The Hotwife Games Ch. 07


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Rakesh's crotch was bulging now. Other people around the bar, too, were looking over at his hot wife, being sandwiched by two strangers. The dance was unabashedly erotic. Rakesh felt his pulse in his throat.

The song wended its way to a finish. Diana smiled flirtatiously. Then she stepped from between the two strangers. They couldn't help but look a little disappointed.

Suddenly, her eyes turned... and she spotted Rakesh. Her eyes widened.

Rakesh's mouth opened involuntarily. He needed to say something...

But his lips went totally dry. He merely watched as a wry smirk curled over his wife's lips. Diana bit her lower lip and raised her eyebrows at her husband. Almost... like a challenge.

Was he going to say something? Was he going to stop her?

Rakesh felt frozen...

Diana said something to the men, tinkling her empty glass, and then moved off. Her eyes met her husband's. She was moving right in his direction.

Rakesh exhaled. It seemed Diana was done with her little display. Yes, she'd been upset with him for his emotional outburst. But now she'd had her fun, she'd made him a little jealous — And now they could actually talk about what had happened.

But as Diana moved towards her husband, her eyes broke contact. She passed right by him, surreptitiously tossing something in his direction.

He caught it as she moved off towards the bathrooms.

It was a cocktail napkin...



Holy shit...


Dude. What just... Dude.


She is so fucking hot.


Remember what you said about us being hopeless?


How can I forget?


Thing I can't tell though — Which one of us is she into?


Pro'lly me.


Fuck you, dude. She was dancing up on both of us. She was grinding her ass on me... goddamn, that ass...


When she comes back, we gotta ask if she's down to party.


You mean...

Yang taps his nose. Tod nods.


In the room.


Right, right... There's one thing, though, dude. Did you notice?


Notice what?



She's wearing a wedding ring...

Rakesh glanced around. The two men Diana had danced with were engaged in an excited conversation on the dance floor.

He looked down. He opened up the cocktail napkin Diana had flung his way.

In small, neat handwriting, there was a note penned all across its length.

Rakesh held it up, squinting at the words in the dim bar lights.

The note read:


I need to know what you want.

Go to the room.

Order up champagne and strawberries.

Strip naked, and hide behind the big curtain.

You can stop it if you want, but then we drop out of the Games.

If you don't stop it, we're going all the way...


Rakesh stared. Both his legs felt like they'd been zapped into pillars of jelly.

Going all the way? How far was his wife planning to go? What the hell did she want him to strip for? Why was he ordering things to the room?

And most importantly... what was she challenging him to stop?

Ten long, conflicted minutes later, Rakesh slid his key card into the door of Room 1108. He re-entered their suite, alone.

He'd gone back and forth in his mind a hundred times in the last ten minutes. He couldn't decide if he should follow his wife's strange edict, or go up to her at the bar and call the whole thing off.

Ultimately, Rakesh decided, he just had to find out what the hell she'd meant by her cryptic note...

And if he had to stop it — whatever it was — then he would do so without hesitation.

He lifted the receiver. He ordered a bottle of champagne and some strawberries from room service, like Diana had told him to. The operator let him know they were fairly busy that night, so it might take a little longer than expected. He assented, and hung up.

Then Rakesh took a deep breath. He stripped off his clothes. He was all alone in the large suite — and yet, he felt strangely embarrassed by his sudden nudity. He quickly shucked his outfit into his suitcase in the closet. He turned off the lights.

Naked in the dark, he pulled back the double-thick, wool-blend curtain in front of the ocean-facing windows.

He took a deep breath. Then he edged in sideways, tucking his nude body behind the jade-green curtain.

What was going to happen tonight? he wondered.

If someone, somehow, looked into the eleventh floor room from the outside, they might barely perceive his naked form pressed against the center of the floor-to-ceiling windows. But if anyone was inside the room, he'd be completely hidden behind the heavy woolen fabric.

Rakesh moved the cloth aside the tiniest amount. He created a tiny, vertical crack between the drapes, through which he could watch the room.

The rich wool-blend felt strangely good against his nude skin. He was cocooned in it, hidden away...

Hidden, and ready to watch...

Watch what? he kept wondering. What was this strange "test" his wife had in store for him? His mind raced with lurid possibilities. Rakesh's heart was thumping in his chest. He hoped the sound would subside before Diana returned.

He felt his penis pressed against the curtain's fabric. He tried to steady his breathing.

Now he only had to wait for his wife...


Mario pushes the room service cart down the carpeted hall.

He consults the receipt on the tray, making doubly sure he's got the room number right this time.

'Daisy & Kevin Monet. H.W. Games. Suite 602.'

He reaches the door. He knocks.


Room service.

A few beats. The door opens.

A young, slightly haggard-looking man, KEVIN, opens the door, wearing only a hotel robe.


Hey. You can leave it outside.


Sure, sir. I just need a signature.


YES! Take my white pussy!

Kevin's face flushes completely red. He quickly takes the pen and signs.

Mario tries to hide his shock at what he's just heard.


You hot fucking Arab stud... Fuck me harder... Oh, fuck! We're out of the fucking Hotwife Games... so you have to show my husband whose pussy this is...

Kevin quickly slams the door shut.

For several seconds, Mario stands in the hallway with his jaw open.

He feels the blood rushing to his crotch.


You see, Shania?! This is why I'm so fucking distracted all the time!

The young virgin shuffles off quickly, desperately needing to masturbate.

Rakesh felt like he'd been waiting behind that curtain for hours...

He heard the faint, distant clicks of the clock in the suite's bedroom... tick... tick... tick...

He heard the low hum of the mini-fridge. He heard his own breathing, slowing down to a crawl...

How long had he been cocooned in the darkness? Had it been twenty minutes? Forty? His legs started to tire. He leaned back, pressing his naked butt against the glass window. He was briefly worried he might even fall asleep...

But his mind could not stop racing with thoughts of Diana.


Mario pushes the cart down another carpeted hall.

He reaches a door. He consults the receipt on his silver tray. He knocks.


Room service.

Several beats pass. Mario hears the latch turn and click. The door opens.

PATTI GREENHAM stands there, in a long white t-shirt that goes down to her thighs. She is braless underneath, and her nipples stand out rigidly on her huge breasts. She smiles at him with her full, luscious lips.


Come in.

Patti whirls and saunters back into the room. Mario gulps and follows the curvaceous model.


Mario wheels the cart into the room. He sees Patti's large-built, scruffy husband KARL, sitting on the couch with his feet up.


Evening, sir.

Patti rifles through her purse. Mario tries not to look at the leggy model as she bends and searches through a drawer. Instead, he unfolds and sets up the table.


Dang it. I can't find my cash... D'you know where it is, honey?


No idea.

Mario notices a strange excitement in Karl's gruff voice. He sees Karl studying him intently. He tries to ignore it, and lays out the plates under their polished cloche domes.


(to Mario)

I just can't find any cash to tip you, sweetie.


Ah, that's okay, ma'am. You —


No, no. You worked... so hard for us.


I have to repay you.

Mario looks awkwardly from Patti to Karl and back again. Silence hangs in the room.

Patti reaches down and lifts her t-shirt. In one motion, she whisks it off the top of her head. She's naked.

Mario's lips fall open. His heart-rate skyrockets as he takes in her knockout, hour-glass body.

Patti places her hands on her hips and shakes gently from side to side. Her giant breasts sway and bounce erotically. Karl's hungry gaze moves from his wife to the startled youth. He seems to enjoy the naked, shocked lust on Mario's face.


That enough of a tip?

Mario stares back, rendered completely speechless.



Don't worry. Next time there'll be more.


Mario exits with a hard-on tenting his pants.

He swears, softly, under his breath.


Okay, what the fuck are these "H.W. Games"?!

After an endless, agonizing eternity...

Rakesh heard a click.

The door to Suite 1108 was being opened...

Rakesh shifted his naked body slightly, trying to ensure he was fully out of view — although he was certain there was no way anyone could see him behind the heavy, double-thick hotel curtains.

He peeked through the tiny slit between the drapes. He hoped his heart would quiet down.

The lights clicked on.

A giggling laugh filled the room. Diana entered.

She sashayed in on her tall heels, alluring in the skin-tight, tiny red dress. She was followed by the pair of suited men she'd been dancing with at the bar. Rakesh's eyes went wide. He gulped in his throat, and the door shut behind them.

"I'm not joking," said one of the young businessmen. "She was two decades older than my mom is, and trying to get me drunk —"

"In the middle of a frickin' property law conference!" finished the other.

Diana laughed, swatting the first man.

"Hey, I get it, Yang," she said flirtatiously. "You're a sexy man... and apparently, quite a pussy-magnet for little old biddies."

The three laughed. Diana turned on the suite's music system. A downtempo beat vibrated across the large room.

"Make yourselves comfortable, boys," she said, tossing her purse away. "And let's keep our little dance party going..."

The two looked at each other and shrugged. They took their jackets off, revealing trim, fit bodies in their dress shirts. Yang tossed his jacket on the couch. The other man aimed for a chair, and missed. The blazer fell in a heap... dangerously close to Rakesh's feet.

Rakesh had a moment of panic — were his bare feet visible below the curtain's hem? He flicked a glance downward, but saw that, mercifully, the curtains extended all the way to the floor.

Then Diana's eyes glanced over in his direction. Rakesh's breath caught in his throat.

His wife was looking right at him. She knew just where he was hiding. A thrill shimmered down her spine at the thought of being watched.

She smiled a small, wicked grin at her hidden husband. Again, she raised her eyebrows. She seemed to be challenging him. Are you going to stop this?

Rakesh felt frozen to the floor. Slowly, Diana began to sway to the music.

The men moved over and danced with her. They wasted no time in sandwiching Rakesh's wife. She smiled over her shoulder, then wriggled her ass over Yang's crotch. His eyes were fixed on her shapely butt.

The other man grew bolder. He ran his hands up and down Diana's waist. He pushed himself close to her. Diana put her hands around the stranger's neck. She smiled up at him with a sexy glint in her eyes. She undulated her warm body against the two men.

Completely naked behind the curtains, Rakesh's cock grew as he watched his cheating wife...

The two men pressed closer against Diana.

"So," said the tall man behind her. "Diana, I gotta ask you something..."

Diana reached back, wrapping her left arm around the businessman's neck. She looked back at him, her beautiful face inches from his.

"Go on..." she said. She wiggled her ass erotically over his growing bulge.

"I couldn't help but notice the wedding ring," Yang continued. Diana stroked his cheek. His eyes flitted down to the glinting ring, which was now right against his face. "Are you... currently married?"

Diana shot him a naughty grin. Then she turned to the other man, who was pawing up her sides as she danced.

"Tod," she said, "I don't wanna stop your fun, but... didn't you say you had something for us to party with?"

"Oh," the man in front of her said. "Oh, sure I do..."

Tod detached himself reluctantly from the hot wife's grasp. Diana continued to undulate against the man behind her, grinding her ass to the beat against his bulging crotch.

Tod moved for his jacket on the floor, coming right for Rakesh. Rakesh held his breath. As Tod grabbed his jacket off the carpet, the stranger's hard-on was visible in his pants. A foot away from the hiding husband, he rummaged through his jacket pockets.

He found a small, transparent bag and a little vial. Both were filled with a fine white powder.

Rakesh's eyes bulged...

"There we go," Diana said, flicking a glance in Rakesh's direction. "Why don't you set that up for us, Tod? And I'll answer Yang's question for you boys..."

Rakesh watched in disbelief. Tod unwrapped the little baggie and tapped some of the powder out onto the coffee table. Diana was a serious, working professional — she had never, in the entirety of Rakesh's knowing her, expressed any interest in cocaine — and certainly not in doing it with a couple of strange men!

What the hell had gotten into his wife since The Hotwife Games?

He watched from his curtained hiding spot as his beautiful wife detached herself from the other man. She moved for her handbag.

"I'll get my card to cut the lines," she said breezily, with the confidence of someone who'd done this a million times.

Yang's eyes were on Diana as she bent over... all the way over... and shuffled in her purse. Diana pushed her ass out further, bending far lower than necessary. Her ass cheeks came into view... along with her pussy lips.

Yang elbowed his friend. Both men ogled Rakesh's wife's juicy, naked pussy, fully on display for them. Her lips were shiny and wet...

Behind the curtains, Rakesh burned with jealousy. But his naked cock pushed out, hard as a rock against the woolen fabric. His wife was seducing two men in front of him, showing off her pussy like a true slut...

Diana stood and brought a credit card over to the men.

"Oh," she said, noticing the small mound of coke now on the coffee table. "I didn't know we were doing it that way."

"What do you mean?" asked Tod.

"Well..." An innocence suddenly shaded into Diana's voice. "I had a little idea..."

She sauntered forward. She pressed her body up against Tod's.

"See, boys, Yang's right. I am married..." she said breathily. Slowly, she started to rub her body up against the handsome businessman.

"But my husband has no idea what I get up to behind his back..." Now she was unbuckling Tod's belt for him.

Despite the comfortable air-conditioning, Rakesh felt beads of sweat prickle at his forehead.

Diana whipped off Tod's belt. She undid the top button of his pants and slowly worked down the zipper.

"And I'm a very, very... naughty wife," Diana whispered. She looked back at Yang, her eyes inviting him over.

The other man came over, and pressed up against her from behind. Diana let out a sexy sigh and turned around.

Tod's pants were undone but still around his waist. His hard-on tented out, rubbing on Diana's ass. He reached down and fondled the hot wife's ass-cheeks, one sexy globe in each palm.

Diana unbuckled Yang's belt.

"See, I've been very, very bad... sooo bad behind my husband's back," Diana said. She said it loud, clearly for Rakesh's benefit.

Jealousy pinched at Rakesh's forehead and chest. And yet, pre-cum oozed from the head of his rod, which felt like a boulder protruding from his crotch.

Diana worked off Yang's belt. She slowly, teasingly slid down his zipper.

Tod boldly pulled up her dress, exposing her stunning ass. He groaned at the sight. He squeezed and groped her creamy, naked cheeks.

"I guess the truth is, boys..." Diana said, turning as Yang joined in, groping her ample tits, "I loooove big cocks... lots of them... and my husband's just... isn't big enough..."

The men groaned at her slutty talk. Diana looked in the direction of the curtain. She made eye contact with Rakesh.

He felt his heart thumping like a drum section. His forehead burned with a sick jealousy. His cock was hard as steel.

She put a hand on each of the men's chests. Slowly, she slid down to her knees, dragging her hands over their fit bodies. And in a single move, with one hand on each of them, Diana pulled their unbuckled pants and underwear down to the floor.

Suddenly two hard, naked cocks surrounded Rakesh's wife.

Rakesh drew his breath in. He dared not touch his own rod, or he would explode. He felt his meat throb, felt his balls wobbling with cum.

The two businessmen both had large, veiny hard-ons. Yang's dick, in particular, looked loaded and throbbing, its head shiny with pre-cum. His balls hung low, the sac heavy with cum. Diana sighed at the sexy sight... she eyed each cock appreciatively, licking her lips.

"Wow..." she breathed. Once again that day, Rakesh's wife was flanked by multiple dicks. And yet, she didn't touch the men's throbbing members...

She looked up at them with big, suggestive eyes. She reached over. She palmed the small vial.

With a naughty grin, Diana unscrewed it. Her eyes moved to Tod's cock. Its round head bulged invitingly in her face. She licked her lips, and shot him a salacious grin. She put a single finger on his pee-hole. She gently pulled his cock down, until it stood horizontally.

Then Rakesh's wife tapped out a small line of cocaine on top of the man's throbbing erection.

Rakesh breathed heavily behind the curtain. His wife had shocked him several times that day, but this one threatened to take the whole cake.

Diana leaned forward, one finger holding the stranger's cock horizontal. She put her nose on the bulging meat, and snorted a line of coke off his veiny hard-on. Tod moaned out.