go away without hurting anyone else or my company."

"You know what extortion is, and that is what David was doing to you through coercion. Do you want him to get away free and clear so he can do it again? Do you honestly think I am going to sit here and do nothing? That bastard has tried to break up our marriage and now I intend to break up his life."

"I don't think he would do it again."

I unmuted the TV and said, "wait, I will be right back."

I went to my computer room and printed the documents my PI had sent.

"Helen, I need to show you something that was was emailed to me." I scanned each page until I found what I was looking for. "Look, this bastard had to leave Atlanta because of a sexual harassment suit that couldn't be proven yet brought discredit to the company. Oh, and in college, he was charged with rape, but the charges couldn't be proven. He looks like a sexual predator to me. Why are you defending him? I almost think you have feelings for him and would like to continue having sex with him."

She got up and turned to me and, in an angry voice, said, "Do what you need to do." Then she disappeared into the guest bedroom. I could tell she was angry and upset because of my plans to take legal action. Why was she trying to defend him; was she in love with him?

I had another restless night of sleep. Every time I felt like we were honest and there might be a possibility of reconciling Helen kept throwing roadblocks in my path.

The next morning I was again in the kitchen when she walked in. "Good morning, would you like some breakfast?"

"No thanks. I'm going out for a couple of hours. I will be back before noon." She left with no kiss or telling me she loved me. I was sure she was in contact with Jenkins and had most likely texted him all night. I felt us drifting away from each other and deep down felt that there would be no reconciliation.

Helen was gone two hours, and before she returned, the PI called. "Ed, she met Jenkins at Starbucks on 3rd Street. They had coffee and talked for over an hour before departing. She kissed him goodbye, and it was more than a peck on the cheek."

That was all I needed to know to formulate my decision.

Helen returned around noon and found me in the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee.

"Helen, didn't you have enough coffee at Starbucks?"

"You bastard, did you have me followed?"

"No, one of my customers works there and saw you with Jenkins. Apparently, you were quite cozy with him."

"Yes, I met him, and like I told you yesterday, I was trying to get closure."

"So, do you always give a guy a passionate kiss when you get closure? Helen, pack your bag and leave because I am tired of your lies and deceit. Go to Jenkins for all I care; because we are finished. I know you are still finding ways to see him and continue your affair." How do you say to your wife of so many years that your marriage has become a sham and now it's finished? How can you give up so much and so many years of a loving marriage? I stayed in the kitchen while she packed and left the house.

Later, I had a call from the PI confirming Helen was at her lover's apartment. I thanked him for the information and to send a bill as I no longer needed his services.

The next day was very busy. I contacted my lawyer and explained to him that I wanted to have Helen served and the quicker, the better, but preferably at her lover's apartment. I split all of our bank accounts and canceled joint credit cards. I needed to get her name off of anything that we held jointly. The only thing I didn't cancel was her cell phone. I wanted to keep her on my account for a while.

That afternoon, after much thought, I called my lawyer friend, Ted, and instructed him to sue both the pharmaceutical company and David Jenkins, hopefully at the same time. The company for allowing management to coerce a subordinate employee into a sexual situation through blackmail which resulted in a broken marriage. This violated several standards of conduct within the organization.

Jenkins was sued for extortion of a subordinate employee and sexual harassment. I wanted him sued for breaking up my marriage but it was just as much Helen's fault. I realized the case would be weak without evidence, but it would bring unwanted attention to him and the company he represented.

Ted had already done most of the work on these and had the paperwork ready. Before we could sue Jenkins or the pharmaceutical company we had to file an administrative charge with the Federal Equal Opportunity Commission, or the FEOC. Filing a complaint was just a formality but the first step in any harassment situation.

Helen called the same day after Jenkins was served and was immediately hostile. "Ed, why have you done this? David could lose his job, and any possibility of promotion will be denied."

"Helen, why do you care what happens to him? You assured me you had closure with him. By the way, where are you staying? Karen said you weren't with her. Have you moved in with Jenkins?"

"I don't want to see him hurt especially if it will damage his career. I'm staying with a friend."

"Just so you know, I am going to totally fuck up his career as he has done to our marriage, and if I can, I will fuck up his life too. He had better keep a constant watch over his shoulder. So is your friend male or female?"

"Please don't harm him."

"No I won't do any physical damage, but I would like to cut off his dick and shove it in his mouth. You wouldn't like him so much without his dick would you?"

"I can't believe you are talking like this; it is so unlike you."

"I've never had my marriage fucked over either, and I feel you have played a huge part." Then I disconnected the call.

The next day, an off-duty sheriff's deputy found Helen at Jenkin's apartment and served her with the divorce paperwork.

That evening she called again, this time crying. "Ed, how could you have me served? I thought our marriage was worth more than that and hoped that maybe we could save it."

"We had a great marriage till you let that bastard seduce you with his big dick, now you can't get enough of it. I have mattered little in your life the past few months. I knew something was up as soon as you dyed your hair but I trusted you so much that I never checked. Let's see how long Jenkins keeps you around, and yes I know you have moved in with him. Have you forgotten he is 15 years younger than you? You are just the current pussy and when he tires of you I am sure he will kick your ass to the curb and move on. I am splitting everything 50/50 and that includes our children's debts. I checked on the outstanding balance today, and it is just under $400,000, so that means we each have almost a $200,000 loan to pay. I don't know how you will support your lover when he loses his job and pay off the loan as well, but that is your problem."

"You need to get a lawyer, and I warn you that if you fight the divorce, I will become a pit bull. I have videos that I will send to everyone that we know." I didn't have any videos, but she didn't know that.

The next day I officially quit my job from the insurance business. I did not want to have a job or income during the divorce proceedings. This was a family business so I could always return. Because of my sickness, I had worked very little in the past year, and the doctor wanted me to take it easy for the next six months.

I was bewildered by Helen. On one hand she wanted to continue in our marriage but on the other hand, she wanted to keep her fuck buddy. I guess she wanted her cake and eat it too. That didn't bide well with me; I wasn't prepared to share or be a cuckold.