All Comments on 'The Fourth Man Ch. 02'

by laptopwriter

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hawkeye0007hawkeye0007over 10 years ago
Not Good

I think the scores for this frustrating unsatisfying story are going to be low.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Jen finally realises, 'what goes around, comes around' its called

Karma, and sometimes its a bitch. She bought it all on herself.

hansbwlhansbwlover 10 years ago
Superb story


LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 10 years ago
dragging out suspense past prime reveal time

Banal woman tries to be woman of mystery. The linger factor is now festering.: She's over her head and so is the author. Both Jen and laptop writer should have come clean in 2nd installment.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 10 years ago
Loving it

Five stars. Thanks for the fine tale.

harbormaster1harbormaster1over 10 years ago
a whale of a tale

OK, you are making me look at this site 3 times a day so I can see the next story. Glad you have the mystery hitting on all cylinders...lost the baby...Arnie not the culprit..Tara's sister another mystery......Jen crying at the end.

This is like Saturday morning at the theater 55 years ago


bruce22bruce22over 10 years ago
Really well done story

You can feel the emotional reactions of the participants. It is a good thing that Ken did not pick up on Laura's tension. Will Ken now be wanting to punish Jen? I was thinking maybe that Jen went off to play with little children... but now I do not know.

She should have offered to go off birth control the moment she saw his face after her new comment....

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
plain as day, said she didnt have sex with a MAN

girl fantasy, girlfriend, lesbian sex, who care cheating in cheating. What I cant get over was her husband having sex with her with demanding a set of STD test be done and not using condoms. Reduces the level of the story to teenage hormone driven sex with no thought of reality. What is more obvious is that cheaters always assume others are cheating and its being written all over her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
finish the damn story

this is getting boring your to good for this .this is not a Jason movie we don't need 45 chapters.

dinkymacdinkymacover 10 years ago

Keep it coming and thanks for sharing.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 10 years ago
One more thought

Clearly the sister knew the wife growing up in Chicago and had a lesbian tryst with her. I am certain of it. The main question is what will he do once he finds out. If he was upset simply with her not trusting him, hard to see him being cool with a lesbian fling. The female golf buddy could be an interesting rebound for him. What would have happened if she enjoyed the fling? Would it have continued with more lies and secrets? She was clearly willing to risk her marriage. She has no respect for it.

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioover 10 years ago
Agree this story is too drawn out

I realize the need to create suspense in a story but slowing the pace to create more chapters sometimes makes a story more tedious and boring rather than exciting. We all strongly suspect Jen fooled around with another woman during her secret weekend, which is why she can state categorically "there were no cocks." Plus, as another commented, a cheater (and yes, making love with a woman is still cheating when she's married) is going to think along the lines of cheating, so of course she's accusing hubby Ken of planning to cheat.

And the funny look from Laura, well, maybe she was the woman with whom Jen cheated! She obviously recognized her when Ken showed her his wife's picture. Don't know if I'm getting warm here or not, but it sure makes for fun speculation. Await the next chapter . . . Oh, BTW, author should have used "passed" instead of "past" in the context of the sentence in which it was employed, early in this chapter. Unfortunately, spell check won't correct homonyms. Thanks for writing.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 10 years ago

Can't understand these people clambering over this being too long. After five full pages these guys are feeling this is too long? Really? You take as long as you need. I am loving it. Well written. The plot was clearly furthered in this chapter. There is nothing to complain about.

ResidentWeavilResidentWeavilover 10 years ago
It does feel like it is dragging

I have to agree with some of the others. I am enjoying it but after this much story, we should have some better idea of what is up. Unless this is supposed to be a mystery.

I can't help but feel we are being played with. That the clues of her affair with another woman are just intended to lead us in the wrong direction. It annoyed me so much, I looked up 'Guys and Dolls' to see if her job gave us a clue but there doesn;t seem to be any company by that name that isn't small and local.

A couple other things seemed off. It seemed stange that he never thought to bring his wife. I am sure she would have enjoyed the break and there is more than golf available. Also, incredible coincidences like there being a Tara-Laura-Jen connection where Tara was a random interaction make it hard to believe.

Finally, Ken's attitude about his trip seemed wrong. Sure she did the same or worse in her adventure but he knows the pain it caused him. He basically told her to suck it up and deal with it. I can see why she things the marriage may be over if he can have that little concern about the pain he is causing her. Not that what she did was right, but he had felt what it did to him and he has no problem doing the same.

That said, I am enjoying it. The characters come across. The emotions seem real. I am looking forward to more.

funksofunksoover 10 years ago
Childhood/Teenage Fantasy and Not Cheating/Not with Another Man

There is some back and forth in the characters that make me wonder... for example, it came from Marge through her husband that this was a teenage/highschool fantasy, but in the first chapter it was mentioned as a childhood fantasy which would mean younger, and this chapter implied Marge didn't know what actually was going on.

Jen has said multiple times she didn't cheat, as well as not being with a man - would she consider another woman cheating?

I'm wondering if she didn't have an affair at all... yet.

The part with the sister of Tara, Laura having somehow seen her or knowing her, and bringing up her being a store manager of a clothing chain, and how beautiful Jen is... it makes me wonder if it's something as simple as going on a trying out for modelling and getting depressed at being rejected, and not mentioning it to the husband... Laura not wanting to say anything to him either.

But there will be cheating. My money is on her not trusting him enough after this weekend, she makes a mistake to get back at him, and he ends up with Tara after it's done and dusted.

I don't mind when a story is longer and drawn out - it does feel this one could be condensed, but I don't mind the journey... and I like the length of his other stories, especially "Against the Law" which was brilliant.

JounarJounarover 10 years ago
5* must have chapter 3 now!

Jen's reaction to the golf trip was rather telling as most of those that cheat on their spouse's tend to believe because their a cheater everyone else is a cheater too. Besides, no one is stupid enough to to keep something innocent they have done a secret considering how much it has damaged her marriage to Ken, not to mention her fear of being divorced!

I was happy to see Marge has no idea of Jen's activities and there was a valid reason for the golf buddy not being around as all their friend's knowing wifey is cheating on hubby is just so fucking cliche. The reaction from Tara's sister does appear to support the Jen cheated with a woman theory. Seeing as how Tara was cheated on, I'm thinking she will be the one to spill the beans to Ken and it's another reference to the forth man in the stories title.

The commenter who raised the issue of no STD testing made an interesting point. Considering what hubby was thinking Jen was up to that weekend along with moving her stuff into the guest room it's not hard to see him demanding she take a STD test.

IronDragonIronDragonover 10 years ago
I still have the feeling...

That Wifey had a lesbian weekend, and Laura knows about it. Hell, she could even be the one that Wifey had her weekend with. I could go all Sherlock on this one, but I won't. I'll just keep reading and see where it goes.

Wifey knows that her marriage is in trouble, since she STILL won't tell anyone what went down, but she's crossed the line from stubborn to stupid... Oh wait, she did that in the first chapter. Anyways...

5 Stars, but please have the resolution soon.

funksofunksoover 10 years ago
Ken's Attitude about the Trip

Just for the record, I don't find Ken's attitude wrong at all, putting it back at her that she asked him to trust her but she won't trust him.... the difference is, she asked him to trust her without revealing anything about it, where she was, who she was with, she wouldn't even let him know that it was something he wouldn't be against... and she demanded he trust her.

He told her who he was travelling with, where to and why, and she immediately accused him of cheating... she immediately distrusted him.

I think if she has the nerve to ask him to trust her with no details implicitly and cannot give him an ounce of trust when he's open and honest, his attitude is completely warranted.

On a side note: really find it funny when people accuse characters of being dumb or doing stupid things, or not asking the right questions... people are dumb, do stupid things and nothing works out perfectly - been seeing a lot of "what he should have done... lalalala stupid character" feedback on here - it's kind of hilarious.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
So Solid

Great story, but so much to try to guess where you are taking this. I offer one area to watch: Tara's cellphone's tendency to stick on. For example, if it transmits something to Jen that she misinterprets. Now we also know there is a secret hurt: the no baby status.

JounarJounarover 10 years ago


Ken told his wife about going on a golf trip and was immediately accused of cheating on her and having an affair and had a right to be pissed off. He didn't hide what he would be up to or refuse to give her any details about the trip or make it mysterious in anyway.

This is the complete opposite of what Jen did with her "I'm off for the weekend and I'm never going to tell you what I'm going to do even tho I can see it's going to cause you alot of pain" and setting hubby up to be paranoid and wondering what his wife is up to that whole weekend. It's like telling someone "don't look behind you" and their almost automatic reaction is to look around.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 10 years ago
I'm enjoying it.

If a guy was going from Chicago to warmer climates in February, had four tickets, no kids, a wife without a job, and neglected to even ask his wife, but did ask two other women, it would mean two things. 1) She would rip his balls off, and 2) they had no real marriage to start with. That is the hole in this plot.

However, the possibilities presented here are interesting. The fear of bearing children will be central to the rest of the story. It's yet another reason why this marriage has a lot of problems, regardless of the missing weekend. Most married men do want family. It's one of the reasons people marry.

rainbow001rainbow001over 10 years ago
Great Story

Nice buildup, the suspense is so thick I can almost touch it! As usual your writing is technically flawless. Your characterizations are lively and engaging. Thank you for sharing and I am looking forward to the next chapter.

OverthefallsOverthefallsover 10 years ago
Another good chapter

A boiling volcano about to erupt. Most wives would kill their husbands for going on that kind of weekend with other women and not taking them along so they could shop or sun by the pool while the guys (and girls) golf. Sounds like kids are going to be an issue in the next chapter, especially when it appears that Tara likes Ken and has an instant family for him. Still curious to see what Jen was hiding. Another woman judging from her level of guilt. Write and post faster!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Look this is good writing , those who think it's to long for them I think their nuts.

I think I see where this story is going. Tara sister may have had a lesbian weekend with jenn . She is so jealous of kens weekend, I am a male and I can see her point of view. But what she did is not forgivable hiding what she did on her weekend. I cannot see the fear of not trying again to have a child . Why didn't she have some therapy . If you can have children one setback should hold you back. They really make your life complete.

ResidentWeavilResidentWeavilover 10 years ago
TO be clear...

As I said, I get the feeling we are being jerked around to be made to believe there was some lesbian affair. What I really think is that Jen did something related starting or creating a family with her husband. Not sure WHY she is so secrective about it except that she thinks she can't and is afraid she will lose him if it comes out. Or maybe she had and gave up a child before they met and she is now desperate to connect somehow.

Maybe it is that feeling, that I am being strung along by the author to misunderstand the situation, that is making it seem like it drags.

Regardless, I do think hubby is starting to fall out of love. The point that he never even mentioned his bonus to her seems to be another sign of him distancing himself.

I would mention that I don't often comment more than once on a story. Only happens when I either really like or dislike it. Since I want to see the end, I think its clear which one this triggered.

tiger46tiger46over 10 years ago
Excellent thus far with one major flaw

why didn't he even consider taking his wife along? I can marginally excuse Jack not asking Marge. They have school age kids. But money shouldn't have been a deterrent for Ken - or Jack for that matter. Puzzling...still a very well told story.

And frankly, this ch was superior to the first. Hope the trend continues. Thanks for presenting this well-edited story for our entertainment. 5*

DrallDrallover 10 years ago
Can't Wait!

This is a fine story. I really look forward to the next chapter. Thank you L.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
A Red Herring?

Unless it's a red herring the author has been telegraphing from the first chapter that the wife had a lesbian weekend. Recall, wifey always says she never slept with a "man." It was evident from the second time this was said in the first chapter and other not so subtle clues, that was the idea the author was trying to plant in our minds. Then it became obvious when the sister joined the party the author was going to set up her as the lesbian weekend, which he did when he had her become pensive, etc. when she saw the picture of Ken's wife. Now the only question remaining is whether the author tries to be cute and throw a curve or give us what he set up. We will have to wait and see. Anonymous 1.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I don't mind not getting literature from this site; I've come to expect this kind of stilted writing. But are we ever going to get any erotica from this story?

IronDragonIronDragonover 10 years ago
2nd Comment

If this turns out to be something that she COULD have told him about, where he would have been supportive and given her the go-ahead, AKA something that would NOT endanger their marriage, I'd like to see him kick her to the curb anyway for giving him so much fuckin' pain with her blasted secrecy. I'd also have to pimpsmack LTW for the whole wild goose chase.

Just kidding about that last part, but LTW, man you write some STUPID wives in your tales. Not all women are that stupid, but you sure do put some in there with single digit IQs. LOL

Keep up the writing, though. It's always entertaining!

tae352001tae352001over 10 years ago
Excellent two chapter stories 5 stars

I know this website deals with the erotic side of the imagination. We all could be wrong. This may not be about lesbian fantasies, you have to ask yourself, why? and why now? Is this about having a family? could she after losing her baby at 7 months, stir fears, perhaps Tara's sister might shed some light, how about a surrogate birth mother. Perhaps Jen in her quest for a family, sought a surrogate that could bring in a child for Jen and Ken. Every comment has valued points, only true value rests in the author and the next chapters in this saga. I am glad, there are authors that can draw readers into their stories as laptopwriter has. Well done

JounarJounarover 10 years ago
I know this is way out there but......

ResidentWeavil's last comment about Jen cheating with a woman being a red herring made me look at this tale from a completely different angle. For some reason Jen using the mystery weekend to see a doctor and have her tube tied just popped into my head!

From chapter 2, we learn Jen's seems terrified of having children since the miscarriage and her insistence of staying on the pill backs this up. While it's a stretch, the high school event that's been mention could be another false trail and instead of it being a 3-some or lesbian encounter might be a previous abortion or miscarriage? Maybe Jen never really wanted kids to begin with but never told Ken? This could be something that happened in the past Marge would know about (as has been hinted at) but not something (tubes tied) she would expect Jen to do now she is married to Ken.

Ken did seem very down when the other golf buddies were chatting about their children so he must want kids. I could easily see Ken viewing this as a huge betrayal and wanting a divorce over it and also would explain the whole "I'm never going to tell you about that weekend" crap Jen hit him with. Saying that, I don't see how Tara's sister reaction to the photo plays into this unless she has taken a shine to Ken and see Jen so good looking as being a major obstacle to getting him?

Considering how much damage and pain she knows she caused to both her marriage and husband due to that weekend trip, I just can't see there being a valid reason for Jen not to confess what actually happened if there was any chance of it being beneficial to Ken in any way.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Very good!

Just waiting for the next chapter, soon please!

magmamanmagmamanover 10 years ago

We have a mystery? A secret so terrible it has to be taken to the grave?

It makes one thing of yes, like many note, a lesbian affair?

Thus judgement and my vote is reserved. Good writing, interesting.

svg1svg1over 10 years ago
Nice pace

I don't understand the complaints of the story not developing fast enough, 2 chapters in 2 successive days is a very nice pace. the way the suspense has built up, I hope that we continue to see a chapter a day. At this point, the subject of the secret is academic. The fact of keeping the secret is now the cancer to the relationship. Jen is willing to watch her marriage go down in flames in order to take her secret to her grave. Ken did not plan the golf trip, or make any of the arrangements to get revenge, or to get even. The trip had nothing to do with Jen's secret. It as Jen who took it into that territory. Jen immediately took it into the area of suspicion and distrust. By the way, I don't recall Jen calling or texting Ken during her secret weekend. Before Jen left on her secret weekend, she made it clear that she was willing to destroy her marriage over weekend, she hoped not, but she is willing to. Now, she's willing to destroy her marriage over the secret. These are her choices, she made the weekend and the secret a priority over the marriage and her relationship to Ken. She took his coerced 'permission' as a free pass. Ken never had a free pass, he didn't keep any secrets. I'm curious to see what Laura knows about 'The Secret' and I'm also curious to see how the disconnect button on Tara's phone plays into the whole thing. It's clear that keeping "The Secret" is more important than keeping the marriage. At some point, Jen will have to accept the consequences of her priority. And, what if her fantasy had been fulfilled in a more satisfying manner? would that have risked her marriage also? I'm willing to read this at whatever pace laptopwriter writes it. I just hope that there's a chapter a day.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Obnoxious Harry original point seems to be a key

As much as I hate to admit this Harryin VA comment , in the first chapter is clearly turning out to be the real issue. All of this occurs because in the original chapter the most obvious and basic question is essentially ignored.

"How can I reach you in case something happens.?.."

Married spouses do not simply disappear for weekend without any way of contacting them for legitimate reasons. We have all been away from home when something unexpected has happened. A child being heard in an accident. A house burglary. A car accident. The fire. Then there are the unexpected things such as a tornado or unexpected hospitalization.

The failure of the husband to even raise this as a possible issue when it so obvious to everybody reading the story simply destroys entire premise.

What the wife did was not something she HAD to do even though she said that to LIE about that in a devious form of the manipulation. Her whole premise was / is s LIE . It is something she WANTED to do that she openly admits ...since high school.

That is not in need. She was not being blackmailed or threatened with her life

This was a business trip award for performance and the husband did nothing to bring

Tara or her sister into this event. But more importantly is that 10 was far more open and honest and direct about what had happened and the wife showed absolutely no shame or guilt or ability to comprehend the massive double standard and deceit that she is operating under.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Kind of makes you wonder if she got pregnant again and didn't tell her husband because she was gonna get an abortion. She knows this will destroy him that's why she refuses to talk about that weekend. Just another possibility!

dmhackdmhackover 10 years ago

I can't think of what she's hiding, but I don't think it's some lesbian munchfest. She said she didn't have sex with anyone as well as saying she didn't have sex with another man. Anyone pretty much covers both sexes.

It was a fantasy she now wishes she hadn't fulfilled. Hmm.

The only thing I can think of is a fantasy relating to having a child. She might have gone to see a specialist and received some bad news. Maybe she'd met with a surrogate and had been turned down. Just spitballin' here.

Then there's always the stripper fantasy.

The point is, I hope her secret is something interesting and nothing so mundane as some pussy chow.

laptopwriterlaptopwriterover 10 years agoAuthor
I pretty much ignored Harry's comment because I thought in this day and age...

the question, "what if I need to get a hold of you," would have been obvious, but it has come up again so I will answer it. "Cell Phone."

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 10 years ago
I LOVE it!

This is a VERY intriguing tale! So many leads, such a mysterious Sweetie-trip. Thanks to several commenters, leading to the most recent speculations from Jounar! We are now really sure a) NOT Arnie; b) no other male lover (Sweetie would certainly lie to Hubby, but unlikely to be so adament with her BFF)!

Not so easy to dismiss Lez connection, but Sweetie MIGHT have confessed that to Hubby, even before the trip! Higher likelihood she might tell her BFF (but she could see that as messing with their BFF relationship!) Overall, I agree it is probably a red herring!

Something to do with her fertility? Tempting, but Sweetie will not EVER 'own up' to ANYONE! That negates either a) efforts to somehow provide a baby; or, b) permanent sterilization.

New Ch2 development ... 4th 'man' sister, in Atlanta, recognizes Sweetie. Plot problem! Both Chi-town AND Hotlanta are HIGH in population and in acreage. Remarkable coincidence ... VERY! Severely stretches the LDS one-stretch per story limit. But Laura doesn't work in a medical facility*, and her Hubby is a corporation consultant. No apparent link, but the recognition HAS to be from some memorable encounter. Also, every hint is that Laura is happily maternal and married!

BUT ... this is in Loving Wives!

VERY eagerly awaiting Ch3! If it just provides more frustrating hints, including red herrings, this may end up being treated as cruelly as India SubMale's "Unwelcome Guest" series. Personally, I like the challenge, but I was in a minority with ISM's work. At least no blatant cucks being identified here (yet!).

* or anything else which I can imagine relating to an unfulfilled fantasy of Sweetie's which got shattered. (If it HAD BEEN a Lez-cherry-busting encounter with Laura, Sweetie would have returned home floating and not noticed Hubby missing!)


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Great read!

Enjoyable reading. Drama and stress. Eagerly awaiting the next chapter even though I can see where this is going.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Got agree with HDK

Why would Ken and Jack just assume that it would be okay with their wives for them to take off for a three day weekend, with or without Tara and her sister? I think any spouse would hit the roof in such a situation, just like Ken did at the beginning of the story. The way the story is written, it suggests that Ken and Jack didn't even consider asking the wives. This was not something Ken decided to do just to show Jen how it felt. So what if the wives didn't play golf? They could sit in the bar and chat, or probably there would be a spa associated with the resort. It's unlikely the boss would even suggest that they should take off without their wives. This just made no sense. If Ken wants a divorce he should get one, but this is not an acceptable way to treat a wife, and two wrongs don't make a right.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Can'r vs Won't

She keeps saying she can't tell him or anyone. There's very little the really comes under the head of "Can't." Murder, treason, the ever popular she was doing a little undercover work for the Feds: these pretty much are about the limits of what comes under the head of "Can't."


From the first chapter – especially the title and the fact the fourth for golf was a woman – my chief assumption was she was bi-curious. The obvious choice – or just a red herring is Laura. Another person brought up the possibility she was doing something related to starting a family. Whether is these two or some other reason, they still come under the head of “Won’t.”


Fearing negative consequences from him if she tells him what she did still does not elevate it in the area of something she can’t tell him. She just chooses not to.


Frankly, given the way you’ve been writing her, I wouldn’t be surprised that it turned out to be something banal and trite. The very idea that she think she could go away, tell him nothing, and that there’d be no consequences makes her a simplistic and, frankly, stupid character. It never entered her mind that he would be angry and hurt about this? She never thought his immediate assumption is that she was seeing another man? (Hell, look at the self-righteous indignation she gives Marge when she brings up the possibility.) She thought he would just sit at home as if nothing happened, and cooking him a great meal and a night of passion would be the end of it?


As I said, you created a character that, based on the evidence you presented, is simplistic and rather stupid – a very drawn out. If you go more than on chapter without revealing what she did, all you’re going to do is run this into the ground.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsover 10 years ago
cell phone ?

Sorry but they still do not cover anywhere near 100% of the country (any country)

So it is all too easy to be unreachable by cell phone.

njlaurennjlaurenover 10 years ago

The reason people are complaining about the pace is the author has gotten them intrigued.I doubt jen's secret is about having a baby,the description in the story,that it wasn't worth it,etc,says differently.The lesbian angle is interesting,but the thing with Laura is too obvious.A modeling job?Why would jen hide that?The stripper angle is interesting as another poster said,it is something a woman could fantasize about but be secretive about,so it is intriguing.I think what this story may ultimately be about is two otherwise decent married people allowing themselves to be torn apart by not thinking of the other and the pain of not knowing.In their own way they are guilty of the same thing...I agree with others,what kind of husband gets a junket and the first thing thinks of is not his spouse,but a golf partner? Not someone with half a brain or heart,I realize people into golf can be big time jerks,but he is as bad as jen was...he tells her what he is doing,but ignores a)maybe she would feel hurt at being left out and b) that going with two women would cause hurt,not bc of cheating per se,but that he would rather spend time with pretty golfing partners then they both don't understand what being a partner is.

svg1svg1over 10 years ago

Some have suggested, with good cause, that the secret weekend had something to do with fertility or abortion- I don't think so, the childhood/adolescent fantasy kind of eliminates these. It's still hard for me to lay blame on Ken for the golf trip. No intention of a secret, or revenge or payback. The marriage, at this stage, is in serious trouble and the root of it is the secret weekend, or maybe just the secret alone. It's eroding the marriage. It's hard to imagine an innocent trip having a secret that's important enough to destroy a marriage over, but Jen is allowing just that. The secret is more important than the marriage. Everyone is speculating, and laptopwriter is probably laughing at all of us. So, I'll speculate and join the fray. I think that Ken will learn about what the big secret is due to the malfunctioning stop call button on the cell phone. Tara's sister knows all about the secret.

CharlieB4CharlieB4over 10 years ago
Stepford wives.

A little bored with the submissive wives who live to serve their husbands. I'm with some of the other commenters that the hero gets given a three day trip away as a bonus and the first people he rings are his golfing buddies. Alright it is a golf trip I just can't see to many wives just accepting that he is taking a woman that he has known for six months and one he hasn't even met over her.

I don't think it can be the lesbian thing but I'm not the author so it doesn't matter what I think. I just hope it moves along a bit in ch 3. 4*

tazz317tazz317over 10 years ago

don't seem as dark when the shoes fit, TK U MLJ LV NV

jasonnhjasonnhover 10 years ago

Too slow moving. Obviously this is all revolving around WHAT JEN DID! The only other interesting thing is how jealous and scared Jen is about Ken being around other women. Yes, there is a feel like Jen had a lesbian affair. If so, she cheated. "Forsaking ALL others" doesn't specify men. If indeed this is what has happened and all this mystery has been about a lesbian affair the whole story becomes incredibly stupid. Her denials become lies. However, a childhood fantasy - having a lesbian affair? God, I hope not.

Frankly, I can't think of anything I couldn't share with my girlfriend except a surprise for her and even then I would tell her it's a surprise. It's toxic to a relationship to cut out your partner as Jen did. So even if this turns out to be something trivial but embarrassing, it's dumb that she alienated her husband over it.

And Ken is a saint to put up with it. He did get past it. It is JEN, with her jealousy and lack of trust that keeps bringing the issue into focus.

I just don't see where this can go where it ends up something else than the whole purpose for the secret is just so the author can tempt us. We will see.

john1946john1946over 10 years ago

We're getting somewhere, but lets get there.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Has you hooked wanting more

The title says it all, it has us hooked waiting on the next chapter, as any good story should. Speculation about where the story is going it what makes for a good mystery. I too, wonder about the cell phone issue. That could be a major point, or just a point to throw the reader in that direction. All the same, it is keeping me reading and waiting for the next chapter.

cpetecpeteover 10 years ago
I am still sticking with

BDSM..either wife wanted to be sub or dom. First chapter had one of the golfers claim some ladies like to be spanked.

No matter it is a good tale and got everyone guessing more than a multi million dollar lotto drawing

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Great story so far about what real trust is and how easily its broken. I know LW is usually nothing but cheating whores, broken marriages, and the occasional joyless cuck but I'm really hoping this doesnt turn into a stereotypical she cheated so he cheated story. There are plenty of other reasons people keep secrets in marriages and some of those reasons are even good.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
If you're looking for a clue...

I think you can forget BDSM since she claimed to have had this fantasy since she was a kid. I would put my money on this having something to do with her miscarriage and inability to have more children. Great story so far. The only problem is I'm not getting my fix often enough. Any chance you can write 2 chapters a day?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
I'm thinking...

From the info of the miscarriage, it sounds like she went off for an abortion.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 10 years ago
Loving the comments

I am amazed at all the quality comments and theorizing being bandied about. With each different one I can see the logic. A few bad ones here and there, but you know you have a great story when the speculations abound. Loving the red herring and modeling theories. At the very least, they bring a smile to my face.

BobNbobbiBobNbobbiover 10 years ago
Interesting tale developing . . .

. . . of unspoken as yet intrigue, but certainly clues coming from the golf course. The atmosphere that is being thrown off connects Wifey and Sis, or possibly a three way between Wifey and Sis plus her Hubby. I think the names are interesting relative to other stories. I am sure the names chosen are totally coincidental.

I would guess this wraps in one more batch; pretty good job so far.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
The Proof of the Pudding ............

........ Is in the comments to the chef.

Less than a day after going to air, so to speak, Fifty Eight, (Count 'em Fifty Eight), comments.

Yes the tale is good, realistic somewhat, excruciatingly painful / annoying. titillating ( take your pick) as to what she did get up to on Her weekend.

That plus the persistent presence of the Fourth for golf, when we all know it's not going to happen between the hero and the fourth is what keeps the interest flowing . (It;'s like we do ...want to know,... but not yet... Who Shot JR)

Speaking for myself I think the wife had a lesbian encounter with ..... and it's not Tara.

And what of the voicemail phone? Our hero will need to borrow it to phone home, and it will stick 'on'... ooh........ Or Tara's sister will borrow it to phone our hero's wife, and it will stick on, and Hero hears the over-long voicemail when he gets home.. whatever, it's going to be exciting,

Fifty NINE comments now.

Cheers and Thanks


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Holmes Inspection


How might Sherlock try to solve the mystery of the lost weekend?

First, let's eliminate the cheating possibility with either a man or woman. "I did not screw anyone." So unless you want to make a literal interpretation of "screwing," Jen did not have extramarital sex with anyone.

Second, what Jen did was "a fantasy of mine since I was a young girl." That should eliminate abortions, medical procedures, prostituition, stripping, or BDSM experiences unless you believe Jen was a very strange, sick young girl.

Third, she said this was a "once in a life-time chance," an "opportunity that popped up." What kind of experience is so unique that it had to be that weekend or never again? How did she learn of this opportunity? Announced in the newspaper or on the Internet? Personal invitation? (And it was accessible by car with a 48-hour round trip.) That eliminates any advance planning or conspiracy on her part.

Fourth, the reality compared with her fantasy was "disappointing and certainly nothing I'd ever do again." So that suggests whatever she did that weekend could be repeated, but not by Jen. (And "it wasn't nearly as exciting as I thought it would be" so what dull, uninspiring action deserves to be kept such a top secret?)

Fifth, it was important to her, but not a life-or-death decision. "If I knew he was going to be this mad I'd never have gone." So her experience was optional, not forced by anyone else. That eliminates blackmail or mandatory attendance.

Lastly, Jen refuses to tell anyone what she did even when she fears Ken might divorce her. "This is something I will take to my grave, I just can't tell anyone," What illegal, immoral, disgusting, or embarrassing thing did she do that she believes would make her husband, relatives, best friend, and everyone else desert her? Did she take a secrecy oath or join the witness protection program? It must be such a secret that no one will discover it unless she tells them, so that eliminates artificial insemination to get pregnant or any other obvious physical changes.

So, ltw, we readers eagerly await your explanation of Jen's secret weekend that fits the clues you have carefully provided. We trust you will not disappoint us!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Excellent story. Can't wait to see where it goes!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
To slow to complicated

Story is too confusing to me. Not sure what golf has to do with this...

If she loved her husband why would she hide what she did? If by hiding her truth she feels she can save her marriage, the the corollary must be true, if the truth is known her marriage is over. Since she knew this going into what ever she did, she must mean to end her marriage.

We may suspect, to what she did. Perhaps she wanted to experience some BDSM or perhaps she wanted to try lesbian love, or even love with a young girl, since she has mentioned she wanted to try this even as a young girl. In any case she killed the trust and thus the marriage.

One lasted chapter to wrap up the lose end and call the marriage over?

Perhaps a rewrite to tighten it up and focus it more on the issue?

overthehillmedicoverthehillmedicover 10 years ago
A masterpiece in the making

It keeps me coming back for more. I like the tubes tied and Laura worked for the clinic where the work was done.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 10 years ago
To the anonymous poster doing the Sherlock Holmes thing...

You made a couple of HUGE mistakes here. First her statements do NOT rule out a lesbian affair. This is what she said to her friend MARGE

..."Damn it, Marge, how dare you ask me that, there was no cock!" she angrily replied. "I was NOT out screwing some guy!"

second TO KEN

"Oh Ken, had nothing to do with sleeping with another man," she blurted out, "nothing, honey; please believe me, I did not screw anyone."

it is clear from the conversation in the context of the story that at that particular point from the wife's perspective .. when she says "anyone" she is talking about a Man


SECOND MISTAKE you are assuming that the fact that she said the opportunity just "popped up" truthful statement from the wife. And if that is the case it means that there was no planning or long-term deception


Her assertions t may be more rationalization then actual factual statement.

And you made THIRD mistake in assuming that simply because the trip was just 48 hours that it this somehow implies that it was not a long-term deception

sugnasugnaover 10 years ago
Can't Wait

To see how you dig yourself out of this one. If the wife did in fact cheat, which she has implied that she did not do, the husbands anger should be tremendous after letting her off the hook. Who needs this shit? At best she is mentally disturbed, at worst she is an evil bitch. She refuses to have kids? Strike one. She disappears for a weekend? Strike two (and three if she doesn't come clean) Any more shit and she is out!

rvwsrvwsover 10 years ago
I've already guessed Jen's weekend affair was with a woman;

Now I'm going to take this one step further, and guess the affair partner was with Tara's sister, judging by the actions of the sister in the last few paragraphs.

cpetecpeteover 10 years ago
You fools-it is clear what happened....

She spent the weekend having golf lessons-found she hates golf and cannot bear to tell her Golf crazy hubby. This explains why wife went nuts when hubby took off on his golf weekend.


It could have been the butler with the candlestick in the dining room.....

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 10 years ago

Interesting. I have a couple of ideas. Here's a long shot. Jen met Lauren for some fantasy shit. But they didn't screw. Just a thought. We'll see...

BTTapBTTapover 10 years ago
A couple of thoughts....

I liked Ch. 01; the set-up was good. The hubby was right when he deduced that the wife would come clean if she didn't do anything that would harm the marriage and/or do anything wrong; so he (and his buddy, inexplicably) engaged in a bit of self-deception when he willingly decided to assume there was no cheating because he had no proof. That sort of jumbled thinking is acceptable in a story like this because of the stress of the situation, but it doesn't explain the buddy's advising hubby to take that POV.

Anyway, Ch. 01 indicated that Marge (wife's friend, hubby's buddy's wife), when consulted, advised that she thought this might be fantasy fulfillment by the wife of a childhood fantasy. Then, in Ch. 02, she doesn't know anything, until she confronts the wife, and is completely stonewalled by the wife. So....why would she have made that assumption in Ch. 01? And, if she knows wife's "fantasy" (and it's pretty obvious at this point that it is lesbian affair), then why would she reassure her own husband that the fantasy fulfillment isn't cheating? A bit of a disconnect there.

Otherwise, a well-developed storyline, with drama, emotion and good characterizations.

Saxon_HartSaxon_Hartover 10 years ago
I saw the set up

!..hey guys my cell phone sux. won't hang up....

2 Sis gets upset seeing Mrs. Ken's pic. On to read pt 3.

starmanfivestarmanfiveover 10 years ago
It is great

so far. Keep up the good work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Good, But

So many comments. Obviously you did something right at to inspire so much thought. My only little nit is that I was distracted by Jen's comment about her diaphragm slipping. In chapter 2 Ken said she was "on birth control." I interpreted that to mean on the pill. So I went down the path that Jen must have been lying or deliberately got PG to get Ken back. I don't think you meant this, however.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
nice story

Guess I missed the part about Jen being pg.

TavadelphinTavadelphinover 10 years ago
So Jen is something of an idiot -

At times - so now we get to figure out why??

Interesating story still -

KarenEKarenEabout 10 years ago
What A Hypocrite!

Her husband's supposed to trust her to go off for a weekend no questions asked, but when HE'S going off, with everything above board, she can't trust him!

BTW, I think I know the fantasy! It was a lesbian fantasy, and Laura was the other woman!

fanfarefanfarealmost 10 years ago
follow the bouncing balls....

The Great Secret untold these many years from Jen's bosom is:



Alimentary, my dear Doctor. I have this gut feeling as to the accuracy of my predicktablism.

You can all thank me later.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

I usually love your storues. But this had to be the worst!

maddictmaddictover 9 years ago
The great unknown..

So nothing has has happened except Jen's little weekend away. Uncertainty rules in this story. I was certain Ken and Tara would get together, but the weekend in Hawaii is so much more appropriate. Jen seems to be paying full price for her weekend of mystery. Don't let this story bottom out now, you have my full interest in the affair that is to be found out? What?

sbrooks103sbrooks103almost 9 years ago

How could she start making it up to him if he wouldn't even let her in bed with him? – Um, she could start by telling him EVERYTHING about the weekend!

"That's just it, Marge, I can't tell anyone." – How innocent can it be if she can’t tell anyone?

"Have you ever seen her? Is she pretty?" – LOL, methinks Jen’s a little mistrustful of Ken!

LOL, HE’S supposed to trust HER to go off on a weekend where she refuses to tell him where she’s going, with whom and what she’s going to do, but she can’t trust him on a weekend away when he is telling her EVERYTHING!

Aha! Jen’s mystery weekend was with Laura, and it had to be THAT weekend because Laura was moving to Atlanta.

sbrooks103sbrooks103almost 9 years ago

She wants him to trust her, but she won’t even be honest about her jealousy!

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsalmost 9 years ago

Cheaters usually are the first to expect others to cheat.

Old French proverb:

"He would not look under the bed who has not hidden there himself."

Rhsc1Rhsc1over 8 years ago
The Worm

Starts to turn.

Tim413413Tim413413over 8 years ago

what's the connection between Jen and Tara's sister? Are we going to have an unbelievable coincidence?

tazz317tazz317over 8 years ago

doesnt mean the engine will run properly. TK U MLJ LV NV

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 8 years ago
Second time through...

Still five stars.

Ib_SaysIb_Saysover 7 years ago
A Tease

Jen was being a teasing bitch about how she kept saying that it had to be a secret, something she would take to her grave yadada, it was completely overblown, as a character she simply didn't feel like a real person, any real person wanting to keep a secret would actually try to keep it, you know, a secret!

Not tease the people around her with it, building it up in their mind.

It also makes no sense why she would risk ruining her marriage over the secret whatever it is.

The plot is just a whole lot of contrived melodrama so far.

Ib_SaysIb_Saysover 7 years ago

After Jen mentioned that she hadn't been with a man, my first thought was that she might have been with a woman instead.

That thought has become persistent, and at this point I think it's the most reasonable explanation for everything.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
I agree with lb_says

I made that comment after the first chapter and it still seems to hold true. Actually it seems to fit more and more. It is always that she never slept with a man.

I still don't think Jen loves her husband as a spouse should. She has been nothing but selfish and manipulative. She has abused her husband emotionally. She deliberately planned her trip and did not care what her husband would have thought and is only unhappy because he did not react well. And she seems to have a guilty conscience​ with regards to her husband's activities.

If she cheated on any form he should dump her. It was not a simple spur of the moment mistake but a deliberate preplanned decision. Obviously she doesn't love him if that was the case. Unfortunately I bet there is an Raac in the works. If so it would be a shame.

GymShortsGymShortsabout 5 years ago

She cheated with a woman. Tara and Ken get together. My guess.

jtwheelsjtwheelsalmost 5 years ago
What lack of trust and then communication causes

Goes around comes around

26thNC26thNCalmost 5 years ago
Getting better

Laura is Jen's fantasy weekend. That's a coincidence that is going to make this story fun. Does he get a shot at Tara to even the score?

Grimjack01Grimjack01over 4 years ago
Revenge is sweet

This is I hope not going to be BTB story

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 4 years ago

I'm sorry, the first thing I would say to her is, "I want to put this behind us, but in order to do that, I need you to tell me EVERYTHING. If you can't trust ME enough to tell me, we're through. So what's more important to you, your secret or our marriage?"

WargamerWargamerover 4 years ago
She saw a woman!!!!!

She did not fuck a man, she fucked a woman, Laura for sure.

Still cheating and he will divorce her scrawny cheating ass asap

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Interim comment

I just got to the point where she said;

"God, I hope so, Marge, I'm doing everything I can. I make sure the house is spotless, I cook his favorite meals, and I haven't said no to anything in the bedroom. I'm trying so hard."

But that's not true is it? She's not doing everything she can. She's not telling him the truth. This secret is still more important than her marriage, more important than her husband's mental well-being.

Anyway, on with the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

It's now obvious Ken's wife slept with Laura.

Even though she CLEARLY stated in the first chapter that "I swear, I have never slept with ANYONE." Later on she said she didn't fuck any other guy, but she clearly said in chapter 1 that she didn't sleep with anyone. Anyone includes women. I'm just trying to figure out; did her character intentionally lie, or was it just written that way because the author was trying to mislead the reader away from an obvious avenue of suspicion?

MarkT63MarkT63about 3 years ago

Dump Jen for the DISRESPECT.

Mr_Sap24Mr_Sap24about 3 years ago

I am really curious to know whats going on at this point.

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraabout 3 years ago

The ANON and BTB Mafia are restless.... LTR is rustling their jimmies....

26thNC26thNCabout 3 years ago

Inadvertent payback. She's feeling his pain a.little bit now. Lego, you're talking trash about a.lot of Your readers. Lighten up.

francemanfrancemanabout 3 years ago

Another good sequel.


Secrets, the feeling of betrayal, the unspoken ..... leave cracks in the best couples.

Thanks for sharing your talent.

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