The Diary


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"Fuck." He growled under his breath. Even now he was thinking about Callie and her sexy body and her needy little cunt. Even when he was angry with himself for thinking about it at all, he was in essence thinking about it. He looked down at his painfully hard erection. There was a simple explanation. He just refused to say it or even think it, but it couldn't be avoided. "I want to fuck my daughter." He stated quietly testing the words to see how they sounded.


By the time Callie got out of the shower, she'd cum another few times. She felt relaxed and tired and wanted to crawl into bed for a nap. She dried off and wrapped the towel around her chest to cover herself. She couldn't believe how sore she felt between her legs. She dumped the dildo back in her bedroom and then went to return the lube before her dad noticed it was missing.

She walked down the hallway. Her pussy was still wet and she was hornier than ever. But she couldn't take anymore abuse down there. It needed a break. Callie was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn't even think to be cautious as she pushed open her dad's bedroom door.

John stood there next to his open nightstand drawer. His erection was still throbbing. He looked up to see Callie wrapped in a towel, holding his bottle of lube. She was struck dumb by the sight in front of her. John quickly reached down and slipped into his pants. Callie came to her senses and turned to leave.

"Callie Hope Anderson!" John yelled. "Get your ass back in here right now!"

She froze in the hallway and turned around slowly. She stepped back into his room feeling nervous about the angry glint in his eyes. "Sorry." She eked out in the weakest whisper. "I should have knocked."

"Bring that over here." He pointed at the bottle in her hands. She had forgotten that she was holding it. She padded up and handed it to him. "Where did you get this?"

"From... from... your drawer..."

"You stole it." John said.

"No! I... I just... I borrowed it."

"You may not come in my room and take what you want." His tone was harsh. "What is happening to you? You get suspended and you start acting different. And now you're taking things that don't belong to you."

Callie's heart sank. She thought he wasn't mad about the suspension, but he brought it up again. She was so happy just a few minutes ago. She loved him. Everything got messed up again, just like this morning. She started to bend over so he could punish her.

"What are you doing?" He snapped.

"Are... Aren't you going to... to spank me again?" Her voice was shaky.

"Do you think I want to? I want you to act like an adult. Stop acting like a stupid girl." John's thoughts kept flashing back to the box in the basement and to her mother. He knew how to train someone to act properly. Becca taught him all kinds of things. She used to say he was gifted. He had a talent for it. His thoughts were getting all fucked up again. "Go ahead. Bend over."

Callie had silent tears as she bent over his mattress. The towel was leaving her slightly exposed. She didn't say anything else.

"I'm not going to spank you through a towel. Lift it up."

She froze at the words. Didn't he know she was naked underneath? He couldn't mean exposing herself. Callie tugged at the bottom of the towel trying to lift it but it was trapped under her body. John grabbed her shoulders and pulled her upright off the bed. He yanked the towel up over her waist and pushed her back down. He kicked her feet out to the side. Callie felt humiliated. Her entire ass was bare and her pussy was visible with her legs spread out this way. She closed her eyes and felt a rush going through her. Part of the humiliation turned her on. She wondered if this is how her mother felt in those videos—terrified and turned on.

John began spanking her ass, alternating between cheeks. His eyes were distant as he slipped away from reality, lost in some world from long ago. He administered the punishment with hard, punctuated slaps. His hands moved down and slapped the back of her thighs. Callie yowled at the first few strokes, but then her head stared straight ahead. Her eyes were wide and her mouth hung open releasing small grunts every time his big, rough hands connected with her soft, tender skin. Occasionally, they came close to her pussy- to her sore, wet, needy pussy. And then they started their abuse of her rear again. Her clit was trapped against the edge of the mattress. It was already so sensitive and this was making it worse. But she held still lost somewhere between pain and pleasure, and genuinely shocked that this was happening to her at all.

John continued his punishment. This would teach her, he thought. A switch had been flipped inside of him as he handled her the way he might have handled Sarah or any of the women he met with Becca. He'd been at it for ten minutes and her ass was bright red. He kept going to be sure she never thought about messing up again. He saw her legs shaking and knew she couldn't handle much more. Then he heard her say something very quietly.

"I'm cumming, daddy." It was almost inaudible. The stimulation on her clit had been too much. He watched as her fists grabbed the comforter on his bed and her legs trembled more.

"What?" John said quietly. "No." He snapped back to reality and realized what happened. What had he been thinking? "You weren't supposed to..." He stepped back realizing his mistake.

John turned away feeling sick. Callie slipped from the bed into a heap on the floor. The towel fell away. She didn't want him to be upset. "It's okay, daddy..." She tried to say. "It's okay... I was bad. You had to."

John turned to see her breasts exposed. They were beautiful the way they hung on her chest like two plump grapefruits. His cock reacted approvingly at the sight of it. He panicked and rushed from the room.


Callie had gone back to her room conflicted about all the feelings in her heart. He'd come so close to taking her. For the briefest instant, she thought she might actually get to have him. And then at the height of the pleasure, he turned around and rejected the notion. Deep down, Callie feared losing him. She didn't want to lose the relationship they had already; she just wanted to deepen it. She turned to the only person that could give her comfort—her mother. She'd already opened the journal and read a few entries.


Dear Diary, There are days when life throws you a curve ball. It was one of those days yesterday. I think sometimes I get so wrapped up in enjoying the good times that I forget that bad things do happen and will always happen.

My last three dates with John had been a dream. I've been floating on cloud nine. And everything about him makes me want him more. The craziest thing to me is that he seems to feel the same way. Do I really believe in soul mates? I think I do now. It's like he's the right bit of everything to make me happy and he loves me for my corny jokes and inappropriate behavior. We still haven't had sex yet! I like that he's made me wait. I'd been debating whether or not I should have the conversation with him. I've been dreading it. The timing never seems right. I think it's only fair to tell him before we sleep together and before I get too attached.

It was sunset and John took me to The Boat House restaurant in Central Park. The water shimmered on the lake while we ate our dinner on the patio under the heat lamps. It was beautiful and he'd promised to take me again in the summer when the trees were full and the ducks floated on the water and it felt like you were sitting in a water color painting. I was eating the pistachio crusted halibut and it was out of this world. Life couldn't have been better... until the hostess showed up at our table...

"Ms. Stone?" She asked as she approached.


"You have a phone call. If you'd like you can take it at the hostess table."

"Uh... okay." I replied looking at John. "No one knows I'm here. Except maybe Tessa. I may have mentioned where we were going. I'll be right back." Somewhere deep down I sensed that this couldn't be good.

I walked up the steps from the patio passed the bar inside and headed toward the entrance. The hostess held up a receiver and waved me over.

"Hello?" I said holding the phone to my ear. "Tessa?... I don't understand... When... what hospital... no... no... I'm leaving now... just call them back and tell them I'll be there soon."

John had walked up to find me. He saw the tears in my eyes. "Sarah?" He asked. "Is everything okay?"

"I have to go."

"What happened?"

"I have to go now, John. I need to get to Morristown Memorial Hospital in Jersey."

"Your folks?"

I ran out the front door of the restaurant without answering him. John followed close on my heels. I'm not sure if he dropped cash on the table or skipped out on the check, but he was by my side in an instant. He held my hand so tight. I acted annoyed, but it made me feel so safe at that moment like he wouldn't let anything bad happen.

"This way. It's the fastest way to a cab." He stated. "You can't take a taxi into Jersey. The tunnels will be gridlocked. Let's get to the Path." He turned my head toward his. "Look at me, Sarah. Follow me." I held his hand and he had us in cab in no time. It dropped us at the Path station and we were on the subway heading into New Jersey. "I'll get you there." He whispered in my ear. The rhythmic clacking of the subway car on the track distracted me and my thoughts drifted.

He never asked me what was wrong again. He just lead me onward like a general in battle-from the path, up the stairs to the street, down four blocks to a parking structure, and then into his car. He bullied and pushed and shoved and cursed people to hell and back while he plowed forward with determined speed. And once we were on the highway it was quiet. John held my hand while his left hand drove.

"You know where it is?" I asked.

"I've been there before... a long time ago. It's not much further." He noted.

John was true to his word. He'd gotten me to the hospital faster than I thought possible. He kicked me out of the car at the entrance and told me to go in. He said he'd find me. When I saw him again he was approaching down the hall. I was staring at her through a viewing window. I'd been crying.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'll be okay. I should have been here." I replied. I was terrified looking at him. "Look, John... I... I don't know what to say... I've been meaning to tell you..."

John wrapped his arms around me comfortingly. "Shhh." He said. "We'll talk about all of that later. Why don't you tell me who this is?" He nodded through the window.

"That is Callie Hope... my daughter. She had a collapsed lung. She'll be okay." I waited for the world to crack in half and float away into space. I waited for the abysmal, heart wrenching words that men say when they find out you have a baby. And then he finally spoke.

"She's beautiful. She looks just like you."

It was that exact moment that I knew I wanted to spend my entire life with this man. "Really?" I must have looked shocked by his response. "It's going to complicate things."

"It will." He smiled. "You are a complicated girl. The dad?"

"Long gone and not in the picture." I tried to reassure him.

"Okay then." He smiled warmly.

"I love you." I said and I couldn't believe the words came out of my mouth. "You were really something tonight... getting me here, I mean." He didn't say it back to me. But I was okay with that. He was here and he found out my secret and he didn't run. I took his hand and walked him back toward the waiting room. "I know that me having a kid is a lot to take in, so I'm sorry about this..."

"About what?"

"Sarah! Thank god!" A woman ran up and pulled her into a hug. "Where were you? I called Tessa. I didn't know how else to get in touch with you."

"Hi, mom." I patted her back. "Hi, dad." Then I looked back at John and mouthed an 'I'm sorry'. "This is my hero this evening. John Anderson, meet my parents, Maggie and Donald."

"It's nice to meet you both." John greeted them both cordially. "If we're going to be here for a while then let me go get some coffee for everyone. Hospital coffee is awful."

"You don't have to do that." I said.

"I'd take a coffee. Cream and two sugars." Don interjected.

"I have a blanket in the back of my car. Do you want me to bring it in? It's cold in here."

I leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips. "That would be nice. Thank you."

John disappeared down the hall.

"So is that the reason you weren't at home with Callie?" Maggie snipped. "You're a mother. You should be home with your child not out hitting the bars with random guys."

"You know he's just sleeping with you because you're a single mom and insecure. You're an easy target." Don noted.

"Jesus!" I said. "For one, yes I was on a date and he took me to a restaurant in Central Park, not some bar. And two, we haven't slept together. Tonight was our fourth actual date. And I don't need you screwing this up because you disapprove of my previous choices." I was furious with them and still overflowing with adrenaline from the emergency. "You know... and... for three, he didn't even know I had a kid until tonight. I didn't know how to tell him. And when he just found out he didn't run. And he didn't judge me. He said she was beautiful and that she looked just like me and it didn't change anything. And then he offered to buy you both coffees. He didn't even know he was going to meet you." I started crying. I wasn't even sure why. "You will not screw this up for me. He's different. I think I'm in love with him."

It was the first time I saw either of them really stunned silent. I'm not sure if they heard something in my voice or saw some look on my face while I spoke to them. My dad put his arm around me and squeezed me tight. My mom held her arms out and I went to her and let her hug me. It had been years since I felt this kind of love from them. I felt like I had parents again and they weren't judging me.


Callie sobbed on her bed. It was an earth shattering revelation. How could he not tell her the truth? She was eighteen years old now. The man she called her dad, the man that raised her since she was an infant, wasn't her father at all. She tried to make sense of this stranger living under the same roof as her. She tried to make sense of the man she read about in these pages. Who was he? Why would he choose to raise her like his own? Until this moment, Callie never felt unloved. In fact, she thought her father was sweeter and more caring and more attentive than her friends' dads. She wanted to hate him for keeping this secret. The truth was she couldn't. He loved her mother. And he loved her. She couldn't deny that she loved him back. It changed everything though.


John had spent most of the night trying to reconcile what happened. He felt guilty and confused about the whole thing. It wasn't like him at all. Mostly, he didn't understand how he would face his daughter. He wasn't even sure how to bring it up. She was going to hate him. He turned on the television to distract his thoughts. The weekend financial talking heads were debating the merits of raising interest rates on the flat screen in the family room. He was sipping his coffee when he heard Callie come downstairs.

Callie rounded the corner into the family room wearing her mom's faded NYU sweatshirt. She didn't have anything else on at all. The sweatshirt barely covered her whole ass. She strode straight passed her father and grabbed a yogurt from the fridge. John was beside himself. It was yet another outfit his wife used to wear. In fact, that was just how she used to walk around when she wore it.

Callie sat on the ottoman near her father. She made a big show of wincing as she sat. She had spent the whole night thinking about this morning. Her ass lifted and she made a noticeable attempt to resituate her bottom in a way that didn't hurt. Finally, she scooted on to the floor and knelt in front of the coffee table and started eating her yogurt.

John's guilt worsened as he watched her. "Callie... I... um..." He paused as she looked over at him while licking her spoon. "Last night..." He tried again. "I am really sorry. Did I hurt you?"

Callie for the most part was acting rather normal, if not a bit aloof about the whole thing. "Oh." She said as if his hesitation began to make sense. "I dunno." She leaned forward and pulled the sweatshirt up and stared back at her ass. "It's still really red... but it doesn't hurt... it's hard to explain... it feels good in a weird way."

"Callie!" John gasped looking away. "You're not wearing any underwear."

"Oh." She pulled the sweatshirt back down pretending like she didn't know it was problem. "It's just that last night... you know... you saw everything. I didn't think..."

"Last night was a mistake!" John said quickly. "It shouldn't have happened."

She pouted a little. "I know. I'm really sorry too." She licked her spoon clean again before she scooped it back into her yogurt. "I... I wasn't supposed to orgasm, right? I knew I did something bad."

"Jesus, Callie! No, not that. I mean... no... you weren't supposed to... but... It was all wrong. None of it should have happened." He looked befuddled at the way the conversation had developed.

"Oh." She said again dumbly. It was silent for a minute and an awkward tension hung in the air. "Daddy, you said I could talk to you about anything, right? Does it make me a freak if I had an orgasm while being spanked? It's not normal, right?"

John didn't know how to answer. "It... uh... I mean... no... you're not a freak... but..."

"Oh good! I was so worried. I know that you were punishing me and I wasn't supposed to like it. But it felt so good." She looked away shyly for a minute.

"Well... people are different... just because you..." John couldn't believe he was trying to make her feel better about cumming in front of him. "Look... you're not weird. I shouldn't have done what I did. You're my daughter... and..."

"Stepdaughter." Callie corrected him.

John's whole world spun out of control and his eyes went wide with alarm.. "W... what?"

"I'm your stepdaughter. So it's okay, right?"

"Who told you that?"

"I found out a while ago. It's okay. You'll always be daddy to me." She lied to better conceal her recent wealth of knowledge about his life.

John felt like he was the one that betrayed their relationship. He had real tears well up in his eyes. This was a moment that he dreaded since she was knee high. Callie hadn't seen him cry since her mom died. "Pumpkin... I'm so sorry I never told you. I... I always planned on it... but... I was afraid you'd hate me. It's no excuse. I know. But I have never thought of you like a stepdaughter. You are my daughter."

"Oh, daddy! Don't cry." Callie cried softly. She pulled herself up and sat on his lap. John wrapped his arms around her so tight. "I'm not mad. I promise. You'll never lose me. Never ever. I love you."

"I love you too, pumpkin."

Callie kissed his cheek and she let her ass wiggle back and forth in his lap. It had the desired effect. She could feel him getting hard. His thin pajama pants made it impossible to conceal. John soon realized that his cock was twitching between them. He might have ignored it had he not felt her wiggling against it.

"I don't think it's a good idea for you to sit on my lap, pumpkin." John tried to push her up

"Just a little longer." She whispered. "It feels so good when it's pressed into me."

John panicked when she acknowledged his erection. "Callie! Come on. You need to get up." He said with more urgency.
