The Hired Gun Ch. 05


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She mostly stood off to the side with her crafty friend explaining that she was a "cousin" who'd come to make sure things were safe for what was intended to be this impromptu bachelor party. There were about eight men there, mostly in their forties and up with one continually shooting her interested looks while she kept her butt facing the hotel room door.

Most of her life, trouble followed that butt whenever it popped up in public also earning scorn and outright attacks from her female peers. Her face kept things honest with guy more than willing to sleep with her, even pay but reticent to claim or be seen in public with Esther. Over the years, she chalked the experience up to keeping her honest about her prospects. Being told that she was butt ugly and looked like a mule had the effect of making her criminally reserved. Most of her somewhat romantic interludes were done on the low behind closed doors for this reason.

Despite the fact that she was not involved with the party, eyes continually drifted in her direction. Her associates were of the big and tall variety. Her friend was tall and thin with badly enhanced bolt-on tits and a BBL that looked out of place perched atop her rail thin legs while her friend was short and chunky with a squarish midsection that approximated the shape of a rectangle, like the pink erasers artists used when drawing. The seconds butt the huge, massive but shaped like a box with a deep gluteal cleft that somehow clapped loosely when she twerked, visually tragic.

The raucous atmosphere, loud music and weed smoke were heady enough as she erred on the side of caution being standoffish and aloof with a few of the men until they were sufficiently turned off. Part of the reason she behaved in this manner was due to the nasty glares the other two women were shooting her. Eventually that interested gentleman sidled up to her leaning against the hotel room door introducing himself earnestly offering her a beer. She tried to give him the business, but he was persistent to a fault earning her confidence as they made small talk and engaged in playful banter.

Grady was a widower who'd recently lost his wife impressing upon her that it had been a while since he had a woman. They went back and forth lightly playing the dozens while the other men were occupied until he called her continued bluffing offering several hundred dollars bills waved under her nose. Their banter and back and forth interactions were peppered with Esther giving him repeated glimpses at her huge butt in those skintight back pocketless denim jeans. The rest of the party joined in chortling, jeering and shouting until Esther mounted a love seat in the room popping her huge butt like she meant it.

Liquid courage be damned, Esther went at it a woman possessed perhaps motivated by the cheers and encouragement just as much as the three cans of beer. It seemed like a moment frozen in time as her big, popping butt freed itself from her jeans rising like baking bread. Both cheeks looked as if they were being inflated with a bike pump finally bursting free lighting up the room. Thia brought the house down perhaps a bit too much as things got raucous to the point that hotel security was dispatched to the room. Esther managed to slip out and into a rear corridor finding that Grady followed her right out as the security guards cleared the room. After things were settled in the main corridor, they hashed it out.

Esther found herself in another hotel room on an upper floor with this man encouraged with two grand into giving him a private dance. Things of course got out of hand with Grady ending up with a weekend to remember. He couldn't keep his hands off her monster butt as Esther twerked and bounced on his lap to music from his phone in the hotel room in the middle of the night. The portly short round man buried his face between the cheeks nipping at the material until his tongue slipped inside. After an intense round of oral sex, Esther allowed him to wedge his cock between the buns grinding out an epic load.

That night stretched into the weekend, and they were never apart from that moment onward.

Today in the present; a fortysomething Esther was looking at the rest of an uncertain life going forward.

"Aw shit, what're you doing with your fucking life." The divorce paperwork delivered to her suite came into view obscuring the ceiling above as she considered things post discovery.

Grady cheated first, which plunged her into a dark place fueled by her own distinct issues with self-worth. Esther told herself the cheating came at the tail end of the loss of her shine. There was no doubt she was his trophy, role she accepted along with being a stay-at-home wife. He was too jealous to risk letting her get a job preferring to keep this woman under his umbrella. Growing pains took a toll on their relationship when he realized his living trophy and all her ridiculous curves, were human. Esther was always strong willed, and this caused conflict and some sleeping on the couch until he stepped out.

"Can't lay up in this bed all day; sides I gotta get myself presentable for them cameras." The weathered mature sat up in bed taking another glance at the paperwork in hand before tossing it onto the floor.

She glanced about the room looking at the mess created by her temporary roommate and on camera partner, Andre 13.5. Her "business partner" of convenience had pressed her into hosting the stud presumably for a night which had become an issue as she looked about the suite with an exasperated sigh. Room service trays littered the desktop along with a large half full box of pizza. Half of a six pack of soda had been downed along with her more conventional meal ordered while watching him scarf down everything else like he hadn't eaten in months.

"It's like having a kid." Esther commented to herself, looking towards the smaller bedroom off to the side where he'd taken up shop. The telltale sounds of his Nintendo Switch signaled he'd been up for a while playing to the exclusion of all else as she trudged off to the bathroom planting her huge butt on the toilet. Everything felt surreal after she'd received the divorce decree, oddly disconnected as she took a morning whiz.

The memories returned starting with her reaction to the discovery of his infidelity and that first confrontation which trashed the first floor of their home starting with a duel of skillets in the kitchen. Grady was mostly using his to deflect the powerful blows as she swung for the fences. His stainless steel number was no match for the heavy cast iron skillet that had been passed down for generations in her family. At least three other men had been waylaid with that skillet for one offense or the other with a life being saved from an overzealous home invader during the late fifties.

The aftermath of that dustup left them separated in the house for a good four months sorting things out as she considered whether or not she wanted to stay. Most of her friends and acquaintances were split down the middle with half wanting her to stay because of his wealth and the others encouraging her to get out of the marriage and try to fleece as much money out of the short, chubby misanthrope as legally possible.

During a week of hashing things out with periodic bouts of hysterical bonding, Esther had become further incensed after finding out Grady cheated with a morbidly obese grandmother who stroked his ego at one of their many backyard parties. He'd paraded his side piece around his friends and relatives surreptitiously. It felt like everybody was in on the joke which killed something inside her dry freezing her shattered heart as she called him inside for an uncontested bout of fisticuffs after confronting him with the irrefutable evidence. There was nothing Grady could do but return to the party and play off his obvious wounds leaving her to fume alone in the house. Afterwards, she took a separate bedroom.

Later, Grady paid for renovations to the adjoined attic with its entrance exclusively in her bedroom.

"You started it, numb nut." Esther finished washing herself still recalling the initial war of roses that led her to the main bathroom of a presidential suite in the present.

The fire in her chest was as familiar as the stinging sensation at the corner of her brown eyes. She took a few deep breaths leaning forward flattening her palms against the shower walls feeling the strong spray. The feel of hot water hitting between her shoulder blades down to the upper swell of her huge rear end. Her face followed getting the full blast to its weathered surface and the inside of her mouth.

"You started it, you dense motherfucker!" The words were coming out of her mouth as she recalled the roundtable held over the phone with a number of her friends, some frenemies in the mix as well. She was encouraged to take advantage of the situation for a "get back" and instructed to make sure it was with a guy that would make him nearly check out when he found out, even one of his friends or relatives. The collective harpies told her their state of residence was No-Fault which was like a blank check for cheating on a simp who had the nerve to fuck a gross, fatty when he had wifed up a baddie.

"YOU STARTED IT!!" Esther bellowed under the powerful steaming spray. She'd begrudgingly hopped on Tinder which started another in-house feud when she made it known to her husband. Nothing came of it due to her including one pic of her face culled from an expired driver's license. It seems, guys weren't interested with some leaving a fair share of disparaging comments telling her to use a senior dating site.

It was a defeat unimaginable for someone who struggled with self-worth issues for most of her life, until a friend instructed her to replace that picture with one of her big elongated cornfed butt stuffed haphazardly into her husband's favorite pair of booty shorts. Grady bought these denim tasseled edged shorts that were supposed to look homemade but fit like skintight panties riding high on her hips, making her feel uncomfortable even though she only wore them at home. Her cheekage was ridiculous.

The new pic blew up the internet with her inbox flooded to capacity in under three hours.

Even after adding the first picture as a secondary buffer, Esther found herself going through scores of salacious online overtures and dick pics from potential suitors. There were outright offers of money in exchange for sexual favors that got progressively more deranged and sexually perverted until she deleted her profile, still feeling defeated on some level. Things got progressively worse when she discovered that single pic shared on a number of online porn forums. A few also included her secondary pic coupled with the other under the eponymous title "Butterface Baddie."

In the end her original friend fixed her up with a "sure thing" in the person of a big muscle bound plumber who reminded her of actor John Amos from the old Good Times show. He was nice enough during their dinner date and charming enough to get her into a motel room during a detour while driving her home, which was actually her friend's apartment building. He was good in bed, but selfish other than his horse cock refusing to go down on her and trying to go exclusively doggy style which reminded of her formative years in her last year of high school. Esther knew he didn't want to look at her face but went with it anyway out of diminishing spite for her wayward husband.

Later she found out he gave her a fake number ghosting her after getting what he wanted; namely her huge meaty and packed cornfed derriere. Her friend confessed to vetting the guy after catfishing him online with Esther's booty pic. She was chided for not giving a fake name as instructed and sent packing after a tense exchange. There was no doubt she would be clowned by her friend circle for getting played and admitting it openly. Esther drifted away from these people eventually working things out when Grady finally capitulated with a tiffany bracelet. The estranged couple's frenzied sexual makeup session was undoubtedly fueled by mutual guilt and shame. Grady would stray again with a more suitable rival while Esther modified and perfected her own cheating technique, keeping a FWB for a few months.

"Look at you Esther girl; you're a fucking mess and that old nigga probably laying up with some stanking hoochie in your marital bed, no less. He thinks he's got it like that just cause he finally got the drop on me after fifteen fucking years. Couldn't get it up for five of them goddamn years, either. Look at you girl!"

She stood there nude looking at her honest reflection in the big rectangular mirror which seemed to be taunting her with the truth of her age. Her body had always been the equalizer in romantic situations when her face discounted others perception of her, personally speaking. Her age was there like a hard slap to the cheek, wrinkles, some inconvenient creases and prominent stretchmarks. Esther flinched suddenly going into her big satchel bag retrieving her makeup kit, working profusely to restore what she considered fake beauty. In her early thirties, the woman had taken some cosmetology classes learning how to apply makeup with professional flair. This aspect of her skillset was kept from her husband.

"Lipstick on a pig." Esther commented looking at her renewed soft focus reflection.

It didn't take much to shave a few years off her actual age, but no one was mistaking her for a twenty something anytime soon. She finished up everything by coating her lips in a rich shade of burgundy. Lashes and soft smokey eyeliner brought out her eyes making them crackle with energy while her jowly countenance worked until her cheekbones were more prominent. She thought about sending her soon to be ex-husband a selfie but was too scared to wake the proverbial beast.

"Yeah, ah bet he laying up in my bed fucking his little tin can whore; probably even took one of them blue pills, too." Esther chafed at the thought of someone defiling her bedroom. Grady was obliged to visit her for sex the last few years but kicked out post nut clarity for snoring too much.

"Old dusty fucker; ah wonder how you found me out." She went into one of the plastic shopping bags on the counter removing a vintage pinup bullet cone brassiere. Esther didn't know if she liked the pointy cones as she slipped it on tugging it snuggly into place. Her preference leaned towards sports bras that let her move more freely, feeling unencumbered. Her in-law director knew what he was doing as evidenced by the pics she'd viewed from their photoshoot and concurrent porn shoot, a day prior.

Her cleavage bulged outward decadently as visions of her ex-husband losing his mind seeing her this way flittered about her mind. The mind movies were intermingled with images of him and his new lady.

"I'll fix your stoopid ass, you old fucker!" Esther removed a pair of seamed thigh high stockings sliding them up her thick shapely legs one after the other sitting on the closed toilet plagued with thoughts, she knew were hypocritical.

A shiny pair of heels followed from a shiny bag; shoes brought for a final shoot that she intended to test out. There was one more wig to use, but she opted to keep her head wrapped in the scarf she'd been wearing in place of a bonnet. Esther also opted out of the remaining sets of panties at her disposal preferring to go bottomless as she took some selfies using a stick left behind by her young benefactor.

The Educated Simp knew how to shoot women in a way that maximized their beauty and curves tenfold. Esther thought about all the times she'd caught him looking clearly embarrassed when she stared back feigning anger. She knew the look of a man who wanted her body and was flattered at the attention, though secretly ashamed for attracting his eyes. She'd almost come on to his father after finding out the identity of the other woman and seeing the morbidly obese hussie.

She ultimately decided against this knowing instinctively that he would've jumped her bones with impunity. That would've been something she could've never come back from and remained married despite egging on from her suspect friend group. It seemed as if he knew, but she thought Grady might be setting her up. Their all too brief exchange ended with her slapping the shit out of him with a wet soapy dishrag. He'd gotten uncomfortably close while she was washing some pans in the kitchen sink.

Esther stuck a few poses now thinking about the tryst with the man's son who was now her defacto boss and sometimes lover. It was kind of catch as catch can with them doing it when sexual opportunities presented themselves. He seemed somewhat innocent in matters of the flesh but shocked her by handling her curves and big elongated country butt like he owned them. He fucked her so hard that first time in her private attic room, that she was forced to deny her husband sex until her cunt stopped throbbing. Grady was none the wiser with his own secret hookup he thought she didn't know about.

Her in-law nephew was all man between the sheets, but deceptively innocuous otherwise and business minded to a fault already running a successful online porn site. That was, until lately after he was jointly exposed alongside her. Shades of black would cover his reputation like nuclear winter, indefinitely.

"You're gonna be crying for this ass when ahm gone, Grady." Esther cupped her breasts together making them bulge to the point of nearly bursting from the conical brassiere. Her director knew what he was doing when he applied a sixties aesthetic to her work and online content. Fans really thought it was old footage and she was okay with that after a single pic of her huge butt caused so much existential grief.

She took a few selfies before shame set in, making her drop and sit down on the closed toilet again. Esther remembered the early days when she took a leap of faith moving from Houston taking a flight to be with her supposed man. Still unsure, Esther left her things in the pull-on suitcase for over six months before she felt safe unpacking them. After the first infidelity, Esther packed up that pull-on suitcase, leaving it at the entrance to their bedroom which resulted in the fight and skillet duel.

Grady's affair partner obviously tired of being on the down low, decided to text Esther while he was asleep in her bed post coitus. A pic of the nude snoozing man with his "very used" business exposed followed sending Esther into hysterics. After beating her husband from pillar to post, Esther took up residence in a motel partially worried she'd be arrested, until her friend group talked her into returning to the home so that Grady couldn't claim she deserted the home in divorce court.

She still bristled at the video clip his side chick sent with the big, obese ghetto mature tragically twerking making it clap while a baby could be heard crying uncontrollably somewhere in the background. This woman was trying to run her out of the house which made Esther double down and approach Grady in house for a kitchen sit-down. He admitted being blackmailed to continue the affair by the woman's real husband who was engaging in a grift. The whole thing had been premeditated. Esther went through his phone finding the text threats, collecting the call logs from their shared phone plan.

Her opinion of Grady hit rock bottom outside of the infidelity as she took the evidence to the authorities promptly ending the affair. That portly, badly built mother of five and grandmother of three was indicted along with her husband, who himself had a laundry list of priors and more than a few standing warrants across three states. With everything tied up nice and tight, Esther was left in charge of Grady's finances, managing another few years where he strayed again once having a tragically short memory of the value she added to his life.
