The Farmer's Daughter


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The question took Ralph by surprise. "Over-easy, with the centers unbroken is how I've had them every day for over thirty years."

"I can do that, with a twist. Are you game?"

"If you don't break the center, I'll try 'em, how's that?" Ralph replied.

"Jessie, you can do the sausage while I take charge of the eggs," Erik said as he opened the refrigerator.

Ralph watched as the two young people worked side-by-side preparing breakfast. They bumped into each other and laughed just as he and Agnes had years ago. He missed her so much some days it was difficult to go on, but he did for Jessie.

Tantalizing smells soon wafted through the small kitchen. Jessie refilled his coffee mug and brought in the morning paper for him. He hated to admit to himself how homey it really felt.

"Erik cooks most of the time for us, Daddy. He learned on his own in college when he needed to find cheap meals. The things he can do with pasta would amaze you."

"Here you go, Mr. Trabert," Erik said as he slid a plate across the table. "Not a broken center on there."

He grinned as Ralph checked the eggs before looking back up at him. "You're right."

Jessie watched her father fill his fork and lift it to his mouth. She noticed how he tried to identify the spices before he slipped it into his mouth. Erik leaned against the counter and waited to hear the verdict. Ralph took a second bite then turned to Erik.

"They'll do."

Erik turned his back to the man and closed his eyes. Jessie knew how hard he was trying and realized this hurt him.

"Dad, I think you owe Erik an apology."

Ralph jerked his head up. Jessie only called him that when she was angry.

"No, Jessie, it's fine. I'll just leave. It's obvious he doesn't approve of me for whatever reason he has. I've done everything I can think of to show him that I love you. I've never shown him any disrespect. He hates me and I can't win."

Erik walked out the door and shut it just a bit harder than normal. Jessie didn't move as she took a deep breath.

"Why?" She asked just the one word.

Jessie saw the gray in her father's hair and the stoop to his shoulders and wondered when he'd gotten so old. He'd aged in the years since her mom died for sure.

"He's a city boy," Ralph began to say. "Look how long his hair is and the way he does all those dangerous sports."

"Dad, you know I love you. But you know nothing about the real Erik if that's all you see. I've tried to point out —"

"You're my baby, Jessie. No one is good enough."

"Erik is. He's the one I hope to spend the rest of my life with, Dad."

Ralph stood up and gathered his small bag before walking to the door. "I'll call you when I get home, Jessie."

She waited until she didn't hear his car anymore and phoned Erik. It only went to voice mail so she left a short message asking him to call her right away. Next, she cleaned the uneaten breakfast from the table and did the dishes. She still hadn't heard from Erik when she'd finished. Her second call brought the same results, which made her worry. It wasn't like him not to get back to her.

Across town, Erik sat in his office and tried to think. He knew he shouldn't have left Jessie's the way he did but her dad got to him. Maybe Seth would have some tips when he came in to the office, he concluded. After all, his boss had been married at one time. Erik chuckled at the thought of having Ralph for his father-in-law. The man would go crazy, he decided.

"You're here early, Erik," Seth said from the opened doorway.

"Hey boss, do you have a bit of free time?"

"Sure, what's going on?"

Seth sat in one of the chairs across from Erik and listened as he talked about Ralph and his clear dislike of him. They'd discussed this a bit before but Erik always took it in stride. Now, he seemed to have reached his limit.

"Are you thinking of proposing to Jessie soon?" Seth asked.

"We haven't talked about it, but yes, it's time. I love her and want to be with her forever."

"Then I'd suggest you live your life and go for it. Jessie is old enough to decide for herself. If she says no because of her father, then she isn't what you think she is anyway. I have faith in her, though. She's a strong young woman and I can see the love in her eyes when she 's with you."

"I just was hoping he'd approve, though," Erik said in a defeated tone.

"He might, after you put that rock on her hand."

"You don't pay me enough to afford a rock, Seth. Maybe a pebble, but not much more," Erik replied and grinned.

"Jessie will be happy with a pebble, believe me, Erik. She's not about things, she's real. Gabriela is that way, you know. I could live in a trailer and she'd accept it. The thing is, I enjoy giving her nice things."

"Yeah, but you can afford it, too," Erik said. "I'm still working my way up and building clientele."

"You have to remember I'm a bit older, Erik. At your age, I didn't have what I do now."

Seth wasn't only the boss, he owned the real estate company where Erik worked. They also were friends, despite the fact that Seth was about twenty years older than Erik was. As single men, they'd played tennis, golf and other sports together since both were athletic. Once Seth met Gabriela, he'd had less time for those activities. It didn't hurt their friendship, though.

"Maybe I should have charged you a 'finder's fee', Seth," Erik stated and chuckled.

Erik happened to be browsing an online dating service one afternoon and come across Gabriela's profile. After reading about her, he'd just known she was the one for Seth. It hadn't taken him long to convince his boss to send an e-mail to her even though he didn't expect a reply. Almost a year and a half later, they married.

"I owe you, Erik, more than you may realize. Gabriela means everything to me. Without her, I was existing, and now I'm alive. She's my soul mate, the one I thought I'd never find. If your love for Jessie is at all like mine is for Gabriela, then you won't let her father stand in your way. Your actions will have to show him you're serious about his daughter."

"You're right, Seth," Erik replied. "I guess I just wanted him to approve now. Jessie makes me happy, Seth."

"Do you want the name of my jeweler or do you have one?"

Erik looked at Seth and grinned. "Can I afford yours?"

The two men talked about business for a while before Seth's secretary told him his first appointment for the day was there. He slid a slip of paper with a store name and address on it toward Erik before he stood up.

"He'll take care of you. There's no one in the diamond business that knows more than he does, Erik."

Erik nodded but didn't reply. His mind was already figuring out what he could afford to spend and when he could sneak out to look at what they had. He checked his schedule and realized he had a couple hours free that afternoon yet. The grin never left his face as he tried to get through some work. By noon, he knew it was a lost cause and told the office staff he was leaving.

He found the address without any problem and walked right in. It was obvious from the décor that the place was for the more distinguishing customers.

"How may I help you today?"

"I'm looking for an engagement ring for my girlfriend. Seth Flynch recommended I come here."

"Ah yes, Mr. Flynch," the gentleman said. "He's a wonderful man. Did you have anything in mind for your lady?"

Erik knew Jessie's other jewelry was white gold so they began there. He browsed the cases of rings but nothing really caught his eye.

"I think this might be closer to what you're looking for, sir." Harold, as he'd learned the man's name was, opened another case and smiled at Erik.

"Harold, this is gorgeous. Tell me a little about it, please."

"The center round stone is just over two karats with those on the sides adding another for a total of three and a half."

"This has to be out of my price range, though." Erik placed the ring back in the case and sighed.

"I think you'll be surprised at how affordable this one is," Harold said.

"Okay, go ahead and tell me, but I'm sure it's higher than I can go."

"It's only ninety-five hundred."

Erik looked at the man and then at the ring with shock. "It can't be."

"I assure you it is."

"Jessie would love it. I'll take it, Harold."

Erik was still having trouble believing the price when Harold put the paperwork in front of him. He took care of his part and minutes later, the ring was his.

It didn't take him long to get back to the office where he looked for Seth. He found him alone in his office and knocked on the door frame.

"Come on in, Erik," Seth said when he saw his friend standing there.

"I did it. I bought a ring. You were right, that's the best place to go. I got an awesome deal on a fabulous diamond."

"That's great, Erik. Harold takes care of his customers well. You ever need anything else, you go to him and he'll remember you."

The men talked for only a few minutes before Seth had a call come in. Erik went to his own office and thought about how he was going to propose to Jessie. Maybe he'd wait for a special occasion, he thought. So many ideas swirled in his head he didn't know where to begin.

Over in his own office, Seth hung up the phone and grinned. He'd known he could count on Harold to follow his orders. Erik would never know that he'd gotten the ring for half price. He did owe him and covering the other portion of the diamond was the least he could do. Seth appreciated the young man as a friend as well as for being an excellent employee. With his continued determination and hard work, Erik would go far in the business.

The afternoon seemed to fly past for both the men and soon it was time for them to leave. Seth met Erik in the main lobby just as he was heading out so they walked to their cars together.

"Have you decided when you're going to ask her, yet?" Seth asked.

"I want it to be perfect, you know?"

"Whatever you choose will be right, Erik."

"How did you ask Gabriela? Or is that too personal?" Erik knew the couple was very close but hoped Seth could share a few things that would help him know just what to do.

"It just happened. I had the ring for weeks, and always looked for that one special moment. Then on Christmas Eve, I just knew it was time. We'd been talking and she went upstairs to get ready for bed. I felt it, all my love for her, the need to make her mine, to let the world know she was mine because she wore my ring. It was nothing like I'd pictured in my head but more beautiful than all of them together."

"Yeah, I think I get that part. It was like that when I decided to buy this ring, too. Any time I thought about doing that, I'd already planned it all out in my head. I would browse all the stores and compare everything. There was this little notebook even for keeping track of what I found. Then I was going to make the wisest choice based on those facts," Erik explained.

"Love doesn't go that way, my friend."

"No, it doesn't. My decision was almost rash but I'm positive it's the right step. Jessie and I don't have any plans for the weekend and I'm anxious now so who knows."

They stopped near Seth's car and the older man held out his hand. "Good luck Erik."

"Thanks, Seth. I owe you."

Seth grinned before replying. "I'm sure I'll find a difficult client to send your way to make up for it."

Erik laughed and waved before jogging over to his own vehicle. He was eager to call Jessie and didn't care if his boss did give him a rotten job. Seth just chuckled to himself as he drove home. Jessie was a wonderful woman. If the young couple ended up half as happy as he was with his new wife, they would be fine. A few miles later, only Gabriela was on his mind as he left the city and made his way out to the country.

Jessie was just walking into her apartment when her phone rang. She'd had a rotten day and ended up with a headache. The thought even crossed her mind to let it ring, but she grabbed it hoping it might be Erik.


"Jessie, I'm done early and thought I'd pick up something for dinner."

"Whatever you want is fine."

"Are you okay?"

"My head is splitting in two is all," she said and winced at the sarcasm she heard in her voice.

"Would you rather I not come over?"

"Oh, honey, no, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that at all. What about some of that pasta from Gerrelli's?"

"I'm close to there right now, so that's perfect. Give me half an hour. Why don't you rest and I'll let myself in." Erik knew it was rare for her to have a headache and was worried.

"Thanks, honey, I just might do that," she said. "See you soon."

Erik stopped and ordered their dinners and then went across the street to the liquor store. He chose a bottle of Jessie's favorite wine and stored it in his trunk before returning for the take-out order. A movie of sorts ran in the back of his mind showing a multitude of scenarios for proposing to Jessie. Images of a candlelight dinner at their favorite restaurant, an evening walk at the beach, lying together after making love and even a surprise visit at her work all ran together. He remembered Seth's words how it felt right when he'd proposed to Gabriela and decided just to let the moment happen for him, too.

Jessie's apartment was quiet when he walked in. He set the wine and their dinner on the table and went in search of her. She was asleep on her bed wearing one of his old football shirts. He left the room and went back into the kitchen. Dinner could wait. He could heat it up whenever Jessie woke up, he decided as he put it in the refrigerator.

It was two hours before she wandered into the living room. Erik had his laptop open and was taking care of some paperwork he'd left earlier. He set it to the side as soon as he saw her. Jessie walked over and sat on the arm of the easy chair he was in then smiled at him.

"How do you feel?"

"Groggy but much better," she said. "Have you been here the entire time?"

"I checked you every fifteen minutes."

"Erik, that's so sweet of you."

"You almost never get headaches and that bothered me."

"I think it was the stress with my father. The way he acted this morn —"

Erik covered her lips with his finger to stop her from saying more. "Let's forget about that. Tonight it's just you and I, okay?"

Jessie gazed into the blue eyes of the man she loved and nodded. He meant the world to her and she hoped he knew that. All she wanted was to spend the rest of her life making him happy.

"You sit here and I'll go heat dinner for us," Erik said.

She slid into the spot he deserted and tucked her legs up under her. His scent surrounded her and the chair still held his warmth. Jessie snuggled further into the corner and listened to the sounds coming from the kitchen.

"Another fifteen minutes and it should be heated, okay?" Jessie looked up to see Erik standing in front of her.

"You're just too good to me, you know that?"

"Never," he said as she slid over so he could sit with her. "There's nothing I wouldn't do for you, Jessie. I know that sounds cliché, but it's true. A year ago, I thought my life couldn't get any better. You showed me I was wrong."

"Oh Erik, everything is so perfect. You make me happy in so many ways."

He drew her close to his body and kissed her forehead. "I'm sorry you didn't feel well tonight, honey. Is there something I can do to make you forget it?"

"Just hold me, baby," she whispered.

"I have an idea," he murmured a minute later. "Why don't you sit up first for me?"

Jessie groaned but did as he said. Erik moved a bit before he spoke again.

"Baby, did I tell you I went shopping today?"

"How ... what does that have to do with my headache?"

"Well, you might be interested in what I bought is all," he replied.

"Sure," Jessie said as she turned to face him.

Erik waited for her to notice the small box in his hand. He'd worked it out of his pocket as they talked without it catching her attention. Her eyes seemed to pop out of her head the second she saw it.

"Oh my god, Erik," she murmured.

"Honey, I love you more than I ever imagined was possible. I feel incomplete when I'm not with you. More than anything on earth, I hope you'll agree to be my wife. Jessie Marie Trabert, will you marry me?"

The diamond glittered and sparkled in the light when he opened the tiny lid. Her gasp gave him hope that she approved.

"It's fabulous! Oh Erik, yes, yes I'll marry you!"

Shaking hands worked the ring from its velvet bed and slid it onto her finger. "I love you, Jessie."

Their lips met in a sweet kiss just as the buzzer went off in the kitchen. Both laughed at the awkward reminder that their dinner was ready. Erik pulled the dishes from the oven and flipped the knob to off just in time to see Jessie motioning to him.

"Honey, I thought of what you can do to help with that headache." She reached out for his hand with her own as she spoke.

Together they made their way to her bedroom where they spent the next few hours letting their bodies speak of their love for each other. Much later as they lay tangled together in the sheets, Jessie held her hand up in front of them.

"Baby, I love this ring. It's so gorgeous."

"You can thank Seth," Erik said and grinned.

Jessie gave him a questioning look. "How do you mean?"

"He recommended his jeweler, is all."

"Well, it's obvious the man has good taste. You've seen what he gave Gabriela."

Erik wasn't sure how to interpret her statement so didn't answer. Rumors at work were that Seth paid over seventy thousand dollars for her ring.

"If I had to choose a ring for myself, this is it. It's me," she stated with a nod as she turned her hand back and forth.

"You really like it?" Erik's question came out in an uncertain tone.

"I love it. It's exquisite."

"But, it's nothing like Gabriela's ..."

Jessie put her hand down and stared at Erik. "I'm not her and I don't want her ring. You chose this," she said and pointed to her ring, "for me from you. It symbolizes us, Erik, the union to come between you and me. We are our own couple, not a part of them. Seth and Gabriela are older and he can afford to give her expensive things. You and I have other things to consider in our future."

Her words brought a smile to his face. "I hope you don't want a long engagement so we can start on that future right away."

"How about three months?"

"It's a deal."

"Oh my god Erik, this is for real right? I'm not hallucinating or anything ..."

Her words came out so soft he could barely hear them. It was almost as if she spoke in a normal voice it would change everything.

"Look at me and tell me what you see."

His blue eyes said it all. Jessie saw herself in them as Erik did at that moment. She read the words in them that told her just how he felt. One lone tear slipped down her cheek at the intensity of the moment.

"We're right together, Erik."

"Yes, we are."

He held her close while each let their imaginations run. Neither gave another thought to the dinner still waiting in the kitchen.

They woke the next morning filled with excitement. Jessie was glad it was the weekend so she didn't have to go in to work. Erik called Seth who took over the open house he had scheduled that afternoon. That left them with the entire day to themselves.

"We need to tell my dad, Erik."

"Today is ours. Let's go see him next weekend and I'll talk to him then. Knowing I'm committing myself to you for life might make him accept me."

Jessie understood the wisdom in what he said but felt a bit of sadness too. Erik saw the expression change on her face and had an idea why.

"You're thinking of your mom, aren't you?"

"She'd love you, Erik. I remember talking to her about my wedding one day when I was about thirteen. We sat at the kitchen table with one of her magazines that had a section on brides. She smiled at me and said none of them was as beautiful as what mine would be someday. Then she told me about her dream."