The Hot Tub and the Lady in Red

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He shares hot tub and dances with the Lady in Red.
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I'll never forget the evening I shared a hot tub with my neighbors and danced with "the lady in red."

I was only nineteen at the time and I still lived with my parents. The reason why I lived with my parents is because I was working part-time and going to school and I didn't have much money.

My neighbors, Bob and Tina, both teachers, were older than me and had been married for a couple of years. Bob was twenty-nine and Tina was twenty-four. They didn't have any children. They had moved into the house next to mine only a few months earlier. Despite the differences in our ages, it didn't take long for us to become good friends.

The evening started innocently enough when Bob invited me over to watch a basketball game. It was February and it was freezing outside.

After the game was over, Tina suggested that we relax in the hot tub.

I hesitated for a moment and said, "Uh, I didn't bring my bathing suit."

She smiled at me and replied, "That's okay. You don't need one."

I was so completely taken by surprise by what Tina had just said that I didn't know how to reply or what to do. Did I understand her right? Was she suggesting that I should go nude?

Please understand, at that time, I didn't have much experience or confidence when it came to girls. I didn't have a girlfriend and I was horny all the time.

Now Tina would see me naked! I felt my cock starting to twitch and to swell.

It seemed as if a thousand thoughts were racing through my head at the same time. I was afraid that I would have an erection that I would not be able to hide from Tina. My cock is little when it is relaxed, but it is quite large when it is erect. Would she laugh at me if she saw my cock? Would Bob get mad if he were to see me exhibiting a hard-on in front of his wife?

Tina didn't say anything about being nude herself. Would I actually get to see Tina without any clothes on? She was so beautiful! Now my cock was even stiffer and pressing painfully within the confines of my jeans.

I think Tina must have read my mind because she said, "Here's a towel you can cover yourself with. Just lay your clothes on the chair." She handed me the towel.

All I could manage to say was "Okay."

Thankfully, Tina went out of the room for a few minutes while Bob and I got undressed. I laid my clothes on the chair as Tina had instructed me to do.

I wrapped the towel around my waist, but I realized that it was too small for me to tie properly. It just barely covered me. I had no choice but to grasp the towel with one hand to keep it from falling.

I couldn't help but to notice Bob's cock. It was bigger than mine and it wasn't even erect! I was suddenly feeling very inadequate.

Bob and I didn't get into the hot tub right away. I think he wanted to wait until Tina got back. Instead, he began to fidget with the tub. He checked the temperature and the pH. He explained to me all the work and expense that is involved with having a hot tub.

All the while that Bob was explaining this to me, he stood there completely naked. He appeared relaxed and not at all self-conscious. I, on the other hand, expecting Tina to return at any moment, continued to hold the towel around my waist.

It wasn't long before Tina returned. She smiled at me when she saw me nervously standing there with only the towel protecting my modesty. She handed me a drink.

Tina giggled and said, "You look cute in that little towel!"

I think Tina was enjoying this scene because she appeared to be in no hurry to get undressed. After all, she was fully clothed, wearing a red blouse and black jeans, while I was almost completely nude. I think she was hoping that my towel would fall off and that I would be even more embarrassed than I already was.

Tina stood there watching as Bob continued to fidget with the hot tub. The water temperature wasn't quite right.

I sat down on a lounge chair while Tina sat on the sofa facing me. We talked while we sipped on our drinks. I couldn't help wondering, "Is she going to take off her clothes?" I was very excited at the thought that I might get to see Tina nude, but I realized that it was highly unlikely that that was going to happen. I figured that just because Bob and I were naked, it didn't mean that she would be naked too.

Tina smiled at me, as if she were reading my mind. She suddenly began to take off her shoes and socks: first the left shoe, then the right shoe, then the left sock, then the right sock. I admired her little bare feet.

Then she took off her watch and earrings. She placed them on the coffee table that was in front of the sofa.

Tina wore a necklace with a heart shaped pendant. She took that off too.

My heart felt as if it missed a beat. I was certain that Tina would walk out of the room before undressing any further.

But, Tina did not leave the room. Instead, she continued to do what I would call "a slow strip tease." She slowly began to take off her clothing, one piece at a time, all the while managing, somehow, to appear shy and modest and, perhaps, a little embarrassed.

I watched as she began to unbutton the white buttons of her red blouse starting with the button at the top and working all the way down to the bottom. All the while that she did this, she talked with Bob and me, acting casual, as if nothing were unusual. I tried not to stare at her but I couldn't help it. She pulled the blouse off of her shoulders and pulled her arms out of the sleeves. Making sure to face me, she slipped the blouse completely off, revealing the cups of a red bra.

At that time, I didn't know very much about bras, but it was a beautiful lacy little thing. It must have been one of those "Victoria's Secret" lingerie. It had little hearts on it. All I knew was that it barely covered her breasts and, when she bent forwards, I could see quite a bit of cleavage. I could actually see her nipples through the thin material. And her chest looked so white and smooth! Tina neatly folded her blouse and placed it on a chair.

Tina paused for a moment and took another sip of her drink. She looked up at me with her green eyes and smiled. I think she must have known the effect that she was having on me.

Now she was unfastening her jeans. I could tell that they were a perfect fit. She slowly wiggled them off of her hips and down her thighs, making sure that she didn't accidently pull off her panties in the process. She slipped the jeans completely off, folded them, and placed them on the chair underneath where she had laid her blouse.

I remember that Tina wore these little red panties. They were lacy and almost see through. I think the bra and panties must have been a matching set.

Tina looked so beautiful. I tried not to stare at her cute little body. She was a petite 5 feet 2 inches tall, with long straight black hair.

Didn't Tina realize that she was teasing me? My cock was sticking up in the air! I tried to conceal it with the towel, but I knew that Tina could tell that I had an erection. Tina looked at me and my towel and smiled. She didn't say anything.

She asked Bob, "Is the tub ready yet?"

"Yes, It's fine."

"Maybe I should go in like this."

"No honey. That cute outfit is too nice to wear in the hot tub. The chemicals will ruin them."


I didn't know what to expect. I thought, "Oh well, she'll probably go into the other room and put on a bathing suit."

But, again, Tina did not leave the room. Instead, she reached behind her back, unfastened her bra, and let it fall off her shoulders. Tina's tits, now unrestrained, just seemed to pop out. Tina was topless!

I tried not to stare at Tina's breasts, but I couldn't help it. They were so soft! I couldn't take my eyes off of them. I wanted to touch them.

I knew that it was a fine line that I was walking because I didn't want to be disrespectful. I could tell by her smile that Tina was enjoying exhibiting her breasts to me and that she was not at all offended that I was looking at her. I think she knew that I was only nineteen years old and that I didn't have a girlfriend and that she was getting me very sexually frustrated.

Tina "pranced" around the room in her little red panties, pretending that she needed to do this or that. I think she was still trying to decide whether or not to take them off. I also think that she wanted to tease me as much as she could get away with.

Finally, she slipped the panties off of her waist and let them drop to the floor. Now she was totally naked!

She said, "Okay. I'm cold! Let's get in the tub."

I waited for Tina to turn towards the hot tub before I took off my towel because I didn't want her to see my cock sticking up in the air. I was also concerned that Bob would see me and that he would get angry.

Bob got into the hot tub first and then he helped Tina in, making sure that she didn't slip.

Then it was my turn. I took off my towel and quickly stepped into the tub. Of course, both of them must have seen my erection, but neither of them said anything.

Tina cuddled up close to Bob and I sat facing them.

It was relaxing to soak in the hot tub. Bob had turned on the jets and the hot water felt great.

The three of us talked about a number of things.

Bob explained, "Tina and I decided to get the hot tub because it is so damn freezing outside."

Tina agreed, "Yes, it's awful cold."

Tina looked so tempting. I could see her bare shoulders, but I couldn't see much below that because the water was so dark and steamy.

Bob must have read my mind because he decided to turn the underwater lights on. Now I could clearly see Tina's titties bobbing in the water.

Tina caught me staring at her and she smiled.

She said, "You know, I don't usually go naked in the hot tub when we have company."

I said, "You don't?"

"No. Not unless it's my girlfriend."

I asked, "Do you often invite other people to join you?"

Bob answered, "No, not often."

Tina said, "Bob did invite his brother over once."

"What did he think of it?"

"Oh, he liked it!"

Bob added, "When my brother was here, I tried to talk Tina into taking her bathing suit off, but she wouldn't do it."

Tina laughed and said, "There was no way I was going to get naked in front of your brother!"

"Why not? It's only my brother."

Tina giggled, "Because I knew that he would gawk at me!"

I said, "Tina, if you don't mind my asking, why was it okay for you to get naked in front of me?"

She looked at me and said, "That's different. You're my friend. I feel comfortable with you. You don't mind do you?"

"No, I'm flattered. I feel comfortable with you too."

When Bob got out of the tub for a few minutes, Tina scooted over to sit next to me.

"Now I can hear you a little better."

Tina was sitting very close to me. We were almost touching. In fact, every now and then, her knee would bump against mine. I really didn't think very much about it. I just figured that she was being friendly.

She whispered to me, "Did I tease you a little bit, earlier, when I took off my clothes?"

I replied, "Yes!"

She giggled and said, "I could see!"


After soaking for a while, Tina said, "It's getting hot. I think I'm going to get out."

Tina immediately went into the shower to rinse off. In the meanwhile, Bob sat down on the sofa and I re-took my place in the lounge chair. This time, I sat on the towel but I didn't bother to try to cover myself. I felt relaxed from the hot tub.

Tina came back from the shower. She had one towel wrapped around her body and another around her hair. She looked real cute with the two towels! I noticed that she had a hand mirror, a comb, a tube of red lipstick, and a bottle of red nail polish. She put the items on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

She said, "Bob, it's cool in here. Why don't you turn up the thermostat a little?"

Tina took off the towel that was around her hair and sat on the sofa next to Bob. Her hair was all dripping wet. She held the mirror as she combed her long black hair.

After she was done combing her hair, Tina opened the bottle of red nail polish and began to slowly and meticulously apply it to each finger.

I watched as Bob started to get a bit "frisky" with Tina. He started kissing her on the neck and ear. He also tugged at the towel that was still wrapped around her body, causing it to become undone. Tina's tits were now exposed and dangling in front of me. She quickly retied the towel.

Tina said, "Stop it! The polish is still wet. You're going to ruin my nails!"

Bob laughed and said to me, "Tina is defenseless when she is doing her nails."

What a scene it was! Tina looked so sexy with her long black hair that was still dripping wet and her red finger nails. I thought about what Bob had said about her being "defenseless" and I wished that I was the one who was kissing her on the neck.

Finally, Tina was done with her nails. Next, she applied the red lipstick to her lips. She looked in the mirror to make sure it looked okay.

Tina stood up, the towel still wrapped around her, and waved her red finger nails at me and asked, "How do I look?"

I said, "You look beautiful!"

I think she liked what I said because she blushed and said, "Thank you."

It was just at that moment when Bob, suddenly and without warning, pulled Tina's towel completely off!

Tina shrieked, "Bob, I can't believe you did that!"

Bob laughed at Tina's pretense of being embarrassed. I just sat there with my mouth open, staring at her naked body. I know that my cock was stiff.

Tina grabbed the towel from Bob, but, this time, she didn't bother to wrap it around her. Instead, she sat back down on the sofa facing me, completely bare.

I think the drinks that we had consumed were having an effect. Tina was acting sillier and less inhibited as the evening progressed. I could also tell that her chest and face appeared flushed.

The three of us talked about a number of things. To tell you the truth, I was having a lot of trouble concentrating enough to carry on a conversation. Tina's breasts looked so beautiful! I thought Tina would take pity on me and at least put on a tee shirt, but she made no effort to cover herself. I looked at her cute little feet and legs.

Just when it seemed that my cock was beginning to settle down, Tina decided to rest her feet on the edge of the coffee table. I figured that she was just trying to get comfortable. If she had been dressed, I wouldn't have thought anything about it at all.

I couldn't believe what Tina was allowing me to see! I tried to think about something else, but I couldn't stop imagining what it would feel like to put my cock inside of her wet pussy. I felt my cock starting to twitch and to swell. It seemed like it took only an instant for it, once again, to become fully engorged with blood. I was becoming very frustrated. I quickly covered myself with the towel so that Bob and Tina wouldn't see my erection.

The conversation turned more intimate.

Tina said, "We're going to have to fix you up with a girlfriend one of these days."

"That's okay."

"Seriously, I have a girl in mind."

"Who is she?"

"She's my cousin, Teri."

"What's she like?"

"Oh, she's about your age, maybe a little younger. She's really nice and she has a cute little figure. I'll invite you over some time so that you can meet her."


After a while, there was a lull in the conversation.

Tina said, "Let's play some music."

Bob said, "Okay. What shall I play?"

"Play something we can dance to."


Bob proceeded to play some fast music from the eighties that the three of us could dance to at the same time. I'm sure he realized that it wouldn't be much fun for me to spend the entire evening watching him dance with his wife.

Then Bob played a couple of slower numbers that he and Tina danced together. Both of them were nude and I enviously watched as they held each other close.

Tina said to me, "Jim, do you know how to dance?"

"Not very well."

"It's okay. I'll show you."

I hesitated to take Tina up on her offer because I was nude and I didn't want to embarrass myself.

"Uh, I don't have any clothes on."

"It's alright."

The next thing I knew, she had taken my hand. She picked out a few songs to play.

Then she said, "Put your hands here."

She placed my hands around her waist and then she put her arms around my neck. We danced slowly to the music while Bob watched.

At first, we really didn't make too much physical contact. What I mean is, her chest wasn't touching mine and my cock wasn't pressing against her. We weren't kissing or anything like that.

But, then, a song began to play. It was "Lady in Red" by Chris de Burgh.

"I've never seen you looking so lovely as you did tonight. I've never seen you shine so bright.... The lady in red."

I thought about Tina's red finger nails and her red lipstick and the red bra and panties she wore earlier and how beautiful and ravishing she looked and I realized that I was dancing with "the lady in red."

I think that must have been a special song for her because, all of a sudden, she looked up at me with her green eyes and pressed her lips against mine in one long sensual kiss.

Suddenly, there was no avoiding it. My cock was getting hard and, this time, there was no towel to conceal my arousal.

I held her closer. She pressed her breasts against my chest. I could feel that her nipples were hard. She continued to kiss me.

Now my cock was completely erect. It was standing up in the air. I pulled back slightly. I was very embarrassed and I was especially worried what Bob would think. I didn't think he would appreciate my having an erection while dancing with his wife.

I started to apologize, but Tina said, "It's okay. Don't worry about it."

She continued to kiss me and to press her breasts against my chest. I held her close. Now my cock was rubbing against her pussy. I could feel that she was all wet.

Fortunately, before things got too out of hand, the song came to an end.

I said, "Thank you."

She smiled and kissed me and said, "You're welcome."

I will never forget the evening I danced with "the lady in red."

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I voted it right in the middle.

Not bad, but I sincerely expected her to place a towel between herself & the furniture, & that would lead the narrator to think about her with blankets & himself, etc. .

CasyWoodsCasyWoodsover 1 year ago

Great Until the Sudden Stop.!. Hardon-Interuptus;(

Slowandeasy47Slowandeasy47over 2 years ago

The undressing of Tina is great, nice slow build up!

thomas_deanthomas_deanover 2 years ago

Coming of Age

Exhibitionist gives us a genteel coming of age story which a young man climbs in a hot tub with an avant garde neighboring couple, confident in their own skin. The erotic element of watching Tina, the lady in a cute red outfit, undress an enter the hot tub in the natural state supports the story line. Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Okay but...

There is only one female character, did you really need to mention her by name eighty times?

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