All Comments on 'The Hell You Will'

by LT56linebacker

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SwordWielderSwordWielderover 2 years ago

Good. A few minor errors. Not sure if I would have taken her back. At least not without counseling and a very strong post-nuptial agreement.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Could have been a good story but taking the slut back was a mistake. Who wants to live their lives constantly checking up on their spouse?

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 2 years ago

Aw hell, and you were doing so good too. Dammit boy.

AngelRiderAngelRiderover 2 years ago

Way way way, too over the top. And then you end up reconciling? Your gonna get plastered dude.

With a lighter pen you could have made this work. It's not terribly unbelievable that a person gets caught in an awful treacherous lie like this. That she had helpers who the husband knew isn't that unlikely either. I think you fell apart (for me) was that it was too much. No one is worked on for 6 months to cheat in a happy marriage without some major emotional affair going on. Not with a woman. If she had a history of cheating then maybe. Perhaps if their sex life was shit. You didn't address any of that. This is a slut ray story and as such it doesn't hold much believability. The confrontation yes, the rest no. If she was worked on for 6 months only to give in, she would have lost all respect for her husband at that point. Her behavior would have changed. The husband would still be blindsided but in hindsight, it wouldn't be so out of character.

Lastly, no one buys a dress 3 years in advance. I guess a man might but no woman would.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I'm so fricken tired of hearing about all the lawsuits regard adults having sex. Bullshit! The story lost two stars at the very end.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Don’t like the forgive and forget shit.

chytownchytownover 2 years ago

***Thanks for the read.

JustplainjeffJustplainjeffover 2 years ago

David might be the biggest idiot in the world for taking his cheating wife back. She WILL do this again.

Feoalex81Feoalex81over 2 years ago

Everything was going fine untill he let her back in, good job on letting the family know and see for themselves of the stupid choices women make and blame it all on the men.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

well played, Dave... well played.

Texas_Military_ManTexas_Military_Manover 2 years ago

Good, clean, fast way to deal with the problem. None of the wading through excuses and worrying you see in so many of these stories. The only think that was lacking was a WHY? from her. You alluded to it, but it wasn't completely clear as to why she decided to do that after 22 years. Lots of possible reasons; hormone imbalance, physical problem, reaction to a medication she was taking, et., etc., etc. Without knowing the why, and correcting it, I'm afraid the husband may be in for round #2 somewhere down the line.

Diecast1Diecast1over 2 years ago

Like the story a lot. Thank you. AAAA++++

Gmann006Gmann006over 2 years ago

i love it, so real, "I didnt get in trouble, I was with a cop LOL

jazzharpjazzharpover 2 years ago

I've read this before. What gives?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Really a RAAC for the ending, i feel complètent cheated on this story

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The main character has it all wrong. He's a cuckold for sure. Think about it. What married woman's first time cheating is with a dozen co-workers in eight hotel rooms? No, such a woman is already well broken-in. She's going to an orgy! She's already taken a mile of strange cock and downed a pint of jizz. Hubby just never noticed. His marriage ended years ago and he's just now catching on. As for the writing, there was TOO MUCH SHOUTING and a pant-load of legal fictions. The misogyny in this story and in the cheering comments is very telling. Angry much, guys? And after such an over-the-top public humiliation, no woman would ever go back to such a vicious man. And clueless? Yeah, he's that, too. Do you think his adult kids will side with him over their mother? Dream on. Think you can successfully sue your wife's lovers? Or a big hospital? Dream until your dreams some true.

SikemSikemover 2 years ago

Fun story, but way over the top.

He says that she isn't going anywhere and then kicks her out?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The "Your mother hurt her head" line was perfect on so many levels. Getting the kids and her parents there for her planned departure set the stage for some poignant comedy. Well done.

Mac_LapuMac_Lapuover 2 years ago

I think this is what husbands should do when they know their wife cheating...

Catch them on the act, bring or invovled family (her parents/his parents) and friends, pastors/ministers, OM wife/children, anybody who can blasts the lovers out of their fog.

Kudos to the author for one unique and I believe effective way to break the cheating.


BUT! I have to give this a 2 star.

BECAUSE he got back with the whore.

Really? Only a cuck, a SIMP and a doormat have this ability to take this disrespect from anyone who says "they love" them and then cheat. What the wife did was something that is a deal breaker for a lot of husbands.

PowersworderPowersworderover 2 years ago

She was a selfish unrepentant cheater. The moment the phrase "it's my body I can do what I want!" comes out of a woman's mouth, she's done.

I liked the way he shone a spotlight on her planned infidelity and revealed all to the entire family. There's nothing a woman hates more than being publicly shamed and humiliated. Totally destroying the sleazy doctor was very nice too. Unfortunately, you ruined the ending with a reconciliation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Too easy to believe. Slut ray story with a raac ending. The sister in law is punished more than the slut?

GarySmith69GarySmith69over 2 years ago

Trust is never given back when its lost. Yes the husband and family stopped her this time. The writer says she never cheated again, its his story so we have to believe it.

KarnevilKarnevilover 2 years ago

A standard BTB story that for some reason morphed into a kind of reconciliation, no real surprises, in fact it was loaded with overused clichés. A couple of things stood out which to me showed a lack of effort and were probably included to impress the so called 'real men,' the search warrant: how did that happen? Police officers can't just demand one on a whim, just doesn't happen. The wife flippantly announcing that she's going on a date, the only time this ever happens is in these stories, not realistic at all. The son's reaction, children generally love their mother and father equally, if one betrays the other the child will rarely take sides and never to the extent shown here. Which leads to the father, as the parent of two daughters I know there is no way a father will stand by while his child is called a bitch and a cunt, no matter what she's done. Finally the financial settlement from the hospital: if he's successful in sueing them, which is doubtful and would probably take years, I can't help thinking about all the patients going without vital treatment because of his greed for money and revenge.

I can understand the intention behind the story but feel its been treated just too lazily, with no real thought.

john_sixfooterjohn_sixfooterover 2 years ago

5 ⭐️s.

Excellent. Very truncated but contained all pertinent facts. You teased the heck out of the details.

Perfect minimalist flash story!

Who cares that he took her back, it's your story, your fantasy, your universe.

Okay, the 12 pack of Trojans was way over the top. Having a large purse and a night bag is probably overpacking and wearing a slinky dress was, perhaps, too flashy but it had its usefulness in the written context.

Admittedly, at times your dialogue did not make it clear who was speaking, that could be improved, but not enough to cost you a star.

Great premise! Well done.

chilleywilleychilleywilleyover 2 years ago

I read somewhere that over 60% of marriages where cheating is discovered survive. Once a cheater always a cheater is true only in the sense that the past cannot be changed.

Not a bad story, but confrontation of the group was so over the top as to be silly. A bit much for my tastes. Worth the read

OdiouserOdiouserover 2 years ago

Not one single element of this story is believable in any way. I was so disappointed as your number of followers is very impressive. I guess that is the result of so many BTB fanatics wanting to see a woman destroyed for her ludicrous concession to her husband. I will enjoy reading future works from you, as I think this one was just a bad day for you.

demanderdemanderover 2 years ago

Proactive is the way to go. D

miket0422miket0422over 2 years ago

Loved the husband using her cellphone and work contacts in her phone to blow the plan up before she could even finish getting ready to leave the house.

As to whether forgiving her was the right thing. We know she was the newest member of the group. Was this her first time and she hadn't actually participated yet? Considering it took the head of HR 6 months to recruit her does show she had commitment to her vows. Like so many stories on here... If she would have trusted her husband enough to talk to him the first time she was approached and said no the whole thing could have been avoided.

For the anonymous user who said the lawsuit for consenting adults was bogus. Half of the participants were "on the clock", a corporate card was used to pay for everything and the head of the HR department was actively recruiting staff members to participate.... Yeah, lots of grounds for a lawsuit. Not because consenting adults were having sex but, because members of management at the hospital were using the hospital as a cover to ruin multiple marriages.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

You had me going there for a while . I actually dared to start believing this story would not die right at the end .

But die it did .

If she needs help mentally , then so does he for taking her back . Would it really be so terrible to divorce, live apart and have separate households ?

Doesn't mean you have to hate each other . There could be a reasonable opportunity to discover what went wrong and how or if it and be righted .

Trust , faith in each other , has to be earnt, and given this bombshell that's going to take a lot of time and maybe never .

I just find it so hard to believe that after a scenario as described here any husband would be prepared to try to carry on like nothing happened . Just because her plan was thwarted at that critical moment , look around and see how many people are involved one way or another ....... what are they thinking .....yup , that's right .... you're a cuck .

Freddog6601Freddog6601over 2 years ago

Meh, same old same old.

Not your normal, well thought out story. It reads like a quick slam together piece.

irinmikeirinmikeover 2 years ago

Best touch was bringing the extended family in once the wife’s plot was uncovered. About time an author took this approach. The husband in “February Sucks” should have done the same with his cheating wife Linda! As for those who NEED the husband to be totally unforgiving with a woman he loves, get a clue, or just grow up a bit.

goodshoes2goodshoes2over 2 years ago

Tough to rate. Gave 3 stars. Would have been 5 stars IF he didn't take her back. I put myself in his place. I would NEVER have taken her back. Been there, done that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Really nice. The ending was a little sketchy, but overall a good read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

liked the story up until he kept the cunt

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Total Wimp Ass Castrated Cuckold you really should publish in the Fetish Section you will get better scores and reviews from this enfolds over there

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Good until he turned wimp, then a huge and inconsistent disappointment. If he really had that many opportunities to stray before, it's not conceivable that he'd take her back. It's a common error for many authors and scriptwriters, build a character, via behavior and words, into a certain mold. And then at the end, say "aww, just kidding, he's not like that at all." In movies, it's called retconning, and it tears up the story.

Hope he enjoys the doubt he'll have for the rest of his life as to when she'll try again.

kirei8kirei8over 2 years ago

Yep, a very good start with the shitiest of endings ever. Way to make a real man turn into a whimpering piece of dogshit! You may want to change your handle to LT56puffpunter. Some situations call for RAAC, but NOT this one.

tazz317tazz317over 2 years ago

about better or worse is really a rhetorical dilemma. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I get the "I am still in love with her" bit - but what about trust? How on earth could he EVER trust her again?

SlithyToveSlithyToveover 2 years ago

So after 22 years of marriage she was going to wear the dress he got her for their 25th anniversary?

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 2 years ago

Meh, too much by the numbers, too pat.


@AngelRider, I agree about the dress. Not only is buying it three years in advance ridiculous (style might change, etc.), but what wife would want her husband buying her dress?!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Between the asinine RAAC and the lawsuit nonsense, this potentially 5 star story dropped to 3.

IRL, a cunt like that (headed off to an orgy spouting feminist "you don't own me" horseshit would NEVER be taken back. What a waste of an hilarious beginning.

Bh76Bh76over 2 years ago

Started strong and kind of fizzled. I’m guilty of that too sometimes wanting to get the story wrapped up too quickly. Overall it was a good read.

KRD19254KRD19254over 2 years ago

Would have been 5* but you reconciled with no post-nup. She needed to learn what her unemployed life was to understand her loss and rebuild your trust in her. She needed to be knocked down a peg or two when she used 'it is my body - you don't own me' crap, in front of her kids too.


David, I got a question for you, when in bed doing coitus, when Judith closes her eyes who is Judith thinking/fantasizing about during your fuck --- you??? David, can you ever trust her? Did you get a post-nup and create your own cover-thy-ass bank accounts/CC, NO not per the story; David you are stupid and deserve your woe's. You did so good blowing up her and hospital staff life's [5*] but fumbled the ball at the one yard line red-zone. Story became too much a rush to end loosing all consistent logic.


3.7*, Hooyah

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

David's wife is too old to appeal to men for more than a couple more years. having someone kissing your ass for a decade or so is better than being alone... IF you love that person. Revenge was immediate and complete. Holidays can still be together with the whole family. He will have someone to change his adult diapers when that time comes. Only bad outcome for him is that her earning power has been destroyed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Better to for give and not forget when taking wife back. Good read

FireFox59FireFox59over 2 years ago

Strong first part of the story but it went off the rails in the second half. Way too many lawsuits, taking her back but not trusting her. Horrible way to live having to constantly monitor and check up on what your wife is doing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I agree with the reconciliation as all of her kids and her parents were supporting hubby, and hubby now has a contrite wife.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Didn't think this story should be RAAC. She should just be tossed out onto the proverbial curb and end up estranged from her kids and future grandchildren, and maybe in 5-10 years reconcile with them. In regard to hubby, he would move on and live life well without a single thought about her

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

She's probably already done it before. No way something with this many people involved would be a 'first attempt'. Only an idiot would take any of them back after finding out about this plot.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I know it's been done at least a dozen times on this site, but nobody pre-announces their 'getting away to fuck someone else date' to their spouse BEFORE it happens. Like, ever. It's a good shock-value hook I suppose, if the reader doesn't have any need whatsoever for common sense in the plot.

whateverittakeswhateverittakesover 2 years ago

She will try it again.

Drgnmstr97Drgnmstr97over 2 years ago

You had a barn burning there but you dropped the ball with that ending. No way would she not have already cheated in this scenario. She would have already had to have done the deed with one or more of these participants to be going to an orgy party for the weekend. By that measure she should have been eliminated from all of their lives. But even if she hadn't, she was just too stupid to take back. Her first defense was my body I can do whatever I want with it was her downfall. You don't take someone like that back.

JonDoe315JonDoe315over 2 years ago

Other than the raac ending it was pretty good

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I see Karnevil just can't resist spewing his pink pussy hat brigade views on a good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Cliche, after cliche.

silentsoundsilentsoundover 2 years ago

Well that was weird and entertaining.

I don't really believe a wife who loved her husband would even consider something like this but it is always fun to read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Ever wonder how many guys are walking around castrated? If LW is a sample of real life, I would guess about a quarter of the male population.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


GamblnluckGamblnluckover 2 years ago

I enjoyed reading this. Quick decisive action. Right time, right place. A few minutes later and he would never have known. The writing was a little abbreviated, but I believe entirely intended to be so.

Regguy69Regguy69over 2 years ago

Well written, Fun read. Loved the “all hands on deck” for the stupid bitch. While I agree one spouse does not own the other spouses body, most wedding vows include a pledge of faithfulness to each other. Her selfish, delusional, “it’s my body” crap kinda blows up in her face when Mom, Dad and her children are standing in front of her. She seems to have realized she fucked up and has rededicated herself to the marriage. He is making every effort not to take her for granted. Thus the reconciliation seems reasonable.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

"pink pussy hat brigade"

Tee hee, oh but they're all so new age caring and sharing.

mattenwmattenwover 2 years ago

An excellent introduction to an entertaining story. Well told and also very varied in the punch lines. I do not agree with the end, but that hardly detracts from the story!

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 2 years ago

Loved the quick thinking on his feet. Other than that, though, not much depth given to situation and what prompted it - or regret from her initially. 4*

ibbunkibbunkover 2 years ago

Very enjoyable read. Good pacing!


BigBlueKatBigBlueKatover 2 years ago

Good story to start and then a sucky RAAC ending. Disappointing 3/5

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Sucked from the beginning

Leejeff5456Leejeff5456over 2 years ago
Oh what a tangled web we weave

When first we practice to become a stupid bitch😁

KarnevilKarnevilover 2 years ago

Anonymous re. Pink pussy hat brigade. I love you 😘

KoxokKoxokover 2 years ago

Good story. I agree with the other comments - RAAC was bad ending. It only took 6 months of working on her and she coordinated with sister to lie about it. She can’t be trusted again, PERIOD.

BSreaderBSreaderover 2 years ago

Would trust the witch ever again I don't get it.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsover 2 years ago

Mr 19254 asked the husband, when the wife closes her eyes during sex, about whom is she thinking? Dude, that’s a question that could be asked of any woman, or man, whether they’ve ever cheated or not, or even if they’ve never fucked anyone else.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsover 2 years ago

Over the top can be done well, but it’s difficult. Over the top followed by under the bottom is almost impossible to do right.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Was fine until the RAAC Epilogue, which sunk this to a 1.

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 2 years ago

One thing I liked, I have often thought about, if not commented on other "wife wants to date" stories, was the ripping the dress off Wifey before she can leave for her date.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

"but I loved her and couldn't live without her."

How would he know? He never tried or explored any other options. Plus, while he loved her, could he actually say she felt the same way? If you love your partner and can't live without them you don't try to sneak away for a weekend orgy. Even after being caught red handed she was still determine to go ahead and attended the sex party. Why would you want to stay with someone with that type of entitled attitude and lack of commitment to your relationship?

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraover 2 years ago

Damn good story. So, he kept her. His choice, not yours. That's like bitching because someone decided to buy a Jaguar or a Fiat. Their choice, and if it breaks down, catches fire, turns into a garage monument, so what?


Bitching about a 'cliché,' go read classics on Gutenberg or listen to Nazional Public Fuckin' Radio. LW is where cliches go to live and thrive! Better yet, write a cheatin' wife story WITHOUT a freakin' cliché! It's like writing a damned ol' country cheatin' song without....... the same old cheatin'! It's HOW you package it that counts!


5+++/5, Bear!

dark2donut2dark2donut2over 2 years ago

Too much narcissim and too much feelgood thing so you lost any realism in the story. There is also way too many BTB cliche points in the story. Frankly, quite mediocre BTB.

dragonmann72dragonmann72over 2 years ago


A couple of things stood out which to me showed a lack of effort and were probably included to impress the so called 'real men,' the search warrant: how did that happen? Police officers can't just demand one on a whim, just doesn't happen.

I got a search warrant for the seven rooms at the Marriott. We raided them based on the missing persons warrant I had sworn out and found twelve other individuals.... including my wife.

Obtained under false pretenses, but obtained.

SDN1955SDN1955over 2 years ago

Fun story (particularly liked the daughter’s line about looking to make sure mom didn’t do anything stupid that would prevent the daughter from being disappointed in her the rest of her life). But my God LT, that was one of the worst RAAC’s in the universe.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

She had converted from a loyal loving virtuous wife and mother to a cheating immoral arrogant whore in a matter of 6 months, and this doofus never had a clue? Maybe she just wanted a man who paid some attention to her? She had to have already sampled the cheating sex or she wouldn't know what she was sacrificing her marriage for. And her sister became her accomplice? Sounds like her whole family suffers from moral dysfunction.

Oh, but he loves her. Then he deserves whatever shit she brings to his life, and I hope it includes a really nasty venereal disease. Too ridiculous to be credible, but thanks for the effort.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Not bad, decently written. You had a particularly poorly thought out line near the end, where the Hero told the doc that "maybe he should have worked for a living". I guess you don't know, and possibly have never met, any actual doctors. They work pretty hard, and by "pretty hard" I mean "really, really hard".

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Very entertaining and quick fun read.


Wifey was just another slut ray victim. Those Martians are everywhere!


About the only not good was the ending where he beat up the doctor. Just not necessary given how it all went.


4 ****

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

just a wimp and whore ,nothing more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Good BTB story but then again, to forgive devine. Sure she woulda/coulda, but she didn't. LP

DanDraperDanDraperover 2 years ago

Why the hell did she tell him she was going away for the weekend with another man? And then there was the 'It's my body' excuse, does that mean her husband is allowed to cheat because 'its his body'? Forget the cheating, he should not have taken her back simply because of how stupid she was.

Other than that, this was a very well written story, very enjoyable. I liked the fact that he gave that doctor a beat down, it was very well deserved.


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Are you better off with her than without her? Is always yes, you're better off without someone who has no love or respect for you. Creating a sense of distrust and insecurities as a way of life. Dump that bitch and get on with life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Get over your hatred…loser!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I've personally always thought all these hardcore BTB'ers are way too extra, especially here. Let me clarify. First you have those that are "this isn't the first time, she's chested before" people who seem to believe the author was wrong in his knowledge of what happened even though they wrote the story. I mean if she had already been cheating they would have clearly written that into the story. Then there are the black and whiters. Life doesn't always work in black and white, people make mistakes. People can also be repentant and hell sometimes se, is just sex, yea they may have cheated but can still love their husband and not have feelings for the guilty accomplice. Not every one marries the first person they have sex with and one night stands do exist. I also guess that if your significant other takes a fry off your plate you have them arrested, after all "once a thief, always a thief right? You also want to take the driver's license from Jay walkers for their blatant disregard for traffic laws. Reality is too gray to be so rigidly one way or the other. Even I believe that some raac situations should not have been. But btb for the sake of not looking like a "wimp" is asinine. And attacking people who prefer WARRANTED reconciliation... Really? If the whole world thought the same way it'd be a very weird boring world. Not to mention everyone would be dead or locked up for life because "once a (insert negative character flaw) always a..." Everyone has something they regret, maybe lied at some point, or maybe had stolen something or even cheated themselves even on just a girl/boyfriend but hey if they do it once right? Bullying, physically or emotionally, assaulted the list is extensive because people are fallible.

jflindersjflindersover 2 years ago

I read this story as a farce poking poking fun at the LW genre on Literotica. To do otherwise would be to assume the writer is an idiot or completely separated from reality.

1. Wifey tells David she tells him she has a date with William Strathmore after leaving him a letter that she was going to help with her ill mother and it turns out the “date” is a sex party-which doesn’t sound much like a date with one of the dozen+ people that will be there.

2. The search warrant was nonsensical-no grounds for it. It sounds as if Jerry has sworn a false statement in a warrant application, thereby committing a criminal offence and risking losing his job as a police sergeant.

3. That she was going to a sex party for the weekend without having cleared it earlier with her husband makes it pretty much impossible to believe she’s never cheated before or since.

4. She was wearing a dress that was going to be given to her three years in the future.

5. If the wife lied and she had cheated before, there is likely no basis for a lawsuit against the good doctor nor against the hospital.

If as the author writes the wife didn’t cheat before, didn’t cheat after and didn’t cheat on that occasion because she was discovered, then there is not even an argument in favour of there being a basis for a lawsuit against the good doctor or the hospital.

Similarly, in what alternate universe do the grown children living on their own have a basis for a legal action for their mother being enticed to a sex party?

6. Dresses which have been given (gifted) are the property of the recipient, not the giver. David has put himself at risk with the law with his reaction.

7. Everybody’s reactions to everything were way over the top so as not to be believable.

8. She’s arranged to attend a sex party after writing a note lying to her husband about what she’d be doing and where. When discovered she takes the position she was entitled to do it and it was her body. It is stretching reason to think he could trust her not to do in the future what she feels entitled to do.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Personally , I would be finished with her . Trust being gone , that's me done . But reading some of the posts I'm intrigued by the notion of a Postnup .

It might have been fun to tie her up legally whilst deliberately leaving himself clear of any ramifications for cheating .

I wonder what her response would then be when he announces " I'm going away for the weekend , its my body and I do what I like with it . Just you be good or you know the consequences " .

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Early on it said this story was a little different, but then it ended up being entirely formulaic. Nothing really unique or interesting here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I absolutely can't believe this story. United Airlines being sympathetic?!

WargamerWargamerover 2 years ago



Not like the Bear at all, getting soft.

The real Bear would never approve.

Scores 3/5 for being out of character

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

You had a good story going here, right up to the point where you turned it into just another cuck story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Stupid,dumb,unbelievable, a beating and you wife was stopped in time to save your marriage, a cop also involved in the beating. That’s the best you can do very poor finish. A lot of BTB votes.

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I am a mature (read old) gentleman. I have been married for 49 1/2 years, and have 5 children, and 10 grandchildren. I live and die with the New York Giants. I am a big Yankees fan. I am also a Vietnam veteran. It's now 50 years. (She decided to renew my option.) I apologize...