The Floating World Pt. 09: Juliette


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Adam tied her, and Juliette found she could move her body back an inch or two, so she could push against a fuck or clench one into her. Her forearms too, were loose enough so her upper body could move a little, but not much. A silly made up rhyme jumped into her head, "I can give a little, take a little, and I'm somewhere in between."

"Not too tight, Juliette?" Adam checked.

"Mmmm, nice and tight."

He came around in front of her and dropped into a crouch, his thick cock standing high, urgent for her. He studied Juliette's face, but her eyes looked down at his sex, looking down.

"You're a good girl, Juliette."

Juliette began to moan softly, from the back of her throat. Her fingers reached out to touch him, but he was just out of her reach, and she saw his cock bounce at her movement. She let go of nothing, and her body slumped onto the saddle.

He caressed her hair, standing in front of her so she could see the colour of his arousal, and then he moved away, stepping beside her. Juliette closed her eyes, and her senses heightened, and her limbs went loose. She felt his hands on her hanging breasts, both his hands, and he twisted and turned her flesh, pulling her tits down, stretching her nipples, squeezing her flesh into a delicious, delicate hurt. Her breasts ached and the sensation in her nipples expanded until they felt huge, and were everything...

... then nothing at all, when Adam left them alone, didn't touch them. Then, slap, a thick slap, twice quickly, and her nipples ached and burned with a sharper pain, more delicious, where he'd slapped her. She heard Madelyn hiss with sharp pleasure, then her own cry took over, "Ohh, yesss..."

Adam was deliberate and methodical. He went over her limbs, her left arm first then her right, finding the flesh where her muscle would burn when he smacked her, filling her with heat until her body burned. At first he was slow and gentle, easing Juliette into the caress of her pain slowly, then faster, listening to her breath, slowing her down as he smacked her harder.

Her thighs were a different touch, her muscles stronger, more used to burning from long rides in the hills, fast sprints on the track, so he used a cupped open hand to smack her, covering more flesh each time. Juliette burned inside, and her nipples thickened and her clitoris spread, and her cunt opened wide and she felt so warm and Juliette began to drift and sigh. Adam moved up to the full round flesh of her backside, smacking her harder on those beautiful curves, on her blooming red heat and hurt. Juliette craved for the pain, wanting more, wanting it harder. She cried out in soft delirium.

"Ohh, my baby, you're such a lovely girl, you're my sweet, sweet girl." Adam's voice became a lullaby, singing softly to her as she swayed and began to float, safe and warm in Adam's hands, and Juliette drifted away, away, Juliette drifted away, oh such delicious pain, until her sweet pleasure broke through and Juliette didn't hurt any more.

Adam stood in front of her again, and Juliette opened her mouth for him, taking the head of his cock into her. He didn't thrust, he didn't move, and all Juliette wanted to do was taste him, savour his heat, feel his love. She held him in her mouth with her lips, and her tongue tasted the musky darkness of him, and her only coherent thought was of Bonnard; if he could bottle it she'd wear his perfume every day. "Every day, my love," she whispered. "Every day."

Then Bonnard was gone and Adam was back, slowly fucking her mouth in and out, back and forth until spittle ran from her lips. Juliette gagged as he touched her throat, and instantly she was breath and hot lips as he pulled back and let her swallow. Juliette floated, and in her dream was vaguely aware of her body, Adam and Madelyn wanting to use her for their pleasure while she bathed in her own hot bliss. Adam was hurting her and she was safe and ever so, ever so warm in his hands, where she'd instinctively wanted to be for a long time.

Madelyn came to stand beside Adam, and she whispered, "Juliette, darling, open your eyes, I'm going to fuck you with this." Juliette saw Adam's cock with a dark vein beating, and pressing against it for her to see was a slim, curved dildo, shorter and thinner than Adam's real flesh, made from porcelain just like Madelyn was. It was strapped to Maddy's groin with a simple harness of leather.

Juliette giggled. "It matches your kinky boots."

"Can she do that, baby girl, fuck you with her cock while I watch?" asked Adam, so Juliette knew she was safe. Maddy wouldn't hurt her, not yet.

"I want her to," Juliette murmured, and she'd float between them, Maddy in her kinky boots and Adam with his beautiful cock, and she'd be their girl, just for them. Juliette melted as Maddy slid the dildo smoothly into her. She was so very, very wet, and her delicate body, already burning hot from Adam's hands, pushed against her restraints as Madelyn began to fuck her.

Adam placed himself so that Juliette could take him in her mouth, taking him in as Madelyn thrust, easing off as she pulled back. Juliette couldn't suck, her mouth became an opening for Adam, just as her cunt opened up and was a hole for Maddy's porcelain shaft, and they fucked her to and fro, her body shuddering between them. Above her they kissed, but for Juliette it didn't matter, for they fucked her to and fro and they loved her like that, she could feel it.

Juliette heard a murmuring of voices and drifted in and out of her dream. Madelyn was fucking her harder now, and Juliette thought the woman must be rising into her own pleasure, she wasn't so gentle any more. Adam left the wet of Juliette's mouth and crouched down before her. "Juliette, open your eyes, look at me, let me see you."

So Madelyn fucked her body, while Adam looked after her mind, holding her face in his hands. Juliette liked that, and wondered where her body had gone. Madelyn took the girl hard, the back end of the dildo curved up into her own sex, a ridge of it riding her clitoris, and she fucked the girl's body fiercely to find her pleasure, rising fast.

Juliette remained aware of movement in the room and in her body, but she felt disembodied, as if she were somewhere else, hearing a fuck and wondering where it was. She thought she heard an animal keening, whimpering out loud, and it might have been her, it might have been Maddy, but she didn't know, she didn't care.

She just wanted to ride her horse to Banbury Cross where Johnny could have a new master, and all the walls came tumbling down, and in the garden was a talking egg, and in Maddy's room she scratched the cat's belly, and still she was riding a horse, going faster. Juliette cried out incoherently, and heard Adam talking about colours, but she didn't know why.

She rocked back and forth, riding her horse, and she felt her pussy empty, Madelyn must have gone, all gone away, Maddy had all gone away. Juliette opened her eyes, and saw Adam's eyes gazing at her, so she kept on riding. She heard the snap of a whip and a flash of pain on her thigh, and thought Maddy wanted her to go faster. Juliette cried out so they knew she was in a long tunnel with a bright light at one end, and she was running away from the queen who was chasing her in long red boots, and Madelyn had a lash in her hand, and was whipping Juliette to make her run faster.

Juliette felt a heartbeat every time the crop landed. She felt a throbbing heat on her skin, beating in time with her heart, and there was a sharp sound that somehow seemed connected. She became slowly aware she was moaning and something was hurting too much, and she had to tell Adam about flowers, buttercups and daffodils, oranges and lemons and the bells of Saint Clements, and then she knew she was screaming.

"It's red blood, Adam, it's my red blood. I can't tell her to stop, she won't let me." Juliette cried out, "Maddy, don't hurt me, I'll be a good girl."

"Madelyn, enough, stop now," Adam called out, but Maddy didn't, she kept lashing at the girl with her crop, raising thick welts on her thighs and ass, then blood.

Adam surged to his feet to place himself between Madelyn and the girl, to protect Juliette with his body. He acted without wasting words, nor stopping to reason with Maddy. She had lost her self control; he could see the darkness in her eyes.

"Madelyn, stop," he said again, louder this time, to break through to her; but again Maddy lashed out, this time creasing his back with the crop. "Jesus, fuck, enough," he cried out, hunching his body over Juliette even more, so he took the whip instead of the girl.

"Madelyn Jane, that's enough. Stop." This time, he changed the tone in his voice completely, commanding her to obedience, shocking her into submission. "Madelyn, go to your room, do as you're told. Now." Adam commanded her, and Maddy dropped the whip to the floor. She looked around and saw Adam and Juliette in front of her, Adam facing her, sweat shining on his body. Behind him, she could see Juliette collapsed on the whipping horse, her thighs and back layered with bright red stripes, and on her backside, a single sheen of blood. She'd whipped the girl too hard.

Madelyn looked down at her hands, and slowly unclenched them. She heard Adam's words echo, 'Madelyn Jane, that's enough,' and she knew he'd summonsed her father to make her stop.

"Look after her first," she said quietly, knowing in her heart that Adam would, but hoping he'd care for her too. Madelyn walked from the room, her head still high, her legs going on forever in her magnificent boots. "I'll be in my room."

Adam turned immediately to Juliette, untying her limbs from the horse so she could move when she was able to move. He closely inspected her body without touching her, then crouched down. "Juliette, baby, can you open your eyes, can you see me?"

She slowly opened her eyes and looked into his, seeing Adam's silent depths and his love. Despite her pain, or because of it, he was still aroused, his cock hard. Juliette looked down at his thick arousal, and reached her hand down to it.

"Before it all stops, and I really really hurt, I want you inside me, my love," she whispered. "Will you do that for me, for your little girl?" She swallowed, and winced as she moved. "On the floor, in Madelyn's whipping room? On my knees?"

With Adam's help Juliette slid from the whipping horse and began to crawl across the floor, her back and thighs and beautiful curved bottom a blaze of red, a startling contrast to her white stockings.

"Where are you going, Juliette?" Adam asked, fearing to stop her but watching her every move.

"To rest my head on the little stool, so when you're inside me, I can close my eyes."

"Juliette, my darling, you're not making sense."

"Adam, my love, you're not making love. Can't you see lovely Juliette with her sex in the air, wanting her sweet little pussy all filled?"

She rested her head on the stool, and spread her thighs wide, presenting Adam with her delectable cunt between her pale white thighs. The burning red welts laced around her cheeks and the outside of her legs. Blood beaded from the lash across her cheeks.

"Make love to me, Adam, before the hurting comes back and I'm sad." Juliette looked back at him from under her fringe, and despite her throbbing body, or because of it, she smiled. "Lovely man, you don't have to ask." She sounded stronger. "Remember what I said in the car?"

He went to Juliette, settling down behind her, and he ran one hand down inside one thigh where her skin was smooth and unbroken, two little hollows of flesh next to her lips. Her sex was swollen, aroused, her labia thick and dark with blood. The swirl of her anus was perfect. Adam tentatively put the tip of his finger to it, and Juliette gasped. Her ass pulsed and gripped his finger, but she shook her head, "Not there. In me, Adam, put it in me."

Adam leaned forward and placed the plum red head of his cock at the entrance to her sex. Feeling him there, Juliette pushed back and took him, sliding backwards onto his shaft. She was so wet, and her body so loose from her whipping, the pain still drifting in circles, that she slid back easily.

She winced when the tender flesh of her thighs and ass touched his body, but she kept moving against him. "It's nice, don't stop," but he wasn't moving at all, every movement was hers, taking him in. "Wait," she said, "I'm not right. Bend me over the horse."

She eased herself from him and stood, cupping her hand over her sex to hold the emptiness inside. She limped across to the whipping horse and climbed once more to its saddle. Being unrestrained this time, she was better able to position her body for his access, her legs spread wide, her sex ready for him to fill.

"Fuck me gently, my love, before I really hurt. Put your weight on me."

Adam poised his cock head at her core, and eased himself inside. Juliette cried out like a distant bird calling, and she pushed herself back against him, wanting him inside her.

"Move in me, my love, make me better." Her voice was soft but determined, she was taking him in, easing from pain to pleasure. "Slowly, Adam, don't...

"Ohhh, that's... "

Adam made love to her slowly, careful where he touched her, but she wanted her skin to burn against his. She pushed back against him harder so he'd know she was all right, and to take her. He moved faster as she insisted on her pleasure, and the still room filled with their breathing and the wet slide of their bodies together. Juliette began to make little inarticulate cries as her pleasure built up, mewls of delight.

"Where's Maddy?" she cried out. "I want her."

Adam didn't stop, didn't question her desire, but called out in a louder voice, "Maddy, are you there? Juliette wants you." He kept on fucking the girl, who began to moan with each long, delirious thrust.

Madelyn came quietly into the room. She'd taken off her boots and harness, and was wrapped in a simple silk gown. "I'm here, Juliette. What is it, my darling, what can I do?" She sounded uncertain, a slight tremor in her voice.

Juliette reached out her hands. "Come to me, Maddy. It's not right, in your house, to be by yourself. Come to me, let me touch you." Juliette didn't really know what Madelyn had done to her; but it was all right, Adam was there looking after her as she'd always known he would.

Maddy went to the girl, crouching down in front of her. Her gown fell open, revealing her slender body and legs, and the ripe redness of her sex. Juliette smiled, and dropped her hand down, just as she'd done with Adam. "You've got a pretty cunt, Maddy. Let me play with it, while Adam fucks me."

But Juliette couldn't concentrate, as Adam was pushing faster and harder into her, his own orgasm rising. Lying on the horse as she was, everything was so perfectly right, every nerve tugged taut to perfection, and Juliette began to fly. Her brain, full of swirling chemicals, conjured colours behind her eyes, and as her orgasm blossomed and bloomed, Juliette walked on green grass and she soared high above a mountain.

Adam burst inside her, his cock pulsating, jetting his cum deep into her. Juliette gripped his shaft and she hissed with pleasure as he shuddered over her, his body hot against hers.

And Juliette was a kind girl. She cupped Maddy's sex in her hand as she came. The older woman felt the energy there and didn't want anything more, knowing she'd taken too much.

The room fell quiet, the only sound the continuing patter of rain on the windows and the drop drop drop of water in the down-pipes. After several minutes, Adam eased himself from Juliette's body, his gut striped red from the bleeding welt on her bottom.

Madelyn came up to him, looking at the blood and the thick hang of his shaft resting against his thigh. She rubbed a finger over the blood and ran a trail down the centre of his belly and down the length of his cock. "It looks like she blooded you first, Adam. I didn't quite expect that."

Juliette smiled to herself, a little smile, but nobody saw it. She eased herself off the horse, shaky on her feet, still floating.

"Do you have something soft to put on her, Maddy, something that won't stick to her skin?" Adam asked, as Juliette slipped her hand into his.

"Yes, I'll find something." Maddy tied her own gown around her. As she reached the door she turned back. "Will you stay?"

"No," replied Adam, "I brought her here and she's bleeding, so it's my responsibility to take her away. She needs care, now."

Maddy nodded. "Yes, she does. Of course she does. Give me a moment, I'll find a gown."

Adam held Juliette as she slowly walked down the stairs, her movements unsteady but her eyes bright. At the bottom they stopped, and Maddy came down, carrying Adam's clothes, Juliette's dress and a white silk gown. Maddy carefully helped Juliette into the gown, and tied the sash up with a bow.

"It'll mark, Maddy, with my blood. It will stain, surely?"

"Not if you put it in soak, straight away." Maddy smiled. "I know, it's happened before. Blood doesn't stain, if you're quick."

Adam glanced at her as he dressed, and Madelyn gazed right back, her eyes steady. Neither of them spoke, but Juliette sensed an understanding between them.

"Maddy," said Adam, "when Juliette's asleep, I'll call you, make sure you're all right." He touched her lips with his fingers. "Send me your number. I should call you, don't you think?"

Maddy laughed. "I didn't expect that either, not so soon, anyway." She turned to the front door, opened it on its silent hinges, and stood to one side as Adam helped Juliette through. She touched the girl on the cheek. "I'm not a monster," she said quietly. "Not really."

* * * *

Juliette sat in the front seat of Adam's car, her head leaning against the door post. She closed her eyes and listened to the rush of the car tyres on the wet road, and the swish swish of the wipers as they drove through the city streets. She was getting cold now, but knew Adam would keep her warm while she slept, and watch over her.

They had been driving five minutes when she heard the message alert on Adam's phone.

"Can you check that for me?" he asked, handing her the phone which lay in the centre console.

Juliette tapped on <Messages> and smiled. She showed Adam who the message was from.

< Madelyn >

* * * *

To be continued in The Floating World Part 10 - Madelyn's Room

© electricblue66 2019

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cmj711cmj711about 1 year ago

Erotic with a twist of torture.

Did Madelyn message Adam her phone number...

I love you imagination, you dare to makes us stretch. xox

OmenainenOmenainenalmost 4 years ago

It was raining when I read this. Made for a weird immersion in the story. This is not my thing, and I’m having a hard time understanding why anyone would want to poke Madelyn with a long stick, but it’s intriguing nevertheless. I like your distinctive style, it’s so unique.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
A Venture into Deeper Waters

A provocative taste of the salty world of bdsm. As always, your characters are immersed in a sea of secret desires and give the best accounting of themselves through your eyes. While at the heart of the matter, a hint of history; Imagine that, an antiquity with a story all its own to tell. Your readers can only wait to hear the details of the old Master and Mistress, the journeys they embarked upon without ever leaving the confines of the Lady's boudoir. And it all began with that interesting old relic...

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