The Hotel Tryst


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She blinked rapidly a few times and emerged from her trance-like state with a faint blush tinting her cheeks. Flashing him a quick smile, she walked over to the couch to retrieve her handbag.

"There's no nice way of saying it, so I'm just going to say it straight out, okay? Let's get the money part out of the way so we can enjoy the rest of the evening."

"Oh, of course, how silly of me," he said, reaching into his trousers. He opened his leather wallet and pressed eight crisp green notes into her outstretched hand. The money sat stationary in her palm as her downcast eyes analysed the pieces of plastic with the scrutiny of a jeweller assessing the worth of an uncut diamond. Her upper teeth gnawed on her bottom lip. For the briefest of moments Matt suspected that she didn't want to accept the money.

Finally, after confusing Matt with her odd behaviour, she placed the eight notes into her handbag and zipped the compartment shut.

She'd received her money, now it was time for her to earn it.

Nikki dropped her handbag onto the couch and strolled up to him with a sexy smile, her body swaying from side to side with the tight black dress hugging every glorious curve that it housed.

Their bodies touched and Nikki dangled her arms loosely around his neck. Wasting no time, she lowered her soft, warm hands and massaged his shoulders as her lips found his, kissing him passionately.

"Why aren't you touching me?" she whispered between gentle kisses. "I'm all yours; totally and utterly yours. Go ahead and touch any part of my body."

"What about dinner?"

"What about it?"

"I thought you'd want to go out to dinner before know, started getting a little bit intimate," he said, sounding every bit like a goof. He'd thought that they would go out to a nice restaurant, have dinner and talk a little bit. That's the assumption he'd made, and with that assumption he'd also factored in plenty of time to wrap his mind around the idea that he was undoubtedly going sex with her - to get used to it and psyche himself up.

"Well, the term 'dinner' can be rather ambiguously interpreted," she said. "Wouldn't you prefer to stay here in the hotel room, play with me for a little while, order some dinner via room service and then play some more?"

"Play?" he asked stupidly, the whole thing throwing him off kilter.

"Fuck," she said.

"Oh. Right...yeah, sorry, I'm a dunce. Jesus, I'm an idiot, aren't I?"

"Nope," she said, rubbing her breasts back and forth against his chest. "This is your first time with a call-girl, isn't it?"

Matt looked away from her and sighed with embarrassment. It was hard to imagine that he could ever feel as small as he did right then. He felt tiny, minute, and the fact that Nikki was so gorgeous only made him feel even more uneasy.

"It shows that much?"

"Yeah," she said, rolling her eyes. "It kinda does a bit. But hey, that's cool. To be honest, I would've been surprised if you had anyway."

"Oh? Why's that?"

"Because you're gorgeous, that's why. You're sweet, handsome and you're a fantastic kisser. Most girls would die to go out with you, which is what makes it so strange to see you pay for it. What is it, curiosity? Or is it something a little kinkier, like it turns you on to pay for sex?"

"'s nothing like that. I just went through a...really bad break-up and I've kind of been feeling a bit lonely, but I didn't want to go through the dating scene again right now. To be honest, I didn't think I'd go through with this."

Sally briefly entered his mind but while Nikki was in his arms she couldn't even make a brief cameo last for more than a few fleeting seconds. All he could think about was the blond beauty in front of him. Everything about her was glorious, from her sweet aroma to the look of her face and body, but most importantly of all; her personality was dynamite.

She was fun, sexy and unlike any girl he'd ever met. It was quite refreshing to say the least.

"I'm not going to lie to you, Matt," Nikki said huskily. "I really want to fuck you and I'll be damned disappointed if you don't want to fuck me. I've wanted you ever since I first laid eyes on you. My pussy's damp as hell if you'd like to verify what I'm saying, and I hope you will, because it's been waiting for you to stick your hand down there and pat it."

Scrutinising her face, he could tell that she was being sincere and not just pulling the wool over his eyes. It was the hesitation when he'd given her the money that came back to him, and there had been so many other subtle tell-tale signs that backed up what she was saying.

Her eyes were searching his for some sort of answer and she looked vulnerable for the first time that night. It was as if she'd just crossed some sort of line and was afraid she'd gone too far.

Matt closed his eyes, angled his head and brushed his lips against hers, giving her his answer in the form of a kiss.

Their tongues writhed slowly, sliding together in a heated sharing of breath and saliva. He placed his hands on her smooth shoulders and caressed her creamy skin, stroking back and forth until he caught the twin shoulder straps of her dress underneath his fingers. Still languidly massaging her tongue with his own, he ever-so-slowly dragged the thin straps down her shoulder blades until they fell away and slapped against her forearms.

"What are you doing?" she whispered, her tongue flicking against his lips.

"Nothing," he whispered back.

"Doesn't feel like nothing to me. If I had to guess, I'd say it feels like you're trying to remove my dress."

"Then you guessed correctly."

"So you've decided that you want to fuck me after all?"

Moaning softly, he rubbed his stiff cock back and forth against her stomach, desperately trying to relieve some of the building tension.

"What decision?" he murmured against her lips. "You mean there was ever any doubt that I would?"

Nikki laughed around his exploring tongue and ran her hands through his hair.

He gave her a final kiss and pulled away from her so she could remove the offensive fabric wrapped around her svelte body. She grabbed the neckline and wiggled the skin hugging dress back and forth over her breasts, and once they slipped free the material glided down her body.

It fluttered down her thighs and just before it slapped against her ankles, Nikki realised that she should have removed her high-heels first. "Could you hold me steady for one second," she asked, holding out her left hand. "Thanks, just don't let go."

She bent over and peeled her left shoe off, then the right, tossing both of them on the floor without looking where they landed. After stepping out of the dress, she kicked at it lightly with her toe and sent it flying away from her feet.

Drool threatened to empty from his mouth as he feasted his eyes on her luscious body. Her hands caressed herself all over, rubbing at her soft round breasts, tugging at her large pale nipples with her thumb and forefingers, and then her palms journeyed southward to trace over her slightly round tummy.

She was so beautifully proportioned that his cock ached at the sight of her. Matt had been hard for so long that the sight of her nude body caused him to stiffen even more.

Nikki's entire body was the same milky-white skin tone as her face and it was so erotic to look at, especially the sweet juncture between her long legs where her dark blond bush was highly contrasted against her pale skin. She was a wet dream waiting to happen, better than his hottest fantasy girl, and she was smiling teasingly at him - at him!

"I take it we're ordering room service?" she asked.

"That would be a yes, unless you want to go to the restaurant like that?"

"That would be a no," she replied, slipping back into his arms to kiss him.

For a few minutes they made out, both of them with their eyes screwed tightly shut and their tongues massaging back and forth. Her hands ran through his hair with a quiet desperation while his slid down her bare back to the twin globes of her ass, cupping it, squeezing it, and then he inserted his hand between the crack and his fingers found her vagina. She parted her legs for easier access and continued their kiss, although the intensity of her flicking tongue magnified ten-fold once his hand started caressing her wet opening.

Matt's index finger made contact with her clitoris. "Oh shit!" she gasped around his tongue. Nikki was obviously very sensitive down there.

She arched her back and rotated her hips on the hand stuffed between her thighs, moaning into his mouth as their tongues toyed playfully. One thing was for sure - she loved kissing as much as he did, and nothing turned him on more than a girl that really put her heart and soul into a kiss. But it was more than just the kiss. It was her overall attitude and the way she melted into his body; her arms clutching his neck, the slow rotation of her hips and her throaty gasps of pleasure.

There's a big difference from looking sexy and acting sexy, and, as he played with the slick outer lips of her pussy, he decided that she was one hundred percent of both.

Nikki's tongue slipped from between his lips and left a trail of saliva as it travelled along his cheek and down his neck, lightly nipping him with her teeth, kissing and sucking softly on his flesh.

"Why don't you take me into the bedroom," she whimpered. "We'll strip you out of these clothes and get you all nice and naked. Then we'll play with each other and be as naughty as we possibly can."

He slipped his paw into hers and led her into the bedroom, unable to remove his gaze from her sexy green eyes for a single second.

"What the hell happened in here?" Nikki asked. She giggled and held her free hand up to her mouth.

The room was a mess. The sheets and doona were strewn all over the floor, yet the mattress' bronze fitted sheet and matching pillows remained in their proper positions, smooth and untouched by his anti-perfectionism mission a little while ago.

"Chaos," he replied cryptically.

"So you like chaos, huh?"

He gave a sideways glance at her body and was well aware of the blatant hypocrisy in what he was about to explain to her, because she was almost perfect and he couldn't fault her in any way at all; physically as well as mentally. However, perfection is subjective. The Nikki he saw standing in front of him differed from the Nikki another man might see. She wasn't overweight by any standards, but she wasn't pathetically thin like most guys preferred; the 'model look' as Matt often called it. She had the type of body that Matt yearned for in a woman, so to him she seemed as perfect as any girl could ever get.

"It's not so much that I like chaos, quite the opposite actually, it's perfection that I have a real distaste for."

"Then why do you stay at these types of hotels? I don't want to be out of line but it really doesn't seem to be you. You're not like most of the guys that frequent these places."

"I'm not," he said with a lopsided smile. "I usually try to stay in middle-class establishments. You blend in better there. When you stay at a place like this you draw attention to yourself and I like doing that as much as I enjoy a punch in the face."

"So why are you here now?"


Moving with grace born of what had to be dance lessons or gymnastics, she twirled on the spot and used his arm as leverage, pulling herself right up against his body with expert timing and precision.

"Yes?" she enquired.

"I guess my sub-conscious had already decided that I was going to call a hooker all along, even though it hadn't consciously alerted me of doing so. It must have figured that a nice hotel room was a more suitable environment for female entertainment."

She pressed her hand down between their bodies and rubbed his stiff cock through his trousers. Bolts of pleasure ripped through him as she gave his manhood a gentle squeeze.

"Remind me to thank your sub-consciousness sometime," she said.

It was remarkable - albeit slightly scary - that something was developing between himself and a prostitute. At least he thought something was happening. That was the problem, he was treading upon territory that had thus far remained unexplored, and he felt how Columbus must have when he set sail on his fateful journey. Yet his well-honed intuition told him that there was indeed a chemistry brewing.

Some guys would never entertain the notion of having a romantic relationship with a hooker, but Matt Crane wasn't typical. He knew from experience that what one did for income did not necessarily make them who they were. After all, Sally had left him because of what he did for a living and what he did was probably viewed as being exceedingly more immoral in the eyes of the public than Nikki's profession.

Slowly, almost teasingly, Nikki helped him remove his clothes, letting her hands glide all over his body as she slid his jacket from his shoulders and unbuttoned his shirt. The next items to go were his shoes, then his belt and his trousers.

Standing there in his briefs, he was about to slip one of his socks off when she grabbed his hand and gave him an uncertain smile.

"What?" he asked.

"I have a...small request, if that's okay."

"That's more than okay, go for it."

"Could you maybe leave your socks on? That's such a turn on for me," she said. "I shouldn't even be asking because it's against the rules. I'm supposed to be here to cater just for you, but I didn't think you'd mind if I asked."

"No," he said slowly. "Of course I don't mind. I'm...flattered that you asked me."

Again, as he was about to pull down his briefs, her hand encircled his wrist and halted his movement.

"Does a guy wearing briefs turn you on, too?" he enquired.

"Smartass," Nikki whispered. She leaned forward and kissed him lightly on the lips. "I just want a front row seat when you take them off."

Nikki tucked her hair back behind her ears and her smile returned to being sexy and confident. She kept her eyes rigidly set on his as she dropped to her knees. His adequately proportioned cock bulged obscenely from his briefs; it was so close to her face that he could feel her warm breath and it strained at having such a beautiful girl's mouth centimetres away from it.

Lowering her gaze, she leaned forward and pressed her lips to the fabric, kissing his cock through the thin material. Then her tongue slipped out and began to lick him all over until every square inch of the bulge had been treated to the sensation of her tongue.

"Oh, fucking hell!" he groaned.

"Did that feel good?" she asked, his cock suddenly being groped by her hand, which roughly massaged back and forth over his balls as well. "Let's get rid of this annoying underwear, shall we?"

All he could do was nod in the affirmative as she slipped her hands under the elastic band and lowered the fabric down his legs, asking him to step out of them when they reached his ankles.

Nikki didn't waste any time. Before Matt could say 'boo,' she wrapped her hand around his swaying member and lowered her face to the tip, her lips stretching open as his rigid flesh eased into her warm mouth. With one hand she held the base of his cock and the other slid around to his ass, plying and squeezing his cheeks.

Matt ran his hands through her blond hair as she sucked on him slowly, her cheeks hollowing out as the suction increased. Her lips tightened around his shaft and her mouth bobbed up and down. It was an amazing sight to say the least. A small shudder passed through him as he looked down at her: eyes closed, pink lips stretched around his aching cock, and her milky-white cheeks flushing crimson as she sucked him off.

"Oh Nikki," he groaned as the pace increased. Her head was a blur of motion and the ever increasing suction of her mouth was causing him to become dizzy with pleasure.

Some women go about the duty of sucking a man off with a lacklustre approach, as if showing up at all was good enough to get the job done. Not Nikki. Such was her creativity, depth of passion and obvious enjoyment in submitting to the task, that her talents went beyond being labelled artistic and overflowed into the realms of sorcery. The intensity of the magic that she was conjuring with her mouth forced him to wrap his hands in her silky blond hair in a desperate struggle to remain vertical.

Finally, much to his relief, she came up for air and her pink tongue darted out as her laboured breathing bathed the head.

She glanced up and offered him a kinky smile when her tongue swirled around the tip of his saliva soaked cock, licking it as you would a tasty lollipop.

The hot flush had extended from her cheeks down to her neck, and he suddenly realised that she must be as horny as hell.

"Why aren't you playing with yourself, aren't you horny?" he asked, almost out of breath.

Nikki nodded emphatically but continued to lick his cock all over, never letting up for a second. His legs were shaking so badly that it looked like they were suffering from severe cramps, not from the pleasure of having his cock worshipped by a girl who knew how to use her mouth.

"So?" he persisted.

Removing her tongue from him with a frown, she said, "I'm not here to pleasure myself, I'm here to pleasure you, Matt. Two hands give more pleasure than just one."

His hands were still tangled in her hair, so he gave her head a playful shake and mirrored her frown with one of his own.

"Don't be ridiculous. Jesus, do whatever you want to do, okay?"

She regarded him quizzically for a moment, unfazed by the fact that his slick, hard cock was bouncing around in front of her face.

"Are you sure?" she asked softly.

"Do you want me, like you said you did?"

"Are you kidding? Of course I want you! I can't think of anything else at the moment. Even if I wasn't getting paid a dime and I'd met you at a nightclub, I'm pretty sure I'd be on my knees like this in ten seconds flat."

"So imagine that you met me in a nightclub and we're just two people who are trying to make each other feel good, okay?"

"Okay," Nikki said, smiling brightly. "You know, this isn't a situation I'm used to. In fact, it's never happened to me before at all."

Her breathing had slowed right back to normal and he suddenly missed the warm, explosive breath that had been cast over him.

Still stroking him with her left hand, Nikki slipped her right hand down her thighs, eased her legs apart and began to rub at the most tender area of her body, which was unfortunately hidden from his view by her thicket of blond pubic hair.

"I'm not exactly sure what's happening between us," he said finally, feeling a little bit strange talking this way when his cock was threatening to slap against her nose.

"Me neither. It's...unprecedented to say the least. Anyway, let's not bother with that at the moment, there are more important things to attend to, like having me suck on your dick." At that moment her hand fisted his cock faster, harder, and then she gave him an incredibly sexy smile and said, "Is that what you want, your cock sucked?"

"Uh," was all he managed as a response.

Her eyes left his and attended to the piece of carrion that was in front of her. "I'll take that as a yes, then."

With the velocity of a wedge-tail eagle swooping down on its prey, she engulfed his cock in one fluid motion and sucked earnestly on him, producing obscene juicy sounds as she gobbled on half the length of his.

Even with his hands wrapped in her hair he had difficulty remaining upright. The joints in his knees constantly threatened to buckle as she slurped harder on his meat, and the pleasure almost tripled when her hand slipped from the base and massaged the twin sacks underneath his shaft.

In any other circumstances he would find the way her head kept jerking up and down amusing. The repetitive motion produced the illusion that she was on an everlasting loop, where the answer to every unasked question was in the affirmative.