The Hotel Tryst


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Daniel let out a nervous laugh and shook his head. "No, I'm a professional thief. I never use a gun and I always perform a robbery at night, when the targeted establishment is usually deserted."

Over the next few minutes Nikki silently mulled over the information he'd given her. There was an unreadable expression on her face, until it suddenly lit up like a hundred watt light globe and the corners of her mouth tilted towards the biggest grin he'd seen her give yet.

The questions flowed forth from her lips with the frenetic pace of speedy rapids and he was the tattered raft floating along, desperately trying to keep up. How had he started? What was it like? Who did he rob? Were the police after him? Was he a master of disguise? And so on and so on.

Daniel was as forthcoming with his answers as possible, and she sat enraptured as he painted the colourful canvass that was his life. The strokes of his brush were fairly broad, but they managed to convey a rough sketch of a life that was rather dark and foreboding. He made it clear that his chosen lifestyle wasn't as exciting as character of a similar profession in a Hollywood movie. His was a business of distrust and paranoia - one had to be constantly on the alert or their final destination would be a twenty year holiday in a room where your toilet bowl was four feet from your bed.

"You are so lonely, aren't you?" Nikki said. She cupped the side of his face and he could feel the tears threaten to spill out of his eyes.

There was so much beauty in this girl. What he saw in her lovely green eyes was a depth of compassion and understanding that no other human being had ever shown him. Nikki's life, it seemed, had also been plunged into a world which consisted primarily of isolation and solitude. He wanted to cry for both of them.

"I'm not the only one who's lonely," he replied.

"We have each other now, that's all that matters."

Later on, when the deluge of questions had finally dried up, Nikki took hold of Daniel's hand and squeezed it tightly. "So what can I do to help you?"

"I want you to help me rob the Royal Melbourne Diamond Exchange."

Nikki's mouth fell open and her eyelids fluttered like a pair of butterfly wings. And then, like a little kid that had received her first bicycle from Santa Clause, she wrapped her arms around his neck and jumped up and down on the bed excitedly. "Oh wow, this is going to be so much fun," she squealed.

Other than her girlish squeals, there was absolutely nothing at all of a girl in her. In some strange way this is what excited him when she did it. Usually when the female species squealed or screamed it grated on his nerves, but from Nikki's mouth it was a pleasant melody that reverberated affectionately through his eardrums.

After she settled down she gave him a beautiful smile and pressed her mouth right up against his ear, breathing, "So how on earth does a girl get some cock around here? I haven't been fucked since dinnertime last night. My pussy's feeling pretty darned unappreciated."

"Will you apologise to it for me?"

"I'm afraid that the only kind of apology it accepts is in the form of a rock-hard cock, your rock-hard cock to be specific. It's the only cock it accepts from here on out."

The little angel and devil suddenly appeared on their respective shoulders, dishing out advice once again. "Fuck her, she needs it," the little pitch-fork carrying guy said. The angel in the white robes and halo agreed in kinder terms, "You should apologise to her, it would be quite rude for you not to."

Heeding their advice, he shucked the robe from his shoulders while she pulled back the sheets for him to get into bed. The come-hither look on her face was absolutely priceless, it screamed 'Stick your cock in me now' and he planned to do just that.

As if the fate of the world depended on his cock being buried in her pussy in the next five seconds, he threw himself into the bed and climbed on top of her. Her body was trembling with need and her green eyes were locked unwaveringly with his.

That was one of the many, many reasons why the sex was so good with her; she was totally and utterly uninhibited when it came time to do the deed. A fair chunk of his girlfriends had never had the ability to override the self-consciousness of sex, and ultimately the act had been somewhat less exciting than it could have been.

"God my pussy is wet," she marvelled as she pulled her lips apart for easy entry. "It's complete sorcery. I don't understand how you can make me melt like this when you haven't even touched me yet."

"I don't know, but I sure as hell like it."

"You're not the only one. Hey, are you gonna apologise or not? My pussy's starting to feel pretty upset, look, it's even crying now."

He rubbed the head of his cock up and down her slit and discovered she was right - it was bawling its eyes out.

"But won't my apology make it cry even harder?" he asked with a grin, totally enjoying their sexual banter.

"But with happiness. You can't beat me, Daniel, so don't even try."

"Oh, okay," he said slowly. "What you're trying to tell me is that since you'll win anyway, I may as well start fucking you?"

Nikki gave him a nod, wrapped her legs around his ass and did likewise with her hands around his neck, pulling his face down to hers so that she could slide her tongue into his mouth. She tensed up and moaned with delight when his cock penetrated her body. Letting forth a cry of satisfaction, she jerked her hips against his and trapped his entire length completely inside her pussy.

Just as he was about to pull out and thrust back in, she dug her heals into his ass even harder and stopped kissing him.

"Don't," she said.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing...I just want to lie here for a few moments and enjoy this."

Her pussy was soft and warm. The walls were slick and the muscles hugged his cock with a grip that indicated she was never going to him exit without a fight.

Squirming with an intense desire to fuck the beautiful girl underneath his body, he pressed his face into the pillow and released a long muffled moan - her pussy felt so goddamn good!

"It sounds like I'm not the only one enjoying it," she laughed. "You've got to tell me something: how on earth did you learn how to fuck so well? What's your secret? C'mon, tell me, I'm dying to know."

"Well..." he said, pulling his face out of the pillow.

"Please," she said, kissing him lightly on the mouth.

"Okay," he relented. "We had a really young Physical Education teacher in my final year at High School. For some reason she had the hots for me in a really big way, and to cut a long story short - she took me under her wing for the remainder of the year and showed me the vast pleasures of sex in all its glory."

"So every time you make me cum I should be thanking her, should I?"

"Hey! It's still my hardware," he said with a laugh.

"Yeah, but she uploaded the software for you to use it properly. Boy oh boy, did she do a great job in the process. That woman sure didn't believe in half-measures."

"It was the highlight of my schooling."

"No doubt."

The fact that his stiff cock was sitting stationary in a hot pussy hadn't gone unchecked by him, and neither had the soft push of her breasts, the look on her face and the heat sizzling from her body. Again, such was his discomfort that he shuddered violently and squirmed involuntarily in her arms, grinding his cock even further into her.

"Getting a bit antsy, are you?" she asked, groaning as his cock slipped around inside her like a wooden spoon in a bowl of cake mixture.

"You could say that."

"Perhaps I better let you fuck me then."

"I think that's a fantastic idea."

They fucked each other's brains out all morning long.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Ginger's Coffee House, Melbourne

11:47 hrs - Saturday

A pretty young waitress in a low-cut skirt strolled over to their booth with a small notebook in one hand and an inexpensive biro in the other. She was wearing a little bit too much eyeliner and her lipstick didn't match the tone of her deeply tanned skin, but all this was compensated by her incredible legs. They were long, smooth and on display for the eyes of all males - and females, if they were so inclined - to perve on. The skirt may as well have been non-existent, for it barely began before it ended.

"Hiya," the waitress chirped happily as she smacked on a piece of chewing gum. "What would you two like?"

The coffee shop was rather empty considering it was almost noon. The patrons consisted mainly of business associates, elderly couples and the odd customer who ordered their beverage or snack to be consumed on the fly.

Daniel and Nikki had both chosen a booth at the back of the shop, giving them optimum privacy as well as a perfect vantage point to survey the entire clientele that entered. Paranoia was part and parcel in Daniel's line of work.

An elbow dug gently into his side, causing his eyes to drift away from the waitress' legs and focus on her face. She was wearing a smirk that indicated she was proud that her legs could so easily distract a member of the opposite sex.

His cheeks decided to attempt to do a perfect imitation of a beetroot. "Um...a cup of coffee with two sugars, please," he said.

"And I'll have a cappuccino with extra cinnamon," Nikki offered.

"Sugar?" the waitress asked, writing down their order on the notepad. There was a nametag attached to her blouse, just above her left breast. The urge to ask her if she called her other breast Clyde was almost too great, because the nametag identified her as Bonnie.

"No thanks."

"Alrighty, I'll have those over to you in a jiff," Bonnie said. She twirled on the spot and the motion of her body made her skirt flip into the air, revealing a pair of white cotton panties with little red hearts populating the material.

Daniel's eyes followed Bonnie and her lovely legs across the room until she disappeared through a pair of swinging doors not unlike those featured at the entrance of saloons in all the western films. Nikki's elbow gently nudged his ribs again and he turned to her, sporting as coy a grin as that of Wile E. Coyote, only he wasn't about to hatch a devious plot in order to capture the object that encouraged his mouth to water.

"Interesting," Nikki said softly, brushing her thumb over his lips.

"What's interesting?"

"I was expecting to find vast quantities of drool."

Laughter erupted from his throat and his cheeks became so hot that you could fry an egg on them. Nikki slipped her hand through his hair, beamed at him, and then kissed him with slick lips and an even slicker tongue. They became so immersed in the kiss that everything in the coffee shop faded except for the sensation of her exploring tongue and the sounds of her cute sighs.


Both of them broke the kiss when they heard the clearing of someone's throat. It was Bonnie, standing in front of their booth with two steaming mugs in each paw. Her eyes were murky brown pools that were aimed directly at their faces, unfocused and glassy, as if she had retreated inside her own mind and her body had switched over to autopilot.

Bonnie licked her lips and blinked. "Boy, I wish my boyfriend would kiss me like that," she whispered softly.

Nikki shifted her body closer to Daniel's and he could feel her fingers tense against the back of his head.

"How much?" Nikki said. The tone of her voice was uncharacteristically cold, bordering on being downright unfriendly.

"For what?" Bonnie replied.

"Our drinks. How much?"

"Oh, right. Four dollars and eighty cents."

Despite Daniel's objections, Nikki removed the required money from her purse and held it out to the perky waitress. Bonnie placed their steaming cups on the scarred tabletop and accepted the cash without taking her eyes off Daniels'.

Nikki turned his face towards her own and planted her mouth squarely on his. Her soft lips were quivering as if she was cold, but the interior of the coffee shop was cosy. Also, their open display of affection for one another had filled his stomach with a warmth that no cold could quench, therefore, he assumed that a likewise reaction should occur for Nikki.

The waitress was gone by the time they came up for air, but that deep-seated paranoia of being watched had lasted for the longest of moments as they had shared their tongues, lips and souls with one another. Over time, as well as honing his memory until it resembled Dustin Hoffman's autistic character in Rain Man, he had also developed a sixth sense that alerted him when someone was spying on him. Being a huge fan of the Spider-Man comic, Daniel would quite often liken it to Peter Parker's spider sense.

He brushed slivers of her blond hair away from her eyes. "What's wrong?" he asked, noticing the shift in her mood.

"Nothing," she murmured.

"Were you...jealous when I looked at that girl?"

"A little bit, yes. Not of the way you were looking at her - all guys look - it was the way she was looking at you. I can tell she wants you."

Even though he was twenty-seven years old and was wise beyond his years, Daniel didn't know a great deal about the opposite sex. His intelligence and fine-tuned abilities to read people were second to none, except when it came to matters of the heart or, more importantly, the genitals.

"I'm not exactly the paragon of innocence, Daniel. I'm used goods. So when a pretty girl looks at you the way she just did, it makes me wonder how long it will take for you to decide that I'm just a trashy tart who's not good enough for you."

Daniel smiled wanly at her and stroked her cheek with such tenderness that her deeply expressive eyes shimmered. "You are not a trashy tart," he said.

"What am I, then?"

"You're a beautiful young woman who just so happened to lose her way, that's all."

Nikki slipped her arms around his neck and, despite the awkward positioning, their bodies came together and they held on to one another for grim death.

"I'm so scared," she whispered, her lips tickling his ear. "I'd given up hope that a man like you would come along and sweep me off my feet. I didn't think that you existed."

Earlier that morning they had taken a taxi to her apartment so that she could change out of her sexy evening dress and into more appropriate attire. Now clad in a pair of tight jeans and a loose fitting t-shirt, she was more desirable than she could possibly imagine.

His hands roamed her back and he kissed her neck, both being conscious attempts to soothe the tremors coursing through her body.

"You aren't the only one who's scared, Nikki. I think that fear is a very natural reaction considering our backgrounds. But as afraid as I am, I think I'm even more terrified of letting you walk right out of my life."

"I'm not going anywhere," she said.

"Good, 'cause neither am I."

They shared another passionate kiss and then separated from one another, each mirroring the other's movements by picking up their respective steaming mugs and taking a hesitant sip.

He placed his mug back onto the table. "Okay, so let's talk about job," he said.

For the next half an hour he outlined in intricate detail how they would breach the Royal Melbourne Diamond Exchange's security and gain access to the vault. Nikki's role would be minor but nonetheless pivotal to the successful execution of the robbery.

Schematics, safe-cracking equipment, building layouts, security codes and all other necessary items had already been obtained for the heist, all except for a foolproof method of gaining entrance to the building.

That's where Nikki came in.

The initial idea had manifested itself inside his unscrupulous, conniving mind when he held a door open for an elderly gentleman who was blind. Although it was a notion that hardly warranted any of his synapses to be firing, it had suddenly occurred to Daniel that just because the man wore dark glasses and carried a white cane, he had immediately assumed the old man was sightless. It's universal. If you see a person of this description tapping their way down the street, the question of whether they're really blind never even enters your mind. Your first and foremost reaction is either pity or compassion, never suspicion.

And that's how he was going to walk right through the front door of the Royal Melbourne Diamond Exchange: could any security guard turn away a beautiful, but extremely blind, young woman who has lost her guide dog?

"Do you think you can do it?" he asked her.

Nikki was staring down at her cappuccino, playing with the leftover froth with the silver teaspoon that had been provided. "Huh?" she said, looking up at him.

"Nikki," he sighed, "you've got to pay attention. This stuff is important."

"I know, I know. It's you think we're going to make it?"

"Of course I do. I don't commit myself to a job unless I'm pretty damn sure I'll be able to pull-"

"I didn't mean that. I meant us. Do you think we'll make it as a couple?"

"Oh." Her question took him momentarily off guard and he blinked stupidly at her. "I...I really don't know. But I would love to think that everything could work out like it does in the movies."

She nodded. "Like in the movie Pretty Woman, only I'm much cuter than Julia Roberts."

Daniel laughed. "You wouldn't be writing tickets on yourself, would you?"

Nikki scooted closer, draped her left arm around his shoulders and pouted at him. "You don't think I'm cuter than Julia Roberts?"



"I think you knock her socks off. She's an ugly hag compared to how beautiful you are."

She kissed him on the cheek and whispered into his ear, "In a contest between you and Richard Gere, I'd push him aside and pounce on you every time."



They both grinned at each other and shared another sweet kiss. While their lips caressed, Daniel noticed for the first time that there was soft music playing inside the shop. The song - something by The Doors by the sound of it - ended and a familiar voice started to drift through the speakers, which could be just made out in the background of murmuring voices. It was Roy Orbison, crooning over a pretty woman.

"Nobody looks as good as you," Daniel sang softly into Nikki's ear.

"Mmm," Nikki sighed, nuzzling his neck.

Daniel took it as a good omen that, merely moments after talking about Pretty Woman, Roy Orbison's song of the same name was broadcast over the radio. It was karma. This sign incited a blind optimism in Daniel that rarely surfaced. Their destinies seemed intertwined, having crossed paths on a journey that now hinted that their fates may continue to run parallel for the rest of their lives.

Who knows, it worked out okay for Julia Roberts and Richard Gere, was it beyond the realms of plausibility that reality could imitate art and that things might work out in their favour, too?

Daniel, ever the optimist and hopeless romantic, liked to believe so.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Hi there. I hope you enjoyed the tale and derived some measure of satisfaction from it. As usual, if you've made it this far please feel free to vote and/or leave feedback. I'm always interested in what the readers think of my story, because, well, you guys are the reason that I bother writing in the first place.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I am barely half way through and think this is one of best works I have read herr

BiologoBiologo9 months ago

* * * * *

I really liked your story and its characters but was distracted early on with doubts about a couple things and whether I could trust you to navigate competently through the world you are describing:

You wrote, “…he desperately hoped that she was on the pill because the quantity of sperm he'd shot into her was enough to make her pregnant five times over.” That’s just silly. Although an abundance of sperm cells in an ejaculate in needed to offset the inevitability that some will not enter the cervix at all and half of those will go up the wrong Fallopian (the one without an egg waiting in it) and to provide an encircling army to surround the egg, each contributing a bit of enzyme to weaken its outer defenses, if there happened to be five ova waiting (fertility drugs can produce such an outcome), it is only the additional four encircling contingents that would need to be provided, a mere fraction of the normal number launched with the fluids from the prostate and other contributors to the seminal soup. Spermatozoa make 1% or less of the total mass and volume. Those who claim they can feel it bubbling out of the balls are deluded—if pleasantly.

Also Flash Gordon was not a superhero (maybe you meant The Flash?) but a “spaceman” contemporary of Buck Rogers, long before Star Trek made to TV screens or even TVs made it into people’s homes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Hope Stefan sees this - most erotic lovemaking scene on Literotica.

Rancher46Rancher46over 2 years ago

Such an interesting storyline, full of intrigue and mystery. The story really is at a point where it is just getting interesting, do they pull off the diamond heist successfully and where do they go next. With law in several countries looking for Daniel where can they go to have that happily ever after, or do they even want that. At an rate this is a first class story and deserves an ending what ever that may be. Gets my 5 star vote

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Sure miss you.

You have several in my top 50 list. I know you don't write for here any more. But wanted to at least post a thank you.

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