The Exchange Student Ch. 02


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Lily fought back a huge grin when Laura walked into the room. Andi and Sasha both looked a bit shocked at what she was wearing, but Laura held her head up and looked straight at Lily. The three family members didn't say a word to each other as they passed, with Laura sitting down on the couch next to Lily.

Lily watched as Laura crossed her legs, showing off almost all of her legs and the pink cotton panties she was wearing. Lily had seen much more last night, of course, but for Laura to be dressed like this normally seemed like a big step forward. When they had met Laura was practically a tomboy, but now she looked like a woman.

"I love your top," said Lily, leaning forward. "Where did you buy it?"

Laura watched as Lily's hand slipped slightly inside the neckline of her top, feeling the quality of the material but also brushing the inside of her breast at the same time.

"A shop in town, we can go there if you want."

Lily smiled happily and pulled her hand away. Laura felt a twinge of disappointment in her stomach.

"I think we're forgetting something," said Lily, with a mischievous smile.


Laura had forgotten about their new greeting.

"We didn't say hello properly."

Laura took a moment, then got it. Lily revelled as a beaming smile flashed across Laura's face, before she quickly covered it up.

"Oh," Laura sounded a little confused. "Don't you just do it first thing?"

"Sometimes. It's nice to do it more though, don't you think?"

Laura knew she wanted to do it more. Nodding, she went to stand up, but Lily placed a hand on her thigh.

"We can do it sitting down."

Laura relaxed back into her seat. Lily seemed to crawl towards her then placed her hands on Laura's wrists, pinning them down into the sofa. Like this morning Lily kissed her gently, and then broke it. Laura hadn't wanted it to end, and could feel her panties becoming wet.

Lily sat back and the two girls began chatting as normal. She noticed the wet patch on Laura's panties, but didn't say anything. She didn't want Laura to think that these 'greetings' and hugs and kisses were anything more than friendship, for the time being at least.


I tiptoed towards Lily's room and pressed my ear against the door. I couldn't hear a thing, but I knew she was awake. Once again I had spent the afternoon and evening locked in the sanctuary of my office, away from Lily and with some semblance of control of myself. Now, though, with Andi and the girls in bed, my insatiable desire to fuck our 18 year-old Romanian sex goddess silly had hit hard.

Gripping the handle and twisting it slightly I strained my ears, and yet still heard nothing. I opened the door, just an inch or so, and saw that there was a dim light on in the room. I felt my cock twinge with excitement inside my slacks and pushed the door half open, and poked my head into the room.

Lily was lying on top of her bedsheets, naked except for a pair of white leg warmers. She was curled up onto her side slightly, with her eyes closed. They opened as I stepped into the room and she sat up, propping herself up on her elbow.

"I didn't think you'd come."

I couldn't respond; my throat was dry and I couldn't really think of anything to say to her. Silently but quickly I made my way to her bed. She spread herself for me, and I eagerly climbed on top of her, straddling her thighs. I ripped my t-shirt off and threw it over my shoulder, then leaned in and kissed her. I pressed my face into hers and could hear the sound of our lips and tongues tangling reverberating in my head.

I pawed at one of her tits and squeezed it until she whimpered, then pulled the crotch of my slacks down to free my erect cock. Lily did the rest of the work, deftly sliding my bottoms down my legs with her feet before I untangled them with my mine and let them drop to the floor.

I could feel the insides of her thighs squeezing gently against the sides of my shaft, and she slowly began masturbating me with her legs. We continued to kiss and I kept fondling her breasts, kneading them like dough and squeezing her nipples in the gaps between my fingers.

Without any warning Lily broke our kiss and put her palms flat against my chest, pushing me back. I got onto my knees, confused, but then saw what she had in mind as she positioned herself on all fours, reaching back between her legs and spreading her lips to present herself to me in the most obscene way possible.

Just like last night I entered her from behind, placing my hands on her hips and pulling her towards me. Pussy juice oozed from her and dripped down onto my ballsack as I slowly began to fuck her. I almost removed myself from her cunt entirely before ramming myself back in with each thrust, revelling in her mixed moans of pain and bliss with each and every journey inside her. I only changed my rhythm when I realised the headboard was starting to bang against the wall, and switched to short, sharp thrusts that caused her to gasp with each and every one. Was she faking, maybe to make me feel good? Or in the hope that my wife and daughters might overhear and come to see what was going on? I honestly didn't care. At this point my wife, kids, mum and dad, mother and father in law could have walked in and I'd still have continued fucking Lily.

I was just about ready to explode when I pulled out of her. I didn't even need to touch my cock before spraying cum all the way up her back, with some strings reaching up to the bottom of her shoulder blades. My entire body shook as this ungodly amount of semen I was producing for Lily continued to erupt from me, leaving her back and the tops of her ass cheeks covered in my hot, white sperm. It trickled down her slowly as she sat up, then turned towards me so we could kiss again.

Just the feel of her breasts against my sweaty, panting chest kept me from going flaccid. She began to rock slowly, her naval pressing against the sodden tip of my cock. I looked down, and there was a string of my cum connecting us.

We continued to kiss until I was ready to go again, at which point I sat with my legs tucked underneath me and she dragged herself onto my thighs, positioned my cock at the entrance of her pussy then rocked gently back and forth until I was back inside her.

She was unbelievably wet, and when I tore my eyes away from hers I saw her engorged clit begging to be touched. I obliged, reaching down and pressing my forefinger into it, touching it like a little button. She breathlessly muttered something in Romanian and buried her face in my neck, crying out as she came. This time she definitely wasn't faking it.

I kept on rubbing her clit as she fucked me, still coming down from her orgasm. When I was ready to cum again I pushed her off me; I had no intention of cumming inside her, knowing full well what that could lead to.

I began jerking myself off as Lily leaned back into her bed and reached under the pile of pillows, pulling out her shiny black dildo. I watched as she slowly slipped it inside her pussy, then came for the second time in such a short space of time. This expulsion wasn't as powerful or as full than the last, and I was spent within a couple of spurts of cum that splattered onto her leg and bedsheets.

After wiping myself clean on her sheets I got off her bed, as she continued to pump her dildo in and out of her pussy.

"We need to change your sheets," I said, pulling my slacks back over my legs. "I'll get up early tomorrow and come and get them."

Lily barely acknowledged me, simply groaning before sliding a finger down to her slit. I didn't bother putting my t-shirt on as I left her room, instead tossing using it to wipe my sticky hands and cock. I tossed it into the wash basket in the hallway then went to my bed, cuddled up next to Andi and kissed her goodnight.


I glanced at my bedside clock - just gone half seven. Cursing under my breath I sat up and swivelled out of bed. Andi stirred briefly but didn't wake up, as I got dressed for the day. I told myself that if I went into Lily's room fully dressed then the temptation to fuck her again wouldn't be so great, although deep down I knew that was a load of rubbish.

Mindlessly I grabbed a spare set of sheets from our cupboard and then crept into the hallway and up to Lily's door. I paused, about to knock, then realised the futility of it - I'd seen everything I was ever going to see of Lily, so I opened the door and walked straight in.

Lily was sleeping, wrapped up in her cum stained bedsheets. She looked so beautiful, and for the first time it wasn't just my cock that seemed to scream in desire for her. There was a feeling of not-quite-nervousness in my stomach, my heart was pounding and I could feel myself starting to sweat.

I gently touched Lily's arm through the covers, shaking her awake. Even after taking a few moments to come round she looked incredibly tired, and I wandered just how much sleep she'd had as I spotted her dildo besides her.

"Get up, I need to change your sheets."

I was keen to hurry things along, knowing that the blood was rushing to my penis yet again. Lily dragged herself out of bed, slipping off the covers with her back to me. I followed the perfect curve of her back down to her arse, then watched as she turned round to help me.

Her breasts remained impossibly pert, seemingly defying all the laws of gravity to not sag at all despite their size as we changed her bedding. I could smell our sex as we worked, then knew I faced a battle with myself to keep the new sheets clean.

"Are you taking me to college today?"

I nodded as I finished straightening up her bed.

"Just you?"

Nodding again I gathered up the old sheets in my arms.


I didn't respond to her, and instead turned on my heels and headed downstairs. I couldn't put the evidence of mine and Lily's activities in the wash, too many questions about why - and whose - sheets I was washing at this time of the morning. Instead I found a large bin liner and put the sheets inside, before taking them to my car. I stashed the evidence in the boot, disposing of it like a murderer would a body.

I thought about going back to bed but realised if Andi woke up I'd have some difficult questions to answer, so decided to doze on the sofa.


I don't how long I was out for, but when I woke up Laura was sitting on the chair opposite me watching TV. She was still in her pyjamas, so it must still have been fairly early.

"What time is it?" I asked groggily.

She looked over at me then back at the television.

"Just gone 9. Why are you sleeping downstairs?"

I sat up and yawned, stretched and then rubbed my eyes.

"I was dozing. Had to get up and do something for work, then came out here. Must have nodded off."

Laura shifted so she was sitting cross legged on the large armchair, which easily engulfed her delicate frame.

"Oh," she said, not even trying to hide her disinterest. I realised that my family's unquestioning acceptance of my 'I've got work to do' excuse said a lot about me, and that simply added to the guilt that I was already wracked with. Was I always this distant from them, I asked myself, even before Lily arrived?

"Good morning!"

Speak of the devil. The cheery disposition and slight accent meant it could only be one person. I wished I hadn't woken up as I turned to see Lily, now dressed, although not in much.

"Are you wearing that to college?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yes, is something wrong with it?"

Lily looked at Laura for reassurance. I stared at her legs that she was showing off with her tiny denim skirt, and the swell of her breasts that strained against the thin material of her lime green crop top. The top, as usual, stopped just above her belly button, and the skirt was pulled down so I could just make out the frilly top of her light pink panties.

"You look nice," answered my daughter, whose attention had shifted completely to Lily.

"Thank you Laura."

Lily smiled sweetly at my daughter who seemed to blush at the gesture. Christ, it wasn't just me she was having an affect on. Laura finally managed to tear her eyes off Lily, who remained standing in the middle of the room.

"Laura?" she asked, "what are you forgetting?"

Her tone seemed to indicate an in joke that I'd missed. Laura looked back at Lily, and seemed a little shocked.

"What, now? In front of..."

She flicked her head towards me and didn't need to finish that sentence for my stomach to sink. I had no idea what was going to happen, but knew it wouldn't be good.

"Yes", answered Lily. "It's perfectly normal, remember?"

Within a day Lily had got me wrapped around her little finger, and it seemed Laura had fallen under her spell as well. Somehow my daughter managed to look crestfallen, nervous and excited all at once as she got to her feet, and slowly walked towards Lily.

When they were standing almost on top of each other, I watched open-mouthed as they embraced. Their hands fell to each other's hips and, gradually, inch-by-inch, they moved their heads towards one another.

Their lips met and I felt my cock practically explode. It wasn't just a light peck on the lips, this was a lovers kiss. Lily took the initiative at first but I could see Laura getting more and more into it, as the two girls began to sway back and forth, making out in my living room. Laura's eyes were closed with an expression of pure bliss on her face, whilst Lily's remained open, focused on me.

Finally they broke away from each other, and Laura immediately looked to me. My mouth was still hanging open, my cheeks were burning up and my voice had deserted me once more. Laura looked down at her feet then sat back down, not daring to catch my gaze again.

I looked up at Lily, who was already staring at me. She licked her lips then took a seat next to me, brushing her feet against my legs.

We sat in silence until Andi appeared, pointing out that me and Lily had better leave if we wanted to get to the college early. I pecked my wife on the cheek as I said goodbye, then noticed Lily do exactly the same. Andi seemed a little shocked by the kiss but didn't say anything, then waved to us from the door as we got into my car.

As soon as Andi disappeared back inside the house I looked across at Lily; the look of triumph was clear on her face as she stroked her smooth, white legs.

"What was that with Laura?"

I could only whisper, and my voice still cracked. I pulled out of the driveway and began what I knew would be a long, torturous trip to the college.

"Our greeting," said Lily, as if it was completely normal. "Girls in Romania do it all the time."

There was a smirk on her face that told me instantly she was lying.

"I don't know what you're doing Lily, but leave Laura out of it, ok?"

I tried to come across as authoritative, but must have just seemed desperate. Lily shrugged.

"Maybe I could do it with your wife too?" she suggested.

The car swerved slightly as I jumped, before I regained myself. Lily couldn't quite stifle her giggle.

"Just leave my family out of this, alright?" Once again I must have sounded pathetic. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Lily lean towards me. She planted a kiss on my cheek, then wiped away the lipstick with her thumb.

"Only if you do something for me."

I sighed, defeated.

"Fine, what is it?"

Lily shifted in her seat, pulling her skirt up even more.

"Pull over somewhere quiet."

We sat in silence once again as I drove around our neighbourhood looking for somewhere that would be deserted at this time of day, knowing what Lily had in mind. Well, I didn't know exactly, but I was certain I didn't want anybody catching us.

Finally I found a spot down after turning down a few back roads, put the car into neutral then flicked the engine off. My cock strained against my pants in eager anticipation, as I watched Lily clamber into the back seat.

"What are you..."

She plopped down into the middle seat, shaking the car.

"Look in your mirror."

I did as I was told.

"Remember when you picked me up from the airport?" she asked, spreading her legs so her feet were perched on the two seats either side of her.

I nodded, then gulped.

"You watched me all the way home."

I closed my eyes. How had she seen? I thought I'd been discreet, and then suddenly worried that Andi or one of the girls had seen me as well.

"Your penis was hard."

Lily laughed, the word 'penis' sounding so filthy coming from her mouth. Her hands slowly moved down to her crotch, and she slipped it into her panties.

"Mmm... just watch me, Craig."

I sat with my eyes transfixed on my rear view mirror. Lily shut her eyes and tilted her head back against the headrest, then pushed her other hand under the material of her pink panties. She cooed as she began to masturbate, I could make out that she had at least one finger inside herself and one flicking at her clit.

I nervously looked around to see if anyone was watching, but there was nobody I could see so quickly went back to watching Lily. She pulled the edges of her panties across so I could see her glistening pussy. She was knuckle deep in her own cunt, groaning with every tiny movement.

Ten minutes had soon passed, and finally the torment ended as Lily came with a cry, tossing her head back as her legs twitched and shook whilst suspended in the air.

She came down from her orgasm and leaned forwards, offering her fingers to me. Slowly my mouth opened, and she slipped them inside. It was the first time I had tasted her, and I immediately knew I wanted more. She was sweet and tangy, similar to Andi but somehow completely different as well.

I cleaned her fingers and she sat back, fixing her panties and skirt. I started the engine back up and continued our journey to the college, certain I picked up a speeding ticket on the way. Lily remained in the backseat, eyeing me up in the mirror, both of us aware of the erection that remained in my pants.

We arrived at the college only a few minutes late. Lily told me I could stay in the car, but I knew I had to go in with her. Thankfully my erection subsided so it wasn't completely obvious, but walking was still a bit awkward. I made sure Lily walked behind me so I wouldn't be tempted by her again.


Toying with Craig was fun, thought Lily, as she followed him into what would be her college for the next three months. He was an incredible fuck, but his constant attempts to try and stand up to her were almost endearing, and just made what was happening between them even better.

Laura was also cracking as well. She had already got her to make out with another girl in front of her father, and Craig hadn't been able to tear his eyes away from them this morning. She felt a little guilty for misleading Laura and abusing her naivety, but knew that it was necessary to keep the next three months with the otherwise fairly boring McAndrew's interesting.

Lily followed Craig up to the main reception. As he told the woman behind the desk that he was here with an exchange student Lily squeezed up besides him, making sure her breast was pressed against his arm. Craig's voice jumped slightly, and Lily felt her pussy tingling once again. Forcing Craig to watch her masturbate had just made her hornier - they would definitely be stopping again on the way home.


I thanked the receptionist and walked round Lily, leading her off into the depths of the college. Lily mercifully remained behind me, and my boner subsided enough for me to feel comfortable walking around with other parents that I recognised.

As we entered the room I had been directed to I realised just how little exchange students there were this year. When Sasha had done it there had been too many students for one induction day, this year there were barely 15 of us. I took a seat and Lily sat next to me, flicking her hair so it brushed my face. My head span as I inhaled her scent. I felt her hand press against my thigh, then she apologised as she used the support to make herself more comfortable. She didn't remove it, though, and I spent the rest of this little induction with Lily almost absent-mindedly stroking the inside of my thigh.