The Farmer's Daughter


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"Her dream was of your wedding, wasn't it?" Erik asked.

He watched Jessie close as she went on. "Mamma said there was candlelight and roses everywhere. The wedding was in the little country chapel she'd gone to for years. It was at night so the stars twinkled above. I swear I could see it from the way she described it. She promised me she'd be with me on my wedding day."

"She'll be there, baby, watching over you, smiling and proud."

"I love you, Erik. Thank you for that."

"Let's get married in the old chapel, just like in your mom's dream."

"Are you serious? You'd do that for me?" Jessie asked with surprise.

"I think it's perfect. Unless you don't want to, then we can find somewhere else."

"There is nowhere I'd rather be when I become your wife."

They spent the day doing nothing more than being together. Erik's parents were both gone and he didn't have any siblings so they didn't have many family members between them. He hoped Seth would be his best man for the wedding.

The days flew for the couple. Erik talked to Seth on Sunday and he agreed to be his best man. Jessie asked Gabriela for advice and soon the two were on the telephone daily. Then it was Saturday morning and they were on the way to see her father. Jessie had called him during the week so she knew he would be home. Ralph just didn't know the reason for the trip.

Jessie didn't get out right away when Erik pulled into the driveway at the old farm. In her mind, she saw the ambulance and police cars parked across the lawn. Erik was right though, her mom would be watching her on their wedding day.

"It will be fine, honey. I'll talk to him first," Erik said.

"I love you, Erik."

They walked together to the house to find it empty. Jessie found something to drink and went out onto the front porch. Erik followed the path to old barn and slid the door open. He saw Ralph with one of the cows in a stall near the front.

"Hello, Mr. Trabert. Jessie's up at the house. I wanted to talk to you alone first," Erik stated.

Ralph continued his work with the animal without acknowledging Erik.

"Is this how your wife would have wanted you to treat your son-in-law to be?"

Erik said the words in a calm and firm voice. He noticed the way the older man's hands stopped moving even though he still didn't speak.

"Jessie accepted my proposal, Mr. Trabert. I want her to be mine forever, to share my name and maybe some day to have my babies. You don't approve of me and I'm sorry for that. But it isn't going to change the fact that I love your daughter with all my heart."

He waited for a reply yet knew he wouldn't get one. Instead, Ralph turned back to the cow and resumed his work. Erik wished he could find the right words. Shaking his head, he went back up the path to his fiancée.

"Erik?" Jessie jumped up from the swing and met him at the bottom of the steps.

"I'm sorry, Jessie. He didn't even speak to me."

She hugged him close with tears in her eyes. Disappointment in her father filled her head.

"Take me home, Erik."

"You didn't even see your father yet."

"I'll call him later," she said.

Erik nodded and within minutes, they were back on the road. Ralph stood in the shadows of the barn door with a heavy heart. He was losing his baby to the city boy with long hair. If only Agnes had lived, he thought. She would be able to help him deal with it.

That night, Erik held Jessie while she cried herself to sleep. He didn't plan to ever let her go, regardless of her father's feelings.

Jessie thought three months would give her plenty time. She was wrong. It wasn't that she took forever to choose what she wanted, either. There was just so much to do. Erik convinced her to take a few days off work to shop. She took Gabriela with her to look for the dress of her dreams. They found it at the first bridal boutique.

The strapless beaded bodice was both elegant and classy in its beauty. Matching beadwork at the hem made Jessie think of nature in the way it resembled vines and leaves. She envisioned it with the roses in the old chapel and knew it was the right one. Gabriela agreed and Jessie crossed the first item off her shopping list. Then she turned to the woman with her and grinned.

"You know Seth is going to be Erik's best man," Jessie said.

"Yes and he's already got his speech ready for the reception."

"Well, that doesn't help me, though. You see, I'm lacking a maid of honor and I just thought you might ..."

"Are you asking me?" Gabriela asked.

"I'd love it if you would."

"Of course I will, Jessie. You know what that means though, right?"

"Well, I'm not sure," Jessie replied.

"I get a new dress, too." Gabriela grinned and spun in a circle as if modeling for Jessie.

They laughed then began talking about a style that would work for Gabriela and still fit the image Jessie had in her head. Even though they were in Florida, she didn't want anything pastel or summery for their December wedding. They decided to leave the color open as they browsed for a while. It didn't take long before Jessie gasped and pointed at a mannequin in the corner.

"That color would look divine on you. Imagine it in the old chapel at night. If you held white roses and I had mine dyed to match this dress ..."

"With the men in tuxedos it will be breathtaking, Jessie."

Gabriela talked to the associate standing by to help them. She showed her to a fitting room then brought the gown in the correct size to her. Jessie paced until the door opened and Gabriela stepped out.

"I knew it. Did you see what that color does for your eyes?"

"You have great taste, Jessie. Not only does the style suit me but it also goes with your dress almost as if they're a set. Look at the beaded appliqué design on the skirt. There are even beads on the spaghetti straps and at the neckline. I think the color does it, though. This emerald green is stunning."

Jessie took care of the transaction and Gabriela changed into her own clothing. Both women decided it was time for lunch before they did any more shopping. They found a popular restaurant just a few miles away with a huge buffet and filled their plates with a variety of the tantalizing delights. Their discussion covered everything from the reception menu and seating to guesses where the honeymoon would be and the wedding vows.

"Your vows made me cry, Gabriela," Jessie said.

"I wrote them from my heart. There's nothing wrong with traditional vows, Jessie. I knew that Seth and I had a unique relationship so I needed to convey that to him. Nothing from the way we met to his overseas mission and injury followed how a normal couple began. It seemed fitting then that I started our marriage with something a bit out of the ordinary as well."

"My mom told me that in her dream the minister performed the old fashioned ceremony. Erik and I are going with that."

"You two have a normal relationship, Jessie. The dating, falling in love, proposal and wedding all fall in line. Your wedding wouldn't be right any other way, in my opinion."

The women finished their lunch and checked the list before driving across town to the florist. Now that Jessie knew the color she needed for her flowers, it didn't take her long to choose what she wanted. A vivid image of the little chapel with roses everywhere popped into her head. She knew it was what her mother saw in her dream so many years ago and smiled. They crossed it off their list and took off to look at cakes.

They scanned the books but nothing appealed to Jessie. She tried to explain the decoration on a cake she'd seen in a magazine but didn't seem to be having any luck. Gabriela walked over to a rack that held photos of distinct and unusual cakes and started to browse.

"Jessie, look at this." She pointed to a colorful photo at the top as she spoke.

"That's it, but with a bit more of the green from your dress, Gabriela."

They studied the picture of the three-tiered cake in a fondant finish with sugar roses, leaves and lily of the valley cascading down the side. Jessie took care of the order and soon they were off to hunt for shoes.

"I don't know why people need a year to plan their wedding. Look at the progress I made already today." Jessie held her paper up with all the lines scratched through and grinned.

"You're a lot like me, Jessie. The picture is in your head of what you want. It isn't difficult to say no if you don't care for what somebody is showing you. Many women struggle with that word and take forever making a decision so they don't hurt someone's feelings. This is your wedding and it's up to you to choose, not them. I'm proud of what you've done today."

"Thank you, Gabriela," Jessie said. "Being compared to you is an honor. I can see why Seth is so crazy about you."

Gabriela laughed and whispered. "Don't tell him but it's mutual."

They shopped until the stores were closing and their feet burned. Jessie was anxious to tell Erik about her accomplishments of the day as well. She drove out to the country to drop Gabriela off and parked in the driveway.

"Jessie, we haven't talked about your father, but I know there have been some issues with him and Erik. Have you and your father worked this out?"

"He won't give him a chance, even. I've tried but he's so stubborn he won't listen to me. Erik and I discussed it and decided that we can't let it ruin our future. We want him to be a part of our lives, especially when we have children, but I'm sorry if he can't see that Erik and I love each other. When Erik told him he proposed daddy never said a word to him."

"I've never been to a wedding held at night. From your description the chapel is beautiful too," Gabriela replied.

"It looks like it's about ready to fall down, but it's gorgeous. Erik loved it."

"He'd love a shack as long as he was marrying you. Now you go home and talk to your man, Jessie. I'm going inside and giving my husband a big hug. Thanks for asking me to go with you. I had a great time."

Jessie watched as the older woman jogged into the big house and drove away. Her thoughts turned to her fiancée a few seconds later.

Erik sat in his apartment and looked at the clock. He'd gone to the gym and pounded the punching bag until he had no energy left. Jessie's father hadn't relented on the way he treated Erik even knowing their wedding was only weeks away. His only hope was that in time Ralph would see how devoted the young couple was to each other and stop hating him.

The ringing of the phone startled him. "Hello."

"Did you miss me?"

"Oh honey, you have no idea," Erik said. "How was your day?"

"You won't believe it, Erik. We only stopped because the stores closed but my list is almost done."

She went on to give him a brief outline of all they'd accomplished and the few things she had to deal with yet the following day. He longed to hold her but heard her yawning and knew she needed her sleep.

"Call me in the morning when you can?" she asked just before they hung up.

"You know I will, baby. Get some rest now. I love you Jessie."

The click of the phone was his only reply. Erik grinned as he pictured her curled up on top of her bed in her clothes. He sipped the last of the wine he held before going to bed himself. It took him longer to fall asleep as he still thought about her father.

It was almost noon before he found time to call Jessie. An appointment with clients ran late and the morning was soon gone. Erik closed his office door when he was finally alone and dialed her number.

"I'm sorry," he said instead of a greeting.

"Erik, what's wrong?"

"It's been crazy and I wanted to talk to you earlier, but ..."

She chuckled before answering. "I understand, so don't worry. Did you look at the calendar today?"

"It's the ninth of December, yes."

Her exaggerated sigh came through the lines just as he realized what he'd said. "Two weeks from today, isn't it?"

Jessie laughed at how he'd caught himself. "Can you believe it? In fourteen days I will be Mrs. Corlett."

"In fourteen days, Mr. Corlett will be whisking his new bride away for a week."

"Oh, I love the sounds of that, but you realize I should know where we're going to pack the right things," Jessie said in a teasing voice. She knew he was firm in keeping their honeymoon destination a secret from her.

"It's taken care of already. You just show up for the wedding looking beautiful and leave the rest to me."

Unknown to Jessie, Erik had recruited Gabriela to pick up a few things for her and pack them. Gabriela had taken note of sizes the day she'd gone shopping with Jessie for her wedding dress. He'd already shipped the bags to the hotel they were staying at so they had less to deal with at the airports. Seth had suggested the idea when they'd discussed honeymoon destinations one afternoon.

Erik found the man to be a wealth of information. He'd even given him the name of his travel agent and called himself to be sure they knew Erik was a friend of his. Susie made time in her schedule to see Erik right away and they'd found just the package he wanted. He left her to finish the details and headed back to the office. The trip was so much cheaper than he'd expected, he told Seth later. His boss nodded and confirmed that Susie was the best at hunting bargains. Erik never knew about the quick call that Seth made or that his friend once again helped him out.

Jessie had called her father a few weeks ago and told him they were getting married in the old chapel near him. He hadn't responded but she talked about some of their plans each time they spoke. She wanted to include him even if he was being stubborn.

The young couple was meeting with the minister the week before the wedding. Erik was hoping that Jessie's father would be ready to accept him into the family.

"Daddy, we'll be there early tomorrow so we can talk to the minister. Erik and I will come by to see you afterward okay?"

"I reckon I'll be here, Jessie."

They both liked the Rev. Ted Hewes. He always seemed to be smiling and his green eyes twinkled. A rotund man of indeterminate age, Jessie thought all he needed was a beard and he could be Santa Claus. With their wedding so close to Christmas, he just seemed to be appropriate for it. He greeted them at the chapel and talked to them about the rehearsal coming up the following week. Jessie wandered down the aisle and ran through a mental list to be sure she didn't forget anything.

"Erik, I didn't get anyone to play the piano, what am I going to do," she called out across the benches.

"One of the ladies from our church might be available if you'd like me to call her. She does a fine job in my opinion," Rev. Hewes said.

"Will you please? It's too late for me to find anyone from town," Jessie replied.

"I'll call her as soon as I get back home and let you know her answer."

With that settled, Jessie and Erik went on to see her father. They found him in the barn as always where he continued to work as she talked about the wedding plans.

"Daddy, my wedding is only a week away. Whether you like it or not, Erik will be my husband. I love him, Dad."

"Mr. Trabert, Jessie is a special woman. She's beautiful, smart, funny, caring, sensitive and so much more. When I met her, I knew she wasn't just another girl in the world. Each piece that I learned about Jessie made me fall deeper in love with her.

"Do you remember the reasons you married your wife, Mr. Trabert? What if someone tried to stop you but never said why? What would you have done? Think of all the years of happiness you would have missed if you followed their wish. Can you honestly tell me that I should walk away from your daughter because you don't like me?"

Jessie felt the passion in Erik's words and reached for his hand. They stood together and waited for her father to reply. Ralph's only reaction was to move a few feet away and scoop more feed into the waiting bucket.

"Let's go home, Jessie." Erik's words seemed to echo in the barn.

"This isn't right, Daddy, and you know it."

Jessie held her head high as she left the barn with Erik. She never shed a tear until they walked into her apartment hours later. He held her tight as she let all the hurt out and wished once more that he could change the man's mind.

Rehearsal was set for Friday evening. Seth and Gabriela followed the couple to the old chapel. Rev. Hewes met them there and soon they all were taking their places.

"Jessie, after Gabriela has gone down the aisle, your father will bring you up to where Erik is waiting."

"I'm not sure he'll be here," Jessie said.

"Then we'll improvise." Seth walked up to her and put his arm on her shoulder. "If you need me, I'll be here to take his place, Jessie."

"You'd do that for me?" she asked.

"Yes, for both of you," he replied.

They went through the rest of the rehearsal without any more problems. Erik had reserved rooms for them at a local hotel because of the distance. Gabriela reminded him that she and Jessie needed all of Saturday to get ready anyway. The group went to dinner where Seth toasted the soon to be married couple. When the women began to yawn, they decided to call it a night. Holding to custom, Jessie and Erik weren't spending the night together. Instead, he roomed with Seth and she shared with Gabriela.

The sun was shining when Jessie woke up. She jumped out of bed and woke Gabriela. They had an appointment at the hotel salon to get their nails and hair done. A late afternoon lunch in their room let them relax a bit before it was time to begin dressing. Erik had rented limos to take them to the chapel so no one had to worry about driving.

Jessie stood in her slip and stared at her dress. "He'll be there, won't he Gabriela?"

"You're his daughter. He might be struggling with Erik for his own personal reasons but he loves you. Your father will be there to walk you down the aisle, you'll see."

Gabriela hugged the young girl for reassurance. She just hoped she was right.

"Thank you for everything you've done for me. I couldn't have gotten this all put together without you," Jessie said.

"You're welcome, Jessie. It was fun. Now, let's get you into your dress before you're late to your own wedding."

Jessie looked in the mirror and gasped. Gabriela stood next to her and smiled.

"We'll knock their socks off, Gabriela."

"I told you that you have great taste," the older woman replied.

"Of course I do."

They laughed and gathered the last of what they needed. Gabriela locked the door and they slipped into the elevator. Just as promised, the limo waited out front for them.

Standing in the little chapel, Erik fidgeted with his tie. Seth grinned at how nervous the otherwise calm young man was.

"She'll be here, Erik. There's plenty time yet."

"Did you feel this way, Seth?"

"If you mean did I feel anxious for the ceremony, yes. I wanted to make her mine, in every way."

"Do you think her father will show up, Seth?"

"Yes, I do. I really do, Erik."

The men stood silent for a few minutes, each lost in thought. Seth was thinking of his own wedding from just months ago while Erik was imagining what Jessie would look like in her dress.

"Gentlemen, it's time to take your places," Rev. Hewes said as he joined them several minutes later.

Erik heard the piano music began and felt his heart race. This was it. Jessie was soon to become his wife. He shook Seth's hand and the two men walked to their assigned spots in the front of the small chapel.

White roses adorned the end of each bench. Candlelight gave an intimate feel to the faded walls. Emerald green and white roses filled crystal vases lined up everywhere. The music changed and Gabriela appeared in the back. Seth felt the impact of her beauty deep in his gut as she made her way across the warped floor. She smiled at him and his world tipped.