The Game of Golf


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Sandy followed Dan to the door to let him out all the while smiling to herself. After Dan left she went and took a shower and waited.

All the way home Dan was racked with guilt and shame for breaking his wedding vows. His Dad would have been ashamed of him. He knew he had to confess and beg for her forgiveness. Dan arrived at home at 8:15 to an angry wife waiting on him.

He pulled into the into the garage and walked into the house to see his wife sitting at the kitchen table staring at him with daggers.

He walked over to the table and slumped down in the chair across from her, "honey, I am sorry I cheated on you."

Carla gasp and then turned angry, "you fucked another woman!" Yelling at him across the table and throwing her drink barely missing his head.

Dan coward as he again said, "I am so sorry. I will admit to everything and then I'll let you decide whether you can forgive me or not."

I only planned on playing one round and tried to get someone to play with since I forgot to get a tee time scheduled last week. Tim introduce me to the absolutely most beautiful woman far prettier than you and a lot better built. The young lady that just happened to be a scratch shooter. She also happened to be a tall blond. A natural I might add.

Well, we bet $50 dollars a hole. It was hot so we was drinking a lot of beer and having a great time. Oh, by the way did you know Helen Gallagher died.

"No!" answered Carla, "she did. "What happened?"

"We ran in to Joe at the 10th hole rest area," explained Dan. "She died of a heart attack on Wednesday."

Carla with a surprise look, "you're kidding, and Joe was playing golf."

"Yep, you know Joe he said he would go see her later because she wasn't going anywhere."

Carla spat out to him, "back to the story asshole."

"Oh, yea sorry I got sidetracked," replied Dan.

"Well, I was 6 holes up and then she got nasty. She went into the restroom and removed her panties from under her skorts. She walked up to the tee bent over and showed me the Holy Land I lost two stokes that hole.

Carla sneered, "are you sure you didn't get into her hole dear."

"No honey I didn't, but it really upset me. She also came up to me while I was ready to place my ball to tee off," I tried to explain." She walked over to me, took my balls, and licked them. Oh, shit I mean my golf balls."

"I bet that made your putter stand-up and quiver didn't," seething Carla. "Exactly," replied Dan, "you know me so well. I lost another stroke."

"But let me continue, she was still behind and then she came up to me and took my balls I was going to hit with and licked and sucked it into her mouth." "She told me she wanted to make sure my balls were clean," I explained. "I drove my shot, balls deep right into the middle of the lake. She birdied it and I accidently tapped the ball I was going to putt, and it cost me a stroke and I lost another stroke."

"Oh, shit Carla," I said catching myself. "I made a mistake before that she licked my shaft. I mean my driver shaft and then later she sucked and licked my balls."

Carla tightened her lips put her hand into a fist slamming the table all the while raising her voice 50 decibels, "I don't think it fucking matter's which order they came."

"On the 18th I was starting to feel the beer I had been drinking," I said. "She laid her third shot on the green and I was 20 yards off it. She told me that if I made that shot, she would have sex with me. Low an behold I sunk it. That made her to have to make an 80 ft. putt to win. I told she could do it.

"Then you know what she said?" I asked.

"No dear, I can only imagine, tell me," Carla asked.

"You won't believe it, she told me if she made the putt, she would let me fuck her in the ass," I said trying to convince Carla. "So, I gave her a gimme."

"Bullshit" yelled Carla, "you gave her an 80 ft gimme."

"Well of course honey, if you hold the club just right using the Ebbinghaus Illusion, it was within the handle length."

Carla sat there shaking her head, "what an idiot for such a smart man."

"She won the $50 but I told her I had to turn down her offer for sex that I was married. But she did offer to buy me sandwich and a beer," I explained. "We took a shower, but it was in separate locker rooms."

Carla looked at him with a twisted smile, "I kind of figured that stupid."

"Well, we ate, and we walked out to the car lot we said our goodbyes. I told her I was hoping to play with her again. "Oh, my Carla I meant play golf with her."

"A Freudian slip uh," sneered Carla. Carla is doing a lot of sneering this afternoon.

"Exactly again you know me so well." I spoke.

"I went and started my car and was ready to head to the crib when I heard a tap on my window," I went on. "She told me her car wouldn't start and asked me to give her a ride home."

Carla interrupted, "did it not occur to you that she was faking it. Did you not go over and try to go to her car and try to start it."

"Dam your right, I didn't even think of that," with a shocked look.

Carla with an exasperated look, "you are one of the most clueless man I have ever known."

"True honey," smiled Dan. "you see I didn't have a clue I was being sat up. So, I didn't plan it. now I will go on."

"When I got to her condominium, I had to go pee something awful. She let me use her bathroom and when I came out, she was naked," I said. "I was shocked that was the first time anything like that had happened to me."

"Everything after that was a fog. She dropped to her knees undid my pants pulled out my cock started licking it like she did my club earlier," I explained in detail. "As she licked it, she cupped my balls and licked and sucked them into her mouth rolling them around with her tongue."

"She took my club, I mean cock and stuck the head into her mouth twirling her tongue around the head. She sensed my climax coming and she stuck her finger up my ass rubbing my prostate. I exploded into her throat sending rope after rope of cum down it," I said making sure Carla new every little detail. "You know we haven't had sex in three months. I was saving it for you tonight honey. Sorry."

"As she deep throated it, she flexed her throat muscles made a gulping sound. It was my greatest orgasm and by far the best blow job I have ever had," I wanted to be honest with Carla.

Carla sat their snorting fire out of her ears and nose.

"Being weak kneed after cumming she led me back to her bedroom and stripped the rest of my clothes off me. She pushed me back on the bed crawled up to my head where she straddled my mouth and plopped her pussy on top of my face," I explained. "I stuck my tongue up into her. And let me tell you it was the sweetest tasting pussy I have ever eaten."

"I ran my tongue back to her asshole. I rimmed it as she moaned as she ground it into my face. I stuck my tongue as deep as I could go up her and she exploded squirting all over my face. I moved back down to her clit and sucked on it. She then reached under my head pulled it tight as if she were trying to stick my whole head into her. She started screaming and came again."

"I rolled her off onto her back placed her legs on my shoulders and drove my myself in balls deep into her. She has the tightest pussy I have ever had. She is a lot tighter than you.

Also, she is flat chested, but unlike you she actually responds when I licked them. She had two orgasms when I sucked on them. I realized that her tits do not roll off under arm pits like yours does when she lays on her back. That's ok I was hoping we would get you a boob job to fix your problem."

"She started kissing me and licking all her juices off my face telling how much she loved the taste of it. She kept telling me to drive it harder, harder, and harder. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and screamed she was cumming again. She begged me to get her pregnant."

"OMG I just remembered I rode her bareback. She later told me she was ovulating and not on the pill." "I figure it's ok we will let the baby call you Aunt Carla."

"As soon as she finished cumming. I flipped her onto her knees and placed myself behind the greatest looking ass I have ever seen. I slammed it into her pussy. Oh my god was she tight."

Carla screamed, "Listen needle dick if you were a real man I could actually feel you in me."

Your right dear I am not much of a man. You deserve so much more. But remember even a Sequoia Tree looks small compared to the Grand Canyon.

Don't worry about that we can get you surgery to take you from a triple large down to a small. Every time I hit bottom my balls would slap against her clit. I cloud feel her body start to stiffen."

"I forced my thumb into her ass, and she started screaming with pleasure. She came and came and started screaming, "I tap out, I tap out."

" Can you believe that I made a woman tap out."

"I let her go down to her stomach. My dick was so hard I could have drilled thru Choblam Armor plate. That is the armor they use on A1 Abram tanks. Each inch of it is like equal to 5 inches of steel. I got up and went to the bathroom grabbed a bath towel. I got back on the bed behind her pulled her back to her knees put the towel around her hips holding on it like reins on a horse."

"I rubbed my cock's head up and down her soaked pussy to lubricate it. I slowly pushed it into her ass making sure not to hurt her. About halfway in her she slammed her ass back into me driving it to the hilt. I grabbed on to the towels like the reins on a Kentucky Derby thoroughbred. I took my hand and started slapping her ass like a riding crop. By the way I was an anal virgin up to then honey. Both ways."

My balls were making splashing sound as it hit the lips of her soaking wet pussy. She was fucking my dick as much as I was fucking her. Finally, I told her I was going to cum again. All of the sudden her legs started shaking. I started pumping what felt like gallons of cum into her tight poop chute she went limp."

"I laid her down and rolled off to her side. I looked into her face and saw how truly satisfied I made her. She woke up about 3 minutes later smiling at me. She told me I might not have the biggest cock she ever had, but I had ONE HELL OF A PYLE DRIVING ASS."

"Can you believe it Carla, I made her pass out."

"She told me I was the best she ever has had and then we fell asleep in each other arms cuddling next to each other spooning. I woke up hours later and realized what I had done and hurried home as fast as I could."

"I left out a lot off the details that could possibly hurt you and it would take another 2 hours to describe to you everything that happened. So, with me being completely honest with you honey please forgive me."

"Thank god honey if looks could kill for what I did, I am sure I would be meeting Mr. Death right now."

"Are you sure Dan is there anything else you want to tell me?" Carla said in a sarcastic voice shaking her head.

"Yeah, I left out the hole where she sat over the golf hole pulling her skirt aside causing me to miss the put short."

"Anything else Dan"

"No that's it. So, can you forgive me?" I looked into Carla's eyes and saw nothing. Her face then started turning red with anger.

She tightened her lips with her answer, "YOU LYING BASTARD YOU PLAYED TWO ROUNDS DIDN"T YOU?"

Authors Notes Authors Notes: Here are a few other stories of the interactions between and me my father that I thought you might find interesting.

My Dad was a tightwad. I ask for a nickel one day for a coke. He told me that water was free and gave me a lecture on the value of a nickel. He later would bottled water that cost more than Coke did. I gave him hell for that.

We adopted two children from Russia. One boy and girl. 4 years old and 18 months in that order. I named my adopted boy after him. Big mistake. My son could do no wrong. We walked in one day to visit for the weekend one year. When the kids were 7 and 5. He pulled out his wallet just gave of them both a $100 bill.

I said, "really dad. You were so tight when I grew up you squeezed a buffalo nickel to it shit. Dad responded, "You know why grandparents and grandkids along." "No," waiting on his BS answer. "common enemy"

When he was in his late 70's my mother complaining as usually about nothing. I think she got where she complained just too complain. She came back and said, You know what I hate about you?" My Dad replies, "my breathing."

The next day my mom was on him again. He turned to me and my wife with frustration and said, "in my next life I am coming back gay. My wife asked him if he was going to be on top or bottom. His mind started turning, "dam I didn't think of that." My mother piped up 'bottom'" My wife and I were crying we were laughing so hard. We could hardly catch our breath. I had to run to the bathroom to keep from pissing in my pants.

Another thing I used to do to him when we had guest over and I sat next to him every time he raised his hand for anything. I would cover up my head and face as if I was trying to protect myself. It was as if he hit it all the time. After pulling that stunt for the third time I got my ass worn out. Yes, my mom had no problem with him doling out corporal punishment.

Another story, my father was 85 years old. I was sitting in recliner watching golf on TV of course. My wife was sitting on the couch with him across the room to my right. My mom sitting to my right and slightly behind me a little. I do not remember the conversation going on in the room. But I remember the next sentence that came out of my wife's mouth was, "dam men all you want is a blowjob all the time" I turned my head slowly staring at her in shock. My dad acted like nothing happened. My mom's eyes bugged out.

My wife turned crimson and with embarrassment. She covered he face screaming and crying as she was saying she was sorry and ran to the guestroom. This is the same woman I talked about in my forward in the Valentine's Day Jar. My father acted like nothing happened. My wife finally came out of the guestroom about a half hour later. She looked at me and I was biting my lip trying not to start laughing. She had her eyes to the floor and apologized.

My dad said, "Hon," I it has been a very long time," while looking at my mother, "but I know what they are, and it is no big deal. My mom just stared at him giving him a dirty wife look. I cut loose howling,

To the Memory of Stepdad-father-Dad. The greatest man I have ever known. RIP 1925-2014.

Story to continue.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Well that turned into a random word salad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Maybe you had to be there to appreciate the nuances of these little vignettes. Unfortunately, they do not adapt well to a short story format.

NitpicNitpicover 1 year ago

Is there a point to this jumble of words.?

MarkT63MarkT63over 2 years ago

Unsure of the point or punch line???

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyover 2 years ago

That was really horribleness

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