The Herbal Remedy


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But he did. George not only sexually lusted after his mother, he also just plain loved her and didn't want her to be unhappy. Hearing his dear mother cry, and see her clearly suffering for what appeared to be no good reason, George decided to take matters into his own hand. He was a proactive guy like that.

George was reminded that the female impotency condition was somewhat like the one most often associated with men. He continued to investigate. He began searching the Internet for topics that described his mom's condition. He started to take notes of the various medications, herbs and treatments that he discovered while researching the topic of female impotence and low libido in women. As he was reading, a plan was revealed to him. One in which both he and his mother would benefit. Her sex drive would improve, and he would have a sexier mom as a result, and maybe even more than that, but that was the stuff of fantasy.

George saw this as an opportunity to not only improve his mother's overall well-being, but also get her to become more sexual. This could have a direct payoff for him as he could see her open-up sexually...maybe even start to dress in more revealing clothes around the house.

George had always wanted to have sex with his mom, but it had always been pure fantasy. He had already imagined fucking his mom in every position and in nearly every environment possible. Her current condition, and its potential remedy, could lead him into a situation where the possibility of having sex with her may present itself. He thought he should at the very least give it a try.

After all his research, he finally decided to order some herbal stimulants. Some were in their raw form as liquids, powders, or leaves. A couple of brands he ordered were from a website that sold adult sex toys and aids. These were in capsule form.

Five days later, the last of the packages had arrived. He had everything that he'd ordered for his special project. George thought of it as the "Mom's Herbal Remedy" project. It consisted of his secretly administering several herbal combinations to his mom. All of these were known for their ability to improve the libido and sexual response in both men and women. He carefully read how much of each was in some herbal blends, so he had a general idea how much he should use. The exact proportions he would have to experiment with.

As he moved forward with his plans, several questions came up for him. Was he willing to experiment on his mother, and would she know what he was up to? How sensitive was she to herbal stimulants? These weren't the only questions he pondered.

Was he "drugging" his mom just to increase the likelihood of her being more sexual? Would there be an adverse reaction to the stimulants?

He rationalized his continued efforts with his original reasoning: This was for Diana. He was going to improve his mom's happiness by helping her unlock a pleasurable and fulfilling part of life; something she'd never really explored: her sexuality. George could only hope there would be potential collateral benefits for himself, but ultimately, this was for her.

He thought about how he would test the ingredients as he went about his day. He studied, ate lunch, took a walk, and finally decided, he would approach it slowly, and by small, incremental increases in proportions and ingredients. He would use their blender to make smoothies and hide his herbal mixture in these. He did not want to make a tea from the ingredients as he wasn't sure how the properties of the herbs would survive in heat, but he would need to experiment with that too.

Diana was ready for the weekend. She had some success in marketing some of her software product line to a development company in Arizona, so she felt like she had a productive week. Her company was moving in the right direction and she enjoyed the success she was having.

She had invested much of her youth and her professional life into her company. This had reaped enormous benefits for her. She took a great deal of pride in the business she had built from scratch.

But her private life had certainly suffered. She spent most of her personal time talking to her son, cooking, drinking wine, and working out on the treadmill in the basement. She had no social life to speak of. Now and then she would reach out to one of her two close friends who were usually busy being married. No dating. No male was bad.

It wasn't that she was missing sex, so to speak. Sex just never entered her consciousness. She can't remember the last time she had an orgasm, but it had been probably close to a year. She knew there was something wrong with her and she was trying to determine whether she wanted to even find out what that was.

After all, life wasn't so bad without sex. She would think this from time to time, but this thought was always followed by her admittance that it is impossible to find a man who she was compatible with who felt the same. No, she needed to change.

At least she was home. After such a tumultuous week, she was relieved to finally be in her safe, comfortable home.

"I thought I heard you come in, Mom." George came up to his mom from behind and gave her a peck on the cheek.

"Hi Georgie. How was school? Anything new?"

"Nope. Same old same old. I had three lectures. Now I have lots of notes to study. How was your day?"

"Good. I finally got that Arizona account I told you about. Big money!"

"Wow! Mom, that's great! Let's celebrate!" George said hopefully. He squeezed his mom's shoulders encouragingly.

"Maybe tomorrow. I'm tired. Would you like to watch a movie instead? There are some new arrivals on cable I've been wanting to see."

"Sounds good!"

Diana and George busied themselves making a pasta dinner with a salad. After their meal, they changed clothes then met in the media room to start a movie.

Diana was in a blousy nightgown that did no justice to the hot body she had under it. George wore some soft, nylon track pants with no underwear and a T-shirt. He decided that, as a part of his "plan," he would begin to wear clothes that showed his anatomy as much as possible. He wanted to show his mom his big dick and well-defined abs. He wanted to get his mom thinking about sex in general, and open her up to the idea that she had a ready, willing, and able son to experiment with at her beck and call. It may be that she would be open to being more intimate with her son than another man, or at least that's how George was thinking, hoping, fantasizing.

Diana got up after about an hour into the movie and used the restroom. As soon as his mom left the room, George had his penis out. After a few pumps and squeezes, it grew stiff and significantly larger. He heard Diana's footsteps upon her approach and stuffed his erection into his form-fitting track pants. He turned on the table lamp nearby, turning it to shine directly on his lap. Just before his mom came back in, he checked to make sure that his hard cock protruded enough to make an obvious tubular shape. He adjusted it slightly so even the ridge of his head was discernable, then slumped back into a relaxed posture.

As Diana walked back in the room, the only light on, other than the paused image on the TV screen, was the light exposing George's enormous bulge. Diana looked right at it.

She stopped...frozen. She was slightly behind where George sat. She didn't think he could see her. She took a moment to observe the unfamiliar sight of an aroused, though concealed, erection. Diana couldn't help but stare at her son's thinly veiled member. She felt her body react with a tingling urge in her core. There was something about seeing George's bulge that gave her the feeling of having butterflies.

But George could definitely see her in his peripheral vision. He saw her stop and glare at his crotch and had to suppress his glee. 'She saw it,' he thought, fighting back a smile. 'She saw it!'

That was really the extent of his plan that night: to show his mom his bulge. He wanted her to see something that he already knew- that he had a big, pussy-pleasing penis. He wanted to show her that he was, in fact, well-equipped to handle her, should she want that. He also knew that most mothers would never go for the idea of having sex with their son, so there would have to be a unique, sustained approach to see that he becomes a "fuck-buddy" to his mom. There had to be an angle. That's where the herbal stimulants came in.

As they watched the movie, George became distracted by the fact that he had made himself horny. Knowing that his mom had seen his bulge only worked him up more. Now he was grabbing it and squeezing it to gain a little relief. He felt his balls churn. He really needed to masturbate, but didn't want to leave his mom alone.

Diana could not concentrate on the movie as her son was fidgeting with his penis the entire time. She thought about the bulge she had seen and wondered how he became so well endowed. Especially since his father was only about six inches, not that it mattered to her, or did it?

Finally, the movie wound down to an end. George popped out of his seat immediately, standing with his hard cock jutting out beneath his pants. He made a point of showing it in profile to his mom, with him standing and her seated. He knew she wouldn't be able to miss it.

After a fake 'stretch' where he leaned back to exaggerate the tented shape, he bent down to her, said, "G'night mom," and pecked her on the cheek.

Diana was shocked, but managed a mumbled, "goodnight," before George bound out of the room and up the stairs. She sat there, stunned by the shape she had seen, as the credits finished and the movie ended on a blank screen.

'What has gotten into him lately?' she thought.

In the silent room, she heard footsteps above. George's room was directly over the TV room and she heard what sounded like a squeaking bed. She knew George's bed made that sound sometimes, when he moved around or got on or off it.

Then she heard what sounded like her son yelling her name in a moment of passion.

Directly above his mom, George cried her name as he finally came. It had only been a few hours since he'd last jerked off, but this climax felt particularly intense, given the activities during the movie. He didn't care where his cum fell, he was just enjoying the image of his stunned mother staring at his dick, and trying to shoot as much as possible. He shot several thick squirts, then closed his eyes and reveled in pleasure.

George fell asleep, cock in hand, cum spattered all around, thinking about his mom and her problem. The next morning, he would try the first batch of the herbal ''remedy."

There were several herbs that increased blood flow and the sensitivity of the skin to being touched. Many of these also act as stimulants to the brain. The herbs that George acquired did just that; they acted as stimulants, increased blood flow, and increased sensitivity. It has been discovered that many of these, when combined with others, create a reaction that is different, and more "therapeutic" than they would be on their own.

They would also most likely influence his own libido as well. Unfortunately, he would have to experiment, as each person reacts differently to these stimulants and the only way to discover if one works better than another is to consume them, then observe the results.

The major disadvantage was going to be his having to monitor her physical behavior to determine the effectiveness of each dose without being able to talk to her about it. This would be a significant challenge to his plans.

To avoid suspicion, George decided he would fix a smoothie for himself without asking his mother if she wanted one. She, of course would want one, but at least he was avoiding acting suspicious by placing one in front of her, out of the blue. He got up early and bought some coffee for the two of them. While he was out, he stopped by the market and bought some fresh and frozen fruit for his 'sexy smoothies'.

At home, he got busy in the kitchen.

"What's all this commotion down here?" Diana entered the kitchen in her usual conservative clothes, her hair more disheveled than usual. She was surprised her son was awake before she was.

"I bought some coffee for us. Yours is on the island. Sweet and light, right?"

"Oh, yes... exactly what I need..." she said, grabbing the coffee. "What are you doing with the blender, George?"

"Making myself a smoothie. I read an article about how smoothies can improve your focus and overall sense of well-being so I decided to start making smoothies for myself every day...just to see if it works."

He didn't offer his mom one. She would want one, as she loves to drink them as meal replacements. By forcing her to ask, it will not be as suspicious when she starts to feel the stimulants take effect.

He could sense her reaction. She wanted one. "Hey! What about me?" Diana came over to see what he was doing.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mom. Sure thing! Let me add a little more fruit." George had already added his first measure of herbal mixture to the pitcher.

George blended it up, poured the frozen drink into two glasses and set one in front of his mom.

"Here's to our health!"

George sat by the kitchen window looking out onto the patio sipping his smoothie. It tasted as it should. The fruit covered the herbal taste and there was no trace of their odor or color.

As the two finished their drinks, they talked about the weekend.

"First things first," Diana began. "We need to do laundry, and by we, I mean YOU and me, not just me." She raised her eyebrow at her son.

"You got it, Mom. I'm going to take a shower and get right on it."

George felt good from the drink, but nothing out of the ordinary. He took his shower and thought about his objectives for the day. He would wear his old track shorts without underwear, and a T-shirt around the house. He wanted to have easy access for jacking off.

Since he began planning to use the herbal remedy on his mom, he could think of nothing else. He normally thought about her sexually almost every time he saw her. Now, he thought about her sexually all the time, whether she was in view or not. He was getting frustrated with masturbating and thought about finding a woman who looked like her to date.

George finished his shower and slipped his shorts and shirt on. As he pulled his shirt over his head, he felt it. An unmistakable reaction to the herbal supplement. His skin became tingly and his cock was in a semi-erect state.

He felt mildly "wired" and very much alive. He went downstairs to the laundry room that was off the kitchen.

His mom was walking out of her bedroom as he was on his way to the kitchen. He slowed to let her walk ahead. She was wearing a tank top and running shorts. He couldn't see any bra straps from behind. His cock began to thicken in his shorts.

'Is she wearing a tank top without a bra?! I've never seen her do that before...' George was excited at the prospect.

"That smoothie made me feel great, George! Wow!" Diana felt alive and awake. She had goosebumps on her arms and her skin was sensitive to the air and the fabric touching it.

"I know, isn't it great?" George concurred.

George could not stop starring at his mom's body. Her tits were absolutely sublime. Nipples standing erect and pointed upwards. Her breasts were full and hung down as only large, natural breasts do. Her legs were long and muscular, her ass was shaped perfectly. He couldn't believe that on the very first dose, she was dressing in sexier clothes.

Diana was feeling sexy for the first time in years. She chose to wear skimpy clothes because she felt so turned on. 'I'm going to have to get the recipe for George's smoothie,' she thought as she cleaned up the kitchen.

A few minutes later, the two were in the laundry room, a rather small area that had a washer and dryer with cabinets above and a built-in counter against the wall.

Diana was getting clothes out of the dryer and placing them on the counter. George was fumbling with the detergent, but was really staring at his mom's shapely ass. He could make out the broad curve of her butt better than ever, save the few times he'd seen her in a bathing suit before she could get into her cover-up. He felt his dick surge and throb in his thin shorts.

As she bent to reach into the dryer, George moved behind her. He pretended to help with loading the dryer, but his focus was on angling his body to touch hers. He gently brushed his twitching erection against her butt.

Diana paused briefly, half looking back at him, but figured he only accidentally bumped into her.

George smiled and grabbed an armful of clothes and repeated the same action as she stood against the counter. On both occasions, his dick rubbed her ass through the thin nylon causing him to become even more erect.

Diana felt her son's body against hers, but her reaction was opposite of what her son was hoping for.

"It's a little crowded in here. Why don't you work in here, and I'll get our clothes that need to be washed from around the house?"

'Damn.' George was hard now and had no way to relieve himself, or show off to his mom. He would just have to wait.

Over the next hour, the only person who demonstrated any real, observable change in libido was George. After the two finished the laundry, Diana went downstairs to run on the treadmill, then took a shower. It was obvious she was feeling the stimulant, but due to his limited contact, George couldn't determine whether she was just feeling energized or sexually stimulated. At least, he thought, the effect was a positive one.

The supplement worked on George, although he didn't need to feel more sexually stimulated. He jerked off twice that morning using mental images he had of his mom in her bra-less tank top, a once-in-a-lifetime occasion, and from the laundry room encounter.

Later, he studied, but was distracted by his thoughts about how to speed things up with his mom.

During lunch, Diana reminded George about his cousin's wedding.

"It's this Saturday, remember?"

"Darn it. Yes, I remember. It just snuck up on me is all." George hated weddings.

George was deep in thought as he finished his sandwich. The wedding was about a three hours' drive away. He remembered his mom saying something about getting a nice hotel, one nicer than where the reception was being held so they wouldn't have to be around drunken wedding guests.

George excused himself from the table and went to his room to think about his next move.

The event would be the perfect opportunity to administer his herbal mixture to his unsuspecting mother. They would be in public, so he could experiment with the dosage of her supplement without her reacting to him as being the cause of her changed mood.

He would be able to administer larger dosages since there would be activity during the night and this would be a good way for her to burn the extra energy she would feel from the increased amounts of herbal stimulation she would be taking. The wedding would be like a date, so they would always be expected to be close. She didn't get along with her extended family, so George would be her primary companion for the entire evening.

George took note of the successful combination of ingredients that he put into the smoothie that morning and decided to see how they would work in increasing amounts, and in tea and coffee. He would have to wait until the next day. Now that he knew how well they worked on himself, he could gauge whether they were working using other beverages while at the same time observing the effect they had on his mom.

That week, George was going out of his mind with sexual thoughts and sensations. He experimented both on himself and on his mom with a combination of ingredients. He was forced to observe energy levels in his mom rather than sexual arousal. He found it encouraging that she had gone down to the basement and run on the treadmill the times he had given her a smoothie with the supplement. The only feedback she gave was that she said she felt "amazing." She had worn shorter shorts and had gone bra-less one other time. She was flirtatious with him on several occasions, which was out of character for her. Referring to George as her "hot date" and talking about being able to fit into her dress so she will look good for George at the wedding. The herbs appeared to be working!