The Game Ch. 06


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These doggers obviously had thing for bukkake, she felt another splattering of come on her buttocks and legs but it wasn't the man fucking her; he still held her by the hips and was working his cock expertly in and out of her anus.

"This bitch knows what she's doing," one stranger commented.

"She fucking loves it, the slut," another interjected.

A big black penis pushed itself into her mouth; she looked up to see a line of men wanking themselves and waiting their turn. The one positive thing about all these men masturbating themselves while they watched was that they were close to orgasm when they took their turn. Most didn't last long.

Petra used her talent on the big black cock in her mouth and was rewarded with a mouthful of creamy semen; that cock was quickly replaced by another; another stranger stepped forward and came all over face while she was fellating this stranger. Somewhere in her primeval self, a seed of gratification and ascendancy grew. Yes she was the one being used; but all these men wanted her, she was really the one in charge. She had the power to pleasure or disappoint these men.

The man fucking her had developed a nice steady rhythm; drawing his cock out so that it stimulated her sphincter and then easing it all the way inside her and pressing his glans on her prostate. She wished that all the men who fucked her were so well accomplished; they thought that jackhammering their cocks in and out of her anus gave her enjoyment, which it did, a little, but nothing beat a long slow sensuous fuck!

The man ripped open her blouse and put his hands inside her bra and massaged her breasts and tweaked her hardening nipples.

"Oh god!" Petra moaned like a slattern.

She was fully tumescent and dripping pre-ejaculate when the man she was sucking orgasmed and filled her mouth with come; simultaneously some stranger blew his load over her buttocks. This triggered Petra's own orgasm.

"Look! The tranny's coming!" some lout guffawed.

Someone reached under her and wrapped her cock in her satin knickers and milked her like a cow, draining her into her panties.

The man behind her gripped her tightly by the hips and ejaculated as he continued to fuck her with those lovely long slow thrusts. He fell on top of her and she collapsed under his weight. The man ground against her, pushing her into the blanket as the last of his ejaculate flooded her anus.

After a beat he climbed off her and Petra heard the ominous sound of someone behind her unbuckling his pants.

"No! That's enough for a little while fellas; let her take a break," The stranger who had just fucked her helped her to her feet.

"You ok luv?" he seemed genuinely concerned.

Petra just nodded and turned her back on the small crowd of men and found her big bag in the back of her car.

"Is the party over luv?" a man asked; obviously disappointed.

"Just give me five minutes ok," Petra called over shoulder.

There was a murmur amongst the small crowd but no one left. Petra wiped her face with a face wipe and fixed her makeup; she figured brushing her hair or trying to fix her clothes would be a waste of time. She opened the bottle of water, rinsed and spat and then lit a cigarette. She opened the bottle of wine and didn't even bother with the glass, she chug-a-lugged one third of the bottle. She put the wine back in her bag and turned around.

Under the wan glow of street light she could see there were five or six men gathered around and two more cars were pulling up.

She flicked her cigarette into the dark, pulled off her knickers and threw them in the hatch and got down onto her knees on the blanket.

"You blokes gonna keep wanking yourselves all night or is one of you going to fuck me?" she raised her derriere, presenting herself for the next punter.

The man in the black Mondeo had seen enough; he dropped his camera on the passenger seat and started his engine.

June 2008

There was a knock at the door; more of an insistent banging than a knock really.

Petra was sitting at her desk writing a short story for a magazine.

"Who is it?" Petra called, annoyed at being disturbed.

"David it's Marie; let me in please," came a muffled voice from beyond the door.

"David isn't here," Petra called back, hardly taking her eyes off the screen.

Marie hammered on the door, harder this time.

"David please let me in; we have to talk!" Marie demanded.

Petra got up, stormed across the room and wrenched open the door.

A startled Marie stood there with a brawny man in his early fifties standing just behind her. He was carrying a large briefcase.

"I fucking told you David isn't here!" Petra growled.

Petra looked Marie up and down petulantly. Marie was wearing black Lycra leggings and matching sports top that clung to every curve and crevice of her body and with her full makeup her appearance was an obviously a brazen attempt to get David's attention.

Marie was stunned. She had seen pictures of David dressed as Petra but Marie was not prepared for the visage that was presented before her. Petra was wearing her navy blue business suit, silk cream blouse, flesh-toned sheer pantyhose and black high heels. Her makeup was more subdued than usual, but perfect, and her hair was pulled back in a ponytail because she was working. She looked stunning; so feminine, nothing at all like David.

"I need to talk to David," Marie tempered the tone of her voice.

Marie figured that arguing with Petra was not going to help.

"I told you he isn't here, but you and your goon might as well come in if only to keep my nosy neighbours from being entertained," Petra turned her back on her visitors and walked back into her apartment.

"So you're Petra. I've heard about you. And now I've finally met you," Marie decided the best course of action was to deal with Petra as if she was a real person; separate to David.

Marie had had a long to talk to a psychiatrist friend of hers who had advised Marie not to confront David but to try coax and encourage him to seek professional help from a mental health specialist. Her friend had advised against Marie talking to David whilst he was in the guise of Petra; but that was now impossible. David had disappeared.

"So. The Quizmaster told you about me," Petra proclaimed.

She pointed to the two chairs set against the window, and Marie and her associate took a seat; he put the briefcase on the floor. Petra remained standing but she reached for her cigarettes and lit one and paced up and down the small room. She offered the pack to her guests but they both declined.

"There is no Quizmaster David," Marie said defiantly.

"If you call me David one more time I'll throw you out!" Petra snapped.

"Ok Petra; let me deal with you then," Marie tried her best to sound calm and in control.

"Don't you understand Petra? You invented the Quizmaster, you're delusional, you're psychotic," Marie tried to explain..

"I've spoken to a psychiatrist who says that you are in a dissociative state. Because of your schizophrenia you are suffering from limitations of free will. Any control you think you have over your actions is a meaningless illusion. Your fate is dictated by your dissociative identity disorder during your psychotic breaks."

"I am not delusional! It's the Quizmaster! He is blackmailing me! Forcing me to do things against my will!" Petra screamed.

"No he isn't Petra. It's you! You have taken my husband captive; slowly but surely you are eroding his existence and replacing it with your own," Marie construed.

"You say that you're not delusional; let's go through it then shall we?" Marie tried to reason with Petra.

"First let me introduce you to Daniel Arnott. He's a private investigator with my law firm but I hired him to work for me confidentially after David and I separated and I became concerned for David's wellbeing. I've had him investigating everything about you Petra," Marie explained.

"This all began on the twenty first of September last year; exactly twenty years after William died but you were already dissociative by then; you just had your psychosis under control. You never gave up the lease on this apartment; you continued to pay the rent on this flat and kept it decorated just like it was back in 1987, you never changed a thing. David never told me about it and I doubt you knew yourself except in your subconscious. Can't you see; this place is a shrine to Petra and William," Marie said.

"The flat is in my name, not David's" Petra retorted.

"David put it in Petra's name around the time she, that is you, reappeared in September last year," Marie countered.

"Almost everything that was once in David's name is now in Petra's, that was easy to do. You fast tracked a deed poll changing your name to from David to Petra so that all of your identity documents are now in Petra's name. You even submitted a renewed passport application," Marie went on.

"Non of this disproves that the Quizmaster exists," Petra barked, deflecting the conversation.

"You needed the Quizmaster to exist so that you could get rid of David. David cannot exist if it is becomes known that he is a crossdressing sexual deviate; the humiliation would kill him. But it's ok for Petra to be a promiscuous transsexual; you can live with that can't you Petra?" Marie retaliated.

"What about the pictures? The pictures the Quizmaster sent to me; and to you! Some of those pictures go back to the nineteen eighties, how could they be faked?" Petra insisted.

"They aren't faked; you took them Petra. You took pictures of yourself and William and you kept them all these years and twenty years on you started to use them to blackmail yourself. Mister Arnott please," Marie waved her hand towards the small closet-come-wardrobe.

Daniel lifted his considerable bulk out of the chair with a little difficulty and strode over to closet. He opened it up and reached up to the very top shelf and pulled down a camera case and tripod.

"Cannon EOS; best camera available back in the 1980s; auto focus SLR fitted with a self timer capable of repeated exposures. By studying the angles on the pictures of you on that bed with William I'd say you had it set up right here in the closet, secretly taking pictures. You'd only need the door open a crack," he put the camera case down and strode over to the desk.

"These used to be hidden up there on the shelf as well I'd guess but now you keep them here," Daniel opened the bottom drawer of the little Officeworks desk.

"Hey get out of there!" Petra tried valiantly to stop him but she was no match for the large men.

He opened an envelope and waved the incriminating pictures of Petra and William circa 1986 and 1987 in the air as Petra vainly attempted to snatch them for his grasp. He dropped the pictures on the desk and reached into the drawer again and pulled out a ream of lavender writing paper and matching envelopes.

"You! You've been here before! You broke into my flat!" Petra shrieked at Daniel.

"Of course I broke into your flat; your security is shite! I hacked your computer and your phone too. David bought them in your name the very day you received the first letter from the Quizmaster; I have a copy of the receipts. The Petra Pantsdown email account and Craigslist advertisements are also your doing; no one else's. You are obviously writing the letters from the Quizmaster to yourself on that paper," Daniel nodded at the lavender paper.

Petra was about to respond when Daniel held up his hand.

"You see that lens set into that imperfection in the wall there across from the bed. You've been filming yourself with your lovers; the video is on the hard drive of your computer, doubtless to blackmail yourself in the future or maybe to blackmail the men who come here to see you. You're so crazy; god knows what you're capable of," Daniel declared.

Petra appeared to have run out of excuses to respond to the allegations against her.

"But, but, but," she stuttered.

"But nothing Petra; the evidence speaks for itself," Marie interjected.

"You've seen the pictures Marie? The video?" Petra looked shocked.

"Yes and more. Show her please Mister Arnott," Marie sounded disheartened.

Daniel Arnott reached into his brief case and bought out a series of stills. He threw them on the table one by one: Petra with her boyfriends Gary and Mick, Petra the prostitute at the railway underpass, Petra in Edinburgh with Timothy and later with Billy Wallace, Petra dogging in the carpark. There were also some pictures of Petra walking down the street, shopping, eating in restaurants, and just doing normal everyday things.

"The black Mondeo! You!" Petra turned pale.

"Me! There is no Quizmaster; you're blackmailing yourself," Daniel looked disgusted.

He sat back down and took out his own cigarettes and lit one up.

"Do you have to?" Marie looked annoyed.

"Yes I have to; dealing with this shit. I need a drink too," Daniel said, the disgust evident in his voice.

"But The Game? The dares? Why?" Petra's voice was shaky.

"Simply to humiliate you and by association David. I know the vile things you've done pretending that they were dares imposed on you by the so-called Quizmaster; the depravity you engaged in to imprison my husband!" Marie sounded disgusted.

"Don't you see there aren't two personalities inhabiting your body; there's effectively three. David, Petra, and when necessary, the Quizmaster," Marie tried to explain.

"Really. You really expect me to believe that I'm blackmailing David so that he has no choice but to spend the rest of his life as me!" Petra screamed, her face turning from pale white to vivid red.

"There's even more sorry," Marie nodded at Daniel.

He put his cigarette down in the ashtray and took out a file containing a small number of documents and photocopies and a small plastic canister.

"With the deed poll that you used to change your name from David to Petra you obtained a passport in the name of Petra Cashmore. You couldn't change your gender without a transgender recognition certificate so you are still legally male in the passport. But the picture in the passport is you Petra, looking just like you do now. You can travel as a transgender even though you're identified as male in your passport. David Cashmore no longer has a passport," Daniel pointed to the file.

"We also know about the royalties from Warner Brothers for the film option on your book; you've been putting the money to good use haven't you?"

Daniel put an empty vial on the table.

"You're taking female hormones. You are actually altering David's body," David pointed accusingly at the little bottle.

"I was experimenting; that's all!" Petra was still in denial.

"Really? What about these?" he pointed at the documents.

"You booked yourself into a hospital in Bangkok for breast augmentation surgery next month; the Thai's don't care about British legalities regarding sex reassignment surgery. I also have copies of your first class airline tickets and your booking at the Bangkok Hilton, three weeks of luxury while you recover from your getting your new tits fitted," Daniel dropped the file on the table disgustedly.

Petra stared down at the file speechless. She suddenly became dead still; almost trancelike; her eyes glazed over and she stared out into nowhere.

"That will be all for now Daniel; I'd like to speak to my husband alone please," Marie said.

"Are you sure that's wise Misses Cashmore? I think this woman is totally mad and possibly dangerous" Daniel shook his big head.

"That woman has my husband locked away somewhere inside her and I want him back," Marie countered.

"I'll be right outside if you need me," Daniel packed up his briefcase and left.

"Petra? David? Are you there? Petra? David?" Marie shook Petra gently.

Petra slowly came out of her trance and a wry smile crossed her face. She walked into the kitchenette and poured herself a drink and lit a cigarette, ignoring Marie.

"Oh. You're still here," Petra said offhandedly to Marie.

"I can get you help David. I know you're in there! I can get you to a doctor, a psychiatrist if necessary; we can work through this," Marie pleaded.

"I keep telling you David isn't here!" Petra replied angrily.

"I think it's time for you to go," Petra pointed to the door.

Marie fell to her knees and took Petra's hands in hers.

"Please David! Please!" she begged.

Petra looked balefully at the woman on her knees beseeching her. She entwined her fingers into the shoulder-straps of Marie's Lycra sports top and dragged Marie to her feet so that their faces were only an inch apart.

"If you don't leave now I'll bring your husband back from Bangkok with a cunt!" Petra hissed malevolently.

Petra violently pushed Marie towards the door.

Marie was sobbing when she left the apartment.

With Marie gone Petra once again entered into a dissociative state. Still in the trance she went back to her little desk and loaded a sheet of lavender paper into the printer and then bought up Microsoft Word on the computer. She began typing.

'Hello Petra,

Well wasn't that quite the scene this afternoon with Marie? But let's not get distracted from the task at hand; I have one more dare for you to complete before you leave for Bangkok...'

The End

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KayeisaCDKayeisaCDabout 1 month ago

What an ending to a marvellous tale. Brilliantly written ty Kaye

Adventure_in_NVAdventure_in_NV11 months ago

Only thing that comes to mind after reading the last chapter is...

"Dave's not here!"

"No way, man. It's Dave.. Open the door... I got the stuff.."

"Dave's Not Here!"

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
That was interesting

That was was a really interesting turn. I liked it lol

Miss Kira Bangkok

vandavontiessenvandavontiessenover 4 years ago
One of the best novel I've read

I'm suspecting you're really a writer ;)

To well constructed, and the final is stunning.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Didn’t see that coming

Well in all honesty I was leaning more to it actually being orchestrated by the wife, being a lawyer she looked into her husbands past and found out about Petra, giving her husband the chance to just come out and let everything become water under the bridge or give him the chance to become Petra and stay together so long as Petra only entertains men. Though this is so much more satisfying and as I already said it was completely unpredictable. I really enjoyed this series, i’m still curious to see if Marie is going to continue to fight to get her husband back or did she just roll over and accept that her husband is gone and Petra is all that is left.

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