The Herbal Remedy


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Diana could feel the solid form of her son's penis on the back of her hand and his pulsing heartbeat through the warm shaft. It was actually strong enough that their clasped hands even trembled slightly with the beat of George's heart as his dick pulsed. The couple's actions were made more sexually satisfying by the fact that they were in a room filled with over one hundred people in it.

Neither one of them made any effort to remove their hands from George's lap. They sat frozen, their heads spinning with sexual lust, both clutching the other's hand as they pretended not to notice that mom was touching son's dick.

The wedding was nearly at a close. Thirty-five minutes had passed in what seemed to George to be maybe five. He felt drugged. He felt like he was on another planet. Just he and his beloved, sexy, mom.

Diana saw that the congregation was anticipating the end of the wedding and thought it best to let go of her son's hand. She smoothed out her dress and looked down at the long bulge her hand was resting on for nearly all the ceremony. There it was, thick and warm. She saw the shape of the ridge of his tapered head. It was just beyond where their hands were clasped. She felt her heart race as she blatantly stared at her son's big dick through his pants.

Finally, she gently lifted her hand. She felt George's stiff erection rise as the weight of their hands was removed before it was restrained by the fabric of her son's pants. She reluctantly peeled her hand out of his grip.

The bride and groom left the wedding area and the congregation cleared out.

Diana and George left each other to use the restroom. Diana felt relieved to finally be able to touch her pussy, and to empty her bladder.

George took the time to go into a stall and stroke his erection a little, but discovered that this was not a good idea as it made him hornier. His large balls throbbed and felt full. He needed to cum. At this point, he was about to drag his mom back to the car and fuck her in the parking lot. He had a mental image of his mom's BMW, rocking slightly, the windows fogged. A passerby may see a pair of black high heels on the shoulders of a suited young man as he eagerly pumped his hips into an older woman in a black dress. They'd figure the couple was overcome with passion after the wedding ceremony. Would they hear George shout, "Oh, MOM!" as he filled her with cum?

He reluctantly stuffed his enormous erection back into his pants. Despite the unfulfilled feeling, he had to admit his plan was progressing beyond even his most optimistic expectations.

As the newlywed couple were taking pictures back in the garden, the guests mingled in the reception area just outside the banquet hall. Candy and Arthur were known for their love of margaritas so George expected at least the second half of the reception should be pretty wild.

Diana and George each had a glass of white wine as they waited to be seated for dinner. Although Diana got a lot of looks from other men, no one approached. George was a little surprised as she was by far the most beautiful woman in the room of about one hundred and fifty.

The mother and son made their obligatory visits to family members. Diana's parents, George's grandparents, were there and they spent a good deal of time catching up with them.

Finally, the dining area was open and the guests could find their assigned seats at their tables.

It was no surprise to Diana that she and George were seated away from the other family tables and to the back of the reception area. In fact, she was relieved she didn't have to fill the entire time with idle conversation with some old aunt, uncle, or cousin.

Their table had three other couples, all older and all from Candy's work. The couples introduced themselves to Diana and her son. George felt a rush of excitement when his mother introduced him as "George." Not, "my son George," but simply, George. This omission held enormous importance to him. He saw it as a public statement that his mom was making a great effort to further promote the notion that they were on a date.

Diana wanted to be able to spend quality time with George dancing and having fun being a couple. She had thought about not introducing him as her son when she realized that no one from their table knew her family. It excited her at least as much as George to purposely avoid the title.

They both relished in the fact that, at least in their immediate vicinity, the other couples would have no expectations; there would be no mother/son pretense to fight.

George placed two more capsules in front of his mom before the meal began.

Diana looked up at him with a gleam in her eye. "You are a naughty boy!" George smiled. Diana leaned over and whispered in her son's ear: "I already feel like a dog in heat. What are you trying to do to me?" She kissed his earlobe and smiled wickedly as she moved her head away from his. She popped them in her mouth while he was still looking at her.

'Shit,' he thought. 'This is unreal.' George swallowed his and began his salad.

Diana and George enjoyed their dinner as they chatted with each other and a few others at their table. Soon, the toasts were made and the music began.

Candy and Arthur danced their first dance, then the parents and other family members, finally, the guests were invited. The DJ was playing "Unchained Melody" by the Righteous Brothers. Diana grabbed George and made a bee-line for the large dance floor that was becoming crowded.

George extended his arms and allowed his mom to come into his embrace. She wrapped her arms around his shoulder and grabbed his hand, drawing him in closer than a mother would normally dance with her son.

George rested his hand on his mom's waist and held her hand firmly as he led her through the slow song. The first dance was close, but tame. He was careful not to grind, or rub his crotch against her for fear of her rejecting his advances. He was still quite hard.

The dance ended and a series of faster, more contemporary songs were played. These were requests by the wedding party so there was a lot of goofing around on the floor. Diana left to get two frozen margaritas from the machine by the bar and returned to George at the now empty table.

She scooted her chair right next to her son and began to drink from her frosted glass.

"Delicious!" She said winking at him.

George noticed that his mom was looking at him and nothing else. The two chairs they had were at the far left of the ballroom. The other guests at their table were dancing and the other guests of the wedding were mostly sitting and talking. There were no relatives nearby and the couple were far enough away that no one really saw what they were doing, let alone saying to each other.

George was staring into her eyes and then at her tits.

Under the table, Diana grabbed George's hand and held it. She was caressing the back of it with her thumb.

"I love spending time with you, Georgie! You're a fun guy and such a handsome man!" His mom squeezed his hand tightly as she said this.

"Mom, you're driving me crazy." He said and rolled his eyes to show how he felt about the situation.

Diana leaned in and whispered, "I hope you know what you're doing, because you have created a monster, young man!"

She moved back and stared into his eyes, smiling.

George knew she was right. He was officially in over his head now. He had never had a woman, or even a girlfriend for that matter look at him as lustfully as his mom was looking at him just then. For all his planning, he never planned on his mom reacting like this.

He was now wondering whether he could even handle her.

Before he could think any more about the sexy comment his mother had just made, she dragged him off his chair and onto the dance floor.

The crowded dance floor must have held thirty couples. Diana led George to the back, away from the wedding party and relatives. The lights were lowered for the slow song, "Wonderful Tonight" by Eric Clapton.

Diana was first to hold her son as they merged onto the dance floor, only this time, she grabbed his torso at his lower back and pulled his lower body to meet hers. George took the less-than-subtle hint and held her waist firmly against his as their other hands were raised for a slow dance.

For appearances sake, George kept his head at a more appropriate distance from his mom's. Their lower bodies were pressed tightly against each other, to the point where George's large, erect and throbbing cock was in direct contact with his mother. It was nestled firmly against Diana's crotch and inner leg.

Diana couldn't believe how sexy and hot her son felt against her. She could feel the enormous bulge she had been observing all week. It pressed insistently against her body and it was making her dripping wet as she and George were slowly grinding their pelvises against each other to the slow rhythm of the song.

George had his back to the wall of the dance floor to hide the fact that he was extending his crotch outward to maximize the contact his cock was making with his mother. He was pulling her into him forcefully and grinded on her as if he was slowly fucking her right there on the dance floor.

Diana was staring straight into her son's eyes as if she was looking deep into the eyes of a new, exciting lover. It was ironic that after two husbands and a half dozen lovers, that it would be her son who found the solution to her sexual anorexia. Now she stood relishing every grind into his perfect cock, every moment shared as his lover-to-be, every sexual thought as they sprouted in her mind. She was simply overjoyed.

The couple's erotic and romantic dance was rudely interrupted by the bouquet and garter belt toss, which was followed by the cutting of the cake.

The rest of their table had returned and everyone sat and watched the events patiently awaiting the service of the cake.

In their little corner of the hall, George and Diana were holding hands under the table. He was insanely hard, she was insanely wet. Now and then exchanging prolonged stares at each other that were always difficult to break off...not giving a damn about the wedding.

Another slow dance had Diana again grabbing for her son. It was "Falling in Love with You" by Chicago. This time, there was very dim lighting and a fog machine was busy obscuring the dance floor, making the couples very difficult to see or differentiate.

Diana and George took advantage of this and danced even closer than before. Grinding, swaying, Diana's overflowing bosom was pressed against her son's chest. She was inches away from his face...

"Fuck this." Diana took George by the hand and led him back to the table and grabbed her clutch. "We're out of here."

Diana let go of George's hand reluctantly, and only to wait in line to wish Candy and Arthur good luck and say their good-byes.

George was a mixture of nerves, hormones, energy, and pure, sexual energy. He knew that he and his mom were just beginning to feel their latest dosage of stimulants and if her behavior was any indication as to what they would be doing for the rest of the night, he would be needing the herbal supplements just to keep up with his mom.

They quickly made their way down the hallway outside the ballroom, were the restrooms, and extension phones were located, and cushioned benches were lining the walls. Diana was walking fast and seemed to be on a mission. She blew past the garden entrance, where their car was parked, and headed instead straight to the service desk.

"I need a single non-smoking room for the night please." Diana laid down her credit card and driver's license and turned to look straight at George.

"Why aren't we going back to the Hyatt?" George asked quietly.

"I can't wait, can you?" She had a wide-eyed look to her as if she had an urgent need to use the restroom. She was unwilling to wait another second.

"No, you're right. That would be bad," George concurred.

"Are you with the wedding party?" the manager asked.

"No. Just stick us somewhere quiet and out of the way." Diana was again looking at George when she made her request.

George was not the most experienced lover, hell, he was only eighteen, but he saw sexual lust, love, longing, and an "I want-to-fuck-you-now" look coming from his mom. His whole body yearned for his mother. The years of fantasy, the passionate masturbation sessions when he cried out her name, her ridiculously perfect body and large, natural breasts. He felt like his dick was going to split its skin.

"Room 614. The elevators are to your left. Enjoy your stay!" The desk manager smiled at them and resumed her duties.

The two made haste to the elevator. It was quite crowded, so they were content with just holding hands. It seemed to take an eternity to get to the sixth floor.

The door opened and Diana maintained her grace by walking quickly, but with the same swagger she always had.

George wanted to kick his shoes off and sprint.

Diana gave George her key and stepped back allowing him to open the door to their hotel room.

"I want you to open the door to the hotel room where you are going to fuck your mom for the first time, George."

George dropped the key after hearing his mom's bold announcement, which he found even more exciting as she did not whisper it.

After fiddling with the key and waiting for the green light, the door finally opened and the two were inside.

Diana slammed the door shut and moved toward her son. George grabbed her head with each hand and pulled his mom in to kiss her.

"Oh, my God!" she gasped as he made his move. They were finally alone.

Diana was swept away by the sexual high she was on caused mostly by the desire she had to have her son fill her with his big cock.

Diana's hot, wet lips crushed against her son's in a frantic, passionate moment that she knew would be was impossible to have with anyone else.

The gravity of what she and George were doing and were about to do was fueling her sexual energy. The stimulants had only gotten her to this point. Her new-found sexual passion for her son was what carried her beyond this point of no return, and she never wanted to return to where she had been up until this point in the hotel room. She wanted this.

George shot his tongue straight into his mother's mouth thinking about how much he loved her. How she was the only one who loves him as much as she does. She was the one who had fed him, cleaned him, provided for him, nurtured him. She was his life and his love. Now he wanted to fuck her.

He realized that he was about to become his mother's lover, and he found the entire situation overwhelming.

Mother and son sucked each other's mouth, wove their tongues together, moaned, groaned, and tried to breathe without breaking away for a single moment. They were both sloppy kissers and loved it.

George's hands squeezed her narrow waist. His hands moved behind her, at the small of her back. They kissed feverishly and George's hands paused there, clutching at her back and moving lower. Diana couldn't take the restraint any longer. She reached behind her and pushed her son's hands down onto her round, protruding butt. George groaned into her mouth as he felt her supple skin under the dress. He gripped the firm cheeks of her ass and held her tightly against his aching body.

Diana's mind reeled. Her hands moved to George's hips. She had to feel his huge penis.

Her hands moved with confidence, not anxiety, as she ran her hands down to her son's glorious erection and throttled it through the fabric of his slacks. She yanked on it and traced its shape.

She was moaning softly.

Diana was so happy to feel such sexual and loving feelings that tears came to her eyes.

George moved his hands up to his mom's prized breasts. He was finally able to do all those things that most boys who grew up attracted to their mothers never got to do. He fondled her tits in every way imaginable: squeezing them together, pushing them up, pressing them in. He wanted to feel them raw, naked in his firm grip, but needed to wait until the dress was removed.

Diana moaned loudly now. She was years due for an orgasm, and tonight she planned on having several.

George led the sexual pace out of pure lust for his mom. He guided her to the bed, reluctantly broke free from their embrace, and pulled the covers all the way back.

Diana and George were staring into each other's eyes, as they hastily removed their clothes. Diana helped George with his tie and shirt as he removed his slacks and underwear.

His erection bobbed and swayed in anticipation. Diana felt it poke into her stomach and sides as she moved around her son.

George was naked.

His cock resting to the side of his mother's body as he reached around to unzip the dress that had been turning him on all night long.

Diana was naked.

The two looked at the body in front of them and smiled.

George reached forward and gently cradled his mother's breasts. They were softer, heavier, and more beautiful than he had imagined. He lifted each and then ever so gently, clasped each nipple between his thumb and index finger twisting and pulling on it as his mom moaned her approval.

Diana felt as if she were in a heavenly dream. Her son was an Adonis, an absolute work of perfection. Detailed and cut abdomen muscles, strong arms, very well hung.

She reached down and held his erect cock in her hands for the first time. She felt a jolt coarse through her body and closed her eyes imagining this piece of perfection penetrating her eager pussy.

"Oh, George. You have no idea how much I needed this in my life," she whispered this in a soft, desperate voice.

George whispered back, b "Oh, Mom. I have wanted you for so long. You have always been my true love."

George felt a certain desperation to get inside his mom. He felt an urgent need to fill her up. He moved her forcefully to the bed and grabbed her legs, one in each hand. He pushed them back and lined his cock up with her beautifully trimmed, welcoming pussy.

Diana was watching the forbidden act play out before her. She was as much turned on by her son's body as she was by the fact that it was her son who was about to fuck her.

"Let me have it, George. I need you inside me, baby." Diana did need him insider her, badly.

George began to enter her pussy, slowly due to his size, and to relish every second of the first time he fucked his mom.

She was hotter than anything his dick had experienced. Hot, tight, slippery, and perfectly fitted to his shape.

"Oh...George...oh God, baby." Diana's voice was full of emotion. She was spread wide for her son as he entered her. She relaxed her pelvic muscles to better accommodate his girth. He filled her up completely. None of her lovers had been as large. She closed her eyes for a moment to enjoy the feeling.

George entered her as much as her body would allow. He bent down and began kissing her, still stationary as she became used to his size.

He moved his arms to her sides and began the slow piston motion that would build to a sustained pounding. He thrust himself as deep as her body would allow. Each stroke into, and out of his mother produced an affirming sound from Diana.

For the first time in her life she felt completely present for her lover. She was wet, and on the edge of a tremendous orgasm. George felt right to her. He fit perfectly with her body and he knew how to move with her. He was a natural.

George drove his cock deep into his mother forcefully and could sense her impending orgasm. His hips moved in, then up and out repeatedly. He was only concerned with maintaining a steady, consistent rhythm so his mom could have an orgasm.

"Oh...oh...oh...oh...oh George! I'm cumming baby! Harder! Fuck me, fuck me!!"