The Day I Died


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Ted called and announced the pharmaceutical company had responded to our case against them. They were caught off guard with the lawsuit and had suspended Jenkins pending an internal investigation. Ted had asked them how many sexual harassment cases it would take to have him terminated. Apparently, the Dallas office was unaware of the problem that caused him to leave the Atlanta office. We definitely got their attention, and they indicated their desire to settle out of court. I asked Ted if we could delay agreeing to settle until after the divorce because I didn't want to share anything with Helen.

Helen tried to call, but I didn't want to talk to her, so I declined her call. This action must have infuriated her because she called several times during the day and I kept refusing her calls. I think she was beginning to feel the pain, and it was only going to get worse.

Helen came to the house the next day. "Ed, I need to talk to you, and you're not answering the phone."

"No, I didn't answer because I have nothing to say to you. You've decided which bed you want to lay in, and it isn't mine."

"Please don't be that way."

"Helen, I don't suppose I have made myself clear enough, and truth be known I am tired of repeating myself. I will not tolerate being a cuckold. You cheated, not just once, and not just a weekend, but for several months. Then you tried to lie your way out of it. You have hurt me than I can describe and because of my health; this isn't the right time in my life to have to deal with all this. Somewhere along the line you forgot about the "in sickness and in health" part of our wedding vows. Now you are no longer part of my life. You have lied to me since Christmas and carried on a clandestine affair with your boss. I am sure your company will soon being terminating him and most likely you too. You have ruined my life, so I am going to do everything in my power to destroy yours and Jenkins too."

"David was terminated this morning, and I am on administrative leave. He has no savings and is very distraught."

"Well, that just makes my day. I guess both of you will soon be kicked out of his fancy apartment. Just remember you have, a $200,000 debt you have to pay, in addition to your car loan and insurance. By the way, you are over ten days late with your car insurance premium and under the terms of the policy, it will be canceled today. You had better find yourself a new insurance broker."

"You have always taken care of all that so why are stopping my policy?"

"You are really thick, aren't you? There is no us, and there is no me in your life anymore. I will no longer act in your best interests. You have a new man in your life to do that, but I guess he is only capable of being a good fuck. Your actions brought all this on so if you want to blame someone, blame yourself. Now, unless there is something you want to discuss you need to leave."

I didn't want to move, but we had to split our assets, and I couldn't buy Helen's share of the house, so I listed it and it was quickly sold. We didn't owe anything on it so my share of the payoff would go a long way to clearing my share of my debt.

I found an apartment near the hospital that I could afford. Thankfully my hospital is one of the best heart hospitals in the south and was now only a few blocks away. I packed up everything I wanted from the house and had it moved. I didn't give Helen any choice concerning what I took as it was her fault that everything happened.

Once I was totally moved I contacted Helen and told her she needed to get her things out of the house or else I would donate everything to Goodwill. I explained that I was out of the house, which now had a buyer. She only had two weeks to move what she wanted to keep.

Once again I found her calling me and shouting into the phone, "You bastard, you have taken all the nice things from the house. You have removed several things I wanted."

"I think I was generous Helen. When you moved out of the house and into your lover's arms, you forfeited your right to anything that we bought during our marriage. You made your choice concerning what was more important, and that did not include me or the possessions in the house."

Weeks passed without further communication. The sale of the house had now been completed, and we had split the proceeds. I used my share to pay off my portion of the loan. I hated owing anyone, so I felt good with that debt gone.

Ted, my lawyer, called and said that Deb was contesting the terms of the divorce concerning the distribution of our wealth. We had split everything 50/50; I didn't try to hide anything, so I thought to myself what wealth?

The judge was a crusty old guy that had most likely heard thousands of divorce cases. He asked Helen's lawyer what the problem was since everything had already been divided? Then it suddenly became crystal clear. She wanted 50% of the insurance business.

My lawyer and I talked for a minute or two and then spoke to the judge, "your honor, my client does not own the insurance business, it belongs to his father. My client is just an employee and because of severe health problems he has had to quit so he is no longer even an employee."

Helen's lawyer asked for proof, so my 80 something-year-old father stood up and asked for permission to speak which the judge granted.

"I am Ed's dad and what his lawyer said is the truth. I still own the insurance business, and it will remain in my name until my death then it will be passed down to my son."

I looked at Helen, and if her face could tell a story, it would read shame. She whispered something to her lawyer who then stood and said there would be no further contest of the divorce.

The judge then declared the divorce final. I was a free man. However, that saddened me as Helen and I, at one time, had a great marriage. That was before that bastard Jenkins arrived on scene. He was truly a home wrecker.

My son had accompanied me to the proceedings and asked me to wait so he could visit the restroom. Helen approached me which I am sure took some nerve.

"Ed, I am sorry our marriage came to this and apologize for lying to you and for cheating. Everything that you have predicted has come true. David left me for a younger woman. His life was destroyed after he was terminated and he spent a significant portion of the proceeds from the house, and now I am left in debt and have a poorly paying job. I hope this makes you happy."

"Well, you brought all this on yourself. Everything that I have done has been a reaction to what you've done. I hope you can see that."

"Can we remain friends?"

"Helen, I'm not sure, maybe in time but no, right now I don't think so. You've been the cause of so much pain and every time I see you, I feel nothing but hurt and agony. Maybe in time I can get over this but for now, that is how I feel. We had something good, for many years."

I turned and walked away to start a new life. Que sera, sera. What will be, will be.


The pharmaceutical company finally settled out of court. I was half a million richer, maybe I should have held out for more but at that point, I just wanted to put everything behind me, besides it wasn't about the money, it was about getting retribution.

Helen never found a job that paid as well as the one she had and remained in debt. Life was just one big struggle after another for her. My children stayed in touch and often helped in different ways, but even they had a hard time forgiving her. According to them she rarely dated and was looking older than her age. I felt sorry for her, but she had made her own bed, and now it was time to lay in it.

Jenkins had a hard life as every time he applied for a job his past came back to haunt him. Jenkins didn't have a penny to his name and to avoid a nasty court case with me he declared himself bankrupt. His car was repossessed, and he ended up working at Lowe's and living in a tiny apartment. The opulent lifestyle he was used to was gone for good.

As for me, I took another four months to complete my rehab then returned to the insurance business part time and then eventually full time. To reduce the tax burden, my dad started to transfer 10% of the ownership over to me each year. I dated occasionally, but the right woman hasn't come along yet because, for some reason, I compared every woman to the old Helen. I saw her at one of my children's houses at Christmas, and she looked terrible. We sat together during dinner and talked afterward. I told her I could be her friend, but we could never be married or have any type of relationship. Her only reply was that she desperately needed a friend.

Every time I think of Helen, I ask myself "was it worth it?" Would you trade three months of sex with a younger man for 30 years of marriage with possibly another 20 to 30 years to go? I sure as Hell wouldn't.

Helen's story:

I am so ashamed of myself. I was a loving wife, mother, and grandmother. I doted on my husband and family. I don't understand how I got into a situation that totally destroyed my marriage. I don't even know where to start.

Ed and I have been married forever, every one of those years happily married. We loved being together and when away from work were hardly separated. I think our friends saw us as having the model marriage.

A little over a year ago, my husband, Ed had triple bypass surgery. Then a month later he a stent put into a weak blood vessel. The doctor ordered him to lose weight and get in better condition through exercise. Ed and I had put on a little weight and were seriously out of shape. We went on a diet, joined a gym, and worked hard to not only lose those extra pounds but also increase our fitness levels.

Ed lost 40 pounds, and I lost 20 which took me back to my college weight. I have to admit that I looked pretty darn good for a 49-year-old woman.

My doctor had started me on HRT or hormone replacement therapy and that not only made me feel so much better but it also greatly increased my libido. I was horny all the time. Ed, bless his heart, tried to keep up but due to the medicine and his weak heart he suffered from ED or erectile dysfunction, so I found myself masturbating daily. I was ok with that.

Ed and I talked about his problem, and our doctor thought if Ed continued with his exercise some of the medicine could be withdrawn and hopefully, the erectile problem would disappear as well. Another option would be some little blue pills.

Last fall I got a new boss at work. I had applied for the job, but David Jenkins was brought in from the Atlanta office. He was about 35, and it was soon apparent that any female, married or not, was fair game to him. Quickly it became obvious he was working his way through all the women in the office and then word leaked out that he was not only a good lover, but he had a rather large tool to do the job with.

I tried my best to keep him at bay but failed miserably at our company Christmas party. He asked for a dance and didn't waste time getting his hands on me. I didn't exactly push him away, and soon he was massaging my stomach with his hard prick. It felt like a monster, and it was so hard. Quickly, I found myself aroused and could have stayed all night dancing with him but when we took a break Ed was furious.

Ed has never been jealous, especially when I dance with other men, but he didn't like the way David was touching me especially the way he was moving his hips over my body. David came by our table to ask for another dance, and Ed flat out told him that I was married and would not be dancing with him again, and he needed to stay away from married women. I have never seen Ed like that before and reflecting back we were out of order, and I did allow David's hands too much freedom. But David's hands and the feel of his cock just let my inhibitions slip away, and I let it go too far.

I excused myself to the restroom. When I entered the stall, I could tell how turned on I was. I pulled my panties down, and they were wet and sticking to my pussy. I pulled my skirt up past my hips and pushed my panties down to my ankles so I could spread my legs wide. I had never felt this horny and had to give myself some relief. I ran my hands up my legs until I could feel the heat from my pussy. I was so hot and wet. I slowly ran my hand over my labia, and it was so wet. I used my thumb on my clit and eased two fingers into my hole. It was an inadequate substitute for the size of David's cock, but I knew it would do the trick. With my left hand, I desperately tried to free my breasts. My god I wanted to be ravaged. Luckily, there was no one else in the bathroom as my pussy was making squishing sounds as I finger fucked myself. I could feel my orgasm building. It was going to be a big one, fueled by the feel of David's hands on my ass, his cock against my stomach, and the lewdness of playing with myself in the bathroom at the Christmas party.

My orgasm swept over me fast and hard, it was all I could do to keep from crying out. As my pussy spasmed, my hand was covered in the juice from my pussy. OMG, what did I just do? I have never masturbated in a restroom before, and I have never fantasized about someone I knew while I came. I hurriedly put myself back together, and it took plenty of toilet paper to clean myself up. I hoped no one could smell the scent of the sex on me.

I returned to the table, and Ed was ready to go. Ed and I had one of our few arguments on the way home because of the liberties I had allowed David.

Upon returning home, Ed said he was going to bed as the party and emotions had wiped him out. I went up with him and changed out of my dress. As I removed my dress, I noticed that my nipples were still hard. Seeing the evidence of my horniness and thinking back to the party, my arousal rose. I changed into my comfy jammies and kissed Ed goodnight. I went downstairs into the living room and turned on the TV. I let my mind wander as there was nothing much on TV at this hour. My thoughts wandered back to the party. Dancing with David and how his hands made me feel. I could gage the general size of his cock, and I wondered how it would feel to be inside me. I could feel myself getting wet again. I started playing with my tits since my nipples were still hard. This made them really start to harden until they were like erasers. They felt so good as I pinched them and rolled them between my fingers. As I continued to massage my tits and nipples, I could sense my juices running down to my ass. Since I do not wear underwear to bed, I eased my right hand into my pajama bottoms and immediately cupped my pussy.

As suspected I was soaking wet. This time, I did not even bother with playing with my clit right away and immediately inserted three fingers into my wet pussy. I moaned as I entered myself imagining what it would feel like to be penetrated by David. I unbuttoned my top to expose my breasts. The stimulation I was giving them felt so good combined with fingering my pussy. It didn't take long to get that feeling again that I was going to cum. When I felt it starting to build, I began concentrating on my clit and nipples. This quickly pushed me over the edge, and I came for the second time tonight. Again my hand was coated in cum. I lifted my hand to my mouth and tasted myself. I realized why men enjoy going down on women in that instant. The juice from my pussy tasted delicious and so different from the cum of a man. I gave my fingers a few more licks as I recovered. I buttoned my top and adjusted my pants. I washed up and went to bed. Over the next few weeks, this scene played itself again and again as the thought of David's huge dick fueled my masturbation fantasies.

David continued his seduction of me, and I was finding it difficult to resist. Other than my daily masturbation I had not had penetrative sex in over a year and even then Ed could not manage a proper erection. Finally, I told David, ok, but we had to be very discreet because I was not prepared to destroy my marriage because of an affair.

It was easy for me because being a sales rep I could schedule free time almost every day. If I rushed, I could cover my day's route in a long morning. David just took an afternoon off. So we agreed to meet at his apartment.

David had quite a sexual reputation and in my opinion, he surpassed everything that I had heard about him. First of all, I was very flattered that he would find a 49-year-old woman attractive. To me, he made me feel younger, attractive, and desirable. I have not felt any of these traits in years, and they just fueled my desire to have sex with David.

As soon as we entered David's apartment, he started kissing me and before I realized what had happened we were on his bed, and he was undressing me while we kissed. He soon had my blouse and bra off, and he started sucking my nipples. My areola covers the front third of my conical shaped breasts. Normally, the nipples are really puffy but when sucked my puffy tips transpose themselves to huge but also hard erect nipples. David really did a job on them for several minutes, and finally, I had to push him off, but he was still moving down.

He pulled off my panties, and I felt his tongue pushing the lips of my labia apart then he started fucking me with his tongue. Soon he replaced his tongue with two fingers and started finger fucking me while his tongue was massaging my clit. Then I felt his mouth suck my entire clit between his lips, and he started sucking my clit as he had my nipples. This resulted in my first of many orgasms.

While I was recovering from that orgasm David undressed and I saw, for the first time, his massive dick. It must have been 10" long and as big as a can of Red Bull in girth. I wasn't sure how I could take that cock.

David took his time, and I didn't need lube as I was already leaking juices. I guess he had a lot of experience and knew exactly how to get that big cock inside me. The first challenge was getting that big head past my labia into my vagina, and then I felt the remainder being pushed in slowly centimeter by centimeter. I felt full when he only had a third of it in and then when he was halfway I felt like he was splitting me in two. He kept working it in and out, and I was delirious with pleasure. It seemed like I went from pain to pleasure in one stroke.

That first fuck he didn't get it all inside, but he did manage most of it. He was a master of fucking and rubbing the clit at the same time, and I lost track the number of my orgasms. Finally, after what seemed hours, but actually only minutes, David started discharging his come inside my pussy. He shot rope after rope, and I could feel the heat and force of the eruption on my cervix. Then, and only then, did I think about the risk of pregnancy? Ed had gotten the snip after our fifth child so that was a concern I had not faced in years.

Finally, we got up and showered together, and David fucked me again in the shower. This time, I was facing the wall, and he entered me from the rear, and I was shown no mercy. He wasn't happy until he had his entire dick inside my vagina and pummeled and pounded my pussy until I could feel his hot come erupt again. I had never experienced anything like that before and was totally sexually satisfied. There would be no masturbation tonight and I was too sore for an encore.

He asked when we could do this again, and I told him as soon as he could arrange a free afternoon. From then on we usually got together a couple times a week for at least a quickie.

On the way home, I stopped at a drug store and bought the morning after pill. I could not risk the danger of getting pregnant and then decided I would go back on the pill.

David kept pestering me to go away for a day or two. He claimed the sex would be so much better and besides he wanted to spend the night with me. We fabricated a business trip to Denver and Ed never suspected a thing.