The Guy Next Door


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God, it felt so good. I imagined it was Ryan's cock inching its way inside me.

"Oh Ryan," I murmured, continuing my fantasy.

"Fuck me."

I slid the dildo in and out of my ass with my left hand and jerked off with my right.

I felt so horny, I wanted to be fucked so badly in this instant. The tip of my cock glistened as I began to leak precum.

I moaned as I pushed the dildo deeper inside of me, my breath ragged from a mix of the pleasure and my exertions.

The precum trickled over my jerking hands, then I pushed the dildo as deep as it could go. A tsunami of orgasmic delight washed over me, my cocked spasmed in my hand as I shot four thick ropes of cum over my chest and my good shirt, which I had failed to take off in my haste to pleasure myself.

I laid there on the bed, in a post nut daze. The dildo still inside of me and exhaling deeply. If only this was the real thing I thought, realising that his bedroom was on the other side of mine, with only a thin wall dividing us. We were so close, yet so far.

I had a quick shower to clean myself up, then washed the dildo and put it in my top drawer. Something told me, I may be scratching this itch for a while.

The following day, I thought I'd go and check on Ryan, I mean it's the neighbourly thing to do right? I told myself.

It was around breakfast time, when I decided to pop round next door.

I stood outside his door, and was about to knock, when I found myself hesitating. Was this weird? Should I be doing this? We'd only meet a couple of days ago, was this obsessive behaviour? Then I thought what if he's not dressed yet, what if answers the door in those tight little undies of his.

Before I knew it, I had knocked three times on his door. I could hear movement from behind the door and then it clicked open. Ryan stood there, wearing a pair of shorts but no top. I felt my eyes being drawn to that chiselled chest of his and those abs, that could surely grate cheese.

"Good morning."

"Hey David," he replied groggily, in a stark contrast to my cheerful greeting.

"I just came to check on you, you got pretty hammered yesterday and I had to bring you home."

"So that's how I got home. I gotta be honest, yesterday was a bit of a blur. Sorry, where are my manners, I was just making a coffee to wake me up, do you want one?"

"Sure, that would be great." I replied, powerless to resist spending more time with him.

He stood aside and let me in, and we both walked over to the kitchen area.

"I don't normally get like that by the way, I guess I got caught up in the moment."

"Happens to us all, mate."

He grabbed an extra mug from the cupboard and placed it next to his. The light went off on his coffee machine and he poured the coffee into the two mugs.

I sat down on a bar stool, and he slid the mug across to me. He leaned back against the kitchen counter and took a sip, savouring it as if it were a gift from the gods. His whole body seemed to flex as he did. I tried my best not to stare, but it was so difficult.

My horny mind kicked in to gear again, quickly racing with images of him bending me over the kitchen counter, ripping my trousers down and slamming into me from behind as I grip onto the edge of the counter and beg him to fuck me.

I smiled at the thought, hiding it behind my coffee cup as I took a sip.

"Thanks for getting me home. I owe you one."

"Don't be daft, you don't owe me anything. Besides, you're the one who invited me out, it's the least I can do."

I took another sip from my mug.

"To be honest, I don't really know that many people yet, so it was nice to hang out with you guys."

"Well, you're welcome to join us anytime."

"Thanks man, I appreciate it."

We continued to drink our coffee, when there was a knock on the door.

"Excuse me for just a moment."

Ryan put his mug down and went to answer the door. When he opened it, there was a pretty woman standing outside, she was short, with frizzy brown hair. As soon as they saw each other they hugged.

My heart sank in an instant. Was this his girlfriend? So, he is straight, and my instincts were wrong. I couldn't help but feel a little crushed.

They stood there chatting for a bit, when he left the room, and she came in. We locked onto each other. I gave her my best fake smile, a smile that hid the bitter disappointment I was feeling.

"Morning," I greeted.

"Hi, I'm Julia," she responded, reaching out to shake my hand.

"David," I replied.

Before she could say anything more, Ryan returned with a small box in his hand.

"Oh, thank you so much Ry," she said taking the box from him.

"Don't mention it."

"We still on for dinner Friday night?"

"Wouldn't miss it."

"Well, I'll better dash, I'll see you then."

They hugged again and she turned to leave.

"Nice meeting you, David," she called back.

"You too, Julia."

Ryan closed the door behind her and joined me again, picking up his coffee mug again.

"Your girlfriend seems nice," I said resuming our conversation.

"Who? Julia. Ha, she's not my girlfriend, she's my sister."

"Oh, I thought you two were... and Friday night, I thought that was a date."

"No, no. That's a family dinner."

"Ahh, right." I said some overly relieved.

"Why are you interested? She's single you know."

"She's not my type."

"How can you tell? You only just met her."

"Oh, I'm sure she's a lovely person, but she's a woman for a start, so there's that."

"Oh, sorry man, didn't mean to push."

He took a long drink of his coffee, all the while staring at me, before placing his mug back on the counter.

"Well, I best be hitting the shower."

"Sorry, of course." I said, picking up on his hint.

"Sorry, I didn't mean that to sound as if you need to leave. You're more than welcome to stay," he said apologetically.

I downed the rest off my coffee.

"No, no, it's okay. I should probably leave you to your shower. Thanks again for the coffee." I said, standing up from the stool.

He walked me to the door.

"I'll catch you again, Ryan."

"You too, David. Take care."

I left him to it and went back to my apartment, with the mental image of him in the shower likely to sustain me for the rest of my day,

I collapsed onto the sofa.

So, back to square one, I thought. Okay, Julia wasn't his girlfriend, but I still couldn't work out if he was gay or not. I thought that by declaring I was gay, he might have mentioned if he was, but no such luck.

From that point on, my day was uneventful and I tried not to think about it too much, which was difficult, because Ryan was all I could think about.

It was nearly 10.30PM, when I decided to go to bed. I made sure everything was switched off and headed into the bedroom. I stripped off all my clothes as I liked to sleep naked and dumped them into the hamper by the wardrobe and that's when I heard a noise.

I couldn't quite hear it clearly; it was more of a muffled conversation. I followed the noise to a vent in the wall inside my built-in wardrobe.

Was this noise coming from Ryan's apartment? I crouched down on my hands and knees and moved my ear closer to the vent.

It was two people talking, two men talking in fact. Holy shit! this was coming from Ryan's bedroom. I'm positive I could recognise Ryan's voice. I could then hear the squeak of a bed and more talking.

Was Ryan about to have sex with someone... with some guy? I carried on listening, the talking turned to moaning and the squeak of the bed springs were going crazy.

Oh my god, he was having sex. I could only imagine what they were doing beyond this wall. It didn't take long for my cock to harden as I listened to them go at it.

With the sound of the bed creaking and the sustained moaning, it was like listening to some very erotic ASMR.

My sex box was right next to me, and I blindly fished out my fleshlight and the lube and quickly got it ready, before sliding my dick into it.

"Oh Fuck," I whispered as I timed my strokes to the moaning.

The sex continued for another twenty minutes, and I had edged myself for as long as I could.

There was one final guttural groan to be heard, which pushed me over the edge. I came hard, rapidly filling the inside of my fleshlight with my load.

To be a fly on the wall in his room; I would have loved to have seen that. Fuck, I wanted Ryan so badly it hurt. Why couldn't it have been me in there?

The noises from next door eventually stopped, so I pulled my softening dick from the fleshlight and went to the bathroom. I emptied my load from the reservoir at the bottom of the fleshlight and poured it down the sink.

All cleaned up, I hopped into bed and fell asleep to the images of Ryan fucking.

The next morning, I woke up early and decided to go for a run to see if I could clear my head and take my mind off Ryan and what I heard last night.

As I left my apartment, I caught someone leaving Ryan's at the same time, he looked familiar.

"Ty... Is that you?" I called out.

He turned around and saw me.

"Oh, hey, David."

"Wait, are you and Ryan..." I asked, pointing my finger at him and Ryan's door.

"Oh, no, we're not together, if that's what you mean."

"Oh," I replied.

"It's more of a friends with benefits, kind of thing."

"Oh," I repeated again, some what shocked by the revelation.

We walked together to the elevator.

"So, he is gay," I confirmed under my breath.

"He called me last night, typical Ryan booty call."

"So, you do this often then?" I asked inquisitively.

"Not as much as I'd like, you know. I'd have to be insane to say no, you've seen that body right. Oh man, the things he can do," Ty gushed.

All this talk was driving me crazy.

"So, does he do this with anyone else?" I pried, hoping to find a way in.

"Not that I'm aware of. The rest of the friend group are straight."

"Huh, so does he have a type?" I asked.

The elevator arrived and we got in.

"Why? Are you interested?" Ty said looking at directly at me now.

"Um, maybe." I confessed, trying to act all casual.

Ty looked me up and down.

"Well, you just happen to be his type, that man loves a twink."

My heart skipped a beat.

"What about you two, did you ever want to be more than friends?" I continued to pry, assessing the potential competition I may have for Ryan's affections.

"I thought about it, but Ryan and I are incompatible in too many ways to make it work."

I couldn't believe my luck; the way Ty was talking it looked like I had a genuine chance with Ryan.

"If you want Ryan, I'd say go for it, and if you're lucky, do me a favour save him a little for me every now and then."

The doors opened and he smiled and winked at me.

"Catch you again, David. Good luck."

Ty disappeared out the main doors and I just stood there in the lift, stunned by his words. The elevator doors started to close again and I quickly put my arm out to stop them closing.

After a moment, I left the elevator and started my run. There was certainly a lot to think about. As my feet pounded the sidewalk, I thought about how I would approach this. Do I just come out and ask him, do I wait for him to ask me? Does he even see me in that way. There were just too many things to think about. I had gone for a run to clear my head, but after my conversation with Ty, my head couldn't have been more cluttered.

By the time I decided to head back I was drenched in sweat from the run. As I reached my apartment door, I put my key in the lock and turned, and that's when the key snapped.

What the actual Fuck? I held up what remained of my key. Great! I thought to myself, how the hell did that happen?

Luckily, I had my phone on me, so I called a lock smith, but as it was the weekend, he said it would be at least a few hours before he could get here.

Fantastic, what the hell am I going to do for the next few hours. I looked at my watch and then at my door, before finally looking across to Ryan's door.

Should I knock on his door? I don't exactly want to wait in this hallway all morning.

I walked across to Ryan's door and knocked.

After a brief delay, Ryan opened the door.

"Hey Ryan, I was wondering If I could ask a favour?"

"Sure," he replied.

"My key just snapped in the lock of my door and I can't get in. I've called a lock smith but he won't be hear for a few hours, would it be okay if I waited here?"

"Of course, mate, come on in."

He closed the door behind me.

"Just take a seat anywhere."

"I'm afraid to sit down, I'm all sweaty from my run and I don't want to stink up your furniture."

"Ah... well you're free to use my shower if you want?" he offered.

"If I could, that would be great."

"Sure, go for it."

He walked me to the bathroom and left me to it. As soon as the door closed, I began pulling off my sweaty shirt and shorts and stripped down naked and got into the shower.

With the shower on, I let the water run over my face. After about two minutes, I could hear the bathroom door open.

"Sorry, I'm just leaving you a fresh towel." Ryan called out.

"Thanks, Ryan," I shouted back.

After rinsing myself off for five minutes, I left the shower cubicle and grabbed the towel Ryan had left for me. It was then I realised, that I couldn't exactly put my sweaty clothes back on.

I wrapped the towel around my waist and apprehensively left the bathroom.

"Ryan?" I called out.

"In here, buddy," he called back.

I walked into the the main living area, where Ryan was sitting on one of the sofas and pouring through an issue of Men's Health magazine.

"Yes, mate." he responded.

"I don't suppose you have any clothes I could borrow, do you?"

He looked me up and down and I suddenly felt very exposed.

"Mhm. Nothing that I think will fit you sorry. But let me go double check my wardrobe."

Putting his magazine down, he got up and disappeared into his bedroom.

After a couple of minutes, he came back with something in his hand.

"Even the smallest thing I own isn't going to stay up on that tiny waist of yours. The only thing I can offer you is this."

He handed me the over sized football jersey he wore the other day.

I held it out in front me and raised my eyebrow.

"I guess it'll have to do, thank you."

I went back to the bathroom, removed the damp towel from my waist and put on his jersey. I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror, it was huge on me, with the bottom of his jersey reaching just above my knees. It looked as though I was wearing a short dress.

I sheepishly left the bathroom and returned to the living area.

"Ryan don't laugh okay," I said.

Ryan looked me over once more.

"You, uh, look good." he said, smirking a little.

"It looks like I'm wearing a dress, admit it."

"Well, at least you have the legs for it," he said teasingly.

There was something about modelling for Ryan and receiving his compliments, albeit jokingly, that I found exhilarating.

I sat down opposite Ryan and did my best to keep part of the jersey between my legs, to prevent giving him an eyeful.

"Thanks again for letting me wait here and for letting me use your shower."

"Don't mention it. Can I get you drink or anything?" He asked.

"I'll have a glass of water if you're offering, thanks. I'm still a bit thirsty after that run."

"One water coming up," he replied.

Ryan got up and went to the kitchen to get me a glass of water. When he returned, he handed it to me and sat back down again.

"Lovely, thank you," I said, taking the glass from him.

As I took a drink from the glass, I inadvertently let go of the part of the jersey that I was holding between my legs.

Ryan was now staring directly between my legs. When I caught him looking, I felt my cock twitch against my leg, seeing him gaze so intently between my legs was turning me on big time. I had thought about pushing the jersey back down again, but I decided to leave it, curious to see how long he'd look at me.

He then caught me looking at him this time.

Coughing into his hand, he said "sorry, I don't know where my mind went then."

I had a pretty good idea, I thought to myself and I'm more than happy for it to stay there.

"So, do you do it often?" He asked, making conversation again.

"I'm sorry?" I said, taken aback by his question.

"Run, I mean," he clarified.

"Oh, you know, I run when I can."

"It shows, you've got really nice legs...I mean well defined."

"Well, I do what I can to stay in a shape you know. I mean of course you do, look at you, you look phenomenal." I said, giving him an huge compliment."

"You think so?" He replied.

"I mean yeah, you look great man. I'd kill for your body. I've always been a bean pole, you know. skinny hips and legs, flat chest etc."

"Don't beat yourself up man, you look good. Just because you don't have big muscles, doesn't mean you don't look good."

Was he flirting with me or just being nice. I couldn't tell.

"Thanks man, it's something I've always been self conscious about. Especially when it comes to dating other men. I think that's why I prefer bigger men, you know, because they have something I don't."

I wasn't quite sure why I told him that, I guess he made me feel at ease.

"Well, you shouldn't, and if we're being honest here, I'm actually the opposite. I prefer the skinny type, the legs, the small waist, the cute little bum."

"Really?" I replied, pretending to be shocked, as Ty had already revealed this preference to me.

"Oh, yeah, I think it's sexy as fuck. Especially when they're wearing an oversized football jersey." He said, giving me a very mischievous looking dimpled smile.

I could feel my face beam at his remark.

Feeling very flirtatious now, I parted my legs a bit more and caught Ryan's gaze again, this time making no effort to hide what was on show.

"Ahem! If I didn't know better, David, I'd say you were trying to seduce me." He said with a boyish grin.

"Why, is it working?" I replied playfully.

"Yeah, it is," he said still staring, then biting his bottom lip and looking back up me.

He got up from his seat, stepped over the small coffee table between us and sat down next to me. He put his arm on the back cushion behind me and turned his body to face me. His proximity to me caused my body to suddenly tingle all over.

"Can I ask you something, David?"

I looked into his dark brown eyes.

"Of course."

"Can I kiss you?"

I audibly gulped. I couldn't believe it; he was actually making a move, although to be fair, I did have the landing lights on and was actively waving him in.

"Yes... yes you can."

I put my glass on the coffee table in front of us and prepared myself for what was coming next.

Our heads drew closer and closer together, until our lips eventually met. It was a gentle kiss at first, before turning into a more prolonged passionate kiss.

As his firm body pressed against mine, I found myself easily submitting to him. I slid backward beneath his weight until I lay reclined, my head supported by the cushioned armrest, while Ryan's impressive figure loomed over me. Throughout, our lips remained locked in an unbroken embrace. His kisses were remarkably tender, a surprising contrast to his raw masculine strength.

I felt his hand move to my knee, before sliding under the oversized shirt and progressively inch its way up the inside of my leg. My cock began twitching in anticipation, as I sensed his hand rapidly approaching.

His hand finally made contact, causing my cock to instantly harden, a surge of electricity ran through my body. I felt his thumb brushing the underneath of my shaft, from base to tip before he moved on to my balls. He cupped them at first, gently fondling them before giving them a hard squeeze. It hurt a little, but at the same time gave me immense pleasure.

He moved his hand back to my waiting cock, gripping his fingers around the shaft and began to slowly tug up and down.