The Ghost Inside Her

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A spirit forces himself on a young girl.
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Her cell phone rang, and Mary was excited to hear from her Aunt Betsy. Summer was approaching and the freshly turned 18 year old had planned to stay with her aunt and work at the bank Betsy was managing before college began in the fall. Mary wanted that business experience because that was to be her major.

An excited Mary answered while bombarding her aunt with a multitude of questions, "Hi Aunt Betsy. Did you close on the house? Can I come stay? Can I work there?"

On the other end Betsy laughed, "Whoa, slow down. One thing at a time. Yes I will move in on the second of June and you are hired!" Loudly into the phone, Mary squealed with delight.

Aunt Betsy was a strong business woman and Mary looked up to her. Her aunt was her father's baby sister and, at 35 years old, she had never been married which fit her personality perfectly. Betsy liked her financial independence but loved her freedom to travel even more. She would fly off to Italy in a moment's notice as well as vacation in the Bahamas. She already owned two houses and this latest purchase was her third.

The house was located in South Carolina and was a large older plantation style home that Betsy had always wanted since she watched her favorite movie Gone With the Wind. She was waiting for the right moment and the right price so the deal she got on that three-story, eight bedroom home was incredible.

Betsy flew in for Mary's graduation and soon thereafter, Mary headed back with her aunt. Mary was excited when the car service they were riding in pulled down the large lane to the house. Upon getting her luggage out of the trunk, Mary looked around the property in awe.

"Wow, Aunt Betsy...this is nice!" Mary marveled.

Betsy smiled, "Thank you sweetie. I've always wanted a home like this and now I have one. The bank is only 10 miles away and wait until you see the lake in the back."

After taking the tour, Mary unpacked in her bedroom. Just to the right at the top of the winding staircase, the room was spacious with a high ceiling. Mary put all her business clothing in the large walk-in closet that Betsy had added to several rooms so to accommodate today's millennium woman. The room was great except for one thing. There was no air conditioning in the house but Betsy promised to put one in the window on that Saturday.

Once settled in, Mary put on her shorts, tank, and canvas tennis shoes and went for a walk to enjoy the outdoors as the humidity began to rise. Mary was a petite red-head with amazing green eyes. She stood 5'1 and weighed 100 pounds. While occasionally dabbling on her phone, she mostly took in the fresh air while listening to the frogs and other outdoor creatures around the lake. As the sun began to set, the mosquitos became thick so she decided to end the hike for a nice shower.

Mary was fresh and clean and as she combed her long wet hair, she decided to dress lightly because of the sultry room. Wearing only a long shimmer t-shirt with silk panties, Mary was ready for bed. She played around on social media and watched some television, before shutting out the lights. She liked to sleep with the TV on to provide a little night light but kept the volume on mute. She was tired and hoped her first night of sleep in the large house would be a peaceful one. She couldn't have been more mistaken.

In the middle of the night, Mary was awakened by a heavy presence on top of her. Her eyes sleepily popped open but in the flickering light emanating from the screen, she could see no one. She couldn't move or speak. She felt like her mouth was taped shut even though she knew it wasn't. For some reason, her legs were spread and something large was assaulting her vagina. In and out she felt the ramming pressure and the pain was intense. Was she having a nightmare?

Mary was able to kick her feet but not much else. She could only mumble and take whatever was happening to her body and specifically her womb. After several minutes, the ramming had stopped but now her vaginal walls felt very full and a warm liquid was being squirted inside her. It was just so bizarre. Nobody was there! In Mary's young mind, she began to feel claustrophobic and just when she thought she was going to lose her composure, the heaviness lifted, she could speak and move freely.

Mary screamed very loudly and the thumping of her aunt's running steps preceded the door slinging open, the light flipping on and a panicked Betsy frantically asking, "What's wrong, Mary? Are you alright?"

Mary was lying in the middle of the bed with her legs hanging open and the long shirt up around her waist. Even though the room air was warm, it felt cool on her exposed, stretched pussy. That is when she could feel the liquid running down her crack.

Mary reached between her legs to feel her slimy labia while answering, "I...I am now. Something happened and I'm not quite sure what it was."

Betsy approached the bed, and tried to pull Mary's shirt down so to cover up her private parts before responding, "What do you mean, honey? There is nobody here and the house alarm hasn't been tripped."

Holding up her wet fingers to show her aunt, "I'm not sure but it felt as if something was on top of me and I couldn't move. It was strange. Look here, there is something coming from"

Betsy took hold of Mary's wrist and brought it up closer to her face. While squinting, she rhetorically questioned, "That looks can't be"

Betsy then cocked her head, "You weren't masturbating were you and maybe blacked out?"

"No I swear. I was sound asleep. I felt a presence and heaviness. I couldn't move or speak. My vagina was hurting like it was being filled with some large object and then all of a sudden, it stopped. That is when I screamed," Mary reviewed.

"I think to be on the safe side, I'm going to drive you to the emergency room. Sweetie, get dressed and we will head out in a minute," advised Betsy.

When Betsy left the room, Mary had questions she just couldn't answer. How could this happen? How did her panties get off her without her feeling it? Why wasn't anybody standing there? It was just too strange.

Both of them got dressed and drove to the hospital. It was tough to describe the event without the medical personnel thinking Mary was crazy. The doctor asked questions while Mary answered them. Betsy sat in the chair observing. When they were finished, the nurse took a swab of her vagina while a few more tests were being run.

Time seemed to drag as the sun began to come up and Mary fell asleep in the hospital bed. She awoke with a police officer gently shaking her by the shoulder, "Ma'am. Ma'am, I need to ask you some questions."

For the second time, a groggy Mary opened her eyes from a dead sleep. Betsy was drinking coffee and looked as though she had just woke up as well.

With a scratchy voice, Mary responded, "OK, Officer. Whatever you need. I'm a little confused to why you are here."

With pen and pad in hand, he answered, "I'm Detective Sherwood. I'm here because of the rape. The hospital confirmed your vagina was traumatized and contained semen. We are having the DNA analyzed and put into our database to see if we can get a match. Can you tell me anything about the man who did this to you?"

Both women found it hard to believe and became a little hysterical. When the officer had calmed them down, Mary explained the story once again much to the detective's skepticism.

He eased Mary's emotions before continuing, "I know it must be tough but you cannot protect this guy. It's not your fault and you need to tell us who did this."

Mary was getting frustrated and again explained the story. Of course the detective didn't believe her but took all the proper notes. The two females went home and for the next week, Mary slept in Betsy's room. Nothing was out of the ordinary. Mary began working at the bank and things seemed back to normal.

Eventually Mary went back to her own room and the incident was quickly becoming a distant memory. Toward the end of June, Detective Sherwood called and wanted to stop by with some news. That afternoon, the two ladies took the day off from work and the policeman entered the house. They had some light conversation before he finally reached the reason for his visit.

Detective Sherwood wiped his face with his hands before starting, "When the incident happened you told me a story that was pretty hard to believe. I really thought you were lying. Now the tables have turned and I have an equally unbelievable answer for you."

Mary listened intently while scooting to the edge of the couch and Betsy responded, "OK, what is it?"

The detective continued, "From the rape kit, we ran the DNA not once but three times to confirm its identity. We got the same hit all three times. The DNA comes back to a guy named Horace Baxter."

Mary shook her head, "Who is Horace Baxter?"

Detective Sherwood hesitantly continued, "Horace Baxter was a man who lived in this town back in the 1980s and 90s. He was probably the most heinous, notorious criminal who ever lived in these parts. He was suspected of dozens of rapes. All young females."

Mary and Betsy's mouths hung open. They were in disbelief. Hearing that news opened up a series of new questions.

With her hand over her mouth, Mary asked, "Is he out of prison? When did he get out?"

"Uh...well...I don't know how to tell you this. Horace Baxter is dead. He killed himself in 1998 when police had built up evidence against him. As they closed in, he shot himself in the head. All the cases were pretty much closed after that," revealed Detective Sherwood before adding, "I'm sorry but I don't know how to explain what happened to you. Maybe somebody kept his DNA and planted it. But that semen inside you was fresh so that cannot be it. He never had a son who might have similar DNA so that cannot be it. We have no explanation. I'm sorry. We will continue to follow leads until we come up with a suspect other than Horace."

Mary was in shock and sat in silence while Betsy asked a few more questions that the detective could not answer. He left and the girls were dumbfounded. They discussed it between themselves and felt chills go across their necks when thinking about the unthinkable.

Mary stammered, "The only explanation is it has to be his...his evil spirit or ghost."

Betsy squinted, "That is impossible. Even if it were possible, how could he leave his living sperm inside you? That is insane."

"What else could it be? Nobody was standing there. Nobody!" snapped Mary.

They both googled Horace Baxter and started researching online until they found the newspaper story of the day it happened. Mary took over and began reading from her phone, "Blah, blah...oh here we go...Baxter was suspected of at least 41 rapes and was the most prolific serial rapist in South Carolina history. The 6'8 man was notorious for holding or binding his victims, gagging them before raping them. When a young female, Sherri Devereux could identify him, the police had finally gotten their break. When they eventually tracked Baxter down at this 4566 Willow Lane address, he took his own life with a 38 caliber pistol while in his bedroom.

It never dawned on Mary but Betsy interrupted her, causing their chills to skyrocket to goosebumps when she informed, "Uh, Mary! This house is 4566 Willow Lane! No wonder I got it so cheap."

Mary gasped before dropping her phone, "Oh my God!" After picking it up, she desperately asked, "What are we going to do?"

Betsy shrugged, "There is nothing we really can do unless you want to get in contact with one of those spiritual mediums."

Mary and Betsy debated further but decided they weren't going to pursue a medium quite yet. In Mary's mind, she wanted to find out a little more about this Horace Baxter before she decided anything else. She had so many questions that needed answered.

More research was needed as Mary began to search for Sherri Devereux. After nearly a week of searching and asking questions, Mary discovered Sherri lived about 50 miles away with her family. She drove to Sherri's house and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" a female voice asked through the wood.

Mary loudly spoke, "Are you Sherri Devereux?" After she responded yes, Mary continued, "Would you mind if I come in? I wanted to speak to you about Horace Baxter."

Sherri responded angrily, "Please go away. That was a long time ago and I don't want to talk about it."

Mary persisted, "Please. I am Mary. I am staying where he used to live and I believe he raped me too."

There was a pause and the door opened. Sherri stood in the doorway and said, "That is impossible. He has been dead for 20 years."

"I know that. But I believe his ghost raped me earlier this summer and I would like to speak to you about it," replied Mary.

Sherri invited Mary into her home. Sherri was now 38 years old and mother of two boys. The boys were still at school as the girls sat in the living room while Mary began to divulge the entire story. Sherri couldn't accept that the story could be true until Mary showed her the DNA report along with the date. They began to talk more and more about each other's encounter with South Carolina's most notorious serial rapist.

Sherri then exposed to Mary what she hadn't spoken about in over 20 years, "Horace worked at the same factory as my dad. He was a large man and one day I stop in to speak to Dad about something and he introduces me to Horace. I think nothing of it but the next day when I get home from school, Horace is right behind me and pushes himself into the door with me."

Mary was totally engrossed as she listened to Sherri continue, "He was wearing a ski mask so for a moment I had no idea who it might be. I was terrified and not thinking coherently. What really stood out was how big he was as he towered over me. In no time, he had my skirt pulled up and my panties ripped off. He raped me for several minutes while he held one of his hands over my mouth. When I saw his eyes through the mask, I knew it was the large man I had met at Daddy's work."

While listening to Sherri, Mary now realized why she couldn't speak and felt the heaviness on top of her but was still curious when she asked, "Did he put any large objects up you like a baseball bat or anything?"

Sherri tilted her head before responding, "No. Just the one between his legs. The man was hung like a horse. I couldn't believe how much he stretched and tore me. It had to be at least 10 inches long and this big around," Now Sherri was demonstrating with her circled fingers to show the girth of his manhood.

"Would you like to see a picture of him? My dad had a picture of his entire department at a work team picnic," Sherri asked while walking toward the closet before hearing the answer.

Sherri handed the picture to Mary while pointing, "There he is right there with the red shirt on. See how big he was? I have to admit he was also very handsome. It is a shame he was such an evil son-of-a-bitch."

Now it all made sense. Mary and Sherri continued their discussion for another hour and even drank coffee together. They hugged before Mary headed back to the mansion. She told her Aunt Betsy everything and both of them were taken back by the entire situation. Betsy offered for Mary to switch rooms but Mary had begun thinking about Horace and her fear had transformed into curiosity.

Mary couldn't get Horace Baxter off her mind. She took a phone picture of the picture Sherri had shown her. She stared at it and in some demented way, was aroused by the thought of this large, handsome man with a huge cock on top of her, taking what he wanted. Mary had masturbated to rape fantasies in the past and now that she knew this fantasy had become a reality, she found it sort of erotic.

Mary began thinking to herself, "Am I sick or what? Why am I now turned on by Horace? It is like when those idiot women want to marry these hardened criminals in prison. I had always found those women to be so stupid and now I'm one of them. Get him out of your head and go to bed."

Mary put on her sweats and night shirt and crawled under the blankets. After staring up at the ceiling for nearly thirty minutes, she still couldn't sleep. Even though the room was now cool, she couldn't help herself. She pulled off her sweats and panties and tossed them onto the floor.

She spoke out into the large room through the flickering television light, "OK, Horace, show me what you got."

That night while she slept, she was awakened with Horace's presence once again. She was on her back with her legs up and could feel his large dick pumping her vagina. She couldn't talk or move but was unafraid. She was now enjoying the experience even though it was painful.

All she could do was provide a muffled moan, "Ummm! Hmmumm! Ommmm!"

She began visualizing Horace in her mind. He was having his way with her and that was so hot. She couldn't move. She couldn't scream. This giant of a man thrusting deep inside her tight womb was just so overwhelming that she began having an amazing orgasm. Her entire body convulsed and shook.

Mary was unsure if it was her imagination or real but when he came inside her, she swore she could hear him groan. Feeling that warm seed spurt deep in her pussy, made her climax again! Her toes wrinkled and her back was able to slightly arch. It felt amazing! Then, just like that, it was gone.

She climbed out of bed and went to the bathroom. With the light on, she sat on the commode wiping her pussy with toilet paper and sure enough, there was thick white cum all over the pink tissue. She no longer questioned its validity but treated it like she had just come home from her boyfriend's house. When finished, she turned out the light and went back to bed. She slept like a rock.

The rest of the summer Mary would prepare herself for her very special ghost, even sleeping on her stomach so Horace could take her doggie style. That spirit would fuck her about twice a week and she loved every minute of it. She had so many powerful orgasms that she could no longer keep track. She craved Horace forcing himself upon her.

As the summer neared an end, it was getting time for Mary to head off to college. However, she began getting sick in the last few weeks. Every day she was throwing up and worried she might have contracted a deadly disease from Horace. Aunt Betsy took her to the doctor so they could run some tests. While in the office, both ladies commiserated to what they thought it might be.

When the doctor returned, he smiled, "Congratulations young lady, you are pregnant. Who is the lucky guy?"

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SluttyMatthewSluttyMatthew3 months ago

Hello Brittni4u

That is one crazy story!

Horace Baxter is one vindictive spirit!!

Poor Mary! How do explain to your son or daughter that his or her absent father is actually the ghost of a serial rapist!

- Slutty Matthew

dingusmcmingusdingusmcmingusover 1 year ago

In a story about a woman being impregnated by a ghost, the most unbelievable part is that a detective would show up to a hospital to investigate an alleged rape.

NICHOLXNICHOLXover 1 year ago

LOVED IT, CINCO! Will she have a ghost baby, LOL? I hope there is a sequel!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

As usual Brit five stars. Great piece of work 👏

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
So hot

I want a monster cock ghost to force himself into my tight little cunt. I want to have his little rapists babies. Keep his legacy alive

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