The Email

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Amy receives an intriguing email with specific instructions.
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Amy received the strange email from an address she didn't recognize. The name of the sender was Ms. Frazier and the subject line simply said "Open me, Amy". She wasn't going to open it, just send it to the Junk folder...but something told her to go ahead and read what it had to say.

Dear Amy:

You don't know me...but I know you. I've been watching you for a while now. I know your schedule and I know where to find you at all times during your school day. I don't mean to scare you. I just want to play a little game with you. You interest me.

At this point, Amy felt a shiver of fear and excitement run down her spine. Someone was watching her every move at school?! Who could it possibly be and how did they find her? She read on.

Tomorrow, I'd like you to follow a set of directions for me. The first instruction will be in this email and from then on it will be just like a little scavenger hunt. I will give you instructions as to where to go and what to do at each point. I have no doubt in my mind that you are curious enough to follow these instructions because at the end, you will meet me in the Student Union for coffee. Do you want to meet me, Amy? Are you a curious little pet who will follow my instructions explicitly? Meeting me will be your reward as long as you do as I say at each point in our little game. I'll be watching you. Does that thought make you wet?

The thoughtdid make Amy wet. Amy pondered the dangers of doing this. How bad could it be? Besides, if something felt uncomfortable, she could just stop and leave, right? Meeting for coffee in the Student Union was safe enough. Amy was too curious to just delete the email. She made up her mind to keep reading and play the game set before her. What was the worst that could come of it?

You will begin in the campus library at 10:00 am. On the second floor, there are a set of computers at the far west end of the building. You are to go there and sit at computer number 3. Underneath the keyboard, there will be a handwritten note giving you instructions on what it is I expect to see you do. It is a fairly secluded area and I promise you will be safe from too many prying eyes. In fact, every single place that I send you will be safe and somewhat secluded. I have no desire to get you in trouble...I only want to toy with you for a bit before we meet. Or, shall I say, I want you to toy with yourself for a bit before we meet. By the time the game is over, you will be begging me to take you somewhere secluded...

The last sentence resonated through Amy. Ms. Frazier made the game sound very intriguing. The very thought of a strange woman watching her perform tasks that she assumed were of a sexual nature exhilarated her. Amy was a natural submissive and she loved being instructed on what to do. It gave her pleasure to know someone else was gaining enjoyment from her actions.

Amy re-read the email and then ran to her closet to decide on what to wear the next day. She decided to opt for a low-cut, flowing blouse and a pair of jeans that were fitted nicely to show off her behind. While choosing her outfit carefully, Amy pondered the email's sender-Ms. Frazier. "I wonder if she's a professor..." Amy mused aloud. She decided it didn't matter who she was or how she'd found her, Ms. Frazier was already under her skin.

The next morning, Amy dressed carefully. She kept checking the time to ensure she was on campus and at the computer she had been instructed to be at on time. She finished dressing and checked her reflection in the mirror. Amy smiled at herself. She definitely looked good. She hurried to grab her things and head for her car. The short drive to campus went quicker than normal and she seemed to find a parking spot with more ease than usual. So far, things were going her way this morning.

Amy found herself looking around as she walked slowly from her car to the University Library. She didn't notice anyone watching her, but she felt like there were eyes on her. The hair on her arms stood up and she had goose bumps as she approached the doors of the library. She smiled at the librarian at the Information Desk as she made her way to the elevator. She stepped in and pressed the button for the second floor.

The elevator rose up a flight and the doors pinged open. Amy stepped out and her eyes swept over the area. She didn't notice anyone that stood out. But, then again, she didn't know what she was looking for, either. She made her way slowly to the indicated computer and sat her things down. She looked around self-consciously and gingerly lifted the keyboard to find the piece of paper hidden beneath it. The game had begun.

I see that you have chosen to play my game. That is a wise choice, pet. You won't regret this, I promise.

Amy took note of the beautifully scripted handwriting and the quality of paper it was written on. Her body reacted with a chill at being called "pet". That stirred something in her. It made her want to please this woman more than anything. She read on...

At exactly 10:10 (use the computer clock to time it correctly) I want you to rub your nipples through your shirt for a full 2 minutes. They should harden up nicely and you should begin to get wet...unless you already arrived in that state. At 10:15, rise and gather your things. Be certain to bend at the waist so I can see that full, round backside of yours. I like my girls to be thick and Rubenesque, like you. I want you to take your time gathering your things so I can take my time watching you. Once you are finished, you will move to the next location: your 11:00 class in the lecture hall. You will sit in the very back row and ensure that you are alone. During the course of the class, you will rub your mound through your jeans periodically. I want you to be wet and at your breaking point by the end of the class. Once your class is finished, you will go to the bookstore and find a copy of theMLA Handbook on one of the tables in the small reading nook at the back of the store. Flip through the book until you find the next note.

Ms. Frazier

By the time Amy had read the note carefully, it was 10:06. She glanced quickly around the secluded area of the library and saw no one. She folded the note and slipped it into her purse and then turned to the computer to watch the time. As the minutes ticked by slowly, she pondered why she was so eager to play this game. The idea that someone had been watching her and knew her schedule as well as she did should have creeped her out...not turned her on! Yet, there was something about it that she could not deny enjoying.

Finally, the clock turned to 10:10 and Amy took a deep breath before beginning to lightly tease her nipples through her thin blouse. She glanced around guiltily for a moment but she was enjoying it so much she doubted she would stop even if someone walked by. She tried to keep her eye on the clock but she kept closing her lids in ecstasy. By the time she realized it, the clock already said 10:03. Amy stopped teasing her nipples abruptly and sat very still until 10:15. As far as she could tell, no one was around nor had anyone been around the entire time she had been teasing herself.

At exactly 10:15, Amy stood and bent over to gather her things up slowly. She unzipped her bag and then re-zipped it slowly to waste a bit of time. She even wagged her bottom in the air a bit to tease Ms. Frazier. Finally, she stood up and headed to her Biology class in the lecture hall.

Sticking exactly to the note, Amy sat in the very back row in the corner of the lecture hall. No one was around her, thankfully. Although, she was so turned on that she was not sure she wouldn't perform her task even if someone else were nearby! She could hardly concentrate on the lecture and she was glad her professor recorded them so she could take notes later. Amy spent the entire class period with a glazed look in her eye and her hand between her thighs.

Her mound was hot and wet. She was almost certain there was a wet spot on her jeans. Amy didn't care, though. She just kept rubbing until she was close to orgasm. She would stop for a few moments and then resume the rubbing. Once the class was over, she nearly jogged to the Student Union bookstore to find the copy of the discreetMLA Handbook on the table. Who would think to open this book up and find a note describing Amy's next tasks?

She sank down into one of the comfy chairs and grabbed the book from the small, round table. Her breath was coming in sharp, ragged pants. With shaky fingers, she flipped through the book until she found the same high quality paper folded neatly and tucked into the center of the book. She pulled it out and opened it to see what Ms. Frazier had in mind for her next.

You have done a wonderful job so far, pet.

Amy's body thrilled once again at the word and she kept reading.

Watching you in the lecture hall was a joy. The expression on your face was priceless. I could tell how much you enjoyed teasing yourself while you should have been taking notes, you naughty girl! You have one final task and then you will meet me for coffee. Once you have finished reading this note, you are to go to the restroom and make yourself come. When you finish, do NOT wash your hands. I want you to smell of sex for me. You may clean yourself up with toilet paper, but be certain to leave enough on your fingers for me to enjoy your "perfume". Once you have finished in the restroom, you will come to the coffee shop on the second floor of the Student Union. You will know who I am because I will have a cup for myself and a cup across from me, for you. Non-fat, chai tea latte, right? Now, go do as you have been told.

Ms. Frazier

Amy's mouth dropped open. How did Ms. Frazier know what she drank and which coffee shop she frequented in the Student Union? Amy stared at the note for a moment. The moment of truth was upon her. Ms. Frazier was finally allowing her to come and then she would get to meet the mysterious woman. Amy hopped up quickly. Folding the note and tucking it into her purse with the other one before hurrying out of the bookstore.

She decided to visit the restroom on the fourth floor of the Student Union because she knew it would be the least busy. She didn't want to be embarrassed by not washing her hands and leaving the restroom in front of anyone else...and, she was a little afraid of making noise while she came. She knew the fourth floor restroom was the safest one to go to.

Amy headed towards the elevator and rode up to the fourth floor in silence. She didn't realize until the doors opened that she had been holding her breath. She stepped out and went straight to the restroom. Choosing the stall against the furthest wall, Amy closed the door behind her and dropped her bags quickly. She was panting again and couldn't seem to undo her jeans fast enough.

She sat down on the toilet, spread her legs wide, and immediately dove 2 fingers inside of her. She gasped and bit her lip to keep quiet as she plunged her fingers in and out of her wet pussy. She couldn't help the wet, sucking noises and hoped no one was in a nearby stall. Amy pulled her fingers out and let them tease her clit. Her fingertips flew over her clit, rubbing it into a frenzy.

Finally, she came. She was a "squirter" and she could hear the gush of come as it hit the water in the toilet. Amy bit her lip harder to keep from moaning out loud. The pent-up sexual frustration of the day finally released and Amy could think clearly once again. She listened to be certain she was alone in the restroom and then cleaned herself up with the tissue as she had been instructed. She lifted her fingers to her nose and smiled. Ms. Frazier would be happy.

Amy pulled her jeans back up and fastened them quickly. She took a shaky breath and stepped out of the stall. She looked around and realized she was alone in the restroom. She checked her hair and makeup, tugged on her blouse a bit, and grabbed her things. It was time to go meet her...what? Her stalker? No, that had too many negative connotations. She could feel that Ms. Frazier was different. She was no stalker. She had just taken an interest in Amy and wanted to play a game with her...and Amy had been happy to oblige.

As Amy got on the elevator and headed down to the second floor, she was shaking a bit with anticipation. It had been an exciting and stimulating day, to say the least! The elevator pinged and she stepped out onto the second floor. Amy took a deep breath and headed for the coffee shop.

She looked around and saw one woman with her back to the entrance. Amy immediately peered around her and noticed a cup in front of the empty chair. Her legs were shaky as she approached. Ms. Frazier took a sip of her coffee and looked up into Amy's eyes. She smiled warmly and said in a velvety voice, "take a seat, Amy, dear. I've been waiting for you." Amy nodded and sat down.

"I can see you are a bit speechless, so I'll go first. As you already know, I am Ms. Frazier. I took an interest in you last semester and have kept my eye on you since then. I toyed with different ways to introduce myself to you, but this one seemed to be the most fun. Don't you think?" Amy nodded mutely and Ms. Frazier continued on. "Since I know all about you, let me tell you a little about me. I am the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration. I first noticed you here in this coffee shop. Last semester, you got a non-fat, chai tea latte every Monday and Wednesday morning at 8:15 am. I liked your sense of style, your promptness, your regularity. I began checking up on you. I monitored your are an excellent student. I took note of the classes you are taking and have taken in the past and I'm impressed. Drink up, dear, it's getting cold."

Amy followed her order and took a sip of her cooling latte. Ms. Frazier was professionally dressed. She was striking, probably in her mid 40's, and had an air of dominance and power about her. She was obviously a stern, but caring woman. Amy was immediately attracted to her. Ms. Frazier was exactly the sort of woman Amy liked. Older, dominant, and professional.

As Amy was sizing her up, Ms. Frazier reached for Amy's hand and pulled it to her nose, inhaling and smiling. "What a good pet. You followed all my directions exactly. You'll be rewarded for that," said Ms. Frazier. Amy whispered back, "thank you...Ma'am." Ms. Frazier smiled broadly. "We have dinner reservations at 6:00. Dress accordingly, dear, I'm taking you somewhere nice." She looked thoughtful for a moment and then smiled like a Cheshire cat. "No panties," she said in that velvety voice. Amy nodded. Ms. Frazier kissed Amy's fingers and then dropped her hand. "I will pick you up at 5:15. Please be on time. I don't like to be kept waiting." With that, Ms. Frazier stood and walked away.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Please please write a continuation of this! It is absolutely brilliant, they way you write is incredible and I can't wait to find out what happens next x

bill86bill86over 13 years ago

loved the start but when do we get to part two

xeriscapartistxeriscapartistover 14 years ago
Well Done!

Very thoughtful and well executed tale. Love the building of tension you have used in the story. I look forward to the continuation and eventual conclusion. I could imagine chapter after chapter of Ms. Frazier's play. Julie

rbennerbenneover 14 years ago
Great Start

Fascinated to see where you take this story. Well done for a great start I have placed you on my favourite authors

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
good stuff

excellent beginning, so many options and ways to go. can't wait for more well done

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