The Gilded Cage Ch. 07

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Time to decide.
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Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 06/10/2010
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Hello everyone! This is the final chapter and I truly hope it's the ending you wished for. This was my first attempt at writing so please let me know what you think and whether I should try again with a different story. Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who has voted – it really makes my day! MelloT x

Jess was woken by a loud thumping noise overhead and had just gotten out of bed to go and investigate when the door beeped and swished open. Without looking, she dropped to the floor and presented. Keeping her head pressed to the floor she asked

"What's that noise Master? Is it a helicopter?"

"It's not your Master Jessica. You don't have to bow down like that. It's almost time for us to go but first I need to get those cuffs off for you and find you some food and clothes. Let's go." Jess had sat up with shock when she realized it was Harry.

"Where's Master? Is he ok?" she asked without moving. A flash of irritation crossed Harry's face.

"He's not your 'Master' anymore Jessica. You're free. I've sent him off to London and with a bit of luck he won't be back till tomorrow afternoon now come on!" Harry had grabbed her wrist and was pulling.

"Harry, wait. I... I don't want to go. I can't leave him."

"What?!" Harry didn't let go of her wrist and was looking at her like she was crazy. He was probably right. "It's alright Jessica, we're going where he'll never find us. He'll never hurt you again."

"No. I'm staying here Harry. I want to stay here. I...I love him."

Harry dropped her wrist and stepped back. Jess was still on her knees in front of him but despite the submissive pose, her jaw was set and there was determination in her eyes.

"You're crazy. He'll kill you if you stay here much longer. Look at you – you can't even sit down you're in so much pain." Harry paced the floor trying to work out why Jess was doing this.

"You like it don't you. You like to be dominated and beaten. You're just as perverted as he is." Harry could feel his anger building. Didn't she know what this had cost him? What he had risked for her? How dare she turn him down?!

"You led me on you little BITCH! HE'LL KILL ME IF HE FINDS ME AND IT'S ALL FOR NOTHING!!!" In a blind rage, Harry raised his fist and backhanded her across the face. Jess fell to the floor crying out. She could taste blood and lay still as Harry flew into a frenzy above her. He tore the books off the shelves, upended the table and chair and ripped the sheets from the bed. While he was distracted, Jess scrambled to her feet and ran to the door hoping she could get it open. Her efforts were, of course, in vain and Harry launched himself at her as she tried to prise the metal apart with her fingernails. He pinned her to the wall knocking the breath out of her.

"This is how you like it isn't it. You like it when a man forces you. Well I'm gonna give you exactly what you want Jessica - I may as well take something for all my hard work." he said in a suddenly calm voice but his eyes were full of fury and Jess felt more frightened than she had ever felt with Alex or indeed in her whole life. Harry was out of control and there was no way of stopping him. He flung her on the bed but she rolled off the other side and landed cat-like on her toes. Then she ran towards the bridge for all she was worth.

"JESSICA!" Harry roared behind her. She could hear his footsteps getting closer and had just reached the other side of the pool when his fingers closed around her hair. He yanked her backwards causing her to sprawl on the wooden decking. Harry knelt over her struggling form and slapped her again trying to make her lie still.

"Now I see why Alex tanned your hide so much you bitch. Did you fight him as well? Maybe I should take my belt to you and become your new Master." Harry had caught her wrists and was pulling them above her head when Jess brought her knee up sharply into his balls. Harry keeled over with a grunt and Jess struggled from beneath him. There was only one place she knew he wouldn't be able to get to her and it was the last place she ever thought she would willingly go. Jess ran to the traffic light buttons and pushed the red one hearing the crank chug to life. The birdcage slowly descended from the high arch – too slowly for her liking. She could see Harry struggling to his feet and knew she would have to be quick.

Harry stumbled, still bent double and clutching the throbbing area between his legs.

"You're gonna pay for that, bitch." he growled. He raised his head scanning to see where she had gone and locked eyes with her standing at the back of the punishment room. With a clank, the birdcage hit the floor and Jess punched the orange button. Now it would be a race to see who got there first. Jess sprinted faster than she had ever gone before. Harry was still hindered by his injury and it made him even angrier to see her clamber inside the birdcage. She started to close the door but he grabbed at the bars, pulling against her. Jess leaned forward and bit down on his fingers until Harry yelped and let go. The birdcage slammed shut and Jess knew there was only one person in the world who could open it again.

Panting hard, Jess sat as far back in the cage as she could go and watched as Harry shook the metal door. He pressed his thumb to the black screen, tried levering the door open with the wooden spoon and beat at the lock with a large paddle but it wouldn't budge. Relief washed over her but it was short lived. Harry had walked over to the traffic light buttons and Jess was being hoisted into the air. The cage came to a sudden stop when Jess was at eye level with Harry.

"It seems I can't fuck you now that you've locked yourself away. That was a mistake Jessica – now I have to think of some other way to leave a lasting impression on you." Harry went to the wall and chose a vicious looking barbed bull whip. He cracked it in the air making Jess jump and then smiled sardonically at her.

"I don't think Alex has introduced you to this yet, has he? Let's see if it makes you wet." Harry raised the whip and lashed at Jess over and over again. The bars of the cage provided more protection than she had dared hope for and the cruel leather only managed to bite into her soft skin a few times. Blood dripped from her shoulder and arms. She thought her back had probably been hit a couple of times too. Harry threw it down in disgust and shook her cage violently.

"I've got a better idea." he whispered and Jess felt sick. Harry's wiry arms snaked through the bars of the cage and reached for her breasts. When Jess hit his hands away, he grabbed her wrists and secured them to the side bars of her cage. He returned his attention to her nipples pinching hard until Jess cried out in pain.

"I'm beginning to see what Alex gets out of this. I'm starting to enjoy listening to you scream. Did you know Alex planned to pierce these for you? He was going to push a needle through them very slowly and put rings in them so he could lead you around He ordered the kit – it must be here somewhere." With that Harry let go of her nipples and searched the shelves until he found what he was looking for.

"Please Harry, don't do this. I'm really sorry. Why don't you just leave now? Get some extra distance between you and Alex. I'll, I'll tell him you went to Costa Rica or somewhere and put him on the wrong trail..."

"My ride's probably not here yet and besides, Alex won't be back till tomorrow – plenty of time to leave a permanent reminder of me on your body. Every time you look in the mirror you'll be reminded that you gave up a chance to be with me and whenever Alex looks at you he'll be reminded that I touched his precious property." Harry had returned to the cage with a sterilized needle in his hand.

"Is this making you wet Jessica? Are you turned on by the prospect of pain?" Harry reached through the hole at the bottom of her cage and Jess jumped and struggled as his cold fingers made contact with her most sensitive areas. She wasn't wet at all – there was nothing remotely erotic about this.

"Well, what have we here?" Harry said with a smile when he discovered her larger than average inner labia. "I think I've found a better place for your new jewelry to go."

"NO! PLEASE!" Harry hoisted the cage higher until he could stand directly beneath her. He reached through the hole and stretched out one of her labia holding it firmly while he took his time pushing the needle through. Jess screamed herself hoarse but Harry fitted her with the gold hoop and repeated the process with her other labia as though he hadn't heard. He stepped back showing her the blood on his fingers and smiled.

"That looks lovely. Not quite as permanent as I'd like though. Time to brand you like cattle I think." Jess was slumped in the cage. Her entire body was covered in sweat and she was trembling. Her labia throbbed painfully and she wanted to put her hands down to herself and protect them from further agony. Harry walked to the well stocked fireplace and found a box of matches. He lit some kindling and stoked the fire with a poker before leaving it in there to heat. The sun was starting to set filling the whole room with the colours of fire and blood. Jess sobbed and prayed that Alex would find her in one piece. Would he be able to overlook the new flaws on her body?

"TURN THIS FUCKING PLANE AROUND NOW!" Alex had roared at his pilots. They had complained about not having clearance – he didn't care. He'd pay whatever fine they threw at him. Something was very wrong and he needed to get back to Jess. Alex had discovered Harry's deception only 10 minutes into the flight. As the plane had taken to the sky and leveled out, Alex had reached for his satellite phone and called London.

"Montgomery, what the hell is going on there? Tell me what's happened with the deal."

"Er, the deal is fine boss – we closed an hour ago? What have you heard?" Alex's heart had stopped beating. He'd hung up on Montgomery without another word. Now he was back in his helicopter hovering over the cage. He saw the birdcage swinging in the back draft caused by the blades and Harry shot out of the punishment room throwing something down as he ran towards the bedroom. Alex landed by the front door just as Harry came hurtling out of it. Harry was fast but Alex was much stronger. A strong right hook floored Harry and knocked out a few teeth. Alex used his tie to secure Harry's wrists before removing Harry's belt to use on his ankles.

"What the hell's going on Harry?" Alex shouted at the unconscious employee at his feet. Alex gave him a swift kick in the side before hoisting him onto his shoulder and walking through the house to the cage. The door swished open and Alex strode through the bedroom calling Jess. There was no answer. When he reached the pool, Alex stared in shock at the flames engulfing the round sun-mattress. Alex threw Harry down onto the decking and ran towards the flames. He grabbed the hood and pulled the heavy material to the pool, coughing and spluttering as he pushed it in. It sank with a hiss and Alex stamped out any remaining burning embers. That's when he saw the still glowing fire poker and panic set in.

"JESS?!" still no answer. "JESSICA?!"

The swinging birdcage caught his eye and he shouted when he saw Jess's limp body inside. He caught the cage and steadied it. There were a few drops of blood on the floor below the cage. Jess had bruises appearing on her cheeks and a split lip. She had open cuts on her shoulders, arms and back and she was completely wet with sweat. Alex bellowed with rage as he ran to the red button and lowered the birdcage to the ground. Releasing her wrists, he pulled her from the cage and lay her on the floor. The setting sun caught the gold rings in her swollen, red labia and Alex cursed under his breath.

"Jess, wake up. Come on baby. Wake up and look at me."

"M Master?" Jess croaked. Her throat was sore from screaming. When her eyes focused on Alex she tried to sit up and present.

"No baby, lie still." urged Alex feeling thoroughly ashamed of himself. "Who did this? Was it Harry?" Jess nodded weakly.

"I'll kill him." Alex said grimly raising his eyes to Harry's unmoving body. Jess shook her head but Alex didn't notice. He was on his feet and dragging Harry towards the pool.

"N NO MASTER! DON'T HURT HIM!" Jess croaked as loudly as she could. Alex dropped Harry and turned on his heel. Jealousy stabbed him again. Why was she protecting him? Had she wanted Harry to do this? Were they having an affair after all? He kept his temper in check this time refusing to make the same mistake twice.

"Explain." he said through gritted teeth.

"If you kill him Master, you'll go to jail. How will I live without you?" Jess had surprised him again. After all he had put her through, all the pain and humiliation, she still wanted to be with him. Alex knew in that moment that she loved him as much as he loved her and he would never let her go.

He carried Jess into the bedroom and lay her on the bed. He carefully covered her with a sheet and helped her to drink some water. Jess drifted off not long after and Alex took the opportunity to deal with Harry. Carrying him down to the jetty, he dumped him in the speed boat that he had spotted from his helicopter earlier. Alex sped out onto the black, night time waters and stopped when he was half way between the island and the mainland. He threw a bucket of sea water over Harry to wake him before hoisting him into a sitting position.

"Why?" he demanded. Harry smiled and spat out the blood that was pooling where his teeth had been knocked out.

"She's a sick bitch. All this time I thought she hated you but it turned out she was loving it. I thought I'd be the big hero and save her from the perverted monster but she wouldn't go with me. After all my careful planning, my time and effort, my life on the line. Ungrateful cunt. She needed to be taught a lesson...." WHACK! Alex punched him again leaving a gash above his cheek bone. Harry stayed quiet.

"Jess made me promise not to kill you. I won't break my word to her even though I'd very much like to. I'm letting you go Harry and I never expect to see or hear from you again. Is that clear?" Harry nodded gratefully. Alex pulled out a pocket knife and cut through the belt and tie holding Harry's wrists and ankles.

"The mainland is that way. Get out." he said pointing east. Harry hesitated for a moment taking in the fact that he was expected to swim. He looked at the knife Alex was still holding and then back at the deep sea before jumping in and swimming away. As Alex turned the boat for home, he glimpsed a black fin in the distance. Sharks have a remarkable sense of smell and Harry's blood would only have taken seconds to alert them. Alex didn't look back, safe in the knowledge that he had kept his promise to Jess – Harry was very much alive when he left him.

Jess woke to another beautiful sunny morning on their island. She felt Alex's arm flex possessively around her and smiled. It had taken weeks for her injuries to fully heal and for her to get over the fever and nightmares that had tormented her. The memory of Harry advancing on her with the red hot poker would take longer to fade. Thank God Alex had arrived in time.

Alex had removed the rings from her labia the same night he rescued her and the collar and cuffs had been cut off the following day. The enclosure had come down and the electric doors replaced with wooden ones although, at Jess's insistence, the birdcage and half of the punishment or rather 'play' room remained. Alex had removed the harsher equipment including the bull whip and they now spent many happy hours in there experimenting with Jess's pain induced orgasms. The other half of the dome had been turned into an ornate dressing room full of wonderful shoes and clothes. Alex had a new assistant who was a kindly old gentleman. He knew and understood their lifestyle, rarely got in their way and made sure their days ran as smoothly as possible. Jess had the freedom of the island and whenever Alex needed to leave on business he insisted on taking her with him, not that she minded. She found it hard to be apart from him for even an hour.

Alex sighed and stretched behind her bringing her back to the here and now.

"Morning Master. Would you like me to present?"

"Ha, ha, very funny. Don't make me spank you for being so cheeky." he said, playfully slapping her bottom.

"I love it when you're so masterful Alex!" she teased.

"Yeah? Well come here 'Slave' and let me show you what a true master I am." He pulled her under him and entered swiftly hitting all the right spots and making her moan with desire.

She struggled mischievously before he pinned her wrists down on either side of her head and kissed her with a passion she never dreamt existed.

She was his and he was hers forever.

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KinkibootsKinkiboots7 months ago

I loved the story, only I would have left the permanent cuffs and Collar on I loved the idea of them.

WhitemasterWhitemasterover 3 years ago

Very good pen, a great story, congratulations, keep up the good job, hope to see your next story soon!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
I guess I’m having a good day after all...

This is very very clearly just a fantasy because it’s devoid of any realism whatsoever.

With that in mind it’s nice to see a non con fantasy with a HEA. Which obvs again just gives credence to it being pure fantasy. Even if the primary male character isn't a loving Dom but is actually an arrogant, jealous, possessive arsehole who believes himself to be above the law - kidnapping, rape, torture, physically and emotionally abusive.

As for the title of my comment, well it’s because on a bad day this story would just piss me off completely. An arrogant arsehole decided “ah fuck it why should I bother paying for a willing sub/ slave when I can just kidnap a pretty woman who conveniently has no surviving family AND no friends, lucky me she’s just arrived in a new town looking for a job so she doesn’t have any work colleagues who might miss her either. Wow, more luck, she’s a closet submissive who wants someone to take charge of her life and love her...I mean honestly what a coincidence, you just can’t make this shit up um unless you do. At least it wasn’t all brought on by Stockholm Syndrome and fixed by his magic cock....never mind.

I’m not going to go into all the cliches about Harry’s reactions, attitude and abuse.

On a serious note the main reason kidnapping stories piss me off is because Human Trafficking aka (modern but very real) slavery IS very very real problem. Writing about it for foreplay is just really poor taste.

Genuine BDSM between fully freely consenting adults Is a beautiful thing.

Tess (UK)

Jrunner16Jrunner16almost 5 years ago
Glided cage

Great series thank you! Wishing it wasn't over.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Loved this story!

The ending was perfect!

Ever thought about writing a similar story with a different ending?

I think it would be equally good if all three of them wound up having a relationship together. Perhaps she can evade Harry long enough to get through to him and convince him to stay to talk to Alex. Then she can convince them both that she has enough love available to share with both of them; that neither needs to be jealous of the other because she loves them both.

Of course Jess and Harry would have to convince Alex that Harry had misunderstood the kind of relationship that she and Alex had; that Harry was only trying to do what he thought Jess wanted; that he disliked how he had arranged for Alex to be distracted since he considers Alex such a good friend or even like a brother.

If you do write a story like that, with that kind of ending, I would love to know so that I can read that version as well.

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