The Game

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Two men play a "Game" with my wife.
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(Writers note: This is a story that involves a couple dealing with a major roadblock in their marriage. If you want a sexfest then look elsewhere. The question in this story is can the husband trust his wife. Just a quick warning this story is not for everyone, if you want Swinging, Sharing or Cuckoldry look elsewhere. If you want a bit of drama then read on, of course what I call "Drama" other readers and writers might not have the same view, but its my story so be warned this is not for everyone. For those few loyal readers that like and read my stories a big thank you. One last point, this story could be in either Romance or Loving Wives. There is a "loving wife" in this story and there is "Romance" in the story.)


The Game.


Okay, introductions first. I'm Gary Smith and I have been married to my wife Corinne for 22 years, we have two children Luisa who is 18 years old and Graham who is 19 years old. I work in a warehouse as a shop floor manager. My wife works as a Personal assistant to a Managing Director of Art at a University in Oxford it is a very well funded building and the Director, John Wilson is a very wealthy man.

I am 6ft tall, broad shouldered and fit. I have been told by many women I don't look my 53 years, more like 45, at least so I'm told.

My wife is 5ft 5inches tall and slim and toned from going to the gym. Corinne has short dark hair and she too could pass for 45 years instead of 53 years of age.

Luisa takes after my wife in height and build Graham takes after me he is tall and well built.

We as a family have had some good times and bad times, but the good times have certainly outweighed the bad times.

Nothing special has happened in our lives. Our jobs have allowed us to go on holidays, buy the cars we want, pay off the mortgage. Life is good, neither of us look for excitement particularly.

My wife and I go on "date" nights once or twice a month. We both get dressed up and go to a restaurant or bar or pub, occasionally we go dancing at a local club, one that caterers for our age. We do sometimes go to nightclubs but we tend to find the music room that suits us. In our case eighties or nineties rock music.

My wife is a very good dancer, me I'm just your average male with two left feet, but I know my wife likes to dance so I get up and dance with her. Yes she does get asked to dance by men but with a smile she always politely says no while holding my hand.

Both our children did well at school, Luisa now wants to work in finance. She has got all the relevant diplomas and is getting her business degrees.

All she needs now is a company to work for and train a bit more. Graham is happy to work with me in the warehouse, he is studying engineering and ultimately will get a job as an Engineer. But for now he is content to help me.

My wife has had a career as a Personal assistant for the past 20 years. She has worked for many people over the years and is a highly sort after and skilled worker.

Okay so that is my family. So to the matter at hand. For the past 2 months Corinne and I have been butting heads, we have argued about everything and anything. We have argued about stupid small things, for instance we had a blazing row about who was going to cook an evening meal, in the end after throwing things at each other we made our own meals.

Corinne's mood swings have gone from screaming at me to crying with her arms around me and kissing me and then dragging me upstairs and making passionately love to me. And everything in-between.

Graham and Luisa have noticed the chill in the air when they come home from University, but Corinne can't or won't explain herself and I am getting tired of this life. Something has to give.

I have tried to talk to her, I have tried a lot times over the past 2 months. Luisa has tried talking to her, but she can't or won't explain why we are at each others throats or why she won't explain herself or her reasons for being the way she is. Yes I know what your thinking, 2 months ago it started and maybe something else started. At the office where she works maybe?

Maybe with a young intern or maybe her boss, except he is in his 70s and happily married to a much younger woman. The young male intern maybe, but after asking some of our friends to watch her nothing has been seen. She does her job, talks to no one, unless she has to and then comes home on time every night, without fail.

And if its not my wife cheating maybe its me? Maybe she has found out and its me having an affair? Well sorry but my limit is gentle flirting with some women in the warehouse. But it never goes beyond humorous banter, and it never gets physical.

But maybe my wife is having an emotional affair? Maybe she is going online and chatting to men in chat groups? Isn't that the trendy thing to do these days? Whatever the case it stops tonight.


I was home first, I went into the house showered and changed into jeans and a t-shirt I went into the kitchen and made coffee for us both. 5 minutes later my wife walked through the door and saw the kitchen light on and walked in and stopped. She looked at me then the 2 cups of coffee.

"Corinne, go and get changed and come back into the kitchen we need to talk."

She was about to say something but stopped and walked upstairs showered and 10 minutes later came back into the kitchen she took her lukewarm coffee and drank it. She was wearing an old t-shirt of mine and a pair of leggings both showed off her curves.

"Gary..." she started to say but I put my hand up.

"Corinne, we have been at each others throats for 2 months. We have barely spoken a civil word to each other and when we do its sarcasm or insults. Your mood swings are off the chart I'm tired of it, if you don't love me anymore or you want out of our marriage then tell me so we can move on."

She put her hand to her mouth and took a deep ragged breath. I also noticed a single tear roll down her cheek.

"Gary...I' sorry...I didn't realise...I have been such a bitch haven't I?" tears were falling down her face freely now.

"Yes you have been, now I want it to stop. But first please explain what has happened."

"Gary my love, I have wanted to tell you about what happened to me, but I kept putting it off and I was worried how you would take it. My mind has been so messed up and confused."

"You did something "Stupid" and your mind is..."Messed up..." and you are "confused", is that it? Corinne, what did you do, I'm not sure I want to know, but tell me anyway."

"Umm...yes...maybe stupid is not quite the right word...Gary, I need you to think very carefully about something, I want you to imagine waking up in a strange bed in a strange house. And with a strange naked person next you..."

I stood up and leaned towards her, "WTF?" I said in a dangerously calm voice.

"Gary...please hear me out, please let me say what I have to say..."

I sat down again and indicated for her to continue.

"I don't know who the man was. I have never seen him before, at least I don't think I have.

When I woke up I was naked too..." she saw my face and actually stood up and stepped away from the table. I could see I had scared her.

"Corinne, I'm sorry. I am angry and pissed off but I would never hurt you, physically. No matter how angry I am."

She slowly sat down again.

"Okay, as I said I was naked too, I pulled the duvet back and looked at my body, I didn't notice anything no finger marks, no hand prints, definitely no cum either on me or in me, no hickeys. There was no sign of sex. But looking at the strangers cock it was obvious he either jerked off or he had sex with someone, I hoped to hell it wasn't me."

"So you wake up in a strange bed, in a strange house and with a strange man. You claim you didn't have sex with him, but you noticed he did have sex with someone, and you were naked too, is that about right?"

"Umm yes that is exactly what happened, I'm so sorry Gary."

"Is this why for the past 2 months you and I have been at each others throats? Is this why you and I have not said a civil word to each other? And your mood swings have been off the chart. Have you been so guilt ridden that you might or might not have had sex with someone other than me?"

Corrine covered her face in her hands and cried. I got the impression this was 2 months worth of tears. I just sat there watching her cry, these were cries of pain and anguish. She knew now how much she had fucked up.

Eventually after getting no response from me she looked up and wiped her eyes.

"Gary, do you want a divorce?" she asked softly.

"At this moment I don't know. But I want you to answer this most important question, did you have sex with this strange man? Think carefully before you answer." I said with as much calm as I could.

She wiped her eyes and with a sad expression whispered...."I don't know..." she had unshed tears in her eyes.

"What do you mean you don't know? Explain that statement to me." I said in that same calm voice.

"Gary, honestly I don't know, I can't answer your question. All I know is I woke up exactly how I told you."

"Corinne this is getting us nowhere. Okay let's start again, when did you meet this person?"

"Gary, I didn't meet him, I just woke up next to him."

"Yes that's right, you are at work and then you end up in bed with a strange man you claim to have never met."

"Gary I'm telling the truth, I don't know him or how I got there in his bed."

"Okay, let's pretend I believe you. What do you remember? If I remember correctly you said you had to stay late at work to finish some papers, is that correct?"

"Yes Gary, I remember finishing the paperwork I had to finish. I remember turning off my computer, I remember talking to a few of the cleaners."

"Okay Corrine that sounds plausible so far. You text me about 8.00pm telling me you were coming home. But if you remember correctly you got home around 9.30pm. What happened during that time?"

I could see she was desperately trying to remember what happened. The worrying thing for me is that even though she knew something bad happened she couldn't or wouldn't tell me.

"Gary, honey I can't remember what happened from the time I left the building to waking up in that house. All I remember is waking up naked and next to me was this strange man. Honestly Gary I'm not playing a game."

"Corinne look me in the eyes. Tell me you can't remember, tell me you did not fuck anyone, tell me what the fuck has been going on for 2 months."

She leant in towards me took my hands and looked straight into my eyes. She didn't flinch. No nervous twitch. No blushing. No dilation of the pupil. There is a saying 'The eyes are windows to your soul.' And in that instance I looked deep into my wife's eyes and saw several things.

Confusion certainly. Despondency yes that was there. Sadness yes that too. But mostly hope.

"Okay this is going to be difficult for you, but I must know what happened before I even think about trusting you again. Now first of all we go to our doctor. We both get checked for infections. Then we contact a shrink and find out why you have a memory block."

"Okay Gary, one thing I do remember is that my clothes were close to the bed in a heap, I had to get dressed in a hurry because I knew you were waiting for me. I had to get a taxi home, I must admit I thought I could get home, get changed have a shower and you wouldn't know anything about it. I am so sorry, I should have told you straight away. I should have trusted you, but I have been so confused and anxious to remember what happened. All my hostility towards you was my own self loathing."

"Corinne, I'm really shocked and disappointed you couldn't tell me what happened. I'm your husband for fucks sake. If it's true and you didn't have sex with him and you got out of the house unscathed then I would like to think I would be grateful you came home in one piece. But why the hell didn't you tell me?"

"Gary, I know, I'm sorry. I was somehow passing my anger and frustration on to you and making your life hell. I promise if you can forgive me I will make it up to you."

"So tell me, why spend all this wasted time and energy getting angry and having shouting matches when together we could have been trying to find out who this man was and why he chose you."

"Gary, I don't know. Maybe I was so disappointed and disgusted with myself. But once again I am so sorry." She reached for my hand.

Instinctively I reached out and accepted the touch. We finally stood up and went to our bedroom. The thought did occur to me about not sleeping with my wife. But obviously I had been doing just that for 2 months so one more day wouldn't make any difference.

We were both emotionally and physically drained and simply stripped down to our underwear and got into bed. My wife rested her head on my chest and we tried to sleep.


The next morning we both called our work places and told them we needed a few personal days. We got dressed casually in our lounge wear and made breakfast and coffee. While my wife made breakfast I mentally went through the cheating wife's handbook.

My wife never hides her phone, in fact we often show each others photos from Facebook and work and our children and friends and extended family.

Corinne hardly ever came home late and if she did she always called me and let me know when she would likely to be coming home, so apart from that fateful day she didn't stay later than 10 or 15 minutes tops and always had a good reason and always said she would be happy to show me her work.

She always changed into her lounge wear clothes, but didn't take a shower unless we shared the water, which used to happen quite a lot.

She didn't hide her phone, she didn't hide her messages or texts or emails in fact she almost always showed them to me. Did she smell of another man's scent? No. Did she wear anything sexier to work? Well to be honest she always looks professional and classy and to me beautiful.

That hasn't changed. She is not wearing any new perfume or jewellery and as for our sexlife? Well its generally been 3 times a week, but hardly ever planned its always been spontaneous.

Apart from the past 2 months when in hindsight my wife was obviously seducing me, but the acts of sex themselves were just as good. Just a bit more intense, obviously now I know why.

Okay the last on the list is has her character changed? Was she doing anything different has her routine changed? Well yes her being angry and upset and then remorseful for 2 months is definitely a change. My wife rarely got angry about anything before.

So in conclusion, my wife has ended up in bed with someone. She may or may not have been fucked by that someone and my wife for the past 2 months has been by turns a bitch and a crying mess and a remorseful wife.


As my wife went about making breakfast these thoughts were going around my head. Until 2 months ago I would have trusted my wife with my life.

Until 2 months ago I thought she would trust me enough to tell me about anything. So can I trust her when she tells me she didn't get fucked. I obviously had a frown on my face as my wife looked at me trying to read me.

"Gary you are wondering if you can trust me, aren't you?" she said sadly.

"Corinne, if the roles were reversed would you trust me?"

"Honestly? No I wouldn't. Gary how can I make you trust me? How would you make me trust you?"

I was about to answer when my wife's phone beeped indicating an email had been received. Corinne started to reach for the phone but stopped and motioned me to read the message.

"Gary, I'm not hiding anything."

I nodded and opened up the screen. There was a photo of my wife naked, and next to my wife was a young looking body with a medium sized dick. As my wife had told me it looked covered in something that could be cum.

I showed the photo to Corinne. She burst into sobs and started gasping for breath.

I took a very deep calming breath, "So, you were telling the truth you really were in bed with a naked man and it does look like he either jerked off or he had sex with you."

Just then another message came through this time a text message.

:So Corinne,

It has been 2 months now. 2 months of you probably hiding our get together, 2 months of you feeling guilty and remorseful but you can't tell your husband in case he divorces you.

Thank you for the photo/movie opportunity and the chance to see your beautiful body at last, I have spent a lot time imagining what you look like under your clothes, you know for a middle-aged woman with children you look great. I love your breasts, just the right size and your vagina is also beautiful.

Anyway, you don't know who I am but I have watched you for some time now and like others before you I have got close to you. If you are brave enough to tell your husband about waking up in bed with me then assure him I did not have full sex with you, yet.

But I will. There is a video attached to this email. If you are still feeling brave show it to your husband. I won't spoil it for you. Anyway by now you have probably shown this message to your husband, if you have the courage, I will be in touch:

We were both speechless. I was about to watch the video, but Corinne stopped me.

"Gary, please don't. I don't know what he filmed and I don't care. But whatever it is we should not watch it. If you do you will probably want to kill me."

For a moment I looked at her and thought she might be hiding something, But I understood her reasoning, after all if it showed my wife getting fucked I certainly would not want to watch it, for now I let it go.

"So, your would be lover didn't have sex with you, as such, but he did get you and himself naked and he got himself off. I assume rubbing against you."

She looked down at her hands and sighed, "Gary, I realise what this looks like. But I really and truly have no recollection of what happened its almost as if my mind has blocked it out."

"Corinne, I love you I really do. But fucking hell you are dumb sometimes. This arsehole obviously drugged you. And then he took you somewhere and got his rocks off. What I don't understand is why didn't he fuck you?"

"Gary...aren't you glad he didn't fuck me?"

"Of course I am. Corinne listen to me, you are beautiful woman. I know you get hit on and I know you shoot them down. So I have never been worried about where you were or who you were with. And I am not one of those husbands that wants to watch you fuck someone else. Sorry but as you are well aware I would never share you."

I took a deep breath and calmed myself down.

"I don't know why this arsehole did what he did, but I need you to think about who could have drugged you and when. I am still pissed off you couldn't tell me about this whole episode. We can deal with that later, but for now we need to find this arsehole."

Corinne took a deep breath, closed her eyes.

"Okay, I was one of the last people out of the building. I finished the paperwork, I stood up put my jacket on. I remember saying hello to the two cleaners. I remember going into my bosses office and placing the paperwork on his desk. I then remember going back to my desk and picking up my briefcase...and the last thing I remember was drinking the last dregs of coffee..."

"Yes my dear, I'm guessing the next thing you remember was waking up in bed with that arsehole?"

"YES GARY, oh fuck, I'm so sorry my love. I should have paid more attention to things. It was one of the cleaners wasn't it?"

"Yes it was, describe them to me."

"Okay, I will try, it was probably one of the few times I saw them, one of them is an older man, maybe a few years older than us. He is short, broad shouldered and probably would be called "Craggy" he also shaves his head."