The Girl with Magical Hands Pt. 01


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The middle frame was the only one left, and they backed little Jovie up behind it. Her arms were stretched upward, her legs spread wide, and Orgasma now had her third volunteer. All three women were standing spread-eagled, each testing their bonds and finding them to be unrelenting.

Orgasma studied them in a theatrical pose of contemplation. "What do you think, audience? Which one of them should I make love to first?"

"The brunette!" someone shouted. "The little one!" called a woman's voice. The crowd degenerated into raucous fun as Orgasma walked to each woman, inspecting them with an appraising eye. At the back of the stage, I saw Stella the Strong Woman pull a large lever, and the bottom of the stage suddenly flared with three focused and powerful spotlights, one behind each woman. While the screens still shielded our direct view, we could suddenly and clearly see the black silhouettes of the women's bodies, stretched and wriggling.

Orgasma sought out Leah's boyfriend, and pointed back at the bound young woman. "How fast do you think I can make her come?" she asked the man. "Ten minutes? Five minutes? I'm not going to lick her, and I don't have a strap-on. I won't even take her clothes off." Leah's eyes popped wide as Orgasma turned around and waggled her bare bottom to the crowd. "Can you tell? No strap-on. I'm just going to use my erotic secrets." As she spoke, she surreptitiously pulled her micro-bikini back over her long-exposed nipple.

The crowd began yelling out different times, ranging from one minute to a day. People laughed at the one-day suggestion, and the crowd was having a good time at the expense of poor Leah and her boyfriend.

Orgasma calmed them down, using her arms to indicate a hush. "Let's do this," she said. Reaching into the tiny ribbon of cloth between her legs, she pulled out a fifty-dollar bill. "It's warm and wet, but it's fifty dollars." She turned to the wooden frame in front of Leah and fit the bill into a small holder that I hadn't noticed before.

"Leah, look at the front wall of the tent. Straight ahead of you. See that counter?" We all turned and looked. Above the door where we came in, there was a smallish LED sign, with red numerals showing the number 200. "When I say go, you count from 200 to 1 backwards, at the speed that that sign changes. No faster or we start over. If you make it to 1 before you have a fantastic orgasm, you get the fifty dollars. Deal?"

Leah's mouth dropped open, and she subconsciously tested her bonds. "Is this for real?" she asked.

"Leah, are you a lesbian?"


"Are you bisexual? Do you like looking at my titties?" Facing Leah, pointed away from the crowd, Orgasma made a show of pulling aside the tiny top ribbons of her bikini and shaking her breasts. I could see them bouncing around the side of her body even with her back turned.

Leah's eyes got wide as saucers, and her mouth dropped open. "No - I mean, uh, no!"

Orgasma laughed. "I heard some hesitation there, but it doesn't matter. No matter what you think about women, I will make you cum. But you don't like my titties? Are they not big enough?" Still facing away from the crowd, it was obvious that she was tweaking her nipples in front of the captive woman. Jovie, with her better viewing angle, also had eyes the size of saucers.

Leah was in minor shock. "They're ... uh, they're nice."

The crowd roared its approval.

"Well, we've confirmed that Leah's not a lesbian, but she's secretly bisexual and likes looking at women's titties," Orgasma announced as Leah's cheeks flushed red. "This will make my job easy. Let's get this show on the road." Orgasma positioned herself behind Leah. Leah was pulling the ropes now, trying vainly to free herself.

"Let's start the countdown. Leah, read the numbers as they appear. If you get to one before I thoroughly pleasure you, you get fifty dollars."

"200...199...198..." Leah obediently began counting.

From what we could see, Orgasma wasn't doing anything. We could see her hands stroking along Leah's shoulders and up her arms. Up, then back down, and then she sensuously stroked Leah's neck and cheeks.


Orgasma's hands went down, and we could see their silhouette moving down the shadow of Leah's body. At a count of 180, Leah's smile disappeared and her countenance grew serious. At 170, her attempts to free herself grew stronger.

", one-fifty-nine, one...fifty eight." Leah's breathing was becoming a bit deeper. She exhaled strongly. Orgasma stood behind her, occasionally whispering something in the brunette's ear.

"One-forty-five, one-forty-ohhhhhh. Uh, one-forty...forty-four."

What was Orgasma doing? She was standingly serenely behind the taller woman, her arms slowly stroking up and down Leah's body. I couldn't tell that she was reaching between Leah's legs, but Leah's feet were tapping out a subconscious beat now, her hips starting to flex. Orgasma was smiling calmly.

Leah's eyes were wide now, her expression concerned. It appeared that she was actually realizing that she was going to orgasm in front of a crowd of people at a roadside carnival. "No! Don't make me - stop it! I give up!"

"Fifty dollars, my sweet."

"Leah's nostrils flared and she gritted her teeth. "One-nineteen! One-eighteen! Unnnnnh!" She clenched her fists and pulled hard against her bonds, testing them frantically. "What are you doing?"

"Are you enjoying this? Are you about to cum?" Orgasma continued to gently stroke Leah up and down, though not overtly touching any sexual areas. It was just arms and waist and neck and occasionally a loop up to caress her throat and jawline.

Leah was concentrating. "One-oh-nine! Onnnne-oh-eiggggght."

Orgasma smiled at the rapt crowd. "Leah likes me." She was grinning slyly as the bound brunette bucked and fought.

"Ninety-nine. Ninety - " Leah's breaths were coming in short gasps now. "- eight. Keep (pant) the fifty (pant) dollars."

Orgasma laughed and stepped back. Leah fought her restraints, breathing heavily. "Eighty-six, eighty-five..." She regained a little control before Orgasma stepped up again. Her shadow behind the screen began stroking up and down Leah's long, lean body again. Leah's hips slowly began to undulate. Reaching up, Orgasma nibbled her neck and I saw her hands move up and in as if she was touching Leah's breasts.

Leah squeezed her eyes shut and looked skyward. Her back arched. I could see her toes flexing, clinching the floor. "Unnnnnnnnh!" She bucked her hips once, twice, then froze for a long five seconds. "Oh, god!" she gasped, practically lifting herself off the floor as she pulled with her arms.

Orgasma grinned wickedly, then suddenly released her arms and held them up. Leah collapsed like a marionette, hanging by her arms and breathing heavily.

"Did you come?"

Leah didn't answer. Her cheeks were flushed a bright pink.

Orgasma stepped in and began touching her. "I said, did you come?"

"Yes! Yes! No more!"

Orgasma looked up at the clock. "Thirty-five seconds to go. I should have teased you longer." She reached around the frame and plucked the fifty-dollar bill out of its holder, tucking it into her tiny waistband.

You could have heard a pin drop in the tent. No one knew what to make of this show. It was ... weird. Finally, someone began to clap, and others joined in. A few tentative whoops started, and the crowd slowly regained its momentum. But the sense of shock was palpable. Had we really all seen what we thought we'd seen?

Surely Leah was a shill, right? But if she was, she was a very good actress. Still tied in the framework, she looked completely shell-shocked.

Orgasma's gaze turned toward my little friend Jovie.

"You're hot," she said, purring as she sashayed around the bound Filipina and inspected her. The crowd was now getting into it again, and laughed.

"You said you don't have much sex?"

Jovie looked as if she was an antelope watching a leopard approach. "N - no, ma'am."

"Ma'am? Ah, you show me respect." One of Orgasma's boobs again fell out of her micro bikini, and she distractedly tucked it back in. "Do you think I can make you cum by a count of 100? Will my magic work on you?"

Jovie glanced over at Leah, who was just now getting her feet back under her. "I - I don't know, ma'am."

I was fascinated by this. I knew how carnivals worked. They planted shills in the crowd. They used trickery. It was all a game. Maybe Leah was a plant. But I knew that Jovie wasn't. What was going to happen here?

"Set the clock at 100, Stella, and let's see if I can do it. That's half the time it took me to turn Leah over there." Orgasma made a flourish of putting the $50 bill in the holder on Jovie's frame, then positioned herself behind Jovie and looked up at the clock. As I'd noticed earlier, she was only perhaps an inch taller than Jovie, but much more curvy. The two women complemented each other nicely, one slender and dark, the other curvy and light. "You know the drill, Jovie. Start counting backwards when the numbers start."

Jovie's voice wavered with fear. "One hundred...ninety-nine."

The blonde's hands began stroking up and down Jovie's body, visible only in shadow form behind the screen. "Tell me, Jovie, do you like women?"

Jovie took a deep breath. "I like men. Ninety-five...ninety-four..."

"Are you sure you don't like women?" Orgasma's hand moved inside Jovie's shadow. Was she touching her breasts? Her back? I couldn't tell.

Jovie's eyebrows arched and she bit her lower lip. "I don't like women. Ninety...eighty-nine..."

"Did you like watching Leah come over there?"

"I ... I ..." Jovie's expressive eyes flared with surprise. "Oooh!"

"Are you sure you don't like women? You seem to like me."

Jovie let out a girlish squeal. The silhouetting was hard to make out, but it looked like Orgasma was caressing Jovie's stomach. Occasionally it seemed like her hand would sweep higher, and whenever she did, Jovie would jump and gasp. The room fell silent as she worked her magic.

I had to admit, this was turning me on. I looked around the room, and I think it was having the same impact on others. I could see both men and women watching raptly and squirming slightly in their chairs. Every eye was focused on my little intern.

Orgasma's light skin and hair contrasted perfectly with Jovie's darker features, and when she began nibbling on Jovie's neck I thought I was going to have to masturbate right then and there. Jovie was squirming behind the screen, letting out little high-pitched gasps as she tried to count. "Sixty-five...sixty-ooh!-four..."

Jovie was a good girl. She was as cute as they came, but she was straight-laced and had been raised in a conservative household. I couldn't imagine that she would behave like this as part of a show. Had she been hypnotized? If so, how? There was no time for it. Perhaps she was just highly subject to suggestion? I didn't know much about the Philippines, but maybe that's a culture that tends to believe in magic. Frankly, I had no idea, and I was mesmerized.

Whatever was happening, it was working. The poor college girl was squirming and moaning like a porn star now, fighting against the chains that held her spread-eagled. "Forty! Unnnnh! Thirty-nine..." She was panting, her face glowing with sudden sweat. Behind her, Orgasma smiled wickedly and continued her magic. She twisted Jovie's jaw toward her and gave her a passionate kiss. Jovie returned it, their tongues intertwining, and my own jaw dropped to the floor.

At the county of twenty-eight, Jovie came hard. She arched and thrashed and let out a keening wail for a full ten seconds. In her throes, she somehow managed to twist completely sideways for a just a moment, and I was jolted. It happened fast so I wasn't sure, but the shadows looked like Jovie's shirt was up, and Orgasma was cradling and fondling her breasts. It may have been my imagination, but I thought I could even see a shadow of a long nipple being pinched.

Orgasma made Jovie thrash for an eternity, then finally stepped back and let the girl sag. Hanging by her arms, Jovie collapsed and tried to catch her breath. "Was it good for you, too?" Orgasma asked sarcastically. The crowd laughed.

Jovie was panting, her head down. Orgasma reached forward and gently stroked Jovie's shoulder, which made the Filipina's breath catch. "I said, was it good for you? Did you cum hard?"

Jovie is a shy girl all in all. She may wear tiny shorts and low-cut tops, but she's shy. I should have expected what happened next.

She shook her head. She was horrified to admit that she had actually had an orgasm in public.

Orgasma's smile faded, and she looked at the crowd with dramatic bemusement. "You didn't cum hard? There was sure a lot of bucking for someone who didn't cum." She thrust her nearly naked hips forward and back, and the crowd laughed.

Defiantly, Jovie shook her head. "No. Let me go."

"You didn't cum?"

It sure looked like Jovie had come. Her hair was sticking to her forehead and she was even now breathing heavily. "No. I'm done."

"Apparently you're not done. My job is to make you cum." She stepped up behind Jovie again.

I couldn't see what Orgasma was doing, but suddenly Jovie's eyes popped wide. Her jaw set. "Unnnnh. Unnnnh." Below the booth, we could see Jovie suddenly rock back on her heels. Orgasma was laughing. "You sure you didn't come already?"

"AAAH! AAAH!" Jovie was thrashing like a hooked fish.

"I'll stop when you come. Did you come yet?"


"Twice? Did you just come again?"

"YES! OHHHHHHHH! PLEASE!" Jovie's hips were thrusting frantically and she was practically screaming.

Orgasma stepped away, and Jovie dropped, again hanging by her arms as she tried to recover, her eyes closed in shame. A sheen of sweat glowed on her, and she looked beautiful. Orgasma stepped from behind the frame and made a show of plucking the fifty dollar bill out of the frame and back into her tiny g-string. If Jovie's arms weren't tied, she would be on her knees, no doubt about it.

I was stunned. What kind of show was this?

Orgasma forced Jovie into another deep kiss, long and passionate. Then she left her and looked at Vivian. "And then there was one. Your turn next, sweetie," she said.

Vivian's curves were quite evident in her silhouette behind the screen, though her summer dress obscured the exact curve of her hips. Orgasma stepped to the leftmost frame, once again putting the $50 bill in the holder. She tilted her head slightly and studied Vivian, whose blue eyes seemed more excited than frightened.

"Vivian, you seem like a woman with a good sex life. Is that true?"

Vivian didn't even try to suppress a smile. "Oh, yeah."

"What do you think about the other two ladies over there? Are you ready to ride the lightning like they did?"

"Bring it on, Orgasma!" Vivian grinned at the crowd, and I began to recognize that she had been drinking a little.

Orgasma laughed uproariously, and the crowd laughed with her. "I think you're horny! Tell me, do you like girls? Are you a lesbian?"

The older blonde looked out at the crowd. "That's private!" she giggled.

"No, that's not private. This is private." Facing Vivian, Orgasma pulled the bottom of her tiny bikini to the side so Vivian could see her pussy. She did a quick turn to the crowd and flashed us as well. She actually flashed us, showing a clean-shaved pussy to a room full of fifty people. The crowd went wild with its biggest cheer of the night, making Orgasma grin and do it again. Eventually she turned back to Vivian. "So, Viv," she said casually, "Have you ever done it with a woman?"

The bound woman started to answer, then stopped herself. The crowd guffawed at this inadvertent admission.

"I think this woman has a little lesbian in her, don't you, folks?" Orgasma riled up the crowd with grand gestures. "And maybe I should be the little lesbian in her tonight."

The crowd roared its approval.

Orgasma studied Vivian and rubbed her chin in thought. After a long pause that quieted the crowd, she said, "I'm going to offer you a deal, Vivian. Do you want to make a deal?"

After a slight hesitation, the curvy blonde nodded.

"Here's your deal. All you have to do is make it for ten minutes without licking a pussy. Ten minutes, and you make fifty dollars. How does that sound?"

Vivian looked over at Leah and Jovie, both still bound to her left. They were watching her now, too. She was a little shocked, but even so she offered a confused smile, and I got the impression that perhaps she wasn't dreading whatever was about to happen. "You mean ... wait, what? Say that again?"

"All you have to do is not lick another woman's pussy for the next ten minutes." Hold out for ten minutes and you'll walk off with fifty dollars. But I get to touch you anywhere, okay?"

Vivian tested her bonds to no avail. "I guess I have no choice." She looked out to the audience and offered her husband an uncertain grin and shrug. She was definitely into this sort of thing.

"Oh, I forgot! Your husband is out there, right? Sir! Sir! Raise your hand!"

A middle-aged man raised his hand. He looked to be in good shape, with an air of leadership about him. He was clearly highly amused by his wife's plight.

"Can I go to town on your wife? Do you mind if I turn her into a lesbian?"

The crowd laughed and the husband laughed with them. He waved his hand dismissively. "Go for it!" he called out.

"Oh, yummy. Are you ready? Stella, put 600 seconds on the clock. That's ten minutes. Vivian, my darling, whenever you want to stop what we're doing, just tell me that you're ready to lick some pussy. Once you start licking, the clock stops ticking. Got it?" Orgasma was pantomiming her words theatrically, and it occurred to me that she was built much like Vivian, though Vivian's curves were more pronounced and mature.

Vivian braced herself and set her jaw. Orgasma sashayed up to her, swaying her hips seductively. "My dear, I'm about to make you scream. Stella, start the timer!"

With the backlighting, we could clearly see the silhouettes of the two women, and just like before, Orgasma nestled up close to her target from the back. She ran her hands up and down Vivian's arms and gave her a soft nibble on the cheek. Vivian twitched and her thin eyebrows furrowed. Then, plain as day, we saw the shadows of Orgasma's hands move down and cup Vivian's prominent breasts.

The older blonde's back immediately arched, and her nostrils flared. Her eyes got the look of someone who had just realized that she was in over her head.

"I love dresses that show cleavage," Orgasma purred. "It's easy to slide your hand inside. Let's see how sensitive your nipples are."

"Nnnnnnh! How are you doing that?" Vivian's stomach began convulsing and her hips began thrusting, and just like that, she appeared to move into an orgasm.

Something had to be amiss here. Orgasma had only touched her for ten seconds, and nothing below the waist. I glanced over at her husband. His jaw was slack as he watched his wife squirm and squeal.

Orgasma kept a grip on Vivian's breasts. Vivian's hips were slowly undulating. "Oh, god. That's so great," she moaned. Tucked up behind her, hips moving in unison, Orgasma bit Vivian's ear, and the shadow of her right hand crept down.

I watched the silhouetted hem of Vivian's skirt rise up as Orgasma reached under it and began working her hand up Vivian's thigh. Vivian's back was arched in pleasure when suddenly her eyes shot open, the whites visible on all sides. "OHHHHHHH! Ohgod ohgod ohgod!" Vivian's hips began thrusting rapidly to the extent possible in her bondage. Orgasma grinned evilly and again bit Vivian on the ear.

Vivian was clearly having a powerful orgasm, struggling and bucking. Was Orgasma actually masturbating her? It was impossible to tell in the shadows, but the arm angle looked about right. I glanced up at the LED clock. It said 560. Orgasma had made this woman orgasm in forty seconds.