The Graduate


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Chris's fingers curled around True's breast, gingerly to start, then rubbing a thumb over her nipple through the thin material of her night shirt as confidence built. True breathed a little harder in response, then allowed her hand to progress her upwards slightly, running under the t-shirt and along the flesh of Chris's torso, each touch bringing forth a slightly different reaction.

Their lips parted, and True took advantage of the break to roll on to her knees and pull her night shirt over her head. She remained knelling for a moment, letting Chris's gaze roam over her lean form. True reached out and took hold of Chris's nearest hand, raised it to her lips and kissed the fingers that tightened around her own. True could feel her heart pounding in her chest, trying to escape its confinement. She needed Chris to touch her all over and make her body cry out, but she deliberately slowed her breathing, not wanting to rush their first time together.

True positioned herself between Chris's legs and lowered her body down on to Chris's. She loved the feeling of her bare skin against Chris's clothing, the sensation made her feel that little more nude and therefore sexual. There was a tiny part of her mind that argued she shouldn't indulge her kinks when she was supposed to be guiding Chris, but it had been a while since she had been this close to someone she was attracted to, so she allowed herself a tiny indulgence.

Gently, True manoeuvred Chris's hands to her lower body, letting one hand rest on her thigh, and another on her lower back. She smiled to herself when Chris began to slowly run fingers across her skin in a similar fashion to how she had just been touching Chris, and she caught her breath as fingers gave her bottom a quick squeeze. True let her hands slip under Chris's shirt again, letting her hands run all over the solid body beneath, testing just where Chris reacted to her touch and where not.

Slowly they mapped out the areas that delighted and excited on each other. Evidently Chris was a fast learner, or slightly more experienced than True had first thought, and had really just been lacking the confidence to commit to the contact.

True eased Chris's shirt upwards, letting her mouth play on the exposed flesh as she uncovered it.

"Be careful of my piercing." Chris whispered a warning. "It has sharp ends, and I don't want you to scratch yourself."

A little surge of gratitude flooded in to True's heart at the words. Something simply said, but spoken with honest thoughtfulness. True allowed her hands to explore a little more, slowly cupping Chris's breasts, squeezing them gently. Her thumb caught the end of a pointed metal bar attached to a nipple. With its size and shaped logged in to her brain, True continued to push Chris's shirt off, easing arms upwards and away from her own body to do so.

As True moved back to carry on kissing and teasing Chris's upper body, she felt a hand briefly touch her inner thigh, and she stiffened at the touch wanting more, whilst still trying to savour the moment. Chris's hands cupped her breasts, kneading them carefully and rubbing fingers over her nipples, teasing them in to hard aroused nubs. True arched her back forcefully, pressing her breasts in further in to Chris's hands, enjoying the strength that pushed back. Feeling they were crossing the point of no return, True tugged at Chris's shorts, easing them down muscular thighs. Reluctantly, True backed away from the hands that had been doing an excellent job of sending waves of pleasure through her body, and slipped Chris's shorts off. Then she shuffled forwards again, slipping one of her legs in between Chris's thighs.

Their mouths crushed together once more, passions ignited beyond control, and bodies called out for each other. True hooked a hand under Chris's knee and pulled one of the strong legs around her waist, pressing Chris's wet mound against her hip, whilst grinding her own arousal in to Chris's body.

A hand ran the length of True's back and over the round cheeks of her behind, triggering fresh waves of enjoyment that made her muscles clench. She placed her hand on Chris's stomach, slowly slipping her fingers downwards, listening for the quickening of breathing as she neared the patch of dark hair between Chris's thighs. As softly as she could, True brushed her fingers across the wet opening, gently probing, waiting for Chris to open up to her touch. The hand that had briefly touched her inner thigh earlier, returned, firmly forcing in between her legs and cupping her own quivering sex. She breathed out a low moan of enjoyment, then yelped as Chris's teeth pecked at an aroused nipple. In part retaliation True pressed down slightly on Chris's nub, inciting a bout of heavy breathing, then eased her own fingers inside Chris, swirling them around inside, loving how she almost controlled Chris's movements like a disjointed puppet. True's thumb pressed lightly on Chris's nub while her fingers, flicked at the small spot inside, wanting to carry Chris far over the edge.

For a second, True's attention slipped, and Chris's fingers gained entry, forcing her legs a little wider and sending sparks of pleasure cascading thought her entire being., then her own arousal overtook her rational thought process and she descended in to a little more of a base thought process.

True's body shuddered and writhed under Chris's probing fingers, as they sought to bring her to climax before relinquishing to a similar ending. The last few brain cells that hadn't surrendered to the endorphins recognised that Chris was making it in to a competition as to who was going to climax first. For a moment True contemplated letting Chris win, but sense won out and she increased her efforts.

They both burst in to climax at the same time, each trying to carry the other that little bit further, until they collapsed in to each other's arms gasping for breath.

As the tremors began to diminish, True eased her fingers out from between Chris's thighs softly cupping the wet mound her fingers had been only just been buried in, while Chris's hand remain nestled between her thighs, fingers twitching now and then sending tingles through her insides. True pulled Chris's body close to her own and placed a soft kiss on a slightly sweaty forehead. She shivered slightly, but didn't want to release her hold on Chris to pull the covers over them both, so she settled for cuddling a little closer.

Just as she was drifting in to sleep, True felt a soft gentle kiss on her lips and she smiled contently.


Day 2

When True awoke, Chris was still fast asleep, tousled hair tucked tightly against True's chest. Gently, she extricated her arms from around Chris's body, then carefully slipped out of bed and in to the shower.

While True dried herself, she noticed a small hicky bite on her breast and smiled and for the first time in her life, felt like a naughty teenager.

Pulling on a silk kimono, True re-entered the bedroom. The bed was empty, so she went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. She wasn't sure of Chris's eating habits regarding breakfast, so she settled for doing coffee and toast. Her own staple diet first thing in the morning.

As she poured coffee in to a mug she sensed Chris behind her. True was aware things could go either forward or backwards from the previous night, but she was fairly confident it would be forwards.

Arms wrapped around True's waist, and she felt Chris's physique press against her back through the thin silk of her dressing gown. Immediately, True felt a surge of excitement run through her body. She took a breath to slow things down a little. "Good morning Chris." She greeted. "I made coffee and toast if you want any, or there's juice in the fridge."

"Thank you." Chris replied shyly. "I really enjoyed last night, it was magical."

"Well, I enjoyed it as well, you have a very gentle touch." True replied as she placed a hand over Chris's. "Would you like to talk about where we go from here?"

Chris's hands slipped away from True's waist, something she missed immediately. It was rare for a client to be gently intimate on the first morning. Even after a passionate night.

"I think that would be sensible." Chris replied. "I don't want to offend you in any way by being too forward."

A genuine smile graced True's mouth as she turned to face Chris. "You are such a darling. Very thoughtful and considerate."

True took a seat at the kitchen table, mug of coffee and plate of toast within easy reach. As she sat, she crossed her legs, causing the gown to slip to one side and expose her thigh. Before she readjusted her dressing gown, True noticed Chris had spent a good few seconds gazing at the bare flesh that was exposed. She flushed a little, happy in the knowledge that she was still attractive enough to grab the attention of the much younger Chris.

With a glass of apple juice in one hand, Chris took a seat at the table, eyes glancing around the room, but flickering back to True every few seconds.

"So, what are you in to sexually Chris?" True asked casually. Experience had taught her that it was better to get straight down to the bare bones of the situation, rather than ignoring the elephant in the room.

Chris's eyes locked on to True's, searching for any sign of jest and finding none.

More shy than inexperienced. True decided.

"As I said before, I feel more dominant than anything." Chris said huskily. "I would really like to know how to be a loving dominant, I don't want to degrade anyone, but I like to be in control. Past that I don't feel I have experienced enough to choose."

True absorbed the information. Her brain evaluating the best route to take. "If I were to let you dominate me, what would you like to do?" True asked. Being totally submissive wasn't in her nature, but she had a strong feeling that Chris was too caring to abuse a position of dominance, and a taste of control could be exactly what Chris needed to loosen up a little.

There was a moments pause as Chris debated True's question.

"I would ask if I could see your body in the daylight." Chris finally replied, the tone wavering a tiny amount.

The word that jumped out to True was ask, importantly not demand or order. True stood from her chair and move to where there was a little more space. She turned her back to Chris and shrugged the gown off her shoulders and let it drop to the floor. Holding her arms by her sides, True performed a slow turn, unhurriedly letting Chris see her unclothed body, the sunlight filtering through the glass doors behind her, highlighting the firm muscle tone that made up her arms, legs and abdomen. She had been fitter in her life, but that was a time ago, and her training regime wasn't quite as strict as it was back then, but she was still proud of her body. Her skin was only marred by the scar on her leg and the appendectomy scar on her belly.

With her turn complete, True placed her hands casually on her hips letting Chris's eye take in every detail for a long moment. "Is this what you had in mind Chris?"

"You have a beautiful body True." Chris finally said quietly. "Can I touch you?"

A flicker of excitement sparked inside True, the thought that there was something very special about Chris tiptoed through her mind once more. "Of course you can Chris. I want you to feel comfortable around me. Especially when I am like this."

Chris moved towards True and raised a hand, pausing slightly before actually touching True's skin. It was like Chris was afraid that it may be not really there.

A small tingle began where Chris's fingers touched her shoulder and spread as Chris stepped around behind her, fingers running over her back and down her spine. The contact was so soft, True's breath caught in her throat.

The fingers switched to a hand that encircled her waist, much like it had when she was wearing the gown, and True stiffened wanting to feel Chris hold her tightly, but at the same time not wanting to give in to the arousal that blossomed in her loins, or the emotions that were beginning to build in her heart.

The gentle touching continued, staying away from the erogenous zones Chris had discovered the night before, but touching everywhere else. Just as True was wondering if she could keep a rein on her arousal any longer, Chris stopped, placed a soft kiss on her shoulder and returned to the table with a half whispered 'thank you'.

True breathed out shakily. "I'll just go and get dressed, then show you around town." She managed to say before her voice betrayed her feelings.

As True selected jeans and blouse to wear, she considered the emotions that had just been burning through her body. She had managed to entertain and educate several clients, all without any emotional connection, but something had triggered feelings she thought she would never experience again. Not just lust, but possibly love.

She glanced at the reflection in the mirror. The deep brown eyes displaying the true person that stared back. Haunted and solitary.

Taking a deep breath, True forced the emotions back in to the dark corner of her soul they had escaped from.

"Game face on True." She told the image in the mirror. "Act professionally. Chris isn't here to find love with someone like you. Just to learn how to love someone of the same age."

Tears welled in True's eyes, and she splashed water in to her face to hide their betrayal from herself.

After finally convincing herself she was imagining her feelings, True managed to get her emotions back under control enough to take Chris in to the town near to where she lived. She showed Chris around the sites, museums and restaurants. Gradually they both relaxed in to each other's company again, and True's tensions subsided as she began to enjoy Chris's easy friendship. There was something very easy going and relaxing about talking to Chris, the conversation was light and intelligent, and more often than not, True found herself giggling at the jokes that passed between them.

"Do you drink coffee Chris?" True asked as they approached her favoured coffee shop.

"Is it good coffee?" Chris asked. "I like a decently blended expresso."

True smiled in return. "Well, this will be perfect for you then." She guided Chris across the road to the Italian café she loved to frequent.

As it was a nice sunny day, the tables outside were all taken, so they picked a table towards the rear of the café, which was away from the bustle of the doorway. Within minutes of sitting down, a waiter hovered over, greeting True with familiarity, then quickly scooted away with their order.

"What would you like to do tonight Chris?" True asked, finally feeling confident enough to broach the subject.

Chris sipped the expresso. "Actually I would like to know what you would like to do?" Chris asked throwing the question back. "This is really good coffee."

For a brief second True was stunned, her entire thought process revolved around her client telling her what they wanted, and for Chris to ask her what she wanted to do left her suddenly speechless.

Impulse spurred True forwards. "Actually I would love to make some nice food, and watch a movie at home."

A wide grin opened up across Chris's face. "That sounds like a great idea. We can cook together."

True was vaguely aware that her mouth gaped open for a second or two. So she sipped her latte while she tried to catch her run away mind. "How did someone as young as you, get to be so considerate?" She heard herself saying.

A tiny frown crumpled Chris's brow, and True felt her unruly heart skip a beat. "I find it easy to be considerate to someone who is just as considerate to me." Chris reached out and took hold of True's hand. "I have found you so caring, I just want to be caring back."

True looked deeply in to Chris's eyes, too afraid to look in to herself, in case what she found there frightened her.

Chris broke the silence. "I just love holding hands. They're like cute mini hugs."

The words wrenched at True's heart, and somewhere inside her the storm clouds parted, banished by the bright sunlight of Chris's genuinely caring personality. For once in her life True decided to allow her feelings a little freedom, at least while she had someone to share them with. And she couldn't think of anyone she would rather share them with than Chris.

With their coffee finished, True and Chris returned to her car and they drove over to the grocery store True preferred to shop in. As they wandered around the aisles choosing ingredients for True's signature meal, spicy beef noodles, Chris's hand sneaked in to hers at every opportunity.

As Chris had said, each little squeeze on her hand felt like a mini hug, and True found herself trying to remember the last time someone she really cared for, had hugged her. Or even the last time she had really cared for someone. It was just typical that she was falling for someone who was not only a client, but also twenty plus years younger.

"Is this beef lean enough?" Chris's question dragged True back to the infectious grin that flashed from beneath the humorous blue grey eyes.

Her worries about the age difference and the fact that this relationship was only going to last a week dispersed. "It's perfect Chris." She said, then added. "Just like you." Impulsively True lent in closer and kissed Chris softly on the lips, relishing a feeling of joy at the action of doing something she wanted to do, instead of needing to.

As she backed away, Chris's cheeks glowed a little with the display of public affection, then arms that were a little stronger than True had expected, caught her pulling her close and Chris returned the kiss.

True melted in to the embrace, wanting it to go on for ever, and not caring one bit about the fact they were stood in a supermarket aisle on a busy afternoon.

When they finally parted, they glanced around realising that there were one or two people stood watching them. True was fairly certain she heard at least one-person mutter 'get a room'.

Her eyes met Chris's and they both burst in to giggles and scampered out of the aisle to get the rest of the shopping.

"Have you ever cooked stir fry Chris?" True asked as they emptied the purchased items out on to the kitchen table.

Chris's eyes roamed over the various ingredients. "No, but I would love to learn how to."

True smiled happily, she had noticed there had been a slight hesitation in Chris's reply, but decided to ignore it as she was enjoying the moment too much. True had to admit to herself that she had relished spending the day getting to know Chris, who seemed to constantly surprise her with a level of maturity she wished she had possessed at that tender age. "Do you want to slice the beef in to thin strips while I prepare the marinade?" She asked.

"Yes chef." Chris replied with a cheeky grin that made True really wish she was twenty years younger.

Between them, True and Chris danced around each other, preparing the meat and chopping vegetables, and True was actually enjoying the experience, especially as Chris seemed to go out of the way to brush up against her and flirt outrageously.

"Do you have a wok?" Chris asked when the preparation had been completed.

"Yes, got it here." True replied and opened a cupboard for the pan. As she stood and turned to pass the wok, she came face to face with Chris and they collided with each other. There was a break in proceedings as they both froze. Then Chris's arms snaked around True's body holding her close and bringing their lips together.

The wok clattered on to the granite worktop as True lost herself in the passion of the moment, she felt Chris's hands tug at her shirt and slide under the material to touch her skin.

"Is this okay?" Chris paused suddenly and asked with an apprehensive tone.