The First Time


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I thought about passing through the thin slice of woods to the road - not the dirt road that cut through the park, but the actual road - and walking down the middle of it, where anybody who came along would be sure to spot me. I fantasized about going over to the houses I faced, of climbing over their fences and striking provocative poses in their yards, of pressing myself against the cool metal or plastic of their doors, peeking in the windows... especially the one house that still had a light on. It was dim and inconstant, like a TV. I didn't worry overmuch that that person had any better a chance of seeing me than anyone else though; because of their light, any chance glance out the window wouldn't have offered much, and their attention would've been focused elsewhere anyway. If anything, it just made things more exciting, feeling like there was that little bit of extra risk.

I settled for staying in the playground though. I figured as long as I remained nude and as exposed as the park left me, it wouldn't matter if I got off the swing early, so I slowed myself and slid off. Looking down at the seat, I found that I'd left a streak of wetness where I'd been sitting. Mortified, I tried to wipe it off, succeeding in getting most of it up, but smearing the last vestiges of it all around. Abandoning the attempt when it became clear I wouldn't get it all off, I wandered over the the jungle gym: what basically amounted to a large, cylindrical cage of steel bars wide enough apart to climb through, with a pole in the center and a few connecting bars spiraling at different heights at the top. Taking another look around, mostly toward the boys, I climbed up to the top, walked along the second highest bar, using the highest to keep my balance, to put myself near the center pole, then pulled myself up to sit atop the highest point. It was so much colder on my ass than the swing had been! And while a little further away from the houses than I had been on the swing, I felt even more exposed. The slight elevation made the wind stronger; more icy fingers caressing my bare skin all over. And again, my feet made taking cover impossible to manage quickly. If somebody happened along, I wouldn't be able to just drop down and run off, nor could I just slide down the center pole with the spiraling bars in the way. I'd have to either swing down to each of the bars below me and then slide down the pole, or I'd have to shimmy along to the other end of the bar I sat on and climb down to the ground. Either way would still leave me inside the cage. I'd have to slip out between the lower bars before I could even start towards gaining any cover.

I pulled one leg up and swung it over the other side of the bar, straddling it, pressing my dripping cunt fully to the cold metal. And holy fuck it was freezing! And so stimulating! I couldn't help but to give a small cry at the sensation; the mere touch of the ice-like bar nearly made me come. I soon found I was rubbing myself against the metal, but with the shock past, it didn't do anything more for me. Other than the knowledge that I was making things worse for myself if somebody came along; in addition to all I'd just pointed out, now I'd have to lift my leg up and swing it around to the other one, which would give any potential passerby a great look between my widespread legs.

Nobody did show up though. Needing something else to titillate me, I opted for the slower climb down the side of the cage, reveling in the momentary vulnerability it offered. Next I made my way to the spring-ride (you know, usually a horse or a motorcycle or other such thing, with a seat and handles, all affixed to a big spring that lets you rock back and forth), playing with my hard tits in one hand, and lightly teasing my oh-so-wet clit with the other. Keeping watch on our tent -easily visible from my new position- whenever I could keep my eyes open, I sat on the nearest one, pressing my soaking twat to the nearest point that gave me the contact I needed, and started rocking. After all the build-up, it felt so amazing to have a more... tangible? stimulant... the rocking motion, the full contact with a surface I was unused to having grinding to my pussy... I moaned and whined, and came too soon. I still needed more. I released one of the handles, which meant I couldn't rock as hard, but it was okay. I put my newly-freed fingers to work, playing with my clit, slipping up inside me as I continued to mash however much of my cunt as I could to the rocking seat.

It was so hard to keep quiet. I was terrified that the boys might hear me. And yet, the prospect that they might only further aroused me. I imagined that they would hear me gasping and moaning and crying out little sex noises and come to investigate -maybe thinking something was wrong, maybe knowing exactly what they would find- and coming upon me, seeing me, without a stitch of clothing: totally exposed... utterly, gloriously naked, sitting on a little rocking horse and masturbating to the motion. I pushed my fingers in deeper, moving them and my hips in cadence with my mount. I soon surrendered my hold on the remaining handle, further slowing the rocking, but instead running my free hand over my body, groping my own ass and caressing, squeezing, pinching my breasts, and putting my legs into the motion as I rocked my hips atop my other set of fingers.

Now I imagined that the boys were right there, watching me as I fingered myself. They were close, wouldn't miss anything, but I didn't care. I let them watch. I didn't cover myself, didn't slow, didn't stop. They watched my breasts bounce up and down, saw every motion as I groped myself, witnessed my most private of places as I showed it to them, my fingers spreading my soaking wet twat and thrusting in again and again; my come dripping onto the seat, on my hand, running down my bare, spread thighs... let them see my face in my intimate expressions of ecstasy, as I'd bite my lip and gasp and moan in embarrassment and pleasure. I'd rise on the little horse's stirrups, legs still spread and give a full view of my cunt as I came, let them watch as the muscles in my vulva contract, as the new come flows out. I'd hold my lips open as I continued playing with myself, screaming as I came... Caring not at all as they begin to touch me, groping my ass, stopping the bounce of my breasts to squeeze them, to pull on my so-hard nipples, reaching fingers between my legs to feel the wetness I've smeared all over myself, drawing up the inside of my thigh to touch my heaving pussy...

I came again.

I couldn't keep myself from making any noise, but I did manage to keep quiet enough that nobody would have heard me. My orgasm peaked and I stopped playing with myself. I looked back to the tent and found to my relief that nobody was in sight. It felt like I'd been out there so long, my time had to have been up. I got off the springy-horse and started making my way back. No longer lost in the grip of lust, my embarrassment came rushing back. I crossed my arms over my privates again as I passed out of the playground, sheepishly wondering how long I'd been out there, and whether or not the boys had tried to signal me to come back. Had they tried and given up when I didn't answer? Were they so entertained at the thought that I was out there nude that they would just leave it to me to stay out there for however long I would? Or maybe they were watching and had been enjoying the show too much to stop me? At that last thought, I scanned Mick's property line more carefully, trying to spot any hiding peeping-toms, but still couldn't make anybody out.

I started out across the ballfield. Once I'd passed several steps into the grass, I sat down in it, the freezing moisture of the dew bringing the redness back to my skin. I spread my legs beneath me as best I could and wiggled my hips around, doing what little I could to wipe away my come. I rid myself of some of it, though not all, and had to pick off a few pieces of grass. But I felt better for it.

As I started moving again, I kept finding my attention drawn to the top of the road, to the point where it left the residential street and entered the park. At first I thought it was just caution, keeping an eye out there to make sure nobody made a sudden appearance. But then I found that warmth returning within my chest, between my legs, and I started veering toward it. I was no longer covering myself so much as touching myself again. Feeling suddenly audacious, I dropped my arms away from myself and, keeping to the grass to avoid stepping on sharp stones, I started jogging along the side of the dirt road, headed for the regular street. I was in full view of Mick's house, as well as his neighbor's across the way, approaching them from the most outlying route. I hunkered down a bit as I ran, trying to make myself smaller and thus more difficult to see, but doing nothing to obscure my breasts bouncing with each stride, or my bared loins. I made it to the edge of the park without incident, and slowed to pick my way over the few rocks that separated me from the asphalt street. There were no streetlamps to light me up, but I could see the whole length of the road until it bent out of sight fifteen-to-twenty houses down, and every house in between. And felt like their inhabitants could see me. I knew it wasn't true, but still felt myself getting moist again at the thought. I took a few steps down the road, looking to the nearest houses as I watched for people. There was nobody on this side of Mick's house, no lights on. Same for the neighbor across the street, and the next house down. As Mick's front lawn came into view though, I found the boys wandering around, talking quietly among themselves.

My heart leapt into my throat, and I ducked back out of sight, waiting, listening, making sure I hadn't been caught. They hadn't seemed to, but before I could feel any relief from that, I noticed they were headed in my direction. Still in a panic, I left my hiding spot behind Mick's parents' cars, leaping over the stones at the side of the road as best I could, ignoring the pain that welled up from those I didn't clear, and ran back around the other side of the house to the tent, finding the pile of my clothes unguarded. I picked out my panties and practically jumped into them, cringing a bit as they immediately plastered to my wetness and were soaked through. Hearing the boys approaching again, I hurriedly grabbed my pants and threw myself into them, wanting to hide the state of my legs and groin from them. I fumbled a bit in my haste, but still managed to get them on quickly, and was just pulling my top into place as the guys rounded the corner. My return prompted a round of quiet applause, a low wolf-whistle, and a lament that they hadn't arrived in time to watch me dress. Then I was asked what took me so long. Apparently they'd tried to signal me a few different times, but I hadn't noticed. I flushed again and broke out into a momentary cold sweat, thinking they somehow knew what I'd been up to. I managed to stammer out that I'd been too busy watching the other houses to make sure nobody was watching me. I nearly cringed as I watched their faces, waiting for them to share a knowing expression to give them away, but they seemed satisfied with my answer. My heart finally stopped racing. But the night wasn't over yet.

I can only recall one last dare. And again, I don't remember who put it forward. It was quite the unique one, in that it was a communal dare; we all had to do it, and at the same time. It required all four of us to lower our pants and sneak through several of the neighboring properties. It was decided that each of us would take turns leading the way through two lawns, front and back, before the next person would take over. We'd go over four, cross the street, and loop back around. I was elected to take the first lead.

So I shoved my pants back down, and the others followed suit. I took the lead, hoping that I'd dried enough that the boys wouldn't be able to tell how wet I'd been earlier, or be able to smell it on me. I crossed the first yard, bent over, as it made walking easier with my pants around my knees. It also brought my blush back, sticking my butt out with the guys right behind me. Especially when the excited whispers started. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but I knew their eyes were locked on my ass, could almost feel them reaching out and pretending to grab me, making other such immature gestures with lewd grins plastered on their faces.

Halfway through my turn, one of them built up the nerve to give my butt a little slap. I turned and gave him such a bewildered glare (as if saying "Did you really just fucking do that?!" without having to have actually spoken) that he immediately retreated to the back of the group. He looked sufficiently cowed that I left it at that. We continued on.

Just before we finished the next length of lawn, I felt a finger hook over and under the waistband of my panties, pressing into the top of my buttcrack. It started to tug, and I yelped and jumped in surprise, trying to quickly get away. I realized I'd only made things worse for myself as I felt the fabric pulled down, the whole of my ass hanging out the back, slipping out to say hello to the three boys who were already staring at it. I was just happy I'd no longer been bent over by that point. I was pretty sure they'd only see my buttcheeks, and not anything else. I hoped not, at least. I immediately pulled my underwear back up.

They seemed quite pleased with themselves, snickering and high-fiving, one of them giving another low wolf-whistle; until I whirled around and they saw the rage on my face. I yanked my pants back up, now able to swiftly cross the short distance to the retreating Jerry, who had been the one right behind me, and I punched him in the gut -opting for that since his lowered pants would've got in the way of a kick in the jewels. He doubled over and cradled his stomach, groaning apologies. They all promised it wouldn't happen again, and said I wouldn't have to finish my turn in the lead if I didn't stay mad and quit. I made a show of grudgingly agreeing, and we continued, the boys taking the lead.

Secretly, I was turned on again. The warmth had been slowly returning as I'd felt the others staring at me, bent over in my underwear. And now, for the first time, somebody had seen my bare ass.

Hanging in the back where they wouldn't see me, I peeled my panties down. At first just letting my ass out, but soon I got bolder and pushed them down to hide in my pants, letting my hands, reaching down to hold my pants at knee height, hide my cunt from the boys' view. I moistened again at the notion that I was bent over, slinking through peoples' lawns, sticking out my bare ass where anybody awake could look out a window and see. Or that the guys could turn and look at me, and might notice my bare hips. I let a hand rise up between my legs and started massaging myself as we walked, biting my lip to keep from moaning. I was so hot. I wanted to peel off the rest of my clothes, or at the very least let my tits out. I looked down, and they were pretty close already. My top wasn't all that low-cut, but bending over gave me more cleavage than I was used to at the time. I just had to shift my shoulders just so, and one of the thin straps of my top -already somewhat out of place since my posture wasn't letting it bear the weight of my shirt- slipped off my shoulder and exposed a little more of me. From my vantage point, I could see down my shirt, see just the edge of my areola peeking out of the fabric. I puffed out my chest, letting just a bit more slip out, but my nipple caught on the hem and wouldn't make an appearance. Just as well, I would've been too afraid of somebody turning back and seeing anyway.

I intermittently fixed my top and pulled my panties back up so I could mess with the guys. I'd creep forward and yank on somebody's underwear, or give them a swift smack where he'd be weirded out thinking it was the next guy back, as I'd quickly dart back to my spot in the procession. Then when nobody was watching, I'd resume playing with myself in the back of the group, inflamed at the thought that they had no idea I was exposing myself and masturbating right in their midst. Before we'd made it to the last turn, I pulled my panties back up and came into them, so to have less to drip down my legs as we moved. Lucky thing I did too, because I let out a soft whimper as I climaxed, and Mick heard it. He turned and asked if I'd heard that, apparently not realizing it was me. I shot my hand back down to my pants, and pretended I hadn't heard anything.

We passed a few more houses, sometimes stopping to peek into an open window when we came across one. There was one, the boys maintained that somebody was having sex. I looked, but couldn't see anything. Then a light filled the room, and we all raced off as best we could with pants still around our knees.

Pretty soon after that (if that wasn't our final dare... as I said, I don't remember anymore) we got bored again and finally retired to the tent to sleep away what was left of the night.


So that was my first experience with public nudity. I'd never felt anything like it before, and it was SO exhilarating. It was something I'd revisit for years to come. So if you liked what you read, you should revisit me too, and get the next story. ;) See you soon.

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DocTemplarDocTemplar3 months ago

Yes! A fun, exciting story. It reminds me of my teenage years. What I wouldn't give to have those experiences again, and use the time to do more and push more boundaries. Great writing. I can't wait to read the next two stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Being naked outside for the first time is such a rush!!! Great story looking forward to more!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
If I was a girl, I'd wanna be you

I've read a lot of stories on here but yours hit home. Although being a 50+ male, I've had fantasies about being a girl your age and doing exactly what you did. It was such a thrill to be able live out my fantasies through your story. I can't wait to read your other stories and I hope you keep writing. Thank you for sharing with us.

ErosMuseErosMuseover 8 years agoAuthor

Wannabe: I enjoyed our chat too. Feel free to drop me another email anytime. :)

I know, I know. I'm working on my next one. ...Two, actually. I tried submitting another one around a month or so ago, but it was rejected. :\ Needs some editing to get it approved. Between submitting that one and getting the answer back, I started on my next one, but it's ending up much longer than I'd anticipated, and I've not been finding myself in much of a mood to write lately. But I do have two works in progress, and they'll be submitted as soon as I finish. :)

Ohh, so you've been repeatedly reading about me, hm? Good to know my stories get that much interest. ;)


It was nice chatting with you privately a couple of months ago. I just want to say it's about time to add a new story. (I've read these two several times already!!)


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