The Ex's Fault - Redux Ch. 02


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What really startled her was when she brought her new red dress out and slipped it on. "DAMN GIRL!"

Darcy stuck her tongue out, "He seems to think I look good in it. Even wants to take me out and show me off."

"I'd like to see that too!" Darcy looked at me, I shrugged my shoulders, and she turned back to Dee Dee. "OK."

"REALLY!" Looking between the two of us.

"Gotta be a dress, and I would normally say no underwear, but in your case I would say a bra is allowed."

She hopped up and pealed her bottoms of, and grabbed a towel, "Be right back!"

We both chuckled at two black cheeks bobbing along as she fast walked to the showers. Darcy cuddled with her back against me, rubbing her ass against my hard cock while I wrapped my arms around her belly. The next funny one for me was when Wilma came by back from the stage. We both knew she was keeping an eye on her because this was the long way around for her to get back to her area. She about stumbled seeing Darcy in a dress and in my arms. She waived to her and her group of hard core women, but didn't get much of a response in return.

We left a note for Dee Dee that we were going to finish watching from out front, and headed out. I had gotten so used to all the naked women it was almost as much of a shock going out as it had been coming in in the morning,

Something she thought was very amusing. Darcy had spotted a few of the others that had been eliminated, and we made our way over. She was razzed a bit about being in a dress, but took it all in stride and even did a mock curtsy at them. We settled in behind them and I put an arm around her shoulders and my hand on her tit covering her nipple when she snuggled in under my arm.

It was her class that came up next, but the one she was rooting for came in third. Wilma came out the other side of the stage with her group in jeans and t-shirts. She got up and went to talk with them, what ever it was it was animated.

About that time Dee Dee came out our side in a nice burnt orange dress. Only a little above the knee, but a nice low neck line showing lots of cleavage. When she approached me she gave me a quick kiss, and turned to shield us from the rest of the crowd, she brought my hand up under her tit making me give her a squeeze. "Satisfactory?"

I squeezed her again, feeling her bra under her tit and her hard nipple standing out under my thumb. "Very nice!"

Darcy made her way back over to us after her little conversation with Wilma, looking a bit down, but putting on a smile as she got closer. She gave Dee Dee a quick kiss on the lips, and me a little better one. She was a bit distracted, but we were off. Dee Dee lived out on the east side, so she followed us to the restaurant.

It was wonderful going in with two beautiful women. There was a comment from a woman at the bar about a white man being with a black woman. Dee Dee was about to say something, but I just pulled her to me with a grope of her tit and nipple under her arm and gave her a sloppy kiss. The woman was about to fall off her stool. "Don't worry about it babe, you can't fix stupid, or ignorant."

I'm not sure what the ignorant woman did after that, as I took the girls to the booth, but I had Darcy sit beside me on my side, then asked the server if we could have bigger booth so they could sit on either side of me. The server grinned and took us to a booth around the corner where it was a bit quieter too. I put one hand on Dee Dees knee just below the hem of her dress, the other I put on Darcy's thigh and began sliding it up, but stopping at mid thigh.

"Oh no you don't mister, you're not stopping there." Darcy put her hand on mine and brought it right up to her bare pussy. "Especially after making me shave my landing strip!" Dee Dee realized where my hand was and what she was talking about and decided to bring my hand up under her skirt against her freshly shaved pussy. I caressed one and played with the other until the server returned to take our orders. The girls both ordered lobster, I stuck with my steak.

The girls chatted a bit through dinner, but I could sense Darcy was a bit distracted, and not by my fingers in her pussy. Dee Dee did pause every once in a while when I put my fingers back for a little taste. I even caressed a nipple through her dress after the server had turned away after checking on us. Darcy grinned after we ordered desert when I made a point of looking down her dress at her firm tits and nipples. Dee Dee was surprised I looked down hers with her huge tits holding her dress out, and giggled when I kept looking until she pulled her dress out for me to get a look. She had folded her bra down like a shelf bra to let her nipples stand out. "Nice!"

"You saw them all day, and had your hands all over them, and you still want to look at them!"

"Never can get enough of naked women," as the server came back with desert. She faltered a bit when she heard me, but grinned at me anyway. I made a very lewd show of eating my iced cream while looking at the girls. We finally finished and said good bye to Dee Dee, with lots of kisses and gropes all around. We drove back to Darcy's apartment with almost no conversation, she was deep in thought about something.

We walked in the door, and she took her jacket off and turned to me still a little out of it. She started to say something, but I put my finger to her lips. "No need. It's been a wonderful weekend, but we both have to work tomorrow."

She smiled and kissed me lightly, "And I have class after work and a test to study for."

I grabbed a piece of paper off the counter and wrote the work number on it. "Here's the number at the arcade. You have my home number. Call me when you get a chance or need to talk." I cupped her chin and gave her a nice soft but deep kiss, then went back out for the drive home.

It had been quite a day, thinking about all the naked and topless women I had seen today, and the two other women I had my hands all over rubbing them down. Playing with Dee Dees pussy, ass, and huge tits. Getting a finger and thumb in Darcy's ass and her encouraging me to play with Dee Dee.

I just went through the motions when I got home. Stripping down, and then laughing when I realized where my boxers were. I grabbed a shower and settled down to watch a bit of TV realizing the most I had today was her hand on me this morning and a bit of groping all through the day; and yet I was OK with it. I managed to haul myself to bed before I fell asleep in the chair.

I dragged myself into work Monday morning, and I was glad to be working by myself. I had today to clean up and get organized. Tomorrow was a full staff and family day before the soft opening on Wednesday. I opened up and flipped the lights on and then flipped the machine circuits on and they all went through the startup routine. By the time I hung my coat up, they were all doing their noise maker routines. I made a quick round to check on them, especially the problem machines from the delivery day we had marked with colored dots. Everything was good, so it was cleaning time.

I was making the rounds, not really having much to do when I came to the Ms PacMan machine, there was a sweaty outline and some dribbles on one end. I sat for a minute starting to clean and then it hit me what was on the table top machine... the leftovers from the last time Ann and I had been together.

I'm not sure how long I sat there. I don't even remember the UPS guy coming in, but he got my attention and I signed for the package and went back to cleaning. Even if I had just cleaned it, I could have sworn I could still see her outline on the glass. I made it through the day, but after that recollection, everything I saw reminded me of her. Going home wasn't much better. I could smell her in the apartment, and used a whole can of air freshener. I put all her shampoo and personal hygiene things in the trash.

Then I made the mistake of doing the laundry. I just dumped everything in cold like I usually do, but when I pulled stuff from the dryer and began sorting I got another good couple of kicks. First was when I hung my shirts up and Ann's dress was still hanging at one end, the other was when I found two of her thongs in the basket. I just threw the rest of the clothes on the closet floor and went out for a long walk.

I got back to the apartment and went straight to bed. I didn't sleep well, so it was a good thing there was going to be lots of others there tomorrow.

I got up and headed straight out, hitting the drive through for breakfast. Good thing the boss was there today, at best I was running on auto pilot. We went over the schedule and operations in the morning, and all the off duty employees and their families came in in the afternoon, and another flood after four as all the kids got home from school. The boss even put a lunch buffet out for everybody. I had nothing to go home to, so I closed the place down after opening up in the morning.

The next morning was our first day open for business. We had banners out, and the boss had somebody putting flyers on windshields, but it was almost noon before we had our first paying customer. It did pick up as the day went along, and the free play windshield flyers were coming in with some high school kids. It was almost supper time when the second shift tech came on duty. She was an eager but bright high school girl, all makeup and padding.

I was just hanging around for a bit when she came over to me. "Are you in some kind of trouble? There is some lady up front looking for you and she looks like a lawyer."

It kind of went in one ear and out the other until I came around the corner to see my body builder standing there in a business suit...but with an above the knee skirt instead of slacks. I had to smile at those legs. Darcy turned to show me the seams running up the back even!

She saw me looking up her body, stuck a leg out, and opened her jacket to let me see a lump of nipple. Yea she was wearing a bra, but not padded to hide her delicious nipples. "So what do you think?"

"I think you just made my day!" I slipped an arm around her inside her jacket, bringing her hard nipples to my chest as I gave her a serious kiss. "You are absolutely gorgeous!"

"It's not too much?"

I gave her another quick kiss, "Not even close. What brings you up to this end of town?"

"We had a deposition up on this end of town, so I drove myself and thought I would pop in and surprise mind?"

"Not at long can you stay?"

That earned me a smile, "I have to be at work in the morning, but no class tonight."

" gets better and better." I gave her another nice kiss, looking in her eyes seeing a little twinkle. "Well I don't have much back at the apartment, so it's either go out to eat or pick something up and take back."

She pulled me to her, and rocked her mound against my hardening cock, "I'd rather get something to take back."

We turned to leave with good intentions. As we were going past the little seating area by the vending machines, that all changed. There was a guy in a letter jacket, looked like a football player, yelling and waiving his arms at a little Asian girl. I was about to intervene when Darcy beat me to it. "What's going on here?"

"I don't want to..." the Asian girl started in.

"SHUT YOUR TRAP, SHE WASN'T TALKING TO YOU." He said, putting a finger in the Asian girls face.

"Actually I was."

"Then it's none of your business bitch."

Surprisingly she didn't even react to that, but when he reached to drag the Asian girl toward the door she put an arm between them. "I don't believe she wishes to go with you."

He tried to push Darcy's arm away without much success, then tried to chop at it, but she pulled it away just in time and then put it back between the two. "YOU BITCH!" he pulled back to strike her, and before I could react she caught his fist in her hand, dropped her briefcase, twisted around and had him on the floor with his arm up behind his shoulder blades and a knee on his back, letting a bit of lace stocking top show.

She looked at me with a smile, noting where I was looking, "Could you get me some zip ties and call nine-one-one in that order please?"

I shook my head and went to the back to get the zip ties, the second shift tech was already calling nine one one. I got back up front, she still had a hold of the football player. He was flailing around and spewing all sorts of nasty language. I assumed she was going to use the zip ties like handcuffs, so I put two of them in loops and handed them to her. Before the guy realized it she had one around the wrist she was holding and brought the other over to her. The next part was almost funny. She took two of them and hooked them end to end, waited for a little break in the flailing legs, and tied his ankles together. A couple more ties and he was hog tied on the floor.

She got up and went to the Asian girl, totally ignoring the flopping guy on the floor with his mouth running amok. "Are you OK?"

The Asian girl nodded, staring at the guy on the floor. Darcy turned her and led her over to a table far from the commotion just as the police were pulling up. They came rushing in, and stopped up short seeing the hog tied guy on the floor.

Of course as the guy saw the police his rhetoric changed, saying she was beating him up. They looked up at this slim, beautiful woman without a hair out of place. She handed them her card from the law office, and explained what happened. Of course the mouth on the floor said she was lying. All she did was smile and point up to the camera dome in the ceiling. They looked at me questioningly, so I went to the back to make a copy of the video.

When I got back out the football player was in the back of a squad car while the Asian girl was giving her statement. Darcy took the tape from me before the officer could take it. "I'll give him a chance to confess and tell what happened. If he's truthful then it won't be a problem. I'll stop by in the morning to give my statement and present the video if necessary. Right now I'm late for an important meeting." Darcy turned to me, "Would you mind walking me to my car?" She turned and began walking without waiting for an answer.

I just shrugged to the officers and followed her out. She tossed her briefcase in her car, and collapsed against it giggling. "Sorry about that."

I put both my hands around her inside her jacket, pulling me nice and close to her, giving her a quick kiss on the tip of her nose. "How the hell did you manage that?"

"I dated a sheriff's deputy a few years back, he showed me a few things, and some of it stuck."

I just shook my head and then gave her a nice kiss. "Remind me never to piss you off."

"You know it's a real shame my having to give my statement in the morning. I'll have to find a place to stay up on this end of town so I can stop there before going in to work. You wouldn't know where a girl could sleep tonight?"

I just kicked my head back laughing, "Follow me to the apartment, we'll call in some pizza and then see if we can find you a place to crash for the night." I gave her ass a quick squeeze, a quick kiss on her nose again, then headed off to my van.

We managed to make it up the stairs with out TOO much kissing and groping, getting a wide eyed look from the couple across the hall...

When we got in the door, she pushed me back into the couch while she removed her jacket, tossing her bag in the corner. I started to get up, and she shook her finger at me smiling, then ran her hands up her belly cupping her tits and running her thumbs over her nipples. She slowly ran her hands up enough to begin unbuttoning her top, pulling a bit out of her skirt as she did each one, then revealing a VERY sheer lace bra, hiding absolutely nothing. A little sway of her hips and a quick zip, and her skirt pooled around her ankles.

She took one step toward me, cupping a lace covered tit in one hand and running a finger up the crease in her lace thong pushing it a bit further into her wet pussy framed by her white garter and black stocking. The white lace was almost sheer with her juices. "Now you can go order pizza."

I got up and began dialing as she came up behind me reaching for the buttons on my shirt. I was stripped to my boxers while ordering pizza, "We have about half an hour until the pizza arrives."

"Perfect!" She pulled me back to the couch and pushed me down, then kneeled down and relieved me of my boxers, taking time to suck as much of my hard cock into her mouth as she could. Running her tongue around and around, while pushing herself down on me. Then wedging me into the back of her mouth and trying to get me down her throat before coming up off me with a 'pop' and a grin. Good thing she stopped or I was going to lose it right there. With the strong aroma of her pussy while watching her tits and hard nipples jiggle just beyond where my cock was disappearing into her, it was all I could do not to flood her mouth.

She stood back up, swaying her hips and twirling her arms over her head to some unknown music. Running her hands down her sides and back up to cup her tits again and strumming her nipples still behind the lace, before sliding them under and grasping the clip between her tits. She was so firm and toned they didn't drop as she removed her lace bra, she merely opened a beautiful present just for me.

Darcy put one leg up on the coffee table to release her garter straps, then the other, keeping her legs spread and letting me see her delicious pussy with the thong trying to hide in her lips. She started to roll the first stocking down, then pouted and stepped to me, putting a foot in my crotch and bringing my hands to her thighs. She watched me rolling her stockings off, glancing up while playing with her nipples every so often.

Once I had them off she pulled back before I could reach out to play with her. She turned her back to me, looking at me over her shoulder while she peeled the thong down the crack of her ass, stopping at the bottom of her cheeks. She turned back to me, her thong just hanging in her pussy lips. She took two steps closer, then pulled the little bows at the edge of the thong. I thought they were decoration, but the side straps fell away, literally leaving it hanging in her lips! "Care to help me with the last of it?"

I grabbed her hips and pulled her toward the couch, twisting her around to land on her back. I spread her knees, tossed what was left of her thong over my shoulder, and dived into that heavenly pussy.

The thong had been doing it's best to absorb her juices, but not keeping up. Her lips were coated with her nectar. I ran my tongue through them slowly, enjoying the taste and the feel of her tender lips on my tongue. Feeling her legs quiver as I ran my tongue around her clit I heard, "Ohhhhh yeaaaaa, right there..."

I ran my tongue around and around, then right down next to her rosebud and back up to her clit, but pushing a wet thumb into her ass as I latched onto her clit. Her legs started flailing, she started bucking, and then she clamped those thighs around my head!! I kept going as long as I could, but damn those thighs were strong. I stopped with her clit, leaving my thumb buried in her ass. As soon as she relaxed I started in again, but this time using my free arm to brace between her knees!

Oh this was more like it! She was trying to squeeze her legs together, but my arm prevented it. I kept at her clit and thumb fucking her ass, dipping my tongue into her dribbling pussy every so often. She screeched in orgasm, legs flopping all over until she slowly dropped her legs and relaxed into a series of spasms and quivers. She was letting me just lazily lick at her flowing pussy, feeling the bit of stubble while teasing her pussy by softly licking it. Watching her juices come to the surface, she was almost ready to dribble onto her ass.
