The Hottest Show on Earth Pt. 03

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Mark and Amy play with their new power at the beach.
2.6k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 03/03/2011
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Mark became obsessed with learning the skills that Amy had achieved, but he just didn't seem to have the knack. At best he could maybe make a pencil roll across a table but only after focusing on it for a ridiculous amount of time. Amy, on the other hand, had grown even stronger. Her powers had grown exponentially over the past few weeks. She thought it had a lot to do with Mark; he had encouraged her to not only exercise her power, but to embrace the fact that she had it in the first place. Amy was very concerned where this would all lead and she knew she was dealing with a force that was probably not to be reckoned with, but she felt that with Mark at her side she could keep it under control.

As for their relationship it hadn't changed much. They talked, they laughed, they held hands, and kissed; they kissed a lot. There was some heavy groping, but that's as far as it had gone. Mark, of course, wanted her to use her powers on him again, but she had held back wanting things to be normal as far as their relationship went. Plus, she had a deep-rooted fear of losing him and then losing her control too!

On their next day off they decided to go to the beach..

They went to a section that was known for being a little less family friendly and little more college age. That's where all the fun was and they were looking for a little fun.

"Let's just be beach bums, forget this working crap!" Mark said.

"I would love to live on an island, just you and me, we can build own our shelter near a waterfall. We'll swim and bathe in it, grow fruit and vegetables. You can run around and hunt animals with your shirt off!" Amy said.

"There's nothing sexier than a shirtless guy cutting Thumper and Bambi's heads off with a sharpened rock after shooting them through the eye with an arrow!" Mark joked.

"No, you would never kill anything—you're too great a guy for that, you would hunt and catch them, then bathe them and reassure them then release them to their woodland friends!" Amy smiled.

"Wow! Are these animals animated? Little blue birds flying around my bared, tanned, sweaty shoulders while I talk about the importance of honesty and good penmanship?" He laughed.

"That's right! Then we would make love under the moonlight as all our animal friends sang a song about being friends!" Amy added giggling wildly.

"What are we doing for food?" He asked.

"I'll magic-up some pizza!" She said.

"Speaking of pizza! Look at the pineapples on that pizza!" Mark said.

Amy looked over and saw a girl in her mid-twenties with an enormous rack busting out of an insanely small bikini top. She watched as all the guys on the beach stopped what they were doing and watched this girl make her way to her friends while shagging her butt the whole time and way over-selling it.

"Good Lord, Mark! Is that what you like?"

"No, not at all. I like boobies, as you know, but those are way too much. Who could deal with all that?"

"So look around, what girl on this beach is your idea of the perfect woman?"

Mark looked around scanning the whole area. He made sure to milk this moment for all it was worth. Amy rolled her eyes and smiled knowing he loved the permission she gave him to examine every girl's body.

"I . . . like . . . let's see . . . I think . . . this one." He pointed at Amy.

She smiled.

"Come on, tell me the truth I can take it. If you could see anyone one of these girls naked who would it be?"

"You, seriously. I'm not just saying that because I obviously have to. I genuinely mean it." He said and he did. Amy realized he was being truthful and that made her feel wonderful.

Then her mood changed and she looked at Mark.

"Well that's about to be put to the test! Look!" She said and nodded over to a new couple walking onto the beach.

"Ooh! What do we have here?" Mark said.

Kara and Jane were both wearing bikinis and walking to their spot on the beach. Kara was the girl that Amy knew Mark wanted desperately. They had worked together on the previous production and Amy had even allowed him to see Kara's boobs before erasing everyone's memories.

"Do you think . . . Are they?" Mark said.

"Yeah, I guess so. I knew Jane was, but I had no idea Kara was."

"Wow! Holy Hardon Batman! I didn't know Kara was in to chicks!" He added.

"Okay, here we go, so much for me. Bikini Kara walks onto the beach with another girl and I might as well wash away with the seashells!" Amy joked.

"No. You know I love you. But, I mean, come on! Look at her body! How can I help it? But, she's just a fantasy. I don't like her. I just like the cut of her jib. As well as her boobs, her butt, her legs!" He mocked her and Amy threw sand at him.

"I'm sure there are guys here that you like their bodies, that's fine with me." He added.

"Well, I kind of like that surfer dude over there. He's pretty hot." Amy said.

"Who that guy!" Mark yelled.

"Don't point at him!" Amy ducked embarrassed.

"Yeah, I guess he's okay if you're into flawless skin, no body fat and perfect hair. But he's no me. He lacks all of my sexy flaws!"

"That's right." She reassured him.

They sat and listened to the crashing waves, squawking seagulls, and slight breeze.

"I have an idea." Amy said.

Mark squinted through the blazing sun to look at her.

"Why not practice your powers on Kara!" Amy said. "Try to make her bikini top fall off. Maybe if there is more desire in it for you you'll be able to do it." She added.

Mark looked over at Kara.

"How? I can't just go over there and focus on her boobs without having the cops show up." He said.

Amy smiled and sat like I Dream of Jeanie and bobbed her head.

At first Mark didn't realize the magnitude of what happened. Then he began to notice there was no sound, no wind, nothing. He looked around and saw everyone frozen still.

Amy had stopped time!

"What do you think?" She asked and suddenly her voice almost seemed to echo due to the sound waves not bouncing off all the others.

"Holy shit! You stopped time! Did you know you could do that?" He asked in stunned horror/excitement.

"I had a feeling I could." She answered calmly. "And actually I don't think I stopped time, I think I just sped us up. We're moving at a crazy-fast pace while everyone else is totally normal. We're moving through their 1/10th of a second. So when I start it back up you and I will be a few minutes older in the time it took them to age 1/10th of a second. Does that make any sense?"

"Nope! But who cares, you stopped time!" Mark said smiling and walked around the frozen beach marveling at everything.

He walked under a seagull stuck in mid air and noticed that it had just pooped and its poop was just hanging there! He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He ran down and kicked a frozen wave. The part he kicked splashed like normal, but the rest of the wave just hung there.

"How come we can still breathe?" He asked in wonder.

"I didn't stop time, we're just going very fast through it. The air is still there." She told him.

"Oh yeah. This is incredible!" He yelled.

Eventually Mark calmed down and focused on his task—make Kara's top pop off!

"Why can't all homework be like this!" He said.

"Okay, now focus. Look at the little piece of fabric holding those breasts in and make it break!" Amy instructed him.

Mark tried to focus, but then again, trying to focus on her bikini top and not her breasts was almost impossible. He was astonished at Kara's amazing body, her skin was so tan, it looked so soft, it glistened in the sun, slick with sweat. He looked up at her face for a moment and stopped.

"Why does it look like she can see me?" He asked.

"It must just be the way she was looking when she stopped." Amy said moving in for a closer look.

"It looks like she knows what we're doing!" Mark said a little nervous.

"Yeah, it does. I don't know I never did this before." She answered.

Mark went back to focusing on her top. He focused so hard it looked like his head was about to explode. Amy watched him with a big smile on her face, enjoying his enjoyment. She looked down and noticed he was sporting a bit of a tent in his shorts. She decided to let him off the hook.

"Here let me give you a little help." She said and Kara's top popped off and fell to the ground. Her wonderful boobs fell out and hung majestically before Mark.

"Oh!" Was all he could say.

"There they are, Mark! What you've been waiting for. You've seen them before, of course, but you don't remember. I won't erase your memory this time though. Enjoy."

Mark stood back and admired Kara's hot naked body as if he were a curator at an art gallery.

"Well, aren't you going to touch them?" Amy asked.

He looked at her in shock.

"Should I?"

"Don't you want to?"

"Well, yeah, but, do you think I should?"

"Sure what's the big deal? Nobody will know. Look!" Amy said and walked over to Kara.

"She's very pretty, Mark. She has really nice boobies, don't you think?" Amy said while she groped her hand across Kara's naked breast.

"They're really soft, I guess they are real!" She said.

Amy looked down and Mark's boner was now obscene!

She really played up the girl-on-girl moment knowing it was killing Mark. She knew that if he could have 2 girls at once it would be her and Kara! Amy leaned in as if she were about to lick Kara's nipple, then stopped and laughed at Mark's expression.

"Look at your face! You are too cute!" She giggled.

Mark broke from his trance and stepped forward. He casually reached out and very gentlemanly placed his hand on Kara's boob.

"Nice." He said and backed off.

"Look at you! Why are you so shy all of a sudden? Isn't this every guy's dream?" She asked him truly perplexed.

"Yeah, but I don't know—it's seems wrong."

"Really? Because your shorts seem to think it's very right!" She laughed.

For the first time Mark realized he was sporting a huge boner and he covered up.

"Don't be shy, Mark. I like the way it looks. It just makes you even cuter!" She said.

Then she looked down at Kara's busted top and made it float back onto her chest. Mark watched in awe as the fibers of the bikini weaved themselves together again.

"Now it's my turn!" Amy said.

"What do you mean?"

"Turn around is fair play. I showed you what you wanted to see now I'm going to show you what I want to see!" She said and walked over to the Surfer Dude.

Amy walked around the guy looking over every inch of his body. Then she looked at Mark.

"What do you think?"

"He's all right. I get it, he's attractive if you go for that sort of thing." Mark said. "What are you going to do?" He asked.

"This." Amy said and the Surfer guy's shorts dropped to the ground. They both looked right at his dick and it was pretty damn big.

"Damn!" Mark said.

"Now that's a nice one!" Amy said smiling.

Now it was Mark's turn to watch her enjoying this perfect male specimen. Her eyes looked over all the Naked Guy's body as if taking in every inch of it. Mark noticed how she seemed to enjoy looking at then Man's body more like a patron of the arts rather than a lust-monkey like himself.

"What do you think?' She asked him.

"I think you've looked long enough!" He said laughing.

"No I mean what do you think of this guy's body?"

"He works out apparently."

"That's it? That's all you've got? I touched Kara's boob and pretended to lick her booby for you and all you can say about this guy is he works out?"

"He's in good shape. What do you want me to say?" Mark shrugged.

"Show me something sexy. Go touch his wiener or something!" Amy argued.

"No way!"

"Oh you guys are so pathetic! Have some confidence." Amy said laughing.

"If you want to touch it go ahead, I'll be over here!" Mark said.

Amy waved her hand and the Guy's shorts lifted and covered him.

"Double standard! That's all I can say." Amy said.

"There's only one penis I like to touch and it's right here." Mark said pointing to his own groin.

Amy looked down and yanked his shorts down. Mark was able to grab them before his entire boner was released, but Amy got a good look at the top of his shaft. She ran back to their towel laughing and glancing at Mark as he tried to get his shorts back on.

"Oh Mark, nice buns!" She laughed.

He caught up with her and tackled her on the beach blanket.

"Oh you think that's funny! Two can play at that game!" he said and stared at her bikini top.

Amy watched as he focused on her bikini, she didn't resist she wanted him to do it. For a moment she considered using her powers to break her own top open, but she decided to let him do it if he could.

"Do it, Mark. I know you can. I not going to do it for you." She said looking into his eyes.

His eyes darted to hers then back to her breasts. She could feel her heart pounding and the tingling in her loins. Amy waved her hands and life came back to normal. People began moving again, the waves began crashing, and the birds continued their flight. Mark's focus was broken for a moment as he realized she returned things to normal.

"Don't stop. Break my top off, do it in front of everyone! I want you to strip me naked in front of all these people and I want them to watch my naked body glistening in the sun!" Amy said teasing him.

She could feel his penis hardening against her leg.

Suddenly his body relaxed and he collapsed on top of her.

"I can't. Damnit, I can't." he said in disappointment.

He leaned up and looked at her again.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too." She told him.

He kissed her passionately, softly, exquisitely.

Across the beach Kara and Jane watched them with distrustful eyes.

"She did it again!" Kara said. "This time for sure."

"What did she do?" Jane asked.

"She stripped me and touched my breasts, then let her little boy-toy fondle me too. I knew she had the power, I didn't just imagine it." Kara said.

"So all that stuff we both dreamed actually happened? When she stripped Mark, then masturbated him onstage in front of all of us? And it was after she did that that we started to have the power."

"It was her." Kara said.

"So what should we do?" Jane asked.

"I say we give her a taste of her own medicine!" Kara said and a delighted little smile spread across her face.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Continue this story please

Please continue this story, it's been awesome so far

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

But you can't stop like thatF468

hotwords229hotwords229almost 7 years agoAuthor

Thanks for your interest, yes, I will finish this story. I have recently written a new series (which you should check out) called Down for the Count. That series I wrote in its entirety before posting so that this wouldn't happen again. Most stories I've written (including this one) start as a single story and then people want more, then I think of more chapters, but didn't start off knowing where I was going and then I end up in this predicament where I'm not sure how to conclude it. For this story I do have a pretty great idea, but I haven't been able to write it yet, but soon . . .

Thanks again for taking the time.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Will you be finishing this series?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Great story!! Don't stop here.

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