The Graduate


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"I'll take the keys." Chris told her, fastening them to the same fob as the remote. "Just in case you need to pee." Then winked at True, who blushed, having not thought of that point.

As soon as Chris left her alone, True slipped the dress that had been chosen for her over her head, then smoothed it down past her hips. The silky blue material shimmered in the bedroom light, and dropped to just above mid-thigh. Chris had been sweet enough to ask if she minded having her scar on view. When she said she didn't mind at all, the response had been a grin as Chris admitted wanting to be able to touch her bare thigh while they were eating. The thought in itself sent shivers up and down True's spine.

"The taxi is here." Chris called in to her, as she slipped a suit jacket on over the dress. Mainly to hide the uneven protrusions of the corset beneath the thin dress.

True glanced at herself in the mirror, she hardly recognised the person looking back, the serious expression and haunted eyes had gone, replaced by a smiling face and eyes that shone with excitement. Whatever Chris had done to her, it was agreeing with her demeanour.

The taxi had been True's idea, she didn't trust herself driving if she was very aroused, and the thought of having a car accident while locked in a leather corset wasn't high on her bucket list. The other plus was that she could snuggle next to Chris on the back seat of the cab, and snuggling had become her second favourite past time after being brought to climax by Chris.

They arrived at the eatery which had been chosen by Chris, a simple Pizzeria that True hadn't visited before. They sat down and ordered drinks, True deciding on a glass of wine as she wasn't driving and was fairly sure it would help her relax in to the moment a little.

"Are you feeling okay?" Chris asked softly.

"Yes." True replied smiling nervously. "Just remember I can get a little vocal when excited."

Chris's hand squeezed True's thigh comfortably. "Don't worry, I'm sure I've got the hang of this."

A feint tingle began inside True, and she stiffened at the sensation, hurriedly replacing her glass on the table before her trembling hand dropped it. Beneath the table she felt Chris's hand venture slightly further up her thigh, gently caressing the soft skin. Between the sensations for Chris's touch and the very tiny vibrations from the egg, True felt a small wave roll in and wash through her insides. The feeling of the gentle arousal was delightful, and so subtle she actually felt like giggling.

"That's nice." True whispered, a dreamy half smile on her lips.

The frequency of the vibrations picked up a tiny amount and True had to mask a sigh with a short laugh, pretending Chris had said something funny. Soft warmth spread up thorough True's centre filling her with a glorious wanton need.

The pizza arrived, and True floated down to earth softly as the tingles lessened slightly.

They had ordered a split pizza, mainly because Chris like salmon, and True was massively averse to eating salmon after a bout of food poisoning a few years before. Not that True had much of an appetite, she managed to eat a single slice and nibble on a second, content to float on a cloud of arousal and watch Chris's eyes sparkle like happy diamonds.

"Do you feel alright?" Chris asked, voice tinged with concern.

"Chris, I feel wonderful tonight." True answered mimicking the Clapton song. "Who would have thought that eating pizza could be some much fun."

"I could turn it off if you want to eat." Chris offered, reaching in to a pocket. "I didn't intend to spoil your meal."

True reached over and placed her hand over Chris's. "Don't even think it, we can always get a doggy bag for the pizza."

"So am I doing it correctly?" Chris asked. "I actually can't tell if you are enjoying it."

"Believe me I am so enjoying this." True said her cheeks flushing. "It's so gentle, it's like having a feather tickle your insides."

"That sounds nice." Chris grinned. "I feel a little jealous now."

"If you can keep this going for a while longer, I will make it up to you when we get in." True whispered with a wink."

"And what if I actually made you climax here and now?" Chris asked sipping a glass of iced water.

The cloud True was floating on bobbled a little as adrenaline began to pump around her body adding fuel to the cocktail of chemicals already rushing around her system.

"Well I guess I would have to be very quiet, but I think it would ruin this dress." True answered breathlessly. "And then of course, when we got back I would just want to be cuddled."

The intensity of the vibrations increased a little and True grabbed Chris's hand as she pressed her legs close together, attempting to control the feelings flooding through her body.

"I don't mind just cuddling." Chris told her happily. "And I do get such a thrill watching you orgasm. You have the cutest expression when you do."

True rocked forwards a little, striving desperately to get the egg to move away from where it was tormenting. "I wonder how long it will take to get a cab back." She asked trying to keep her breathing even and the waver out of her voice.

"I was wondering how long would it take for us to walk back." Chris teased. They had found out earlier, that any walking exacerbated the feelings of the egg and soon had True gasping. Not to mention the chaffing of the crotch strap.

True's knuckles whitened as her grip on Chris's hand tightened. "Are you enjoying this Chris?" She asked.

"Do you mean, am I getting turned on by knowing you are close to climax. And knowing all it would take is for me to press a different button on the remote to send you over the edge?" Chris asked. "Because if so then yes, it is a real turn on."

If True's arousal was the sea, the tide was coming in at a rapid rate of knots. She leaned in close, resting her head on Chris's shoulder. "Just how turned on are you?"

Chris landed a soft kiss on True's forehead. "Turned on enough to want to get you home and tear the dress off you the second we get through the door."

"Have you finished your pizza?" True asked.


Day 5

The smell of coffee wafted through True's senses. Slowly she opened her eyes to see Chris wrapped in True's silk kimono.

"Good morning True, I hope you don't mind, my robe didn't make it this far last night." Chris greeted with a grin. "You were fast asleep so I made you coffee."

True struggled in to a sitting position, her body felt like it had been run over by a herd of buffalo. She had very vague memories of Chris undressing her while they were still opening the door, and a lot of fumbling as the corset was removed. Everything else past that point was lost in a hazy cloud of euphoria. True sipped the coffee gingerly. It tasted like the Gods had made it.

"Oh that's good. Marry me Chris and make me coffee every morning."

There was an awkward silence and True cursed herself for saying something so stupid.

"Sorry, that was meant to be a joke Chris, my brain hasn't woken up yet." True said hastily.

An expression True was sure was relief flashed across Chris's face.

"Why don't you get back in to bed and we can cuddle for a while longer." True offered, placing her coffee on the side table, then shuffling over a little to make room.

Chris's mood relaxed immediately then slipped under the quilt and in to True's arms.

"What do you feel like doing today Chris?" True asked, breathing in the scent of the previous night's sex that clung to Chris's body.

"I don't know about you, but after last night I could sleep for a week." Chris told her with a slight yawn.

"There is nothing to stop us from staying in bed if you like." True said softly, secretly glad. Not only was she feeling a little worn out, but she was finding the time they spent cuddling very satisfying.

"I think I would like that very much True." Chris replied quietly. "This is really very nice."

True felt a content smile play across her lips as she tightened her hold on Chris's body. There was just something so reassuring about having someone so caring this close to her to just hold.

Sometime later True woke again, feeling the need to visit the bathroom. Chris was still asleep, snuggled up to her and smiling happily. True took a moment to trace a finger lightly across Chris's brow, wanting nothing more than this moment to last as long as possible. Alas her bladder had other thoughts, and she carefully slipped out of Chris's embrace.

Before she returned to the bed, True took the time to swill some mouthwash to freshen her breath a little, and she caught sight of her body in the mirror. She sported several new tiny bite marks on her breasts and shoulders. The previous night had obviously been very passionate as she couldn't even remember receiving them.

With Chris still wearing her dressing gown, True slipped in to Chris's room and borrowed the fluffy towelling robe that was laid out on the bed, relishing the feeling of someone else's clothing against her skin, True breathed in the scent of Chris. A delightful musk softened by a natural scent. True felt her insides swirl as she breathed it in again.

With a sigh True left Chris's room and went to the kitchen for fluids, picking up the discarded clothing that ran from the door to the bedroom one the way. Her dress had indeed been torn in Chris's rush to remove it. She sighed again, it had been one of her favourites, but the sensation of having the item torn off her body had been very arousing. Not that she need more arousal by then. Chris had managed to get her to the point where she was bursting to climax by time they had arrived home, and she had nearly screamed when the padlocks seemed to refuse to unlock. Although that was only because they had the keys the wrong way around.

True's stomach rumbled as she entered the kitchen, but she just couldn't face preparing food. She settled for pouring two large glasses of juice, one apple for Chris, and one blueberry for herself.

Quietly True slipped back in to the bedroom, she placed Chris's glass on one side of the bed and her own on the other, then slipped out of the robe and back in to the bed.

Chris stirred slightly. "I wondered where you'd gone."

"It's okay, I brought you some juice." True said and kissed Chris softly.

"Thank you." Chris said happily. "Just what I need."

Resting her head on the pillow, True watched Chris fall back to sleep. Every part of her brain was telling her that she was far too emotionally involved with this particular client. She had always managed to keep her heart out of the dealings with any of her other graduates. For the first time in her life True, who normally planned everything to the finest detail, was worried she had made a huge mistake. She was very aware her feelings for Chris were genuine, but was struggling to see how her love could be returned by someone over twenty years her junior and from a different country.

The sensible part of her brain, told her to open up and talk about her feelings with Chris. Sadly, the memory of her declaring her love to the physiotherapist, whom she had fallen head over heels for years ago, then having that love refused, was an old scar that had never really healed. True had spent longer building walls around her heart than she had healing it, and now she was filled with fear that she had opened herself up for hurt once again. Somehow Chris's gentle caring nature, coupled with a rather erotic want to please her sexually, had not just opened the doors to her heart, but had blasted them in to matchwood.

Many of True's clients had been interesting sexually, but none had really fulfilled her to the extent Chris had reached. She knew that a good climax could become an outstanding one if the correct physiological tweak was added, and there was something slightly predatory about Chris when they made love, she knew it wasn't just the strength in Chris's arms, it was more knowing that she felt safe and protected in the embrace of those arms, while at the same time, slightly helpless. The mad cocktail of feelings was the perfect storm of caring and overpowering to send True's insides in to a flutter.

As she lay beside Chris memorising every tiny detail of the sleeping face, her mind drifted in to a dream world.

They were walking home from an evening out, she was wearing a skirt and blouse, and Chris was dressed in a smart dark suit and a deep red silk shirt. The evening was cool and she shivered slightly. Chris's hand tightened on hers then removed the exquisitely tailored jacket, draping it over her shoulders. She breathed in the neutral musk on the garment as she snuggled in to it.

"You will have my scent on you now." Chris told her, eyes running over her, like she was Chris's personal possession, and the feeling made her legs weaken.

They continued walking, Chris's arm wrapped tightly and protectively around her waist. No one else would be allowed to touch her, and she didn't want to be touched by anyone else. She knew she belonged to her predatory lover.

The keys unlocked the door to the house, and she shuddered as Chris kissed the nap of her neck. The feeling was deliciously intoxicating. Once the door closed, Chris removed the jacket and laid it carefully on the hall table, then pressed her body against the wall. She sighed in to the embrace that followed, needing to be taken.

There was a soft whisper as her skirt landed at her feet, then one of Chris's legs moved between her own, forcing them apart, but restrained by the folds of the skirt around her ankles.

Hands grasped her blouse, and buttons popped across the floor as the material was parted under force. Torn cotton dropped away. Her bra was pushed off her breasts, and over her head, Chris too impatient to undo it. She felt hands around her waist, tugging at the thin lace of her panties, then cried out softly as the delicate item of underwear was ripped away from her body.

Chris's clothed body pressed against her naked one, holding her tightly against the wall, and she moaned as teeth found a sensitive nipple. A hand cupped her wet folds, raising her to her toes, and desire flooded her body.

Then everything slowed down.

Stepping away from her, Chris retrieved the jacket from the table and draped it over her shoulders, arranging it so the cloth just covered the aroused points of her breasts and nothing else.

"I want you to belong to me." Chris whispered in to her ear, hot breath sending wanton shivers down her spine.

"I need to belong to you." She gasped in reply. "I do to belong to you."

Cold metal touched the warm skin of her neck, setting off a chain reaction of hot lust deep inside her. A mute click sounded over her heavy breathing and Chris positioned her in front of the mirror in the hall. The woman in the reflection looked radiant. Her pale skin was framed by the dark grey material of the jacket that did nothing to cover her modesty. Around her neck was a gold chain, too loose to be a choker, too tight to be a necklace, and fastened by a platinum padlock.

"There is no way of removing that." Chris told her, looking over her shoulder, strong hands cupping her bare buttocks. "You are mine."

She wanted to melt in to Chris's arms, to be held there forever.

"Come." Chris told her, gently leading her through the house to the doors that opened on to the secluded garden.

She shivered again as the jacket was removed from her shoulders and hung on the back of one of the garden chairs.

"Do you want me to make you climax?" Chris asked, kissing the nape of her neck again.

"Yes." She panted, close to begging. "Please Chris I need you to make love to me."

Chris stood her by the garden table, and carefully bent her over it so her stomach rested on the cold metal. The nerve endings in her nipples sent sparks showering through her as they came in to contact with the chilled, hard surface. Chris's arm lent across her back, holding her in place, as a free hand caressed her behind and between her legs.

A moan of delight coursed outwards as she gasped for breath.

Something soft and pliable rubbed against her folds, teasing the edges of her sex before sliding deep inside her.

The moan turned in to as mute scream as the vibrator powered up, the low frequency tremors spread outwards, numbing and awakening at the same time. Every part of her body tingled as Chris worked the toy around inside her, not resting in any one spot long enough to become accustom to it.

"How hard do you want to cum?" Chris whispered.

"Very." She managed to say through clenched teeth.

"Your wish is my command." Chris told her as the vibrations increased.

She had been fairly sure the vibrator had been fully inserted, and it came as a massive shock when she felt it fill her insides so much, she thought she would burst. The tip quivered just on her g-spot and the tremors increased in magnitude in to a full blown earthquake. Her hands gripped the table, pressing her breasts harder in to its unyielding surface.

The climax began, as far as she could tell, somewhere near her toes. Pins and needles raced up her legs filling her loins like a dam, before carrying onwards to swap her head to the point she thought it may explode. Then the dam burst. A long low keening echoed around the garden as the orgasm pounded her in to jelly. The strength left her legs, and unable to support herself, her weight rested fully on the vibrator Chris was holding inside her and the table she gripped like her life depended on it.

True woke with a start, the after effects of the climax still burning in her flesh. She wasn't sure when she had fallen asleep, or how much of the fantasy she had dreamed, and how much she had consciously created. She was still wrapped in the strong arms, and was almost thankful that her erotic dream induced orgasm hadn't disturbed Chris's sleep.

The memories of the fantasy dream rolled over and over filling her with desire again. True had never felt like she had wanted to be that dominated before, and really wasn't sure where the need had come from.

"What have you do to me Chris?" She asked rhetorically.


Day 6

True and Chris walked hand in hand through the bustling streets. After spending the entire day before in bed, only rising to get drinks and snacks before returning. The evening had been spent with Chris sat up against the headboard, legs spread wide enough for True to nestle in between them, her back resting against Chris's chest. They had reverted to watching movies, whilst Chris occasionally teased her skin. She hadn't mentioned her dream, a little embarrassed by her willingness to be so submissive to someone so many years her junior.

With this being their last full day together, they had chosen to wander around the town, giving Chris a little time to purchase a few gifts for home.

They were just approaching the outdoor market, and area of stalls packed tightly together selling everything from fruit and veg to video games. Chris had wanted to call in to a specific shop and True was taking the shortest route. As they entered the crowded area, True felt Chris's grip on her hand increase, and she smiled, loving how Chris was reassuring her in the swarm of people. In that moment True decided to throw caution to the wind. She turned around hugging Chris close.

"Chris I want you to know I am in love with you." She revealed. "I want us to be together."

True looked in to Chris's eyes wanting nothing more than for her love to be returned. Her smile faded rapidly, as she saw a troubled expression on Chris's face.

"Chris, are you alright?" She asked her voice full of concern. Thinking it may be a fear of being separated from True in the crowd, she tightened her embrace. Wanting to return the reassurance she had felt a moment before.