The Game


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"And the other one?"

"Tall, young, maybe late 20's. Slim, broad shouldered, long hair."

"Okay, so judging by the photo on your phone of the man, his stomach is tight and his body looks toned. If I was a betting man I would say the young man got you. But I would also say both are involved."

My wife looked at me and said softly, "Gary, my love we are going to be okay aren't we? You do believe I didn't cheat on you on purpose don't you? and honestly I knew nothing about what happened."

I stood up and walked around the table and hugged my wife, with her head resting on my chest and my hand on her head I said, "For now yes I believe you. I believe you didn't cheat on me on purpose. I also believe you are telling the truth or at least what you perceive to be the truth."

I bent down and touched her face with my hand and wiped away her tears.

"Yes my love we will be okay, but I swear to you I will make those arseholes pay for doing what they did. And I'm guessing they have done this before."

We finished our breakfast went upstairs and got dressed. My wife picked out jeans and a t-shirt and then a jacket on top. My standard dress is jeans and t-shirt and leather jacket and steel toe capped boots The first port of call was John, my wife's boss.

I drove us to the office were my wife worked. We entered the building and walked up to the guard at the desk, he obviously knew me and my wife he asked me to sign in. My wife looked at the guard, George, and said.

"George as you know this is my husband Gary, we are going to see John about a personal matter. We don't know how long this will take."

"Don't worry Mrs Smith, he is in his office at the moment. Take your time and I hope you get everything sorted out." George said doffing his cap.

As we started to walk towards the lift I caught sight of a young man in overalls pushing a cleaners cart. He saw me and started to go the other way. I was going to chase after him but my wife stopped me.

"Gary, let's talk to John first. He can wait."

Reluctantly I followed my wife into the lift. She hugged me as the lift went to the top floor. The doors opened and we walked out hand in hand. At the end of the corridor was a door half open with the name John Wilson. Nothing else indicated his job. I guess he didn't need to advertise it.

My wife knocked and then we walked in. John was a thin man with whispy short white hair. He had a thin strong face, it was deeply lined, but not with worry. I rather liked him. He is a no nonsense kind of man and strong willed. As we entered he had an expression of surprise on his face he stood up walked past us and closed the door.

John then came around and briefly hugged my wife and then offered his hand to me to shake. We had known each a long time and I like to think we are friends I shook his hand.

"Corinne, Gary, I thought you were having a personal day?" he asked after gesturing for us to sit on two comfortable looking chairs, he then started getting us both a black coffee from the machine in the corner of the room.

Corinne spoke first, "Umm John, have you noticed I have not been myself for the past couple of months?"

John looked at me as if I could give him a clue what to say. But I kept quiet. This was my wife's show.

"Well, Corinne to be honest I have noticed you were preoccupied with something and I noticed your temperament was a bit up and down, however, your work has not been affected and you have still done everything in an efficient manner. I'm sorry but I did think you were having some sort of problems at home, but I know you and Gary are private people and probably didn't want me interfering."

"Okay, well I have been really, really stupid. Something happened 2 months ago that I should have told you about and more importantly I should have told my husband about."

John again looked at me as Corinne started crying.

"Gary? What's going on?" he said looking confused.

"John, I'm not going to sugar coat this. One or both of your cleaners is trying to blackmail my wife." I said through gritted teeth.

John stood up immediately, "Corinne? What has happened?" he asked her sharply.

My wife wiped her eyes then reached into her pocket and took out her phone. She stood up and showed the photo and Email to John.

He immediately touched a button on the intercom.

"George, you and your team lock the doors to the exits. Find our two male cleaners and bring them up to my office immediately.

"Yes Sir." Was the short reply.

He looked at my wife with a look of sympathy, he got up and took one of my wife's hands.

"Corrine dear, I need to know everything. Start at the beginning."

My wife cleaned her face then blew her nose. Which for some reason made us all smile. John with humour said,

"Corinne my dear don't cry it doesn't suit you and your face does not have the right complexion for tears." He said handing her a tissue.

"Thank you John, I'm sorry I'm just so angry with myself. Anyway the truth is I don't know exactly what happened with that man, Gary and I think one or both of the cleaners drugged my coffee kidnapped me and then set up this blackmailing scheme. And I was stupid enough not to tell you or my husband. I have been a bitch to Gary for 2 months."⁹

John took all this in and then went back to his desk and called the HR manager, Alison.

"Alison come to my office, we have a serious problem." When she replied she would be there as soon as possible he hung up.

Just then George and another guard brought in one of the cleaners, the older one. John looked at him and then looked at my wife she nodded. He then took out his phone put it on his desk and turned it on to record everything.

"Right then, Dominic, isn't it?"

When the cleaner didn't speak George slowly squeezed Dominic's shoulder. George is a big man, 6ft 4inches and full of muscle. I would imagine he could squeeze very hard.

"YES my name is Dominic." The captive said through gritted teeth.

"And do you know my PA Corinne Smith?" he asked.

Dominic turned to look at my wife, "oh yes, I know her, I know every inch of her body. My son Jacob knows her even better." He started to chuckle until my boot connected with his groin.

He collapsed on the floor clutching his groin.

My wife smiled and George pulled him back up smiling too. John briefly smiled but then got serious again. Just as he was about to speak Alison came in and looked at the room and then looked at John. John put his finger to his lips to quiet her. She went over and stood next to my wife.

"So, Dominic, are you saying that you not only know Mrs Smith, but you had intimate relations with her? Apparently you did so by drugging her and kidnapping her with your accomplice for the purpose of blackmail?"

Dominic looked around the room and realised he was caught. He was obviously still in pain but shrugged indifferently.

"Yeah we drugged and kidnapped Mrs Smith, but the blackmail was secondary. You see me and Jacob have done this before, we have fucked a dozen wives without their husbands knowing. Mrs Smith was just another target."

He looked at my wife, "Its nothing personal Mrs Smith, its a game Jacob and I play. We kidnap and drug women like you. Happily married wives who talk all day about their husbands and how good they are, how perfect their marriage is and how they would never willing cheat on their husbands. But under the right circumstances they do."

He paused for effect, seeing the shocked faces, "This was going to be an easy game. But you didn't play the game, you didn't contact us and you made sure you were never alone with me or Jacob. So we couldn't get to you."

I stood up again and got right in his face, "Listen you arsehole, just one question, did you or Jacob fuck my wife?"

He tried to back away but George stopped him. George again squeezed his shoulder forcing him to his knees.

"For the last the last time, did you or Jacob fuck my wife after giving her drugs?" I said in a calm but obviously restrained voice.

He hesitated too long and I punched him on the nose, not enough to break it but enough to cause him a lot of pain.

"NO...WE DIDN'T FUCK YOUR WIFE.." He shouted through the pain.

I was very surprised by that. I lifted his head up and got right in his face.

"Explain it to me. You had my wife naked and in your bed, why didn't you fuck her?" I said in that same restrained voice.

"Because its all part of the game. We get the wife or girlfriend into a comprising position and choose to either fuck them or blackmail them or both. In this case we should have just fucked your wife."

Before I could say anything more Corinne leapt out of the chair ran at Dominic and kicked him solidly in the balls, once then twice then three times. Then I grabbed her and pulled her off of him.

"Enough Corinne, we have heard enough from this piece of shit."

My wife hugged me and burst into tears. I lead her to a chair and pulled her onto my lap and hugged her. John looked around the room and turned off the phone.

He then looked around the room.

"Okay, this is how things will go from now on. First of all I will edit the recording so that Dominic's confession is clear. After all he has admitted to kidnapping and drugging Mrs Smith. Also I got a text from the other guards Jacob has been found and apparently also confessed to kidnapping and drugging Mrs Smith."

He stopped and checked his phone "It appears he also volunteered the names of the other girlfriends and wives they did this to. I will instruct our lawyers to start building the case and get the required documents and signed confessions."

He looked at Dominic rolling around on the floor.

"You are of course fired, and you will not get any back pay. The police have already been notified about your activities. One last thing, you fell over several times, you hit your head on a table and had an unfortunate accident involving a different low table. Everyone in this room will swear to it."

He looked at me then my wife, "Gary, please accept my apologies. I obviously didn't vet these people properly. At least my team didn't, but it's my responsibility. So I am going to let Alison here give your wife a month's paid holiday. I will also talk to your boss who I know very well and remind him of a favour he owes me. He will also agree to giving you time off fully paid."

He went into a desk draw and pulled out a file with glossy photos of a nice house and a pool next to a beach.

"This is me and my wife's house in the Canaries. Its fully stocked with everything you will need just take summer clothes and some beach wear. You can either spend a month reconnecting by yourselves or go to the local bar. Tell the barman, Dave, to set up a tab for you. And also tell him if anything happens to you out there he will be in big trouble. Now, George take Dominic downstairs and meet up with your other guards and wait for the Police."

"Gary, leave everything to me. These to arseholes have messed with the wrong company. Our lawyers are good and well connected they will both get jail time and the other couples they ruined will be compensated. On a personal note if you require counselling in your marriage I know a very good Doctor. Now, go home and pack I will send a car to take you to the airport, let me know when you are ready."

My wife and I were speechless. I stood up took John's hand and simply said "Thank you."

My wife jumped up and hugged John and kissed him on the cheek. Then she took my hand and we walked out of the office. We took the lift to the ground floor and then drove home. When we got there Corinne packed all her sexy underwear I bought her over the years then some light dresses and t-shirts and shorts and bikinis. While she did that I packed t-shirts shorts and my swimming shorts. Once the three suitcases were full, I had one my wife had two.

We then went downstairs had dinner drank some wine and chilled out. We hadn't spoken about what happened yet. That will come, tonight it is all about us as a couple. We made slow but satisfying love with each other nothing was rushed it was all about getting in touch with each other. My wife cried happy tears as we made love and I brought her to several orgasms with my mouth and fingers and my cock she gave me two orgasms one with a blowjob and then cumming deep inside her.

When we were both satisfied about our reconnection we lay naked in each others arms. Tomorrow we will talk, we will go on this holiday and then we will see that Doctor and see if we really need to fix anything in our marriage. Of course most importantly is learn to trust my wife again. And making sure this situation never happens again.


Epilogue: Dominic and Jacob did get sentenced and spent a lot of time in jail. As John said he would, he contacted all the previous couples and explained the situation. A few of the couples reconciled others became friends again with their ex partners. Others just accepted that justice was done. Several ex husbands vowed to wait for the two ex cleaners and make sure they understood the seriousness of their crime.

My wife and I got tested for STDs and any another infection the hospital thought of. Yes we saw the marriage counsellor who told Corrine to trust me more and confide in me more. She didn't really have anything to say to me except to just carry on being a loving supportive husband.

Everything came back clear no infections were found. I assured my wife I didn't really hold her responsible for what the arseholes did to her, but I did say she needs to talk to me if anything like this happens again. And I will probably have some trust issues for a while but I'm sure we can get through it.

We went to the Canaries for a month. We made love almost every night, we went to that club and introduced ourselves to the barman. My wife looked beautiful wearing flowing sun dresses in the evening and shorts and bikini top like every other woman in the bar. The dress code was definitely casual. We didn't drink to excess but we got buzzed occasionally. And yes I danced, badly, I really have 2 left feet.

But my wife is a good dancer and by the second week I was much better. Did the local inhabitants ask to dance with her? Yes they did, did she ever accept the invitation? No she didn't. When one or two locals didn't get the message the barman stepped in. He was at least 6ft 4inches tall and broad shouldered and muscles everywhere else.

He told the locals in no uncertain terms to back off. The warning was given and only one lad didn't take the warning seriously. He can walk, with a cane, and his nose is permanently broken. After that example the locals treated us with the utmost respect.

We enjoyed our month away. Making love on the beach with the sea lapping at our feet, we weren't the only one's having sex on the beach, several other couples took advantage of the warm weather and the darkness. All in all the idea was fantastic and I will thank John personally.

By the end of the month we were ready to go home and resume our lives. And I am glad to say we reconciled and reconnected and our love life and marriage improved. In this instance the good guys won.


Writers Note: Okay thank you if you got this far. I know there will be readers that want the wife in this story to be tossed out on to the street for being next to a naked man. But this is my story for good or ill and in my story the wife did not cheat or have sex with anyone else. Should she have told the husband straight away? Yes in real life, but this is not the real world and for the purpose of this story. The time between the wife being kidnapped and telling the husband is a means to an end. Thank you again.

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AngelRiderAngelRiderover 1 year ago

I don't know why this is rated so poorly.

Helen1899Helen1899over 1 year ago

Everything ended as it should have. But not one of your best, takes a lot of believing only 4* sorry

michaellajonesmichaellajonesover 1 year ago

Decent start and a novel plot, a bit rushed towards a conclusion I felt.

Rancher46Rancher46almost 2 years ago

Another great story from this author. I find it refreshing to see this quality of writing on Lit. 5/5

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